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Physics and Chemistry

Workbook 4 ESO

Raquel Manso Escuadra

Alicia Sampedro Montas
Physics and Chemistry

Physics and Chemistry



Autoras: Raquel Manso Escuadra

Alicia Sampedro Montas

Workbook 4 ESO

Primera edicin, 2014

Autoras: Raquel Manso Escuadra, Alicia Sampedro Montas
Maquetacin: Daniela Vasilache
Edita: Educlia Editorial, S.L.
Imprime: Escenarigrfic S.L
ISBN: 978-84-942836-7-7
Depsit Legal: V-2064-2014
Printed in Spain/Impreso en Espaa.

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Physics and Chemistry

A los alumnos de la primera promocin bilinge

del IES Cardenal Pardo de Tavera (Toro)

Workbook 4 ESO

Physics and Chemistry

UNIT 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD.....................................................................9
1. MAGNITUDES AND MEASUREMENTS. CLASSIFICATION OF MAGNITUDES................................................ 9
Length, surface and volume. Charts of units...............................................................................................12
3. SCIENTIFIC NOTATION..................................................................................................................................14
4. MEASURING DEVICES..................................................................................................................................15
5. MEASUREMENT ERRORS.............................................................................................................................16
6. ANALYSIS OF DATA.......................................................................................................................................17
6.1 Proportional graph..............................................................................................................................18
6.2 Quadratic graph..................................................................................................................................18
6.3 Inverse proportion..............................................................................................................................19
8. WORKING IN THE LABORATORY. SECURITY RULES AND LABORATORY REPORT..........................................21
COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES.............................................................................................................22
11. VOCABULARY REVIEW.................................................................................................................................23
12. FINAL ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................................24

UNIT 2. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF MOTION.......................................................................26

1. KINEMATICS. GENERAL STUDY OF A BODY IN MOTION..............................................................................26
1.1 Motion and reference frame...............................................................................................................26
1.2 Trajectory and position.......................................................................................................................26
1.3 Displacement and distance.................................................................................................................28
1.4 Velocity................................................................................................................................................29
1.5 Acceleration........................................................................................................................................30
2. UNIFORM RECTILINEAR MOTION................................................................................................................31
2.1 Definition and equation......................................................................................................................31
2.2 Position versus time and velocity versus time graphs.........................................................................34
3. UNIFORMLY ACELERATED RECTILINEAR MOTION........................................................................................35
3.1 Definition and equation......................................................................................................................35
3.2 Position versus time and velocity versus time graphs.........................................................................38
4. FREE FALLING MOTION................................................................................................................................40
4.1 Position versus time and velocity versus time graphs.........................................................................40
5. UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION.....................................................................................................................42
5.1 Magnitudes to study circular motion:.................................................................................................42
7. READING COMPREHENSION. RELATIVE MOTION........................................................................................47
8. READING COMPREHENSION. ROAD SAFETY................................................................................................47
9. VOCABULARY REVIEW.................................................................................................................................48
10. FINAL ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................................49

UNIT 3. FORCES AND EQUILIBRIUM................................................................................................56

1. INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS......................................................................................................................51
1.1 Two-dimensional vectors....................................................................................................................51
1.2 Coordinates of a vector.......................................................................................................................53
2. INTERACTIONS BETWEEN BODIES: FORCES. TYPES OF FORCES..................................................................55
3. VECTORIAL REPRESENTATION OF FORCES. FREE-BODY DIAGRAMS............................................................56
4. DYNAMIC LAWS...........................................................................................................................................57
4.1 First Law...............................................................................................................................................57
4.2 Second Law..........................................................................................................................................57
4.3 Third Law.............................................................................................................................................57

Workbook 4 ESO

5. COMPOSITION AND DECOMPOSITION OF FORCES.....................................................................................58

6. EQUILIBRIUM OF FORCES............................................................................................................................61
7. FORCES AND DEFORMATIONS. HOOKES LAW.............................................................................................61
8. Laboratory activity. Measuring forces.........................................................................................................62
9. READING COMPREHENSION: ACTION-REACTION........................................................................................62
10. VOCABULARY REVIEW.................................................................................................................................63
11. FINAL ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................................64

UNIT 4: ASTRONOMY......................................................................................................................67
1. INTRODUCTION TO ASTRONOMY................................................................................................................67
2. READING COMPREHENSION: GEOCENTRIC AND HELIOCENTRIC MODELS.................................................67
3. READING COMPREHENSION: GALILEOS TELESCOPE AND ITS IMPORTANCE..............................................68
4. MOTION OF PLANETS AND SATELLITES. KEPLERS LAWS.............................................................................69
5. NEWTONS LAW OF GRAVITATION..............................................................................................................70
5.1 Centripetal Force.................................................................................................................................71
5.2 Applying Newtons Laws.....................................................................................................................71
6. WEIGHT ON FALLING BODIES......................................................................................................................72
7. READING COMPREHENSION: CONTEMPORARY COSMOLOGY....................................................................72
8. ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES AND ITS APPLICATIONS...........................................................................................73
9. LABORATORY ACTIVITY: MEASURING THE GRAVITY CONSTANT OF THE EARTH.........................................73
10. VOCABULARY REVIEW.................................................................................................................................75
11. FINAL ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................................76

UNIT 5. FORCES IN FLUIDS..............................................................................................................78

1. DEFINITION OF PRESSURE...........................................................................................................................78
2. HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. APPLICATIONS....................................................................................................78
2.1 Hydrostatic pressure over the bottom of a container.........................................................................78
2.2 Direction of hydrostatic pressure........................................................................................................79
2.3 Hydrostatic paradox............................................................................................................................80
3. PASCALS PRINCIPLE....................................................................................................................................81
4. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE............................................................................................................................82
5. ARCHIMEDES PRINCIPLE. FLOATING AND SINKING. BUOYANCY..................................................................84
6. SURFACE TENSION.......................................................................................................................................86
8. READING COMPREHENSION: MEASURING PRESSURE................................................................................87
9. VOCABULARY REVIEW.................................................................................................................................88
10. FINAL ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................................89

