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Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 385, 22692278 (2008) doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.12998.

Hall magnetohydrodynamics of partially ionized plasmas

B. P. Pandey and Mark Wardle

Department of Physics, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia

Accepted 2008 January 21. Received 2007 December 9; in original form 2007 July 18

The Hall effect arises in a plasma when electrons are able to drift with the magnetic field but
ions cannot. In a fully ionized plasma this occurs for frequencies between the ion and electron
cyclotron frequencies because of the larger ion inertia. Typically this frequency range lies
well above the frequencies of interest (such as the dynamical frequency of the system under
consideration) and can be ignored. In a weakly ionized medium, however, the Hall effect
arises through a different mechanism neutral collisions preferentially decouple ions from the
magnetic field. This typically occurs at much lower frequencies and the Hall effect may play
an important role in the dynamics of weakly ionized systems such as the Earths ionosphere
and protoplanetary discs.
To clarify the relationship between these mechanisms we develop an approximate single-
fluid description of a partially ionized plasma that becomes exact in the fully ionized and weakly
ionized limits. Our treatment includes the effects of ohmic, ambipolar and Hall diffusion. We
show that the Hall effect is relevant to the dynamics of a partially ionized medium when the
dynamical frequency exceeds the ratio of ion to bulk mass density times the ion-cyclotron
frequency, i.e. the Hall frequency. The corresponding length-scale is inversely proportional to
the ion to bulk mass density ratio as well as to the ion-Hall beta parameter. In a weakly ion-
ized medium, the critical frequency becomes small enough that Hall magnetohydrodynamics
(MHD) is an accurate representation of the dynamics. More generally, ohmic and ambipolar
diffusion may also be important.
We show that both ambipolar and Hall diffusion depend upon the fractional ionization of
the medium. However, unlike ambipolar diffusion, Hall diffusion may also be important in
the high fractional ionization limit. The wave properties of a partially ionized medium are
investigated in the ambipolar and Hall limits. We show that in the ambipolar regime wave
damping is dependent on both fractional ionization and ionneutral collision frequencies. In
the Hall regime, since the frequency of a whistler wave is inversely proportional to the fractional
ionization, and bounded by the ionneutral collision frequency it will play an important role
in the Earths ionosphere, solar photosphere and astrophysical discs.
Key words: MHD plasmas waves Sun: atmosphere Earth stars: formation

Hall MHD plays a crucial role in a variety of astrophysical, space

and laboratory environments, often providing the dominant mecha-
In ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), ions and electrons are both nism for plasma drift against the magnetic field, from flux expulsion
tied to the magnetic field. When ions are decoupled from the field in neutron star crusts (Goldreich & Reisenegger 1992) to angular
and electrons are not, the magnetic field and electrons drift together momentum transport in weakly ionized protoplanetary discs (PPDs)
through the ions and the generalized Ohms law is modified by the (Wardle 1999; Balbus & Terquem 2001; hereafter W99 and BT01,
Hall electric field, proportional to J B, where J and B are the respectively). The formation of intensive flux tubes in the solar at-
current density and magnetic field. This modification of ideal MHD mosphere (Khodachenko & Zaistev 2002), waves in the solar wind
is called Hall MHD. (Zhelyankov, Debosscher & Goossens 1996; Miteva, Zhelyazkov
& Erdelyi 2003), propagation of whistlers in the Earths ionosphere
(Aburjania at al. 2005) and sub-Alfvenic plasma expansion (Huba
 E-mail: 1995) are but a few examples where Hall MHD appears to play

