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Sex and
Other Stuff

e w t h ings
af teenagers will need to know
about relationships, sex and other stuff! 
Why do you need this book?
When you are a teenager, you have more and love, and how to keep feeling good about
freedom than when you were a kid. You are yourself, and how to get on with people.
on the road to becoming an adult. The adults
In this booklet, weve got together a heap
around you are beginning to trust you to look
of information so that you can read up on
after yourself and to make your own way. More
the important stuff.
and more, you will make decisions for yourself
about the things that are important to you. Remember too that there are adults in your
life, like your parents, teachers and school
With this freedom comes responsibility. What
nurses, wholl be willing to listen and help
happens to your body and how you look after
you along the way.
it are only part of the ride. You will encounter
many new situations and new ideas: theres sex,

Whats inside this fact book Friends and Relationships start to have strong opinions about clothes,
music, how you spend your free time, who you
During puberty, you experience lots of like, what youre good at, what is cool and
On the following pages, you will l Sex and the law (age of consent) changes. Some of these are physical. Many are what is not. These opinions may not always
find information about sex, love and see page 10 emotional. Each of you will be travelling at match your own.
relationships. a different rate along the road to adulthood.
l Decisions about sex (alternatives, is it
Between the ages of 12 and 14, girls are All these strong-minded, opinionated people
right for you?) see page 11
often taller than boys, and their bodies may are marching in different ways on the road to
Friends and relationships l Important things you need to know be developing into the women they are to adulthood. Each of you will get there in your
l Communication (friends, mood swings, about sex (consent, sexual abuse, sexual become. By contrast boys, who will go on own way.
sorting stuff out) see page 4 assault) see page 11 to become well-proportioned, deep-voiced,
In the end, the friends you stay close to will
muscular adults, may still be short and skinny!
l Like? Like a lot? Love! probably be those with whom you share the
(love, crushes, falling in and falling out) Getting pregnant It all sorts itself out in the end, but in the same values, interests and concerns, and the
see page 5 beginning, there may be a mismatch of size and same ways of enjoying your spare time.
l Contraception (birth control) see page 12
proportion amongst your friends that contributes
l Types of relationships (sexuality, l Conception (falling pregnant) to feelings that you no longer belong.
heterosexual, homosexual) see page 7
see page 12
In adolescence, you will find that the interests
Being pregnant see page 14 of your friends start to vary too. For these

reasons, someone you have known for all your

l Birth see page 15
l Masturbation see page 9 primary school life may suddenly become a
l After the birth see page 15 stranger to you as things that never used to
l Sexual feelings in relationships matter suddenly do. Everyone around you may
(kissing, reasons for physical
involvement, pressure) see page 9 Conclusion
l Sexual intercourse (safe sex, l Further information see page 16
pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases)
see page 10

Communication The best way to sort out complex situations Like? Like a lot? Love!
is through communication. Saying things
Being a teenager isnt always hard. There As you become a sexual being, you may
aloud is a way of sorting out the good, the
are wonderful freedoms associated with not discover that the way you feel about
bad and the confusing. Without talk, there
having yet assumed all the responsibilities of different people becomes more complex too.
can be no resolution.
adulthood. And there are many amazing things
to discover and learn. It is quite normal to suddenly experience
You may not find it easy to talk about how
strong feelings, or crushes, for certain
things are. But different people will be able
But with all the changes taking place in your people. These feelings may remain
to help you with different things. Try talking
life, you are bound to experience the full deliciously private and unexpressed. Or you
to someone who cares about you and who can
spectrum of mood swings: from confidence and may choose to express them to the person
support you to help you become the person
exuberance, to loneliness and despair. This directly, or to confide in a friend.
you want to be. This might be a trusted and
is a totally normal part of being a teenager.
respected adult or friend, or your doctor, or Speaking your feelings aloud puts you in a
As well as your friends, you may find your
a school counsellor. You can always call a vulnerable space. If your feelings are not
relationships with different family members
telephone helpline, especially if you are having returned by the other person, you may
are changing too. People who you once got
problems talking to your family (see contact feel exposed and rejected. Or, if they are
along with may no longer seem as close or as
details in the Further information section). reciprocated, you may find yourself in an
easy to be with as they once did.
exciting new friendship or relationship.

What if someone gets a crush on you?

You may find that someone feels strongly
about you but that you dont return these
feelings. Try to treat this person with dignity
and respect and privacy. Be honest and clear
about your feelings.

Will someone ever love me?

In the meantime, try to focus on those
You may feel as if everyone around you is
things which make you happy. Enjoy your
falling in love, or finding someone, except for
own company. A happy, together person
you. It can be hard to be patient and wait your
is the kind of person someone else will be
turn, even when, in all probability, you can
attracted to.
be sure your turn will come. There are many
years ahead for these things to happen, even
though you may want them to happen now.

