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APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, Mar. 1968, p. 445-449 Vol. 16, No.

Copyright 1968 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Survival of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria in

Chicken Meat During Freeze-Dehydration,
Rehydration, and Storage1

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Departments of Food Science and Poultry Science, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30601
Received for publication 18 September 1967

Total and anaerobic counts were ascertained on boneless, cooked, cubed, frozen
chicken meat. We determined survival of aerobes and anaerobes in the natural
flora after the meat was freeze-dehydrated and rehydrated at room temperature for
30 min and at 50, 85, and 100 C for 10 min. Total and anaerobic counts of bacteria
in the rehydrated meat were established during storage of samples at 4, 22, and 37 C
-until a spoilage odor was detected. Samples were also inoculated with Clostridium
sporogenes and were dried and rehydrated at 100 C and stored at 37 C. Approxi-
mately 21 % of the aerobes and 37 % of the anaerobes survived drying and rehydra-
tion at room temperature. Many genera of aerobes, anaerobes, and facultative
anaerobes survived drying and rehydration at 50 C; only sporeformers survived
rehydration at 85 or 100 C. Low-temperature (4 C) storage of rehydrated meat
produced ample shelf life (over 20 days), whereas storage at the higher temperature
resulted in a shelf life of less than 30 hr. Approximately 81% of the C. sporogenes
cells survived rehydration at 100 C and grew to over 107 cells within 40 hr. Our
study presents additional data for adequate microbiological control in processing of
freeze-dehydrated meat. Also, it points out the natural selection for sporeformers
at high temperature of rehydration, stressing the need for consumer education in
product handling for safety purposes.

Previous investigations in this laboratory (3) temperatures were studied as to their effect on
have indicated that many aerobic bacteria, present survival of anaerobic bacteria in freeze-dehy-
as natural flora on cooked, boned chicken meat, drated meat.
survived freeze-dehydration and rehydration at This study was conducted to determine the
mild temperatures (up to 50 C). Sporeforming survival of natural aerobic and anaerobic bac-
bacteria survived rehydration at 85 and 100 C for teria, as well as inoculated C. sporogenes, in
10 min; these bacteria were capable of rapid chicken meat during freeze-dehydration, rehydra-
growth when the rehydrated meat was main- tion at various temperatures, and subsequent
tained at high temperatures. Saleh and Goldblith storage at different temperatures.
(4) reported similar results in their investigations
of freeze-dehydrated fish patties, shrimp, chicken, MATERIALS AND METHODS
and pork. Source of meat. Cooked, cubed, and frozen meat
Wells (5) showed that spores of Clostridium was purchased from a commercial processor for use in
botulinum, inoculated on cooked chicken meat, our study. The meat had been boned from broilers
were reduced in number by 53% during freezing that had been cooked in water and then cubed into
and were further decreased by an additional 15% small pieces, packaged in 5-lb polyethylene bags, and
during freeze-dehydration. Wells stated that there frozen in a blast freezer. In the laboratory, frozen,
was little doubt that C. botulinum spores would packaged meat was maintained at approximately
-30 C.
persist in the dehydrated product for long periods Freeze-dehydration. The frozen, cubed meatstored
of storage. We found no reports of investigations freeze-dehydrated, and the dried product was
in which a wide variety of rehydration and storage in the manner described by May and Kelly (3).
1 University of Georgia, College of Agriculture
Bacteriology. By use of aseptic techniques and
Experiment Stations, Journal Series Paper No. 143, materials, 10-g meat samples (either nondried or dried
and rehydrated) were weighed and were homogenized
College Station, Athens, Ga. 30601.

in an Omnimixer with 90 ml of 0.85% NaCl for 3 min. 0.85%o NaCl. The cells were suspended in 0.85%
Serial dilutions were made in saline, and duplicate NaCl containing 0.1% tryptone, and 5-ml portions
pour plates or shake tubes were prepared. We deter- were placed in 15-ml sterile tubes at -34.4 C. As
mined the aerobic counts using pour plates with needed, these tubes were removed from the freezer
Tryptone Glucose Extract Agar (TGEA); anaerobic and thawed for 2 hr; a portion was extracted to deter-
counts were established by use of either shake culture mine the number of viable organisms, and the re-
tubes (2) containing thioglycolate medium with mainder was used as an inoculum. To free the chicken
added agar (15 g/liter) or pour plates of the same meat of competitive organisms, a piece of meat was
medium overlaid with 3% agar. (All media were placed in a beaker of water and was autoclaved at
manufactured by either Difco or BBL.) Incubation 121 C for 15 min. By use of aseptic techniques, a
was at 37 C for 48 hr for aerobes and for 96 hr for portion of the meat was transferred to sterile freeze-