UNIT 6. WORK, POWER AND MECHANICAL ENERGY.........................................................................91

1. DEFINITION OF ENERGY AND WORK. UNITS................................................................................................91
2. MECHANICAL WORK. ITS APPLICATION TO MACHINES AND TOOLS............................................................92
3. DEFINITION OF POWER. UNITS...................................................................................................................94
4. MECHANICAL ENERGY.................................................................................................................................95
4.1 Potential energy..................................................................................................................................95
4.2 Kinetic energy......................................................................................................................................96
5. WORK AS A TRANSFER OF MECHANICAL ENERGY.......................................................................................96
6. CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY..................................................................................................97
7.1 Conventional energies........................................................................................................................99
7.2 Alternative energies..........................................................................................................................100
8. LABORATORY ACTIVITY: MEASURING THE COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION.......................................................100
9. READING COMPREHENSION: NUCLEAR ENERGY IN OUR LIFE..................................................................101
10. VOCABULARY REVIEW...............................................................................................................................103
11. FINAL ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................................................104

Physics and Chemistry

UNIT 7. HEAT AND THERMAL ENERGY...........................................................................................106

1. DEFINITION OF TEMPERATURE. THERMAL ENERGY...................................................................................106
2. READING COMPREHENSION: THERMOMETERS AND TEMPERATURE SCALES...........................................107
4. HEAT EFFECTS............................................................................................................................................108
5. SPECIFIC HEAT............................................................................................................................................109
6. HEAT AND PHASE CHANGES. LATENT HEAT...............................................................................................110
7. HEAT TRANSFERENCE................................................................................................................................111
8. LABORATORY ACTIVITY..............................................................................................................................111
9. VOCABULARY REVIEW...............................................................................................................................112
10. FINAL ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................................................113

UNIT 8. ENERGY OF WAVES. LIGHT AND SOUND............................................................................114

1. DEFINITION OF WAVE. TYPES OF WAVES..................................................................................................114
1.1 Definition of wave.............................................................................................................................114
1.2 Types of waves..................................................................................................................................115
1.3 Characteristics of waves....................................................................................................................115
2. PROPERTIES OF A WAVE............................................................................................................................116
2.1 Reflection..........................................................................................................................................116
2.2 Refraction..........................................................................................................................................166
2.3 Diffraction..........................................................................................................................................117
2.4 Interferences.....................................................................................................................................118
3. ENERGY TRANSPORT ON WAVES...............................................................................................................118
4. LIGHT AND SOUND. PROPERTIES..............................................................................................................118
4.1 Light..................................................................................................................................................118
4.2 Sound................................................................................................................................................119
5. LABORATORY ACTIVITY. RIPPLE TANK........................................................................................................119
6. READING COMPREHENSION: THE ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM.........................................................120
7. VOCABULARY REVIEW...............................................................................................................................122
8. FINAL ACTIVITIES.......................................................................................................................................123

UNIT 9. THE ATOM AND PROPERTIES OF SUBSTANCES..................................................................124

1. ATOMIC STRUCTURE.................................................................................................................................124
1.1 Atomic model...................................................................................................................................124
1.2 Chemical elements and isotopes......................................................................................................125
1.3 Electron configuration......................................................................................................................127
1.4 Ion generation..................................................................................................................................129
3. CHEMICAL BONDS BETWEEN ATOMS: IONIC, COVALENT AND METALLIC................................................133
3.1 Molecules and crystals......................................................................................................................133
3.2 Properties of substances and particles behaviour.............................................................................134
3.3 Ionic bonds. Ionic substances............................................................................................................134
3.4 Covalent bonds. Atomic and molecular substances..........................................................................135
3.5 Metallic bonds. Metallic substances.................................................................................................136
4. READING COMPREHENSION: RADIOACTIVITY...........................................................................................137
6. VOCABULARY REVIEW...............................................................................................................................139
7. FINAL ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................................................140

UNIT 10. CHEMICAL REACTIONS....................................................................................................142

1. CHEMICAL REACTION................................................................................................................................142
2. THE MOLE. MOLAR MASS.........................................................................................................................142
3. STOICHIOMETRY ON CHEMICAL EQUATIONS............................................................................................144

Workbook 4 ESO

4. MOLAR, MASS AND VOLUME CALCULATIONS IN CHEMICAL EQUATIONS................................................145

4.1 Molar interpretation of a chemical reaction....................................................................................145
4.2 Mass calculations in a chemical reaction..........................................................................................145
4.3 Volume calculations in a chemical reaction......................................................................................146
5. CLASSIFICATION OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS..............................................................................................147
7. RATE ON CHEMICAL REACTIONS...............................................................................................................148
8. LABORATORY ACTIVITY: COMPARING CHEMICAL REACTION RATE..........................................................148
9. READING COMPREHENSION: SOME INDUSTRIAL REACTIONS..................................................................148
10. VOCABULARY REVIEW...............................................................................................................................149
11. FINAL ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................................................150

UNIT 11. CHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS.........................................................................153

1. CARBON AS THE BASE OF LIVING THINGS................................................................................................153
2. PROPERTIES OF CARBON COMPOUNDS...................................................................................................153
3. HYDROCARBONS. STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES AS ENERGY SOURCES..................................................154
4. ALCOHOLS.................................................................................................................................................162
5. CARBOXYLIC ACIDS....................................................................................................................................164
6. SYNTHETIC POLYMERS..............................................................................................................................165
7. FABRICATION AND RECYCLING OF PLASTICS.............................................................................................166
8. MACROMOLECULES COMPRISING LIVING THINGS...................................................................................166
9. READING COMPREHENSION: ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF LIVE.........................................................167
10. LABORATORY ACTIVITY: MAKING SOAP.....................................................................................................168
11. VOCABULARY REVIEW...............................................................................................................................168
12. FINAL ACTIVITIES......................................................................................................................................169

UNIT 12. SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT.........................................................................................171

1. GREENHOUSE EFFECT................................................................................................................................171
2. CLIMATE CHANGE, LACK OF RESOURCES, REDUCTION OF BIODIVERSITY.................................................171
4. CLEAN ENERGIES.......................................................................................................................................172

APPENDIX. INORGANIC FORMULATION........................................................................................173

1. VALENCE CONCEPT....................................................................................................................................173
2. FORMULATION OF ELEMENTS..................................................................................................................173
2.1 Metal elements................................................................................................................................173
2.2 Non metal elements.........................................................................................................................173
3. FORMULATION OF BINARY COMPOUNDS.................................................................................................174
4. NOMENCLATURE OF BINARY COMPOUNDS..............................................................................................174
4.1 NOMENCLATURE TYPES FOR BINARY COMPOUNDS.........................................................................174
5. TYPES OF BINARY COMPOUNDS................................................................................................................175
5.1 Oxides...............................................................................................................................................175
5.2 Peroxides..........................................................................................................................................176
5.3 Hydrides............................................................................................................................................176
5.4 Binary salts........................................................................................................................................178
6. TERNARY COMPOUNDS.............................................................................................................................178
6.1 Hydroxides........................................................................................................................................178
6.2 Oxiacids.............................................................................................................................................179
6.3 Oxisalts.............................................................................................................................................180
7. PRACTICE WITH THE FOLLOWING EXERCISES............................................................................................181

Workbook 4 ESO

Unit 2. Introduction to the study of motion.