Is it love? What if my heart gets broken? Types of relationships What is sexuality?
The feeling of falling in love can be a wonderful Just as you have fallen in love, it is also From the moment you are born, you As you grow up, you begin to make choices
one. It can affect your sleep, your appetite, possible for you, or the other person, to fall have different kinds of relationships and and decisions about how you want to behave
your desire to do, or not do, different things. It out of love. Most people fall in love more than connections with those around you: parents, in the relationships that are important to you.
can take over your whole world. But sometimes once before they find a long-term partner who siblings, friends, aunts, uncles, grandparents, As you develop sexual feelings, you may also
we just like someone a lot. is ready to fully share the emotional journey teachers and role models. feel ready to express your affection and love
of loving and being loved. through a sexual relationship.
How do you know if it is really love? You can ask: The nature of these bonds will depend on
When you are emotionally hurt, it is important the precise connection between you. It may The way people express their sexual feelings
Do you both care about each other to the to be kind to yourself, and to distract yourself is called sexuality. Different cultures view
involve dependence, responsibility, equality,
same degree? with things that make you feel good. Try to sexuality differently. Certain sexual practices
respect, or a combination of any of these.
Do you have things in common, and enjoy talk to the people around you who care about and standards vary from country to country,
you. You may find perspective, consolation From each of these bonds you will learn by religion to religion, and culture to culture.
similar activities?
and useful advice from hearing the heartbreak observation and practice:
Do you share similar broad values (about experiences of others. How other people behave towards each
family, morals, beliefs etc)?
Do you encourage each other to pursue
How other people behave towards you.
your own interests?
How other people expect you to behave.
Can you talk to each other about
important things? You also receive many messages about human
relationships from books, movies, TV and
Do you feel understood and heard?
other media.
Do you understand and listen to your

