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A brief on the nav elementand the rates of Running

Allowance for the running staff on the Indian Railwavs.

A: Introduction.

1. The RunningAllowanceCommittee-l980(RAC-1980)had recommendeda formula

for the calculationof the ratesof kilometreageallowancefor the running staff. This formula
was being used for the calculation of KMA by the Railway Board from 1981 till the
implementationof the Sixth CPC recommendations.However, this formula has not been
mentionedin the Running Allowance Rules- 1981 nor in the EstablishmentCodeAvlanual.
As per Rule 906 of IREM, Vol.I, (Annexure-I) the rates of Running Allowance for every
100km shall be as specifiedby the competentauthority from time to time. It meansthat the
mannerof calculationof the ratescanbe decidedby the competentauthority.

2. After successivepay commissionsand finally the Sixth CPC recommendationsthe

formulaof RAC-1980had becomeimpracticaldueto erosionin the depressionof pay scales
of the running staff, new pay structure,widening of gap betweenearningsof running staff
vis-d-vis non-running staff etc. Therefore, the Railway Board after accepting the
recommendations of the official and the
of a Joint Committee (Consistingof representatives
staff side)decidedto doublethe thenexistingratesof KMA/ ALK w.e.f. 01.09.2008.

3. The recognised/ un-recognisedfederations since then have been clamouring for

revision of the ratesas per the RAC-1980 formula through letters,PNI\,I/JCMfora, National
Industrial Tribunal etc. A relatively detailed background is given in the successive

B: Background on the revision of running allowance.

1. On the Indian Railways,thereis a categoryof staff known as "Running Staf?'ihose

performanceof duty is directly connectedwith the chargeof moving trains. Rules 3(iii)'
3(iv),3(v) and 3(xvi) of "The Rulesfor the paymentof Running and otherAllowancesto the
Runningstaff on Railways, 1981" stipulateasunder:-

"(iii) "Running duties" means duties directly connected with the

movementof trains and performedby running staff while employedon
moving trains or engines,including shuntingengines."
(iv) "Runni4g Staff' performing "running duties" shall refer to
Railway servantsof the categoriesmentionedbelow:

Loco Traffic

(a) Drivers including Motormen and (a) Guards

Rail Motor Drivers, but excluding
(b) Shunters. to'ff;[j:il.:""'0"
(c) Fireman (including Instructing
Firemen, Assistant Electric Drivers on
Electric Locos and Diesel
Assistants/Drivers Assistant on Diesel
(v) ..Running Allowance" meansan allowanceordinarily grantedto running staff in terms
of and at the ratesspecifiedin theserules, andlor modified by the CentralGovernmentin the
Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) , for the performanceof duties directly connected
ttKilometreage allowance " and
with the charge of moving trains and includes a
..Allowance in lieu of Kilometreagett but excludesspecialcompensatoryallowances."

(xvi) (a) 66Stationary

posts" refersto all postsexcludingthosespecified
under item (iv).
(b) ..Stationary duties" refers to duties performed other than
running dutiesspecifiedunderitem (iii) above."

2. A special feature relating to running staff is that a portion of their emolumentsis

dependentupon the nature of duties performed and the quantum of work put in by them
during the month. The quantum of running allowance earned by the Running staff is
determinedmainly by the actualdistanceworked by them. The basic objective of theserules
is an orientationtowardsbetter performance,simultaneouslyensuringthat the running staff
are not preventedfrom earninga reasonableamountof running allowancein a month due to
factorsnot attributableto them. The highest scaleof pay admissiblein the cadreof running
staff to Mail/ExpressDrivers in the III CPC scalesof pay was { 550-750,the replacement
scaleof which in the IVth CPC and Vth CPC scalesof pay was { 1640-2900and { 6000-
9800respectively.In the 6thCPC scalesof pay, the replacement scaleis t 9300-34800with
gradepay < 42001-.

3. The scalesof pay applicableto the running staff are deemedto be depressedmeaning
therebythat had there beenno schemeof running allowances,the running staff would have
been allowed normal scalesof pay like the other railway employeesand would have been
eligible for TA/DA. As such,the running staff earn apart of their pay throughthe instrument
of running allowanceas running allowanceincludesa portion of the pay, traveling allowance
and out-of-pocketexpensesastheir dutiesgenerallyinvolve their absencefrom headquarters
and as TA/DA is not admissibleto them. The deemeddepressedportion of the pay is made
good by the provisionsof Rule 25 of the saidRules,which stipulatesas under:-
*25. Reckoningof Running Allowance as Pay
(i) 30% of the basicpay of running staff shall be
. reckonedas pay for the following purposes:-
(a) Entitlementof PassesandPTOs.
(b) Medical attendanceand treatment.
(c) Educationalassistance.
(d) Fixationof pay in stationaryposts.
(e) Compensatory(City) Allowance'
(f) HouseRent Allowance'
(g) Entitlementto quarter
(h) Recoveryof rent for quarters
(i) Dearness Allowance,Addl' DearnessAllowance'
fi) OvertimeAllowance'
(k) LeaveSalarY.
( i i )F o rthe p u rpo se o fe d ucationalassistance,30Yoofthebasic
for all
pay shall be rick-onedas pay for determiningthe eligibility
for the
the schemesof assistancegiven to Railway employees
of tuition
educationof their childrer/iards viz., re-imbursement
fees,children'seducationalassistance hostels.
(iii) For the purposeof retirementbenefits,55o/oof basic pay shall
be iaken into accountin the caseof running staff retired/retiring
or after 1.4.1g7g.55%o shall also be reckonedas pay for the
purposeof recoveryof subscriptiontowards Provident Fund'

4. Running Allowance schemehas been examinedby a numb-erof
' The scalesof Running
Committeesin the purt ,tunirrg with the l't Pay Commissionin 1947
after giving due
staff were recommendedUy ttre 1", 2nd'^d 3'o Pay Commissions
staff were paid in
considerationto the fact that substantial'partofthe emolumentsof running
comparable( non-
the form of Running Allowance and that the existing relativities with
running ) staff in railways is to be maintained'

5. The Running Staff Pay and Accounts C

also subsequentlyformed Joint Advisory Con
Railway Labour Tribunal ( 1969 ), Runnin
recognisedthe importanceof the schemewitl
staff to work more as they get part of their pa
committeesconcludedthat it is not prudentto
andto reduceit to a meretravelling allowance'

6. Prior to 1919runningallowancewas n
on one of the erstwhile CompanyRailways.
India obtainedthe sanctionof the then Secreta
India at their option to per?nitthe Membersof
fund on pay plus a fix percentageof pay not
Mileage Allowance and to have their Leave A
fixation of pay
on this basis. Subsequently,this benefit was extendedfor otherpurposeslike
of the 'pay
in stationarypost, re;ulation of CCA and HRA. In the absenceof quantification
pay for specihed
element,,varying p."...rrtug", of running allowancehad been treated as
for in-
7. RAC-1980 was thp first to assessthe quantumof this pay elementas 30Yo
pay element
servicebenefits for the running staff. The Committeealso recommended60Yo
for retirementbenefitsfor the running staff althoughthe Ministry of Railways approvedthis
as 55o/o.For qrrantiffing the pay element, the Committeehad taken into account( liberally )
the notionalpay scaleof { 840-1040which was higherthanthe highestgradeof t 700-900
that aDriver C&de 'A' Spl. would havegot, as shownin the calculationsbelow :

Category ? Mean of Mean of the Difference Difference

existing scale notional scale between the expressed as
of pay in in 1980 (i.e. mean of percentage of
1980 the highest notional the notional
Group C scale scale and scale
that could existingscale
have been
Driver A (ss0+7s0)t2:(840+1040)/2:940-650 : (290te40)xr00
Special 6s0 940 290 :30.857o
Driver A (550+700)t2: (775+r000)t2: 887.50-625: (262501887.s)
62s 887.5 262.50 xl00 :
Driver B (42s+640)12:(700+900)t2: = (267.s0i800)xl
532.50 800 267.50 00:33.430/"
Driver C (330+s60)t2: (ss0+800y2: 675-445 : (230167s)Xr00
445 675 230 :34.07"h

8. The underlyingprinciple of the pay componentof running allowanceis that, had there
beenno schemeof runningallowancethe running staff in the scale< 550-750( Driver
Spl. during Third CPC) would have been allotted the scale of pay immediately below the
gradeapplicableto the highestgradeof SupervisorsnamelyLoco Foremani.e. { 840-1040
(during Third CPC) to whom they report. Accordingly, the scaleof pay which would have
been allotted to Drivers Grade 'A' Spl, but for the existenceof the running alloivance
scheme,can fairly be assumedto be { 700-900(during Third CPC). Thus pay scalesof
running staff were peggedat lower levels vis-a-vis non-runningstaff so that they get part of
their pay through running allowancewhich is relatedto working of trains. The differenceof
meanof both the scalesexpressedas a percentageof the meanof the notional scaleis called
the 'pay element'/'componentof pay' or omeasure of depression'.

9. The existing formula for calculating the quantum of KilometerageAllowance per

hundredkilometers,was devisedby RAC-1980,after detailedconsultationswith the labour
organisationsand taking into accountviews of the railway administration,based on huge
datacollectedfrom variousdivisions,and past studiesand reportsin this regard.The formula
for the rate of KMA per 100kms for a passengerdriver is asunder:-

30% of MeanPa]'+ 20 Da]'sTA/DA * 100

5100(Averagekms earnedbypassengerdriver per month)

10. Any increaseof pay scalesof running staff vis-a-vis non-runningstaff would have to
be viewed taking into acbountthe principle of 'measureof depression'stated in para 2.6
above. However, while allotting the scalesto running staff 4tr and 5th Pay Commissions
overlookedthis aspect.They insteadrecommendeda review of Running Allowance Rules
---.. suchreview
due to increasein pay scalesof running staff vis-a-vis non-runningstaff. But no omeasure
was carried after the implementationof these Pay Commissions,though the of
depression'continued to be eroded after 4thand 5tr pay commissionpay scales.Further
erosionoccurredat the time of mergerof 50YoDA as DP on 1.04.2004.The calculationsof
the omeasure of depression'during Fourth,Fifth & Sixth CPCperiodsare given as under :

Erosion of Depression(o/o)over SuccessiveCPCs

After L.4.O4
Catesory 4th cPc 5th cPc mergerof DP 6th cPc*
L o c oR u n n i n gS t aT
Loco Pilot (Mail) 22.72 L6.62 8.28 s.80
Loco Pilot (Pass) 18.08 L4.71. 6.L8 2.25
Loco Pilot (Goods) 21.8t LO.34 1_.38 .T.6L
L o c oP i l o t( S h u n t e r ) 23.94 23.08 15.38 20.23
FMI/DSL/ELECT Asstt. 38.75 33.57 26.92 25.94
S e c o n dF i r e m a n 42.96 28.s0 2L.3s 19.87
M a i l / E x p r e sG
s uard 23.08 L4.7L 6.18 2.25
Passenger Guard 2L.AL 1.O.34 1.3E -t.6L
G o o d sG u a r d 23.94 LT.54 2.59 8.O1
Asstt.Gua rd/Brakesman 33.80 33.57 26.92 25.94

* C a l c u l a t i o n f o r t h i s c o l u m n h a s b e e n m a d e b y m a k i n g e q u i v a l e n t s c aplaeysuosf i n g f i t m e n t t a b l e sF.i t m e n t t a b l e s f o r J u n n i n g
staffwere used forconverting actual scalesof running staff in the Vth CPCand fitment tables forthe general staff were used for
converting notional scalesof pay that the running staff would have got i n the Vth CPCbut for the depressionin Pay.

11. On account of the recommendations of the pay commissionsafter the 3'd Pay
Commissionand subsequent non-revisionof the pay elementsince 1980,the gap betweenthe
emolumentsof other Group C staff and the Running staff is continuouslywidening. The ratio
of averageannualwagesof Group C Non running staff to Running staff has increasedfrom
1:1.16in 1980to l:1.69 in2004.After SixthPay Commission dueto grantingof higherthan
normalreplacementscales,provisionof 'Additional Allowance' ( on which DA is payable),
and special fitment tables used for running staff duly reckoning DA on pay element of
running allowance,the running staff have a distinct advantageover others in the Sixth Pay
Commissionpay structure.The gap hasthereforefurther widenedbetweenthe two categories
after Sixth Pay Commission.

