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Presidential Speech By DR.

Chief Co-Ordinator of
Civil Rights Protection Cell.
First of all I am paying homage to the Lord Buddha and Bodhisatva Dr. Babasaheb
Honourable Buddha Bhikkus, Distinguished Chief Guests, respected Delegates, those who are
participated in this two days World Buddhist Meet here in Nagpur (Where Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
has embraced Buddhism alongwith five lakhs followers in the year 1956) coming from different
Buddhist Countries and the delegates from different states of India and respected brothers and sisters.
This year is an important year for the Buddhist people in which we are celebrating 2550th
Mahaparinirwan din of Lord Buddha and Golden Jubilee celebration year of Dhamma Diksha Din. On
this auspicious year, the Civil Right Protection cell has organised two day world Buddhist conference
in this historical place of Nagpur. This day is the immemorial day for me that for the first time in my
life, I got an opportunity to preside over this world Buddhist conference.
I was thinking that I should do something for coordial and fraternal relations among the
people of the Buddhist countries and maintain peace in the world by spreading message of Lord
Buddha and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar by organising world Buddhist Conference, and I did the same,
hence this is the most auspicious day for me to have a dialogue with the world Buddhist scholers so
that we all may be able to chalk out an action plan in this conference to maintain coordial relations
among Buddhist Countries as well as other non Buddhist countries of world too.

Philosophy of Lord Buddha :

Buddhism teaches pragnya (understanding as against superstition and supernaturalism). It
teaches Karuna i.e. Love. It teaches Samata i.e. equality. This is what man wants for a good and happy
life on earth. These three principles of Buddhism make their appeal to the world. Neither God nor Soul
can save our society.
Question before us that whether the pragnya,Karuna and equality or samata are in exist in the
world? you will see that the percentage of observing these three principles in Buddhist countries are
more in compare to non-Buddhist countries. Due to not following the principles of Lord Buddha,
you will find that opportunism, terrorism, imperialism, communalism and inhumanity are increasing in
the world.

Let us look at the situation of Buddhist Countries :

As far as concerned about terrorism, opportunism and communalism in compare to non
Buddhist countries, you will find that the percentage of these three social evils are less than the
percentage of Non-Buddhist countries. I want to give one example regarding the destructions of world
heritage Buddha statue of Bamiyan in the country of Afganistan. Taliban people of this country was
destroyed Buddha statue. But the people of the Buddhist countries was kept patience and tolerancy and
never tried to create religious terrorism in any corner of the world Buddhist people did never take help
of terrorism and communalism as they are the followers of three principles preached by Lord Buddha.
China, Japan, South Koria, North Koria, Taiwan Srilanka, Thailand, Combodia,
Mangolia,Myanmar, Vietnam etc. are the major Buddhist Countries in the world. They are trying to
maintain pragnya, Karuna and Samata for the welfare and overall development of the people of these
countries. Not only this they are trying to give full co-operation for maintaining the peace on world
No doubt that some plus points are in the people of Buddhist countries, but it will be helpful to
remove misseries of human being if we discuss some mins points of the people of the Buddhist
Take example of China, this country is a Buddhist country. China has swallowed the
independent reigne of Tibet. They have destroyed Buddhist culture, killed Buddhist people of Tibet and
Buddhist Monks too. Due to the suppression from the China, lakhs of Tibetian people including H. H.
Dalai Lama, Dhamma Guru of Tibetian people took shelter in India and escaped from the clutches of
China. They are fighting with a peaceful manner for the demand of Independent of Tibet. After
assesination and aggresion on Tibet, the attitude of China is likely to change as they have organised
world Buddhist Conference this year after the gap of fifty five year and alteast they are realising that
killing of innocent people is not the solution to tackle the problems of humanity. Love and
compassion are the only way to solve the problems of human being.
To find out the ways and means arises between China and Tibet we took a subject on Tibet for
discussion in this conference.
Another major problem have created in Srilanka. Conflict between sinhalies and Tamilians
has been arised. Tamil people are demanding separate state for Jafana and to fulfill the demand
separate state for jafana, Rebel Tamilian people have taken shelter of terrorism in which lakhs of
innocent people have been killed. This problem is also have to discuss and find out solution with an
amicable way.
We took subject the problem of Chakma Buddhist living in Bangla Desh. Bangla Desh
Government should take initiative to tackle the problems of chakma Buddhist and make available all
facilities for their development.
Situation of Buddhist people in India are worse since years together. Majority of the Hindu
community are suppressing and depressing to the Buddhists and they are treating them as an
untouchables. After the rigorous struggle by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his sincere efforts, he made
number of provisions in the Indian Constitution for the protection and safegurd of scheduled castes and
scheduled Tribes and minority people of this country as he was the father of Indian Costitution
.Because of Dr. Ambedkar, Buddhism is spreading up in large scale in India. This year is the Golden
Jubilee year of Dhamma Diksha Din which is very important year for the Buddhist people in India.
But it is regret to state that India is not completely Buddhist country,though this place is a
Birth place of Lord Buddha. The people of India will become Buddhist in near future was a dream of
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, but this dream could not be fulfilled due to sudden sad demise of Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar. Now the followers of Dr. Ambedkar. have taken initiative to complete the
dream of Dr. Ambedkar. We require some cooperation from the people of Buddhist countries, and
through this conference we have to maintain rapport and convey the message of friendship to the
people those who are living in Buddhist countries.
We are very much thankful to the people of the Buddhist countries that they are trying to
proteet the culture of Buddhism in India. Number of Buddhist countries are coming forward to develop
the important countries are coming forward to develop the important places of Lord Buddha like
Bodh Gaya, Kushinagar, Sarnath, Shravasti and Lumbini which is located in Nepal.
Also we are thankful to the Government of Japan taking interest for the development of all Buddhist
places located in India. One example I would Like to Place before you that there is a river named
Niranjana. It is difficult to reach to the place of sujata she during rainy season was offered Khir i.e.
sweetmilk to the lord Buddha on the bank of river Niranjana.
The Government of Japan has given financial assistance to the Government of India to build a
Bridge on the river of Niranjana. Now it is very easy to visit to the place of Sujata in rainy