Mechanics is the science concerned with the equilibrium or motion of bodies in a particular frame of reference.
Kinematics is the branch of mechanics which describes the motion of objects using words, numbers, graphs and
equations without taking in mind the origin of that motion. The goal of any study of kinematics is to develop
models that serve to describe and explain the motion of real-world objects.
In order to study a body in motion completely, it is necessary to know all the concepts and magnitudes which
are involved in it.

1.1 Motion and reference frame.

A reference frame is a set of coordinate axis in terms of which the position of the body in motion may be
specified. The origin of that reference frame is the spot you are doing the measurement from.

The observer is situated in the (0,0)

point of the reference frame.

(0,0) X

In most of the examples you will work in this unit, the most suitable frame of reference will have the (0,0) point
in the starting point of the motion. Take in mind that the frame of reference should be the same during all the
study of the motion.

1.2 Trajectory and position

Trajectory is the path that a moving object follows through space as a function of time. A simple trajectory may
be a straight line (rectilinear motion) or a curve (curvilinear motion) such as a circle or parabola.
Position is a vector magnitude which informs about the location of the moving body in a specific moment in
reference to the chosen reference frame. It is represented by a vector whose origin point is in the (0,0) point
of the reference frame and whose end point is in the spatial location of the body. The symbol of the position is
when the motion has to be studied in a plane or in a three dimensional space.

Physics and Chemistry

The graph represents a curvilinear

Position movement, more exactly, a parabolic
movement, of a body which departs
from the (0,0) point of the reference
Trajectory frame, where the observer is situated.

However, when the motion has only one dimension, it may be studied in two different ways:
A horizontal motion may be studied along the X axis and the position is represented by x

The position vector x has a positive value.

The position vector x has a negative value.

A vertical motion may be studied along the Y axis and the position is represented by y.


The position vector has a The position vector has a

positive value negative value

Notice that the position is a vector magnitude measured in meters (m) in the SI.

Workbook 4 ESO

Practice these concepts solving the following exercise:

1. Look at the following representation of a bodys motion. Mark the (0,0) point of the reference frame and
draw the position vectors and the trajectory followed between A and B:


1.3 Displacement and distance.

Distance is a scalar magnitude that informs about how much ground an object has covered between two points
of time (t1 and t2). Distance can be represented by s.
Displacement is a vector magnitude that informs about the change in position of the object in a period of time.
Displacement may be represented by r.


Displacement r
Distance s


Both magnitudes are expressed in meters in the SI of units.

When the trajectory described by the body in motion is a straight line without any change in the direction, the
covered distance corresponds to the numerical value of the displacement:
t1 x t2

Physics and Chemistry

Notice in the given example that:

x is a positive vector.
the covered distance, s, corresponds to the numerical value of x.

When the body in motion is approaching to the reference frame, the representation of the movement
is the following:
t2 x t1

Notice that x is a negative vector.

The numerical value of x is calculated by the difference of positions:
x = x2 x1
In the same way, when a vertical movement is studied, y is calculated:
y = y2 y1

Practice these concepts solving the following exercises:

1. The position of a moving body throughout the time is shown in the following table:

Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4
Position, X (m) 2 8 20 34 52
a. At which distance from the observer does the movement start?
b. Calculate the displacement in the intervals: from 0s to 1s, from 1s to 3s and from 2s to 4s.
c. Calculate its total displacement.

2. An observer situated on the ground, studies how a stone falls from a plane. The following table shows its
position throughout the time:
Time (s) 0 5 10 15 20
Position, Y (m) 2000 1878 1510 898 40
a. How high is the plane flying?
b. Calculate the displacement of the stone in the intervals: from 0 to 5, from 5 to 10, from 10 to 15 and
from 15 to 20.
c. What do you observe in your calculations
d. How may you explain the negative value of the displacement?

1.4 Velocity
Velocity is a vector magnitude which informs about the rate that an object changes in position. The direction of
the velocity is the same that the direction of the body motion:

When a horizontal motion is being studied, the numerical value of the velocity is calculated:
x x2 x1
v= =
t t2 t1

Workbook 4 ESO

Or, when a vertical motion is being studied, the numerical value of the velocity is calculated:
y y2 y1
v= =
t t2 t1

Actually, this equation is used to calculate an average velocity of any motion when the velocity of the movement
is changing.
Instantaneous velocity is defined as the velocity of a body in motion in an exact moment. Take in mind that
the instantaneous velocity at a point on the path corresponds to the average velocity when time interval gets
smaller and smaller, almost cero.
So, if the velocity of the motion is changing, this equation allows us to calculate an average velocity, but, if the
body keeps the same velocity, the instantaneous velocity is also calculated by this equation.
The SI unit for velocity is m/s, although the unit km/h is commonly used.

1. The position of a moving body throughout the time is shown in the following table:

Time (s) 0 1 2 3 4
Position, X (m) 0 8 20 34 52
a. Calculate the average velocity in the intervals: from 0s to 1s, from 1s to 3s and from 2s to 4s.
b. Calculate average velocity in its motion.

2. A cyclist has covered 40 m in 3 s.

a. At which velocity is he cycling?
b. How long does it take him to cover the same distance at a double velocity?
c. How long does it take him to cover the same distance if his velocity is a half?