12. Committee on Runnirre Allowances, constituted in 2002 (CRA-2002) which

submitted its report in 2005, ,!"o--.nded revision of the 'pay element' in view of the
continuouserosion of depressionin the pay scalesof the running staff. It recommended
lowering of the pay elernentfrom 30o/oto l|Yo for in-servicebenefitsand from 55%o to 20%o
for retirementbenefits. However,the Federationsopposedthe recommendations vehemently
and the railway administrationcould not implementthe report in view of the sensitivenature
of dutiesperformedby the running staff and alsoto ensurepeacefulindustrialrelations.
13. After the implementationof Sixth Pay Commission number of pay scales were
amalgamatedinto four pay bands in consonancewith the generalprincipie of de-layering
adoptedby the Pay-Commissionfor all categoriesof central governmentemployees.Th;
conceptof meanpay in the existing formula had beenrenderedimpracticableas the revised
pay band is not a singlescalebut analgamationof severalscalesof pay.

14: Railway Board,thus,constituteda Joint Committee in November2008, comprising

officers of Railway Board, and representativesfrom the two recognizedFederationsiAIRF
& NFIR), to determinethe quantumof pay elementin running allowanceand to review the
formula for computing rates of kilometerageallowance.

15. The Joint Committee after in depth deliberations(report of the Joint Committee
enclosedas Annexure-Il) felt that the conceptof meanpay of pasr.ttg.. driver as existing in
the extantformula was renderedimpracticableas pay band was not a single scaleof pay-but
amalgamation of severalscalesof pay.

16. The Joint Committeealso observedthat therewas a needto review 'pay element' for
serving employeesas well as the componentof basic pay to be countedur puy for retiring
runningstaff in the revisedpay structurew.e.f. 1.1.06i.e. from the dateof implementationoT
the SixthPay CommissionReport.

17. The Joint Committeefurther observedthat the Sixth CentralPay Commissionscales

of pay have been implementedw.e.f. I.L2006 wherein higher than normal replacement
scaleshave beengrantedto the running staff,justiffing reductionin the opayelemurt'. Non-
reductionin the pay elementw.e.f. 1.1.1986andthereafterw.e.f. I J.1996 hasresultedin the
running staff receivinghigherpay packages.

18' The Joint Committee also noted that reduction in the 'pay elementomay not be
possible now, in view of the sentimentsexpressedvociferorrriy-by
the Staff pide anO
particularly due to multiplication of the .urii., decisions for non-ieduction
ir the pay
element. The ratio betweenaveragewage of non-running staff vis-d-vis average
wage of.
runningstaff has significantlychangedfrom 1980-81at the stageof 1.00: 1.16
and 1.00and
l'69 in 2003-04. With the Sixth Central Pay Commission'sscalesof pay having
implemented,this, gap betweenthe running and the non-runningstaff has
further widened.
19' The Joint Committee also noted that the depressionof pay has been eroded
implementation of the Fourth Central Pay Commission's as also the Fifth
Central pay
Commission'sscaleof pay. Non-reductionin the 'pay element'would further inflate
the pay
packageof the runnin$staff as a result of which the running staff
would receivemuch higher
emolumentsthanjustified, and in many casewould also exceedthat admissible
to GroupaA'

20' The Sixth Pay Commissionhad recommendedthat various allowances should

doubled thus the Joint Committee felt that this recommendation of
the Sixth pay
Commissionshould also be followed in respectof rate for kilometerage
allowance. Thus
keeping in view the general recommendationsof the Sixth pay Commission
doubling of allowance, recommendations of the Joint Committee
which included
representativesof recognizedfederationsalsowere acceptedby Railway Board, and the
formula of RAC-1980was not adoptedfor revising the rates of KMA.

21. The revisedratesof KMA weremadeapplicablew.e.f. 01.09.2008(Annexare-Ill) as

all other allowanceswere revised from this date after implementationof Sixth CPC pay

22. The pay elementwhich was necessitatedearlier due to depressionin scalesof pay of
running staff was also consideredby the Joint Committee. The Joint Committeenoted that
the depressionin pay of Running Staff erodedafter revisions of pay by the Fourth & Fifth
Pay Commissionsand mergerof 50YoDearnessAllowancewith pay w.e.f- 01.04.2004.But
consideringthe sentimentsof the Running Stafi the pay element of 30%ofor in-service
benefits and 55%ofor retirementbenefits was continuedon recommendationsof the Joint

23. Keeping in view the persistentdemandsof the running staff Railway Board again
constituteda Fast Track Committee ( report at Annexure-IV), comprisingof 6 Executive
Directors, in20l0,to look into the various issuesof running staff, including the Motormen,
pertainingto rbvision of running allowance,increasein pay scales,additional allowanceto
running staff over and above those recommended by Sixth Pay Commission, and
applicability of running allowancefrom 1.1.06basedon revisedrate of running allowance.
The committee after in depth deliberationsand after taking into accountthe views of the
organisedand un-organisedlabourinter-aliaconcludedthat :

"No change is calledfor in respectof doubling of this allowancefrom

1.9.08 as was recommended by the Joint Committee. The
recommendationsof the committee,aS approved by Board, concluded
that thepay elementand rates of running allowancewere consideredby
the Joint Committeeas a package while making its recommendations.
Any review of rates of allowance may thus call for a review of pay
elementas weII."

24. However, consideringthe persistentdemandsof the Federations,Board decidedthat

the ratesof KMA/ALK shouldbe increasedby25% with effectfrom 01.01.201I subsequent
to increasein DA by 50%. Orders to this effect were issued vide Board's letter no.
E(P&A)IV2005/RS-34 dt. 28.06.2012 (Annexur e-V).

25. In the meanwhile, both the recognized federations as well as running staff
associationslike AILRSA were raising their pitch in various fora like JCM/PNM and also
National Industrial Tribunal/CGIT,for revising the ratesof KMA/ALK basedon the formula
definedby the RAC-1980. In view of this Chairman,Railway Board orderedto constitutean
empoweredcommitteeto frnalize a mechanismfor a new formula for running allowance.
The termsof referenceof the EmpoweredCommitteeis as given below :
(i) Determinethe quantumof pay elementin RunningAllowance; and
(ii) Review the existing formula for calculation of rates of running allowance and
evolve a new formula.
- 26.
Accordingly, Railway Board vide order no. ERB-Il20I3l23ll6 dated 25.03.2013
(Annexure-W) had constitutedan EmpoweredCommittee. . The Committee consistsof
EDPC-I (Convener), EDME (Tr.), EDEE(RS), EDTT(F) and EDF(E). However, the
recognizedFederationsand the running staff associationshave been demandingdissolution
of the Committee. Consideringthis the Railway Board has decided that the Empowered
Committeeconstitutedto review the formula for calculationof running allowancemay be
kept in abeyancetill suchtime the recommendationsof 7th CPC are receivedand that after
the report of the 7th CPC is received,the needfor having a Committeemay be considered.

27. Hence,the matteris being referredto the 7thCPC.

:t rF:F:&{<
frnn ?*)Jy')-L

and after temporary repairs to shops when they are unfit to work a train. --'-----------

xv) "Departmental train" meansa train workingon departmentalaccountand includesballasttrains, Breakdownrelieftrains,

'al trainsand light engineson mechanicalaccount.It also includesthe followingservices :

c o a lo r p u m p b o i l e ra t t h e p u m p h o u s e sw h i l ew o r k i n gl i g h te n g i n eo r t r a i n ;
a) unloading

to certifythe track;
(b) light engineorderedwith engineeringrepresentatives

(c) light engineorderedwith water tender from one stationto another.

The followingservicesare to be treated as ordinary services:-

(a) Inspectionspecialsor specialswith RailwaysOfficialsln casesof emergencye.9. GM'sInspectionspecials,Divisional


b) "Damagedrake specialsand trial rake specials".

xvi) (a) "stationaryposts"refersto all postsexcludingthose specifiedunder item (iv).

b) "stationaryduties"refersto dutiesperformedotherthan runningdutiesspecifiedunder item (iii).

in so far as they apply to runningstaff'

meansthe Hoursof EmploymentRegulations
(xvii) "Regulations"

x v i i i )" s i g n i n go n " a n d " S i g n i n go f f " s h a l lh a v et h e s a m em e a n i n ga s i n H o u r so f E m p l o y m e nRt e g u l a t i o n s .

pay etement in running allowance:- 3Oo/o of the basicpay of the runningstaff will be treatedto be in the natureof pay
91 (a) i'e'
; e n t i n g t h e p a y e l e m e n ti n t h e R u n n i n gA l l o w a n c eT. h i s p a y e l e m e n tw o u l df a l l u n d e rc l a u s e( i i i ) o f R u l e1 3 0 3 - F R - 2
emolumentswhichare speciallyclassedas pay by the President".

14. Dearness Allowance on the pay element of Running Allowance:-The runningstaff shall be paid DearnessAllowance,at j
e appropriateratessanctionedby the Governmentfrom time to time, on their basicpay plus the pay elementof RunningAllowancel
.e. 30%oof the basic pay.

Types of Allowances admissible to Running Staff :-Running staff shall be entitled to the following allowances subject to
conditionsspecifiedby or underthese rules :-

i) KilometrageAllowancefor the performanceof runningduties,in terms of and at the rates specifiedin these rules.

(ii) An allowancein lieu of kilometrage(ALK)for the performanceof stationarydutiessuchas journeyson transfer,joiningtime, for
,latiendinq enquiriesor law courtson Railwaybusiness,attendingdepartmentalinquiriesas DefenseCounselor witness,Ambulance
,Flu::":, dutyin :gT".tio.l.withrerritoriul jYid_:19-sj{._"1i:l:1_._"J:'}:^::;::".,tr:1fl:-?:
es, Welfareand Debt Committees,Staff BenefitFundand Staff LoanFundCommittees,Staff and WelfareCommittees,for
the meetingsof RailwayCo-operativeSocietiesin caseswherespecialcasualleaveis grantedfor doingso, medicaland
examinations,participatingin recognizedathleticcontestsand tournaments,scoutingactivitiesand Lok SahayakSena
, representingrecognizedlabor organizations, attendingperiodicalmeetingswith DistrictOfficers, Headsof Departmentsand
I Manaqers,attendingFirst-aidclasses,undergoingtrainingin carriageshedsand as worker teacherunderthe Workers'
tion Schemeattendingtrainingschoolsfor refresherand promotioncourses,undergoingsterilisationoperationunder FanJ,ily
ng Schemeappearingin Hindi ExaminationGuardsbookedon escortduty of treasureand other insuredparcelson trains,
s and Firemenwhen kept sparefor a day or two to enablethem to examineand cleanthe enginesthoroughlybeforebeing
eputedto work specialtrains for VIPs, or any other dutieswhich may be declaredin emergenciesas qualifyingfor an allowance
in lieu of kilometrage.

iii) Special Compensatory Allowances

and at the ratesspecifiedin these

runningstaff are eligiblefor the followingcompensatoryallowancesunderthe circumstances

a) Allowance in lieu of Running Room facilities,

b) Breach of rest allowance.

c) Outstation (Detention)Allowance.

(d) Outstation(Relieving)Allowance.

(e) AccidentAllowance.

iv) An officiatingAllowancewhen undertakingdutiesin highergradesof postsopen to runningstaff or in stationaryappointments.

Kilometrage Allowance

i) The ratesof RunningAllowancefor every 100 kms. shallbe as specifiedby the competentauthorityfrom time to time.

hfto/I 2t9
1986(in Rs.)

Mail Driver

i-r"d tntes of ALK (160 km')

of Running Staff per day w.e.f. 1-11-1986*


ls SecondFireman
1 . .

l6 , Shunter
rMail Guard



$'ffiR T' ffi

*rv Ilell:ri I


It:r,11\?; t:,1:' i't:Lt-:t"t



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{i.*t i : I"}itr\:.t."
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\ t\t\,ji:I Xift:ii*|l\{;: {,} i,x1:.t.1:;lv*.;: Ys,:.\tt'r\'

3. The issue relating to

the all ance fbr mnning

Co tteesin tlrt Past'

was reck'onedat v irrg percentagcs,Tlre

r,unning staf'f for various pufposes

'l'he Ri\C tr980, in acldi n tc)

wr:ulclbe recleonedas Slu%of the basic

of tire scheme' he ''va"sfittecl in tbe
cP{l scaie). [Jut for t]r* cCInfinuance

'Fs,vhilenlent' of thc measurecrf depression'which as ntioned in the

par{iwn$determiinedas 3t) per cent of basit
eler nt.

qgunteclas pay ftrr retirini4 ru ng

well as the c*mponent qf irasic pay ti) be
1'1.CI6 i.e. frr:m ttrre date,.e{
staff in th* revisec} pay struC&}rew.e.f.