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significant role. In fusion plasmas, the Hall effect can play an im-
2 F O R M U L AT I O N
portant role in describing various discharge behaviour (Kappraff,
Grossmann & Kress 1981; Wang & Bhattacharjee 1993). For ex- Space and astrophysical plasmas are generally partially ionized con-
ample, it can significantly enhance the non-ohmic current drive in sisting of electrons, ions, neutrals, and charged and neutral dust
tokamaks (Pandey et al. 1995). grains. We shall neglect grains in the present formulation and con-
Two mechanisms may decouple the ions from the magnetic sider a partially ionized plasma consisting of electrons, ions and
field under different physical conditions. This has led to distinct neutrals. The dynamics of such a plasma is complex but depend-
approaches being adopted to investigate the role of the Hall ef- ing upon the physical conditions pertaining to the problem at hand,
fect in the dynamics of laboratory (Kappraff et al. 1981; Wang & reasonable simplifying assumptions can be made. For example, the
Bhattacharjee 1993; Pandey et al. 1995), space (Huba 1995; dynamics of a PPD has been investigated by assuming that the neu-
Zhelyankov et al. 1996; Richmond & Thayer 2000; Huba 2003; trals provide the inertia of the bulk fluid and plasma particles carry
Aburjania et al. 2005) and astrophysical (W99; BT01; Goldreich & the current (W99). This approach is reasonable as in a cold proto-
Reisenegger 1992) plasmas. stellar disc, the ionization fraction (i.e. the ratio of electron to the
In a highly ionized plasma the Hall effect arises because of the neutral number density) is very low (108 to 1013 ) and the rel-
difference in electron and ion inertia: ions are unable to follow ative drift between ions and neutrals are small. Therefore, such a
magnetic fluctuations at frequencies higher than their cyclotron fre- description is not only economical but also captures the essential
quency, whereas electrons remain coupled to the magnetic field. The physics of the PPDs. However, the inertia of the ionized compo-
corresponding physical scale, the ion skin depth, is typically much nents may in general play an important role, e.g. near the wall of
smaller than the scale of the system. In this case the Hall effect has a tokamak, in the lower part of Earths F-region, at the base of
typically been incorporated by explicitly including the ionelectron the solar chromosphere, in the outer part of active galactic nucleus
drift in the induction equation. (AGN) discs, in the discs around the dwarf novae etc., when the
In a partially ionized plasma the Hall effect may instead arise ionization fraction is small and yet not negligible. In neutron star
because neutral collisions more easily decouple ions from the mag- crusts too, neutron and proton densities are comparable and a multi-
netic field than electrons. In this case, the Hall scale can become component description of the strongly magnetized fluid is desirable.
comparable to the size of the system itself. Its effects are typically In the solar chromosphere, utilizing three component description,
incorporated through a second-rank conductivity tensor appearing Alfven wave damping have been studied in the context of spicule
in a generalized Ohms law (Cowling 1957; Mitchner & Kruger dynamics (Pontieu & Haerendel 1998). In the solar photosphere, the
1973). effect of ionneutral damping on the propagation of waves has also
The Hall dynamics of highly ionized and weakly ionized plasmas been recently studied (Kumar & Roberts 2003). Our aim therefore
are similar, but occur on very different frequency ranges and spatial is to develop an approximate single-fluid-like description of a mul-
scales due to the different mechanisms responsible for the under- ticomponent, partially ionized plasma and demand that it reduces
lying symmetry breaking in ion and electron dynamics. This has to the fully and weakly ionized descriptions in different fractional
led to some confusion in the literature, where estimates of the fully ionization limits. This approximate formulation will permit us to
ionized Hall length-scale have been applied to the ionized compo- explore the relationship between the onset of the Hall effect due
nent of partially ionized media to conclude that the Hall effect is to the ion inertia or due to the ionneutral collisions. Furthermore,
irrelevant in circumstances when it is, in fact, crucial (Huba 1995; such a description will provide us the freedom to investigate the
Bacciotti, Chiuderi & Pouquet 1997; Rudakov 2001; Huba 2003). effect of fractional ionization in various limits on the MHD wave
The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between modes.
the fully ionized and weakly ionized limits by developing a unified
single-fluid framework for the dynamics of plasmas of arbitrary
2.1 A single-fluid model for partially ionized plasma
ionization. Our treatment is of necessity approximate in the inter-
mediate case, but has the correct behaviour in the highly or weakly We start with the three-component (ions, electrons and neutrals)
ionized limits and is not strongly limited in applicability in the in- description of a partially ionized plasma and reduce it to a single-
termediate ionization regime. This allows us to explore the change fluid description. The continuity equation is
of scale in the Hall effect in moving from fully to partially ionized
plasmas and gain a deep physical understanding of the nature of the + ( j v j ) = 0, (1)
transition between the two ionization regimes. Furthermore, this for- t
mulation is useful in gaining insight into the behaviour of plasmas where j = m j n j is the mass density, vj is the velocity, and n j and m j
that are neither fully ionized nor weakly ionized (e.g. near a toka- are the number density and particle mass of the various components
mak wall or the surface of a white dwarf), when neutral collisions for j = i, e, n. We shall assume that the ions are singly charged and
and ionized plasma inertia may both be important. adopt charge neutrality, so that ni = ne . The momentum equations
The paper is organized in the following fashion. In Section 2 for the electrons, ions and neutrals are
we derive a set of fluid equation in the bulk frame suitable for the
dve Pe e ve
weakly ionized medium and the characteristic scales on which the = E+ B e j (ve v j ), (2)
dt e me c
Hall effect manifests, are discussed. In Section 3, waves in a par- j=i, n

tially ionized plasma are described and the dependence of the wave   
damping on fractional ionization in the ambipolar regime is dis- dvi Pi e vi
= + E+ B i j (vi v j ), (3)
cussed. The very low-frequency ion-cyclotron and high-frequency dt i mi c
j=e, n
collisional whistler is shown to be the two branches in the Hall
regime. In Section 4 we discuss the potential wide ranging applica-
dvn Pn 
tions of this work to laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas. A = + n j (v j vn ). (4)
brief summary of the results is given in the final section. dt n
j=e, i

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Hall magnetohydrodynamics 2271
The electron and ion momentum equations (2)(3) contain on the respectively. Multiplying equation (14) by n and equation (15) by
right hand side pressure gradient, Lorentz force and collisonal mo- i and then adding
mentum exchange terms where P j is the pressure, E and B are the JB
electric and magnetic field, c is the speed of light and i j is the (i in + e en ) vD = D + Pn D P
collision frequency for species i with species j. The electronion  
i n dvD m e en
collision frequency ei can be expressed in terms of the fractional + (vD ) vi (vi ) vD + J. (16)
ionization xe = ne /nn and the plasma temperature T e = T i = T as dt e

