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SCHOOL: Technical College Mihai Bcescu Flticeni

DATE: 11th June 2013
TEACHER: Grigore Ancua-Elena
CLASS: 9th D
LEVEL: Intermediate
TEXTBOOK: Opportunities, Ed. Longman
UNIT: Wheels
TYPE OF LESSON: Acquisition of new knowledge
VOCABULARY: related to travel and means of transport
GRAMMAR: Present Perfect Continuous
COGNITIVE: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

To practice using the Present Perfect Continuous

To read a newspaper article and understand the main points
To act out a dialogue explaining what has been happening
To introduce their own point of view based on their own life experience
To develop communication during class

To create a warm atmosphere in order to offer the background for smooth and easy
conversation between teacher and students
To give students an active role in the process of teaching/learning;
To help students enjoy speaking a foreign language
To make students confident when speaking English
To stimulate students imagination

SKILLS: reading, speaking, writing

TECHNIQUES: conversation, brainstorming, explanation, eliciting, clustering, guessing game,
dialogue, text work, asking/answering to questions
METHODS OF TEACHING: Communicative Approach
MATERIALS: textbook, worksheets with different activities, blackboard, notebooks

TYPE OF ACTIVITIES: pair work, group work, frontal, individual
ASSESSEMENT: formative, oral, homework, systematic observation
- official : The Curriculum for High School Education
-methodical : Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching.
Vizental,Adriana. Metodica predarii limbii engleze. Editura Polirom.2008
Harris, Michael. Mower, David. Sykorzynska, Anna. Opportunities
Intermediate. Teachers Book. Longman
- Internet sites:


T greets SS, presents T-SS Speaking Conversation To engage and

1. Warm-up herself as being SS-T activate the Ss;
1 todays English To attract the Ss
teacher, jots down the attention, to help
absent SS and asks SS them put aside
about their general distracting thoughts
frame of mind. and to get them
ready to focus
SS respond to the Ts individually and as a
questions. group on the
activities that follow
2. Homework T asks about T-SS Reading Conversation Notebooks To encourage Ss to Oral
checking homework. Ss tell her SS-T Speaking Explanation develop self- evaluation
2 about the problems discipline in taking
encountered in writing responsibility for
the task, if any. T their own learning
nominates at random and organisation
the SS who are to
supply the answers. T
corrects, if necessary,
the potential mistakes.
T encourages Ss to
make the necessary
corrections by
3. Lead-in T asks SS to describe T-SS Listening Conversation Worksheets To introduce the Systematic
4 two pictures (Picture 1 SS-T Speaking 1& theme to the class, observation
&2). The SS draw Worksheet 2 leading the SS into
conclusions and guess Blackboard the lessons topic
the topic of the new Chalk
lesson bycicles.

T writes the title on
the blackboard.

4. Pre-Reading During the pre-reading T-SS Speaking Brainstorming Textbook To encourage SS to systematic
6 stage T asks some SS-SS Visuals Blackboard think about the topic observation
questions (Exercise 1, Discussion before reading, to
pg 34 from Textbook) Clustering train them to make Oral
and SS discuss and predictions and appreciation
make predictions in guesses, to increase
order to set the their motivation.
purpose for reading
and to activate their
prior knowledge.

5. While- SS read the text aloud Whole class Reading Inference Textbook To develop reading Oral
Reading and in turns. They try skills appreciation
5 to check predictions in To focus the SS on
the light of particular content of
information in the text the text;
(Exercise 2, pg 34 To test
from Textbook) comprehension of
the text;
To extract the key
information from the
6. After- SS are asked by the T T-SS Speaking Discussion Textbook To consolidate or Systematic
Reading to research the SS-SS Reading Brainstorming reflect upon what observation
5 answers to the Comprehensio has been read and to
comprehension n questions relate the text to the
questions presented in SS own knowledge
Exercise 3, pg 34 from or opinions

7. Grammar Textbook To practice using the
Present Perfect
T-SS Reading Continuous
Presentation T asks the SS to match S-S Speaking Explanation
7 the dialogues with the SS-T
pictures (Exercise 4, SS-SS
pg. 35 from Eliciting To make SS aware
Textbook). SS read the of the items they
dialogues. will learn
T draws SS attention
on the length of
actions and explains
what has been
happening that has
caused a present
Notebooks To allow the Systematic
Practice T asks SS to complete Blank and Blackboard students to observation
10 the table (Exercise 5, clue exercises internalise the new
pg 35 from Textbook) Writing language
and then to come up successfully so that
with the rules of they
formation for PPC in understand it and
positive, negative and know how and when
interrogative forms. T to use it Verbal
writes the structural appreciation
chart on the
blackboard. SS write it
down in their

SS work in pairs to Game - Guess Textbook To give SS practice
Production solve Exercise 8, pg my Reason Notebooks in speaking English Systematic
(Acquiring 35 from Textbook. T Writing To encourage Ss to observation
performance) nominates at random Speaking speak freely
10 some SS to answer To create sentences
and the whole class on their own using
checks its answers. T Present Perfect
corrects where Continuous

Worksheet 3
T divides the whole
class into groups of 4.
Each group receives a Writing Oral
handout with a 15 Speaking evaluation
questions-maze. For
each square the group
must answer in writing
the question using
Present Perfect
Continuous. T advises
SS to be as original as
they can.
T walks among SS and
helps them when
necessary, not
influencing their
choices in any way.
Once the activity is
done, T verifies orally
each groups activity
until all the questions

are answered.

8. Assigning T assigns the T-SS Writing Notebooks To provide SS

homework homework for the next further practice on
2 lesson by giving clear Present Perfect
instructions Continuous
Exercises 8 & 9, pg.
35 from Textbook.
Ss note their
homework in their
9. Assessment SS and T remember T-SS Speaking Worksheet 4 To give SS some Verbal
and together the points T-S Writing sense of appreciation
Feedback taught in todays achievement
3 lesson. To reinforce, Systematic
T gives Ss the consolidate and observation
handouts and asks correct(if necessary)
them to write their the newly acquired
own opinions. knowledge
T praises and thanks
all the SS for their
participation during
the entire lesson.


Picture 2

Picture 2

3. Guess My Reason. Game. Group work.

For each square, answer the question using the Present Perfect Continuous ("Because I have been [verb]-ing."). Try to
be as original as you can.

Why is your face

Why are you getting a Why are you wearing Why the police came
covered with white
tattoo? so much makeup? to arrest you?

Why are you running?

Why are you dressed

Why are you eating so Why do you want to Why are you climbing
up like Mickey Why are you crying?
much chocolate? become a billionaire? a tree?

Why your boss is

going to fire you?

Why arent you Why haven't you got Why are you yawning Why are you traveling
speaking? any money? so much? in India?

4. Feedback Form

Name: ____________________________

1. What did you like the best about this class?


2. What would you like to change about this class?


3. Overall, how interesting did you find todays English class?

1. Totally boring
2. Mostly boring
3. Somewhat interesting
4. Very interesting
5. Extremely interesting


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