season also. The Indian Government did not take initiative to build up the bridge on this Niranjana
river as they do not wish to develop the important places of Buddhism. But this year Govt. of India has
chalked out a plan to spread up the philosophy of Lord Buddha through out India during this year.

Mutual Cooperations among Buddhist Countries :

Compasions,equality and fraternity are the major doctrins of Buddhism to maintain peace in
the world. At least it is the responsibility of the people of Buddhist countries that they must follow
these guidelines. I am sorry to state that the relations among some Buddhist countries are not, so
coordial. People of China is giving trouble to the people of Tibet. The relations between North Koria
and SouthKoria are not in good manner. China has made claim that the taiwan is a part of China. We
feel that the Buddhist scholers should come together and sort out some solutions to make their relations
in a fruitfull manner.

Disturbances from Non Buddhist Fellows :

Considering the views of the world population, Buddhist people are in third position. It is
miserable thing for us that the population of Buddhists are decreasing day to day. The reason is that the
attitude of Buddhist people is non-violance. They did not belive on violence. Killing to the innocent
people by way of religious terrorism is against the policy of Buddhism. The other religious people
living in Buddhist countries are taking to put pressure by arms and ammunations on Buddhist people
causing the percentage of Buddhist people is decreasing. Anyhow this should be stopped. Self respect
and self protecion is the prime duty of every citizen and we should take arms in hands as and when
required. If we failed to do this the Buddhist culture from the world will be a bolished and ultimtely
humanity from human being will be vanished.
Tamilian people are in minority in srilanka. They are tried to create violence. Since last twenty
years they are killing innocent people of srilanka. Christain religious people and Hindu religious people
are giving them help for doing terrorist activities. This is dangerous for all human being in the world.
Tragedy is that the intellectuals of the Buddhist countries are not taking initiative nor giving any
assistance to the people of Srilankan Buddhist. They should give cooperation on humanitarian
ground. In regard to vietnam country, there are two parts of Vietnam, one is North Vietnam and
another is souths Vietnam. The North Vietnam people where maximum catholics are residing, trying to
create chaos and giving trouble to the South Vietnam people where maximum Buddhist are Living.
Population of Muslim community people are increasing in Thailand. They are disturbing to the original
people of Thailand. China Government did never take initiative to control the terrorist activities of
Muslim people of Thailand.
Most of the Hindus of India are giving trouble to the Buddhist people of India as they are in
minority. Number of Buddhist. Viharas have taken in the possession of Hindu religious people. Their
intention is to finish Buddhism from India. Buddhist people of India are fighting against them to
protect the culture of Buddhism. Buddhist people should be alert from the terrorist activities of
christian and Muslim religious peoples and take step to curb this social evils.

