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. A topic strongly Sousa-Poza, A., & https://goo.

related to job mobility Henneberger, F. (2004). August 28,2017
is turnover Analyzing job mobility with
job turnover intentions: An
intentions. Turnover international comparative
intention reflects the study. Journal of Economic
probability that an Issues, 38(1), 113-137.
individual will change
his or her job within a
certain time period. As
opposed to labor
turnover, turnover
intentions are not
definite. And, although
turnover intentions are
often associated with
job search behavior,
this need not always
be the case.
Relationship between Noor, S., & Maad, N.
stress and work life (2009). Examining the August 28,2017
conflict with turnover relationship between work
intentions was life conflict, stress and
examined. The results
turnover intentions among
suggest that of work life
conflict and stress have marketing executives in
a significant positive Pakistan. International
relationship with journal of Business and
turnover intentions. Management, 3(11), 93.
the degree to which Jones, E., Chonko, L.,
persons are overtaxed Rangarajan, D., & Roberts, August 28,2017
cognitively as a result J. (2007). The role of
of being under time overload on job attitudes,
pressure and having turnover intentions, and
too many commitments salesperson
and responsibilities. performance. Journal of
Salespeople would be Business Research, 60(7),
expected to exhibit 663-671.
some degree of role
overload, because of
the oftentimes high-
pressure nature of their
jobs. Work experience
could explain the
inconsistent findings,
because experienced
salespeople should
cope better with
feelings of role
overload. Drawing from
the career stages
literature, we examine
the direct influence of
role overload on
traditional job attitudes,
turnover intentions,
performance, and the
impact of work
experience on these
The research results Narimawati, S. E. (2007).
proves that job The Influence of Work august 28,2017
satisfaction, Satisfaction, Organizational
Commitment and Turnover
organizational Intention Towards the
commitment and Performance of Lecturers at
turnover intention West Java's Private Higher
both simultaneously Education
and partially have a Institution. Journal of
Applied Sciences
significant influence on
Research, 3(7), 549-557.
the performance.
the present study Peters, L. H., Bhagat, R. S.,
explored the & O'Connor, E. J. (1981). august 28,2017
independent and joint An Examination of the I
effects of these ndependent and Joint
variables on Contributions of
employees' intentions Organizational Commitment
to quit their jobs. and Job Satisfaction on
Consistent with prior Employee Intentions to
findings, the present Quit. Group & Organization
investigation indicated Studies, 6(1), 73-82.
that commitment bears
a significant and
relatively strong
relation ship to
withdrawal intentions
and is more closely
related to such
intentions than is job
The purpose of this Kuvaas, B. (2006).
study was to explore Performance appraisal August 28, 2017
alternative relationships satisfaction and employee
between performance outcomes: mediating and
appraisal satisfaction moderating roles of work
and employee motivation. The
outcomes in the form of International Journal of
self-reported work Human Resource
performance, affective Management, 17(3), 504-
organizational 522.
commitment and
turnover intention.

