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International Journal of Automation and Computing 1 (2006) 56-62

Monitoring Grinding Wheel Redress-life Using

Support Vector Machines
Xun Chen , Thitikorn Limchimchol
School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

Abstract: Condition monitoring is a very important aspect in automated manufacturing processes. Any malfunction
of a machining process will deteriorate production quality and eciency. This paper presents an application of support
vector machines in grinding process monitoring. The paper starts with an overview of grinding behaviour. Grinding force
is analysed through a Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) to identify features for condition monitoring. The Support
Vector Machine (SVM) methodology is introduced as a powerful tool for the classication of dierent wheel wear situations.
After training with available signal data, the SVM is able to identify the state of a grinding process. The requirement and
strategy for using SVM for grinding process monitoring is discussed, while the result of the example illustrates how eective
SVMs can be in determining wheel redress-life.

Keywords: Monitoring, grinding, support vector machine.

1 Introduction which the training process is a tedious job, and often

relies on a trial and error approach.
Condition monitoring is widely used in the manu- The recent developments of SVM[510] , and Least
facturing industry. In a machining process the varia- Square Support Vector Machines (LS-SVM)[11] , have
tion of tool life due to dierent tool wear performance been successfully applied to feature classications in
has a great impact on production quality, productivity, dierent elds. Using SVMs to judge the redress-life
and cost. Reliable process monitoring tools are of fun- of a grinding wheel during grinding, would provide a
damental importance to critical component machining rational test in developing a reliable tool for grinding
processes, especially in the aerospace industry. Con- process monitoring. This paper reports on an investi-
dition monitoring can be divided into two categories gation of grinding process monitoring, using LS-SVM
(1) direct and (2) indirect. The direct method gener- to analyse grinding force signals. Grinding force signals
ally involves determining tool wear directly from tool are analysed in both time, and frequency domains, us-
surface observation and measurement. Using metro- ing a Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) analysis
logical measurement, computer vision, and/or image to create a power spectrum over time. These time-
processing, etc. Indirect methods monitor tool wear frequency domain methods oer a clear illustration of
by sensing the physical behaviour of a machining pro- the features of grinding system performance. They
cess, which can include changes in force, vibration, and demonstrate that the characteristics of grinding force
temperature, etc. In this paper, indirect monitoring is extracted by a STFT can be used as input for a SVM.
investigated for grinding wheel redress-life monitoring. Good judgement of grinding wheel life using LS-SVM
Traditional machining monitoring, focuses on the classication has been achieved.
average values of monitored signals as a time function. The paper is organized as follows. Grinding chatter
Signal features in the frequency domain are also com- and force characteristics are briey described in sec-
monly considered. To improve the accuracy of moni- tion 2. In section 3, feature analysis by STFT is intro-
toring, articial intelligence such as neural networks, duced, followed by the principles of SVMs in section 4,
fuzzy logic, or other pattern recognition techniques, experimental results are discussed in section 5, while
have been applied[14] . However, the use of a neural conclusions are given in section 6.
network depends on the proper selection of the amount
of training data, and the type of network structure, of 2 Grinding process characteristics

Manuscript received March 1, 2005; revised September 28, Grinding performance characteristics can be related
2005. to the shape of grinding chips, which are inuenced by
Corresponding author. E-mail address:
a large number of parameters. Fundamentally, wheel speed, work speed, and the distribution of cutting edges
Xun Chen et al./ Monitoring Grinding Wheel Redress-life Using Support Vector Machines 57

on a wheel surface will determine the shape of grinding a spectrogram is created when a window position is
chips. A material removal rate can be expressed by an shifted by one or several measured values. The time
equivalent chip thickness. However, the distribution characteristics of the process can be presented by re-
of a cutting edge on a wheel surface, varies continu- peating the Fourier transform for each window posi-
ally, due to the eects of the dressing operation, and tion.
the nature of the wheel wear process. Wheel wear is Although STFT has a xed frequency resolution for
a complex process, which includes cutting edge attri- all frequencies, once the size of a window is chosen, it
tional wear, and the fracturing of grits and bonding enables an easier interpretation in terms of harmonics,
materials. Because of the random distribution of grits and is faster in comparison to other methods[12] . The
in a wheel space, some of the most extrusive grits may mathematical model of STFT is:
wear quickly and form large plateaus on their surface. 
This causes large forces to act on them. Self-sharpening ST F T (t, ) = s( )t, ( t)ej d. (1)
occurs due to the fracturing of grits or bonds. The
inuence of such wear behaviour can reect on grind-
ing forces, which consist of static and dynamic compo- Because the window function (t) has a short time du-
nents. Static force relates to average material removal, ration, the Fourier transform of s( )( t) reects the
while dynamic force refers to vibrations occurring in signals local frequency properties. By moving (t) and
response to persistent disturbance, such as wheel, or repeating the same process, we can see how the signals
workpiece imbalance, wheel run out, uneven grit wear frequency contents evolve over time.
distribution or other imbalanced rotating components However, there is a trade o in the selection of time
of the grinding machine. and frequency resolution. If (t) is chosen to have
Grinding chatter, also known as self-excited vibra- a good time resolution, then its frequency resolution
tion, is a harmful phenomenon that can cause ex- must be reduced, and vice versa. Equality only holds
cessive dynamic forces leading to unacceptable wheel when (t) is a Gaussian function[13] .
wear, and in extreme cases causes catastrophic disas- Fig.1 shows the results of a STFT analysis of grind-
ters. Grinding chatter usually develops gradually, due ing forces, where grinding depth of cut is 1 mm. The
to grinding wheel wear. Chatter makes a wheel sur- eect of grinding wear over a time-frequency domain,
face uneven, resulting in poor surface quality, and low can easily be identied from the results to enable grind-
machining productivity. A dressing operation is often ing wheel condition to be monitored in relation to force
required to restore good wheel cutting ability. There- signal. It can be seen that some features in the force
fore, judging wheel redress-life is an important issue in frequency spectrum increase during each grinding.
a grinding operation.