1,1.1986anclthereailcr w"e'f' 1't'L99(r

I^Jon*reci*cin in tir* puy elen:rc*trv.e"f.

to bring in
been reviserl from ri:me to tin:re,ir rn*y have ber'lu pnssible

tl. It is broi.r t to tl"refi:re tllat reducti** in the pav elcrne{ltmay not he:
possiblenq:w,in vi by the $taff side
r:f th* scnrimcntsexptesscrivercif-erousl)'
anc*particular cluet* multiplicationr:f thc eadierd*cisior"lsf{rr non-reducurin
'I'he rfltiCI
ir: th* pni' clemcnt hefweerlav* a$ewag$ of non*srurni stirff vis-a-

st *f l"tX):1.16 arrc{1.0fi anci1.69 in 2t}03-04.Wirh dre 6th Centra}Xlav

trt is alscia fact that the

ru*r*ing and tl:lenon-running staff uiill filr:rh*r rvicJen.

Cer:lma}I);lv {lonin':.issi*nosas dso the 5t}r ilentral i}ay {.r; xrission'*scalesr:f

pav. Ni-rn-red*cti*n in the pay clcment will turt"l'r*rinllatc:thc p*v packaui:of
the nrnning sraff as a resu.lrof rv*richthe n"rnningstnfltwill receriverniich hj l.*i:
emclllrmcntsand in milny case to {ir*r4: A
ulcl aLsoexccrc*ithat adxnissil'rl*:

is ar?fith{:f,factor rv}rich inrpeclescal}ing for r*di.calrne';i$ure$
at this $tag*"

L h{emirer-"*f the cclm*nittee r:n: Feder*tj*rn side r*l*o expresser,l

t* them thr: issue h',rsto b* secn in hc}}isticirroper
c$ncerfi$ accxrrc{furg
per$pfctivc" ".$'hec"*tegririesof staff vrlic cor1leuncler th*: nn nclature of
running stnff a::ecrucinl *"vrei
vital ti: thc mni*g r.:f the ltnilivays. ilonsequent
ripilrstl:l* impiclxcntirtirxl ,;f thc 6d'(ll:(:: {flf{:}n1r11#nc{ations,'I'eacher*,

$cction()f[rccrl$*. Sr:clion{}fllice.rc:f,Acc*unts h*ve b*en placedin r]reP*y

'{)' scalcs. ilruci*rl cate ries li}ie
Ii*nc{ rvhich nro*rshorit$csrlv*ntional $rr:up
this'hnve:rr: hc *eeni* rq:ladonto the eliijicultics.skill ]*vt:ls irnd **vitr:nrnent in

their c*sellaastr: b* acc*din

nnctr apprec.iatcel.

ninning staff prodnctivitv is criticrl to th* Xndinnl{.aiknys. it is nccessaffthat

at the h hest icvel. N{c:re$*" i* view *rf the
their motivntir:nlevel is ruiaintainecl
csr*ceptrvill d*a*tic*}lyr*duce the**
facx[h*t anv revtsionbnsedr:n c{epression
c$mponentsat this sragf u'hich will cl*- tivate this criticnl c*.tegorry
*f *ailway
staff,which i* sr; vital to ef,ficientRailwnyr:perarions"{-onsirlerinsthat t}re 30?o

FirYele frozen rv.*.f. 1"1"73i.e. r:rver35 ycats,a*d tir* pay

nt iras rern';iinec{

*lrvrostZ{Jtl*nrs,irrcspcrc * of thc *r*siernin rlie ciepressi*nnf pay sc*ies,ther

dlnrruyritt*eis s{: rir* r"rpinionth*t t}rerrlua*t nf pny *:Jcs:emtclurir:gseL'v'icc
l:e retainedas cxistingat present
11as *erir*rnentl.r*nefirs*l"r*r"rld

X1. M*ljr.:dtl'nt thc befiefit**gr*nteclr:nclerih* schemi:cf running allorvances

to the nr*ning staflfsar* p*ici ir:rth* fnn-n of kilr:m*ters ean:*d" rds this
encl, * frrrmula f#*l wori{irrg *uf rittes of kil*meil.eag* al}ow:rnceis in vogue"

theseraf*:sis th* p',ry*l*nrent As r.luefo r.*riclrrsre*so ls the (l*rnrnifte* h*s

runr:ing all*wanc**. ;\ftes inrpie*:renf*tiq:nof tire Sth Ccntral }}*y

of pav, thc cr:nc*pt of
C*mr:rissiocr's Frryonf prass*nger
h*s bt:en renc{erec{i racticahlc as pay banei is
existing in ttre extftnt f,qrr*rula'

to mtke it in tune with

certain rnod.ifica n i:: the exlnnt fr:rrntria is warrantecl

as undet:*
wherein it has been recornrxrirlded

R un r:i n g .A l l o w *ncc,etc.alecor nputeclr :nthetr *sisilfpavscales

reviseelstfircture' pay scalcsferr
attacherito varior"rspost$"lrr the
mc*ning' i\ revis*cl fomrul* for
spe*ific FCIstiiwiil ceaseto h*ve any
elem*nt in l)lilS' In ca$*' s
One.u'av tn tin ti'ris is tc inctrucletiris
i* nor i*:*rcdintetrvp**sii:ler,thc Railways
with refercrucet* ti:e nirnurn of pay i* tlre pay l-r*nclconccmred


repro ceclhelcr'v:
*rf)bs*rvati$n* rnacle in Fara ?.$6.g? relati to lvlinistry cf Railrt"ays nnd
are in th* nature trf
x 4'4'41 *f tkre Repott
in Arl

need tcl t*ke :r fintrl view theteon"o

t..akcconsiererahrerime, one 0f thc pflrr:t'tc-tl

inrro<juceclcl* the ,t*ilrrays, woukr
stageis fJratratesclf kilgmetre alln"'vilncehe u'*rkt'"1
aud viahle *priL}n fit"thi$
ol:f with lrferencc tqr rhe rrrir:irnlrr:
of *le pay in the
;:av ban*i r::f flassengcl:
grari* linntc.*r{*f r*:*:anof nh* priy
scalcf, *'!or:g rvjth rhe c** p*_vattachecl

i3' As lrilq:mctre nlk:'.viJ*c*ce.rnf*ins

ff.Il*y erl*nre::lt,
r*r,isi*:* i* fhe ratcsof,
tiris *llowancercquircs t* b* carriecl
#ur w.#.f 1.r.2{}fi6*ncl drereaftervr,e.f
1'9'1fi08whcn rh* rcl'iscr{ratcsq:f,'.tAIDA
are ir lermemt*ri. ffivappricarion *f

{iu*rr{s ;dr nut a$*r:cler:

14" Hv aprplicatiol:*f rrr* ahove

rnctrr*c*or*g,"thr: rares *f kil.,mcrre
a}l*rv;lncerill r*spect r"r*rhc l.*co llik;rs re$s$m
iuni*crease*f ,f4% as co*rpar*c{
rn tir* ,:ates*n *xist*nfic]sitrcer 1.1il.lsPTrvh*rcasin rh*
tlre q:ase*:flfir.l*reisis 52a/*."I'his
increiis*i* n,,r ahn{.rrm.dsi:rccthc rntsjs
t*.[ t.ii:grore thri* S v*tlt1;' $y *p1*iicntignr:f si
b*en r*vi***{ aft*r ag"inL"t:
wh*n ths gatcsoi T'A/trlr\ *'r:*r*viseetr' as$L: ng
rv.*.f. 1.q.20LlS

the exis g
pilY (}i: Rs.42fl{)is fixccl rrt Rs'21{}/- p{rf diry, i"*:"d*ubl* of

bc as rtn'-ler:-

20days I Av. W"s^v*of Rate tlf

TA/D 1 A A
A ( & wt"w"t- rrr.e,f,
urn Rs- i 1'V.9*&8 1.10.$?
*i 21fi/
I firude trla'

i 9300-34800
4050 i 4200 5[ix] 161.?5 1?(}.6S


t e3{}t}-s
"__-- 154"2s
i i
Glr*rd 154.3{}
95S0-34SS0 2180 5350
Guard r54 X5 114.90
! G$clds Gu*rrd 5zfl0-?02fi0
L*.__ _

kilom*:meag**llr;wancein respecl
13" ly:rthi.*sc*. ri*, tllr: incr*asein rh* ratesof
is a unifo*n 3494.
all rhe.*ateg*ncsof J,ocr:Filotsis nls* the.G*nrds
1S. Anothcr rva? r:f r:rilculntir:rnnf kikrmefs*age allowane* is Lrascclon the fs:llotqri


t.E:n ittee h*s in its rccon:*:nertciati*nclc*ling rvith the F*y {:i,icmenfrecomlnended its

c$flcepr' is nri k r:gcr relev*nt. The {-*rnn*tr*c i* t}icrcfi;rc of rir* vi*rv
rates are ;rlsr: required to be hased r:rl
th"*t calcul*tiorr r:{t kilcinrctrage,ancc

s fnllolvecl r:arlier bv lli\C 1980"

17. "tr'ir* VI l'ay {-.i'lrnnrissi<:n}ras rec*mmenc{ecl *rat raricus *llorvances *nel

ac{vancess}rr:r-rlcthc c{oubieel. C*m ttce f-t:elsf}raf tl*s rt){:{l;:rfitenelatir:rts:f the

keeping im vicu. th* gencral rec$rnmenil*Nir.xrsof: tir* 6th {icnffal I}*y (-.on'rlnissir:,'t

recr:nn"::*rldcri that tlre rar*s *f liik:mcme all*wance tn*ir bi: d*ublecl w"*'t-'
1.9.20*S. {,$rnrnittee tJrerefore reco encls thar thc presexlt rnte of kikrm*ter

allorsanc* sh<iuld bc doul:l*d ancl rouncleEioff to {he next higherrr ce, whilc af thc

catc ri*s. rates wilJ l:* ma*le applic*ble w"e,f. 1.9.0t3.T'he 3*$6 a*d 55$rowil

b* **lcuiat-erda.sis ireing dt:ns novi i"*. l-:asicpay t:f thc inctiuiclual * hyee wh*re

basic pav will inq:luclc thc pav in tlr.c pav b;tnd pius thc Ead* pav in Si-xtk Pny

exisrins prrcerit -qof pay eigmefltmay be continued in the pre$ent

remaini intact w.e.f. 1.X.20CI6"


] a {

tf.i "'
t r t l
#. I


ils,". S h 1

\ t
*''\ q} $
II Brief on reckoni of Additional Allowanee_as av for
alI ses includi comDutation of tiremen
nefitsof runnins staff on the I@
1. Additional Allowance of {1000/- p.m. to Loco Pilot (Mail) and of ( 5001 p.m. to
Loco pilot (passenger)and Mail Guard was introducedon the specific recommendationsof
the 6ft CPi containedin Para7.36.50of their report. The basic criteria for gtarfi of this
allowanceis the more onerousnatureof work as well as processof selectioninvolved. The
6ft CPC had recommendedthat DearnessAllowance shall be payableon this allowance.As
such additional allowancedoes not have any additive value for computationof retirement
benefitsof the concemedcategoriesof running staff.

2. of the 6thCPC containedin Para7.36.50of their report is as

The recommendations

"On accountof more onerousnature of work as well as processof selection

involved, Loco Pilots for passengertrains shall be given an additional
allowanceof { 500/-p.m. Loco Pilot for Mail/Expresstrainswill be given this
allowanceat the rate of { 1000/-p.m. DearnessAllowanceshall be payable
on this'allowance. The existing parity with cadre of Guards, for other
allowanbeslike running allowance,may also be retained in respect of this
allowancewhich is being recommendedfor the first time."

