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Presentar un conjunto herramientas estadsticas y sus aplicaciones concretas a
problemas de estimacin, inferencia y prediccin en Macroeconoma,
Microeconoma, Economa Monetaria y Finanzas. Se espera que al concluir el
semestre el alumno sea capaz de elaborar una monografa (que ser objeto de
exposicin) en la cual muestre un adecuado balance entre los fundamentos de
teora econmica y el uso de las tcnicas y mtodos que se desarrollaron a lo largo
del curso.

AMISANO, Gianni y Carlo GIANINI. Topics in Structural VAR Econometrics. 2da
Edicin. Springer, 1997.
BALTAGI, Badi. Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. Wiley, 1995.
CAMPBELL, Jhon, LO, Andrew y Craig MACKINLAY. The Econometrics of
Financial Markets. Princenton University Press, 1997.
ENDERS, Walter. Applied Time Series Econometrics. Wiley, 1995.
ENGLE, Robert y Clive GRANGER (Eds.) Long Run Economic Relationships :
Readings in Cointegration. Oxford University Press, 1991.
DEATON, Angus. Understanding Consumption. Oxford University Press, 1992
FRANSES, Philip Hans. Time Series Models for Business and Economic Forecasting.
Cambridge University Press, 1998
GREENE, William. Econometric Analysis. 3era Edicin. Prentice Hall, 1997.
HAMILTON, James. Time Series Analysis. Princenton University Press, 1994.
HENDRY, David. Dynamic Econometrics. Oxford University Press, 1995.
HSIAO, Cheng. Analysis of Panel Data. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
JOHANSEN, Soren. Likelihood - Based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive
Models. Oxford University Press, 1995.
JOHNSTON, Jack y Jhon DINARDO. Econometric Methods. 4ta. Edicin. Mac Graw
Hill, 1997.
MILLS, Terence. The Econometric Modelling of Financial Time Series. Cambridge
University Press, 1993.
SPANOS, Aris. Statistical Foundations of Econometric Modelling. Cambridge
University Press, 1986.
(1) Introduccin
Revisin de la Estimacin e Inferencia por Mnimos Cuadrados (OLS) Estimacin
con Restricciones. Problemas de Especificacin. Aplicacin: El modelo de
Crecimiento Neoclsico
Greene. Captulos 6 y 7
Jhonston & Dinardo. Captulos 3 y 4
Mankiw, Gregory, Romer, David & David Weil. A Contribution to the Empirics of
Economic Growth. Quartely Journal of Economics. Vol. 107 N2, 1992

(2) Series de Tiempo: Elementos Bsicos

Introduccin. Estacionariedad. Modelos AR, MA y mixtos. Tendencias Estocsticas
y Determinsticas. Experimentos de Montecarlo y Teora Asinttica. Races
Unitarias: Tests de deteccin y problemas.
Franses. Captulos 2 - 4
Greene. Seccin 4.4 y 18.1 18.3
Hamilton. Captulos 3, 4, 7, 16 y 17
Jhonston & DiNardo. Secciones 2.5 - 2.6 y Captulo 7
Mills. Captulos 2 y 3
Spanos. Captulos 8, 9 y 10
Campbell, John y Pierre Perron. How Macroeconomists should know about unit
roots? NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1991
Christiano, Lawrence. Searching for a break in GNP. Journal of Business and
Economics Statistics. Vol. 10, N3, 1992
Dejong, David, Nankervis Jhon, N. E. Savin y Charles Witheman. The power of
unit root tests in time series with autoregresive errors. Journal of Econometrics. Vol
39 N1, 1988
Evans, G. B. y N. E. Savin. Testing for unit roots I. Econometrica. Vol 49 N3, 1981
Evans, G. B. y N. E. Savin. Testing for unit roots II. Econometrica. Vol 52 N5, 1984
Kwiatowski, Denis, Phillips, Peter y Yongcheol Shin. Testng the null hypothesis od
stationarity against the alternative of a unit root. How sure are we that the
economic time series have a unit root ? Journal of Econometrics. Vol 54 N1 / 3,
Perron, Pierre. The great cash, the oil price shock and the unit root hyphotesis.
Econometrica. Vol. 57, N6, 1989
Perron, Pierre. Further Evidence on Breaking Trend Functions in Macroeconomic
Variables. Journal of Econometrics. Vol 80 N2, 1997
Sims, Christopher y Harald Uhlig. Understanding unit rooters : a helicopter tour.
Econometrica. Vol 59, N6, 1991
Zivot, Eric y Donald Andrews. Further evidence on the Great Cash, the Oil - Price
Shock, and the unit root hypothesis. Journal of Business and Economics Statistics.
Vol. 10, N3, 1992
(3) Series de Tiempo: Modelos Multivariados
Cointegracin. Concepto e implicaciones econmicas y estadsticas. Modelo de
Correccin de Errores. Metodologas de Engle & Granger y de Johansen.
Amisano & Gianini. Captulo 6
Engle y Granger. Captulos 1, 5 y 7
Franses. Captulo 10
Hamilton. Captulos 19 y 20
Johansen. Parte I
Mills. Captulo 6
Johansen, Soren y Katarina Juselius. Testing structural hyphotesis in a multivariate
cointegration analysis of the PPP and the UIP for the UK. Journal of Econometrics.
Vol 53, 1992
Johansen, Soren y Katarina Juselius. Identification of the long run and short run
structure, an aplication to the IS- LM model. Journal of Econometrics. Vol 63 N 1.
Juselius Katarina. Domestic and foreign effects on prices in an open economy : the
case of Denmark. Journal of Policy Modelling. Vol. 14 N4, 1992
Juselius Katarina. Do purchasing power parity and uncover interest rate parity
hold in the long run ? An example of likelihood inference in a multivariate time
series model. Journal of Econometrics. Vol 69 N 1-4. 1995

