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Assignment - CLIL



This assignment must be done individually and has to fulfil the following conditions:

- Length: between 6 and 8 pages (without including cover, index or appendices if

there are any-).
- Type of font: Arial or Times New Roman.
- Size: 11.
- Line height: 1.5.
- Alignment: Justified.

The assignment has to be done in this Word document and has to fulfil the rules of
presentation and edition, as for quotes and bibliographical references which are detailed
in the Study Guide.

Also, it has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the Subject

Evaluation document. Sending it to the tutors e-mail is not permitted.

In addition to this, it is very important to read the assessment criteria, which can be
found in the Subject Evaluation document.

Assignment - CLIL


Make a task-based unit proposal applying CLIL methodology. To do this, first describe
the context in which this proposal can be developed (either real or hypothetical):

Student group: nationality, age, number, etc.
Students learning needs
Further considerations

The proposal has to include: learning outcomes, competencies and contents.

Important: you have to write your personal details, the option and the subject
name on the cover (see the next page). The assignment that does not fulfil these
conditions will not be corrected. You have to include the assignment index below
the cover.

Assignment - CLIL

Name and surnames:



Assignment - CLIL


I.E Orestes Sindicce. This institution is located in Colombia, more exactly in Antioquia
department in a municipality called Itagui in the neighborhood Santa Maria. This is a
public high school. This high school is next to the capital of Antioquia, thats to say
Medellin. There is a subway station near the school which travels across all city of
Medellin and is a means of transport to my students which they use to go to Medellin
when they need to go there. For example to watch the game in the stadium between the
principal teams of the region (independent Medellin and Atletico national) which exists a
rivalry. It is important to highlight that the people from this town are friendly in general
although some parents are a little complicated to carry out a good process in the
community. Here the activities that the community develops to survive are two; first is to
make clothes which they sell in the neighborhood in a place called fashion center. Here
many people go to buy wholesale to sell in others departments such as: Choco, Valle
Del Cauca, Eje Cafetero among others. Here you can find all about clothes at favorable
prices and a variety of products made by this community.
The second activity is about groceries; there is a big market called Mayorista de Itagui.
It is located five blocks from school. Here they sell all about food, some students after
class work here in the afternoon because my students study in the morning. Some help
their parents in the local business where they have to sell products such as; potato,
banana, corn, fish, meat, rice, and vegetables among others and the others work to helps
with the household expenses. In most of the cases, the students walk to the school
because they live near the school. Others arrive on bicycles and specific cases there are
a little bit part that arrive by car with their parents or on a school bus. This is done by
students who do not live in the neighborhood.
The municipality has a population of 231.340. It is the third smallest municipality in the
country, with 21.09 km, 3 preceded by the municipality of Providence and Santa
Catalina Islas (18 km) and by Sabaneta, the neighboring population of Medellin (15
km). It is also the most densely populated municipality and is one of the most
industrialized in the country and the neighborhood the population is the 23.068 habitants.
English in Colombia is a foreign Language and it now is taught in most of the schools,
especially in public schools; taking into account that some schools in the private sector

Assignment - CLIL

are bilingual or use English as the language to teach some of their subjects. This process
is carried out in most of the cases by teachers of the same subjects, although in other
cases, math teachers for example, teach their subjects in English using it as a base
(Content and Language Integrated Learning CLIL). Where I analyzed WHO
TEACHES? However, those private schools are for high socioeconomic students which
is not the case; considering that our school is public and is located in a normal
neighborhood where the parents dont have money to pay for a private school, in the
neighborhood Santa Maria (Itagui municipality)
This public school, as any of the other public school in Colombia, is part of the bilingual
Colombia program (Programa Colombia Bilinge) that is in progress and was supposed
to be completed by 2019, but has been postponed to 2025. It intends to offer students
from public schools the access to English and all the educational resources in order to
favor the development of their skills and put them in equal conditions, in relation to tools,
with students at private schools (English, please!, 2016, p:3). Its main objectives are
that students achieve an intermediate level in English (B1 according to the CEFR), when
they finish their high school and also, that all the teachers around the country get at least
an upper intermediate level (B2 according to the CEFR). Even so, the level of English
teachers have, is not high. For instance, some primary and secondary school teachers
do not have a training in teaching English as a foreign language, and their attitude
towards language learning and teaching is not the best because many of them do not
feel confident, do not teach pronunciation, and in many cases they are only limited to
teach vocabulary because they dont know how to teach the grammar, in the same way
they are the people responsible for all the activities and resources before, during and
after the teaching and learning process, many of them use the same materials which are
mainly based on the course book, that is not totally appropriate to the setting and it is
applied to all students, they do not usually have support in their teaching, neither have
the time available to develop the program.
STUDENT GROUP: in this institution I teach in ninth, tenth and eleventh grade. The
groups sometimes are complicated because we have classroom sizes between forty five
and fifty learners. This can make it very difficult to learn L2. You can find a small part of
the class that likes English, maybe ten or fifteen students. These students pay attention
to the classes and participate so much also, but is difficult because the other students

