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Math: Chapter 1 Study Guide

videos for Lesson 1 7 are located on our class website:

Lesson 1 : Model Place Value Relationships

Value of a digit The value of a digit depends on its place-value position. A place-value chart can help you understand
the value of each digit in a number. For example: 293, 014 the value of the 3 is 3 x 1,000 so the answer is 3,000

*The value of each place is 10 times the value of the place to the right

For example: When comparing two numbers such as, 293, 014 and 292,314 the value of the 3 in 293,014 is 10 times the
value of the 3 in 292,314 because the 3 is in the one-thousands place in 293,014 and the 3 is in the hundreds place in
292,314 and they are right next door (10x)


1. 314,567, What is the value of the 3? ___________________

2. 314,567 and 453,876 - Fill in the blank The value of the 3 in __________ is _______ times the value of the 3 in _________.

Lesson 2: Read and Write Numbers

Standard form: 293,514

Expanded form: 200,000 + 90,000 + 3,000 + 500 + 10 + 4

Word form: two hundred ninety-three thousand, five hundred fourteen (commas only separate periods, aka: houses)


1. Write 245,512 in two other forms:


Lesson 3: Compare and Order Numbers
You can use a number line or imagine a number line to help you compare numbers.


1. Order from greatest to least. 20,650 21,150 20,890


2. $54,899 ( < , > , or = ) $53,760 * the alligator mouth always eats the bigger number

Lesson 4: Round Numbers

927,645 = 900,000
Steps for rounding numbers:
1. Underline the number that you are rounding

2. Draw an arrow to the number that is to the right of that number

3. Think. Is the number to the right, 4 or less OR 5 or more?

4. If the number to the right is 4 or less GIVE IT A REST (the underline number doesnt change)

If the number to the right is 5 or more RAISE THE SCORE (the underline number raises by one)

5. Change all numbers to the right of your underlined number to a zero


1. Round 213,654 to the nearest ten thousands. ________________

Lesson 5: Rename Numbers


These type questions are asking you how many 1000, 100, 10 or 1s are in a number.

For example: The number 2,700 has 27 flats (100s) in it because 27 x 100 is 2,700

1. 6,000 = _______ thousands

2. 2 hundreds and 6 tens = ____________

Lesson 6 & Lesson 7: Add and Subtract Whole Numbers

How to Estimate:

Use your knowledge to round both numbers in a problem and then subtract or add to get a total and that is your estimate.

REVIEW QUESTIONS: Find the estimate. Add or Subtract. Check by addition or subtraction.

1. Estimate: ___________ 2. Estimate: _______________

123, 456 321.405

+ 231,564 - 241,306

Lesson 8: Problem Solving


Steps to dissect a word problem:

1. Read the problem a few times

2. Underline the question

3. Circle the important numbers

4. Cross out any information that you dont need to solve the problem

5. Box the keywords



Review Questions:

1. Dissect, Show & Solve, Check your work:

This year the fifth grade collected 216 fewer plastic containers than the fourth grade.
The fourth grade collected 4,182 containers and 5,923 cans.
How many plastic containers did the fifth grade collect?

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