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Affixes adalah morfem ditambahkan ke kata untuk mengubah fungsi atau

makna. Afiks melekat pada kata untuk membentuk kata baru, baik di awal ataupun di
akhir kata.

Prefixes adalah kelompok huruf yang dapat ditempatkan sebelum kata untuk
merubah artinya. Prefix adalah suatu bagian kata yang ditambahkan pada permulaan
kata atau bagian kata lain untuk membentuk suatu kata baru. Tidak seperti pada
akhiran yang sering mengubah bentuk kata dasarnya dari suatu golongan menjadi
golongan lain. Awalan biasanya mengubah arti kata dasarnya tetapi bukan golongan

Suffixes adalah kelompok huruf ditempatkan setelah kata untuk merubah

makna atau mengubahnya menjadi kelompok kata yang berbeda, dari kata sifat
untuk adverb, dll.Suatu akhiran (Suffixes) adalah suatu bagian kata yang
ditambahkan di akhir suatu kata atau bagian yang disebut base (kata dasar) untuk
membentuk suatu kata baru. Suatu akhiran berkaitan erat dengan tata bahasadan
secara umum ditambahkan kepada hampir setiap kata dari suatu golongan,
tergantung kepada kepada aturan-aturan yang dapat ditetapkan.

1. Prefixes

No. Awalan Contoh Kata Arti

1. a abridge Meringkaskan
abash Memberi malu
abate Mengurangkan, menenangkan
aback Tercengang, tertegun
abide Tinggal, ada, berpegang pada
2. anti antifreeze Bahan anti beku
antisocial Anti sosial
antitrust Menentang penggabungan
antitoxin industri
antibody Penolak bisa, antitoksin
3. be befriend Melindungi, berlaku seperti
bedevil sahabat
bacause Menggoda, menggangu
bacame Karena, sebab
beget Cocok, pantas
4. co coagent Pembantu
coequal Sama
coexist Hidup pada waktu yang sama
cohere Bergumpal, lekat
coheir Sesama ahli waris
5. de degrade Menurunkan pangkat
defile Selat, baris
define Membatasi, memberi tanda
demean Menghinakan, merendahkan
deserve Patut mendapat
6. dis disorder Kekacauan
dismiss Membebaskan, meliburkan,
dishonest menolak
disown Tidak jujur
dissolve Tidak mengakui, memungkiri
Membubarkan, melarutkan
7. en encode Menyandikan, menulis dalam
enclose sandi
enlarge Menyertakan, melampirkan
encircle Memperbesar
ensure Melingkari, mengurung
8. ex express Dengan sungguh-sungguh,
expose terutama
exchange Membuka, membeberkan
9. extra extralarge Lebih besar
extraordinary Luar biasa
extracurricular Diluar rencana pelajaran
extrasensory Diluar jangkauan/ tanggapan
extrapolate Memperhitungkan
10. multi multibank Multibank/banyak bank
multicultural Banyak kebudayaan/cultural
multifarious Bermacam-macam
multiracial Bersuku banyak
multiplayer Banyak pemain
11. in incompetent Tak cakap, tak berhak untuk
incurve Membengkokkan
incomplete Tidak lengkap
inconstant Tidak tetap, berubah-ubah
inborn Dari pembawaan
12. inter interlock Mempersambungkan satu sama
interlibrary lain
interchange Antar perpustakaan
intermarry Simpang, jalan belokan
interpersonal Kawin-mengawini, kawin dlm
Antar diri/perseorangan
13. mal malpractice Perbuatan jahat
maladjustment Peraturan yang buruk
malcontent Tak pus, marah, kecil hati
maladroid Kaku, canggung
maltreat Menganiaya, menyiksa
14. mis mischief Kejahatan, kenakalan, kerusakan
miscalculate Salah/ keliru perhitungan
miscast Salah pilih