What is heterosexuality? others. This can be very hurtful. Remember, Sexuality sexual intercourse. It is wise to develop a long-
the differences between us all are what make term trusting relationship and abstain from sex
The word heterosexual means a person who
humans wonderful and unique. until you are both sure you are ready for it.
has emotional and sexual feelings towards a Masturbation
person of the opposite sex. Heterosexual men
Homophobia One way that people express and explore their How do I learn how to kiss?
are attracted to women and heterosexual
women are attracted to men. Homophobia is fear or hostility towards sexual feelings is by masturbation. Girls may When you are with someone you like a lot,
people who are homosexual. Homophobia touch their clitoris. Boys may touch their penis. kissing is fun. You may wonder how you are
is sometimes expressed through bullying or Some people dont masturbate at all, or hardly going to know what to do, but dont worry:
What is homosexuality?
insulting people who appear to be different, ever. Other people masturbate more often. you will work it out together, and improve
People who have sexual and romantic feelings whether or not they are gay, lesbian or with practice.
towards people of the same sex as themselves When a person is masturbating, they become
bisexual. Any kind of bullying is totally
are homosexual. This means women are more and more sexually excited. They may then
unacceptable and a healthy sexuality includes Keep the lines of communication open
attracted to women, and men are attracted reach a peak of sexual excitement which is called
tolerance and understanding of people who
to men. Another word for homosexual is gay having an orgasm, or coming. In this moment, Sex and love are not the same thing. It is
are different or who dont fit into stereotypes.
(used most often for men) and lesbian (used all the tension and excitement that has built up possible to have strong feelings of love and
for women). is suddenly released. Boys ejaculate when they affection for someone and not want to get
Who can help me work out what I am?
have an orgasm and their penis then goes limp. sexually involved with them. And the opposite
It can sometimes be lonely and confusing to feel is also true: it is possible to be physically
What is bisexuality? attracted to people of the same sex, or to have For many people, masturbation is often their
involved with someone in a sexual way, without
The word bisexual is used to describe a person sexual feelings which seem to differ from those first sexual experience. So long as it does
love being a part of it at all. You may be
who is sexually attracted to people of either sex. of everyone around you. Your confusion may be not hurt you or anyone else, and is done in
sexually involved with someone out of curiosity,
particularly hard to deal with while you are still private, masturbation is normal and healthy.
or because you think it will make you feel good,
Gender stereotypes defining who you are, and at a time when the or bring you closer to the other person.
opinions of others count for so much Sexual feelings in relationships
Narrow, fixed expectations about being a When you are physically sexually involved
male or being a female are called gender Remember that some of the other people When you are sexually attracted to someone else, with someone, it is important that you talk
stereotypes. For example, there are around you will be going through the same and they are attracted to you, you will usually to the other person about what you are doing
stereotypes about males being tough and stuff as you, you just may not know about reach a point where this attraction is expressed together. Sexual involvement with someone
females being soft. In fact, most people it. And remember that communication and physically. For example, you may kiss and cuddle else can change how you feel about them and
dont fit into gender stereotypes and there talking through things is the best way to and hold hands, or you may feel each others about yourself. Make sure that they feel happy
is enormous variation in gender roles. In become the person you want to be. Support bodies through or beneath your clothes, or stroke and comfortable, and that you tell them if you
adolescence, as people develop into mature and information about these kinds of questions or touch each others genitals. People who are feel uncomfortable or unhappy with the level
males and females, girls and boys who dont is available from the Freedom Centre physically attracted may eventually decide to of physical involvement. If you feel under any
fit the stereotype are sometimes picked on by (see Further information section). have sexual intercourse. However, there are lots sort of pressure, then it is important to stop
of ways to be sexual together that do not involve what you are doing.
As you become a sexual being, it is natural that you will want to learn to use your new body.
And as you do, you will discover what you like, what makes you feel good, satisfied, happy and safe.
Sexual intercourse Sex and the law Decisions about sex The risk of sexually transmitted infections. Is
sex going to be safe? Have you got condoms?
During heterosexual intercourse, a males Just because you want to have sex does not
Is sex right for you?
erect penis goes inside a females vagina. This mean you can. In Australia, it is against the The risk of pregnancy. Is sex going to be
is often called having sex or making love. For law to have sex - either heterosexual or Sex may not be right for you just because safe? Have you got condoms? Do you need
many people, making love can be enjoyable and homosexual - if either partner is under 16 everyone around you is doing it, or because to use other forms of contraception? (Also
fulfilling. For some people, it may be the way years of age. This is the case regardless of you think you should. If you have sex because see Getting Pregnant).
they can most show their love for each other. whether both of you consent. you are pressured, drunk, or curious, you may
regret it later.
For further information about what is legal Important things to know about sex
The dangers of unsafe sex
and what is not, see Important things to know It is good to have a clear sense of what you
Sex may be enjoyable but there can be want before you go beyond your comfort zone. Remember, in Australia it is against the law to
about sex.
serious, life-altering consequences if you do When to have sex is one of the very important have sex - either heterosexual or homosexual
not have safe sex. Decisions about sex decisions in your life. Dont be in a hurry to - if either person is under 16 years of age.
make this decision. There is nothing wrong It is against the law to force anyone to have sex
1. A girl can become pregnant from having with taking your time and saying no to things
unprotected sex. against their wishes. This includes any kind of
that make you feel uncomfortable or unsure. sexual touching, or looking at sexual pictures.
2. Both boys and girls can catch serious You may find it helps to talk with a parent or a
sexually transmitted infections (diseases) if trusted adult. It is against the law to give people alcohol or
they have unsafe sexual intercourse with a drugs to get them drunk or drugged so they
You may feel happy expressing your affection have sex.
person who already has an infection. These for someone just by kissing, cuddling and
infections include: caressing. It is quite normal for couples to People have every right to change their mind
chlamydia enjoy this kind of closeness and affection long about sex halfway through and choose not to
before they are ready for intercourse. continue even though they agreed at the start.
Remember, life is long! The best sex will be Forcing someone to have sex or to do sexual
syphilis the sex where both partners are equally ready. things against their will is called sexual abuse
or sexual assault. If this happens to you, tell
HIV (the virus which causes AIDS). Some things to think about if you are a parent, teacher, counsellor, school nurse or
considering having sex: other trusted adult.
Asking someone if they are free from infection
is not enough. The person carrying the Am I doing this because its what I want?
infection cannot always tell if they have got it. If your partner is constantly trying to
encourage you to have sex, you need to
think about whether he or she really cares
for, or is truly listening to you.

10 11
Getting Pregnant Missed periods

When a penis enters a vagina during The first sign a girl may be pregnant is when
intercourse, it is possible for the girl to get her period doesnt come when she expects it
pregnant. This is the case even if: to. If this happens, it is very important to see
a doctor or talk to an adult as soon as possible.
She has not had her first period.

The boy withdraws his penis from her Contraception (birth control)
vagina before ejaculating.
The safest and surest way to prevent a
The girl is having her period. pregnancy during sexual intercourse is to use
contraception. If you decide to have sex, it is
It is the first time she has had sexual very important to talk together about what you
intercourse. might choose for contraception and then to use
it when you have sex. The responsibility for
contraception ought to be shared equally.

