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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 569,895, dated October 20, 1896.
Application filed December 16, 1895. Serial No. 572.297. (Model.)

To ZZZ whom, it may concern: CZ is a stiff rod of metal, preferably iiat or

Be it known that I, WILLIAM TRUEMAN, a squared, the end of which is turned upwardly,
citizen of Great Britain, anda resident of New as at c, Fig. 2. It slides in a longitudinal groove
Haven, in the county of New Haven and State f, made in the base-board A of the attachment, 55
5 of Connecticut, have invented certain new there being abutments g at one end and h at
and useful Curtain - Slide Attachments for the other, whereby the sliding motion of the
Portrait-Cameras, of which the following is a bar cZ is arrested.
j specification. l On the front side of the Slat-slide there is
ff ` My invention relates to a photographic ap fastened a metallic plate j, having a hole Zin
IO paratus; and it consists in an improved at it, and the registration of the parts is such
tachment to .portrait-cameras whereby a cur that when the locking device, about to be de
tain-slide is made to act automatically for exscribed, is in proper position and the plate
posing and covering the plate; and the in holder inserted in the carriage in the position
vention also embodies various other features, made necessary by the dowels G then the up 65
which will be particularly referred to later on. turned end c of the sliding part CZ will enter
In the drawings, Figure l is a rear elevation the opening c' in the plate j.
of the invention. Fig. 2 is a vertical section The locking devices just referred to are as
thereof on the lines 1 l of Fig. l. follows: 7.o is a metallic strip fastened to one
In the drawings I do not illustrate the cam of the slideways A', preferably the upper one, 70
era, because the method of attaching the de as shown. ln its edge there are a number of
vices, such as those embracedA in my inven notches Z Z, &c. m is a latch which is at
tion, to portrait-cameras is nowso well known tached to the carriage and is guided in its
that no illustration thereof is needful, and movement' by the bearing-plates n n. It
the drawings are made more simple by omit preferably has a spring on its under side 75
25 ting the camera. _ whereby its movement under the action of
A is the frame of the attachment, A' A/ be gravity is arrested. The inner end of this
ing the slideways attached to the sides of the latch is turned upwardly, as at o, for conven
bases A, as usual. ient manipulation.
B is the slide-carriage. The operation of the apparatus is as fol
30 C is the ground glass for focusing. . lows: The latch m is first engaged with the
D is the exposure-aperture. notch Z in the plate Ze which is farthest to
E is the plate-holder, which rests Within a the left, so that the sliding carriage is locked
frame F on the slide-carriage, these parts be and held in its position farthest to the left.
ing provided with dowels C. G., for the proper The Slat-slide being in position to cover the 85
35 retention of one edge of the plate-holder, and plate, it, the sensitized plate, is put in posi
with a snap-catch H to hold the other side in tion within the holder and the back plate .I
position. is closed. The holder is then introduced into
I is the handle for sliding the slide-carriage. the carriage by proper entering of the dowels
J is the usual removable backboard of the C. G within the holes made for them in the 90
plate-holder, provided with springs for press plate-holder, and the spring-catch H being
ing against the stopping-ledges. properly engaged with the opposite edge of the
K represents the sensitized plate. holder the latter is rigidly held in position,
Referring vto the features which especially and during the placing of the plate-holder
relate to my invention, a is a curtain slat within the carriage, as just described, the up 95
wardly-turned end e of the sliding bar CZ en
45 slide formed of narrow strips of wood attached
to a suitable iiexible backing, the edges of ters the hole or slot i in the plate j, attached
which abut against each other, so that the to the front side of the forward edge of the
slide is adapted to roll from the front side of
Slat-slide. Now, to make an exposure, the
the plate around the curved end shown at the latch' m is withdrawn'and the Vcarriage is IOO
50 left and over upon the back side thereof, be 'moved tothe right, .toward the exposure-ap
ving guided by the slotted slideway ZJ c. erture. VD uringthis movement thefocusing
ground glass passes away from the exposure the attachment, which engages with the front
aperture and the bar d slides with the other edge of the slide, and automatically manipu
parts until its right-hand end is arrested by lates 'it upon movement of the carriage, for 70
the stop h, which is just at the edge of the the purposes set forth.
Ul exposure-apertine. Thereupon the pressure 2. In a camera attachment, the combination
of the upturned end c of the sliding bar upon of a frame, a sliding carriage within the frame,
the sides of the hole in the platej strips the a plate-holder, a Slat-slide inclosed within the
curtain Slat-slide from infront of the sensi plate-holder, and a device located upon the 75
tized plate, so that as the carriage continues frame of the attachment behind the plate
IO to move to the right the slide curls around holder, which engages with the slide, and au
the curved guideway at the left of the holder tomatically manipulates it upon the move
an d passes tothe rear side of the plate. Thus ment of the carriage, for the purposes set
it is exposed and the picture is taken. There forth. So
upon the carriage is again returned to its pri 3. In a camera attachment, the combination
mary position, during which the bar d slides of a frame, a sliding carriage within the frame,
in the reverse direction until its left-hand a plate-holder, a Slat-slide inclosed within the
end is arrested by the stop g, whereupon the plate-holder, anda device located upon the
curtain slat-slide is again .moved in reverse frame and in rear of the plate-holder, which 85
direction around, so as to cover the face of engages with the front edge of the Slat-slide,
the plate, fully protecting it. and automatically manipulates it upon move
I show in dotted lilies the position of the ment of the carriage, for the purposes set
carriage and the parts carried by it, the latch forth.
being located in one of the intermediate 4. In a camera attachment, the combination
notches in the plate. This is for the purpose of a plate-holder, a sliding carriage adapted to
25 of making two exposures upon the same receive and hold the plate-holder, a Slat-slide
plate, if desired. The notches are made close in closed within the plate-holder, and a sliding
together, so as to leave a line of demarcation device in the rear of the plate-l'iolder, and
between the two exposures. centrally located relative thereto, which en 95
It will of course be apparent to those who gages with the front end of the slide, for the
are familiar with this art that there may be purposes set forth.
such number of these notches as preferred, 5. In a camera attachment, the combination
so that any desired number of exposures may of a frame, a sliding carriage, a plate-holder,
be made upon the same plate. The slide, in a Slat-slide inclosed by the plate-holder, a slid IOO
conjunction with the base-board of the car ing device upon the frame of the attachment,
riage, will protect all portions of the plate located behind the plate-holder and centrally
excepting that opposite the exposure-aper located thereon, which engages with the front
ture. edge of the slide, and means to limit the move
Among the advantages secured by me are ment of said sliding device, -for the purposes
the following: Absolute certainty of expo set forth.
sure. The plate can be divided into as many (5. In a cameraattachment, the combination
exposures as may be desired. There are no of a sliding carriage adapted to receive a plate
projecting parts on the outside of the appa holder, a plate-holder, a Slat-slide inclosed
ratus whereby the slide can be accidentally within the plate-holder, and means to actuate IIO
moved. (This is one of the principal objec the slide, which during the operation of the
45 tions to all previous devices.) The simplicity attachment, is at all times substantially cov
of the construction; the permanent protec ered and protected by the plate-holder, for
tion of the slide within the plate-holder; the the purposes set forth.
automatic operation of the curtain Slat-slide 7. In a camera attachm ent, the combination
by the movement of the carriage; locking of a sliding carriage adapted to receive a plate
50 devices for the carriage whereby exact regis holder, a plate-holder, a slatslide inclosed
tration is secured between it and the holder. within the plate-holder and a sliding device
Some of the above-mentioned advantages located upon the frame and which engages
have been attained partially by prior devices, with the front edge of the Slat-slide, and which,
but none of them, so far as known to me, se when the attachment is in operation is at all
55 cure the desired results as advantageously as times, substantially covered and protected by
I have secured them. the plate-holder and coactive parts, for the
It will be obvious to those who are familiar purposes set forth.
with this art that modifications can be made 8. In a camera attachment, the combination
in the details of construction of the parts of a frame, a sliding carriage, a plate-holder,
comprising my invention without departing` a curtain Slat-slide inclosed within the plate
from the essentials thereof. I do not, there holder, a device upon the frame of the attach~
fore, limit myself to such details. ment which engages with the front edge of
I claim the slide, and manipulates it upon movement
l. In a camera attachment, the combination of the carriage, and a device for determining
of a frame, a sliding carriage within the frame, the position of the carriage relative to the
a plate-holder, a Slat-slide inclosed within the said device, for the purposes set forth.
plate-holder and a device upon the frame of 9. In a camera attachment, a sliding frame,
569,895 s