3 Process feature analysis

Grinding force signals can be used to detect the
development of chatter in grinding, because dynamic
grinding forces represent the reaction of the grind-
ing system to vibration. A Fourier transform is com-
monly used to analyse vibration behaviour in a fre-
quency domain. However, for an unstable process, a
Fourier transform cannot indicate how process features
will change over time. In recent years, jointed time-
frequency analysis has become popular as a method to
overcome the drawback of a conventional Fourier trans-
form. A STFT is a popular method for time-frequency
The basic idea of a STFF, is to split a non sta-
tionary signal, into segments in a time domain by the
proper selection of a window function; and then to Fig.1 Signals over a time-frequency domain for 4 grinding
carry out a Fourier transform on each of these seg- cuts after ltering with a band pass Chebchev II lter
ments separately. This process delivers an instanta-
neous spectrum. STFT decomposes time-varying sig- The objective of using STFT is to unify informa-
nals into time-frequency domain components; hence tion from both a time and frequency domain, in order
58 International Journal of Automation and Computing 1 (2006) 56-62

to provide more detailed information suitable for clas- where the weighting vector w denes the direction of
sication algorithms. the separating hyperplane f (x), and b (bias), denes
the distance of the hyperplane from the origin. The
4 Support vector machines problem can be solved by using a Lagrange multiplier,
as given in equation 4:
SVMs have been recognised as powerful machine
learning tools, with good theoretical properties for con- m
vergence and generalisation. They were rst intro- L(w, b, ) = (w w) i [yi ((wi xi ) + b) 1]. (4)
duced by Vapnik in the late 1960s[14] on the founda- 2 j=1
tion of statistical learning theory; which is a general
mathematical framework for estimating dependencies Therefore the optimal problem in (2) is equivalent to
from empirical and nite data sets. The basic idea of the maximization of the objective function shown in
a SVM is to determine a classier machine that mini- (5).
mizes structural risk consisting of empirical error, and
the complexity of a model leading to good generaliza-
tion error. It can deal with both binary problems and
multi-class problems.
A classication problem, can be restricted to the
consideration of a two-class problem without loss of
generality. The aim is to separate two classes by a
function induced from available examples, and produce
a classier that will work well on unseen examples. As-
suming data to be classied is linearly separable, there
will be many possible linear classiers or functions that
can be used to separate the data; but there is only one
linear function that maximizes margin.
A hyperplane can be dened using a number of sup-
port vectors, which can draw a boundary between the
two classes. In non-linear cases, the use of support vec-
tors allows complex boundaries to be created. Through
the minimisation of a quadratic programming problem, Fig.2 A hyperplane classier towards
the margin of separation between each class can be a non-separable data set
maximised. Nearest data points are used to dene the
margin, and are known as support vectors. Once sup- Maximize:
port vectors contain all needed information, the SVM
function then becomes a classier. 
L() = i yi yj i j (xi xj ) (5)
2 i,j=1
4.1 Basic principle of support vector ma- i=1
Subject to:
A SVM can be considered as simply creating a line,
or a hyperplane, between two sets of data, as shown in 