misapply Menyalahgunakan
misadvise Memberi petunjuk yang salah
15. mono monomania Hanya memikirkan satu hal saja
monograph Risalah tentang satu pokok ilmu
monochrome Lukisan dengan satu warna
monodrama Pidato yang bersifat dramatis
monoplane Kapal terbang bersayap satu
16. im impossible Tidak mungkin
impolite Kurang ajar, kasar
impatient Tidak sabar
immoral Tidak senonoh
implant Menanam
17. non nonage Hal belum dewasa
nondescript Sukar diuraikan
nonmember Bukan anggota
nonstop Tidak berhenti-henti
nonsense Perkataan yang bukan-bukan
18. out outlook Pemandangan
outlaw Tidak dilindungi undang-undang
outmatch Melebihi
outcry Teriak, protes keras
outstep Melampaui
19. over overtask Memberi terlampau banyak
overpass pekerjaan
overplus Melalui, menempuh ( jarak )
overreach Kelebihan
overwork Membohongi, mencapai lebih jauh
Kerja lembur
20. post postscript Surat tambahan
postfree Bebas dari bea
postgraduate Sesudah tamat belajar
postmark Cap pos
posthaste Amat tergesa-gesa
21. pre prevent Mencegah, menghalangi
pretext Dalih
prerecord Merekam sebelumnya
prepay Membayar lebih dahulu
prejudge Menghukum sebelum memeriksa
22. re remarry Kawin lagi
resent Marah, benci akan
return Kembalinya, hasil, keuntungan
restart Mengulang kembali, memulai
repair kembali
23. semi semifinal Setengah final
semicircle Setengah lingkaran
semiofficial Setengah resmi
semiconscious Setengah sadar
semitripical Subtropis
24. sub subtropical Subtropis
subtitle Nama atau kepala yang kedua
subtenant Penyewa dari penyewa pertama
subsoil Tanah di bawah
subscribe Menandatangani, turut member
25. super superfine Halus sekali, lembut sekali
superable Dapat diatasi
superadd Menambahkan lagi
superhuman Melebihi tenaga manuasia
superheat Memanaskan dengan sangat
26. trans transact Melaksanakan, berunding
transcript Menyalin
transfigure Menhubah bentuknya, menjelma
transfix Menembus
transplant Memindahkan tanaman
27. tri triangle Segi tiga, kuda-kuda berkaki tiga
triable Dapat dicoba
trisect Membagi atas tiga bagian
tricolour Bewarna tiga
tricycle Kendaraan beroda tiga
28. un unafraid Tidak takut
uncommond Luar biasa
unclear Tidak terang, belum jelas
uncouple Melepaskan
unclean Kotor, tidak bersih
29. under understudy Pengganti pelaku, pemain
undersize pengganti
underrate Berukuran terlalu kecil
underline Memandang rendah, meremehkan
underdone Menggarisbawahi
Kurang masak / matang
30. up uphold Menopang, menyokong, membela
upbraid Mempersalahkan, menyesali
upgrade Naik lereng, meningkat
upkeep Penghidupan, pemeliharaan
upset Merobohkan, membingungkan

1. Suffixes

No. Akhiran Contoh Kata Arti

1. able agreeable Ramah
breakable Mudah patah
comfortable Nyaman
bmployable Yg dpt dikerjakan
enjoyable Nikmat
2. age breakage Kerusakan
Kemasan, bungkusan
Kuda-kuda, panggung

3. al refusal Penolakan
pembubaran, pemecatan
4. an american Orang Amerika
Orang Indonesia
Orang Kanada
Orang Austria

5. ance/ence resistance pembangkangan, perlawanan
ignorance keacuhan
dependence ketergantungan
preference preferensi
interference campur tangan
6. ant/ent assistant Pembantu
Jijik, bertentangan

7. ed professed Pura-pura, seolah-olah
Kegentingan, desakan, tekanan
Sudah diuji, berpengalaman