(4) El Enfoque Cowles

El Problema de la Identificacin. Aplicacin: El Modelo IS LM / AS AD.
Evaluacin de Polticas. Crticas de Lucas y Sims.
Greene. Captulo 16
Jhonston & Dinardo. Secciones 9.4 9.6
Lucas, Robert. Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique. En: LUCAS, Robert.
Studies in Business-Cycle Theory. MIT Press, 1981
Sims, Christopher. Macroeconomics and Reality. Econometrica. Vol. 48 N1, 1980.
Summers, Lawrence. The Scientific Illusion in Empirical Macroeconomics.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Vol. 93 N2, 1991

(5) Econometra Britnica (LSE Approach)

Porceso Generador de Datos. El mtodo de lo general a lo particular. Data
Reduction. Exogeneidad. Causalidad. Aplicacin: Cowles vs. LSE: El Mecanismo
de Transmsin de la Poltica Monetaria.
Hendry. Captulo 7
Jhonston & DiNardo. Secciones 8.1 y 8.2.1 - 8.2.2
Faust, John & Charles Whiteman. General-to-Specific Procedures for Fitting a Data-
Admissible, Theory-Inspired, Congruent, Parsimonious, Encompassing, Weakly
Exogenous, Identified, Structural Model to the DGP: A Translation and Critique.
International Finance Discussion Papers N 1997-576, 1997. Board of Governors of
The Federal Reserve System.
Gilbert, Christopher Professor Hedrys Econometric Methodology. Oxford Bulletin
of Economics and Statistics. Vol. 48 N 3, 1986.
Hendry, David. Econometrics, Alchemy or Science? Economica. Vol 47 N148, 1980
Hendry, David y Jean - Francois Richard. On the formulation of empirical Models
in Dynamic Econometrics. Journal of Econometrics. Vol 20 N1, 1982
Engle, Robert, Hendry, David y Jean - Francois Richard. Exogeneity. Vol. 39 N1,
Granger, Clive. Some recents developments in a concept of causality. Journal of
Econometrics. Vol 39 N1, 1988
Mizon, Graham y Jean - Francois Richard. The encompassing Principle and its
application to testing non-nested hypothesis. Econometrica. Vol. 54 N3, 1986
Zellner, Arnold. Causality and Causal Laws of Economics. Journal of
Econometrics. Vol 39 N1, 1988

(6) Vectores Autoregresivos (VAR)

