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Guidelines for Parents:

The Primary Curriculum

The Vision
The British New National Curriculum (2014)
High Expectations
High Achievers
A Creative Curriculum: Themes
Themes: Autumn 1
Termly Themes Overview
Homework Projects
Homework Projects Example
Topic: History and Geography
Art and Design & Technology
Sports and Swimming
Spanish & Sociales KS1
Spanish & Sociales KS2
Philosophy For Children (P4C)
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)
Co-curricular clubs
Curriculum Overviews
Mathematics, English and Science
Calculations Policies
Class Blogs
The Vision
The curriculum in KS1 and KS2 at BSQ follows the New British Curriculum
(September 2014) with additions and objectives pertinent to learners in an
international, Latin American setting. The emphasis is on a creative
cross-curricular approach through termly themes linked to a core reading text
or texts. The core text/s will predominantly be a stimulus for learning, taught in
literacy lessons, but with the theme linking as much as possible through
mathematics, science and topic (history, geography and art). Computing and
music will also follow elements of the New Curriculum but with adaptations
suitable for the context at BSQ.

Sociales and Spanish can be viewed as independent of the British Curriculum and
following the curriculum set out by the Ecuadorian government.
The British New National Curriculum (2014)
Whats changed? English, Maths and Science remain very
important and are considered the core subjects in both
primary and secondary education. The National Curriculum
sets out in some detail what must be taught in each of these
subjects, and they will take up a substantial part of your childs
learning week. Alongside these are the familiar foundation
subjects: Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Geography,
History, Music, and Physical Education. For these foundation
subjects, the details in the curriculum are significantly briefer:
schools have much more flexibility regarding what they cover
in these subjects. At BSQ, our themes are broad and reflect
our international and Latin American setting.
High Expectations
Much of the publicity about the changes to the curriculum in
the UK has focussed on higher expectations in various
subjects, and it is certainly the case that in some areas the
content of the new primary curriculum is significantly more
demanding than in the past. For example, in mathematics
there is now much greater focus on the skills of arithmetic and
also on working with fractions. In science, a new unit of work
on evolution is introduced for Year 6; work which would have
previously been studied in secondary school. In English
lessons there will now be more attention paid to the study of
grammar and spelling; an area which was far less notable in
previous curricula.
High Achievers
If your child is achieving well, rather than moving
on to the following year groups work the class
teacher will encourage more in-depth and
investigative work to allow a greater mastery
and understanding of concepts and ideas.

High Achievers should be broad in their skills,

have different opportunities to master their skills
and begin to be able to increase their reasoning
skills to teach others.
A Creative Curriculum: Themes
Each term, each year group will explore their
learning through different themes. The theme may
be based on a book, on history, geography or an
abstract idea.

Their learning across the subjects is linked to these

themes. This gives the children the opportunity to
make links across their learning, encouraging a
more holistic, creative and broad approach to their
Themes Autumn 1
Nursery: All About Me

Reception: All About Me/ Nursery Rhymes

Year 1: Me, Myself and I

Year 2: Commotion in the Ocean

Year 3: South America

Year 4: The Titanic

Year 5: Respect and the Law

Year 6: Wonders of the World

Termly Theme Overview: An Example
Homework Projects
Teachers do not specifically give worksheets
or set homework each week. Instead, children
create a body of creative work around their
termly theme. Teachers give suggestions of
tasks but the projects are intended to
encourage childrens independence, creativity
and resilience. Children will then present their
projects and exhibit them to all of primary.

The first homework deadline is:

Monday 23rd October

Homework Project Maps: Example
Reading and enjoying reading has a huge impact on
childrens learning and progress across all subjects.

At BSQ we have Guided Reading lessons where children

will develop comprehension skills, explore language, author
intent, spelling rules, grammar, themes and will summarize
and make predictions about what they have read.

Every Friday we have a half hour Reading for Pleasure

session, where all children read independently and enjoy
their own books.

At home, every child must read or be read to for 20

minutes a day and record this in their Reading Records.
From Reception to Year 3 (with some children in Year 4)
children are taught phonics every morning, learning and
applying a sets of sounds which will help them to decode and
read words in English more fluently.

Our scheme follows The Read, Write Inc programme which

has been documented to improve childrens English at a
greater rate and with better progress over the years.

This year we are lucky to have brought in all the Read, Write
Inc materials and books to deliver this aspect of the curriculum.
In Science, children will take a more inquiry based
approach to their learning. Rather than just being
told the facts, children are encouraged to pursue
their own lines of enquiry and to suggest methods
for investigation. Questioning and investigation is a
key aspect of their scientific learning.

Each year group focuses on different aspects of

physics, chemistry and biology.
Topic: History and Geography
In Topic lessons, children learn elements of history
and geography linked to the terms theme.

Particular knowledge and skills are taught. For


- Developing research skills

- Comparing and contrasting historical periods or
geographical locations
- Asking in depth questions about the causes and
effects of historical or environmental changes
- Collaborating in groups to research and present
Art/ Design & Technology
In Art, children are taught to develop a range of
technical skills in drawing, painting and collage.
They use sketchbooks to explore art-making
skills before developing a final piece. Relevant
artists, linked to the terms theme, are used as a
stimulus for discussion and investigation.