1.5 Acceleration

Acceleration is a vector magnitude that is defined as the rate at which an object changes its velocity.
An object is accelerating if its velocity is changing. An average acceleration of the movement is
calculated by:
v v2 v1
a= =
t t2 t1

Actually, this equation is used to calculate an average acceleration of any motion when the acceleration of the
motion is changing.
Instantaneous acceleration is defined as the acceleration of a body in motion in an exact moment. Take in mind
that the instantaneous acceleration at a point on the path corresponds to the average acceleration when time
interval gets smaller and smaller, almost cero.
So, when the acceleration of the motion remains constant this equation allows us to calculate the instantaneous
The SI unit for acceleration is m/s2
In a rectilinear motion the direction of the acceleration vector is defined following the rules:
When the object is speeding up the acceleration has the same direction of the velocity.

v2 v1
Physics and Chemistry

When the body is slowing down the direction of the acceleration is the opposite the velocity direction.
v2 v1

Practice doing the following exercises:

1. The acceleration of a body is 2 m/s2. It means that the mobile . Its velocity
in m/s throughout ..
2. Calculate the acceleration of a train if its velocity is 60 km/h after 10 seconds of departing.
3. A cyclist rides at a speed of 18 km/h and 5 seconds later his velocity is 22 km/h. Calculate the acceleration
of his motion.
4. A car is driven at a speed of 70 km/h. Its driver slows down and stops in 3 seconds. Calculate the
acceleration of the motion.


2.1 Definition and equation

A body is describing a uniform rectilinear motion when:
The trajectory is a straight line
Its velocity is constant. Consequently, the acceleration of the motion is cero.
As the velocity of the body does not change throughout the time, the equation of the motion is obtained from
the definition of velocity:
x xo
t to
x0 represents the initial position
t0 represent the initial time
x is the position when the time is t
Reordering the equation:
v = (t to) = x xo

x = xo + v (t to )

The next step is to learn how to use this equation with the following examples, which show usual problems of
uniform rectilinear movement:

1. A wind-up toy car moves following a straight line at a speed of 5 cm/s.

a. Express the equation of its motion in the SI units
b. Calculate the distant covered in a minute and express it in the International System Unit
Data Solving method
x0 = 0 m a) In the general equation x0, t0 and v are replaced for their values
t0 = 0s x = xo + v(t to)
v = 5cm/s =5102 m/s x = 0 + 5 102 (t 0)
x = 5 102 t
b) When t = 1min = 60s
x = 5 10 2 60s
x = 3m 31
Workbook 4 ESO

2. In the final step of a factory production, boxes, over a conveyor belt, cover a distance of 12 m in 4 s.
Which is the velocity of their motion?
Data Solving method
xo = 0 m In the general equation xo, to, x and t are replaced for their values
to = 0s x = xo + v(t to)
x = 12m 12m = 0 + v(4s 0)
t = 4s 12m = v 4s
v=? 12m
v = 3 ms
In order t o solve this problem in a more direct way, the definition of velocity may be used:
x xo
t to

3. From two points of a billiard table, two balls are thrown at a constant rate in order to converge and
collide. One of them is thrown from A point at a rate of 0,5 m/s and the other is thrown 2 s later from
B point at a rate of 1,5 m/s. If the distance from A to B is 3 m, in which position do both balls collide?
Take the reference frame in A point.


x0A= 0 m x0B= 3m
t0A= 0s t0B = 2s (The movement starts 2 s later)

vA= 0,5 m/s vB = 1,5 m/s (the velocity is directed in the negative direction)
t to collide = ? t to collide=?

xA = 0,5t xB = 3 1,5(t 2)

In the moment of the collision both balls have the same position, so xA=xB:
0,5t = 3 1,5(t 2)
The time to collide can be calculated:
0,5t = 3 (1,5t + 3)
2t = 6
t = 3s
The collision takes place after 3 seconds the ball in A starts its movement.
Now, t is replaced for 3 s in one of the equations of xA or xB:
xA= 0,5m/s 3s xB = 3m 1,5m/s(3s 2s)
xA= 1,5 m xB = 1,5 m

Solution: The collision takes place in a position of 1,5 m from A point.

Physics and Chemistry

4. Car A, moving at a speed of 108 km/h, passes through cero point of a road and 5 minutes
later a second car B passes through it at a speed of 115,2 km/h. Calculate the position from
cero point at which car B catches up with car A.
x0A= 0 m x0B= 0 m
t0A = 0 s t0B= 5 min = 300 s

vA = 30 m/s vB= 32 m/s

t to be caught = ? t to catch = ?

xA= 30t xB = 32(t 300)

In the moment that B catches up with A, both cars have the same position, so xA= xB:
30t = 32(t 300)
The time to collide can be calculated:
30t = 9600 + 32t
2t = 9600
t = 4800s = 80 min
They are in the same position 80 minutes later that the car A passes through 0 point.
Now, t is replaced for 4800 s in one of the equations of xA or xB:
xA = 30m/s 4800s xB = 32m/s(4800s 300s)
xA = 144000 m = 144 km xB = 144000 m = 144 km
Solution: Car B catches up with car A, 144 km away from de zero point.

Practice uniform rectilinear motion solving the following exercises:

1. A car travelling at a speed of 110 km/h from Bath to London is 30 km away from London. Calculate:
a. The position of the car in ten minutes.
b. How long does it take the car to arrive to London.
2. Two cars, situated on the same road, are separated by 3 km. One of them travels at a speed of 86 km/h and
the other travels at a speed of 108 km/h.
a. Imagine that both cars are travelling on the same direction. Calculate how long takes the faster car to
catch the slower one and the exact position of catching it.
b. Imagine that they are travelling in opposite directions. Calculate how long takes them to meet and the
exact position of meeting.
3. Peter has lost the ship which was going to bring him to Greece and decides to hire a motorboat to catch it.
The ship travels at a rate of 120 km/h and the motorboat goes at 200 km/h. Taking in mind that John leaves
15 minutes later
a. How long does it take him to catch the ship?
b. How far away from the coast does he catch it?

Workbook 4 ESO

2.2 Position versus time and velocity versus time graphs

Analyze the following motion:
A toy train engine is photographed each 2 seconds in its movement on a table

tt == 0s tt == 2s tt == 4s tt == 6s
6s tt == 8s
8s tt == 10s
0s 2s 4s
xx == 0,5 xx == 1,25
1,25 m
xx == 0m
0m xx =0,25
=0,25 m
m 0,5 m
m xx == 0,75
0,75 m
m xx == 11 m
m m

Notice that the train engine covers a distance of 0,25 m each 2 seconds, so its velocity is constant and it has a
value of:
0,25 m
v= = 0,13 m/s
If x-distance is plotted versus time:
x (m)

0 2 4 6 8 10 t (s)
x - distance versus time is a proportional graph whose slope (gradient of the line) represents the velocity
of the train engine, which is constant:
x x2 x1
v= =
t t2 t1

When velocity versus time is represented, as the velocity value remains constant the graph corresponds
to a straight line parallel to the x- axis:
v (m/s)

1 2 3 4 5 t (s)
Physics and Chemistry

Practice the study of graphs in uniform rectilinear motion solving the following exercises:
1. Describe the motion represented in the following graphs:

x (m)x (m)
x (m) x (m)x (m)
x (m) x (m)x (m)
x (m)

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 12 231 342 43 t 4(s)

t (s) t (s) 1 12 213 342 453 54t (s)
t 5(s) t (s) t (s) t (s)
1 12 231 342 4 3 t 4(s)

Graph A Graph B Graph C

Compare them and make a comment.