ei = 51 xe n n T 1.5 s1 , (5) The term in the square bracket can be neglected if

where T and nn are in K and cm , respectively. The plasmaneutral
 ni . (17)
collision frequency jn is i
 v j Then equation (16) can be written as
jn = jn n = n . (6)  
mn + m j JB Pn P i J
vD = D + D + , (18)
Here  v j is the rate coefficient for the momentum transfer by c i in i in i in e e ne
collision of the j th particle with the neutrals. The ionneutral and where
electronneutral rate coefficients are (Draine, Roberge & Dalgarno cj
1983) j = (19)
 vin = 1.9 109 cm3 s1 , is the ratio of the cyclotron frequency of the jth particle cj =
 ven = 8.28 1010 T 1/2 cm3 s1 . (7) e B/m j c (where e, B, m j , c denote electron charge, magnetic field,
mass and speed of light, respectively) to the sum of the plasma
The density of the bulk fluid is plasma, and plasmaneutral, jn collision frequencies. For electrons
= e + i + n i + n . (8) e = en + ei and for ions i = in + ie . While writing (18), we
have used e en i in . In the weakly ionized limit, when D
Then defining the neutral density fraction 1, neglecting plasma pressure terms and assuming e 1, equa-
n tion (18) reduces to the strong coupling approximation, i.e. vD
D= , (9)
(J B)/(c i in ) (Shu 1983).
Equation (18) implies that for gradients with a length-scale L, and
the bulk velocity v = ( i vi + n vn )/ can be written as
signal speed s, v D n s2 (1 + 1/D e )/( i in L). The associated
v = (1 D) vi + D vn . (10) dynamical
 is s/L, so the requirement i n vD2
2 vA2 + cs2 means that the vD vD term in (12) can be neglected
Note that we are implicitly neglecting the electron inertia in (10),
for dynamical frequencies satisfying
and therefore in the momentum equation (13) below.  
The continuity equation for the bulk fluid is obtained by summing D e
 ni . (20)
up equation (1) for each species: i n 1 + D e
At higher frequencies the single-fluid approximation (13) breaks
+ ( v) = 0. (11)
t down. Note that this frequency constraint is much weaker in the
The momentum equation can be derived by adding equations (2)(4) highly ionized and weakly ionized limits, for which n (D
to obtain 1). In the appendix we show that equation (20) is a conservative
  bound on the dynamical frequency. Further, we also show in the
dv i n JB
+ vD vD = P + , (12) appendix that (17) is implied by equation (20).
dt c
To obtain an equation for the evolution of the magnetic field, we
where P = Pe + Pi + Pn is the total pressure, vD = vi vn is need to derive an expression for the electric field E in terms of the
the ionneutral drift velocity and J = n e e (vi ve ) is the current fluid properties to insert into Faradays law
density. B
= c E.
vA = B/ 4 as the Alfven speed in the bulk fluid
Defining (21)
and cs = p/ as the acoustic speed, we note that if i n v 2D
2 (v 2A + c2s ) then we may neglect the vD vD term in equation (12) We start with the electron momentum equation (2), which in the
and recover the single-fluid momentum equation zero electron inertia limit yields an expression for the electric field
in the rest frame of the ions:
dv JB
= P + . (13) vi Pe J J B m e en
dt c E+ B= + + vD (22)
c e ne c e ne e
To derive a criterion for this, we estimate vD by rewriting the ion
and neutral equations of motion (3) and (4) as
e2 n e
dvi = (23)
(i in + e en ) vD = i (Pe + Pi ) m e (en + ei )
J B m e en is the ohmic conductivity and J is given by Amperes law,
+ + J (14)
c e J= B. (24)
and 4
dvn m e en It is desirable to have an expression for electric field (22) in the bulk
(i in + e en ) vD = n + Pn + J, (15) fluid frame. To obtain this we use vi = v + DvD , with equation (18)
dt e

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for vD . Substituting the result into (22) to obtain 2.2 The Hall scale

B JB (J B) B In fully ionized plasmas the Hall effect becomes important for fre-
= (v B) + D2 quencies in excess of the ion gyrofrequency. In natural systems
t e ne ci in
   the associated time-scales are usually much shorter than those of
J D2 i (25) interest and Hall dynamics can be safely neglected. However, in
+ Pn Pi Pe B ,
i in n partially ionized plasmas the Hall effect becomes important on
longer length and time-scales, and in weakly ionized plasmas these
where we have neglected the Biermanns battery contribution from
may even become comparable to the dynamical time-scale of the
the Pe /en e term in equation (22) as well as small terms of order
D i / e , which is 103 . The right-hand side of this induction equa-
This behaviour is easily inferred from the fluid equations derived
tion has convective, ohmic, Hall and ambipolar diffusion terms, re-
in the previous section. If diffusion is unimportant, the characteristic
spectively. We note that ambipolar term in a partially ionized plasma
length-scale of a gradient in the fluid associated with frequency
includes a contribution from the pressure gradient terms as well from
is L v A / where v A is the Alfven speed in the total fluid (not
the magnetic stresses.
just the ionized component). Then comparing the magnitudes of the
The relative importance of the various terms in the induction
advective and Hall diffusion terms in the induction equation (27),
equation (25) can be easily estimated. The ratio of the Hall (H) and
we find that the Hall term becomes important for frequencies in
the Ohm (O) terms gives H/O e , the electron Hall parameter. The
excess of the Hall frequency
ratio between ambipolar (A) and Hall (H) terms are A/H D2 i . In
the weak ionization (D 1) limit, A/H i , i.e. ion Hall parameter eB i v2
determines the relative importance between the ambipolar and the H =
= ci A , (29)
mi c H
Hall terms. In a highly ionized plasma, D 0 and, the ambipolar
effect becomes inconsequential. Unlike ambipolar diffusion, Hall where the effective ion mass is
diffusion does not disappear in the high fractional ionization limit.
m i = /n e . (30)
The ambipolar diffusion terms in (25) arise from D vD B in the
vi B term in (22) since vi B = v B + DvD B. The terms The corresponding Hall length-scale is
due to pressure gradients P B are negligible compared to the  1/2  
inductive term v B when vA  vA 
  LH = = i = i1 , (31)
H i i in
 ni , (26)
cs2 i n where i = v Ai /ci is the ion skin depth with vAi = B/ 4 i as
the Alfven speed in the ion fluid.
where cs is some effective sound speed. We note that for D e
The Hall effect arises because through an asymmetry in the abil-
1, equation (20) guarantees (26) when v A  cs . In the opposite
ity of positive and negative charge carriers to drift in response to
limit, when v A > cs , equation (26) is not implied by (20). Our final
the instantaneous electric field. In the fully ionized limit, for fre-
induction equation without P B term becomes
quencies ci   ce electrons are able to attain a drift velocity