Options for boys include condoms, which help Conception (falling pregnant) The above conditions are ideal for
prevent sexually transmitted infections during conception. But it is quite possible for
Around 14 days before a girls period is due,
sex. Options for girls include the contraceptive a woman to fall pregnant even if:
her ovaries release an egg. This point of the
pill, which must be taken each day and is
menstrual cycle is called ovulation. Ovulation Sex occurs at another time in the
available by prescription from a doctor. No
is the ideal time for a pregnancy to occur if a menstrual cycle.
contraceptive method can be 100% guaranteed.
man and woman have unprotected penis-to-
It is therefore important to be informed about The man has not ejaculated (this is
vagina intercourse.
the range of contraception available and to because sperm is also present in the
weigh up the risks attached to each one. During sex, when a man ejaculates (comes, pre-cum, the clear fluid released from
reaches climax, orgasms) inside a womans the penis prior to ejaculation).
The human body is sophisticated, and geared
vagina, about one teaspoon of semen -
towards reproduction. For contraception to Any semen, including pre-cum, is
containing millions of sperm - is released
be effective, it must be used in the way it is deposited in or just outside the vagina.
into the vagina. The sperm swim into the
uterus and fallopian tubes. If just one She has not had an orgasm during
sperm implants itself into the released egg, intercourse.
fertilisation occurs. If the fertilised egg
implants in the wall of the uterus, conception
occurs and a new human life begins.

12 13
Being pregnant What happens during pregnancy? Birth
It takes 40 weeks (approximately 280 days, or The baby is born about 40 weeks after the last
How does someone know if they are pregnant?
9 months) for a baby to be ready to leave its period. The average newborn baby is about
An egg that has been successfully fertilised mothers womb. During this time it remains in 4550 cm long and weighs between 3 and 4 kilos.
by a sperm remains in the lining of the uterus. its mothers uterus, protected by a watery sac
Rather than being shed, this lining stays to and nourished by a placenta. During the first Once the baby has been born, the doctor or
nourish the egg. Therefore, the woman does 8 weeks the baby is called an embryo. After midwife ties or clamps the umbilical cord and
not have her usual period. A missed period that, it is called a foetus. cuts it about 5cm from the babys tummy. The
can be the first sign of pregnancy. Because short piece left attached to the baby dries
pregnancy dates from the time of the last The placenta, attached to the inner wall of up and usually drops off within a few days.
period, a woman might be four, five, six or the uterus, develops with and nourishes the The place where it was attached heals and
more weeks pregnant before she realises baby. The placenta is also attached to the becomes the navel (umbilicus, or bellybutton).
it. She may not experience other physical foetus, by the umbilical cord. All the oxygen
symptoms (such as fatigue, nausea and breast and nourishment the foetus needs comes
through this cord. The umbilical cord also After the Birth
tenderness) until a little later.
carries waste products away from the foetus. A newborn baby is utterly helpless and
Decisions about pregnancy Waste products are returned to the womans dependent on those responsible for it, all day,
circulatory system and are passed out through every day. It needs parents and carers who
Deciding to get pregnant is perhaps the most her lungs and kidneys as part of her normal will love it and put its needs before their own
important decision a couple can make. An body functions. for many years.
unexpected, unplanned pregnancy places
enormous pressure and anxiety on the couple During the pregnancy, the womans circulatory
involved. If someone discovers they are system is separate from the blood system of
unexpectedly pregnant, it is important to the foetus. But even so, everything she does
seek help as quickly as possible. They will need during this time can have a direct impact on
to talk to people close to them and/or health the wellbeing of the baby. During pregnancy,
professionals who can advise them of the full it is very important for the mother to
range of options, considerations and choices.
Eat healthy food.

Not misuse alcohol or drugs.

14 15
Adolescence is a time of many changes.
During this time, you will feel happiest
and grow to your full potential if you
remain true to yourself and true to your
own personal goals and desires.
Dont forget that there are people around
who care for you and who will be willing
to offer you advice or counsel. Youll
make it through adolescence one way or
another, but you dont have to do the
hard bits alone if you dont want to.

Original cartoons by Georgia Richter

16 17
Further information For general health information
HealthInfo - 1300 135 030
If you have any sort of problem you want to talk Free pamphlets and information
about confidentially with a trained counsellor
Kids Help Line - (24 hours) - 1800 55 1800
For information about sexual health and contraception
A great site with lots of answers for Sexual Health Helpline - (08) 9227 6178.
10 to 12 year olds, especially about puberty Country callers - 1800 198 205
The Hormone Factory
If you have been sexually abused or assaulted
A good site for teenagers Sexual Assault Resource Centre (24 hours)
Queensland Health Youth Site (08) 9340 1828. Country callers - 1800 199 888
The Freedom Centre provides information for
A good site for sexuality education young people who are questioning their sexuality. (08) 9228 0354

HP10369 JULY07 22252

Department of Health, 2007

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