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Think Like a Scientist/ Scientific Method Review

Observation using your senses

scientists use tools to make detailed
must be factual

Qualitative Observation deal with descriptions that cannot be expressed in


Quantitative Observation Deal with a number or amount

Data The records or evidence

Inferring Explain or interpret and observation

Combine data with experience
not a fact, one of many explanations for an
may be incorrect

Predicting Making an inference about a future event

based on current evidence or past
May be proven false

Classifying Grouping together items that are in some way

Used to organize information or objects

Making models A picture, diagram, computer image, or other

representation of a complex object or process
help people understand something that is
complex or cant be seen directly
EX: globe, model car

Scientific attitudes Way of learning about the natural world

Important to be curious, honest,
open-minded, skeptical, and creative

Communication Sharing ideas and info with other people

What are the steps of the scientific 1. Purpose/problem

method? 2. Research
3. Hypothesis
Strategy to help remember this: 4. Experiment
Purple Reindeer Have Ears An
d Can 5. Analysis
Run. 6. Conclusion
7. Repeat/communicate

Purpose first step of the scientific method

posing a question (not a question about an
question comes from observation or
must be able to be answered by making
observations and gathering evidence

Research Gather information on the problem

Hypothesis A possible explanation for a set of

observations or answer to a scientific
Not a fact
must be testable
Researchers must be able to carry out
investigations that will either support or
disprove the hypothesis
IF_____ then____, because______

Variable Factors being tested that can be changed or


Controlled experiment all variables that are kept the same

Manipulated variable variable that is changed on purpose in order to

(independent variable) test the hypothesis

Responding variable what changes or what you are measuring in

(Dependent variable) response to the manipulated variable

Analysis: to record data in an organized way

Why create a data table?

Conclusion summary of what you have learned from the

Ask does the data support the hypothesis?

Repeat Repeat the work to check results

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