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anaerobes; plates containing 30 to 300 colonies were drying flasks, and a known number of cells of C.
then counted and the results were recorded as count sporogenes were added. The product was then freeze-
per gram of meat. All colonies that developed in the dried and rehydrated at 100 C, and serial dilutions
shake culture tubes or overlaid agar plates were re- were prepared to determine changes in cell numbers.
corded as anaerobes, although we realized that some We selected a storage temperature of 37 C so that
facultative anaerobic bacteria were included. bacteria surviving the freeze-drying process would
We selected colonies considered to be representa- begin to grow and subsequently multiply as quickly
tive of the types of bacteria present from plates or as possible. Six replications were made for this part
tubes used to determine counts and isolated on TGEA of the study.
or thioglycolate plates with agar overlay. These
colonies were then transferred to nutrient agar slants RESULTS
or were stabbed in nutrient agar tubes, and they were
stored at 4 C until identification procedures were con- The precooked frozen chicken meat had a mean
ducted. Only the types of colonies that appeared pre- bacterial count of 1.3 X 104 per g for aerobes
dominant were selected, and no attempt was made and 1.3 x 10 per g for anaerobes.
to identify all types of organisms present or to deter- After freeze-drying and rehydration at room
mine the numbers of each. We followed the outline of temperature for 30 min, the meat had a mean
Bergey's Manual for identification procedures. aerobic count of 2.8 X 103 bacteria per g. This
Analyses performed. The frozen chicken meat as was a reduction of 1.1 X 104 bacteria per g during
received from the processor was sampled initially and
at eight additional times during the course of the study the freeze-drying process or a survival rate of
(a period of about 4 months). approximately 21 %. However, the mean
Samples of freeze-dehydrated meat were removed
from storage and were assigned rehydration and
storage treatments. Rehydration treatments were con-
ducted at room temperature for 30 min and at 50, 85,
and 100 C for 10 min. The samples rehydrated at room 10
temperature were not stored. The other samples were
stored at 4, 22, and 37 C. Temperatures of rehydration 9-
and storage were the same as those employed by May
and Kelly (3); these temperatures were chosen to
cover the extremes that might be encountered in use
of such a product by a consumer. After rehydration, w
the samples were transferred to clean, unsterilized
cheesecloth, allowed to drain for 3 min, and stored in
sterile 500-ml Erlenmeyer flasks. At intervals during
storage, 10-g samples were extracted, and aerobic and CD
anaerobic counts were determined. A panel of three 0
experienced persons judged the odor- and color-
acceptability of the meat during storage; it was con-
sidered spoiled when all three individuals inde- z
pendently judged the meat to have an off-odor. In
some cases, storage was continued beyond the "spoil- 2
age" time to study further variations in numbers of
bacteria. Each rehydration and storage sequence was
replicated from five to eight times to determine
changes in numbers of microorganisms.
C. sporogenes was used as an inoculum in one part TIME
of the study. The culture (supplied by M. K. Hamdy, FIG. 1. Change in anaerobic bacteria per g offreeze-
Food Science Department, University of Georgia) dehydrated chicken after rehydration at 50 C for 30
was grown for 48 hr at 37 C in fluid thioglycolate min and storage at 4 C (0), 22 C (A), and 37 C (O).
medium. Cells were harvested by centrifugation at Time represents hours for storage at 22 and 37 C and
10,000 X g for 15 min and were washed twice with days for storage at 4 C.
evident at 18 and 20 hr for the products stored
at 22 and 37 C, respectively.
Rehydration of meat at 100 C and storage at
4 C caused a rapid decline in numbers of anaero-
bic bacteria until the 9th day (Fig. 3). However,
from 9 to 30 days of storage no viable organisms
2 were recovered from the product rehydrated at
100 C and stored at 4 C; the product still had no
objectionable odors after 30 days of storage. The
7-,o anaerobes in the product rehydrated at 100 C

