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ISSN 0734242X
Waste Management & Research
2010: 28: 430435
DOI: 10.1177/0734242X09351905

Effect of natural pozzolans as mineral admixture on

the performance of cemented-paste backfill of
sulphide-rich tailings
Bayram Ercikdi, Ferdi Cihangir, Ayhan Kesimal, Haci Deveci, brahim Alp
Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey

This paper presents the effect of the natural pozzolans as mineral additives on the short- and long-term strength and stability
performance of cemented paste backfill (CPB) samples. Prior to their use in CPB studies, the natural pozzolans the volcanic
tuffs (Akkus Trass [AT] and Fatsa Trass [FT]) and pumice (KP) were tested for their pozzolanic characteristics. These tests
revealed that the pozzolanic activity of the natural pozzolans is closely inter-related with their content of reactive silica and,
accordingly, KP has the highest pozzolanic activity. The addition, or increasing the amount, of natural pozzolans in the binder
phase resulted in a slower rate of strength development of CPB samples. The deterioration in stability of CPB samples prepared
from Portland cement (PC) alone (i.e. a strength loss of 24.6%) occurred following 56 days. The replacement of PC with FT and
AT led to even higher losses in strength. However, the addition of KP (up to 30 wt%) mitigated, to a certain extent, long-term
strength and stability problems with the losses in strength of CPB samples consistently lower than 20%. It can be inferred that
the performance of the natural pozzolans as a mineral additive in CPB is dependent intimately on their pozzolanic character-

Keywords: cemented paste backfill, natural pozzolan, sulphide tailings, waste management, mine and environment

Increasingly, large quantities of potentially hazardous sul- et al. 2004). This reduces the tailings disposal and rehabilita-
phide tailings (e.g. 3.5 and 5 million tonnes in 2005 and 2008, tion costs, and renders the mining operations more environ-
respectively) are annually produced in base metal mining mentally friendly.
and milling operations in Turkey (DPT 2007). In recent years, CPB is produced from dewatered process tailings (70
some mining projects have not been further developed due 85% solids by weight), a hydraulic binder (38% by weight)
to the public concern for the environmental issues associ- and mix water. The long-term stability problems experienced
ated with the management of mine waste and mill tailings with CPB made with high sulphide tailings are probably asso-
(Hill 2008). ciated with the formation of acid and sulphate via the oxida-
The management of tailings is a costly operation, typically tion of the pyrite present (i.e. acid and sulphate attack; Kesi-
accounting for 1.52.0% of total operating costs in both zinc mal et al. 2004). The resistance of the binder to sulphate
and copper operations (Knapman 2001). The improper dis- attack was identified as the most influential factor determin-
posal/storage of the tailings under atmospheric conditions ing the performance and stability of CPB when sulphide-rich
may lead to environmental problems (i.e. the formation of tailings were used (Ercikdi et al. 2009a).
acid mine waters and the release of heavy and toxic metals). The addition of binder (38% by weight) provides strength
In recent years, cemented paste backfill (CPB) technology and stability to CPB, which is required to produce an uncon-
has gained importance, since all the mill tailings produced in fined compressive strength of 0.72 MPa at 28 days (Brake-
mineral processing operations can be placed safely into the busch 1994). Binder costs represent 5080% of the operat-
underground openings created during ore production (Yilmaz ing costs (approximately US$1.00 per ton of paste backfill)

Corresponding author: Bayram Ercikdi, Mining Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey
Received 4 December 2008; accepted in revised form 22 September 2009