In Design & Technology, children use and

experiment with different materials to create a
wide variety of practical or innovative outcomes.
Designs are evaluated and groups collaborate to
discuss and improve their ideas.
Music is taught by our specialist music teacher, Miss
Andrea Molina, in the creative arts suite. Lessons are
taught through the Music Express online scheme.

Over the course of primary school, children will listen to and perform a range of
music. In the first years of schooling this will often include singing songs and
rhymes, and playing untuned instruments such as tambourines or rainmaker
sticks. In Key Stage 2, children will perform pieces both alone and as part of a
group using their own voice and some musical instruments, including those with
tuning such as glockenspiels or keyboards. They will both improvise and
compose pieces using their knowledge of the different dimensions of music such
as rhythm and pitch. During the later years they will also begin to use musical
notation, and to learn about the history of music.
Sports and Swimming
All children have swimming lessons, which are
taught by Mr Fernando in the first and last terms
of the year.

In Sports, children are taught and play a variety

of team games such as football, hockey and
basketball. They also are taught skills through

There is a Sports Day, which will take place

on Saturday 21st October. More information:
There are three main strands of the new Computing
curriculum: information technology, digital literacy and
computer science. Information technology is about the use of
computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and
presenting information, or using search technology. Digital
literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology,
including recognising its advantages for collaboration or
communication. Finally, computer science will introduce
children of all ages to understanding how computers and
networks work.

At BSQ, we have started using the SMART guidelines for E- Safety

through and consider this aspect of their learning to be crucial.
Spanish & Sociales KS1
Taught by Miss Evelyn Paez:

Espaol Ks1

En la clase de Espaol se busca promover el respeto y la valoracin de la diversidad social, lingstica y

cultural de los estudiantes. La participacin constante y activa entre los miembros de la clase va
encaminada a fomentar el uso social de la lengua, siendo el aula, el lugar idneo para la interaccin
comunicativa entre pares. La lectura y su disfrute forman parte de un eje central de aprendizaje, a partir
de este elemento y de la oralidad se llega a la produccin, que es el texto escrito.

Sociales Ks1
Estudios Sociales para las primeras etapas de aprendizaje comprende temticas relacionadas con el
entorno natural y social. Permite que cada individuo conozca sus deberes y derechos y valore su cultura.
Crea conciencia en el educando y le brinda un espacio para intervenir de forma cooperativa, recproca,
honesta y confiable en situaciones cotidianas para contribuir al desarrollo de su comunidad ms cercana.
Estimula la imaginacin, curiosidad y creatividad ante distintas manifestaciones tecnolgicas, culturales y
de la naturaleza, desarrollando responsabilidad y autonoma en su forma de actuar.
Spanish & Sociales KS2
Taught by Miss Ana Espinosa :
1.Describir y apreciar las cualidades y valores de los diversos gru-
pos sociales y tnicos del Ecuador como aportes a la construc-
cin de nuestra identidad y cultura nacional.
2.Reconocer al Ecuador como parte del continente americano y el
mundo, identificando las semejanzas de sus caractersticas (re-
giones naturales, clima, paisajes, flora y fauna) con las del resto
del continente.
3. Construir una conciencia cvica, crtica y autnoma, a travs de la interiorizacin y prctica de los derechos
humanos universales y ciudadanos, para desarrollar actitudes de solidaridad y participacin en la vida

1.Comunicar oralmente sus ideas de forma efectiva mediante el uso de las estructuras bsicas de la lengua oral y
vocabulario pertinente a la situacin comunicativa.
2.Escribir relatos y textos expositivos y descriptivos, en diversos soportes disponibles, y emplearlos como medios
de comunicacin y expresin del pensamiento.
3.Explorar y motivar la escritura creativa al interactuar de manera ldica con textos literarios ledos o escuchados
(privilegiando textos ecuatorianos, populares y de autor).
Philosophy for Children (P4C)
Children will explore their termly themes and
values through P4C lessons and practice.
Children will be encouraged more to ask
deeper questions about what they learn; to
understand what makes a philosophical
question and to hone their skills for debate.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is a
key part of any childs learning. At BSQ, we are
developing a PSHE scheme of study which will promote
global-mindedness and respond to international and
Latin American issues, underpinned by our schools
values and ethos.

Each term, children across primary will explore global

and local issues through one of the schools values. This
term, our value is Balanced. Speak to your child about
this. It will also be beneficial if parents could contribute to
our PSHE curriculum, suggesting aspects of learning or
supporting the schools vision and values.
Co-curricular Clubs
Clubs occur after lunchtime on a Friday
afternoon and form part of school learning.
Each term children sign up to a club and will
be taught by a different teacher in Primary.

Examples of clubs include: gardening,

football, drawing, art, film-making and
Curriculum Overviews
Coverage from Years 1 to 6

(KS1 and KS2)

Mathematics, English and
Coverage from Years 1 to 6

(KS1 and KS2)

Maths Calculations Policy
Progression in maths calculations from Year 1 to Year 6
Class Blogs
For class updates, curriculum information for each term and extra ideas for homework look at your childs
class blog.

Nursery Goldsmiths:

Nursery A Class:
Reception Dundee:
Reception Warwick:
Year 1 Cambridge:
Year 1 Oxford:
Year 2 Bristol:
Year 2 Aberdeen:
Year 3 Exeter:
Year 4 Wales:
Year 5 Imperial:
Year 6 Leeds:

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