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United States History

Mrs. Johnson (615) 291-6600 x101
Welcome to United States History! Each of you has your own story full of important people, events
and dates. Without knowing your history, you might not fully understand yourself or you might even
make the same mistake more than once. Knowing your history is very important- so is knowing
American history. Understanding American history is the key to understanding our country’s current
conditions- for better or for worse. In this class we will look at America’s past and link it to today and
how we have been impacted by things that happened hundreds of years ago.

In order for students to grasp the information they will need to know for this course, students will be
required to do outside reading (textbook, newspaper, and other selected works) as well as group and
individual projects. Students will be expected to reason, observe, listen and evaluate as well as identify
bias and identify cause and effect.

Class Expectations
1. Be in class! (you learn more when you’re actually in class)
2. Be on time! (four tardies and I write you up )
3. Be prepared to learn!
Please see procedures handout for specifics.

Grades are important, they measure how much a student is improving and understanding the material.
Students will be given official grades for the following:
1. Homework
a. Homework is always due at the beginning of the period.

b. Any work turned in after it has been collected is considered late.
c. Late work is accepted up to two days after the assigned date for less points (1 day late
= -25 points, 2 days late = -50 points)
d. Each student will have one late pass a semester (they may turn the assignment in
within two days with no point penalty)
2. Class work
a. All work assigned in class is due at the end of the period unless otherwise stated.
b. If students do not turn the assignment in at the end of the period, the assignment will
be counted as a 0- no make-ups.
3. Notebook
a. Students will be required to have a binder in order to support organization. The binder
may be combined with another subject, but it must be separated from the other
subject. The binder should be organized as follows:
i. Divider: Information
1. Calendar (I will copy calendars for each student)
2. Syllabus
3. Procedures Handout
ii. Divider: Handouts
iii. Divider: Notes
iv. Divider: Returned Assignments
b. We will have periodic graded binder checks to ensure everyone is keeping up with
their individual work.
4. Projects
Students will be assigned two major projects for the semester- information to follow
5. Unit Anchors
a. For each unit of study, students will have the opportunity to choose three of nine (or
more) activities that compliment our unit.
b. Students will have the entire unit time to complete the tasks independently.
c. Students will be given some in class time to work on the tasks but will also be
expected to do some work outside of class.
6. Assessments
a. Students will be measured in several different manners throughout the semester- some
formal, other informal.
b. Students will have one large assessment for each unit as well as a final exam.
c. Seniors may qualify to be exempt for exams. (see page 21 in planner)
d. At the end of the year, students will take an End of Course test measuring their
knowledge from the entire year- this will be in May.
A 93-100 4.0
B 85-92 3.0
C 75-84 2.0
D 70-74 1.0
F 0-69 0.0

Tentative Year Syllabus

August 16-20 Where do we get History, Zinn Reading & Converging Cultures
August 23-27 A Diverse Society, The Declaration of Independence, The Revolutionary War & The Constitution
The New Republic, The Growth of a Nation, Growing Division & Reform, Manifest Destiny &
August 30-September 3 Crisis
September 6th Labor Day!
September 8-10 Civil War, Review & Unit 1 Assessment
September 13-17 Unit 1 Anchors Due, September 11th, Settling the West & The Rise of Industry
September 20-24 Industrialization & Urban America, 1865-1896
September 27-October 1 Populism, The Rise of Segregation, Review & U2 Assessment
October 4-8 U2 Anchors Due, Becoming a World Power, Progressivism, & Roosevelt and Taft
October 11-13 The Wilson Years & World War I and its Aftermath
October 15-22 Fall Break!
October 25-29 World War I, Review & U3 Assessment
November 1-5 U3 Anchors Due & The Jazz Age
November 8-12 Harlem Renaissance & The Great Depression Begins
November 15-19 Roosevelt & The New Deal
November 22-26 Review & U4 Assessment
November 24-26 Thanksgiving Break!
November 29-December 3 U4 Anchors Due & A World in Flames
December 6-10 America and WWII, Review & U5a Assessment
December 13-16th U5a Anchors Due, Review & Exam
December 15-16 Half-Day for Exams
December 18-January 4 Winter Break!
January 4-7 Review & The Cold War Begins
January 10-14 Postwar America, Review, U5b Assessment, U5 Anchors Due & The New Frontier
January 17th MLK Holiday!
January 18-21 The New Frontier and the Great Society & The Civil Rights Movement
January 24-28 New Civil Rights Issues, The Vietnam War & Students and the Counterculture
January 31-February 4 The Politics of Protest, Review & U6 Assessment
February 7-10 U6 Anchors Due, Nixon, Watergate, Ford and Carter & new Approaches to Civil Rights
February 11th In-service- No School
February 14-18 Resurgence of Conservativism
February 21 No School
February 22-25 A Time of Change
February 28-March 4 A New Century Begins & Review
March 7-10 Review, U7 Assessment & U7 Anchors Due
March 11-18 Spring Break
March 21-25 Review Era 6: Industrial Development of the U.S. (1870-1900)
March 28-31 Review Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
April 4-8 Review Era 8: The Great Depression & World War II (1929-1945)
April 11-15 Review Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s)
April 18-21 Review Era 10: The Contemporary United States (1968-present)
April 22 Spring Holiday
April 25-29 Final Review for End of Course Test & Practice Test
May 2-6 End of Course Exam & In-class project
May 9-13 Independent Study & Class Project
May 16-20 Independent Study, Class Project & Review
May 23-26 Review & Exam

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