3. Based on the above recommendationsof the 6th CPC, the Additional Allowance to
Loco Pilot (Mail), Loco Pilot (Passenger)and Mail Guard has been introduced on the
Railwaysvide iloard's letterNo. PC-VI/2008/I/RSRP/I dt. 11.09.2008(Annexure-I). One of
the zonal railways had soughtclarification regardingreckoning of additional allowancefor
the purposeof computationof retirementbenefits. The Ministry of Railways clarified to all
the zonalrailwaysthat additionalallowanceis not to be taken into accountfor the purposeof
computationof retirementbenefits of the running staff, vide Board's letter no. E(P&A)II-
2008/RS-31dt.4.3.2009 (Annexure-Il). . "

4. However, the Federationshave consistentlybeing demandingthrough the fora of

PNM and JCM that Additional Allowance should be consideredas pay for all purposes
including computationof RetirementBenefits. Therefore,it was decidedto refer the caseto
the Ministry of Finance. In this regard,an OM no. E(P&A)II-2008/RS-31dt. 19.10.2010
(Annexure-Ill) was sentto the Ministry of Finance. Ministry of Financevide their OM no.
99lBVl20ll dt. I1.0420t1 and OM no. 70lBVl20l1 dt. 23.08.2011(Annexure-Iv & V)
have categoricallyclarified that additionalallowancewould not be reckonedfor the purpose
of calculation of pensionarybenefits of the categoriesof running staff eligible for this

5. In spite of conveyingthe clarification given by the Ministry of Financein this regard

the Federationswere not relenting in their demand. Subsequently,in the fora of DC/JCM fi
and PNM, it was decided that the matter may be referred to the Seventh CPC for their [\
recommendations on it. Hence,the matteris being referredto 7thCPC. lli

fr e'tlttu- z-
-- "

w&.{wvw'{ww EL&tK"W
&3k {Kep,h*
{Xq, W* eTeWS


3 *"?ui--\.'i,'X\jit#i EI [.+":;,.1&H'
:z Wtw;W!r;,Ilth,t*r*w*ai,3?t'Wo6utuu*l'r*r,Xffi
i i I* *".:';::r* i :,I lr.&
;:t:i.* *"vz:,;'{.|1:,u
+ ; i tri";l$ i!";til',"ruu;\, )ii,11
l l r i . u l l l i : i . i l l li ;I l t 1 i : -
i , i \ ' ; l l i : l : ; . l l * l i i : i , qi i : ; 9! ,

$x f.j**{ ; ${,*n
{lt*v fs*rc{f m3,.}
f"* l* s, k&&W
flqlnf{a}v}se*l%*,x**w *t pxy"

il*iiwt3; %*ral*,r:s tI{.*vii;*cltroy'l .lt*l*s. ?t}t:}W.
**Li.txxtjvittr* tt"fi,gt him
{r"{,3"f: qj;u{eq.i,+.s}..}.*{;tffi
m*tl lt:yvu*rd*d w]r,1t Ltai1w"Ay {3**r*,*c *ildc}r**rs:**t
i!*-l'r-'"vIi I tjt"4.*.ti}{}F,
iu"lt[:* arf:{:v*


,rivr::irvili i:c i."1r*,*,i 'iN:t;*
k*tliiri;ui]r:iu," r*vis*ri ytr. sL{Lx*ttta*
l'i;;,;tfl"**r9ia|*I'r;r;i{1:; ,";ir'1,.,,{
l yt <iI tltt: Xxt,u:,oitl;:y+t,

-i" $11 {:fi'tiirt':i"1{"uic{:',t:t\"I4tzitr,;t;,rzt

$*rvf,tt$ i}A.d
ii*ilii*$lr:,jq.)f';:*{ii:;it* l-,*f;t}i,*is*n L't*,r:;,yzt
*{'*w *Iilii}fi lvii} {:* tz.t1"t:|,trqstt,l,


}"*{:i*s p*rt;:ai.w,ittg
t* tlz*
iiili.1,r5'tli jtie\'.1'a";,;lj tr1t""/:i,';Ltr_i"Lt"r*
iXli, i]r1l1li*"nltnlr*
lyt ttl* I,ir"gl $f:{"f*d*i* {* t}te*
i"i,*:ir.:,;r q,i 3d*;i'rrW':i ttt:tzit3*itilr1 t 1;L:1'*.rr*.,""1\.*
tilsttvt:nnttr%*ll*deil*5;\ypl*p,x:t\ wil,Xt
if ;j . i4!i'"";. &tL' ':1":,-:tt,'it:ij 'i'it*ilr:
;t"r,,'r.\i*).\"-I:.*{'iirig l,;tt*r. rntz\ fu* rs*n:4*itr Llw
;iii,':''r:';u"t'ii ii:,"i.1',i';:t:
ii; th,: r,:',i*'.*4p*\,rtti;{,Lt.tyt}iik txi,:,l.\.2*trtt. "l"Nz*tj*.r.niL*,t}
l ';.;;ir;ii; t';ri:ti*i.1;1r.';;r'r1*;;;lu.tlt
*t;li'i tlt,:.ttt:trlg._i31_yyi.1,;1j,npy1z1;;ifi,*\_,
{iii Th* "llt$}*s i*'eAgr:*x-}i lvi}1hc rlpp{i*;*rh}* i;r *;lsss rvh*r* ih* {,i*v*rnm*nt iras
ilt *it*gs *:l' *pgrad* i{}n {}f ;:*sts an*{
;iirprr*v*ti **rlxliil r*pl**ri]1*{':itp;,ir.u*;"llr,'s"
eu pr'*,-*"*vi**r.f
$111*':#.\:r ;:*.v-scirl*$. flx*tt*n rrf p*e3'' ss Flrr:$*flih*{iim
rvili ti* *1q:n{:
\*{* Lrh xriot;l* i:*i{r\&'itLl[* ?{ ii *md i* thu*I]lnrl}t*i'inllirnied in i1}*s{r;rti*rt &
dFB r*spr:*riv*lr. i;rli th,* lixptr;tn*lur:,v -$4*n'l*r*ruqlum {* {h* Itailw*y 5*rviec}i
{ $t^*vis**{}mrvii4.uNes" :{X}fii.

rutryt:'f'tl:* vq:*r nfter in'lp1*m*nt{}ti{}***'thr:

#**s*qu*$tty, ilr th* e**e *{"*rutrrttlyccs
r**e{X'r6.1'stri**tur*. w}rs;sec$itle
t.irlls*n i.1.J.t)fiS.
inr:r*,xll*l;t inersmstlt *'iil he irl
*irst*,'n lke pr*-r*l'isecf

]n*r,*ls*ni iti t]"1*l*r'isr*c,[

{,}g fl.r;lriqrr*r:i'pity*in rh* *pSrlicahler:*visecJ b*nils *rltl gr'ied*ilil-\jfir in the pny

r*nl*. ris lhs {.]ii}irlT"lit}'l"u*p;ry irnq;lntlt:vti:***s ihr {1r*l**lnth tlf" *1lt***rh*r.t{}ilt{
{r.:nw;:g,;i:r*rirul*fl$*pt*rnh*r-{,}cts:hqr,:{}{ifi} niay he r-lr*wtlur"r*{ trl*itl*n tlr* h;lsir
*t'ih* rxvisu*lf;i:i $tr*rfit?.rr* it*d thr*;rpplicnh$*r;sil*iv{irtcc$ {h*rxs}rt*{ier deducti$ll
c'i{'#*r{l;J***r.i sirhsrrriprtiu$ t* the' $tert.o14iiilivnSl}n:vi*e*t li*lt* whie.hlqtiiXh*
*;.ilt**lftl*divilh l'cli:r,*ra**llr thr r*vis,*ttr$:*xir g:*-y" ili s*l f$r ** th* ernpl*y**s
,..vllu;i'r{p.rji*in*c} r"',6r".}rit**r },1"Jfifi4 ftr* rtln{:,#rrl*tj"t}i* *n$ran***icltei{}eti*n*
nliri*r itr* N*a. llera:;iein 5i*.h*ir:*lqlli h* **{*rriat*d""vithn*{t:r*n**tqtthc r*visE:cl
*risl*:p;r'i iltuil{"},,\ttierr*tul.

"lX*si,; g:ir',."in llr* r*vis*rl p*,v sru*tmr* rflea{l$t.}r*pil3"*{r;:w* i* th* pr"eserrih*d

#tli*r t.v-p**f pa5'
i:r.lyh;u:r"i1;!r;sf I;u *ppi;i**i:tr*gr*i.i* l3$3'h*t *loer n*t irt*Xusi*ft{'?y
tr:A;-. *tr:. in th* *As* elt -{-i*r.'*r*ln*n{
$crr,*r:{$itl thc;:n3'*e*[** *f
|1&q"i-+ pa"l.i* th,*pr*s*rih*d sq:m[*.
il*ii ;th*l'*. ir;lrl*:pli;' *'t{lt{l"l$the
14ilisir,;rv h* s*p*rixt*ly'in r*ntrr*cteif'tfic *r'r*iij:i;*{'pa.v ;l**i *l]c]wiilt*s*si:r
"ir*rvm 'l'h*
t*r* p*ri*4$ fl'{:rt:.!finllxrp'l- }t}{i{: tn ,'\lrgr";st 31.;il{}$, mg1gr*Snt* {t*'$:*flrs,
*jl*r ri*dx".t{ii*11
*rr,rr?:i:r-*,.*:ii 4j{:lrrhst:riptir.rn $t *t'lh;**lrult** r:r{'l{${.1}Hand N*r'v
{l*nli.;1"r5*:ti*.1;;*rrltli r'*t*rcrrr* t* tXl* r*vis*tl Fxy, fl1;:3' hc p{ti{* in twcl
i;:"s{$}[i']r{":**. b*ilrg r*$tr}{{*dt* <{il-l+ tif'th* *S$r*#iltt{l {}rfe{lur$"
{}H}{.)ri.i,'\{-}s i.vill fr'l$ltr*t}t*r *cti*n is {nksn si*lultnlle*usly in mgard
{r";{i*v*mr*r*nt'$*rt*tr{hrili*-l}1 *lihati*cc{*r"ibscri6rlii.:il.
t*wi}!"{:t$ #rd*rs ir: reg*rttrt*
th* p:l*1'lx#ft{{}:i'ji}rr**;rlni}lns{n}lnr*nt qrf.arr*;*r$ni}l h* iss***1s*p*rnl*1"v"

{vi} $ i :x i I l+r s,*rtr *l$''

t;,;ntl* I ;iilI i i] tt lts i ritji*tl**ij llhq:'-rltul3*irr: ittkctt Jirr 1l.r*trttthtll'i:lntli"r*
tlt,* r'*r is*1.[ p;i3 ***t *l?***ttttcct i:{" lftlit* *r;tpltr\*tiJ:i'"rtii{.}rr.' rlp:{llrusrnight lx,
4. "i'h*;,:"tifii rffit*,re*j
*11,*ilqll+,ilrr*r.rr. silfh ** }"r[*ql**]ie;l:l AJi*rqern**.'{.'r:alnsg:*nt
Ai}*lr**l*:i:, \Tt*.r:itr,l {l*mrp*mil*rtqtrv &-1tr*uq;m**e, $p**la}
llutv,q*$*rq';?iii"-*, trslx*e{5p**i;xl ri}e"rty Atrhnvitmr*, l-{*relf}ir{;,,&}ri*wlrficr*t* ra,illir* paliet
i:rrrr$:**i:v*13' rv"*.f. i.{-}.{-}S"&ir,*r*irrp.l3',nr LLrre'&{fi wil} h* pgici ilr r*spmr:tr:i' ih***
itll*w",;r*t:i**u.3"{cuix*1'*e',{},*mr**txAXilE.x.i,;irrcr *nri hi*el-Pua*gi*ing ,4}}*lvanuefb*"nredieai
t"t*lrli*r},s*plu'*tr*13'"l.\iJl il',r plt3,*h{*';v,*.'i,.1"X"2il{.i{:
c}r {r$i'srrh* date *f'
*f"ri ii,.i,ti.

$" With * rii:rv i# xxg:*r-iiti:-lg li:* il*th*ri?eli*n *r*c{elis{:ur$rfit*}rt {'.rf'*rr*i*r"$.

it hah
h**si rir*tid*ciii:;it tfur snn*;r ttr'aiwr,$lrr{it_t'hcp*id rv[tk*L]tN]rr-*h*{:k*:f i}r* {iN*rtl*n*f play
imthr:r*l'i*q:r.i "l'tw
ll{"gr:r3.. 1*r:ilit3tr: riishunsci}rf1*;lr$ lvith*mtpr*.-*h*ck*l flxmti*ll
*;'p*}- ru;ltilr*t" hq"rlltlr,*r*h* ril*i1;rhl* i* r*up*r:$rtf' *l*tl$* {i{l\*rnrnrnt $#rruslmtE x#h*
ii;lv* r*ii:teiltivh**J bcrxiL* tlt1iI{{riunI rl{'a:lisn'iisuil" rc:;Ign*ti*n,e]isch;lrge, r*tlrfr{Ttiint
*l{*r th* 'J;lt* lm5;fu:m*nt**{it:* fif t}r* F*11":
re*$lnr}r*nrJ;rtirin* [:*t
i:*i{:::s {h* ;il"*g:iin*{i,irl"t
;lncl *iri*i'r,*l*{'ths *l"tro,}.{:
*lairns" *s nrltr amin r*strr**ilt al,lt}l#s*
*mrJ:l*vm*s rvl:r;h**i *x.;rir'*rJ i:rl*r r* c.rer"*i*ingth*ir ttpririn {irr t}r* drmrvaltll"n:ayin tt"r*