B 4 4 H in instantaneous balance between electric, magnetic and collisonal
= (v B) J J B stresses, whereas the inertia of the ions prevents them from doing
t c c
 so.1 In the single-fluid approximation, the ions are tightly coupled
4 A   to the neutrals by collisions so that they are unable to drift through
+ J B B , (27)
c them but must carry them along also. Thus they pick up the neutral
inertia, gaining an effective mass mi , and are unable to fully respond
where B = B/B, and the ohmic (), ambipolar (A ) and Hall (H ) to changes with frequencies in excess of H (cf. Pandey & Wardle
diffusivity are 2006a,b). Implicit in this is the requirement that collisions are able
c2 D2 B 2 D vA2 cB to provide the strong coupling between ions and neutrals, as noted
= , A = , H = . (28) in equation (20).
4 4 i in ni 4 e ne
The condition  H implies that the Hall term dominates the
Equation (27) is identical to the known expression for a weakly inductive term in (27), but does not guarantee that it is the dominant
ionized medium (e.g. Konigl 1989) apart from the appearance of diffusion mechanism. As noted earlier the ratio of the Hall and ohmic
the factor D2 in A , which suppresses ambipolar diffusion if the diffusion terms is e , whereas the ratio of the ambipolar and Hall
ionization of the plasma is significant. The dependence of ambipolar diffusion terms is D2 i , so for Hall diffusion to dominate the other
term on the D2 factor was first noted by Cowling (1957). mechanisms, we require
To summarize, the single-fluid equations have been derived ne-
glecting electron inertia in the low-frequency limit given by (20). D 2 i 1 e . (32)
Pressure gradient terms have been neglected in the induction equa- Note that in the weakly ionized limit we recover the standard re-
tion (27), which is valid if inequality (26) is satisfied. Then equa- quirement i 1 e . In the fully ionized limit D2 i 0 and
tions (11), (13) and (27) along with prescriptions for determining the first inequality is guaranteed.
P and ne describe the dynamics of a plasma of arbitrary ioniza-
tion. For example, when the plasma is fully ionized (i.e. D 0),
v = vi and (11), (13) and (27) reduce to the fully ionized Hall-
resistive MHD description. In the other extreme limit D 1, the 1 The effects associated with  are absent in our estimate (29) because
equations reduce to those describing weakly ionized MHD (W99, electron inertia was explicitly neglected in our development of the single-
BT01). fluid equations.

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2.3 Magnetovorticity We define 2 = 2 k 2 cs2 , dot equation (42) with k, and use
In the Hall-dominated regime, if the effective ion mass mi = /ne k B = 0 to write
is constant (in space and time) then the concept of flux freezing can k2
k v = (B B) . (43)
be generalized to the freezing of magnetovorticity 4 2
M = H B + v (33) We see that in the incompressible limit, both v and B are trans-
verse to the background magnetic field B. Making use of equa-
into the fluid flow (see e.g. the review by Polygiannakis & Moussas tion (43), equation (42) can be written as
2000). To show this we take the curl of the momentum equation (13)    
and use the identity ( v) v = (1/2)v 2 + (v )v to obtain 1 2
  v = (k B) B ( B B) k . (44)
4 2
( v) JB
= [v ( v)] + , (34)
t c Defining k B = cos and 2A = k2 v 2A , and eliminating v and k
v from equation (39) we get an equation in terms of B only
where P has been neglected. In the absence of magnetic  

forces, this is the equation for conservation of the vorticity v. 2 vA2 + i A k 2 cos2 i k 2 B
The magnetic term is directly proportional to the Hall term in the  
2 2  
induction equation = + i A k 2 B B ( B k cos )
  2 A
= (v B) + , (35) i H k 2 cos (k B), (45)
t en e
where A = k v A is the Alfven frequency. After some straightfor-
and eliminating this term between the two yields
ward algebra, following dispersion relation can be derived from
M equation (45):
= (v M ) (36)  

2 vA2 + i A k 2 cos2 i k 2
which shows that the magnetovorticity is frozen into the fluid.
In the limit | v| H , this reduces to magnetic flux freezing,  

2 vA2 + i A k 2 cos2 i k 2
because Hall diffusion is not significant in the induction equation.
In the opposite limit, | v| H , M reduces to the usual fluid  
2 2
vorticity v because the magnetic term is unimportant in the k 2 sin2 v + i A H2 k 4 2 cos2 = 0. (46)
2 A
momentum equation.
In the following sections, we shall investigate the dispersion relation,
equation (46) in various limits.
In this section we examine the wave modes supported by a partially
3.1 No Hall limit
ionized plasma satisfying equations (11), (13) and (27). We shall
assume a homogeneous, uniform background with zero flow and In the absence of Hall (i.e. H ), the last term in dispersion
investigate the wave properties of the medium in various ioniza- relation (46) can be ignored. We note that the modes related to the
tion limits. We assume that the medium is isothermal, i.e. that P = B  B and to B  k B are mixed. For example, when the
c2s with constant sound speed cs . The linearized equations for the magnetic field perturbation is parallel to the background field, i.e.
perturbations , v, B and J are B  B, from equation (45), we get following dispersion relation
4 i (A + ) k 2 3 cs2 + vA2 k 2 2
+ ( v) = 0, (37)   
+i k 2 cs2 (A + ) k 2 i k 2 vA2 cos2 = 0, (47)
dv J B which is the second curly bracket in the dispersion relation (46).
= cs2 + , (38)
dt c In the absence of dissipation (valid for long-wavelength fluctu-
 ations), when and A 0, the roots of the dispersion relation
B 4 4 H are
= (v B) J J B
t c c  


 k 2
cs2 + A2 4k cos
cs2 A2 2
4 A   (39) 2 = 1 1   . (48)
+ J B B 2 k 2 cs2 + A2

and The upper and lower sign of equation (48) correspond to the fast
c and slow modes of ideal MHD.
J = B. (40)
4 For a cold, collisional medium, the dispersion relation (47) be-
Note that we do not need an explicit prescription for i or ne as their comes
perturbations do not appear in the linearized induction equation. 2 i (A + ) k 2 A2 = 0. (49)
Assuming that the perturbations have the form exp (i t i k x),
and using (40), equations (37) and (38) become The real and imaginary part of the root of equation (49) is
  2 1/2
k v = 0, (41) k (A + )
  Re[] = A 1 0.5 ,
k v (k B) B ( B B) k
v = cs2 k + . (42)
4 4 Im[] = 0.5 k 2 (A + ) . (50)

