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Model perubahan konsep dengan jalan membangkitkan konflik kognitif (generating

conflict cognitive), sudah teruji kendalanya berdasarkan berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan,
antara lain oleh rowel dan dawson(1981), nasbaum dan novick (1982) dan stavy dan
berkovitz (1980) dan lain-lain. salah satu catatan penting yang diberikan oleh nasbaum dan
novict yang mengatakan, bahwa konflik akan lebih efektif mengubah konsepsi anak jika
konsep awal anak diketahui dengan jelas. beberapa hasil penelitian dibidang perubahan
kognitif , antara lain dilaporkan oleh hewson dan hewson (1983) yang melaporkan
kesuksesan dalam penelian tentang strategi mengajar dalam topik kerapatan (densitas) dengan
menerapkan strategi "pertukaran" konsepsi (strategy of conceptual "exchange".

Dalam penelitian ini, gagasan awal (prior identitas) anak diidentifikasikan dan dianalisa.
konsep alternative kemudian dianjurkan dalam interaksi dengan anak. selanjutnya anak
diarahkan dan diberi kesempatan agar memilih sendiri konsep yang benar dan meninggalkan
konsep yang lama..
verifikasi yang dilakukan oleh bryant (1982) memberikan suatu proporsi sebagai berikut:
"children progress when they realize that two ways of approaching the same problem produce
the same result."

dari proporsi ini terlihat bahwa pemerolehan konsep anak dan kemajuan presepsi seorang
anak, dia akan lebih maju jika ia mampu memecahkan masalah atau ia mampu Memecahkan
masalah atau mampu melihat alternatif penyelesaian dengan menggunakan cara yang berbeda
dengan hasil yang sama. Dengan semakin bertambahnya kemampuan anak untuk
memecahkan suatu permasalahan yang sama dengan cara yang berbeda-beda, maka dikatakan
bahwa anak semakin maju dalam konsep yang sudah dipelajarinya, dan konsep yang telah
diperolehnya tersebut lebih kaya dan berbuah. Proporsi bryant ini dinamakan hipotesis
persetujuan (agreement hypotheses) (Bryant P.E, 1982: 243:251)
Berdasarkan rasionalisasi dan deskripsi judul penelitian yang dimaksudkan diatas,
diharapkan masalah yang sudah dirumuskan diatas dapat menjadi lebih jelas dan dapat
terukur dan dapat diteliti secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif, sesuai dengan metodologi penelitian
yang ditetapkan. Selain itu dari pengajaran yang dikemukakan diatas, karakteristik masing-
masing pengajaran (treatment) yang direncanakan dalam melakukan perubahan konsep lebih
bersifat operasional dan applicable.
3. realisasi praktis dan perubahan konsep
setelah membahas berbagai aspek terkait perubahan konsep, pertanyaan yang timbul ialah
bagaimana implementasi teori belajar ini secara praktis dalam proses belajar mengajar ipa?
implementasi dan aplikasi strategi perubahan konsep pada dasarnya dipengaruhi oleh peranan
dan persepsi guru terhadap profesinya.
sebagaimana sudah dikemukakan dalam bab sebelumnya, bahwa dalam peranan guru sebagai
ujung tombak pelaksana kebijakan pendidikan, seorang guru diharapkan mampu merancang
dan menyusun metode dan pendekatan yang tepat, sehingga dia dapat menjalankan tugasnya
secara efisien dan efektif, dan anak didiknya memiliki pemahamanyang tuntas dan bermakna
terhadap materi yang disajikan dalam kurikulum dan GBPP.
Bagaimanapun baiknya suatu perencanaan dalam pengajaran MIPA, pada akhirnya
semua berpulang kepada persepsi dan dedikasi guru terhadap profesinya . Dari hasil
penelitiannya, Field membuat kesimpulan tentang proses belajar mengajar IPA sebagai
berikut: (1) There are no consistent mwthods for the teaching of abstract science concept. (2)
Most studies have ignored the individual differences of the learners. (3) aptitude treatment-
interaction do exist for most, if not all, instructional strategies. (4) certain cognitive attributes
of the leaner are more indicative of achievement than is the instruction provided. (s.C. Fields,
Untuk merealisasikan tujuan ini, para guru IPA seyogyanya memiliki visi dan persepsi yang
jelas tentang tugas dan profesinya. Sehingga dalam dirimya timbul rasa cinta dan dedikasi
yang tinggi terhadap tugas dan profesi yang diemban tersebut. Selain itu dalam dirinya
senantiasa ada dorongan untuk semakin meningkatkan kemampuan profesionalnya.