*. ttt *rd*r [r; *rt*r"lr* c*Tt"r:*,i,nndr.]i:;{*m"ltia:fix*ti{xr *f'6tt*y itt fh* r*visr:d pn"v
* }}r*{llnn* i*a liir* q}ili"p{.ret'
:iii{;{-rii'irtr" {Siiiltcm*fi1t:t'}:i"qa[i*nwl'Y,aj] i* un*]*g*c,{{Ann*x-
{.::, i}:* xt*t*ltt*nt xhrx;li.{?r* pr*par*d inl.r"rXtltr.irLt;nlil *rs *ttyty Lh*r*fl}"s}rctuldfu* Bu*t*ri
irt iFi* 'oi*rvir:* iY*tth *i"tl'r..;${*i{eva3,i:mpkry**. th* $sjil*ix{[*tjp,j'k"r:pt fbr u{'fu+;t* r***nei an*J
th* rhirel to,t1sy1"'t3 'L
hr' :1,**r{t* {h* ,&*f;*nntr {,}flje*n ii:g p*st *h*e }s.. he i*stntrlr;renL*i
$?*ii?'ti{ss.&l}lnq;e****iillit#{.;ilrx*{.[ fr#r'r1 i"7.;ii#S qwr+ards i* tha; pr*s*nl rs*;tl* rvill h*
*tt$ii,rst*tJ ;l;;l;eirr;xti:* jnst*llrn*,nt* &" I]r:;trn*:i$ :\[]s,;1"1,'ar"tr,* un*l*r r*vised fbrmutril ir*
9 {":,i}jijL:i}rx}'r
l"f:* ;rrl'***fl p*1' y,a;zl*,s.
{ * i' r*v i si*t'l *.1'f'

l" $'h*:';*r;ir"urrtt*:eli i.:f 6:r**-*;l**r:k

*f"p*r3,lis*tfu:n havinE trt**tztlisyt**r*rrel r'-,itlr*it is ntt
*ttlih*it' ;lu*t th* ;iril#iit's *tt*. irt $lir'{x*ilii$.1t5rl'r;i} he *l'rnrpl.lteii in*t,r*:*a{{y l*ei<.11*g lp
*vf,lrp;lY-r'r]*nxs r1;;riruigllt lsttz'*,\q:1h'l::
rrc*qr*r*ci suh**e1*etttl;-*, urffir"sir.l**L llis!:*rsing
t.){ill*rs sh*erli*, th+'ir*iiir"*.rnil$q*it rt*ilr t* th*l *nlptrl3'*cs umcl*r ttrri:ir ae$min}stira{lv*
'"viliI* il$:lhtlrxi*g {hf *{rr'ar;t. {hfit llt* ysvyyntntlt.s
,i-:r.,'tri**trr irr:r h*ing r:r;rile subj{q;t t*
;l*,i**tnrr:ni trilq)lB :li'tirc":i.r{tl.t
tltt}f t*u3'h* r:fu*{r.:tt"l'-n:nilhs*r-1{Jr:nflrlr
sh**?ii a*3,,dixe;r*p#f*l*sa
h* tt*ti***J i*Xt:r, l:*n thil" lli,tri-uls*,i$\ Ltt\Ll*rti:xking itt*y, *Xsi: h* *ttt*itt** in u'ritittg f"r*m
*\'*.r")' *ffilpleiir:* ;*l f{t* lirit* {r$'*{lshirr.r*rnr:ll{r}f'th* :lrr*ilrx,'p*y, ;im*{ all*ivxn*el; tr{rr
h*pt*rxh*r. :{}i}fi {lr*: v;ilg* p*r"it:#**' $*pt**ih*r {}u{*h*rirrr ih* *l"fd*t lh*t *ny #K**ss
$3i}3'$fi**'ri tltat nt;*r h* }q}xu*i trEriraa',;h**n rer;ld* as ;l *:**1..1}{ q:fliil}crrfc*t. +,7N*ti***;l,f tn
{i}i: r*v}**i-i r;s:x[*str.fii lr,; f*fr.anqrf*rj h,l. illm t{;}{1ftr,*rffilxent*tlt*yh3,r*cfi*5tt"r.i*nnn,g;li*str
ft:Ii*t* f:i?!iil*ir{;:{{,1{,*{?irrFilis*. t\ s1t*t;tr***tfilenr *:f t}rc untl*rfl;lkin i* atls* *rr*[*g*d
i , & m n * sl ]- i .

$" !nt:tv,nt:j*,r; rfL;*Ill;iv;.}is{:h* il*ilLrcf*cjiul* *rgC{itedtir

iir,'.1:ipiltt: ilt"i'{..';;l"s.
il; *;-iiii,;
i.r{}!dt"{t?}irr"rl nrilil
}l} ;rr.:u.*i}.'",ixft1.# ih* inl{r.**"li*rls r:rr ii"rf t;ul:yt:c\" ht uz*,*,il {j*v*rnnr**it
sf;4.;*r;{l'"i;:*ii*ntLrii*l:*"rit lti'! iiilr*;ir"sirt hir }it*tc }tailxa"r-l}r{,tbv1*i*rtt
[]r*rnr*v h* p**"rr:i9lr:r]

E" *ptl$ns. tl{tl4}llll*r rirutrq**l

{}* rr***ipt er{'tlr{*ffisn*xssltrY ci* iirl*#'rs
$ilaHrlclh,* **tttpl*t*e* l*vrr*l*e{lmt*$y.

l{}. { {irsrjiv{lr$ld},l fl*1tr*lu'"


Xl*y ffeimmission,'
Itaihv*v ll*ard,

e m"fil{"1-W$i?{;}fft$l N X)*ih**'.T*t*d /l'{}9.3{}{}{*

{Jmpy{"w,fi{};* fu mrdsci
mp*ar,*u} Bnlhi'
t* ttt*.,L"I}.A.{",

$j$]f}l I liiew ffe*fui, q**r**d ll "09,?fl{}{*

il*p3- tu f*;-

t. {;,q&{'*,^{"t:iit.t'jiZlI "lntii;ytT4itjl;.y;itZ,:;,l^\t1{'tr,\U,
L}i.!U.l*T, Wfux*4 M.
!..ti,u:i:"*,rt:-i.lll:,i**:uitut: h4'T"N3 i&'! htl*mibal&.
lri) h4*i:"c}l+"*ifrv*r3'
c.-ir1*ffifini l{.a}c*llni 1.*'}t{.}l;lv|*W" {lrliig*, Slew l)*rlnri{}}
d-:*$th.ia fi ;x|z
;tit*t! .
ilA&.LiA{..}xtr.r.r*rt.} #i i:*'tn*r*Nb'\4txt1'a\'*tr irrerntisr
iC*rr*{.} {ll} llcrrfit*:irst.
l{;ilifuv*y" {.irervrch*Ci an*{{h} $**t}r*rl* [tailrvii,t.l1;rrrg*]g1e .
^ "{'ir,* {:}1fi*r*r'"
i};r-vft. Afi#{.}{.}rl{$ t4aiiw;iy n4ai}
Y:4,ttttt\. }3lra***l:1, N*'n ll*}iri.
r 4 *'?"tr*,: 1*rr*1iir5.I l{{...&,/h,iew }X*l}ti "
t**{*ty, }".ilc}cn*1&'.
i g! iallt*i'. X?s i I rv * y*
. Ti"'c.:i.'ctt;-rt-x";
'i'1:r,: f{crad,N
'ti lyi;a*xgilig l-3ir**ri*ri {;r} i{l'}"il$, 1'.lslqffi*lhi }'i*t*ss. 27, L3arl;.kl*mmb;*
[.]q]{hi *ffig{tlr; lffi.{:A,lhi, ?';rlikaf::}}r#!si{ft, hi*sr l}*}{ti (*) tlHI.q.
ft.K, *}ffiflitr"11,
$mtl$;rqllrn6 $t*ti*r"r.{'1h*ll*$;}'ftPtrt:{,
$4"13'. it*l! Il*lhi{d} t{4$;{ q*i {:{"}Fi{l{}i{.tJ'lftttrini,tcl'
'T'fu* Setq il*}ttl.
?. {.lh*airr**ir-*r*nl*l\,$fir}*fii{rfi ilif*r{$r, K*nkan ltrrthva3,"fl*rp*r*ti*n.
s. t')iflw*inc" {.}***r"*1.R $}$c-}*knrlw' "
$ " .i*int 1")ir*ulrtr ilrilutttt"*i, i{l}${ }. {,ilckilfiw,
rq),'H'h*{}ir**rr}r{i}} {}tlF.llhi-Na*i}q-th} i}tiill:il, X]e;n*(*] ]$A{tulti}'i".{**talpur {d} l[(lSfif.
$** *sirt* r/j{h;r.{'{.
i i " "n'ir*Prli"ici prtl. lt * i i * ;r3'$t ;ri"t'{""q.i $*g*, V *t}+:d ;rr:r
'l'h* ld*r'vf}*lhl'
1;. {-lh;rirl:l**,}t{"*h 5;l{:lra li*rr*lilriar-
i]" ui rrtr*$, ffi.l{"'l',{..ih
{.1trr ** twli.
{ ,it t'ilxiirilx*. i1t-"1'"
'tr'hr-: l]nngitl*r:";,T\ltttpnl"t]h*hnnr;r*'htv*r'
i5. {."}r*}*r*ill:it}{h4i4i*ri:r. Ah*r**nl;ittJ"&[i;lh*l".;iti[.
{Jh;rrt#igxrh"L"hs:ilplti" {l*ir.:*tt*. -[*rrr*'u:, t)n'tax|z*t"i.h4aldit' }v{u*ltb*li*
h.,'hurrr$]nr$gr'. f};+t*li.{t;uti:tr1i, S**riauJ*r*hittiizrtdl-r"iv;zrtdrtttv't'
1{r."$"trie {,*nc.r"alh"t;iru*p1*r" {ae}{.1"9".}.$t"$\ll*trulh;ri} [t"*ilw;ayr'{"Jt*k;t^*La.
$7"'X'h* $:'.r.i
al{}r. L$}T *rt }{
i-u,'a *rI}'"
XS"T1'r* $:idltq:r. "tru:Nl*n $4*i?ivllys'"
1-ri"'Ih*{l hmIrnri*m " F ;a***ng*r $ ervie*s fll*tri
*,{}.fu$*rtl4:*r, fi i**seng*r A m*n i t Iclt {,1*mnrltt,**.
3l.'{*h*il",e"ffi{g} {"{}{}ilha#\tu. $ricig*.Ncw i}elhi'
t? ""{'hc{-}ir**tq:r, {l e l\'{T'fi il f {lfi wti} iqir,
?3."{"h* L1".4.#{m}hrlT.$}{*g}lMumhai th} h1"f'l}{S)lilh*nnml"
?.f.*flir* *,f'th* *"lhi*f'Fr*i*r;tAelrtriniEtrnt*r {"1'**r*c*m},}rrdinn$tatilr'vuy Ll:n{.rai
{}rgemisi*ir:n {i:r"fe}r**r:r iltlnsr*lf*n*y,Shiv*}i l3ric{g*m,l{ew ffi{:lhi"
l$"Th* Uhief h'ti*i*:6&dvili*r, P',tinistry t{'Kailw;ry" ffihrlnhtld.
*S.Thr*{,:.,4"{,}.{frtlnut},{i *ntr*ttr}t * i iwrey,M r*mhn[ .
lT."i"tr*{"1ul**el {"}f'fiu*t'" Vith {.":f}{-1" ,4it indixn }{.*il'nrllvs **d Pil$lIt"ffi$#l'Ir s.Ingtitutes
h 1*rrr,;ffi*i tw,my'l{ "{.}il h4{"}\\ r'{-(.}[4{:'KS{..]r:te,
t S.i..:'ri* f"h'ti* in6 "&, u'i $#r, h.t!n i utr"v- *{' ${niIvaavs'
$1-tx:{t* }x9} }t ;ti hva.l'*/{l* |*u t {;r"
i r*irt*r{ h",it
??. I'l:* i."lr

{ u-K"'rxwAffiI}
Frpug fflre*$*rn F:*y il*:lmrnissitln
H.*ifra*ly ffiamml

} j 9,4,NHq-8-
,1a;.*ri .' t {l},4.:!4}rui i fi q**f*t*Ii " ft9,?tXi$
H*w f,)etrh{n

{-upy f* *rs$sd$m:*
"{'tt*fir**r*ru*t$ii****ti*r3,. N*w l}sXhl{witlr 35 tp*r*si
N}}1ft, i, Ctrelftrsfi.rrql
T'het]*r"r*rnl$**r*.{ury,AI}{.}?-4. $tutc Koad.
lirrln3, i'iew $ethi {with }5 spi*rs)
{J*rg:yt* s{l fiiixrih*rs *f the .hJ*rtitlnaX ileruncitr,|}ep*rtruentafCr:uneil ttncl$ecr*tnnySrnff Slel*,
hix*{,i*nm$ t'oil**il, }}-{J- flsrtlnshnh}tqrnd-?qe\kffi#}i}l{rvith S* spar*s).