a plate-holder, means to determine the posi of the attachment for manipulating said slide,
tion of the plate-holder in the carriage, a slat which is covered and protected by the slide,
slide inclosed Within the frame of the holder, and means to limit the movement of said slid
means upon the front edge of the slide,where- ing device, for the purposes set forth.
by it may be engaged by a sliding device upon 12. In a camera attachment, the combina
the frame of the attachment, and said sliding,` tion of a frame, a sliding carriage Within the
devices adapted to engage with said means, frame, a'plate-holder, a slide for the plate
for the purposes set forth. holder, a rod adapted to slide in a groove in
10. In a camera attachment, the combina the frame, a portion of which projects out
IO tion of a frame, a sliding carriage Within the wardly and engages the front of the slide,
frame, means to determine the position of means upon the slide to receive said part of
the carriage relative to the frame of the at the rod, and stops to limit the movement of
tachment, a plate-holder, means to determine the rod, for the purposes set forth.
the position of the plate-holder relative to the Signed at New Haven, in the county of New 35
carriage, a slide for the plate-holder, a device Haven and State of Connecticut, this b'th day
upon the frame, Which engages With the front of December, A. D. 1895.
edge of the slide, and which lies behind and
is protected by the plate-holder, for the pur WILLIAM ' TRUEMAN.
poses set forth. Witnesses:
11. In a camera attachment a slide for a HARRY W. AsHER,
plate-holder, a sliding device upon the frame Jos. R. MANNING.

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