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It is well known that the waves are damped in the weakly ion- when i 1, damping of the waves will be insignificant and system
ized collisional medium (Tanenbaum & Mintzer 1962; Kulsrud & can support very low-frequency ion-cyclotron modes.
Pearce 1969; Ferriere, Zweibel & Shull 1988). The damping of In the presence of ohmic diffusion only, above ratio is
the waves is not only dependent on the ionneutral collision fre-
Im[] 1
quency but also on the ratio of the neutral to the bulk mass den- = . (57)
Re[] e
sities D (Kumar & Roberts 2003). Equation (50) suggest that in
the absence of ohmic dissipation, modes with the wavelength larger Recall that H/O = e in the induction equation (27). Therefore
than when e 1, i.e. when Hall dominates Ohm, the damping of the
D vA ion-cyclotron mode is insignificant. We may conclude that in the
cut-off = 2 (51) Hall regime, i.e. when D2 i 1 e , weakly ionized plasma can
easily excite very low-frequency ion-cyclotron mode which will
can propagate in the medium. Clearly, when D = 1, i.e. when the propagate undamped in the medium.
medium is weakly ionized, except for a 2 factor, this expression is Since the excitation threshold of modified ion-cyclotron wave is
same as given by Kulsrud & Pearce (1969). Thus, D = 1 provides the close to zero this mode will always be present in the medium, except
upper bound on the wavelength of the damped mode. With the in- when the direction of wave propagation is almost transverse to the
crease in the fractional ionization, the cut-off wavelength decreases. ambient magnetic field, since for oblique propagation Re []
When magnetic perturbation is along k B = n sin , then H cos . We note that the excitation of the very low-frequency
dotting equation (45) with n sin , we get following dispersion modified ion cyclotron mode in a weakly ionized medium is a novel
relation feature of the Hall MHD. This feature makes it different from a
2 i A cos2 + k 2 A2 cos2 = 0, (52) highly ionized case. Therefore, in the weakly ionized medium such
as dark clouds and PPDs, where H 0, the ion-cyclotron mode is
which corresponds to the first square bracket in equation (46). The likely to exist in the medium.
real and imaginary part of the root of equation (49) is In the high-frequency limit A , neglecting 2 in (54), and
 2 1/2 assuming = 0, we get
k A cos +
Re[] = A 1 0.5 , A2
vA cos Re[] = ,
Im[] = 0.5 k 2 (A cos2 + ). (53) 2
Im[] = D A , (58)
The normal-mode behaviour of the waves are similar in both B
B and B k B cases except for the cos reduction factor in the and the ratio of imaginary and real part of the frequency gives D2 i
later case. We note that equation (53) is identical to equation (17) implying that, the system excites low-frequency ion-cyclotron and
of Desch (2004). The damping of the magnetic fluctuations along n high-frequency whistler waves in the system when D2 i 1.
is reduced by the cos factor in the transverse direction. We note that the nature of the whistler wave in a partially ionized
In the limit c2s , we obtain the dispersion relation found by medium is different from the whistler in a fully ionized medium.
Desch (2004) in the Boussinesq approximation ( = 0, P = 0). In H 0 limit, the whistler frequency can become very high
but the present single-fluid description is valid only for whistler
frequencies satisfying equation (20). In terms of wavelength this
3.2 Hall limit constraint becomes
This dispersion relation (46), acquires a familiar form (cf. W99,  1/4  1/2  1/2
i 1 + D e H cos
equation 25) when wave is propagating along the ambient magnetic  2 . (59)
n D e ni
field ( = 0)
We note that the above expression provides a lower bound on the
2 i T k 2 A2 = H k 2 , (54)
wavelength. In a medium such as molecular clouds, taking D = 1
where T = A + . In the low-frequency limit A , neglecting and calculating H for an mG field with ne 0.01 cm3 , mi = 30 mp ,
2 in (54), we get mn = 2.35 mp and ni = 2.8 1012 s1 for nn 106 cm3 , we get
1  104 cm. This suggests that single-fluid description permits the
Re[] = H  2 , excitation of very small wavelength fluctuations in the cloud. We
1 + e1 + D 2 i may conclude that the weakly ionized interstellar medium is capable
e1 + D 2 i of exciting high-frequency, short (k ) whistlers in the medium.
Im[] = H  2 . (55) To summarize, both the modified ion-cyclotron and whistler
1 + e1 + D 2 i
waves correspond to the short-wavelength limit of equation (54),
i.e. H A . In the long-wavelength (A H ) limit, we get
The modified ion-cyclotron mode, equation (55) has very low
familiar Alfven wave 2 2A .
threshold of excitation in a weakly ionized medium since Re []
H 0. The ratio of imaginary and real part of the frequency only
in the presence of ambipolar diffusion ( = 0) gives 4 A P P L I C AT I O N S
= D 2 i (56) In this section we consider the relevance of the Hall effect in fusion,
Re[] space and astrophysical plasmas. We do this by adopting typical
which is same as the ratio of ambipolar to Hall term in the induction parameters for the plasmas and examining the Hall length and time-
equation (27). Above expression can also be written in terms of scales, and the relative magnitudes of Hall, ambipolar and ohmic
Hall and Pedersen conductivities (Wardle & Ng 1999). We note that diffusivities. We also discuss its likely implications.