2. Represent the graph position versus time of the following motions and calculate their velocities :
a. A body is approaching to the observer at a constant velocity from 20 m in 15 seconds
b. A car situated 5 meters far from the observer goes away at a constant velocity and gets a position of
50 m in 10 seconds.
c. A car goes away at a constant rate from the reference point to 50 m far away in 2 seconds.
3. Interpret the following graph which represents the motion of a boy from his home. To do it:
a. Interpret each stretch
b. Calculate the velocity in each stretch
x (m)


800 A B


0 10 30 40 t (min)


3.1 Definition and equation

A body is describing a uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion when:
The trajectory is a straight line
Its velocity is changing in a constant way. Consequently, the acceleration of the movement remains

Workbook 4 ESO

As the acceleration of the motion does not change throughout the time, the equation of the velocity may be
obtained from the definition of acceleration:
v vo
t to
v0 represents the initial velocity
t0 represent the initial time
v is the velocity when the time is t
Reordering the equation:
a = (t to) = v vo

v = vo + a (t to)

Notice that de velocity equation corresponds to a straight line, so when velocity versus time graph is
represented, a straight line is obtained. Bellow, it is represented a general example where v0 and t0 are
different from cero:

v (m/s)


t0 t t (s)

The painted area below the graph represents the displacement x in the time interval t = t-t0. When this area
is calculated:
x = vo (t to) + 12 (v vo) (t to)
x = x xo
Reordering the equation of velocity:
v vo = a(t to)
When x and (v-v0) are substituted by their values in x equation:
x xo = vo (t to)+12a(t to) (t to)
x = xo + vo(t to) +12 a(t to)2
This is the general equation of the position in a rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
So to summary, a rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion is defined by two equations:

v = vo + a (t to)
x = xo + vo(t to) +12 a(t to)2
Physics and Chemistry

Now, look into the following exercises in order to learn how to use them:

1. A car starts from rest and gets the velocity 100 km/h in 20 s.
a. Calculate the acceleration of the motion
b. Calculate the distance covered by the car in the 20 s.
Data Solving method
x0 = 0 m a) Beforehand, we need to know the final velocity v in the International
v0 = 0 m/s System unit:
t0 = 0s km 1000m 1h
100 = 27,78 ms
v = 100km/h h 1km 3600s
t = 20s The definition of acceleration or the velocity equation of the motion may be
used to calculate the acceleration:
v vo
a=? v = vo + a (t to) or a =
t to
27,78m/s 0m/s
20s 0s
a = 1,39 m/s2
b) The equation of the position x need to be used:
x = xo + vo(t to) + 1 a(t to)2
x= 1,39m/s 20s2
x = 277,8 m

2. A car moving at a velocity of 40 m/s slows down in order to avoid to crash into a wall situated 200 m
away. Calculate the minimum acceleration needed to avoid the collision.
Data Solving method
x0= 0 m a) The velocity equation of the motion may be used to calculate the acceleration:
v0= 40 m/s v = vo + a (t to) or 0 m/ s = 40 m/s + a(t 0)
t0 = 0s at = 40
v = 0 m/s But two unknown magnitudes have to be found, so we need to use the
x = 20 m equation of the position, x:
t =? x = xo + vo(t to) + 1 a(t to)2
a=? m
200m = 0m + 40 t + 1 at2
s 2
200 = 40t + at1 2
So, we have two equation with two to solve a system:
at = 40
200 = 40t + 1 at2
To solve the product a.t is substituted for its value, which is 40:
200 = 40t + 1 (40)t
200 = 20 t
t = 10 s
Replacing the time in the equation:
at = 40
a = 4 m/s2
Workbook 4 ESO

Practice rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion solving the following problems:

1. An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3,2 m/s2 for 32 s until finally it lifts off the ground. Determine the
distance traveled before takeoff.
2. A race car accelerates uniformly from 20 m/s to 50 m/s in 2,5 seconds. Determine the acceleration of the
car and the distance traveled.
3. A car traveling at 23 m/s slides to a stop in 2,55 s. Determine the skidding distance of the car (assume
uniform acceleration).

3.2 Position versus time and velocity versus time graphs

When the toy train engine is accelerated and photographed each 2 seconds in its motion on a table

t = 0s t = 2s t = 4s t = 6s t = 8s

x = 0m x =0,03 m x = 0,12 m x = 0,27 m x = 0,48 m

Notice that the longer time the longer displacement covered by the train engine in 2 seconds.
If x-distance is plotted versus time:
x (m)

x-distance versus time is a parabolic graph

A uniformly accelerated motion is characterized for having
a constant acceleration. Consequently, velocity versus time
graph is a proportional graph whose slope (gradient of the
line) represents the acceleration:

v v2 v1
a= =
t t2 t1

6 v (m/s)
0 2 4 8 10 t (s)

The graph velocity versus time of the motion of the toy train 0,1
engine will be represented:




2 4 6 8 10 t (s)
Physics and Chemistry

Practice uniformly accelerated motion graphs solving the following exercises:

1. Describe the motion represented in the following graphs:

x (m) x (m) x (m)

6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

1 2 3 4 5 t (s) 1 2 3 4 t (s) 1 2 3 4 t (s)

Graph A Graph B Graph C

Compare them and make a comment.
2. Represent the graph position versus time of the following motions and calculate the velocity of the motions:
a. A body approaches to the observer from 20 m, while slows down. 15 seconds later it reaches the
observer position and stops.
b. A car situated 5 meters far from the observer goes away and accelerates, getting a position of 50 m in
10 seconds.
c. A car goes away and slows down from the reference point to 50 m far away where it stops in 2 seconds.
3. Interpret the following graph which represents the motion of a boy from his home. For doing it:
a. Interpret each stretch
b. Calculate the velocity in the stretches with uniform motion and the acceleration in the stretches with
accelerated motion.

x (m)

800 B C


10 20 30 40 t (min)

Workbook 4 ESO


The free falling motion is an interesting sort of uniformly accelerated motion with a vertical down acceleration,
characterized for having a constant value of 9,8 m/s2. It takes place when a body is thrown in a vertical direction
or when the body is let falling.
Two examples are represented bellow:
a = -9,8m/s2 V0 = 0 m/s

Example A Example B

a = -9,8m/s V0

Example A represents a body which is thrown up with a vertical velocity V0. As the acceleration has a direction
opposite the velocity, the body slows down and reaches a maximum high when its velocity is cero. In a following
step the body falls down in a motion represented in example B.
Example B represents a body which is let falling down without any initial velocity. As the acceleration has the
same direction of the velocity, the body speeds up till getting the floor.

