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UPPER INTERMEDIATE UNIT 7 3 Discuss the questions:

a discursive essay 1 Is the essay balanced? Why/Why not?
2 What is the authors personal opinion? Where does
he/she express it?
When you write a for and against essay, you need to give 4 Identify four linkers of contrast in paragraphs 4
a balanced view and describe both sides of the argument. and 5.
It is a good idea to use linkers of contrast to signal
different viewpoints. Usually, you dont express your own
opinion until the end of the essay.
5 Complete the sentences with one of the four linkers
of contrast in exercise 4.
1 Read the statement below and make a list of
1 Some journalists have high standards
arguments in favour of and against it.
others have no problem with
The media should be more regulated. breaking the rules.
For: 2 The media says it can regulate itself,
there being a lot of evidence to
the contrary.

3 Journalists oen try to write the biggest stories.
Against: , they sometimes write about the
little guy in the street, too.
4 there is little regulation at the
moment, politicians are thinking of bringing in

2 Read the model essay. Does it include any of the new laws.
arguments in your lists?

Should the media be more regulate
about whether the
Nowadays there is a lot of discussion
regu lated . This is happening
media should be more
e have been plen ty of exam ples in the past
because ther
cept ably . It goes
when the media has behaved unac
ia is agai nst any type of
without saying that the med
stricter regulation.
criticise governments
It is often argued that the ability to
ntal pillar of a modern society.
and politicians is a fundame
ral time s in rece nt history when
There have been seve
journalists have uncovered illegal or
dishonest behaviour by
ple of this is the
6 Write a discursive essay on one of these topics
governments. Probably the best exam (250300 words).
invo lving President Nixon.
Watergate scandal in the USA
job of highlighting
The media should not investigate the private life of
Journalists also often do an excellent royal families.
mak es society
the hypocrisy of politicians, and this
The media prefers negative stories to positive ones.
stronger and healthier.
ons why the media The standard of journalism on the internet is lower
However, there are also many reas
le are concerned about than in print.
should be regulated. Many peop
es an indiv iduals right to privacy,
how the media often abus
Despite journalists
especially in the case of celebrities. Plan your writing
ia becomes too
uncovering wrongdoing, if the med Think about the content of your essay. Introduce the
indiv iduals to exert
powerful it can be used by certain topic and give arguments in support of the proposition.
gove rnm ent and the state.
unhealthy pressure on the
s be regulated
to Give arguments against the proposition and conclude
On the whole, I think the media need
argu men ts against it. I feel by giving your personal opinion or briefly summarising
more, although there are good
n that hone st journ alists will the arguments in the essay.
that new rules will mea
good work , while journ alist s who have lower
continue to do Check your writing
their way s.
standards will be forced to change Have you used some linkers of contrast?
Have you checked your grammar and spelling?
Did you find any mistakes?

Pearson Education Limited 2016

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