Formulacin, Identificacin y Estimacin. Restricciones corto y largo plazo para la
Indetificacin. Aplicacin: Poltica Monetaria en Economas Abiertas y Cerradas.
Otras Aplicaciones.
Amisano & Gianini. Captulos 1 5 y 9
Enders. Captulo 5
Franses. Captulo 9
Hamilton. Captulos 10 y 11
Canova, Favio. The Economics of VAR Models. En : HOOVER, Kevin (Ed.)
Macroeconometrics : Developments, Tensions and Prospects. Kluwer Academic
Publishing Co. 1995
Cooley Thomas y Stephen Le Roy. Atheoretical Macroeconomics : a Critique.
Journal of Monetray Economics. Vol 5 N4, 1987
Enders, Walter y Bong - Soo Lee. Accounting for Real and Nominal Exchange Rate
Movements in the Post Bretton Woods Period. Journal of International Money and
Finance. Vol. 16 N2, 1997
Gal, Jordi. How Well the IS - LM Model Fit Postwar US data ? Quartely Journal of
Economics. 1992
Gal, Jordi. y Mark Gertler. Inflation Dynamics : A Structural Econometric
Analysis. Mimeo, 1998
Gal. Jordi. Technology, Employment and the Business Cycle : Do Technology
Shocks Explain Aggregate Fluctuations. Mimeo 1998
Leeper, Eric, Sims, Christopher y Tao Zha. What does Monetary Policy Do?
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. N2 1996
(7) Optimizacin Intertemporal y GMM
Introduccin : El mtodo de momentos. Definicin de GMM. Interpretacin de los
estimadores tradicionales como casos particulares de GMM. Ecuaciones de Euler:
Estimacin con GMM. Aplicacin: Estimacin de Reglas Monetarias.
Deaton. Captulo 1
Greene. Secciones 11.5 - 11.6
Hamilton. Capitulo 14
Jhonston & Dinardo. Captulo 10
Hansen, L. Large Sample Properties of the Generalized Methods of Moments
Estimators. Econometrica. Vol 50, N 4, 1982
Hansen, L. & K. Singleton. Generalized Instrumental Variables Estimarion of
Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models. Econometrica. Vol 50, N 5, 1982
Hansen, L. & K. Singleton. Stochastic Consumption, Risk Aversion and the
Temporal Behavoiur of Assets Returns. Journal of Political Economy. Vol 91, N 2,

(8) Economa Financiera y Econometra

Elementos bsicos de Modelos Financieros y de Matemticas aplicadas a Finanzas.
El CAPM y su Estimacin. Modelos Multifactorales (APT) y su Estimacin.
Modelos de Volatilidad: ARCH, GARCH, etc. y sus aplicaciones. Modelos
GARCH Multivariantes. Apliacin Estimacin del CAPM utilizando GARCH - M
Campbell, Lo & McKinlay. Captulos 5, 6 y 12
Enders. Captulo 3
Franses. Captulo 7
Greene. Secciones 12. 7 y 18.5
Hamilton. Captulo 21
Mills. Captulos 5 y 7
Bollerslev, T, R. Chou y K.F. Kroner. ARCH Modelling in Finance. A Review of
Theory and Evidence. Journal of Econometrics. Vol 52 N1, 1992
Bollerslev, T, Engle, R, y J. M. Wooldridge. A Capital Asset Pricing Model with
Time Varying Covariances. Journal of Political Economy. Vol 96 N1, 1988
Engle, Robert y Victor Ng. Measuring and Testing the Impacts of News of
Volatility. Journal of Finance. Vol 48, N5, 1993
Pagan, Adrian. The Econometrics of Financial Markets. Journal of Empirical
Finance. Vol 3 N 1, 1996

(9) Elementos de Microeconometra

Modelos de regresin con variables dependientes discretas: Probit, Logit, Gompit
y Tobit. Variables dependientes limitadas: Modelos de Muestras Truncadas y
Censuradas. Sesgo de Seleccin. Panel Data: Efectos Fijos y Aleatorios. Estimacin.
Grenee. Captulos 14, 19 y 20
Hsiao. Captulos 1 - 3
Baltagi. Captulos 1 - 2


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Midterm Mayo, 6 (30%)
Final Julio, 8 (30%)
Problem Sets (20%)
Trabajo y Exposicin (20%)

Ana Mara Vera
Daniel Sifuentes
Marco Vilchez (Departamento de Economa, Oficina N20)

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cita por e-mail

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