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Who’s got my message? | 7.1 | Message cards FROM: , + || FROM: > || From: . sisters bark dentist MESSAGE: MESSAGE: Account is Appointment. overdrawn. Make a || cancelled. Call this deposit urgently. afternoon to reschedute it. MESSAGE: Call as soon as possible. Will be at Aunt Agatha’s. > FROM: 7 || FROM: > || FROM: , FRO! Jermifer teacher secretary parents MESSAGE: (MESSAGE: (MESSAGE: (MESSAGE: | Going to make Car has broken Im bed with the flu. |} Arriving tomorrow special lasagna down. Can't make it |! Won't come the rest || morning. Pick them tomorrow. Bring to dass today. Will |) of the week up ak the airport a ‘some, wine. call tomorrow to set 6am, \ N J | ] FROM: + || FROM: ’ library repaar shop MESSAGE: MESSAGE: Howe got the book — || Haven’t fixed the you wanted. Wu || CD player yet. Will keep ik for two call when it is | Can take car to any |] days. | ready | garage. | | —. == JN FROM: > |i ROM: > |] FROM: , | FROM: - 5 personnet Physiotherapist grandmother kids MESSAGE: i MESSAGE: (MESSAGE: MESSAGE: Need a recent l| Can schedule extra. || Needs hetp with Want to spend. the photo. Bring ut in by |! session the day new TV. Please stop || night at David's. the end. of the: i after tomorrow. Call || by tomorrow morning, |) Call to say it’s OK. | week 4 and. confirm with secretary ge J a From Gomes for Grammar Practice © Cambridge Unversity Press 2001 89

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