Fig.2. It attempts to place a linear boundary between yi i = 0, i  0, i = 1, , l. (6)

two dierent classes of data, and orientate it in such
a way that margin is maximized. In other words, it The problem of classifying a new data point x, is solved
is used to maximize the distance between the nearest simply by looking at the value of the following hyper-
data points, or boundary, of each class. A boundary is plane decision function:
then placed in the middle of the margin between the
two classes. Therefore the problem becomes: f (x) = sign(w x + b ) (7)
w2 (2) where the weight vector w , is calculated from function
2 (8):
Subject to 
w = yi i xi (8)
yi ((w xi ) + b  0, i = 1, , l (3) i=1
Xun Chen et al./ Monitoring Grinding Wheel Redress-life Using Support Vector Machines 59

and b has to be calculated by making use of primal K(xi , xj ) in the algorithm. The SVM computes a value
constraints, due to its appearance in the dual problem for i that corresponds to the maximal margin hyper-
in (9): plane in the feature space, by replacing dierent kernel
functions in (xi xj ). There are some common exam-
maxyi =1 (w xi ) + minyi =1 (w xi )
b = . ples of kernel functions for mapping vectors in feature
2 spaces. These include:
An unknown data example x is then classied as fol- Radial Basis Function kernel
lows:  /22
Class I, if f (x) > 0 K(xi , xj ) = exi xj  (15)
x . (10)
Class II, otherwise Polynomial Kernel
So far training data is assumed to be linearly separable.
K(xi , xj ) = (xi xj + 1)d (16)
In cases where training data cannot be linearly sepa-
rated, as in the example shown in Fig.2, non-negative Sigmoid function
slack variables i are introduced to form equations 11
and 12, so as to produce a non-linear problem. In equa- K(xi , xj ) = tanh(xi xj ). (17)
tion 11, the sum of slack variables is multiplied by a
parameter C, which is chosen by a user. A larger C In which the decision function will be:
corresponds to a higher penalty for errors. This cor- 
responds to the addition of an upper bound C to i . f (x) = sign i yj K(xi , xj ) + b . (18)
In both cases, the decision function in (equation 7) is i=1

equivalent, and given by: In this case, the unknown data example is classied in
Minimize: the following way:
1  l
w2 + C ik (11) 
2 Class I, if f (x) = 1
i x . (19)
Class II, if f (x) = 1
Subject to:

yi ((w xi ) + b)  1 i , i  0, i = 1, , l. (12) 4.3 Least square support vector machines

Then an unknown data example x is classied as fol- An original SVM, may not be suitable in prac-
lows:  tice, due to its time consumption during the computa-
Class I, if f (x) > 0 tion of quadratic programming. A least square SVM,
x . (13)
Class II, otherwise was developed by Suykens and Vandewalle for solving
The above SVM classier is an important concept pattern recognition and non-linear function estimation
for the analysis and construction of more complicated problems[15] . The SVM equation modication devel-
SVMs. oped by Suykens, is as follows:
1 2
4.2 Nonlinear kernel mapping 1
w2 + C (20)
2 2 i i
In the case where a linear boundary is inappropri-
ate, the transformation of vector x into a higher dimen- Subject to:
sional feature space is required. The transformation
yi ((w xi ) + b) = 1 i , i  0, i = 1, , l. (21)
into a higher-dimensional feature space requires rela-
tively intensive computation. It is possible to calculate The classier in a dual space, is similar to the standard
a kernel which is the inner products of a feature space, SVM case.
in an original data space

K(xi , xj ) = (xi )(xj ). (14) f (x) = sign i yj K(xi , xj ) + b (22)
The idea of a kernel function, is to enable operations to
Where i are Lagrangian multipliers. The application
be performed in an input space, rather than in a high
of conditions for optimality yield the following linear
dimension feature space. It is not necessary to know an
KKT (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker) system:
actual mapping function , hence there is no need to
evaluate an inner product in the feature. Therefore in 0 yT b 0
= . (23)
this case, a dot product (xi xj ) can be replaced with y + C 1 I 1v
60 International Journal of Automation and Computing 1 (2006) 56-62

Where: = Z T Z, Z T = (y1 (x1 ), , yn (xn )), MATLAB LS-SVM toolbox[15] . A Radial Basis Func-
Y T = (y1 , , yn ), 1v = (1, , 1) and = tion (RBF) kernel was selected for classication. This
(1 , , n ). Then: method can distinguish air cutting and actual grind-
ing clearly, as shown in Fig.4, where the LS-SVM gives
= (xi , xl ) = (xi )T (xl ), i, l = 1, , N. (24) 1 for air cutting and 1 for actual grinding. The re-
sults from both training, and test sets, are completely
By applying the kernel to the matrix in equation 23,
satisfactory. Surprisingly, the method coped well with
classier function estimation becomes:
environmental noise, and the disturbance of coolant dy-

l  namic force did not aect its judgement.
f (x) = sign i yj K(xi , xj ) + b . (25)

The Vapnik formulation is modied here in two ways.