Assignment - CLIL

Sometimes they dont feel interest for the class and they dont pay attention. This can
cause a lot of noise in the classroom. But this is not a situation unique to the learners,
this is a problem throughout the country and the importance that L2 has in our daily
practices, thats to say students see English like a subject which they must pass getting
a good grade and not like an opportunity for the life for this reason this makes more
difficult to teach second language in our country with these students. Although is
important to highlight that this has gone changing according the different strategies that
the government has gone implementing in consideration to change the way to teach
English in our public schools. Among them we can mention: Colombia bilingue program,
the use of the WAY TO GO TEXTBOOKS and the program for primary school BUNNY
BONITA from ministry of education. After this we have improve and the learners have
other way to see the English but we need more practices change our classes and
focused in the four skills to encourage those students which dont like English. Besides
is important to say that the intensive hours in each level is four hour per week two more
that the last year
The nationalities in Orestes Sindicce institution are Colombians because its located in
Colombia country although we had have and we have students from other countries such
as; Spain, Canada, united states among others. And we have observed their
performance in a L2 in students which are from Spain knowing that the L1 is the first
In Orestes Sindicce institution learners age is around ten and eighteen years old starting
with ten sixth and finishing with sixteen, seventeen and years old eighteen in eleven
grade a difference to Sweden which primary starts at 7 years old
We have for each group between forty and fifty students per group with different way to
learn a second language in the classroom management, it is impossible to find one
classroom with thirty or les students this the politician in the country. Taking like
references another countries which have fifteen or twenty students per class.
GRADE: this unit will be carry out with the students form ninth grade
The Need of the Learners. Taking like base students learning needs I will plan a unit
where my learners can learn easier in the classroom and they can carry out this

Assignment - CLIL

knowledge outside in a real-word or context. Supporting me in the methodology CLIL.

This unit will be planned according to the level which they have in English and the
principal goal is to generate an environment where each learner can participate in the
different teaching points proposed. Further it will be developed applying the four macro-
skills thats to say speaking, listening, reading and writing because I could observe that
in this institution the teacher always use text and sentences translation. In addition the
class will be explained in English questions and answer. According to this I hope that my
learners have another way to see the English in their school. This unit wont force to the
learner, but if will try of they take awareness about the English nowadays also it will try
to change to teach English in publics schools in Colombia country.
WHO TEACHES? This is an important point creating the unit because according the
reading there are same countries which this methodology is carry out without problems
or difficulties such as Austria the teachers must graduate with a specialist subject and a
foreign language qualification ( C1, European framework), a system designed to enable
future CLIL. In Holland too, because they have a high level of English to learn another
subjects in English besides they have special English courses for teachers too. In my
country where this unit will be carry out English teachers can resolve teaching points
from other subjects in English because we use sometime in our syllabus teaching points
such as: the animals, vocabulary environment, and the earth and so on here we are
teaching another subjects in English although some teachers explain in Spanish we are
to improve that situation. In a private school math teachers explain in English their
subjects and we are working to carry out this to the public schools because around 80%
percent the population study in a public school. To conclude who teaches I will say that
about the context in this unit will teach English teachers using the methodology CLIL.

