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VPP 321: Avian Pathology (1+1)


1. Watery albumin

2. Blind layer

3. Gumboro disease

4. Avian nephrosis

5. Bollinger bodies

6. Epidemic tremor



9. Melting pot

10. Haemagglutinin

11. Neurominidase

12. Cell associated herpes virus

13. Neurolymphamatosis

14. Range paralysis

15. Lymphomas

16. MD cells


18. Big liver disease

19. Angara disease

20. Leechi disease

21. Runting syndrome

22. Baby chick nephropathy

23. Bacillary white diarrhea

24. Dead-in-shell chicks

25. Copper bronze sheen liver

26. Unabsorbed yolk

27. Colibacillosis

28. Colisepticaemia

29. Airsac disease

30. Snicking

31. Fibrinous pericarditis

32. Fibrinous perihepatitis

33. Panophthalmitis

34. Omphalitis

35. Mushy chick disease

36. Alpha toxin

37. Beta toxin

38. Quail disease

39. Malignant edema

40. Limberneck

41. Flaccid paralysis

42. Avian pasteurellosis

43. Avian cholera

44. Avian HS.

45. Elementary body

46. Reticulate body

47. Parrot fever

48. Psittacosis

49. Ornithosis

50. LCL bodies

51. Knobbly spleen

52. Bumble foot

53. Syncytia

54. Antigenic drift

55. Antigenic shift

56. Host proteases

57. Tenosynovitis

58. Gapes

59. Internal layer

60. Thrush

61. Vent pecking

62. Wing rot

63. Immunosuppression

64. Granuloma

65. Caecal worm

66. Enterohepatitis

67. Brooder pneumonia

68. Favus cps

69. Mycotic granuloma

70. Haemorrhagic typhilitis

71. Renal rickets

72. Allotriophagy

73. Grass tetany

74. Sulphur rickets

75. Steely wool

76. Blind stagger

77. Goitre

78. Mucosal block

79. osteomalacia

80.Heat exhaustion

81. Dehydration

82. Nyctalopia

83. pityriasis

84. Yellow fat disease

85. Haemorrhagic syndrome.

86. Chondrodysplasia

87. Battery sickness

88. Star-gazing syndrome

89. Curled toe paralysis

90. Parakeratosis

91. Shifting lameness

92. Stepping syndrome

93. Nutritional muscular dystrophy

94. Avian encephalomalcia

95. Peddling

96. Perosis
97. Straight neck paralysis

98. FLHS

99. FLKS

100. Gout

101. Gasper

102. Blue line

103. Clutching of toe

104. Egg shell pimpling

105. Millers disease

106. Enzootic marasmus

107. Scurvy

108. Pellagra

109. Dementia

110. Grey eye

111. Beri-beri

112. Sprue


1. Pathogenesis of Ranikhet disease.

2. Lesions of Ranikhet disease

3. Pathology of oviduct in IB.

4. Diagnostic methods of IB.

5. Pathogenesis of ILT.

6. Clinical signs of ILT.

7. Muscular haemorrhage in IBD.

8. Immunosuppression in IBD.
9. Diagnostic techniques in IBD.

10. Histopathology of oviduct in EDS-76

11. Pock lesions in CAM.

12. Pathogenesis in fowl pox.

13. Clinical manifestation of pox.

14. Microscopical feature of pox lesion.

15. Microscopical lesions of nerves in MD.

16. Pathological manifestation of E.coli.

17. Microscopical lesions of brain in AE.

18. Pathogenesis of avian influenza

19. Pathogenesis of avian pasteurellosis

20. Zoonotic importance of psittacosis

21. Spread of MD virus.

22. Skin leucosis

23. Grey eye

24. Classical MD.

25. Transient paralysis

26. Diagnosis of pox.

27. Pathology of LL.

28. Hepatomyeloporotic disease.

29. Clinical signs of EDs-76.

30. Pathogenesis of IBD.

31. Diagnosis of EDS-76

32. Transmission of Pullorum disease

33. Diagnosis of Pullorum disease

34. Vertical spread of Paratyphoid.

35. Egg peritonitis

36. Hjarres disease

37. Pathogenesis of AE.

38. Torticollis in fowl cholera

39. Spread of AI.

40. Differential diagnosis of AI.

41. Pathogenesis of tuberculosis

42. Demonstration of fungal hyphae in tissues

43. Overview on the outbreaks of AI in India

44. Differential diagnosis of AI.

45. Vices of poultry

46. Leathery eggs