Theory to explain the

Bouckenooghe, D., Raja,
moderating effect of job
U., & Butt, A. N. (2013). August 28, 2017
satisfaction on the
relationship between Combined effects of
affect and performance positive and negative
and between affect and affectivity and job
turnover. satisfaction on job
performance and turnover
intentions. The Journal of
psychology, 147(2), 105-
This study examines Blomme, R. J., Van
the work-family Rheede, A., & Tromp, D. M. August 28, 2017
conflict approach to (2010). Work-family conflict
the turnover as a cause for turnover
intentions in the hospitality
intentions of highly
industry. Tourism and
educated employees Hospitality Research, 10(4),
within the hospitality 269-285.
industry. The
purpose was to
investigate the
relation between
workplace flexibility,
support, work-family
conflict and the
intention to leave
among highly
educated male and
female employees
working in the
hospitality industry.
Turnover intention is Khatri, N., Budhwar, P., &
the dependent variable Fern, C. T. (1999). August 28, 2017
in our study. Turnover Employee turnover: bad
attitude or poor
intention has been management. Singapore:
used very often in past Nanyang Technological
research. It includes University, 19-99.
three sets of
independent factors:
controllable, and
examined the Dickter, D. N., Roznowski,
importance of time in M., & Harrison, D. A. August 28, 2017
the voluntary turnover (1996). Temporal
process. Moderating tempering: An event history
effects of time were analysis of the process of
found for both job voluntary turnover. Journal
satisfaction and of Applied
cognitive ability. The Psychology, 81(6), 705.
relationships of these
predictors with
turnover decreased as
a function of time. The
temporal nature of
effects inherent in the
voluntary turnover
process is discussed
in detail, and the
importance of
considering changing
effects across time is
Employee turnover Tews, M. J., Michel, J. W.,
rates are among the & Ellingson, J. E. (2013). August 28, 2017
highest for entry-level The impact of coworker
employees in the support on employee
turnover in the hospitality
hospitality industry.
industry. Group &
Research focused on Organization
identifying the Management, 38(5), 630-
antecedents of 653.
turnover in this
employment context
has been limited.
This article integrates Vardaman, J. M., Allen, D.
concepts from the G., Renn, R. W., & Moffitt, August 28, 2017
turnover and risk K. R. (2008). Should I stay
literatures to better or should I go? The role of
risk in employee turnover
understand the
decisions. Human
decision processes Relations, 61(11), 1531-
of workers 1563.
contemplating the
decision to leave a
job. The article offers
two studies that
investigate the
impact of risk
perceptions and
turnover risk
propensity on that
find support for a Dane, E., & Brummel, B. J.
negative relationship (2014). Examining August 28, 2017
between workplace workplace mindfulness and
mindfulness and its relations to job
performance and turnover
turnover intention.
intention. Human
examining workplace Relations, 67(1), 105-128.
mindfulness the
degree to which
individuals are
mindful in their work
downsizing and Trevor, C. O., & Nyberg, A.
voluntary turnover have J. (2008). Keeping your August 28, 2017
been topics of great headcount when all about
interest in the you are losing theirs:
organizational literature, Downsizing, voluntary
little research addresses turnover rates, and the
the topics' possible moderating role of HR
relationship. Using practices. Academy of
organization-level data Management
from multiple industries. Journal, 51(2), 259-276.
organization Jackson, S. E., Brett, J. F.,
demography model Sessa, V. I., Cooper, D. M., August 28, 2017
were used to generate Julin, J. A., & Peyronnin, K.
individual-level and (1991). Some differences
group-level make a difference:
hypotheses relating Individual dissimilarity and
interpersonal context group heterogeneity as
to recruitment, correlates of recruitment,
promotion, and promotions, and
turnover. Journal of applied
turnover patterns.
psychology, 76(5), 675.
Interpersonal context
was operationalized
as personal
dissimilarity and group
heterogeneity with
respect to age, tenure,
education level,
curriculum, alma
mater, military service,
and career
Aims to identify Kim, N. (2014). Employee
differences in turnover intention among August 28, 2017
turnover antecedents newcomers in travel
between newcomers industry. International
Journal of Tourism
from graduate school
Research, 16(1), 56-64.
or other industries
and newcomers from
the same industry.
Turnover Minor, K. I., Wells, J. B.,
approached one Angel, E., & Matz, A. K. August 28, 2017
quarter and was (2011). Predictors of early
most probable during job turnover among juvenile
correctional facility
the first 6 months
staff. Criminal Justice
following academy Review, 36(1), 58-75.
completion. Seven
demographic and
nine work-related
predictors were
analyzed, including
measures of job
satisfaction and
shown that positive McKnight, D. H., Phillips, B.,
perceived job & Hardgrave, B. C. (2009). August 28,2017
characteristics, such Which reduces IT turnover
as job significance intention the most:
Workplace characteristics
and task autonomy,
or job
tend to decrease IT characteristics?. Information
personnel turnover & Management, 46(3), 167-
intention. In addition, 174.
employee perception
of their workplace
characteristics may
affect turnover.
Issues encountered Long, C. S., Perumal, P., &
may be in the areas of Ajagbe, A. M. (2012). The August 28,2017
shrinking pool of entry- impact of human resource
level workers, individual management practices on
differences, use of employees turnover
temporary workers, intention: A conceptual
productivity and model. Interdisciplinary
competitiveness, Journal of Contemporary
retirement benefits and
Research in Business, 4(2),
skills development.
The results showed According to Chang Chang, J. Y., Choi, J. N., &
that over the 7-year and Choi, over the 7- Kim, M. U. (2008). Turnover August 28, 2017
period after their year period after the of highly educated R&D
professionals: The role of
organizational entry, organizational entry preentry cognitive style,
R&D professionals with the results showed work values and career
high levels of intrinsic that R&D orientation. Journal of
values and professionals with Occupational and
cosmopolitan intrinsic values and Organizational
orientation were more cosmopolitan Psychology, 81(2), 299-
likely to leave the
organization than were
their counterparts with
low levels of intrinsic
values and
Indicated that Brauch and Tal Mannheim, B., Baruch, Y.,
organizational indicates that & Tal, J. (1997). Alternative August 28, 2017
commitment, career commitment in models for antecedents and
planning, and wages outcomes of work centrality
organization, wages and job satisfaction of high-
were significantly and career planning tech personnel. Human
affected by work were affected by Relations, 50(12), 1537-
centrality, while work centrality 1562.
performance was significantly.
positively but no
significantly related
to it.
Social identification Fraccaroli, Sarchielli Avanzi, L., Fraccaroli, F.,
increased the and Dick states that Sarchielli, G., Ullrich, J., & August 28, 2017
perception of social identification is van Dick, R. (2014). Staying
organizational or leaving: A combined
one of the reason of social identity and social
support which in the increased exchange approach to
turn reduced perception in predicting employee
emotional organizational turnover
exhaustion which support which in turn intentions. International
was finally related to Journal of Productivity and
reduced the
turnover intentions. Performance
Furthermore, social emotional exhaustion Management, 63(3), 272-
identification and moderated the 289.
moderated the organizational
relation between support which is
organizational related to turnover
support and intentions.
turnover intentions.

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