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This essay describes the importance of VITAMIN B3

and vitamin-containing foods and the nutritional
values of quinoa and its properties. Also the
properties of the pepper as a flavoring seasoning, the
history and its origins the quinoa and the pepper.

Irina C Herrera Daz

San Ignacio University - Inst. Ivett Martel
Irina C Herrera Diaz

The value of eating foods to maintain health was recognized long before vitamins and
minerals were identified in food. Most essential vitamins cannot be made by the body, so
it cannot obtain them more than through the balanced intake of vitamins contained in
natural foods.

Vitamins are nutrients which together with other nutritional elements act as catalysts of
all physiological processes, directly and indirectly. Vitamins are substances that the body
needs to grow and develop normally. The human body needs about 13 vitamins minerals
help the body grow, develop and stay healthy. The body uses minerals to perform many
different functions: from building strong bones to transmit nerve impulses.

The main sources of vitamins are raw vegetables and the Fresh fruits. There are
different types of vitamins, which are identified according to a capital letter: Vitamin A,
for example, is present in carrots and broccoli, among other foods, and is very beneficial
for the development of view; the Vitamin B appears in the bread, while the Vitamin
C is found in citrus. Other types of known vitamins A, K and P.

This essay describes the importance of VITAMIN B3 and vitamin-containing foods and the
nutritional values of quinoa and its properties. Also the properties of the pepper as a
flavoring seasoning, the history and its origins the quinoa and the pepper.

Vitamin B3
La vita mine is a water soluble vitamin B3. The water-soluble vitamins are those that
dissolve in water. These are coenzymes or precursors of coenzymes, necessary for many
chemical reactions of metabolism.

Foods with vitamin B3

The vitamin B3 or niacin is one of the compounds that is part of the family of complex B

Al incorporate these foods rich in vitamin B3 in the diet the body receives the benefits
of niacin to the body, ranging from reduce cholesterol and sugar levels in blood, to the
prevention of Alzheimer's.
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Sources of Vitamin B3:

The liver of beef is a food that contains high levels of vitamin B3. You can prepare it at
home by grilling or steaming, with a little salad. This food is capable of delivering
83 percent of its for nutrients to the body.

Rice and wheat

Raw rice and wheat bran are rich in vitamin B3 and B6. Rice bran contains 34 mg of
niacin per 100 grams and wheat bran 13 mg per 100 grams.


Fish meat is a food rich in vitamins and minerals, and compounds such as Omega 3.
The fish is very healthy for the heart and seems to have a good part of the vitamins that
are part of the B complex, for example, B1, B2, B6 and B13. The victim B3 is anchovies,
tuna or a fillet of swordfish.


Paprika or paprika seems imperceptible when put on meals but actually fulfills its task of
delivering benefits without us noticing. Paprika is rich in niacin or vitamin B3 and in
others like the A, B1, E, besides contributing potassium to the organism.


Chicken meat delivers 12.4 mg of vitamin B3 for each serving of 100 grams. Others such
as yeast, peanuts, sun-dried tomatoes, peanuts and beets are food with vitamin
B3 which can benefit your health.

It should be taken into account that excessive consumption of this compound is harmful
to health as it may be toxic, so it is recommended to eat food before thinking about

The quinoa it is nothing more than a seed, but only the power consumed as a
cereal characteristics, therefore, is also known as pseudo-cereal. Quinoa provides most
of its calories in the form of complex carbohydrates, but also provides about 16 grams
of protein per 100 grams and offers about 6 grams of fat in equal amounts of food.

Quinoa comparing with most cereals, it contains many more proteins and fats, although
the latter are mostly unsaturated, highlighting the presence of omega 6 and omega 3

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The nutrients micron in Quinoa contain potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus,
iron and zinc between minerals, also contains B vitamins Y Vitamin E with
antioxidant function.

The origin of the pepper

The Pepper to have its origin is in India, but its scientific definition comes from the
Latin pigmentum (pigment, coloring), in other countries it is known as poivre in France,
pepper in English speaking countries, pfeffer in Germany and pepper in Spanish
speaking countries. Originating from the India, spread through Indonesia and
Malaysia around 600 BC

However, its scientific name is Piper nigrum, belongs to the family of piperaceae and is
cultivated for its fruit that is used dry as a spice. Its fruit is a 10cm berry. This native plant
of India, arrived in Greece by the intervention of Emperador Alexander the Great, reports
indicate that Eudoxo Cyzicus was the first European who along with other spices brought
to Europe pepper. For centuries the Arabs had control of trade between the East and
Europe after the fall of the Byzantine Empire.

It was Venice who collected and distributed the gold to pay the Orient for the pepper
and other spices almost exclusively. It was such a rare and expensive product that it
was used in the form of currency (bartering) during the Middle-Ages.