DEFINIING CLIL Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a term created in
1994 by David Marsch and Anne Maljers as a dual-focused. Methodology CLIL: refers
to subjects are taught through a foreign language with dual-focused aims, namely the
learning of content, and simultaneous learning of a foreign language The "integrated
learning of content and language" has recently been adopted by various researchers and
agencies in Europe as a generic term (see e.g. Nikula 1997). The term, which is
abbreviated as CLIL, includes many different forms of learning context in which language

Assignment - CLIL

plays a special role together with learning any specific subject or content. CLIL refers to
any learning context in which content and language are integrated to meet specific
educational objectives. Therefore, it could be used to refer to a class in which a foreign
language teacher teaches his students in content not linked to the language in a foreign
language. Likewise, it can also be applied to a situation in which the teacher of any
subject uses a foreign language, to a greater or lesser extent, as a means of instruction
in a specific lesson. CLIL has been actively used in different languages. I was watching
a video about this methodology where a student from Belgium expresses that very
exciting to say bonjour, instead good morning after use CLIL methodology. Is important
to say that exist same subjects which are easier to teach in a foreign language because
the teachers have more material to explain like geography.
In this case I will create a unit based in CLIL methodology which will promote a learning
where my students from Orestes Sindicce can learn science in English, besides they will
improve their English skills. I will create an appropriate content carrying out a good
sequences according to the readings content and language integrated learning.
According to Piaget cognitive stages this unit will developed formal operational stage 11
onwards (development abstract reasoning. Besides I will include the distinction CALP
where my learners will learn a formal contents using academic materials.
INTRODUCTION: The development of plurilingual and pluricultural competence is
increasingly noted as an important goal of foreign language education. Attending to the
growing social demand to incorporate more presence of foreign languages at schools,
especially English language, the Plurilingual Educational Programs have gained more
and more strength. For this reason is important to develop this methodology so at the
beginning we have some difficulties for example in my context where foreign language
isnt a strength but Im going to planned same activities where my students feel motivated
and can learn science taking a base a foreign language (English).
METHODOLOGY: this methodology is based in CLIL here Im going to focus me in the
four macro-skills according to CLIL we have to work using the skills to develop same
activities in others areas to improve our skills in a foreign language. (Marsh and Lange,
1999; Marsh and Marshland, 1999; Met, 1998), whose theoretical basis lies in the
assumption that through proper use of the foreign language to learn new concepts,
students will also develop an appropriate use of the same language, and most effective

Assignment - CLIL

CLIL UNIT: This unit will focus on animals, both wild and domestic. The content of the unit is
scientific but will be taught in English which is why it is a CLIL unit. There are four lessons in this
example. Each lesson is 1 hour.




- Wild Animals - Vocabulary: Animals - Learning types of -Wild
and Countries animals in English -Domestic
- Domestic Animal -W Questions and learning if they -Dangerous vs Safe
(pets) - Simple Present are wild or -Continents
-Presents Progressive domestic -Habitat (Jungle,
- Regions/Geography -Classify Animals by Sea, Land )
(Ex: Animals in Africa) their region (Africa,
Asia etc.)

Talk and write about wild animals

Talk and write about farm animals and pets.

WARM UP: (10 minutes starting the class) teacher will make some questions orally to
check student's previous knowledge about the topic, such as; what are the wild animals?
What is the king of the jungle? Where do they normally live? Which animals are
dangerous? Among others.
Scaffolding common answers for the leaners: they are lion, tiger, leopard, panther, they
live in the jungle, in the desert, in the forest, and the most dangerous are tigers, lions, or
I don know, I have no idea, they live in a farm.

Assignment - CLIL

Language input: introducing the wild animals: (30 minutes) here the teacher will
explain some animals using flash cards such as: the lion, the tiger, the wolf, the bear,
the crocodile, the snow leopard, the cheetah, the Black Panther and the leopard

The Lion is also known as the 'King of Animals', and lives in grasslands
and savannas from South Sahara to South Africa and some remain in India.
The female is called The Lioness. It does most of the hauntings, and captures its prey
with precise and complex work.

The tiger is one of the most dangerous and powerful animals in the
world. It lives in the Eastern and Southern Asia. The tiger grasps its prey and gives it a
quick bite to the neck which suffocates the animal. A female tiger is called the Tigress.

Wolves and larger dogs share identical locations. Wolves are able
to tread easily on a wide variety of terrains, especially snow. The Wolf is highly adaptable,
lives in forests, deserts, mountains, grasslands and even in urban areas.
Activity 1 in group: (15 minutes) look at the pictures and discuss the questions

What animals can you see?

