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FETc diye aa alnan sendikac TRT muhabirinden

durum tespiti: Tam maskaralk

22/07/2016 15:14


@nurkocaaslan /

Mehmet Demir

Darbe giriiminin ardndan kamu kurum ve In the wake of the coup attempt, the ongoing
kurulularnda devam eden tasfiyelerin cad purges of public organisations and institutions
avna dnecei kaygs srerken toplam say have topped 44,000, augmenting fears of a witch
44 bini at. Hkmet yeleri kamuda hunt. While the government claims that is
restorasyonun titizlikle srdrleceini belirtse being meticulously carried out, the news from
de baz kurumlardan gelen haberler bu algy some institutions does not support that view.
desteklemiyor. Mehmet Demir, a reporter for TRT for 22 years
22 yldr TRTde muhabir olarak alan, and a member and director of Haber Sen, an
KESKe bal Haber Senin yesi ve yneticisi affiliate of KESK, is one of the at least 300 TRT
Mehmet Demir, TRTde aa alnan en az 300 employees who have been suspended.
alandan biri.
Mehmet Demir Mehmet Demir:
Dikenin telefonla ulat Demir, Fethullah Demir, in a telephone interview with Diken,
Glen Cemaatiyle bir bann olmadn explained that, although he was not connected
belirtirken, aa alnmasnn ardnda 22 yldr
with the Fethullah Glen Group (generally
kurum kapsamnda srdrd sendikal shortened to Cemaat - the group or, more
faaliyetlerin olduunu kaydediyor. Tecrbeli recently, FETO - the regimes acronym for the
muhabir, durumu tam bir maskaralk olarak
Fethullah Tererrorist Organisation), he was
niteliyor. suspended from from his post after 22 years of
Demirle syleimiz pursuing syndicate activities within the
framework of his organisation.
Our conversation with Demir:
Sregiden tasfiyeler kapsamnda, siz de Q: In the course of the ongoing purges, you
TRTdeki grevinizden uzaklatrldnz, nasl too were removed from you post in TRT. How
deerlendiriyorsunuz bu durumu? do you assess this situation?

Haber Seni ilk faaliyete geiren, ye kaydeden We were the first people to launch the activities
kiileriz bizler. Ben ayn zamanda Haber Sende and become members of Haber Sen. At the same
ilk dnem genel merkez yneticilii yaptm, u time, I was the first manager of the central office
anda merkez denetleme kurulundaym. Ve and I am still a member of the central supervisory
sendikamz kuruldu kurulal, ilk gnden beri, board. From day one after we set up our
AKP dneminden de nce ynetimlerle bamz syndicate, even before the AKP era, we had
dertli oldu. TRT ynetimleri hibir zaman bizim troubles with the (TRT) management. TRT
faaliyetlerimizden honut olmad. in enteresan officials were never comfortable with our
yan u Ycel Yenel zamannda kurduumuz activities. Interestingly, though, Ycel Yenel,
sendika ki o sendikal ilkeler dorultusunda who was TRT general director at the time we set
mcadele etti. AKP dnemi geldi, enol up our syndicate, fought to promote union
Demirz, brahim ahin btn bu genel mdrler principles. With the AKP era we experienced the
dneminde ayn ey yaand. same thing under enol Demirz, brahim ahin
Fethullah Glenle kprleri atmadan nce bu and all other TRT general directors. Before the
iktidar, yan yana, kol kola, kucak kucaa i rupture, this regime worked hand-in-hand and
yaparken, TRTde sendikal mcadelemiz cheek by jowl with Fethullah Glen, and made us
yznden madur edilen insanlarz biz. Fethullah their victims due to our syndicate struggle in
Glen Cemaatine mensup yneticiler tarafndan TRT. We were subjected to interrogations by
soruturmalara uradk, srgnlere uradk. managers affiliated with the Fethullah Glen
Cemaat madurlarn Cemaat yeliiyle Cemaati and we were ostracised. To accuse the
sulamak son derece absrt. Yani bunun hemen Cemaats victims of being Camaat members is
darbe giriiminin ardndan patlak vermesi, totally absurd. I mean, for this to break out right
akllara darbecilii de getiriyor. after the attempted coup brings to mind a putsch.
Kiisel olarak politik evrelerde beni bilen bilir. A lot of people in political circles know me
Sadece sendikada deil onun dnda pek ok personally, not just in the syndicate (Haber Sen)
demokratik platformda mcadele etmi bir but in other democratic platforms Ive worked
insanm, Kresel Bar ve Adalet Koordinasyonu, with: the International Peace and Justice
Irakta Savaa Hayr Komisyonu, Darbelere Kar Coalition, the No to War in Iraq coalition, the
70 bin Adm. Gelmi gemi btn darbelere 70,000 Steps against Coups. We are people who
kar, szn esirgemeyen, bedel demeye hazr have stood up against all coups and have been
insanlarz. Sesimizi, szmz hibir zaman ready to pay the price for this. We have never
saknmadk. refrained from speaking out and making our
voices heard.
Size tam olarak Glen Cemaatiyle alakanz Were you explicitly told that you were fired
olduu gerekesiyle mi uzaklatrldnz because of your relationship with the Glen
sylendi? Cemaat?
Bana verilen belgedeki ifadeler, Genel
Mdrlk makamnn 19 Temmuz tarihli The notification I received reads: The [TRT]
oluruyla, milli gvenliin ve devlet otoritesinin General Directorate has authorised that, as of 19
salanmasn teminen, kurumumuz July, in the interests of safeguarding national
bnyesinde hala grev yapan baz personelin security and the authority of the state, and having
Fethullah Terr rgt / Paralel Devlet established that certain personnel who are still
Yaplanmas (FET/PDY) balantl olduklar working in our organisation are linked with
tespit edildii vs. vs. diye gidiyor. FETO/PYd..." etc. etc.