f,{eere artf.
{J*gx.v f* l-
$. t}*n*r*1- l'****r:rtiiw *f {taihu,'lr_v
$**.rreli:;lr.r. l}f'{ier*rs'As:t,:hiiirtltin"
:" i:* $**r*tiirv- ${*lifw-m,v l$*xa"i} li**r"**{*rin{$*rvic*. {}ruup'A'{}{J**ersitrssn*tattcl}f'1.
.t. $*e;r*t*rI {-l*m*r*i"}ilr{i;xlit*iilv*3' }}r*nt*t*r*i}tttr**r* ilec1*r;tti*n.
,4. 'j["h*l{}r**iil**l.$t;iilrr,i;31}**rrl{"]l;tst}i $fiI**rs A*sq:rci*ti*ll,
:. &'4}*ist*rini
$*qJ{'*tlerv",lt;tiln*r3'l}ct*rurf Strrfll;\s**ciii{i*ll.
{i. "{"h* 1{**:'*1;*r3.,
ltaiir'ti*viio;lrtl {-liai:+i\ Stii*'&*s**i#tic}tl.
?, {.'l*ssli {-}llie:*:rs
itldi*rl ld;tili'-;r3'l
{:*r*'ri" Ass*t'i*{i*rrft'

: {.1${^ll-
-$r.iri:$*iilii)l$x,'i3$n1il,4"* iij{":*S/3$,h4'l', h'lil, 541-,hth.1,r\!l Aikl}d*niel &4*ffih*r"s. i}{iitrtN$,
i.)i-iii?.lril. ilire*t*rl" JS. "n${{"1).,}H{Li}^,}$'i.]'""i$it)}. ffi${il}"il;}pC."t$"JL}A;'il-*,
;l)l:iif&,,4]" {,.}Fr{il:};
tri"lii. ,}l}ii{{.}" I,
ili}}::{{.lti it k ltrl, }"}|;{W}/lt;eiiuay
l"}t}h.'h,'}{, E}**r*i-
- {, l[,
lii& ]V $:h:*g*r" i** ill.i:t{.i}.i:rH{i}l{g ll. l}{.:-11tr
L.i;i:r,li.r\j &. ?\t.[:{'}'ril.}-",
il{{""R}}-* },. F;{{;]}-1, {tr},
&,*fr'ririlllil. il.ff;,{-1,
$n:ciililtttl'r\.}i,l\i. v & lttriK;rilrv*3, l}*;irii.

MI{$'} Sr{"-*"{fii*.Jff


i'*r p**ltx *;a i;l6 *cmfies $:r {ir*w;l '{-}'. uil', 'S' {\k 'J&.', rlxc*pt p*rits fnr
K*vir***{ $}'ry $i{}x"*,r?i;$"x'u
l.rrh*ch dif$sren* rt*vi*ec{ p*y stn**tr*rc is xrstifi*u$ s*parat*ly.


Grade Fay



I l: ii\jt:tr' ;! : ) '1
"" t..:,.:,.:

I r'.
i i ":!r i"i ii.l
r l,q i ii-l't
i r
, ,i't i t-:lI . " . t l ;
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r| . - . , r ' i ' * * - .
'":u : .l)".{^'{ i , ;.rti,lr,.ni;it.; it iilrl 1
, I ;'":ti ':i
, l t',iliil-.ilij ji t{)ll. ,
i ' - " :
' t t;'
,,- i :l'. : i*"ltl.:;tJ,::il'.JililiJil I
' .^..1,': ' .' i rl : r , { 1 \ " lI
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i i5.." t
i l j
?6 $*? ? &5{}-2SSS0 }{AG+ $cais ?5l;ft{)- {irr"'lrr.r;r} Nil
i:t*rtv:rt'n [. ;:: 3%";
')'f NiT
$-33 0 {FlxeS} Apex Sc S0SOfi


of Group'B'gnz*tted. F
*f Ruilwnyservants in group'Doo'C'o *B' & 'A' on thebnsis
nf theexlstingsen!*sof pay wiltrcsntinuein the revisedpey struct$retill furth*rnrders
exs*ptes may be speeifiu*llyprestrlbed*th*rwi*e by Mi*istry of R*ilways(Rail y
S*mrd).l.{* *hangein theelassi$cstionsh*xldbs madein the revisedscatres"

$*ctian II

Fay in the
Sr*de Fav Band Total
t, s,830 7 f r
?,ils0 6, fi,4S0
?,4SS 7"51# g,91il
2,S00 s.ss0 11,360

Fap*n tfu*
S*nd at
T5, 21,
t ' ,{:t{}1"': 1S, 25,
;,{i{lil ?1" 29
$t-N i
Fr ut $csle Irrvr$s ruy lfond & Cr*de Fsv H*m*
jxiame tlf Corrsg ding {irad* pwy
F*y *$rsr*q$ p*y b**d*{Rs}
T 3 4 5 41

{ii s5r}0-tssos pE-? 9300^348CI0 45{}0
t 1

iil ChiefTiekerln cfor

PS-? 93 3/tfi0* 4fi$o

{i} Chiof H*quiry& Reseryeti**l

S rvfssr s5$s-{CI50s IIF-2 $3t}0-3-{Sfi$ {}

1.4 #q.aerchll*gmsto,?*;
{r} Cpmrnl"lnspwtor Grade-lf ss$s-tCI$ffi) pH-? 93 4ErX)
{Mffi*ri Cl*im# Rarscl

{}} *-.swA**i dsff;l-frls$t) p$-3 e3$CI.34 4s{}t)
ti) ehiet'Fublt*iry{nspecmr
ssfis-rs$(}{i PB.: 9',"}{}#-3"{S{}r} 4StX)

{i} ffhl*f C:rteril"lg

In*p**r*r s$li$*
t{}so$ pr}_, ql{}{}-3.1$fi$


;it r",ry^-
" $tmi* n $i$,$*ri
n{*{.r{i*,ltr 65t)CI-
tfis{.}t) q:iii$-J4*{X}
$38-; ,16(i0

r,% Posf Fxc*en*

(Rs.) Rcms

ruf flrlr*.*uXr**lding Crad* Fay
{t*7 {&rat*ttr pr*y lr*wd*{t{*j
I ,
3 * s s 7
Impw$nit sf endsf tftk .Ann+xrre

{i} 65 t050s
Sy. C'hi*f*o$rol{qr
93ffi-t48$0 46$0

? l

{r} o Pil*t (Mnit) 9*{i0 PH.3

s3$0-34800 420il i) Addition#
Allc Rs.t(SO/_
{ii} $CI{)s98S$
$r. h4 sn
{iii} PB.? 93#0-3,t8 4l{|0
n 550S-9{i00
L,oeoPilor{$ 7{iradc_} sssCI-90r]CI
(vJ ps-t 9300-34S
5S "$r0$ i) tr{e
{vii l-ocoPilot (shunring)Grade{ ss 8g(}0 Pil.2
3.? TnAFFtc RtrF{Nrs{c"

:.:,:tillj'.*{trti\l; i) ,4e{ditir*rlill
1'1i,{}-}[}r"r4,l Kr"5i?$-pm.

{'ili} r diuxrd pE-3 93S$-34*

i{ii}{}"$(i{}{l . 4ru& ilrn*rg*11


{* s5 f{.}5{i0
S*ctiun$:r*gin*er rl$-? $:i{}{}_.t48tx} .$6*0
l i l

f i) $h {l}rxu.!p6,f}**ign} s5{itill$5t}$ )
i}$".? q3rlrl-t4gc{?


tirn&* Vxv
Pny d
f T
ut,q; sG* lyO&H, St gfid 'f,fhinAruexure ?


{i} 65SS-t$$0s
pB-? 9JS 48$0 4S0S
il"?ilil!-3"{fi{}{i 460s
"t{}50$ Ps_? q-iiui-].4fr{}{} .l

ti) s$0s-tfl5$0
PB.? 930s-348$CI 460S

! i !
tinn Engineer
65$0-tss$& P 348t){} 4rt$0
di. !

6$ t05{X} pR-2 $3 34SS& 4600

rCI_{00 Fts-? exil_3480ft 4601)
$ t

n $ng:lnerr{l_u*t$ -
65$0-t$s*s F&-2 pi00.3d80CI .{{ioo

t$s(}ti Ft]*} rli j4S{}*1
. "$6t]$


rT.N P*sr Prereuf$cnk ll*v**srI lt$y fis

iqa*n* #f { "ul'nertrtr*n**l*g;tlz"itd* Lut*,y
*r*y l&amr:l
3rmy{r*r*ds1*+^+1, l44t*.]
I ?
"5 5 6
lrmprfi*n*: See H*f*s st end 0f
fhi* Annrxur*


tl] $S {tr}raw{n esign} 650{}-1{}5$fi *lE-? S30S-348SS 46{rS


{ij {i5{.}*.
Pff-? ?3tlr)_34 4f#s


iii 65{H-t*5{H} ,}B_: 9300,348$S 46$0

tr) 6$00-r{}5txl PS-? 93fi0-3,t80s -$sfi{}
i { } " i MinfursrialslfcfT{*tber
f&n* $ilHS t}spertm*rwt}

{i} ss{)CI-tfls&i) p8_? 93* *{}t) 460r)

I i

{'} 6500-'$s{}CI
PII-2 s3{i{)-3.{S{}0 46il$

{ 2 "}
{i;} $xp*ni*rt*nd**r{T"im*
i"'i:':ptillir i i-r-,il{1",:1i:'1;1
l:'l*^: o.:i$rl*34gili) 4Srli)


$"F{ t Frccemf is
r l
&iri"t\* *{ ( rrrr*:*p*lnr{ixrg
fnlal' ff.uslat$
trts} {$rr.}
3 d 5 6 F

In*B*rtnnt: lt*r*cs*t *nd of thie Annexsr*

ti) C tatrle .iii.i{}"""}

i'i{i ps-t x{i$-:*"t{l{} 3$0t)
{ii} le t ):.{ii}-41}t1* pB-t l;': tJ{.
:.t143 ?'{Sil
1ru) 4#$G_S{Jilq} * 5:{}#-:i}l{}* ?8CI0
{iv} r I
| i,i(]i) PB.? fSil*-341{ftt} 46SS

65 I{}JS0 PS-? 93 348S* 4600

t4.? Se*tionllngineer( $*signi
65 ISSSS pm-? 93 348$S ..{6S0
r4"3 ha*c*l
pB,z 93 4gsCI 4$8$

,4."r It{,lLC D$ krrrtr

PS-? 930S_348110 4SS$

m $y"
in Fsyllsnd3 *rn*gwi{hfim*fi$ns.
*f ftmrrion*
a*}so r*ur ,Jesi
4) Ke*tlffintegtitxti**r *f th* lii:'th
csrrtrul Pa,v("onrnlissi*n iw pay .v:ale*
fhr *e**in othur cu ries ;*reurr<Icr

tf, {amq MrNrsrRy oF RArLwAys
(ftra qlg RArLwAy BoARD)
I New Delhi, dated t1-2009.
The GeneralManager,
All IndianRailways& Prod. Units etc.
(As per mailing lists No.l&il).

subject : Reckoning of Additionar artowance for the purpose of

computation of retirementbenefits - clarification thereof.
One of the Zonal Rai|wayshavesoughtclarification regardingreckoningof additional
allowancegranted to Loco Pilot (Mail), Loco Pilot (Passenger)Jnd Mail Guard for the
purposeof computationsof their retirementbenefits.
2. The matter has been examined in detrailby the Board and it is advised that the
AdditionalAllowance grantedto LocoPilot(Mail),t-ocopitot(Passenger) and MailGuardvide
thisMinistry'sletterNo.PC-V112008/|/RSRP/1 dated11.9.2008is not-tobe takenintoaccount
for the purposeof computationof their retirementbenefits.
3. Pleaseacknowledgereceipt.
4. '
lhis disposesof South EasternRailway'sletterNo.Sr.AFA(PC)/6thPC/Clarification/34

( SalimMd. Ahmad)
Deputy Dircctor/E(P&A)lll,
No.E(P&A)ll-2008/RS-31 New Delhl, dated q -3-2009.
(i) FA&CAOsAllIndianRailways& Prod.Unitsetc.
(iD The ChiefCommissionerof RaitwaySafety,16,AshokRoad, Lucknow.

-.'t4" f=.J";* +L_1.

(SalimMd. Ahmad)
Deputy Dircctor/E(P&A)lll,
No.E(P&A)|l-2008/RS-31 New Delhi, dated q -3-2009.
Copy(with40 spares)forwardedto the DeputyComptroller
& AuditorGeneralofIndia,Room
No.222,RailBhawan, New Delhi.

U . /
For FinancialCommissioner/Railways.

:TRd. TRi5',rt GOVERNMENT OF INDIA A nn e*utu
(iora qig RArLtvAyBoARD)

No.E(P&A)ll-2008/RS-31 New Delhi, dated 19-10-2010.