4.1 Position versus time and velocity versus time graphs

The following graph represents the movement of a body which is thrown up with a V0= 20 m/s
Graph velocity versus time: Graph position y versus time:

y (m)
v (m/s) 20


20 10

10 5

1 2 3 4 5 t (s)
1 2 3 4 5 t (s)

1. Velocity proportionally decreases throughout 2 1. The body goes up throughout 2 seconds.

seconds. 2. The body reachs its highest possition.
2. The body reaches its highest position and stops. 3. The body falls down untill collision with the ground.
3. Then velocity proportionally increases untill it
collides with the ground.

Physics and Chemistry

In the example above, as an example some parameters will be calculated:

1. Time invested in reaching the highest position:

Data Solving method
y0 = 0m At the highest position the body stops so v=0 m/s. Consequently the equation
v0 =20 m/s of the velocity may be used:
t0 = 0s v = v0 + a(t t0)
t =? 0 m = 20 m 9,8 m2 (t 0)
s s s
a = 9,8m/s2
20 = 9,8t
t = 20 s
t = 2,04 s

2. The highest position of the body

Data Solving method
y0 = 0 m We need to use the equation of the position, y:
v0 = 20 m/s y = y0 + v0(t t0) + 1 a(t t0)2
t0 = 0s
y = 20 2,04 s 9,8 m2 (2,04 s)2
m 1
t = 2,04 s s 2 s
a = 9,8 m/s2 y = 40,8 m 20,4 m
y=? y = 20,4 m

3. The time invested in coming back to the floor

Data Solving method
y0 = 0m When a body comes back to the floor the position is y=0 m . For that reason we
v0 = 20 m/s need to use the equation of the position, x:
t0 = 0s y = y0 + v0 (t t0) + 1 a(t t0 )2
t =? 0 m = 0m + 20 m t 1 9,8 m2 t2
s 2 s
a = 9,8 m/s2 0 = 20t 4,9t2
0 = (20 4,9t)t
0 = 20 4,9t
t = 20 s
t = 4,08 s

4. Velocity of the body when it collides with the floor

Data Solving method
y0 = 0 m The velocity equation of the motion may be used to calculate the velocity when
v0 = 20 m/s the body collides with the floor:
t0 = 0s v = v0 + a(t t0)
t = 4,08s v = 20 m 9,8 m2 4,08 s
s s
a = 9,8 m/s2 m m
v = 20 40
s s
v = 20 m
The velocity has a negative value because the body is falling down.

Workbook 4 ESO

Practice free falling motion solving the following problems:

1. An object is vertically thrown up at a rate of 30 m/s. Calculate:
a. Its velocity and position a second later
b. The highest position of the object and time spent in reaching it.
c. Velocity when the object touches the floor and time invested in it.
2. A ball is falling down from a height of 10 m. How long does it take it to collide with the floor? Calculate its
velocity when it touches the floor.
3. Determine the time required for a penny to free fall from the deck of a skyscraper, 370 m tall, to the street
4. With what speed must an object be thrown to reach a height of 91 m?


Uniform circular motion is described as the motion of a body in a circle at a constant speed. As a body is moving
in a circle the direction of the velocity vector is constantly changing.

Acceleration is the vector magnitude which produces a change in the velocity vector. But the velocity vector can
change in:
1. Module: when the rate or speed is increasing or slowing down. The acceleration which produces this
change in the velocity module is called tangential acceleration. It has been studied in the accelerated
motions above.
2. Direction: when the trajectory described by the body in motion is curvilinear. The acceleration which
produces this change in the velocity direction is called normal acceleration or centripetal acceleration.

The direction of the acceleration vector is perpendicular to the velocity v

vector and its module is calculated by the equation:
an= v

Where v is the speed and R in a circular motion corresponds to the radius of the circle.

5.1 Magnitudes to study circular motion:

In order to study uniform circular motions, some angular magnitudes must be

Angular displacement (): is the angle through which a point or line has been
rotated in a specified sense about a specified axis.
The IS unit of angular displacement in the radian (rad).
A complete circle corresponds to 2 rad

Angular velocity (): is the rate of change of angular displacement ():

( 0)
( t t0)

The IS unit of angular velocity is rad/s.

Physics and Chemistry

When angular displacement is measured in degrees, then angular velocity can be expressed in degrees per
When angular displacement is measured in revolutions, then angular velocity can be expressed in revolutions
per second (rps).
In order to convert to the IS unit it is necessary to take in mind this equality: 1 revolution= 2 rad
So when the angular velocity is expressed as 30 rps, it can be converted to the IS unit following the process:
rev 2 rad
30 = 60 rad/s
s 1 rev
Sometimes angular velocity is expressed in revolutions per minute (rpm). For example 30 rpm is converted to
the IS unit in the following way:
rev 2 rad 1min
30 = rad/s
s 1 rev 60s
Other two interesting magnitudes are:
Period (T) is the time invested in covering a complete revolution. It is expressed in seconds.
Frequency (f)is the number of revolutions covered in a second. It is expressed in hertz (Hz). Notice that
1 hertz = 1 rev/s so the frequency corresponds to the angular velocity expressed in rps.
Period and frequency are inverse proportional magnitudes, what means that:

Angular magnitudes and are proportionally related to linear magnitudes s and v in such a way that:
When the angular displacement is a revolution, 2 rad, the distance covered corresponds to 2R meters
When the angular displacement is a half of revolution, rad, the distance covered corresponds to R
Generalising, when the angular displacement is rad, the distance is R meters. Then the equation that relates
angular displacement and distance is expressed:


In the same way, as v = s/t and = /t, it may be conclude that:


Now, look into the following exercise in order to learn how to solve problems of circular motion:

Example: A fly stops 5 cm away from the central point of a disc, which is moving at an angular
velocity of 45rpm. Calculate:
A. The angular velocity expressed in the IS unit.