The pepper is a kind of high commercial value that has represented throughout the

Benefits and Properties of Pepper

The benefits and properties, this plant contributes to humanity we can establish in the
following aspects:
It is used as condiment, in sausages, as a mixture for brine or in different stews
and salty dishes.
Contains anti-oxidants and is anti-bacterial. Pepper is known to warn the stomach
that the food process has begun and the stomach begins the secretion of enzymes
that help it in digestion.
It has carminative properties, that is, it helps to control the gases.
The piperine that owns the pepper, in the husk of its fruit and the seed, promotes
the pigmentation of the skin, for this conditioning becomes an ally for those people
who are affected by vitiligo (gradual whitening of the skin).
It was used anciently and even in some places it is used for the treatment of
gonorrhea and chronic bronchitis.
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If you want to lose weight Black pepper is an excellent helper helps you to lose
Especially black pepper is used to lower the sodium load on food.
Especially the pepper black increases caloric expenditure by increasing basal
metabolism. That way the daily energy balance would benefit by avoiding excess
body weight.


Quinoa is one of the oldest crops of the Andean region, with approximately 7,000 years
of cultivation, in whose domestication and conservation large cultures such as
Tiahuanacota and Incaica have participated. Quinoa was widely cultivated in the
Andean region by pre - Columbian cultures and grains have been used in the diet of the
inhabitants of the valleys, higher, cold and arid, as in the highland areas. In spite of being
a domesticated species, the fruits still contain saponin, reason why its extraction is
necessary before being consumed.

The conquest produced a rupture in consumption sought to be replaced by

consumption of the peoples of the Andes with the introduction of cereals such as barley
and wheat, but cultivation survived among its Andean settlers and urban dwellers for
economic, social and policies excluded the Andean population and dissociated
themselves from the native languages and the ancestral grains producing an identity
fracture which I excluded the Andean peoples and their food culture contempt. Quinoa
and amaranth were part of various ceremonies and Andean rituals which the cultivation,
use and consumption was prohibited during the conquest because it was considered
associated with rites "pagan" healers Hampa -camayoc native specialists walk in plants

The entrance to the XXI century, has marked a new route to quinoa becoming one of the
main products for healthy diet, international cuisines have introduced quinoa in their
gastronomic charts, where restaurants of different cultures offer a quinoa dish in their
fusion. The main producing countries of quinoa in the Andean region (Ecuador, Bolivia,
Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru) and in the world are Peru and Bolivia,
and represent 90% of quinoa produced in the world. Consumption in the Andean region
is an ancestral re-encounter with food culture and is dimensioned in the era of
globalization towards new consumers that are concentrated mostly in the United States
(45%), followed by France (16%), the Netherlands ( 13%) , Germany, Canada, Israel,
Brazil, and the United Kingdom have a tendency of interest to health care, the
environment and social equity.
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Quinoa and its nutritional properties

Contains large amounts of vitamin C

Vitamin E
Vitamins of group B, especially B1 (thiamine), B2 (rivoflavina), B3 (niacin) and B9
(folic acid)
Large amounts of calcium,

It contains proteins of high biological value including all the amino acids, among them
the essential ones. They are fundamental to produce cells, tissues and organs, besides
intervening in practically all the processes that are carried out in our
organism. Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese, phosphorus, and zinc.

Fiber, which not only promotes intestinal transit, but also favors the development of
beneficial bacterial flora and helps prevent the onset of colon cancer. It is also an
excellent source of energy

The low - fat containing Quinoa (only between 5 and 9 percent) is almost all linoleic acid
(omega 6) which is very beneficial for health.

Quinoa also contains two phytoestrogens: daidzein and cenistein that help prevent
osteoporosis, stimulate blood circulation, promote the proper functioning of metabolism
and are very beneficial during the stage of menopause.

Vitamin B3 is essential for the better functioning of the health and quality of life. In the
era of globalization and high stress, victims have a nutritional function, Quinoa is a
pseudo-cereal containing high levels of low - fat protein and is characterized by the
presence of Omega and B complex. The pepper as seasoning flavoring also have
properties that help improve digestion, skin and quality of life.

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200 grams of Pearly Quinoa (washed)

4 chicken preps onion chopped
1 tablespoon garlic paste
2 tablespoon yellow pepper paste
cup of cilandro
cup of liquefied spinach 1 red pepper

1 can of peas (peas)


Season the 4 chicken dices seasoned with salt and pepper fry them in olive oil.
Until they fry.

In the same pot add chopped onion, and 1 tablespoon garlic paste, 2
tablespoons yellow pepper paste, and cup cilantro and cup liquefied
spinach, stir fry for 10 minutes and place the chicken dams.

Pour 4 cups chicken broth, salt seasoning and cook for 20 minutes.

Remove the prey.

Add cup of peas, cup of carrot, and quinoa.

Cook over very low heat for 20 minutes more.

Once the quinoa is cooked, return the chicken dices and add 1 yellow pepper
cut into julienne, and red pepper in julienne.

Let it simmer for a few minutes more

Serve with a Creole sauce.

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1. The 5 best foods with vitamin B3

2. All about Quinoa: properties, benefits and use in the kitchen.
3. Vitamin Spanish dictionary (Edition of the Tercentenary). Accessed January
26, 2016.
4. Jack Challem (1997). "The Past, Present and Future of Vitamins"
5. Jacob, RA. (nineteen ninety six). Three ages of vitamin C
discovery. Subcell Biochem. Subcellular
6. The pepper. Origin. Types. Benefits and Properties of Pepper
7. Gonzales-Lara, Jorge. La Quinua un Encuentro Ancestral la Seguridad Alimentaria,
Issue- 2016.

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