Sub: Requestfor reckoningthe Additional Allowance grantedto Loco Pilot

(Mail), Loco Pilot (passenger)& Mail Guard for the purpose
cornputationof retirementbenefits.

1. The undersigned is directedto refer to the recommendations

of the 6,hCpC
in Para7.36.50of theirreportwhereinthefollowingwasobserved:-

"On accountof moreonerousnatureof work aswell asprocessof selectiorr

involved,Loco Pilots for passengertrains shall be giu.n an additional
allowanceof ( 500 p.m. Loco_Pilotfor mail/express irains will be given
this allgwanceat the rate of ( t000 p.m. Dearnessallowanceshall be
payabld'onthis allowance.The existing parity with cadreof Guards,for
otherallowances-like runningallowance,may alsobe retainedin respectof
which is beingrecommended for the first time.,'
2. Basedon the aboverecommendations of 6thCPC, the AdclitionalAllowanceto
Loco Pilot (Mail), Loco Pilot (Passenger)
and Mail Guardhas beenintroducedon the
Railways vide Board's letter No. .?c-\'1.1008/I/RSRP/I dated l1-0g-200g(cr,py
enclosed)'The staff side on Railways'his ir;en insistingon reckoningof Additio:1al
Allowancefor thepurposeof computation of retirement benefits.
3. Ministry of Railwaysis of the view that as the 6thCPC had recommended that .
only DearnessAllowanceshallbe payableon this allowance,the AdditionalAllowance
doesnot haveany additivevaluefor computation of retirementbenefitsof the concerned
of runningstaff.

4. Ministry of Financeare,thereforerequested to considerthe matter and advise in

the light of the abovefactswhetherthe AdditionalAllowance can be reckoned
for the
pulposeof computation.of retirementbenefitsof the categoriesof Running Staff eligible
for this Allowance.

Encl : As above.
-tvJ,, (-_ t, *At__lr.
,e4 (SalimMd. Ahmed)
r, rlr'rldJ9
-. -1 DeputyDirector E(P&A)III
EII(B) Section, "t;1.' \ "- L'-ciosur-
Department of
Ministry of Finance,
North Block, New

F-IS - lz ttrf >o,' - DP {-?;AJ'i
Governmentof India
Ministry of Finance flnnew-uu'F
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi,the, ll April, 20tl

Sub.iect:Requestfor reckoning
the Additional Allowance granted
(Mail), r oco pilot (passenger) to Loco pilot
& Mail Guard for the pulpose
computation of retirementbenefits. of

Ministry of Railways
to whether the Additional
Allowance be reckoned for the
retirementbenefitsof the"u' purpose of
categoriesof running staff erigible
;:T:,lrflT.of for

2' The proposalhas beenexamined

in the Departmentof Expenditure.
this regardit is intimatedthat In
AdditionalAllowancewhich is
Loco Pilotsis by way of specialpay. beingpaid to the
The speciar payhasceasedto
for thepurposeof calculationof be recrioned
Pensionary blnefits afterJanuary1, 19g6. The
cPC had also recommended 5th
that special payshourdbe re-designated
allowanceand this addition to pay as special
should be sue generisand should
reckonedfor any other benefit, not be
suchas dearnessailowance,HRA,
allowances, pension,gratuityetc. compensatory

3' IWo Railwaysis therefore,advised

thatthe AdditionalAllowance
not be reckoned
--^Y$ ^vr
for tlfe
u'w pLrrpuse
purpose or
0 of computation of retirement
retiremenr benefits
henefiro of
nr +L^
of runningstaff the
" ;..F"ries eligibleforthisuilo*un",
( SiddharthShanna)
Shri SalimMd. Ahmed,
Deputy Dir,ectorE (p&A) III,
Railway Board,
Rail Bhawan,New Delhi.

fi "

.s-.NC, t-a6,
e6as / G F
\ / ? _ - r ,-.b D 6 [ f l i A ) \ r i r
^ li -, .N- ^ .. . A 6^ n

Governmentof India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi, thep3lfuugust,20ll


bject : Requesr fr r reckoning tiid*Aridiridn?r-A-iiowance gr-antedto Loco Piiot

(Mail), Loco Pilot (passenger)& Mail Guard for the purpose of
computationof retirementbenefits.

Ministry of
.Railwaysmay kindly refer to their o.M. No. E(p&A)II-
2008/RS-31dated 26'h ApriI, 20ll seekingclarificationon the admissibilitvof
allowanceon additionalallowance.
2. In this regardit is clarified that paymentof DearnessAllowanceon
additional allowance is a specific recommendation of the 6th Central pu|
Commission. However,the additionalallowancewouldnot be reckoned- for the
pu{pose of calculation of pensionary benefits of the categories of running
eligible for this allowance. r

( Siddharth Sharma)
Director (A)

ShriSalimMd. Ahmed,
DeputyDirectorE (P&A) III,
Rail Bhawan.New Delhi.

II Brief on revision of Breakdown Allowance (BDA)
sranted to eligible Breakdown Staff on the Indian
1. The provisions on BDA are contained in Rule 1420 of the Indian Railway
EstablishmentCode Volume-Il (1987). A Copy of Rule 1420-IREC-II is enclosedas

1.2 BDA was admissibleon the railways during the pre-Independence era, however, it
was discontinuedin 1947as no justification was found for giving this additionalbenefit. On
the demand from the railway administrations"it was reintroducedin 1953 and it is still

1.3 The intention behind grarfi of BDA is for getting earmarkedmen to turn out
immediatelyon receiptof the breakdowncall evenat the cost of their leisuretimes. It is thus
a kind of a 'retainer feet for restrictionon free utilization of leisurehours of the earmarked
staff. Besides,other concessionslike supply of food/cashin lieu of food , TA/DA, OT and
quarteron priority are also availableto suchearmarkedemployee.

1.4 The earmarkedstaff perform breakdownduties only at the time of a breakdown. If,
fortunately, there is no breakdownthe earmarkedstaff are not required to perform such
duties. This BDA is subject to review by the controlling officer in the event of a staff
member failing to report for breakdownduty within the stipulatedtime. However, as per
Rule 1420 (t)(D(a) of IREC-IUI987 BreakdownAllowance is treated as compensatory
allowancefor all purposes.

1.5 It is also worth mentioningthat for breakdownduties,staff otherthan earmarkedstaff

are also called to attendto breakdownduties. The dutiesperformedby the earmarkedstaff
are same as those performed by the staff who are not earmarkedbut are conscriptedfor

1.6 Sincethe reintroductionof BDA in 1953the rateshave been revisedsix times till
date. A table showing the revision of the rates of BDA and the trend in the revision of the
ratesof BDA in the past is shownin Annexure-Il.

2. After the recommendationof the Sixth CPC a Committeeof five SAG level officers
was constitutedto recor4lrnend on the revision of ratesof BDA. The Committeenoted that
the Sixth CPC did not make any specific recommendationsin respectof BDA in its report,
but in its para 4.2.8I, the Commissionmade a generalrecommendation that the rates of
allowancespecific to different Ministries/Deptts./Organizationsnot coveredin their report
shouldbe doubled. The Commissionfurther recommendedthat the ratesof suchallowances
shouldbe increasedby 25%6everytime the DA payableon revisedpay scalesgoesup by
50Yoandtheserecommendations were acceptedby the Govemment.

2.I Therefore,basedon the recommendations of Sixth CPC,the Committeeof five EDs

recomrnel]ded(Annexure-Il| that the ratesof BDA may alsobe doubledand be increasedby
payableon.revisedpay scalesg!.esup oy 50oh' However' there
2,5oh everytimethe DA ;;:. *:**iF
nounanimity ir'"Rdui'ers
if.:fffiT::, (HAG
?i;i6 revel)
gln 't'o"lO Ut enhancedas recommended
Committeerecommended goutA" tetter-No' E(P&A)II-20071F8-413dt'
by the EDs Committee. Consequ."if',
was issued(Annexure-V)'

3 . H o w e v e r , t h e M e c h a n i c a l E n g g . D i r e con
t o raasteefl*t"ur.
t e l | t t r e M i n iin
s t rthe f R a i lof
y o rates wa y s wviz'
BDA erenot
rates and have beenlsisting
satisfiedwith the
800/- for staff in PB-z'
Rs. 400/- for staff ;PB-i andRs'

3.1 The MechanicalEngg' I

staff for ensuringthat theYturn
for turning out of an AccidentB
BD staff has to be in a constant
of movementoutsidenon
reportingfor BD i"titt' The freedom BD staff' for which t
becomesu"ry r","ioint fot the nominated
the paYmentof BDA'

3.2 The Mechanical Engin

alreadYvery meagerand mere
unskilied workers, a BDA oI
minimum emolumentsof a .an forfeiture of this meager
required for an employee-to D duty.
amount act as a deterrentfor a

3.3 rheMechanicar :: $"ijffTH#"ffi
quite su
admissibletoday is stabled, is
,,hereihe RR1 is
e to be factored in to make
t UVrtt. nominatedBD staff
* ut ttt. efficiency with
in reporting for BD dutiesu,
any way'
ot get dilute-dor diminishedin

4 . H o w e v e r , t h e P a y C o m m i s s i o n D i r eischigher
t o r a t e,h;;;h; f R a i l w a y s p o i noft e d o u t
o f t h e M i n i s t r y orecommendations
ratesoiBDA and
that the proposedrevision or ."qt'tt #;;;tJ JIY:11"" of Finance
thesixthcpc. Hence,the propos"i**ro required'
of disagreement approuut orrn. ca|inet *ottid alsobe
ir, ,t. event
of the SeventhCPC
5. Eventually after the constitution
maY be referred to Sevet
Diiectoratehave also given
Basic PaY (as Per Sixth t ,ta.
consideration'Hence'the n
lndian RailwaYs
qRo , -Y C/qe1) fl nn txte'a-Z

annualbasisat the
discretionof the RailwayAdministration'
to draw that
for whom messing is admissibleshouldbe allowed
(2) Nursing staff
allowance during leave to the extentindicatedbelow-
pay/fullpay,messingallowancewil|be at
(i) lf the periodof leaveis on average


leaveon Medicalcertificate
on the basisindicatedaboveduring
(iv)Messingarowancewiil be admissibre
or maternitYleave'

mentionedin Rule
Ailowance be duringreaveand subjectto the conditions
(a) The Uniform
periodof all
paid on annuar basis reductionshouldbe made if the total
rf the arowance is
kindsof leaveexceedsfour monthsat a
1959 and No E(s)l-
Rairway Board,s retter No. E(s)r-s7cpctALrT dated 26th october,
6O/CPC/AL/19 dated2ndJuly,1970')

5 (i) The aboverateswill be etfectivefrom 1-8-97'

and registeredunder
of ail revelsworkingin RailwayHospital
(iii)The Nursing ,ail
tfretnJianilursingCouncilAct are eligible'
as "Pay"'
(iv)NursingAllowancewill not be treated
nightwork' the
totar compensati_on for the conditionsof workingincruding
(6) SinceNursing Arowance,.is,a
NursingStaffwoulJ to b9 eligiblefor NightDutyAllowance'
dated 19'8'87,4'5'89' 13'5'92'No'E(P&A)l-96lFE-41
(Authority: Ra'way a_out9.1lglter,No.E(p&A)tl/87/AL/1,



(i) BreakdownAllowanceat the followingrates:- 5

lndian RailwaYs

Amount of
Gategory of staff Breakdown
Allowance Per

OtherGrouPD Staff
St"tf in scales& Skitledworkers


R s .1 0 0P . m .
R s .1 0 0P . m .

be subiectto a reviewby.the^contro*ingofficerto failedto
(b) The paymentof this a*owance
*i' notbe ir'" n"ir*"v t"i'ants whohave
ot orearJfwnoutv rne.a1qowan""
performance "iri*'iirr"'to
the stipulatedtime'
iurn out for the n'"urOi-*n'Outi""
sheds or carriage & wagon
of quarters, for quartersnear the Running
(ii) priorityin a*otment
dePots,as the casemaYbe'
engagedin breakdown
or otherwise,duringthe periodthey are
(iii) suppryof free food, departmentaty
arrangements for -gupply of free food' ^in
NorE:_ where it is not -possibreprioto
make. Gansm"n -a-nd TrotevmenI
rieuthereot ,"j-f" iiq::rains
withFA& cAo'
"""h-in it tn" ,"tJ, ii"i ny*," u" "J;5?r"i,"oinconsurtatioi
engaged to the site of the
in travering
work in accordance with the normalrures,time taken
(iv) paymentfor overtime
the stipulationthat
at the rates-a.ppticabreto ordinaryrocaritieswithout hours'
(v) paymentof fu, dajry.a*owance exceeoing 12consecutive
beoufof n""oqul=rtJo"u"v""Je r.iii*"ii"tLi a periiro