Dalam konteks tujuan pendidikan IPA untuk melakukan perubahan konsep, tugas
guru yang utama adalah sebagai fasilitator, yang berperan membimbing siswa belajar
sehingga mereka menemukan pengertian-pengertian dan prinsip-prinsip yang seharusnya
mereka ketahui. Arthur Costa mengatakan, Peranan guru yang utama adalah menciptakan
situasi dan iklim yang sebaik mungkin, yang memungkinkan siswa memahami proses dan
struktur yang tercakup dalam materi yang diajarkan, memahami sistematika dan urutan
kronologis(sequence) dan menolong siswa pada saat dan cara yang tepat. Peran guru lebih
tepat disebut sebagai fasilitator dan anak adalah pelaksana (programmer) belajarnya. (Hans
O. Andersen, 1969: hal.192).
Pendapat ini sinkron dengan pandangan Dewey I. Dykstra tentang tugas seorang guru dalam
proses belajar mengajar. Dia mengatakan: Our descriptions are based on constructivist
beliefs about learning which hold that students need to construct their own concepts rather
than have the teacher tell them what they need to know. The teacher acts as a provocateur and
facilitator rather than transmitter of knowledge. (Dewey I. Dykstra, Jr. C. Franklin Boyle, Ira
A. Monarch, 1992: hal. 13).
Dari kalimat diatas perhatikan bahwa peranan guru lebih dominan sebagai
provocateur and facilitator. Tapi dengan tidak mengabaikan peranannya sebagai transmitter
of knowledge. Jadi, pandangan Dykstra merupakan perluasan dari pandangan Brunner
(1986), yang memandang: the process of education as a transmission of knowledge and
values. (Michael Baker, 1994: hal 201). Michael baker, berdasarkan konsep negotiation of
meanings memandang belajar sebagai knowledge transmission and knowledge
Atas dasar ini terlihat bahwa salah satu tugas guru yang penting adalah sebagai
fasilitator belajar. Sebagai seorang fasilitator, seorang guru harus mampu menciptakan situasi
sebaik mungkin, sehingga proses belajar-mengajar dapat berlangsung secara optimal. Dalam
arti, ada motivasi intrinsik untuk belajar dalam diri anak. Sehingga dengan demikian,
kegiatan belajar murid akan berlangsung sebagaimana yang diharapkan, yaitu siswa mampu
memahami dan menguasai konsep-konsep IPA secara tuntas dan bermakna.