What do these animals have in common?
Where they usually live?
Whats your favorite wild animal?

Assignment - CLIL

Activity 2 (10 minutes). Choice the correct option according that you listen
How is the king of the jungle?
A) The tiger B) the wolf C) the bear
How live in a lake?
A) The crocodile B) the cheetah C) the panther
Which animal is the fastest?
A) The lion B) the panther C) the tiger
Activity 3 (10 minutes) identify the animals in the next sentences with these
A) It has a long neck_________________________
B) It is called the king of the jungle______________
C) It is a reptile with a lot of teeth_______________
D) It is considered the fastest_________________
E) Looks like the tiger________________________
Lesson 2
Starting (7 minutes to talk about the last class). Here the students participate in an
oral presentation saying the most relevant ideas which they learned yesterday (this
activity is free for them)
Warm up 15 minutes tell me about domestic animal and wild animals. What are the
differences? Which animals you can find on the farm and which in the jungle? Do you
have lion as a pet? What are the animals called pets?
Scaffolding common answers by the students; cats, dogs, horse, lion, tiger, cow, I have
a dog as a pet, a cat, a parrot among others answers.
Language input introducing domestic and pet animals (input) the domestic and pet
animals are the following: bull, cow, chicken, hen, sheep, donkey, horse, pig, rabbit,
turkey, pigeon, goose, duck, among others and pets we have the following: cat, dog, pig,
parrot, bird, rabbit, among others I will say that there are the most popular domestics and
pets animals. You can find them on a farm or in a house as a pet, some domestics you
can eat because they are foods, the horse helps people with activities like carrying things
the side to side and you can ride them, taking you from one place to another. Next
teacher introduce in a power point presentation the introducing domestic and pet
animals. Here there will be an explanation each one

Assignment - CLIL

Activity 1 (15 minutes) choose a farm or pet animal and describing it for example: It is
called man's best friend.
Activity 2 (25 minutes in group) students must speak about animal which they chose
in an oral presentation in a round table group by group. For example one group chose
the cat; it is small it doesnt like the water, it lives in a house, it is a pet and so on.
Activity 3 (30 minutes in groups) here according to the teachers explanation and
previous knowledge in activity one and two the students will write a short history including
farm and domestics animals which they must represented in a poster like in the example.

Lesson 3
Warm up: (15 minutes) the students must answers the next questions in oral
How many continents there are in the world?
What is the continent where you can find the most wild animals?
What are the differences between wild and domestics?
Are dangerous domestics animals? (Tell me about them)

Assignment - CLIL

Why the dog is called mans best friend?

Is it to possible have a wild animals as a pet?
What happen if they live together?
Introducing regions and geography animals. Here there will be and full explanation
about this in our textbook that have each student about science where they can Clear
your doubts together with the teacher
Activity 1 (25 minutes)
Read the next and identifying the wild and domestic animals for regions which the
normally live for example the lion lives in Africa.
Activity 2 (20 minutes) according to the video classify the wild animals and domestics
for countries and continents, besides classify the global animals thats to say which you
can find in wherever country and continent independent of the race
Activity 3 (15 minutes)

Lesson 4
Activity 1: (60 minutes) each student must represent a wild or domestic animals where
the classification here is the representation and the explanation. Here an example

ASSESSMENT USED HERE: it will be Formative assessment is assessment for learning

continuous assessment and helps to understand how much and how well our students
are learning about subject content. It gives us information about our learners so we can
give them useful feedback on their progress. Besides I will have
in account summative assessment which is often used at the end of a unit. Here I have
in count to Coyle, D. Et al. (2010; p.129-131) the assessment principles in CLIL.

Assignment - CLIL

ASSESSMENT: in the final activity or assessment students must create a presentation

about wild, farm, and pets animals. This presentation will be done in group of four
students in their free time it will be done in power point and then in the next class students
have to carry out their exposition in of the board here each student must explain.
This unit was created according to methodology CLIL is important to say I had never
listened about CLIL. And now I have clear knowledge about this important methodology.
To create a unit was something relevant because I have worked different unit in a
textbooks now I have create one.



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