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Classroom Action Research

Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

Ida Ayu Surya Kencana

AAA 114 059

English Language Education Study Program

Teacher Training and Education Faculty

University of Palangka Raya


1. Identifikasi masalah yang dihadapi guru SMPN 5 palangkaraya:

Kemukakan dan diskusikan masalah-masalah atau kendala yang dihadapi guru
ketika melaksanakan tugas dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris dikelas. ( dari
faktor guru,siswa, metode, media, bahan ajar, suasana pembelajaran dll)
Pilihlah dan diskusikan salah satu masalah yang menurut guru mendesak
untuk dicarikan pemecahannya
Berikan alasan mengapa masalah tersebut penting untuk segera dicari
Kemukakan faktor apa saja penyebab munculnya masalah yang dirumuskan
Dapatkan salah satu alternatif pemecahan masalah urgent yang dihadapi guru
( alternatif pemecahan masalah itu harus didasarkan pada hasil analisis dan
teori yang berkaitan)


1. Teaching english does require the right method so that students can learn well and
receive lesson to happen an ideal learning process.
The method used by teacher that I was interview: question and answer method.
Asking is a form of involvment of learners following the ongoing learning path.
Teachers need to facilitate students so they can convey their questions. Students
who are less aable to ask something with words or spoken, then the teacher
provides paper, stationery, or other written media.
Learning facilities include textboos, reading books, school laboratory equipment
and facilities and other teaching media. The complete learning infrastructure and
facilities is a good learning condition. This does not mean that the complete
infrastructure and facilities determine the guarantee of the implementation of a
good learning process. It is precisely here that problems arise how to manage it, so
that there is a succesfull learning process.
Students. Most of the students understand about the patterns of grammar. For
example simple present tense, simple past tense but students do not know when
the structure should be used and how to apply it in everyday life.
Teachers have the most atypical role in the implementation of education.

2. The spesific problems was found in the students:

The level of student ability to learn is different from each other and beside that the
student who to passive in the class. Low student absorption rate on the subject
matter will disrupt the teacher plan, the allocation of the study time, another
problem is the students who are too passive this situation make it difficult for the
teacher, teacher find it difficult to ensure that they (student) have or not uderstood
tyhe material that has been taught.
The formulation of student absorption problem to learning:
a. Wheter each student who has a different level of absorption between each other
will affect the learning process?
b. How to solve the problem with passive students in the classroom?
c. What are the factors tyhat affect a students capability level?

3. Why the problems is important to be solved because the teacher have to know
about the student mastery of the subject matter.

4. Viewed from the aspect of the ability of each individual every student has different.
likewise, the students absorption on english lesson in individual has a different
level. The factors are causing the problem about the students absorption of the
lesson it received are:

Condition or healt of the instrument or the five sense(eyes, ears)

In this condition students who have a disorder in the eyes or ears, this will
certainly affect the learning process

Good memory condition (brain)

A good memory condition means that students has a different contretation
level. While learning student are expected to focus on following the learning

Interest of learners towards learning

5. To increase the level of absorptive capacity can be pursued with various efforts.
Efforts to help students to understand the material and improve students ability to
absorb information andd knowledge and active in learning. Students who have a
good level of absorption will demonstrate attitudes, namely:
Being earnest, showing interest, having strong attention, and coriosity to participate
in teaching andd learning activities.


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