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Hall magnetohydrodynamics 2275
ratio i / increases and Hall length shrinks becoming of the order
4.1 Fusion plasmas
of ion-inertial scale when i / 1 in the magnetosphere.
It is well known that in the fusion devices Hall can play an important We see from Table 1 that since ratio of the ambipolar (A) and
role in discharge behaviour such as the sawtooth collapse of the Hall (H) terms are A/H A /H = D2 i 1, both these dif-
tokamak discharge (Wang & Bhattacharjee 1993), or, in non-ohmic fusion will operate on an equal footing towards the upper E-layer
current drive schemes (Pandey et al. 1995). The Hall effect is also (130 km) and lower F-layer (150 km), whereas ohmic diffusion
potentially important near the partially ionized wall region of a will be unimportant. Observations of the partially ionized D and
tokamak. Since nn /ni 103 to 104 near the wall region (Fulop, E regions close to the lower boundary of the Earths ionosphere
Catto & Helander 2001), it is clear from equations (29)(31) that (70140 km), reveal the permanent presence of ultra low fre-
H ci and LH i , where we have assumed mn = mi . Clearly, Hall quency (ULF) waves. In the E-region of the ionosphere, these
scaling is similar in both fully ionized core and partially ionized wall waves have slow and fast components with phase velocities be-
region of the tokamak. Therefore, Hall effect near the wall region tween 1100 m s1 and 220 km s1 and frequencies between 101
will be important for ci  and scale comparable to the ion-inertial to 104 Hz and 104 to 106 Hz, respectively, with wavelength
scale. 103 km and a period of variation ranging between few days to
For typical ion densities 1014 cm3 and 10 kG field in fusion tens of days (Bauer et al. 1995; Zhou, Silzer & Tepley 1997). Day
plasmas, assuming mi = mp we get ci = 108 s2 . The ion Alfven and night time observations give an order of magnitude difference
speed is v Ai = 2.23 108 cm, and, the ion skin depth is i = in the phase velocity.
v Ai /ci 2.23 cm. Adopting 102 cm as the major radius of the The slow ULF waves have been identified as Alfven waves,
tokamak plasma, the Alfven frequency is A R1 V A 107 s1 . which due to presence of neutrals, converts to whistler waves in the
Therefore, the Hall scale around few centimetres. E-layer (Aburjania at al. 2005). We note that in the lower layer of
the ionosphere (D-, E- and lower F-layers, 70140 km), the ion-
ization mass fraction could be as low as 1012 (Table 1). Hall
4.2 Ionospheric plasmas
MHD is applicable in this region, and for B = 0.3 G and an ion
An important question for magnetosphereionosphere coupling is mass m i m O+ 1023 g, the Hall criterion is  H = 109 Hz
the interaction between the collisionless magnetospheric plasma rather than the requirement  ci 103 s1 that would hold if
and the collisional ionospheric plasma. The magnetosphere is well the medium were fully ionized. Thus, waves in the 101 to 104 Hz
described by the ideal or Hall MHD equations whereas the iono- range are most likely whistler waves. Identifying the observed wave
sphere is described by the fluid equations along with the inertia- speed (12 km) (Aburjania at al. 2005) with the whistler, we obtain
less plasma determining the relationship between the current and the characteristic wavelength 103 km at 130 km. Therefore, what
the electric field through a generalized Ohms law. The transition is being identified as slow Alfven mode converting to whistler could
between the two regions is not easily facilitated using these dif- be just low-frequency whistler mode without any mode conversion.
ferent approaches. In particular they mask why Hall operates at In fully ionized plasmas the Hall effect considerably modifies
large scales in the ionosphere, and shrinks to the ion-inertial scale the classical KelvinHelmholtz (KH) and RayleighTaylor (RT)
in the magnetosphere. The unified set of equations presented here instabilities on the ion-inertial scale (Talwar & Kalra 1965). Both
treats the ionosphere and magnetosphere in the same framework these instabilities grow faster in the presence of Hall effect. We
and describes the dynamics of the transition region in a consis- anticipate that similar modifications to the KH and RT instabilities
tent fashion. The added bonus of this approach is that it explains will be effective on much longer scales and that the Hall effect may
why the Hall scale shrinks as one moves from ionosphere to the facilitate the energy cascade from large to small scales in the weakly
magnetosphere. ionized regions of the ionosphere.
To illustrate these points and to gauge the relative importance of
ambipolar, Hall and ohmic diffusion in the lower ionosphere, we
4.3 Solar atmosphere
present representative neutral mass density, collision frequencies
(Akasofu & Chapman 1972; Song, Gambosi & Ridley 2001), and The potential role of the Hall effect in the solar atmosphere has
the corresponding Hall beta parameters, the Hall frequency and Hall escaped the attention of solar community owing to the confusion
length-scale in Table 1. Molecular nitrogen and oxygen are the dom- about the Hall scaling in partially ionized plasmas. The interac-
inant components of the lower atmosphere, thus we have adopted a tion between the partially ionized solar atmosphere and fully ion-
mean neutral mass mn = 16 mp . Hall and ohmic diffusion are dom- ized corona has important consequences for the wave heating of
inant in the lower E-layer of the ionosphere. Above 100 km, Hall the corona. MHD waves can be easily excited in the medium by
diffusion is dominant H is very low and the corresponding Hall e.g. convective gas motions. A tiny fraction of this energy carried by
scale is very large (Table 1). With increasing height, the density the waves to higher altitude would suffice to heat the corona to high