Piaget mengatakan Pengetahuan itu dibangun dalam pikiran anak. Dan setiap anak harus
membangun sendiri pikiran-pikiran itu dan merekonstruksinya dengan berbagai macam cara
(Ratna Wilis Dahar, 1990: hal. 56). Karena itu penguasaan yang tuntas dan bermakna sangat
bermanfaat dalam menumbuhkembangkan wawasan anak dan mempermudah mereka untuk
semakin fleksibel dan dinamis dalam menjawab tantangan yang kelak dihadapi mereka; dan
sekaligus menjadi suatu landasan yang kokoh bagi pemahaman konsep lainnya.
Untuk merealisasikan tujuan ini, siswa harus memiliki wawasan dan persepsi yang jelas
tentang hakikat, makna dan tujuan dari konsep yang dipelajarinya. Secara teoritis dan praktis
tujuan pendidikan (mengajar) ialah, :bagaimana kita menjadi tahu apa yang kita ketahui?
Karena itu, meminjam adalah istilah Piaget, tujuan pendidikan IPA ialah agar siswa mampu
memperoleh pengetahuan dan pembangunannnya dalam struktur kognitifnya. Penguasaan
konsep-konsep IPA secara tuntas bermakna untuk setiap fenomena alamiahyang tercakup
dalam kurikulum, merupakan realisasi dari tujuan pendidikan kita, yang dalam arti lain dapat
dipandang sebagai pengembangan wawasan pola pikir kreatif dan kritis, yang merupakan
pengejawantahan dari sikap pola berfikir ilmiah.
Tujuan ini dapat diapndang sebagai suatu proses upaya guru (mengajar) untuk membantu
agar siswa dala diri mereka ada keinginan untuk mengetahui(coriousity) dan mempelajari
suatu masalah dan bagaimana pemecahannya. Mereka mengerti, memahami gejala, fenomena
serta permasalahan dalam alam maupun memecahkan berbagai masalah yang dihadapi bukan
karena external autorithy factor seperti rasa takut pada guru dan sebagainya, namun karena
kesadaran dan rasa ingin tahu dan karena dia merasa bahwa dia memerlukan itu.
Jadi, dalam suatu proses belajar-mengajar, seorang anak yang belajar (learner) sebenarnya
merupakan perancang/pembangun (archiitect) dari pengetahuan sendiri. Jadi, mereka
memiliki hak untuk memilih bahan-bahan yang mereka perlukan dalam melakukan
pembangunan tersebut. Dengan perkataan lain, mereka hanya menyerap materi/konsep yang
berguna bagi mereka. Mereka hanya menyerap informasi yang akan membawa makna
(fruitful/makesense) bagi mereka. Suatu konsep yang tidak makesense akan segera
Hewson menulis: There is another reason to take students conception seriously, because
students use them to interpret and integrate new information. They construct their own
knowledge, using their existing knowledgein order to do so. They construct knowledge in
ways which to them are coherent and useful. (Peter W. Hewson, (1998):hal. 604).
Dengan demikian, seorang guru tidak boleh memandang tugas mengajar sebagai penjejalan
informasi dengan menekankan otoristas external, tetapi lebih bersifat kepada negosiasi
dengan berlandaskan kepentingan pribadi dari siswa.
Driver mengatakan: The emphasis in learning is not on correspondence with an external
authority but the construction by the learner of schemes which are coherent and useful to
them (Driver: 1998, hal. 165).
Guru harus memandang seorang anak sebagai suatu pribadi yang memiliki pandangan (pre-
konsepsi) tentang suatu permasalahan. Terlepas dari apakah pandangan itu benar atau salah
kita harus menghargainya. Jika pandangan itu keliru maka tugas guru adalah meluruskannya
dan menerapkan strategi perubahan konsep. Sehingga seorang anak dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah. Dalam hal ini guru juga berperan sebagai narasumber,
mengarahkan siswa ke alternatif pemilihan konsep yang benar.