Natural pozzolans and the performance of cemented-paste backfill

in a CPB plant (Benzaazoua et al. 2004). In this regard, the Materials and methods
optimization of binder dosage and/or the utilization of cost- Tailings material
effective binders without affecting the performance of CPB The experimental sample was obtained from the tailings
are of practical importance. The use of pozzolanic materi- stream of a copperzinc mill located in the northeast of Tur-
als was driven mainly by the availability of these materials key. Fines (20 m) content of the tailings was determined to
at low cost and by their potential to improve binder proper- be 40% using a Malvern Mastersizer.
ties (in particular, workability, permeability and resistance The tailings were rich in sulphide (sulphide content
to sulphate attack) and, hence ultimately, to enhance the 26.2%) and pyrite was identified as the major sulphide com-
strength and durability performance of CPB (Ercikdi et al. ponent of the tailings sample. Further detailed physical,
2009b). chemical and mineralogical properties of the tailings used in
Natural pozzolans (e.g. volcanic tuff, pumice, etc.), which this study can be found elsewhere (Ercikdi et al. 2009a,b).
are extensively used in the production of blended cements,
may be considered as an alternative and cheap source of poz- Binder reagents
zolanic material for CPB. These natural materials are also Ordinary Portland cement (CEM I 42.5) was used alone and
readily available in countries such as Turkey, which has vast in combination with the natural pozzolans at different replace-
resources with almost 155,000 km2 of the country being cov- ment levels (1030% by weight). Two different volcanic tuffs
ered by rocks of volcanic origin (Turkmenoglu & Tankut (Akkus Trass [AT] and Fatsa Trass [FT]) and pumice (KP)
2002). Despite extensive research on artificial pozzolans, the were used as natural pozzolans. The physical and chemical
use of natural pozzolans in CPB has received apparently no characterization of the natural pozzolans (Table 1) were per-
attention. In this study, the performance of natural pozzo- formed according to the methods specified in TS EN 196-2
lans (volcanic tuffs and pumice) for the partial replacement (2002) and TS EN 196-6 (2000). Reactive silica content of
of Portland cement in CPB was evaluated over 7360 days of the natural pozzolans was determined as specified in TS EN
curing periods. The physical, chemical and pozzolanic char- 197-1 (2002). Pozzolanic activities of the samples (AT, FT
acteristics of the natural pozzolans were examined and cor- and KP) were determined using graded standard sand as pre-
related with their performance in CPB. scribed by TS 25 (1975).

Table 1: Chemical and physical properties of Portland cement (CEM I) and the natural pozzolans (volcanic tuffs, AT and FT, and pumice, KP)
used in the tests.

Characteristic PC (%) AT (%) FT (%) KP (%)

Chemical composition
SiO2 20.3 55.8 57.3 62.8
Reactive SiO2 35.0 25.9 55.9
Al2O3 5.9 16.1 18.6 16.2
Fe2O3 2.8 6.9 4.7 3.8
CaO 61.0 8.6 5.7 2.9
MgO 1.2 4.0 1.5 0.8
SO3 3.0 0.2 0.2 0.1
Na2O 0.3 2.2 2.8 2.9
K2O 1.1 2.2 4.0 2.5
TiO2 0.5 0.8 0.7
Cl 101 ppm 67 ppm 85 ppm 18 ppm
Free CaO 1.1 ND ND ND
Residue 1.2 ND ND ND
Loss-on-ignition 3.8 3.1 3.7 6.8
Physical properties
Specific gravity (g cm3) 3.01 2.65 2.58 2.41
2 1
Specific surface (cm g ) 4345 4940 6975 7710
Grinding time (min) ND 90 90 45
Retained on 200 m sieve (%) 0.6 0.2
Retained on 90 m sieve (%) 2.2 17.3 10.7 1.0
Retained on 45 m sieve (%) 15.8 40.3 27.7 11.8
ND, Not determined.

B. Ercikdi, F. Cihangir, A. Kesimal, H. Deveci, . Alp

Table 2: Chemical and mechanical properties of the natural pozzolans compared with TS 25.

Loss on 7th day flexural 7th day compressive

SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 MgO SO3 Reactive
TS 25 ignition strength strength
(%) (%) (%) SiO2
(%) (MPa) (MPa)
TS 25 > 70.0 < 5.0 < 3.0 < 10.0 > 1.0 > 4.0
FT 80.6 1.5 0.2 25.9 3.7 1.2 6.4
AT 78.8 4.0 0.2 35.0 3.1 1.6 8.1
KP 82.8 0.8 0.1 55.9 6.8 2.6 13.3