Tam bir maskaralk A complete farce/charade.

*PYD: Parallel State Structure
TRTde u anki tasfiyeler ka kiiyi In your estimation, how many people have been
kapsyordur tahminen? swept up in the purge in TRT so far?

370 kiilik bir eyden sz ediliyor ama There are reports of about 370 people, but we can
doruluundan emin olamyoruz u an. Bu say not be certain at present. Thats the commonly
dolayor. Bunlarn iinde her trden insan var, cited number. Among them are all sorts of
ama FET dediiniz zaman, sendikal people. But when you say FETO, the people
kimliimizden tr kurum alanlar tanr bizi, who work in the organisation who know us on
dardaki faaliyetlerimizi de bilirler. Tam bir the basis of our IDs are also aware of our
komedi, tam bir maskaralk. extramural activities. Its total comedy, a
complete farce.
Hazr yeri gelmiken sendikal faaliyetler As someone who is responsible for organising
yrten biri olarak sizin de nceden syndicate activities, do you think its likely
hazrlanm bir listede isminizin that your name was on some prepared list for
bulunmasndan tr aradan karldnza eventual elimination?
ihtimal veriyor musunuz?
I think that there are various possibilities. Thats
eitli ihtimaller dnyorum. Birincisi bu. u the first of them. Its likely that Ankara sent out
olabilir, Ankaradan blgelere isim listesi instructions to the municipalities telling them to
hazrlamalar talimat verilmitir, bu arada da compile lists and fill them with the names of
Canmz skan, bizi huzursuz eden kim varsa anyone who makes our lives disagreeable. I am
doldur denmi olabilir. Ben kendimden o kadar certain that however they try to link me with
eminim ki, beni nasl Fethullahla Fethullah and whatever questions they ask me,
ilikilendirecekler, bana ne soracaklar, bir tek they will never be able to find a link. The only
balant bile kurmalar mmkn deil. Bir possibility is that when Im cleared of this
ihtimal, ben bu soruturmadan aklanp ktmda interrogation, they will be able to say, You see
Gryorsunuz biz adil soruturma yaptk, what a just interrogation we made. We punished
hak edenlere verdik, etmeyenleri akladk those who deserved it and cleared those who
diyebilirler. Byle bir kayglar olur mu? ok iyi didnt. Would they have such scruples? My
niyetli dnyorum herhalde. Akll bir insan thinking must be well intentioned. Rational
byle yapard ama bunlarn ok akll people might do that, but I dont think those
davranacaklarn dnmyorum. people will behave very rationally.
Bu bir gzda olabilir. Byle bir srete It could be a kind of threat. You know that unions
insanlar yan yana gelmeye tevik eden yegane are the only places that can induce people to
yer sendikalar biliyorsunuz. nsanlar come together under such circumstances.
sendikalardan uzaklatrmak iin de byle bir ey Many they are doing this to drive people away
yapm olabilirler, sendikal kimliiyle ne km from the syndicates, by grabbing people with
birini alarak. Ya da bunlarn hibiri olmayabilir known identities.
gerekten ok sarsak ve ahmak bir ekilde de Or maybe none of the above are the case and they
ynetiliyor olabilir. are truly behaving in a very clumsy and stupid
Sizden Cemaatle aranzda bir ba olmadn Did they ask you to produce any proof that you
ispat etmenizi isteyebilirler mi? were not liked to the Cemaat?

