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2016 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control

Design of flow control system based on expert PID

Qi Xing Liu1
Guizhou University
huaxi district, Guiyang City,
Guizhou Province, China

Abstract Flow rate is one of the important parameters in K0

industrial and agricultural engineering, especially in the W0 ( s ) =
chemical, metallurgy, petroleum and other industries. However, T0 s + 1 
the actual industrial production process often has the The following figure is a water tank system structure:
characteristics of nonlinear, time-varying uncertainty, it is
difficult to establish a precise mathematical model, the
application of the conventional controller can not achieve the
desired control effect. Aiming at this problem, this paper
presents a traffic control system based on expert PID. This
system takes PLC S7-1500 as the main controller, uses expert
PID control algorithm to form a closed loop control system, so as
to realize the control of the flow rate. The debugging results show
that the control system is stable and can achieve the control of
the flow quickly and accurately.
Keywords flow control; expert PID ; PID algorithm;control

Fig. 1 Structure of first order water tank system
With the development of modern industry, the accuracy of
the pump flow control system is more and more high. Simple When the step signal is changed by 10%, the measured data
pump flow system due to large errors, control accuracy is not are shown in table 1:
high, but can not control the flow of the pump in real time. TABLE 1: MEASUREMENT PARAMETERS OF FLOW CONTROL SYSTEM
Et al Pang Qishou using 89C52 microcontroller and feedback
detecting element, and combines step motor to adjust the flow
regulating valve, a based on digital pulse feedback flow
control system is established, but its ability to control
industrial demand has not yet been reached. [1]. Chen
Mingxin using PID algorithm, using Siemens S7-200 PLC on
the pump flow control, but in the actual production of the
scene, due to parameter tuning methods are complicated
problems, parameters are often poor tuning, poor performance Table OP for the manual control of the percentage of I1 for
[2]. In this paper, PLC S7-1500 based controller, the use of the control of the corresponding OP current; PV for the
expert PID control algorithm, the formation of a closed loop detection of the output flow value, I2 and PV corresponding to
control system, from the flow of control, improve the control the flow rate of detection of the current value.
accuracy and dynamic performance, more suitable for As can be seen from the table 1, the flow model should be a
industrial production flow control. first order inertial link. The form of the transfer function is:
G ( s) =
According to the data in Table 1 can be obtained T=3.5s;
The mathematical model of the controlled object is
established by the step response curve method.
So, the transfer function of the flow control system is
We will be in accordance with the first order model (single
tank) to deal with. The transfer function of the first order 0.52
G ( s) =
model is: 4.5s + 1

978-1-5090-3071-2/16 $31.00 2016 IEEE 1030

DOI 10.1109/IS3C.2016.260

1, the traditional PID in the flow control system simulation

Transfer function based on experimental results:
0.52 Figure 4 Expert Simulink control PID program simulation block diagram
G (s) =
4.5s + 1
Using Simulink program, the simulation, the simulation
figure 2 shown in figure:

Fig. 2 Simulink simulation diagram of program

The test method is used to set the parameters of PID,
including Kp=60; Ti=4.75s; Td=0; parameter input PID
controller, running simulation, simulation results are shown in
figure 3:

Figure 5 Expert PID control Simulink package

Fig. T sampling time for control system; Actuator Limit

Um absolute value of the upper and lower limits for the
control input; Mapping Table is the first article in the
refinement of the expert rules, for a four line 2 column of the
matrix, which each row of the first column of the thresholds
for the control system, the second column for the
corresponding control value, because the whole control
system is a piecewise control and expert rules, the first
Fig. 3 Simulation curve involved range is relatively large, the matrix is to first rule
Can be seen from Figure 3, the use of traditional control then be refined, so that the control curve is more smooth and
algorithm designed to control the flow of traffic, the system stable.
can be followed and no overshoot, adjust the time of 0.8s. The simulation results are shown in figure 6:

2, expert PID in the flow control system Simulink simulation

According to the experimental results, the transfer function
G (s) =
of the flow system is: 4.5s + 1
Using simulink to the simulation, the controller USES
discrete S function combined with simulink module
implementation, in the form of the controller parameters, the
maximum and minimum control input sampling time in the
form of packaging. Simulink simulation program as shown in Figure 6 Expert PID control response curve
figure 4; System assembly as shown in figure 5. From Figure 6 can be seen using an expert PID control
algorithm is used to design controller to control the flow, the
response curve of the system can achieve the fast tracking
performance, and no overshoot, adjust the system time is 0.6s,
visible, expert PID controller of the control effect is better.

The expert PID control and traditional PID control are
compared, by contrast, we can know that the two kinds of PID
algorithm can achieve a good control effect, expert PID
control system response curve is more rapid.

3, the importance of phase threshold setting

Expert PID using subsection control method, is aimed at
the control of the threshold setting for a brief analysis.
(1) according to the size of the given value of the system,
the overall range of the system control threshold can be set up.
For the simulation of the system, the simulation is given a
value of 1, the control system threshold setting range is Figure 8 Expert PID control response curve
between 0 to 1.
(2) according to the characteristics of the controlled object,
the size of the threshold segment can be set. In the system
tuning process, when with a given output deviation value is
larger, the threshold value set wide; when the deviation value
is small, in order to ensure the accuracy of the control system,
the threshold section is set smaller. According to the initial
setting of the control system, the threshold segment is
generally arranged in order to control the
system.[1,0.9,0.7,0.5,0.2,0.05,0.005,0], as shown in Figure 7,
the resulting curves are shown in figure 8.
(3) through the analysis to the obtained simulation curve, Figure 9 Expert PID control response curve
system known in the convergence thresholds to segment
between 0.05 to 0.005, the controls cannot be good, system in Through the analysis of the above threshold setting, it can
0.005 to zero threshold control rule is not used, so system be known that the threshold setting is very important in the
accuracy failed to meet the requirements. control system, and the smoothness of the response curve of
Based on the above analysis, the threshold value is set to the system can be adjusted by setting the threshold of the
[1,0.9,0.7,0.5,0.2,0.05,0.02,0], as shown in Figure 9 response system. Improper threshold setting can lead to poor response
curve. curve, and even lead to the controlled system can not meet the
control requirements. And the threshold setting is usually with
experience can not be separated from the.

The simulation results show that the expert PID
controller can adjust the PID parameters in real time
according to the expert experience, so as to realize the
effective control of the controlled object. The piecewise
control rules to control the controlled object, the threshold can
be adjusted according to the practical experience, the system
has higher control precision and effectively realized the
smoothness of the system, and can make the system stable and

Figure 7 Change the threshold after the expert PID package system
rapid operation.

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