Preparation and testing of CPB samples compressive strengths were directly proportional to reactive
To prepare CPB samples at 5 wt% binder dosage (240 in total), SiO2. This is consistent with the findings in this study.
the tailings, binder (PC and PC/natural pozzolan) and tap
water were homogenized in a mixer (Univex SRMF20 Stand Effect of addition of natural pozzolans on the performance
model) equipped with a double spiral. The mixture were of CPB
poured into plastic cylinders (10 20 cm), which were then When PC was used solely as the binder phase (i.e. no addi-
sealed and allowed to cure in a humidity room (80% humid- tion of the natural pozzolan), the development of the uncon-
ity) for periods of 7360 days. After curing, the CPB samples fined compressive strength (UCS) of CPB was rapid and
were subjected to UCS tests according to ASTM C 39 (2002) peaked at a curing period of 56 days (Figure 1). Thereafter, a
using a computer-controlled mechanical press (ELE Digital trend of decline in UCS was apparent as an indication of the
Tritest), which had a load capacity of 50 kN and a displace- onset of the loss of stability of CPB. The mechanical behav-
ment speed of 0.5 mm min1. iour of CPB samples produced from the volcanic tuffs (FT
and AT) at different replacement levels for PC was similar in
Studies on microstructure and mineralogy of CPB character (Figure 1A,B). However, these samples produced
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses were performed consistently lower UCSs than those prepared from PC alone
to characterize the microstructure and texture of the various over 360-days. The loss of strength of CPB samples contain-
360-day CPB samples using a LEO scanning electron micro- ing AT and FT was also more severe than those containing
scope. Energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) of an X-ray PC only (Table 3). It can be inferred that AT and FT are not
probe coupled to the SEM was also used to aid the identifi- particularly suitable as mineral additives for CPB of the sul-
cation of mineral phases present. X-ray diffraction (XRD; phide-rich tailings.
Philips Xpert PW 3040 Diffractometer) analyses of the ace- Figure 1C illustrates the performance of CPB samples of
tone-treated CPB samples were also carried out to investi- pumice, KP as the pozzolanic additive in partial replacement
gate the crystalline phases present with particular reference (up to 30 wt%) of PC. As also observed for the volcanic tuffs
to the secondary minerals formed during the curing process. (Figure 1A,B), the development of strength of CPB samples
became slower with adding or further increasing the pro-
Results and discussion portion of KP in the binder phase (Figure 1C). This could
Pozzolanic characteristics of the volcanic tuffs and pumice be linked with the inherent slowness of pozzolanic reactions
The chemical composition of volcanic tuffs (AT and FT) and
pumice (KP; Table 1) suggest that these materials fulfil the
Table 3: Comparison of the extent of loss of strength of CPB samples
specifications of TS 25 with a SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 content
using PC and natural pozzolans (FT, AT and KP) as partial
of > 78% (Table 2). The results of pozzolanic activity tests are replacement of PC at different levels (1030 wt%).
also shown in Table 2 where the standard values (TS 25 1975)
are also presented for comparison. The compressive and flex- Strength loss (%) Reactive SiO2
ural strengths of the mortar samples produced from KP were PC 24.6
found to be 2.6 and 3.3 times, respectively, higher than those 10% FT 36
specified in TS 25 (1975). The findings also indicated that the
20% FT 40 25.9
volcanic tuffs (AT and FT) had pozzolanic activities lower
30% FT 43
than KP (Table 2). The relative degree of pozzolanic activity
shown by these natural pozzolans appeared to be intercon- 10% AT 35
nected with their respective reactive silica content (Tables 1 20% AT 24 35.0
and 2). avdar & Yetgin (2007) found that the pozzolanic 30% AT 36
activity of natural pozzolans increased with an increase in 10% KP 20
SiO2 content and decreased with an increase in Al2O3, Fe2O3,
20% KP 15 55.9
MgO and K2O content. Papadakis et al. (2002) reported that
30% KP 10
the pozzolanic activity of natural pozzolans and hence their

Natural pozzolans and the performance of cemented-paste backfill

Fig. 1: The strength development of the CPB samples produced from the tailings sample using PC (CEM I) and the volcanic tuff, FT (A), AT (B)
and KP (C), as mineral additive (up to 30 wt%) at 5 wt% binder dosage.