Table 1. Mass Density , the ratio of ion to neutral mass density i /, ionneutral, in and
electronneutral, en collision frequencies, ratio of the ambipolar to Hall, A /H = D2 i and Hall
to Ohm, H /O = e diffusivities along with the Hall frequency H and Hall scalelength LH is
shown in the table for different heights pertaining to Earths lower ionosphere. A 0.3 G magnetic
field has been assumed.

h (km) (g cm3 ) i / n in (Hz) en (Hz) D2 i e H (Hz) LH (km)

80 108 1012 7 105 107 103 0.07 1010 107

100 109 1010 7 103 105 0.7 70 108 105
130 1010 107 102 3 103 1 103 105 104
150 1011 104 30 8 102 3 104 102 10

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2276 B. P. Pandey and M. Wardle
Table 2. Same as in Table 1, but for the solar atmosphere. A 100 G magnetic field has been assumed.

h (km) (g cm3 ) i / n in (Hz) en (Hz) D2 i e H (Hz) LH (km)

0 2.77 107 104 1.6 109 1.3 1010 104 101 10 101
525 4.87 109 104 2.2 107 2 108 102 1 10 10
1000 5.07 1011 103 2.2 105 2 106 1 30 102 10

temperatures (Priest 1987). However, the dynamics of the weakly in the lower photosphere (1000 km), where i 1. At higher
ionized photosphere is dominated by collisional effects whereas altitudes, typically between (10003000) km, ambipolar diffusion
highly ionized corona is described by ideal MHD. It is unclear how will be important, above this the role of ambipolar diffusion dimin-
does one makes a transition between the collisional photosphere ishes as the neutral number density plummets rapidly. We infer that
and collisionless corona. The present formulation not only allows Hall effect is present over the entire solar atmosphere although with
us to investigate the dynamics of the collisional lower photosphere shrinking spatial scales with increasing altitude and will modify the
but also allows taking the proper limit to the fully ionized coronal large-scale wave motion in the medium.
region. As we shall see below, Hall may indeed become important Granulations or convective motions are believed to generate
in the solar photosphere. To show this, we give typical collision fre- Alfven waves in the photosphere. The Alfven wave is a promis-
quencies and Hall parameters for the solar atmosphere in Table 2 for ing candidate for heating and acceleration of the solar plasma from
standard solar photosphere and chromosphere models (Vernazza, coronal holes. High-frequency (104 Hz) ion-cyclotron waves have
Avrett & Loser 1981; Cox 2000). The protonhydrogen (H+ H) been proposed as a candidate for preferential heating of the heavy
elastic collision cross-section is temperature dependent and at 0.5 eV ions (Kohl et al. 1998). The power spectra of horizontal photospheric
is typically 2 1014 cm2 (Krstic & Schultz 1999). The electron motions suggest that waves with frequencies (105 to 0.1 Hz) are
hydrogen (e H) collision cross-section is also temperature depen- present at a few solar radii (Cranmer & van Ballegooijen 2005).
dent and is 3.5 1015 cm2 at 0.5 eV (Bedersen & Kieffeer 1971; Thus, it should be possible to observe 1-Hz waves. Whistlers may
Zecca, Karwasz & Brusa 1996). Table 2 somewhat underestimates be excited close to the footpoint of the flux tube, and with decreas-
the collision frequencies as charge exchange between ionized and ing neutral density, this wave will turn into an Alfven wave that can
neutral hydrogen in the solar atmosphere has a large collision cross- propagate to the corona and heat it. As the damping of the mode
section 5.6 1015 cm2 (Krstic & Schultz 1999). To calculate the decreases with the increasing ionization, the waves can propagate
Hall parameters, we have assumed a magnetic field B = 100 G. We almost undamped right up to the corona. Thus, in the lower part
note here that in the solar photosphere electronion collisions are as of the solar corona, Hall effect may generate whistler waves. The
significant as plasmaneutral collisions. This could be accounted Hall effect operates on scales LH in excess of a few tens of kms,
for by multiplying the plasmaneutral collision frequencies in the wave modes due to Hall will be important to various coronal
Table 2 by 2. However, this does not change the overall conclu- heating models. In the fully ionized solar wind, the role of Hall term
sions of this work. is constrained by the smallness of the ion skin depth although even
Ohmic diffusion dominates in the quiet-Sun photosphere. How- then the Hall effect appears to significantly modify the surface wave
ever, given the uncertainty about the collision frequencies and properties in such a plasma (Zhelyankov et al. 1996).
strength of the magnetic field, ohmic and Hall diffusion may be
comparable at the base of the chromosphere. Then the Hall effect
may significantly affect the excitation and propagation of waves in 4.4 Protoplanetary discs
the photosphere and chromosphere. As is seen from Table 2, near
The role of Hall drift on the dynamics of PPDs has been investigated
the surface of the Sun, the Hall effect will operate over few metres
in several papers (W99; BT01; Sano & Stone 2002a,b; Salmeron &
whereas near the base of the chromospheres, the typical Hall scale
Wardle 2003, 2005; Pandey & Wardle 2006a). Table 3 gives the
may be of the order of few hundred kilometres. We note that for
collision frequencies, plasma Hall parameters and Hall length and
stronger magnetic fields the Hall scale will be considerably modi-
time-scales in a protostellar disc, for a minimum solar mass nebula
fied. For example, for a 1 kG field, the Hall scale ranges from tens
model at 5 au from the central star in the presence of a 102 G
of km near the surface of the Sun to hundreds of kilometres as
field, using the ionization fraction calculated by Wardle (2007).For
approaching the chromosphere.
these parameters, Hall diffusion is important for  H 106 to
Heating of the solar corona by MHD surface waves is a plausi-
108 s1 comparable to the orbital frequency. Near the mid-plane
ble mechanism for explaining the high coronal temperature (Priest
of the PPDs Hall diffusion will be important whereas towards the
1987). Waves in the corona are thought to have emerged from the
surface of the disc, ambipolar diffusion becomes dominant. The Hall
lower photosphere, where they may have been excited by footpoint
scale LH 105 km is comparable to the disc thickness, suggesting
motion of the magnetic field lines. Alfven waves propagate to the
that Hall operates over the large part of the disc.
corona and lose energy by resonance damping, and heat the plasma.
However, the lower solar photosphere is comparatively cold (T
6000 K) and weakly ionized, and ionneutral collisional dynam-
5 S U M M A RY
ics may play an important role. We see from the values of j in
Table 2 that except at h = 0 where Ohm probably competes with Weakly and fully ionized plasmas often exist side by side in nature.
Hall, Hall is the dominant diffusion mechanism in the medium. The transition from weakly to fully ionized plasma is typically not
For a field >102 G (a field probably present in the network, in- abrupt but occurs smoothly, and the transition from one to the other
ternetwork, plague and sunspot Berger & Title 2001; Domnguez has posed a considerable theoretical difficulty, requiring separate
Cerdena, Kneer & Sanchez Almeida 2003) even at h = 0 Hall will treatments of Ohms law for weakly (with zero plasma inertia) and
be the dominant mechanism. Ambipolar diffusion is unimportant fully ionized plasmas. In this paper we have developed a consistent