4. Beberapa persepsi tentang Anak dalam PBM IPA

Salah satu kekeliruan yang cukup dramatis dari pandangan Piaget dan Inhelder
(1985), yang banyak menjiwai konsep broses belajar dan mengajar IPA hingga saat ini ialah ,
anggapan mereka bahwa sebelum anak berusia 13-15 tahun seorang anak tidak akan mampu
mengajukan alternatif jawaban sementara (hipotesis) tentang masalah yang timbul karena the
logic of confirmation is not available to them. Dengan demikian, mereka memandang
perkembangan mental anak sebagai sesuatu yang bersifat statis sehingga mereka
menyimpulkan bahwa argumentasi seorang siswa tidak perlu dipertimbangkan. Dengan kata
lain seorang siswa dianggap harus nrimo tanpa diberi kesempatan berfikir relativistic serta
meragukan konsep yang mereka terima. Konsep Piaget dan Inhidler merupakan bentuk lain
dari konsep tabula rasa (blank-minded) sebagimana dikemukakan John Locke. Perhatikan
bahwa gagasan dan pandangan pribadi anak diabaikan dalam proses belajar-mengajar.
Berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan dalam proses belajar-mengajar IPA memandang
pendekatan ini sebagai suatu kekeliruan dramtis. Dari penelitian Wittrock dan berbagai
penelitian lainnya disimpulkan bahwa seorang anak cenderung membangun persepsi
sebelumnya. Sejak kecil dalam diri anak sudah terdapat schemata-skemata penafsiran
penafsiran (interpretative schemes), yang sangat mempengaruhi pola pandang anak dan pola
pikir anak tentang alam dan lingkungannya. Skemata yang terdapat dalam struktur kognitif
anak juga sangat mempengaruhi pemahaman mereka tentang konsep dan gagasan IPA yang
dibaca atau diterima mereka.
Sebagai gambaran,pada waktu seorang anak membaca buku suatu teks IPAatau
menerima konsep tertentu, konsep yang akan terkonstruksi dalam kognitifnya hanya konsep
yang berhubungan dengan monsep yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Konsep, prinsip dan gagasan
yang sudah terdapat dalam struktur kognitif inilah yang penulis maksudkan sebagai
pengetahuan awal (prior knowledge) anak.
Pengetahuan awal anak ini berdasarkan berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan. Ternyata sangat
mempengaruhi kemampuan anak dalam menerima konsep pelajaran yang akan diajarkan
kepadanya. Keterhubungan dan keterkaitan antara gagasan yang sudah terdapat struktur
kkgnitif anak dengan konsep yang dimaksudkan melalui proses interaksi mengajar dan
belajar tercermin dari penelitian yang dilakukan oleh pakar konstruktivisme, seperti: Robert
Gagne, David Ausubel, J.D Novak dan Fensham.
Setiap anak memilik pre-konsepsi (student preconceived), pengetahuan awal
sebelum proses belajar-mengajar berlangsung. Pengetahuanawal tersebut mungkin :
1. Bersifat intuitif dan naif
2. Formal dan belum ilmiah
3. Formalan bersifat bersifat ilmiah

Tentang pra-konsepsi yang dimiliki anak, Ebenezer menulis: Much conceptual change
literature has, as the name implies, focused on changing the everyday ideas that
students bring ti the science classroom into ideas that are more compatible with those
of textbook auther, science teacher, and scientist. Central to this approach is the idea
that students naived ideas should replaced with scientist ideas, that are intellegible,
plausibleand fruitful (Jazlin. V Ebenezer, and P. James Gaskell, 1995: hal.15). Jadi
seorang guru adalah mengubah konsep

English Translate
Model of change conception with road evokes cognitive conflict (generating
conflict cognitive), tested the barriers are based on various studies conducted, among others,
the rowel and dawson (1981), nasbaum and Novick (1982) and stavy and berkovitz (1980)
and others , one important note given by nasbaum and novict were saying that the conflict
would be more effective to change the conception of the child if the child's early concept
known. some research results in the field of cognitive changes, among others, reported by
Hewson and Hewson (1983), which reported success in recent research on the topic of
teaching strategies in density (density) by applying the "exchange" concept (strategy of
conceptual "exchange".

in this study, the initial idea (prior identity) of the children were identified and analyzed. then
alternative concepts recommended in interaction with children. The next child directed and
given the opportunity to choose their own concept of right and left the old concept ..
verification conducted by bryant (1982) provide a proportion as follows: "The progress of
children when they Realize that two ways of approaching the same problem produce the same

The proportion of children seen that the acquisition concepts and progress perception of a
child, she will be more advanced if he is able to solve the problem or he is able. Solve
problems or being able to see an alternative solution by using a different way with the same
result. With the increasing number of children's ability to solve the same problem in a way
that is different, it is said that children are more advanced in the concept that has been
learned, and the concept has gained more rich and fruitful. Bryant proportion is called
"hypothetical consent" (agreement hypotheses) (Bryant P.E, 1982: 243: 251)
Based on the rationalization and the title description above mentioned study, expected
problems already formulated above can be more clear and measurable and qualitative
research and quantitative research methodologies in accordance with the set. Besides teaching
noted above, the characteristics of each instruction (treatment) planned to change the concept
more operational and "applicable".