Adopt Buddhist philosophy to run the Government policies :

It is experienced and practice that the Muslim and christian dominating countries run their
Government on the principles of their own religions. Hence the populations of these religions are
increasing. Buddhist countries should also adopt this policy. Therefore the policies of these Govts.
should be prepared on the basic principles of Buddhist philosophy. Most of the Buddhist countries have
adopted communist philosophy. On this issue, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar expressed his view in the
world Buddhists Council Conference at Kathmandu of Nepal on 20th November, 1956, whether the
Buddhist way of life of reaching the goal is a lasting one, or whether the Communist way of bringing
about the goal is the lasting one. Because there is no use in pursuing a certain path, if that path, is not
going to be a lasting path, if it is going to lead you to anarchy, there is no use pursuing it. But if you are
assured that the path you are asked to follow is slow, may be devious, may be with long devious, yet if
ultimately makes you reach a safe, sound ground, so that ideals you are pursuing are there to help you,
to mould your life permanently, it is much better in my judgement, to follow the slower path, and the
devious path rather than to rush up and to take what we call short cuts. Short cuts in life are always
dangerous, very dangerous. I think communist thinking Buddhist countries should think over the advise
of Dr. Ambedkar.
I think, problems are innumerable and some of them are acute. But not a single problem is
unturned. It is the capacity in Buddhist philosophy to solve any acute problem with the help of
Buddhist principles.

Present World is a Scientific World :

The present era is an scientific era. Science is sector of human life and the system of human
being life has tremendously changeed. T.V., Telecommunication, Computar, Robot, destrustive
modern weapons, satellite, advance medical equipments invented various splandour machines. Science
has denied God, Soul, Superstions thinkings.
Imperiliasm, Terrosism, Capilitism, Communalism,religious terrorism and indivisualistic
views are increasing in this scientific era. Due to just of imparilism, some countries want to create the
atmospher of war in the world. Due to his attitude, human values are decreasing on destructive
opinions, one should adopt compassion and love the human base principles of Lord Buddha.
According to Buddhs’a opininon, world is not created by God. It is the process of events.
Hence he denied concept of God, Soul, rebirth, heaven etc.
Though the Buddhism is related with Science, but its views are more elaborative. Buddha
preached us that man should lead his life with right direction to achieve ultimate goal. Buddha has
given more importance to moral value. If there is no moral values in life, he will try to use the scientific
machinary for the destruction of human beings. So science should be based on the principles of
Lord Buddha. On this basis Albert Ainstine said in his autobigrophy that Buddha Dhamma is related
with the requirements of modern science. Buddha Dhamma is the only religion which is based on

Conclusion :
My point is that, is it possible for us to maintain world peace in world, level? In this regard I
am of the opinion that, yes, it is possible for us.
1. Differences between traditional Buddhists and converted Buddhists should be abolished.
2. Buddhist people from all over world must be acquainted as Buddhist and not on the basis
of Various sects.
3. Buddhism is completed based on human values. Intellectual Buddhists should try to discuss
on human problems and try to settle in an amicable way.
4. Buddhist people should try to start missionary work for the welfare of the people.
5. Government policies should be based on the principle of Buddhism, hence it should be

recognised on political level, so that we may be able give any type of cooperation to the
people of Buddhists and Non-Buddhists too.
6. But how this will be implemented?. My opinion is that one strong organisation of Bud
dhist countries on world level should be established. and to follow this mutual co-opera
tion and co-ordial relations among Buddhists countries are essential. Let us hink & discuss
about coordial relations among Buddhists countries in this conference so that we may
be able to spread up the messsage of Lord Buddha on every corner of the world.
At the end, I thank you all and my sincere gratitude to you all that you have listen my view
and opinions very calmly and quitely. With these words I hereby conclude my presidential speech.

Jaibhem ! Jai Buddha !! Jai Bharat !!!

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