Byle bir ey olursa syleyeceim tek ey var, siz To such a demand Id have only one answer: you
olduunu ispat edin. Bir eyin olmad prove that one exists. Is there anything that can
kantlanabilir bir ey deildir ki? Eskilerin prove that something does not exist? As they
tabiriyle iddiada bulunan bu iddiay kantlamakla used to say, the burden of proof falls on the
ykml. Bunun geerli olmas iin tabi bir accuser. Of course for that idea to be put into
lkenin demokratik hukuk devleti olmas gerekir. practice you need a democracy and rule of law. If
Tersini yaparlarsa anayasann en temel ilkelerini they do the opposite, they are flagrantly turning
ak ve sarih biimde tersyz etmi olacaklar. the basic constitutional principles upside down. A
Suladklar insan ispata zorladklar rejimin ad regime that forces people to prove their own guilt
baka nk. or innocence has another name.
TRTde yeri geldiinde Cemaatle mcadele You said you had disputes with the Cemaat when
ettiinizi sylediniz. Ne tr bir mcadeleydi you came to TRT. What kind of disputes?
Kamu yayncl hizmeti yapan, evrensel ilkeleri (He and the Sen Haber people tried to resist the
yaynclk ilkelerini gzeten bir TRT mcadelesi Cemaats and then the AKPs attempt to turn the
veriyoruz biz. TRTnin btesi halkn cebinden public broadcasting company to their political
kan paralar. Herhangi bir zel kanal istedii party/movements agendas at the tax payers
yayn politikasn yrtr ama TRT keyfi expense. TRT is a public service and it should
ynetilemez. TRTnin yayn ykmllkleri var allow every segment of societys voice to be
hem toplumdaki herkesin hem sesine araclk heard. Mehmet Demir and all got into trouble
edecek, hem de toplumun her kesiminin haber with every regime over that issue. )
alma hakkna hizmet edecek. Biz bu mcadeleyi
yrtrken her dnem iktidarlarn borazan haline
getirilmi TRTde ynetimde kim varsa onlara
kar mcadele verdik. Cemaatin
ynetimindeyken de bunun mcadelesini verdik.
ster Cemaat, ister AKP, ister Anasol-D hkmeti
olsun. TRTdeki yayn ykmllklerinin yerine
getirilmedii zamanlarda hep syleyegeldiimiz
eyler. TRTnin muhatab onlarken de onlarla bu
konularda mcadele ettik.
Fethullah Glen Cemaatiyle alakas Are there others whove been dismissed in
olmamasna ramen grevden uzaklatrlan spite of their not having any connection with
bakalar var m? the Fethullah Glen Cemaat?
Var tabi ki. Bizim yemiz olan, ok sayda deil, Of course there are. Our members - were not that
ok taze olduu iin iletiim kurmaya many - are trying to communicate with each other
alyoruz. KESK de bugn toplanacak. Bizim as the issue is very fresh. Were going to meet to
yelerimizden Diyarbakrda yemiz, day in KESK. So far, three of our members for
stanbulda alt ya da yedi tane var. Sre devam Diyarbakir and six or seven of our members from
ettii iin net cevap veremiyorum ama hibir Istanbul [have been dismissed]. Since the process
alakas olmayan sendika yesi birka kii daha is still ongoing I cant give a clear answer, but I
var. think there are quite a few more from our
syndicate who have no [Gulen] connection.
All civil servants are living in tremendous fear.
Btn kamu alanlarnda acayip bir korku var. But to those who are trembling at the spectre of a
Bugn yarn aklanacak listelerle ya da insan list that will be announced today or tomorrow or
kaynaklarna gelen bir telefonla ilgili korkan a phone call coming because of others
insanlara unu sylemek istiyorum: Her gn (testimony), Id like to say this: theres something
korkuyla beklemekten bir sefer o haberi almak more comforting than just waiting every to
daha rahatlatc bir ey. Mcadeleye bakmak receive the news that will come this time. Fight
gerekiyor. Yaplmak istenen bu, korku salmak, back. What they want is to spread fear, stifle
aykr sesleri susturmak. Gazetecilere, contrary voices. This is happening to journalists,
akademisyenlere, yarg mensuplarna yaplan bu academics, people of opinion, right? Either we
deil mi? Ya batan kabul edeceiz, ya da bir gn give in from the word go, or we begin the fight as
Aaa yetti diyecek noktaya gelmeden hemen of right now before reaching the point where we
imdi mcadeleye balayacaz. say weve had enough.

Tutuklanan kadn hakim: Mustafa Kemalin


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