3. The practical realization and change concept

After discussing various aspects related to the change in concept, the question that
arises is how the implementation of this learning theory to practical use in the learning
science process??

the implementation and application of the concept of change strategy is basically influenced
by the role and perception of teachers to the profession.

as already mentioned in the previous chapter, that the role of the teacher as the spearhead of
executive education policy, a teacher should be able to design and develop the methods and
the right approach, so that he can carry out their duties efficiently and effectively, and
proteges have pemahamanyang thorough and meaningful to the the material presented in the
curriculum and GBPP.

However good the planning in the teaching of Mathematics and Science, in the end all
passed to the perception and dedication of teachers to the profession. From his research, Field
conclusions about science teaching and learning process as follows: (1) There are no
consistent methods for the teaching of science abstract concept. (2) Most studies have ignored
the individual differences of the learners. (3) aptitude-treatment interaction do exist for most,
if not all, instructional strategies. (4) Certain cognitive attributes of the leaner are more
indicative of achievement than is the instruction provided. (S.C. Fields, 1985: 114a).

To realize this goal, the science teacher should have a vision and a clear perception of
duty and his profession. Thus, in his own arises a sense of love and dedication to the task and
carried the profession. In addition to himself, there is always a boost to further improve
professional skills.

In the context of science education purposes to change the concept, the main task of
the teacher is a facilitator, whose role is to guide students to learn so that they find the notions
and principles they should know. Arthur Costa said, "The role of the teacher the main thing is
to create a situation and a climate as possible, which allows students to understand the
processes and structures covered in the material being taught, understand the systematic and
chronological order (sequence) and help the student at the time and the right way. The
teacher's role is more accurately described as a facilitator and children are executing
(programmer) learning ". (Hans O. Andersen, 1969: hal.192).
This opinion is in sync with the views I. Dewey Dykstra about the duty of a teacher in
the learning process. He said: "Our descriptions are based on constructivist beliefs about
learning the which hold that students need to construct Reviews their own concepts rather
than have the teacher tell them what they need to know. The teacher acts as a facilitator rather
than Provocateur and transmitter of knowledge. (I. Dewey Dykstra, Franklin C. Boyle Jr., Ira
A. Monarch, 1992: p. 13).

From the above sentence note that the role of the teacher is more dominant as the
"Provocateur and facilitator". But without limiting its role as a transmitter of knowledge.
Thus, the view Dykstra is an extension of the view Brunner (1986), which looked at: "the
process of education as a transmission of knowledge and values". (Michael Baker, 1994: 201
case). Michael Baker, based on the concept of "negotiation of meanings" view of learning as
knowledge transmission and knowledge communication. "

On this basis it appears that one of the tasks of teachers is important as a facilitator of
learning. As a facilitator, a teacher must be able to create the best possible situation, so that
teaching and learning can take place optimally. In a sense, there is intrinsic motivation for
learning in children. Thereby, student learning activities will take place as expected, that the
student is able to understand and master the concepts of science completely and meaningful.

Piaget says "Knowledge is constructed in the mind of a child. And every child should
build up their own minds about it and reconstruct it in various ways (Ratna Wilis Dahar,
1990: p. 56). Because the mastery of the complete and very useful in developing meaningful
insight and facilitate their children to be more flexible and dynamic in responding to future
challenges facing them; and also become a solid foundation for the understanding of other

To realize this goal, students must have the insight and a clear perception of the
nature, meaning and purpose of the concept studies. Theoretically and practically educational
purposes (teaching) now is: how do we come to know what we know? "Therefore, to borrow
a term Piaget, the purpose of science education is to make students able to acquire knowledge
and pembangunannnya in cognitive structure. Mastery of science concepts thoroughly
meaningful to every phenomenon alamiahyang included in the curriculum, is the realization
of our educational goals, which in another sense can be seen as an insight into the
development of creative and critical mindset, which is the manifestation of the attitude of
scientific thought patterns.

