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Mariah Denise Carumba GREATWK N01

Candy Joy Chua

Danielle Ann Ranido

1. HS Professor
2. College Professor
3. Doctor
4. Nurse
5. Security Guard
6. auto mechanic
7. college dean
8. lasalle brother
9. nun
10. yaya

We ranked the following based on a scenario wherein we tried imagining a world without each
profession. Then, we decided if the absence of that certain job would be difficult. We ranked the most
important one as the profession wherein we would find it most difficult or problematic if ever they do not
exist. We also took into consideration their influence to the other professions.

1. Why does work have value or dignity?

We think work has value or dignity because one gives a part of oneself in service of other
people. A person sacrifices a lot of his or her time and effort to do work. Through working, people
become better versions of themselves. It is through it that one ideally finds worth and respect.
However, it should be noted that work carries no value of its own unless it is used for a meaningful
purpose. Through work, one can apply the skills he or she have gained into something that
contributes to society, and at the same time, earn for something he or she worked hard for.

2. What is achieved by human work?

Human work is our way to feel fulfillment in life. Through working, we are able to have an
impact on other people's lives. To see the fruit of our labor makes the pain and suffering from
work worthwhile. It is one way of expressing ourselves to the world. We believe that work help
us grow more as individuals. Additionally, it is through human work that we can achieve progress.
However, progress for one might be destruction for another. We should always remember that
we should achieve progress towards an ultimate goal. Work can impact society in many ways. It
can shape our future or create things that have never been done before.

3. How is work a source of rights for the person?

Rights may differ depending on the type of work a person does. These rights protect the
worker and ensure that they progress and improve in their respective fields. Work is anything
that gives a person access to physical, economic, and emotional freedom in return for his effort.
This is a right because this follows the most basic, fair, give-and-take law in nature. Right to work
means right to partake in society in general.

4. Among the ten workers on the left, who has the most important job and why?
We believe that the HS professor would be the most important job since as students we
recognize the value of their job to us. Moreover, we believe that the strength of every other
profession grows out from the knowledge and skills that HS professors have imparted. HS
professors somehow gives everyone the foundation needed for their chosen fields.

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