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Instituto Tecnolgico de Tijuana.

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Diodes and Transistor

Phase 1

Nombres. Nmero de control.

Mayo Manzo Jess. 13211277

Ledesma Galvn Andrs 13211735

Teacher: Jair Nevarez Valerdi.

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Objetives ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Development ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Blocks diagram ................................................................................................................................ 3
Transmitter Design Block Diagram for Phase 1 ............................................................................... 4
Design .................................................................................................................................................. 5
General circuit design...................................................................................................................... 5
Microcontroller design .................................................................................................................... 6
Modulator FSK design: .................................................................................................................... 7
Battery and regulators design ........................................................................................................ 7
Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................... 8

The use of electronic components for the creation of some device are constantly evolving in the
world of electronics as well as the combination of these. Microcontrollers are conquering the world.
They are present in our work, in our house and in our life, in general. They can be found by
controlling the operation of mouse and keyboards on computers, on phones, in microwave ovens
even in robotic arms.


Make the diagram of the whole project

Develop the logic of data communication to move the robotic arm.
Design the control board with microcontroller and FSK modulator.

Blocks diagram
The general block diagram of the project was developed as shown below, this consists of two parts,
the transmitting and the receiving part. The transmitter part consists of batteries that will be used
to power the microcontroller and the modulator, joysticks to send signals to a microcontroller that
will decode this signal and send it to a FSK modulator that will transform this signal to be able to
send it through a FM transmitter with an antenna

The receiving part of the project is contemplated to make a regulating source for the different
components that will be used. Like the transmitter stage this will have an antenna, receiver FM, a
FSK modulator and a microcontroller to make the conversion of the signal that is obtained in the
antenna to useful signals that we can use to be able to move the robotic arm.

Transmitter Design Block Diagram for Phase 1
For this first phase was designed the logic of how the signals will be transmitted from the joysticks
that will pass through a microcontroller and a FSK modulator that will later be introduced to an FM


General circuit design.

Microcontroller design

We chose the 16f628A microcontroller, given that it gives us 4 analog inputs, enough inputs for
the readings of the joysticks, besides poser serial communication

Modulator FSK design:

FSK modulation offers us less noise immunity than other types of modulation.

Battery and regulators design

5V for the pic and 10v for the modulator FSK.

For the development of the project is very important block diagram and how each stage has to be
developed, so we chose to design a diagram in general and develop the logic or steps to follow in
the project. Microcontrollers and modulators will be used to decode the signal and have it ready to
be transmitted through a second phase consisting of an FM transmitter and an antenna.

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