Data Solving method

= 45 rpm We have to convert to the IS unit
45 revolutions 1 min 2 rad
= = 1,5 rad/s
1 min 60 s 1 revolution

Workbook 4 ESO

B. The linear velocity v

Data Solving method
= 1,5 rad/s We need to use the equation that relates linear velocity to angular velocity:
R = 5 cm v=R
=0,05 m
v = 1,5 rad 0,05m
v = 0,24 m/s
C. The angular displacement in 30 s
Data Solving method
= 1,5 rad/s We need to use the angular velocity definition:
t = 30 s
1,5 rad/s =
30 s
= 45 rad
D. The distance covered in 30 s
Data Solving method
= 45 ad We need to use the equation that relates the angular displacement and the
R = 0,05 m distance:
s = R s = 45 rad 0,05m
s = 7,07 m
E. The frequency of its motion
Data Solving method
= 45 rpm We have to convert to rps or Hz
45 revolutions 1 min
f = = 0,75 Hz
1 min 60 s

F. Its period
Data Solving method
f = 0,75 Hz We have to relate frequency to period
1 1
T= = = 1,33 s
f 0,75

G. The time required to describe 5 revolutions

Data Solving method
f = 0,75 Hz We have to use the proportional relationship:
0,75 revolutions 5 revolutions
1s t
t = 6,66 s

Physics and Chemistry

Practice uniform circular motion solving the following problems:

1. A satellite spins around the Earth, tracing a circular trajectory with a radius of 7370 km. Its period is 2 hours.
a. Its frequency
b. Its angular velocity expressed in the IS unit
c. Its acceleration. Which sort of acceleration is acting?
d. Its linear velocity
e. The linear distance covered in a minute
2. The Moon is situated 384000 km away from the Earth and it takes it 28 days to complete a passage revolu-
tion. If its orbit is supposed to be circular and its speed is constant:
a. Calculate its passage angular speed
b. Calculate the linear speed of the Moon passage motion
c. Is the Moon accelerating in its motion? Which sort of acceleration does it have? Calculate its value.
d. Calculate the daily angular displacement of the Moon
3. The frequency of a carousel is 0,02 Hz. If the diameter of the carousel is 16 m, calculate:
a. Its angular velocity
b. The period of the motion
c. The speed of a peripheral point
d. The angular displacement in 5 minutes


To calculate the acceleration of a rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion.
To find the equation of a rectilinear motion
A chronometer, a slide and a marble.
1. Build a low slide
2. Mark the initial position point and different positions till the end of the slide.
3. Measure 10 times the time invested to the marble in reaching each position from the starting point. Try to
follow the rules:
a. Dont push the ball
b. Be sure that the chronometer is in the cero point when you start each measurement
c. Start measuring the time invested in covering the longest distance.

Workbook 4 ESO

4. Fill the following table:

Time (s)
0 cm 10 cm 20 cm 30 cm 40 cm ........ cm ........ cm
t EA
5. Calculate and answer:
a. What is the average velocity between 0 and 10 cm?
b. What is the average velocity between 0 and 20 cm?
c. What is the average velocity between 0 and 30 cm?
d. What is the average velocity between 0 and 40 cm?
e. What is the average velocity between 0 and .. cm?
f. What is the average velocity between 0 and cm?
6. Taking in mind the ball trajectory and the calculated average speeds. What sort of motion are you experi-
menting with?
7. Write the equations of the motion:
8. Does the motion have normal acceleration?
9. Does the motion have tangential acceleration?
10. Fill the following table with the average values:

Displacement time (t) Squared time (t2)

0 cm 0s 0s2
10 cm
20 cm
30 cm
40 cm

11. Draw a graph representing position on the ordinate axis and time on the abscise axis. Which sort of graph
have you drawn?
12. Draw a graph representing position on the ordinate axis and the square of time on the abscise axis. The
gradient of the resulting line represents a half of the acceleration of the motion. Calculate the gradient of
the line and then the acceleration.
13. Express the final equations of the motion.

Physics and Chemistry


Relative motion is just a way of saying that sometimes different people will perceive differences in the motion of
the same object. This phenomenon happens because they are using different frames of reference.
For example if I was standing on the road throwing stones forwards at a speed of 15 m/s, other people standing
on the sidewalk will perceive the stones exactly in the same way as me.
Imagine now I am throwing stones exactly at the same speed while simultaneously I am moving away on my
bicycle at a speed of 20 m/s. I would say the stones are moving at a speed of 15 m/s while the people on the
sidewalk would affirm that before I throw a stone it is moving at 20 m/s. Therefore, when the stone is thrown it
is moving at a speed of 15m/s + 20m/s = 35m/s.
Now, I start throwing the stones backwards from the bicycle. I would still say that the stones are moving at
15m/s, because from my point of view, thats how fast the stones are moving. The only difference in the speed of
the stone is that the speed is now negative, 15m/s, because it is moving in the opposite direction. However,
the people on the sidewalk would perceive the stones moving at 20m/s15m/s =5m/s.
In each of the above examples, we are really talking about two different people having two different frames of
reference while measuring the relative velocity of one object. Now, ask yourself how fast you are moving when
you are sitting at your desk. Relative to the ground, you are not moving, but relative to the Sun, you are moving
at the Earths velocity.
Surely, you have experienced sometime the feeling that your car was moving backwards while you were stopped
at a red light next to a bus. Seconds later, you noticed that really the bus was moving forward and your car had
remained stopped. Your brain knew that the bus was stopped on the road and it was perceived as part of the
reference frame of the ground. When your brain saw the bus moving forwards, it had already decided that the
bus wont move, so, the only option remaining is that you must be moving backwards.

Now answer the next questions related to the text:

1. Draw the scheme of the three different situations shown in the reading about the writer throwing stones.
2. You are on a trolley at the supermarket moving at a speed of 1,5 m/s. From your reference frame: Are the
shelves of the supermarket moving? At which speed?
3. Your mother has stopped to catch a product from one shelve and you throw a coin to her at a speed of 3 m/s.
What is the speed of the coin from her reference frame?
4. Imagine you throw the coin in the opposite direction. Which speed does the coin now have from your
mothers reference frame?