8. en soften Melunakkan
heighten Mempertinggi
sadden Menyedihkan
sharpen Meruncingkan
golden Terbuat dari emas, sangat baik
9. er counter Alat hitung, juru hitung
starter Setater, pelepasan pacuan,
speaker permulaan
prayer Pembicara, pengeras suara
listener Orang yang bersembahyang
10. est smallest Paling kecil
deepest Paling dalam
hotest Paling panas
cleverest Paling pandai
longest Paling panjang
11. ful careful Seksama, dengan penuh perhatian
hopeful Penuh pengharapan
thankful Berterimakasih
beautiful Cantik / indah
painful Sakit, dengan susah payah
12. hood nationhood Kedudukan sebagai negara
childhood merdeka
fatherhood Masa kanak-kanak
falsehood Kebapakan
girlhood Kebohongan
Masa remaja
13. ing building Bangunan
Pembuatan film, perburuan

14. ion Invention penemuan
infection infeksi
perfection kesempurnaan
collection koleksi
subtraction pengurangan
15. ish Selfish Egois, mementingkan diri sendiri
foolish Bodoh, gila
feverish Mendemam
boyish Kelaki-lakian
childish Keanak-anakan
16. ism nationalism nasioanalisme
paham fanatik
cara bekerja pesawat
rationalism Spiritisme, percaya kpd hantu
17. ist nationalist nasionalis
cpitalist kapital
feminist orang yang feminim
rasionalist Pemeluk rasionalisme
mechanist Tukang membuat mesin
18. ive active Aktif
constructive Konstruktif
selective Pilihan
Instructive Instruktif
Imaginative Imaginative/bersifat imajinasi
19. ize analogize Memperlihatkan
Menimbulkan, membuat benci
Mencela, mengecam

20. less faithless Tidak setia, durhaka
hopeless Kehilangan harapan
thankless Tidak berterimakasih
selfless Tak mementingkan diri sendiri
fearless Tidak takut/gentar
21. ly friendly Ramah, bersahabat
weekly Setiap minggu
seriously Dengan serius
dayly Setiap hari
loudly Dengan keras
22. ment achievement Prestasi
management Manajemen
government Pemerintah
statement Pernyataan, pengumuman
agreement Persetujuan
23. ness hardness Kekerasan
kindness Keramahan
goodness Kebaikan
sickness Penyakit
laziness Kemalasan
24. or editor Editor / tukang edit
Kesalahan, galat

25. ous bumptious Congkak

Palsu, lancing
Terus menerus, selalu

26. s asks Bertanya
buys Membeli
abridges Menyingkat
pays Membayar
gives Memberi
27. ship Leadership Pimpinan
friendship Persahabatan
relationship Hubungan
partnership Persekutuan, perkongsian
lordship kekuasaan
28. ty safety Keamanan, keselamatan
Raja, honorarium
Suka bercakap-cakap
Kelestarian, kontinuitas

29. ward homeward pulang
seaward menuju ke laut
northward ke utara
landward ke darat
onward maju
30. y airy Banyak udara masuk, ringan
bumpy Tidak rata
dirty Kotor
leafy Berdaun
foggy berkabut

2. Combination

No. Contoh Kata Arti

1. Disinfectant Obat pembasmi kuman
2. Disinterested Yang tidak berkepentingan
3. Disjointed Terpotong-potong
4. Disorganization Kekacacauan
5. Dismemberment social/masyarakat/organisasi
6. Disloyalty Pemotongan, pembagian dlm bagian-
7. Dishonesty bagian
8. Unabashed Ketidaksetiaan, ketidakpatuhan
9. Unaccented Ketidakjujuran
10. Unaccredited Tidak merasa malu
11. Unaffected Tanpa tekanan
12. Unacceptable Belum diterima dengan resmi
13. Unaccompanied Tidak dibuat-buat
14. Unbeliever Tidak dapat diterima
15. Unconfortable Tak disertai, sendiri
16. Unconditional Seorang yang tidak beriman, kafir
17. Unconfirmed Merasa tidak enak
18. Uncommunicative Tak bersyarat, mutlak
19. Uncritical Belum pasti kebenarannya
20. Understatement Pendiam, tidak suka bicara
21. Understandable Tanpa keritik, todak biasa mengeluarkan
22. Understaffed kritik
23. Undersigned Keterangan yang mengecilkan
24. Underclassman Dapat dimengerti
25. Underemployment Kekurangan tenaga
26. Underhanded Yang bertanda tangan
27. Prepayment Mahasiswa tingkat pascasarjana
28. Presentable Kekurangan pekerjaan
29. Preventable Licik, curang
30. Predominance Pembayaran sebelumnya
31. Precautionary Rapi, tampan
32. Miscarriage Dapat dicegah
33. Misbehavior Keunggulan, kelaziman
34. Misinterpretation Yang berhubungan dengan pencegahan
35. Befallen Keguguran, kegagalan
36. Intercultural Krlakuan yang buruk/jahat
37. Intercontinental Kesalahan penafsiran
38. Interchangeable Menimpa
39. Interaction Antar kebudayaan
40. Interdepartemental Antar benua
41. Intermediary Yang dapat dipertukarkan
42. international Interaksi, pengaruh timbale-balik
43. Deflation Antar-departemen
44. Malformation Perantara, penengah
45. Encounter Internasional
46. Transaction Deflasi
47. Transformation Cacat
48. Transportable Pertemuan, menghadapi
49. Transformative Pelaksanaan, perjanjian
50. Excommunication Perubahan bentuk
Dapat dipindahkan
Berubah-ubah ( bentuknya )