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and stored at 22 C grew rapidly for 14 hr, but
these anaerobes tended to increase slowly there-
m after, until spoilage odors became apparent at
48 hr of storage. In the product rehydrated at
0 100 C and stored at 37 C, the numbers of anaer-
obes remained relatively constant until about 15
hr; then they increased rapidly until spoilage
occurred at 31 hr.
Results of aerobic and anaerobic bacterial
counts obtained immediately after spoilage, as
c 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 well as the time required for a spoilage odor to
TIME develop in samples, are summarized in Table 1.
FIG. 2. Change in anaerobic bacteria per g offreeze- Decreasing storage temperature of rehydrated
dehydrated chicken after rehydration at 85 C for JO meat from 37 or 22 to 4 C extended shelf life,
min and storage at 4 C (0), 22 C (A\), and 37 C (Ol). but increasing rehydration temperatures from 50
Time represents hours for storage at 22 and 37 C and to 85 or 100 C increased shelf life to a lesser extent.
days for storage at 4 C. We identified both aerobic and anaerobic bac-
teria from meat rehydrated at each of the three
previously mentioned temperatures (Table 2).
anaerobic count was 4.9 X l02 bacteria per g, Many types of bacteria were recovered from
a reduction consisting of 8.5 X 102 bacteria per samples rehydrated at 50 C, but only sporeformers
g during the freeze-drying process or a survival
rate of approximately 37%.
Effects of rehydration of meat to 50 C and
storage at 4, 22, and 37 C on numbers of anaer- 10
obes are shown in Fig. 1. At 4 C the numbers
of anaerobic bacteria declined slightly for the 9
first 3 days and then increased rapidly until 21
days, when spoilage was noted. Growth was much 08
more rapid in meat stored at 22 and 37 C than
in that stored at 4 C, with growth beginning
immediately after rehydration. Spoilage occurred w6
at 24 and 16 hr for meat stored at 22 and 37 C,
respectively. Similar, but slightly greater, increases
in numbers of aerobic bacteria were obtained, 0
but these increases are not shown because they
resemble previously reported data (3).
Rehydration of chicken meat at 85 C and
storage at 4 C caused an extended lag phase (up 82
to approximately 13 days) for anaerobic bacteria
(Fig. 2). After the initial lag, growth was rapid
up to about 18 days after which it leveled off-
although the product was not considered spoiled TIME
until 24 days of storage. Growth curves for an- FIG. 3. Change in anaerobic bacteria per g offreeze-
aerobes in the product rehydrated at 85 C and dehydrated chicken after rehydration at 100 C for 10
stored at 22 or 37 C were almost identical (Fig. 2). min and storage at 4 C (0), 22 C (A), and 37 C (O).
Numbers remained almost stationary for about Time represents hours for storage at 22 and 37 C and
5 hr and then increased rapidly with spoilage odor days for storage at 4 C.

TABLE 1. Summary of shelf life and numbers of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria on freeze-dehydrated
chicken rehydrated and stored at various temperatures
Temp of Temp of Initial count per g Count at spoilage
rehydra- storage Time required to spoil
tion (C) (C) Aerobes Anae robes Aerobes Anaerobes

50 4 2.0 X 103 4.0 X 103 4.0 X 1011 4.0 X 101 21 days

50 22 1.6 X 103 6.3 X 103 1.0 X 109 1.0 X 108 24 hr
50 37 1.6 X 103 1.6 X 103 6.3 X 108 4.0 X 109 16 hr