47. Black head disease

48. Intestinal coccidiosis

49. Dwarfing of embryos

50. Favus

51. Brooder pneumonia

52. COFAL test

53. Bran disease

54. Perosis

55. Piglet anaemia

56. Swayback in sheep

57. Fluorosis

58. Alkalosis
59. Hypothyroidism

60. Salt poisoning.

61. Xerophthalmia

62. Nutritional roup

63. Crazy chick disease.

64. Post-parturient haemoglobunuria

65. Milk fever

66. Rickets

67. Dental caries

68. Dystrophic calcification

69. Metastatic calcification

70. Blind staggers

71. Falling disease

72. Red cell aberrations

73. Hyperkeratosis

74. Chastek paralysis

75. Exudative diathesis

76. Osteodystrophic fibrosa

77. Plumbism

78. Stiff lamb disease

79. French molt

80. Intestinal coccidiosis

81. Caecal coccidiosis

82. Curling of embryos

83. Coryza
84. Black tongue

85. Goose stepping gait

86. Haemorrhagic diathesis

87. Slipped tendon

88. Pregnancy toxaemia

89. Canine pellagra

90. Role of vitamin A, D and C in bone formation.

Match the following:

Poultry Diseases:

Set. 1

1. Excess ammonia - a. Acute form of MD.

2. Cutaneous form - b. Corona virus

3. Diphtheritic form - c. Crust

4. Tumor cells of LL - d. Lymphoblast

5. Skin leucosis - e. Epidemic tremor

6. IB - f. Immunosuppression

7. MD - g. ILT

8. AE - h. Focal necrotic hepatitis

9. IBD - i. Caseous nodule

10. Fowl cholera - j. Herpes virus


1. Peracute form of ILT. - a. Pock lesions

2. Hydrpericardium - b. B- cells
3. Borrel granules - c. Vent pecking

4. Target cells of LL - d. LCL bodies

5. Sciatic plexus - e. Hjarres disease -

6. Cannibolism - f. Haemorrhagic exudate

7. CAM - g. Typhilitis

8. Chlamydiosis - h. Leg paralysis

9. Coli granuloma - i. Leechi disease

10. Paratyphoid - j. Fowl pox


1. Colibacillosis - a. Mottling of spleen

2. Aflatoxicosis - b. Big liver disease

3. Ascites - c. Intranuclear inclusions

4. Spirochaetosis - d. Paralysis

5. Lymphoid leukosis - e. Egg peritonitis

6. ILT - f. Hypoproteinaemia

7. MD - g. Muscular haemorrhage

8. IB - h. Torticollis

9. IBD - i. Carcinogen

10. Fowl cholera - j. Leathery eggs


1. Avian influenza - a. Haemorrhagic tracheitis

2. Ranikhet disease - b. Reo virus

3. ILT - c. Pock lesions on CAM

4. Cutaneous pox - d. Feather follicle s

5. Tenosynovitis - e. Proventricular haemorrhage

6. ILT - f. Blind layers

7. MD - g. Gizzard

8. IB - h. Epithelial hyperplasia

9. IBD - i. Antigenic drift

10. AE - j. Haemorrhage between PV. and Gizzard


1. Haemorrhagic typhilitis - a. Fibrinous perihepatitis

2. Histomoniasis - b. Anorexia

3. Colisepticaemia - c. Infraorbital sinus

4. Diphtheretic pox - d. BWD

5. Limberneck - e. Coccidiosis

6. Infectious coryza - f. Ingluvitis

7. Thrush - g. Caseous airsacculitis

8. Pullorum disease - h. Parrot fever

9. CRD - i. Botulism

10. Chlamydiosis - j. Infectious enterohepatitis


1. Pica - a. Calcium

2. Scurvy - b. Choline

3. Steely wool - c. Manganese

4. Soft shelled eggs - d. Magnesium

5. Stepping syndrome - e. Vitamin C

6. Botulism - f. Thiamine

7. FLHS - g. Phosphorus

8. Chastek paralysis - h. Iron

9. Mucosal block - i. Vitamin C

10. Battery sickness - j. Copper

Keys to match the following:

Set.1 Set.2 Set.3 Set.4 Set.5 Set.6

1. g 1. f 1. e 1. j 1. e 1. c

2. c 2. i 2. i 2. e 2. j 2. e

3. i 3. j 3. f 3. a 3. a 3. j

4. d 4. b 4. a 4. h 4. b 4. a

5. a 5. h 5. b 5. b 5. i 5. d

6. b 6. c 6. c 6. c 6. c 6. g

7. j 7. a 7. d 7. d 7. f 7. b

8. e 8. d 8. j 8. f 8. d 8. f

9. f 9. e 9. g 9. j 9. g 9. h

10. h 10. g 10. h 10. g 10. h 10. i


Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology and

diagnosis of Ranikhet disease. Mention the disease control strategies.