A suffix is a group of letters placed at the end of a word to make a new word. A suffix can
make a new word in one of two ways:

1. inflectional (grammatical): for example, changing singular to plural (dog dogs), or

changing present tense to past tense (walk walked). In this case, the basic meaning
of the word does not change.
2. derivational (the new word has a new meaning, "derived" from the original word): for
example, teach teacher or care careful

A suffix goes at the end of a word. A prefix goes at the beginning.

Inflectional suffixes

Inflectional suffixes do not change the meaning of the original word. So in "Every day I
walk to school" and "Yesterday I walked to school", the words walk and walked have the
same basic meaning. In "I have one car" and "I have two cars", the basic meaning of the
words car and cars is exactly the same. In these cases, the suffix is added simply for
grammatical "correctness". Look at these examples:

suffix grammatical change original word suffixed word
-s plural dog dogs
-en plural (irregular) ox oxen
-s 3rd person singular present like he likes
past tense he worked
-ed work
past participle he has worked
-en past participle (irregular) eat he has eaten
-ing continuous/progressive sleep he is sleeping
-er comparative big bigger
-est superlative big the biggest

Derivational suffixes

With derivational suffixes, the new word has a new meaning, and is usually a different part
of speech. But the new meaning is related to the old meaning - it is "derived" from the old

We can add more than one suffix, as in this example:

derive (verb) + ation derivation (noun) + al derivational (adjective)

There are several hundred derivational suffixes. Here are some of the more common ones:

example example
suffix making
original word suffixed word
example example
suffix making
original word suffixed word
explore exploration
hesitate hesitation
persuade persuasion
divide division
-er teach teacher
-cian music musician
-ess nouns god goddess
-ness sad sadness
-al arrive arrival
-ary diction dictionary
-ment treat treatment
jealous jealousy
victor victory
-al accident accidental
-ary imagine imaginary
-able tax taxable
-ly adjectives brother brotherly
-y ease easy
sorrow sorrowful
forget forgetful
-ly adverbs helpful helpfully
terror terrorize
verbs private privatize
-ate hyphen hyphenate
Various Derivation

1. Adjective Derivation

Example adjective derivation can be seen in the following table.