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Hall magnetohydrodynamics 2277
Table 3. Same as in Table 1, but for 1 au in a PPD. We assume mi = 30 mp , mn = 2.3 mp and B = 102 G corresponding to
ci 1 s1 and ce 105 s1 . z/h is the number of scaleheights above the disc mid-plane.

z/h (g cm3 ) i / n in (Hz) en (Hz) A /H = D2 i H / = e H (s1 ) LH (km)

0 108 1010 3 103 3 103 103 102 1010 106

1 109 107 103 2 103 103 102 107 104
3 1011 106 10 15 1 103 106 104

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Bauer T. M., Baumjohann W., Treumann W., Sckopke N., Luhr H., 1995, In this section we derive a general criteria for the validity of the
J. Geophys. Res., 100, 9605 single-fluid description, i.e. condition under which terms v 2D in

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2278 B. P. Pandey and M. Wardle
equation (12) can be neglected. Further, we show that the validity 10

condition of the single-fluid description ensures the validity of equa-

tion (17) which allows us to write the induction equation (25). We
note from equation (16)

vA 1 + D e
vD , (A1)
(ni + (i /) ) D e
and the single-fluid description, equation (13), is valid provided 6
i n v 2D 2 (v 2A + c2s ), i.e.

i D e 0.5
 1+ . (A2) 0.1
ni i n ni 1 + D e 4

In the following discussion, without loss of generality, we shall as-

sume D e /(1 + D e ) 1. The argument is easily generalized for
arbitrary values of this ratio. It is clear that condition (A2) is less 2
restrictive than equation (20). However, it is not clear if induction
equation (25) which has been derived by assuming an expression
for vD , equation (18), under condition (17) is consistent with equa-
tion (A2). In order to check the consistency of condition (A2) with 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
induction equation (25), let us assume that condition (17) is not Log( / )
i n

valid, i.e.
Figure A1. The numerical solution of equation (A9) for D e /(1 + D e ) =

 . (A3) 1 and 5 corresponding to f = 0.1 and 0.5, respectively.
ni i
Writing equation (22) in the bulk frame, Clearly, condition (A3) with i < n implies that equation (A2)
vD B v B Pe J JB is violated. Thus we have reached a contradiction. Therefore, the
E+D = + + induction equation (25) is valid under a more general condition,
c c e ne c e ne
equation (A2).
m e en
vD . (A4) In order to graphically sketch condition (A2), we write equa-
e tion (A2) as an equality by multiplying right-handside by a small
We note that if DvD  v A then equation (A4) is not valid implying factor f. Assuming f = 0.1 D e /(1 + D e ), = i /n and y =
invalidity of equation (25). Condition DvD  v A implies / ni , equation (A2) becomes
i f 1 + 2
 + . (A5) y= . (A9)
ni n ni i 1 f
Clearly under condition (A5), we are not allowed to write the induc-
tion equation (25). We consider two cases: (i) i  n and (ii) i < We can rewrite equation (A2) in the following form:
n and show that condition (A5) is incompatible with single-fluid D e
f i n 1+D e
condition (A2). When i  n , it is straightforward to see that con-   D e   i
. (A10)
dition (A5) is never satisfied. Thus induction equation (25) is valid ni 1 f 1+D e n
when under a general single-fluid condition, equation (A2). When In Fig. A1, we plot / ni against log( i / n ) using equation (A9)
i < n , we note that for f = 0.1 and 0.5. Both in weakly ( i n ), and highly

i ( n i ) ionized limits we see from Fig. A1 that ni . In
  (A6) the weakly ionized limit, /ni n /i and thus when i / n
ni i n i
0, becomes arbitrary large (Fig. A1). In the highly ionized limit,
and / ni 1/(1 f i / n ). This results in arbitrary large when
i n / i f. Therefore, the dynamical frequency of a partially ion-
 . (A7)
ni n ni ized plasma is bounded between the frequencies of weakly and fully
Adding equations (A6) and (A7), we get ionized plasmas.
 + . (A8)
ni n ni i This paper has been typeset from a TEX/LATEX file prepared by the author.

C 2008 The Authors. Journal compilation 
C 2008 RAS, MNRAS 385, 22692278

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