Discuss in detail on etiology, pathogenesis and pathology of a disease

that have a great impact on immune system

Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology and

diagnosis of infectious bronchitis.

Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology and

diagnosis of infectious laryngotracheitis.

Define fowl pox and describe in detail on etiology, pathogenesis,

clinical signs and pathology of the disease.

Give an account on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and

pathology of avian influenza.

Describe in detail on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and

L-4 lesions of a disease in which neoplastic manifestations and leg
paralysis are the characteristic features.

Discuss in detail on the pathogenesis of MD and LL and highlight the

difference between the two diseases.

Discuss in detail on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and

pathology and diagnosis of avian encephalomyelitis.

Define inclusion body hepatitis. Discuss in detail on its etiology,

L-5 pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology and diagnosis of the
Define Hydropericardium syndrome. Give an account on its etiology,
L-5 pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology and diagnosis of the

Discuss about chicken infectious anaemia in detail on its etiology,

pathogenesis, and pathology of the disease.

Define EDS76. While mentioning its etiology, discuss elaborately on

L-6 pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology and diagnosis of the

Give an account on avian nephritis in respect of etiology,

pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology of the disease.

Define and discuss in detail on infectious stunting syndrome of

etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology of the disease.

List out the Reo virus infections. Describe widely on etiology,

pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology of the diseases.


Give an account on pathological aspects of Escherichia coli infections

in birds and discuss the differential diagnosis.

Define coryza. While mentioning its etiology, discuss elaborately on

L-8 pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology and diagnosis of the

Enumerate and discuss the various pathological manifestations of

clostridial infections in poultry with respect to clinical signs, pathology
and diagnosis.

Define pullorum disease. Describe its pathogenesis, clinical signs and

pathology of the disease in domestic chicken.

Define and discuss the pathogenesis, clinical signs and pathology of

fowl typhoid in chicken.

List out various respiratory diseases. Discuss in detail on etiology,

pathogenesis, and clinical signs and various pathological
manifestations of a disease that causes, unabsorbed yolk in young

Define avian pasteurellosis. Give an account on clinical signs,

L-10 pathogenesis and pathological features of the disease in chicken and
discuss the differential diagnosis.

Define mycobacteriosis. While discussing the pathogenesis of

L-10 Mycobacterium avium, describe the pathological aspects of the
disease in detail.

Give an account on etiology, transmission, pathogenesis, and

pathology of spirochaetosis.

Define mycoplasmosis. While describing the pathogenesis, clinical

manifestations and pathology of the diseases produced by

L-11 M.gallisepticum and M.synoviae in domestic poultry, discuss their

differential diagnosis.

Define psittacosis. Describe the etiology, transmission, pathogenesis,

L-11 clinical signs and pathological manifestations in various domestic

While listing out common mycotic infections in poultry, discuss them

L-12 in respect of etiology, transmission, clinical signs and pathological
manifestations in various domestic poultry.

Define mycotic pneumonia. Give an account on brooder pneumonia in

chicken and its differential diagnosis.

Define mycotoxicosis. Give an account on the aflatoxicosis with

L-12 emphasis on pathogenesis in chicken and its pathological implications
in detail.

Define nephrotoxin. Discuss in detail on the ochratoxicosis in chicken

and its pathological implications in detail.

L-12 Give an account on the pathological manifestations of tricothecenes.


L-13 Give an account on helminthic infestation in poultry.

Define coccidiosis. While describing the various etiological agents of

the disease, discuss in detail on intestinal coccidiosis.

L-13 Explain the pathological manifestations produced by Eimeria tenella.


While listing out the disorders caused by various minerals, discuss in

detail on pathological conditions produced by the hypocalcaemia.

L-14 Describe the clinical disorders caused by the deficiency of

carbohydrates and proteins

While listing out the disorders caused by various vitamins, discuss in

detail on pathological conditions produced by the hypovitaminosis A.


L-16 Define and discuss elaborately on vice in poultry.

List out the important exotic and emerging poultry diseases and
discuss the pathology of any two important diseases..

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