No. Noun Affixes Example Adjective Derivation

1 -able, -ble changeable, credible, readable, questionable, teachable
2 -al, -ial, -ical aboriginal, disfunctional, periodical, procedural, territorial
3 -ant, -ent, -ient convenient, different, exultant, ignorant, important
4 -ar, -ary singular, spectacular, unitary
5 -ate fortunate, intimate, latinate, passionate, separate
6 -ed bearded, bored, coordinated, melted, monied
7 -en Silken
8 -ful beautiful, delightful, hopeful, hurtful, playful, useful
9 -ic empiric, energetic, generic, periodic, romantic
10 -ile fragile, projectile, volatile
11 -ing absorbing, blushing, charming, interesting, sparkling
12 -ish boyish, brownish, childish, newish, reddish, snobbish
13 -istic characteristic, communistic, impressionistic, meterialistic,
14 -ive, -ative, -itive abusive, cooperative, festive, initiative, instinctive, sensitive,
15 -less careless, hopeless, motiveless, priceless, tasteless, useless
16 -like childlike, ladylike, lifelike
17 -ly friendly, kindly, lively, lovely, neighborly, womanly
18 -ous, -eous, -ose, -ious adventurous, gaseous, mysterious, momentous, religious
19 -ward backward, heavenward
20 -wide communitywide, worldwide
21 -y brainy, dreamy, juicy, rumbly, shaky, windy

Examples Active adjective derivation of the word (adjective):

Activate (Verb), by adding the suffix -> -ate

Activation (Noun), by adding the suffix -> -ation

Actively (adverb), by adding the suffix -> -ly

2. Noun Derivation

Derivation noun is a noun formed from the process of the formation of a derivative in which

the noun word formation results will have a different meaning of the word essentially.

No. Noun Affixes (Suffix/prefix) Example Noun Derivation

1 -acy, -cy conspiracy, intimacy, supremacy
2 -age courage, marriage, tonnage
3 -al disposal, emotional, refferal
4 -an, -ian electrician, guardian, technician
5 -ance, -ence clearance, independance, tolerance
6 -ancy, -ency brilliancy, consistency, expectancy
7 -ant, -ent astringent, constant, pleasant
8 -ary revolutionary, visionary
9 -ate nitrate, delegate, magistrate
10 -ation, -tion imagination, supremation, specialization
11 -dom freedom, kingdom, officialdom
12 -er, -or painter, sailor, worker
13 -(e)ry bakery, fishery, trickery
14 -ess goddess, lioness, waitress
15 -ful mouthful, spoonful
16 -hood brotherhood, childhood, likelihood
17 -ia anemia, reptilia, romania
18 -iatry psychiatry, podiatry
19 -ics, -c economics, mathematics, politics
20 -ice malice, notice
21 -ing building, reading, running
22 -ion abduction, demonstration, description
23 -ism despotism, intellectualism, realism
24 -ist novelist, realist, socialist
25 -ite dynamite, sulfite, vulcanite
26 -ity, -ty purity, royalty, thirty
27 -ive destructive, passive, sportive
28 -ment apartment, development, development
29 -ness carelessness, happiness, inclusiveness
30 -ory excretory, sensory, territory
31 -ship fellowship, friendship, relationship
31 -t Weight
33 -th depth, length, strength
34 -ure departure, exposure, pressure
35 -y carpentry, infamy, society

3. Derivation Adverb

Adverb adverb derivation is formed from the process of the formation of a derivative in which

the adverb word formation results will have a different meaning of the word essentially.

No. Affixes (Suffix/prefix) Example Adverb Derivation

1 a- along, aside, away

2 -ever whenever, wherever
3 -fold Threefold
4 -ily explanatorily, fairily, happily
5 -ly clearly, tightly, validly
6 -place someplace, everyplace
7 -ward backwards, frontwards, shorewards
8 -where anywhere, somewhere
9 -wise clockwise, likewise, profitwise

4. Verb Derivation

Verb derivation is the verb form of the word formation process in which the derivative of the

verb result form will have a different meaning of the word essentially.

No. Affixes (Suffix/prefix) Example Verb Derivation

1 -ate activate, communicate, validate
2 -ed studied, talked, walked
3 -en blacked, heighten, widen
4 -er flicker, shiver
5 -ify beautify, justivy, intensivy
6 -ize centralize, criticize, sympathize
7 en- enclose, endanger, enlarge
8 be- befriend, behappy

An infix is a word element (a type of affix) that can be inserted within the base form of a word
(rather than at its beginning or end) to create a new word or intensify meaning. Also called an
integrated adjective.

The process of inserting an infix is called infixation. The most common type of infix in
English grammar is the expletive, as in "fan-bloody-tastic." Rarely used in formal writing,
expletive infixation can sometimes be heard in colloquial language and slang.

