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Using the USGS Landsat 8 Product https://landsat.usgs.


Using the USGS Landsat 8 Product


Standard Landsat 8 data products provided by the USGS EROS Center consist of
quantized and calibrated scaled Digital Numbers (DN) representing multispectral
image data acquired by both the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal
Infrared Sensor (TIRS). The products are delivered in 16-bit unsigned integer format
and can be rescaled to the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance and/or radiance
using radiometric rescaling coefficients provided in the product metadata file (MTL
file), as briefly described below. The MTL file also contains the thermal constants
needed to convert TIRS data to the at-satellite brightness temperature.

While the TIRS bands were designed to allow the use of split-window surface
temperature retrieval algorithms, (such as the use of split window techniques for
atmospheric correction and retrieval of surface temperature values), it is
recommended that users refrain from relying on band 11 data in quantitative analysis
of the TIRS data due to the larger calibration uncertainty associated with this band.

Since the launch of Landsat 8 in 2013, thermal energy from outside the normal field
of view (stray light) has affected the data collected in TIRS Bands 10 and 11. This
varies throughout each scene and depends upon radiance outside the instrument field
of view, which users cannot correct in the Landsat Level-1 data product. Band 11 is
significantly more contaminated by stray light than Band 10. It is recommended that
users refrain from using Band 11 data in quantitative analysis including use of Band 11
in split-wind surface temperature retrieval algorithms. Details about Landsat 8 TIRS
stray light can be found in Appendix A of the Landsat 8 Data User Handbook.

Conversion to TOA Radiance

OLI and TIRS band data can be converted to TOA spectral radiance using the
radiance rescaling factors provided in the metadata file:

L = MLQcal + AL


L = TOA spectral radiance (Watts/( m2 * srad * m))

ML = Band-specific multiplicative rescaling factor from the metadata

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Using the USGS Landsat 8 Product

(RADIANCE_MULT_BAND_x, where x is the band number)

AL = Band-specific additive rescaling factor from the metadata
(RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_x, where x is the band number)
Qcal = Quantized and calibrated standard product pixel values (DN)

Conversion to TOA Reflectance

OLI band data can also be converted to TOA planetary reflectance using reflectance
rescaling coefficients provided in the product metadata file (MTL file). The following
equation is used to convert DN values to TOA reflectance for OLI data as follows:

' = MQcal + A


' = TOA planetary reflectance, without correction for solar angle. Note that '
does not contain a correction for the sun angle.
M = Band-specific multiplicative rescaling factor from the metadata
(REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_x, where x is the band number)
A = Band-specific additive rescaling factor from the metadata
(REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_x, where x is the band number)
Qcal = Quantized and calibrated standard product pixel values (DN)

TOA reflectance with a correction for the sun angle is then:

' '
= =
cos(SZ) sin(SE)

= TOA planetary reflectance

SE = Local sun elevation angle. The scene center sun elevation angle in degrees
is provided in the metadata (SUN_ELEVATION).
SZ = Local solar zenith angle; SZ = 90 - SE

For more accurate reflectance calculations, per pixel solar angles could be used
instead of the scene center solar angle, but per pixel solar zenith angles are not
currently provided with the Landsat 8 products.

Conversion to At-Satellite Brightness Temperature

TIRS band data can be converted from spectral radiance to brightness temperature

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Using the USGS Landsat 8 Product

using the thermal constants provided in the metadata file:


T = At-satellite brightness temperature (K)

L = TOA spectral radiance (Watts/( m2 * srad * m))
K1 = Band-specific thermal conversion constant from the metadata
(K1_CONSTANT_BAND_x, where x is the thermal band number)
K2 = Band-specific thermal conversion constant from the metadata
(K2_CONSTANT_BAND_x, where x is the thermal band number)


Landsat represents the world's longest continuously acquired collection of space-

based moderate-resolution land remote sensing data. Four decades of imagery
provides a unique resource for those who work in agriculture, geology, forestry,
regional planning, education, mapping, and global change research. Landsat images
are also invaluable for emergency response and disaster relief.

Landsat Updates

The Landsat Update is an informal communication tool, prepared periodically and

distributed electronically to USGS Landsat partners, to provide information about
Landsat activities and related topics of interest.

Landsat Satellite

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