In this didactic unit, we have studied speed and acceleration, we will finish talking about a place where speed
and acceleration are so important that our life depends on them: the road.
Road safety is very important. It allows us to reduce risk and prevent accidents when we follow traffic laws.
One of the things that must be done when driving is to respect the security distance. There are many possible
causes for an accident, but if we respect the security distance we can avoid serious accidents and multiple
Imagine that you are travelling in a car at a speed of 120 km/h and suddenly the car that is travelling in front of
you stops and you have to hit the brakes in order to avoid an accident.
First of all, there is a reaction time before you realize that the car in front of you is stopping. Typically, that time
is calculated to be about 1,5 seconds, but it depends on many factor, such us visibility, light, age or tiredness of
the driver. That is one of the reasons why it is so important not to consume alcohol or drugs before driving. This
kind of substances make the reaction time increase in a significant way.

Workbook 4 ESO

Once you have realized that the car in front of you has stopped and you have hit the brakes, the car starts to slow
but it doesnt stop immediately. It needs certain time to stop and it goes a certain distance while it stops, which
will depend on the initial speed of the car.
That is why it is so important to keep the security distance and to respect the speed limit; we can avoid many
accidents by respecting it!

Now answer the next questions related to the text:

1. What factors do the reaction time depends on? Can you think about more factors that dont appear in the
2. Why do you think is it important to respect the speed limit?
3. You are travelling in a car at a speed of 120 km/h. The car in front of you stops suddenly. Imagining that your
reaction time is 1,5 s, what distance do you travel before stopping?
4. Repeat activity 3 but with an initial speed of 100 km/h. what distance will you travel then before stopping?
5. In a foggy day, why Is it even more important to respect the security distance?

Kinematics Types of motion Vocabulary related to the motion

Rectilinear trajectory Wind-up toy To go away

Uniform Constant velocity Conveyor belt To converge
motion Velocity doesnt change Billiard balls To collide
Velocity remains constant To approach

Reference frame To throw up

Observer Rectilinear trajectory Airplane To lift off
Trajectory Uniformly Constant acceleration Runway To slide
Position vector accelerated
Tangential acceleration Skidding distance To take off speed
Displacement vector motion Speeding up motion Free falling motion To reach
Covered distance Slowing down motion To fall down
Velocity To decelerate
Curvilinear trajectory
Circular trajectory
Constant speed Disc
Time invested in + .ing
Uniform Normal acceleration Carousel
To spend time
circular Angular displacement Peripherial point
motion Angular velocity Passage revolution
Frequency Rotation revolution
Periodic motion

Physics and Chemistry


1. The following graph shows two different bodies rectilinear motion:
Describe each motion
a. Calculate their velocities
b. Which time do both bodies occupy the same position?
2. A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly over a time of 5 100
seconds for a distance of 110 m. Determine the acceleration of the
3. A feather is dropped on the moon from a height of 1,40 meters. The 60
acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1,67 m/s2. Determine the time
for the feather to fall to the surface of the moon.
4. A scooter is moving from Oxford to London at a speed of 70 km/h and
a motorbike, which starts moving 15 minutes later, goes from London
to Oxford at a speed of 110 km/h. If the distance from Oxford to 2 4 6 10 t(s)
London is 97 km, calculate at which position from London the
scooter and the motorbike will meet on the road.
5. A circular platform, with a radio of 1,5 m, is spinning describing 30 revolutions in a minute. Calculate:
a. Its frequency
b. Its angular velocity expressed in the IS unit
c. Its period
d. The linear velocity of a peripheral point
6. A plane has a take-off speed of 88 m/s and requires 1365 m to reach that speed. Determine the acceleration
of the plane and the time required to reach this speed.
7. Is it possible to be accelerating while the speedometer is constantly indicating a velocity of 30 km/h?
8. Calculate the Earth rotation angular velocity and express it in the IS unit. The Earth radius is 6370 km.
9. Davina is driving his car at 80Km/h. She accelerates at 3 m/s2 for 10 seconds and then she keeps the same
velocity for 20 more seconds.
a. Draw Davinas motion in a velocity-time graph.
b. Calculate the total distance traveled.
10. Two villages A and B are separated by 20 km. From A to B a cyclist is riding at a speed of 18 km/h. A half of an
hour after the cyclist departure, a motorist goes from B to A at a speed of 80 km/h. Calculate time invested
in meeting on the road and the meeting position from village A.
11. A cyclist rides around a circular circuit with a radius of 10 m. His velocity is 12 m/s.
a. Calculate his angular velocity
b. Determine the centripetal acceleration of his motion.
12. Interpret the following speed versus time graph: v (m/s)



20 80 100 t (s)
13. Draw in a position-time graph a train motion studied from the platform:
a. The train uniformly approaches to the platform from 100 meters away
b. The train stops at the platform 10 seconds later
c. During 10 seconds travelers leave the train
d. The train starts and uniformly moves away covering 100 m during the following 10 seconds.
Workbook 4 ESO

How much have you learnt?

1. A bike accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 10 m/s over a distance of 35,4 m. Determine the
acceleration of the bike.
2. A kangaroo is capable of jumping to a height of 2,62 m. Determine the takeoff speed of the kangaroo.
3. Calculate the Earth passage angular speed around the Sun and express it in the IS unit. Take in mind that the
Earth-Sun distance is 150 millions of km.
4. A swimmer falls down from a springboard situated 10 m high. Calculate his immersion velocity in the pool
5. Alan is travelling with his car at a constant speed of 1 mile/minute for 15 minutes. Then, he decelerates a
0,5 mile/min2 for 3 minutes.
a. Draw the velocity-time graph for the motion.
b. Calculate the total distance travelled by Alan.
6. A driver watches a stop situated 200 m away when his car is moving at a speed of 120 km/h. He hits the
brakes and the car slows down with an acceleration of 3 m/s2. Calculate the skipping distance and decide if
the driver respects the stop signal.
7. A bicycle goes from Portsmouth to Exeter at a speed of 30 km/h. One hour later a scooter run after it at a
speed of 80 km/h. If the distance from Portsmouth to Exeter is 204 km, at which position from Exeter will
the scooter catch the bicycle?
8. May the following graph represent a body motion? Explain your answer.

x (m)


40 C

10 20 30 t (s)

9. The car A leaves Toro and drives to Zamora at a constant speed of 110 km/h. Five minutes later, the car B
leaves Zamora and drives to Toro at a constant speed of 120 km/h. The distance between Toro and Zamora
is 32 km. Calculate:
a. How long does it take to the car A to meet car B?
b. The position both cars meet each other, taking the reference frame in Zamora.
10. Interpret the following graph which represents the movement of a boy from his home. For doing it, interpret
each stretch and calculate the velocity in each stretch
x (m)




0 10 30 40 t (min)


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