Definition of infix

1. transitive verb
2. 1 : to fasten or fix by piercing or thrusting in
3. 2 : to impress firmly in the consciousness or disposition
4. 3 : to insert (as a sound or letter) as an infix

play \in-()fik-s-shn\ noun

infix was our Word of the Day on 03/27/2014. Hear the podcast!

Theme music by Joshua Stamper 2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP


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Examples of infix in a sentence

1. <a puzzling detail that had been infixed in the detective's mind for over a decade>
2. <a football coach celebrated for infixing in his players an all-consuming will to win>

Origin and Etymology of infix

Latin infixus, past participle of infigere, from in- + figere to fasten more at fix
First Known Use: 1502

infix Synonyms
brand, etch, impress, imprint, engrave, ingrain (also engrain)

Related Words
enroot, imbue, implant, inculcate, infuse, instill; fix, set, stamp

Near Antonyms
blot out, erase, expunge, obliterate

Synonym Discussion of infix

implant, inculcate, instill, inseminate, infix mean to introduce into the mind. implant implies
teaching that makes for permanence of what is taught (implanted a love of reading in her
students). inculcate implies persistent or repeated efforts to impress on the mind (tried to
inculcate in him high moral standards). instill stresses gradual, gentle imparting of knowledge
over a long period of time (instill traditional values in your children). inseminate applies to a
sowing of ideas in many minds so that they spread through a class or nation (inseminated an
unquestioning faith in technology). infix stresses firmly inculcating a habit of thought (infixed
a chronic cynicism).

noun infix \in-fiks\

Definition of infix

1. : a derivational or inflectional affix appearing in the body of a word (as Sanskrit -n- in
vindami I know as contrasted with vid to know)

What is an infix?

Like prefixes and suffixes, infixes are part of the general class of affixes ("sounds or letters
attached to or inserted within a word to produce a derivative word or an inflectional form").
Infixes are relatively rare in English, but you can find them in the plural forms of some words.
For example, cupful, spoonful, and passerby can be pluralized as cupsful, spoonsful, and
passersby, using "s" as an infix. Another example is the insertion of an (often offensive)
intensifier into a word, as in fan-freakin'-tastic. Such whole-word insertions are sometimes
called infixes, though this phenomenon is more traditionally known as tmesis.
Infixes inside Words

Vivian Cook
Word formation Reduplicative words Blends

One of the characteristics of English words is that any modifications to them occur at the
beginning or the end. Mix can have something added at the beginning re-mix or at the end,
mixes, mixer, but never in the middle, called infixes. This distinguishes English from many
other languages like Inuktitit which thrive on adding things to words and end up with what to
an English eye appears gigantic words qangatasuukkuvimmuuriaqa-laaqtunga (Ill have to go
to the airport).

However there is one group of exceptions to this rule seen in fanbloomingtastic where the
word blooming has apparently been put in the middle of fantastic. The only words that can be
inserted in this way are those which show extra emotion, hence often they are swearwords
used within exclamations. They are not grammatical morphemes as would be found in other

Here is a list of some of the words that were found by James McMillan.

awfully: beawfullyware

bally: absoballylutely

bleeding: absobleedinglutely

bleep: fivebleepmile

blessed: absoblessedlutely

bloody: railbloodyway, whatsobloodyever, kangabloodyroo

blooming: absobloominglutely

damn: abdamnsurd, Piccadamnlilly

fucking: somefuckingplace, selfdefuckingfence

goddamn: ingoddamconsistent, guarangoddamntee

jolly: theojollylogical

posi: absoposilutely

Perhaps the only ones likely to heard with any regularity are the word absoXlutely with
different words inserted and bloody as a word to be inserted. See if you can make up
interesting new versions using the above forms.

1 footXXXball
2 RyanXXXair

3 inteXXresting

4 daffoXXdil

5 Boris XXXX Johnson

6 roadXXXhog

7 answerXXphone

8 hospXXXital

9 uniXXversity

Other pages: Plurals Compounds Word formation menu

Formerly at Virgin), which is now defunct

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