First, instead of the inequality constraints (equation
21), one takes equality constraints, in which the value
1 on the right hand side is considered as a target, rather
than a threshold value. Upon this target value, an error
variable i is applied, such that misclassications can
be tolerated in the case of overlapping distributions.
These error variables play a similar role to the slack
variable i , in SVM formulations. Second, a squared
loss function, as shown in equation 20 is taken for the
error variable, as these modications will greatly sim-
plify the problem[11] .
LS-SVM, oers most of the properties of the origi-
nal SVM, such as great generalization capacity. Non-
Fig.3 A 3D spectrogram of normal grinding force
linear problems can be solved by mapping data into a
components during 4 sequential cuts
high dimension feature space using kernel methods. It
is excellent for classifying a problem with an unseen
data example. However, the greatest advantage of the
LS-SVM is faster computational time, which is a key
requirement for online condition monitoring.

5 Grinding process monitoring using

A set of grinding experiments were carried out on
a Makino A55 CNC machine centre. A workpiece was
ground using a VIPER wheel. Grinding depth of cut
was 1 mm; grinding speed 35 m/s; and workpiece speed
1000 mm/min. Workpiece material was Inconel 718.
Grinding forces were recorded using a LABVIEW pro-
gram and data analysed using programs written within
a MATLAB environment. Signal features extracted us-
ing a STFT program were sent to the SVM program to
classify grinding conditions. A 3D view of the STFT Fig.4 Grinding detection using SVM
spectrums of grinding force during 4 sequential grind-
ing cuts, are illustrated in Fig.3. It can be seen that Once actual grinding took place, another SVM clas-
the feature frequency components of dynamic forces, sication program was employed to monitor the condi-
increase with grinding time. tion of the grinding wheel. The input signals of the
The rst classication test in the trials, was to iden- SVM were, grinding forces, grinding power, and dy-
tify air cutting, and actual grinding, grinding force sig- namic features extracted from grinding forces. The dy-
nals. These were obtained by applying a moving av- namic features of grinding forces were taken by using a
erage method to remove high frequency components STFT program. Force signals were pre-processed using
of grinding forces. Analysis was carried out using a a Chebychev II band-pass lter to reduce the inuence
Xun Chen et al./ Monitoring Grinding Wheel Redress-life Using Support Vector Machines 61

of noise. The Radial Basis Function kernel was used redress-life, as shown in Fig.6. In this experiment,
in this SVM monitoring process. Fig.5 shows projec- grinding chatter developed intermittently. During the
tions of the monitored force, power signals, and STFT 4th cut, chatter occurrence was greater than 50%.
spectrum, as grinding time functions during 4 grind- Therefore, the wheel should have been redressed after
ing cuts. The output of the SVM, which is plotted on the 4th cut, before continuous chatter occurred. The
the lower part of the graph, clearly indicates the de- longer redress-life of the wheel was due to the lower
velopment of grinding chatter. The value 3 indicates grinding force generated at a higher grinding speed.
good wheel condition, while a value 1 highlights the Further experiments using dierent grinding condi-
presence of grinding chatter. tions, (wheel speed: 3555 m/s, depth of cut: 12 mm
and work speed: 12 m/min), also indicate that the
SVM tool is a feasible method with which to monitor
grinding wheel life.

Fig.5 Grinding chatter monitoring using SVM

Fig.6 Grinding chatter monitoring using SVM

It can be seen from Fig.5 that the development

of grinding chatter is not an instantaneous event. A 6 Conclusions
certain time period is required before continuous chat-
Condition monitoring using SVMs is feasible, and
ter is established. This is because the development of
can ensure consistent production quality. In this pa-
grinding chatter is the result of grinding wheel wear.
per, it has been successfully demonstrated that grind-
As mentioned previously, grinding wheel wear involves
ing process performance can be monitored, and identi-
two phenomena, attritious wear causing blunt cutting
ed, using a LS-SVM algorithm. Test results are sat-
edges, and fracture wear creating sharp cutting edges.
isfactory, since a LS-SVM can give good classication
The sharpness of a grinding wheel depends on the equi-
with a small quantity of training data and time. Us-
librant situation of dierent wear mechanisms. An oc-
ing a decision support algorithm, the behaviour of a
casional presence of grinding chatter does not require
grinding process can be seen to relate to grinding wheel
the redressing of a grinding wheel. However, continu-
condition. In future work, more sensors will be applied
ous grinding chatter is dangerous to a grinding opera-
to study chatter, and other defects which can occur
tion. It is rational to dene that a greater than 50%
during the grinding process, to provide more accurate
level of chatter in one grinding cut, is an indicator of
process information. The development of a real-time
the end of a wheels redress-life. Therefore, a SVM
remote diagnostic system, will provide manufacturers
can be used for grinding wheel life monitoring. This
with precise and reliable information for managing and
is validated by the results illustrated in Fig.5. During
conducting manufacturing activities.
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