This goal can be diapndang as a process attempts teachers (teaching) to help the
students own themselves there is a desire to know (coriousity) and studied the problem and
how to solve them. They understand, understand the symptoms, phenomena and problems in
nature and solve the various problems encountered were not for "autorithy external factors"
such as a fear of teachers and so on, but because of awareness and curiosity and because he
felt that he needed it.

So, in a learning process, a child who learns (learner) is actually a designer / builder
(archiitect) of knowledge itself. So, they have a "right" to choose "ingredients" that they need
to carry out the development. In other words, they are just absorbing material / concepts that
are useful to them. They just absorb information that will bring meaning (fruitful /
makesense) for them. A concept that is not "makesense" will soon be forgotten.

Hewson wrote: There is another reason to take a student's conception seriously,

Because students use them to interpret and integrate new information. They construct
Reviews their own knowledge, using existing Reviews their knowledgein order to do so.
They construct knowledge in ways the which to them are coherent and useful. (Peter W.
Hewson, (1998): p. 604).

Thus, the teacher should not view the task of teaching as stuffing information with
external otoristas stressed, but rather to "negotiations" on the basis "personal interest" of the

Driver said: "The emphasis is not on learning in correspondence with an external

authority but the construction by the learner of schemes roomates are coherent and useful to
them" (Driver: 1998, p. 165).

Teachers must consider a child as a person who had a view (pre-conception) on a

given topic. Regardless of whether an idea is true or false we must cherish it. If that view is
wrong then the teacher's task is to straighten and implementing strategies changing concept.
So that a child can be justified scientifically. In this case also acts as a resource teacher,
directs students to alternate the selection of the correct concept.

4. Some Perception Of "Kids" Pbm Hearts IPA

One mistake enough dramatic from the perspective of piaget and inhelder (1985), the
many animating concept broses learning and teaching science to date singer is, their
assumption that before the 13-15 year-old son of a child will not be able to propose
alternative answers to your temporary ( hypothesis) about problems that arise because logic
confirmation is not available to them. article search google thus, their mental development
children looked as something is static so they conclude that the argument consider a student
no. a student with lying words considered must "accept" without given a chance to think
relativistic well as dubious concept what they receive. concept piaget and inhidler a lie form
of concept of tabula rasa (blank minded) sebagimana stated John Locke. note that the idea
and personal view is negligible hearts process of learning and teaching.

The study was conducted hearts different process of learning and teaching approaches
ipa looking dramtis singer as a mistake. research wittrock and different from other studies
concluded that tend build a child's previous perceptions. small since hearts yourself kids
already there "schemata-schemata of interpretation" interpretation (interpretive scheme), the
very affects the pattern of view kids and children mindset about nature and the environment.
the schemata are cognitive structures hearts son also very affects their understanding about
concept and idea readable or ipa yang received them.
as an overview, on time a child reading text ipaatau receive a specific concept, concept hearts
cognitive that will be constructed only related concept with no monsep already before.
concept, principles and ideas that already are hearts this cognitive structure the author mean
by knowledge initial (prior knowledge) of the child.

Early Childhood Knowledge singer Yang conducted by different research. Turns It

affects the ability of kids in concept receive lessons will be taught. Connectedness and
linkages between idea that already are Structural Kids kognitif with concept What is meant
through Interaction Process Teaching and learning are reflected Of Research Conducted By
Experts constructivism, Such as: Robert Gagne, David Ausubel, Novak J.D And Fensham.

Children pick any pre-conception (student preconceived), Knowledge Process before

Initial Teaching and learning takes place. First knowledge may:

1. Characteristically intuitive and naive

2. Formal And yet Scientific

3. Formal nature are Scientific

About pre-conception is owned Son, Ebenezer wrote: Much of the literature

conceptual change has, as its name suggests, focuses on changing the ideas of everyday
students bring ti-class science into ideas that are more compatible with those of the book
Auther , science teachers, and scientists. Central to this approach is the idea that students'
ideas naived should be replaced with the ideas of scientists, which intellegible, plausibleand
fruition (Jazlin V Ebenezer, and P. James Gaskell, 1995 : p.15). So the teacher is changing
the concept

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