B. Ercikdi, F. Cihangir, A. Kesimal, H. Deveci, . Alp

occurring during the curing of CPB samples. Furthermore, ity. In this regard, a visible densification around the natural
the activation of pozzolanic material in the binder phase is pozzolan grains was observed to occur, apparently due to the
dependent on the presence of alkaline phases such as port- hydration of these grains and hence the formation of addi-
landite (Ca(OH)2), which would become available as the tional cementitious phases such as CSH (Figure 2BD).
hydration of PC progressed. However, the incorporation of The tailings sample used in this study is composed pre-
KP into the binder phase appeared to improve the stability dominantly of pyrite. Ouellet et al. (2006) confirmed that the
of CPB samples between days 90360 (i.e. strength losses of oxidation of sulphide phases such as pyrite present in CPB
20% c.f. 24.6% for PC alone; Table 3). Increasing the dosage could occur under the curing conditions in the presence of air
of KP (up to 30 wt%) in the binder phase increased further its and moisture. The oxidation of pyrite would lead to the forma-
beneficial effect on the long-term performance of CPB sam- tion of acid and sulphate (Equation 1) that could react with the
ples with only a 10% loss of strength at 30% replacement level hydration products (Equations 2 and 3), i.e. the phenomenon
over the same period. The binder dosage can be increased known as sulphate attack (Yilmaz et al. 2004). The sulphate
beyond 5 wt% to improve the strength acquisition/stability attack could culminate in the formation of expansive phases
characteristics of CPB samples containing KP. such as gypsum (Equation 2) and ettringite (Equation 3) and in
Based on the relative strength and stability performance the decalcification/destruction of CSH with the eventual loss
of CPB samples, KP as a pozzolanic admixture appeared of stability (Kesimal et al. 2005, Ercikdi et al. 2009a,b).
more suitable than volcanic tuffs, AT and FT (Figure 1AC).
This was consistent with their relative pozzolanic activities as 4FeS2 + 15O2 + 8H2O 2Fe2O3 + 8SO42 + 16H+ (1)
shown in Table 2. In effect, the performance of these natural
pozzolans can be correlated well with their content of reac- Ca(OH)2 + SO42 + 2H2O CaSO4.2H2O + 2OH (2)
tive silica (Table 3).
3CaO.Al2O3 + 3CaSO4.2H2O + 30H2O
Microstructural and mineralogical assessment of CPB
samples 3CaO.Al2O3.3CaSO4.32H2O (3)
The beneficial effect of the addition of pozzolanic materials
on the strength and stability of concrete/backfill can be Formation of secondary gypsum was confirmed in CPB sam-
attributed mainly to the consumption of Ca(OH)2 liberated ples. In this regard, the deterioration of stability of CPB sam-
during the hydration of PC through pozzolanic reactions to ples observed following an initial curing period of 56 or 90
produce secondary CSH with bonding properties. This days (Figure 1AC) could be ascribed to the oxidation of
could also improve the microstructure producing a denser pyrite and, consequently, to the acid and sulphate attack.
packing with the likely reduction in porosity and permeabil- Visual observations on CPB samples after 360 days of curing

Fig. 2: SEM micrographs showing CPB sample textures produced from the tailings using PC alone (CEM I) (A) and the natural pozzolans (KP, AT
and FT; BD, respectively) at 20 wt% replacement level and at a fixed binder dosage of 5 wt%.

Natural pozzolans and the performance of cemented-paste backfill

indicated the development of cracks presumably due to the ticularly suitable binder for CPB of the sulphide-rich tailings
formation of expansive phases. due to the deterioration in the stability of CPB samples in
the long term. The replacement of PC with the volcanic tuffs
Conclusions did not produce the desired effect while the addition and
Cemented paste backfill (CPB) allows the placement of all increasing the dosage of the pumice (KP; 1030 wt%)
the plant tailings underground with significant reductions in appeared to mitigate the long-term stability of CPB sam-
tailings disposal and rehabilitation costs, and aids the con- ples. The performance of KP was consistent with its high
trol of environmental pollution associated otherwise with the pozzolanic activity compared with AT and FT.
storage of such tailings under atmospheric conditions (i.e. The utilization of natural pozzolans as a partial replace-
the formation of acid mine waters and the release of heavy ment of Portland cement may offer potential benefits includ-
and toxic metals). ing the reduction of binder costs and amelioration of the sta-
In this study, the use of natural pozzolans as a partial bility CPB produced from sulphide rich tailings.
replacement of Portland cement (PC) in CPB of sulphide-rich
tailings was examined. The pozzolanic activity of the natural Acknowledgements
materials was found to be closely related to their reactive sil- The authors thank the Research Foundation of Karadeniz
ica content. The addition of the natural pozzolans at 1030 Technical University (Project No: 2005.112.008.1), TUBITAK
wt% levels was shown to slow down the rate of the devel- (Project No: 107M183), DPT (Project No: 2005.200.200.02)
opment of strength of CPB samples over 90 days of curing and Cayeli Copper Mine for financial support, and Prof. Dr
period. CPB studies have also revealed that PC is not a par- akir Erdodu for critical review of the manuscript.

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