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85 4 1.0 X 103 3.2 X 104 5.1 X 107 3.2 X 107 24 days
85 22 4.0 X 104 1.6 X 103 2.5 X 108 1.0 X 1011 20 hr
85 37 6.3 X 104 1.6 X 103 1.O X 108 4.0 X 109 18 hr
100 4 2.5 X 103 5.1 X 103 <1 at 30 day <1 at 30 day Terminated at 30 days
100 22 6.3 X 103 1.0 X 103 4.0 X 101 2.5 X 109 48 hr
100 37 1.0 X 103 2.5 X 103 4.0 X 109 1.6 X 108 31 hr

were isolated from samples rehydrated at 85 and accordance with the 81 % survival rate of C.
100C. botulinum reported by Wells (5) in chicken meat
When we inoculated samples of meat with C. during freeze-dehydration. The rapid growth of
sporogenes (58 cells per g) and subsequently C. sporogenes (up to 7.4 X 107 cells per g within
freeze-dehydrated and rehydrated these samples 40 hr) at 37 C suggests that surviving cells can
at 100 C for 10 min, a mean survival of 81 % of multiply to dangerous levels in a very short period
the organisms was observed. Counts increased of time. Thus, the accidental or intentional delay
to a mean of 7.4 X 1007 C. sporogenes cells per of use of rehydrated meat containing any spores
g of product within 40 hr when stored at 37 C. of pathogenic bacteria could lead to tragic results.
These studies give additional evidence of the
DiscussIoN need for adequate microbiological control during
The recovery of 21% of the aerobic and 37% processing of freeze-dehydrated chicken. Further
of the anaerobic bacteria present in the original more they point out that such control alone is
chicken meat after freeze-dehydration and rehy- not sufficient for the protection of the ultimate
dration at room temperature is in agreement with consumer. If the product is maintained at high
previous studies of May and Kelly (3); their data temperature after rehydration, pathogenic spore-
showed a recovery of 32%. The variety of genera formers are capable of survival and rapid growth.
surviving the freeze-dehydration and rehydration Thus, the consumer should be urged to refrigerate
at 50 C (Table 2) are also similar with the details any rehydrated product promptly if it is not used
given by May and Kelly. Both Escherichia and immediately.
Salmonella spp. were identified in meat during
this study. In contrast, Saleh and Goldblith (4)
reported no salmonellae or coliform organisms, TABLE 2. Bacteria identified from representative
when they examined freeze-dehydrated chicken. colonies isolated during the rehydration-
However, Gunderson et al. (1) revealed that E. storage tests
coli, Aerobacter aerogenes, and their variants are Bacteria identified Rehydration
frequently found in cooked, boned chicken meat. temp (C)
May and Kelly (3) also identified E. coli in their
tests with freeze-dehydrated chicken meat. From aerobic plates
Our study confirms the previous report from Lactobacillus spp ................ 50
Escherichia coli ................. 50
this laboratory (3) that vegetative cells of many Aerobacter aerogenes ............ 50
types of bacteria can survive freeze-dehydration Salmonella spp .................. 50
and rehydration at low temperature (50 C). In Streptococcus spp ............... 50
addition, these studies indicate that rehydration Staphylococcus aureus ........... 50
of freeze-dried meat at high temperature (85 to Bacillus cereus .................. 50, 85, 100
100 C) effectively selects for sporeforming species From anaerobic tubes and plates
of bacteria. Inoculated C. sporogenes had a sur- S. aureus ....................... 50
vival rate of 81% after dehydration and rehydra- Clostridium sporogenes .......... 50, 85, 100
tion at 100 C for 10 min; these results are in C. perfringens ................ 50, 85, 100

LITERATURE CI1D bacteria in chicken meat during freeze-dehy-

1. GUNDERSON, M. F., H. W. McFADDEN, AND dration, rehydration, and storage. Appl.
T. S. KYLE. 1954. The bacteriology of com- Microbiol. 13:340-344.
mercial poultry processing. Burgess Publishing 4. SALEH, B. A., AND S. A. GOLDBLITH. 1966. Micro-
Co., Minneapolis, Minn. bial evaluation of commercial freeze-dried
2. HAMDY, M. K., E. L. SHERRER, H. H. WEISER, foods. Food Technol. 20:103-106.
AND W. D. SHEETs. 1954. Microbiological 5. WELLS, F. E. 1966. A study of the microbiology
factors in the treatment of phenolic wastes. of selected dehydrated food products. Tech.
Appl. Microbiol. 2:143-148. Rept. 66-35-FD, U.S. Army Natick Labora-
3. MAY, K. N., AND L. E. KELLY. 1965. Fate of tories, Natick, Mass.

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