( 2 ) A l | o t h e r n o n - g a z e t t e dthe
s t,"o
a f f o f a | rl d,#;n"
epartm e n t s w h o afor
qr".10r c a l l e d oAtowance'
r eBreakdown utincon
accidents/breakdowns, iniuoing (iv)& (v)"tigiot"
oi sub-rule(1)above'
i'n r"'-es liir;,
sha,be arowedtneconceslioni"nun.'"iuted

(3) f1;i,lJJt,llr
T;::tses1";51"yn:,il"0 A;":1"J':1""":Jf::n"'l,
notbe admissible them'
lndian RailwaYs

E(P & A)lI-98/BDA-1 dated25-5-1999')

: RailwayBoard'sletterNo'
may be:-
the purposeof sub-rule(1)' (2) and (3) above'a breakdown
(4) For
' -
Any accident
\nv accidentwhich invorves
which involvesthe:H:^"*:H,iJ?:*Y?,:'fi'?#;:#it'"1"'*1""1?';5
the calttngour or a ur=a^vvY'"
G neJrest breakdowntrain
orequipment (incruoini'i'ED;1'nhi:: normartrarric;
i'#'ii";'ilr'iJn normar
I'gli.:'fl??lJ',1['rupts or
:j;:ly,U:::'::xfl[%$?;::"ifr"Ji;" -
on runninglines:
(ii) Any of the which

(a) S n a p p i n g o f o v e r h e a d e l e c t r i c t r a c t i o n l i n e s w h i c h i n v o l v e s c a l l i n g o u t o f T o w e r W a g o

(b) DamageiBurstingofpointsrequiringtheattendanceofaBreakdown/Repair/Maintena
(c) Breakdownof interlockedtifting



1421. Out turn Allowance:-

o i;';iJi::J""J:1,?1ru[?',?"*T,it
?i:i&i]f["ffi9rJ""?'lliill flffii3:ff'TfJffiilT
,"*i"b-ii"rr"g"i as 'T'
(sento,.,"""iu"ri iircruoiig
,".rug", ;uitiinouo!arr

for message:
(ii) Weightages


( b ) A l e n g t h y - m " ' , ' ^ " . g " . : : l t a i n i nbe

g ' 9treated
: r e " 1 'as T 4 w o r d sand
1 ?3t omessages shosou on'
between 75to 104*o|.0,-,r'o.]ld


by headof the department'
four nightdutiesor suchressnumberas authorized
(b) He has attended
interruptionon any circuit'
(c) No rebateshallbe givenfor
shall be treated as non-
work performed by the Tereprinteroperators staff
(iv) The forowing items of
incentivework: -

(b) Shortdurationof reliefof

( v ) T h e o u t T u r n A l l o w a n c e s h a | l b e c o m p u t e d o n d a i | y b a s i s a n d p a i d o n m o n t h l y b a s i s . and
with the Financiar Adviser
by individuar Rairway, in consurtation
2. subsidiaryruresmay be
ChiefAccountsOfficers' post'they
oryratgrg put to work on a partiallysupewisory scheme'The
when Tereprinter uno"'*''ebuiiurn Allowance
RairwayBoard,s Decision :- Ie
tir.[olr,",r"r"print"r'5JJ*t-oo messages'
shourd out TurnA*owance
begraqted of 250
;I1",';;;u"r, o" 125instead
whichout Turn ilJ*r"
rimitbeyond "o*ssibre 7t8

A nnex*t"t't Jr

S.No. Year Rates

l 953 l0% of BasicPaysubjectto maximumof Rs. l0/- per month.

2. t964 Fixed ratesof Rs. 4, S, 6.50,8, 10, 12.50& 15 for different

of staff.

J. t970 Fixedratesof Rs.5,6.25, 10,l2 & l5 for differentcategories


4. t987 Fixedratesof Rs. 10, l 5, 20 & 25 for differentcategoriesof staff.

5. t99l Fixedratesof Rs. 20,30, 40 & 50 for differentcategoriesof staff.

6. I 998

7 2009 Fixedratesof Rs.80, 120, 160& 200 for differentcategories


Note : It may be seenfrom the table that the first and second
were not huge to the extent of being doubled from the previous
rates. The third revision made in l9g7 was more or lessdouble
the previousrates. The last three revisionsmadein 199r, r99g
and 2009 were to doubrethe previous rates.It can arso be
from the tabre that the first revision of BDA was carried
after ll yearsand then after a gap of 6,17r 4,7 and ll
There has been demandfrom time to time from the staff side,
rates of Breakdown
Federationsand the zonal railways for increase in the
the staff from other departnents
Allowance (BDA) as also for inclusion of
namely,Civil Engg.,Medical Deptt. etc. for paymentof
under Rule 1420-R.II.1987 and the existing
irr. ui""r.aownanJ*anceis coveied
are tabulated below:
ratesof breakdownallowanceas revisedw.e.f.6.5.1998

CategorAof staff


Sta.ffin scales& Skilled

Technicians/Sr.Technicians 4000-6000
Supervisors 4500-7000
+ Rs.100

5000-8000& p.m.

2. The questionof revisionof quantumof ratesof breakdownallowancewas

examined*a it was decidedthat the enhancement in the rate of BDA could be
consideredafter recommendations of the VI CPC wereacceptedby Governm-ent.
It may be mentionedthat the ratesof BDA wereearlierrevisedin the years1970,
19g5,l99l and the last revisionwas effectedin 1998after the revisionof
of theVI CPC, the for
s"at"sof payby Vth CPC.After recommendations
revisionof BDA rateswassubmittedto the B'rardand it wasdecidedthat this
examinedby a committeeof fir'e EDs.

3. The vI cPC did not makeany specit-rc in respectof

BDA in its report, but in its para 4.2.81, the Commission made a gg.neral

in .their report. sh.ould be

dr"bled. TtreCom*Gion-furthe.recommended thatthe ratesof suchallowances
r[o-fa-U-.incr&sedby ZS%everytime the DA payableon revisedpayscalesgoes
up by 50%.Theserecommendations wereacceptedby the Government.

4. The committeeof five EDs consistingof EDPC-I, EDF/E, EDTT(S)'

EDME/Tr.andED(EEM)meton 17.10.2008 andconsidered the revisionof rates
of BDA. The Committeefelt that the presentratesof BDA were very lessand
therewas needto enha $ --
I Committeefelt that
staff for breakdownduty, the-duty-W=Asiimited as per the pr999q1 l9g-9' Jtt'
I rt"ff Sitrng,trfor bieakdown and as such,furthei iqclusionof
;l moie categoiies.ofstaffn<itwarranted.
- 6-
Basedon the recommenda',ions of VI CPC, the Committeeof five EDs
unanimouslyrecommended that the ratesof BDA may also be doubledand be
increasedby 25% every time the DA payableon revisedpay scalesgoesup by

fi,nog (K.K.Atal) (B.N.
tsunil Mathirr)(Smt.ManjuGupta)(D.M.G








r 1o,o\,
fr or ' t'u/t'IY
il" .toi""t a.s'well
;;;;,it"" dirrered

- 199P:lmonth
stafrin PB-l Rtii;' soo'P"tmonth
staffin ["s-ir:

allowance with the

^ar in aqreement

4 -' r3?::ri$iltffi"J"ooilil"o-out
ll--3^;::":?T it
E:;sT""o?L'trt'lg r ild mergll.ioubling
i) .'#:[:il ffi*::llglT'i:l
for unskill'
the emolu
ii) t'::$[q
of PaYmt
staff wet
Over th
HRA go
iii) Breakdt
staY nt
level. Gontd....'2l-


data four divisions utz'

obtained lt:l with
mmittee Nyl & Chennaiof SR )
laqpurot SeCnlnit"t'"t
ot staffquarters'willingness I 9J
>f6vertime'on, lilii"lilitv relatedinformation'
datais of theviewthatthere
of tneJotte-cted of J 1.,
committee "rr*inltion
the 'iir..
,rgur"-'ii lnat witr '"iultion in number
*"iit in
considerabte .{ * t""mr::?T"li',iy":Til:
Whilethe other

have reportedthat willingstaff is available'

two divisions

6 ' T h e c o m m i t r t i t i s i n t h e;nt'
i nhard
t e *otking f t hwho
r e s t ostaff a iready
e Rare | w ay s
to have a sufficienl down i; this' payment of a
to volunteer for a : out? pi"g" ^However' the committee
sufficientallowanc covl' servants-can notbe
alsonotestnaiwagesand ?!9Ft*t"pJJio
o*','rnr- oJ.irionto increaseBD a*owance
uv rvr-o{
increased its
o1 ';;;i; ":lffiti't$:Ii:
beyond "J'"rigult".9i:^\Ertry such
Any decisionto morethan
- nce in any one
duties. in ,"."n|i"nt in other c"tlgories' Adviser's
categoryworto:-iesutt ii.i m" breakJo*i allowance
committeeis thlrefore,of ,1",i"* com*tt* However,
to attract
ov ne incentive
be enhanc"o,, ,""ommended outv'nonmonetary
ni'i*l-'iing 't"ff f;ililJ*n an extri'setof uniform
competent, maybe
"ontiO"t"d 't';|,:'
vtY" (Kulbhushan)
(P.K'Sharma) XOuir"rEE,RS

/J nn e u2t/u* V
tfl riilaq MtNtsrRyoF RAtrwAys
(H dd' RArLwAy
PC-VINo. 'lqq
- R B EN o . l l l /2009
No.E(P&A)| t-2oo7| FE-4lg
New Delhi, datedlbg-2009.
All IndlanRatlways& prod Units.
(Asper mailinglistsNo.1& 2).

Subject:Revisionof ratesof BreakdownAllowance.

* ***rl

consequentuponthe decisiontakenby the Government on the recommendations

central Pay commissionrelatingto variousallowances, of the sixth
the Boardhave decidedthat the ratesof
Breakdown Allowanceindicatedin this Ministry'sletterNo.E(p&A)lt-gg/BDA-1
dated25-5-1gg9 maybe
5.No. Category RevisedPayStructure Amount of
PayBand GradePay Allowance/month
1. s -LS(44r',0-7440')
Gr.t/Other 1300* R s . 8 0p . m .
Gr.'D'Staff -$ g+ts-7aagt 1400*
-ts (44llO-744O1 1550f
PB-1(5200-20200) 1800
z. Technician
Gr.lll PB-1(s200-20200) 1900 Rs.120p.m.
3. Technicians
Gr.ll PB-1(s20o.20200) 2400 Rs.160p.m.
Gr.l PB-1(s200-20200!, 2800
(erstwhilemistry) PB-1(s200-20200) 2800
4. Sr.Technicians/unior PB-2(9300-34800) 4200 Rs.200p.m.
and staffin higher & above
( * Tillplacedin pB-l)
2' The rate of this allowancewill be increased
by 25%wheneverthe Dearness
on the revisedpaystructuregoesup by 50%.
3. Theseorderstake effectfrom the dateof issueof this letter.
4' In exerciseof the powersconferredby the provisoto Article 30g of
the constitution,the
Presidentis pfeasedto direct that Rule ]42a of lndianRailway
Establishmentcode, Volume-ll,1987
edition(2005reprintedition)maybe amendedasin the AdvanceCorrection
SlipNo. 1o enclosed.
5' This has the sanctionof the Presidentand issueswith the concurrence
of the Finance
Directorateof the Ministryof Railways.

( ChanilerParkash)
Joint DirectorEstt.(p&A),
f.-zoo7| FE-4
|3 New Delhi, dated QS-9-2009.
Copy(with 40 spares)forwardedto the DeputyComptroflerand
Auditor Generafof India(Railways),


1. First para of Rule 1420 (71 and table below Rule 1420 (1X0 in Indian
Railway Establishment Code -Yol-I/1987 edition (2005reprint edition) may be
substituted with the following:-

(1) Non-gazetted Railway servants employed in Running sheds and

Carriage and Wagon depots who are earmarked for attending to breakdown
duties and Relief Train Electrical staff, including Supewisory staff, holding
posts in the revised Pay sbucture upto grade pay Rs. 4200 in Pay Band PB-2
(Rs. 9300-34800)(except the Supervisors in charge of Carriage & Wagon
Depots, Ioco Running shed or the Electrical Relief Train), shall be allowed
the following:-
0 Breakdown Allowance at the following rates:-

S.No. Category Revised Pay Structure Amount of

Pay Band Grade Allowanc{
Pay month
1. Helper GI.II /Helper -75(Mn-740) L300* Rs.80p.m.
Gr.I/Other Gr.'D' staff -15(Mo-7M0) 1400*
-ts(4Mo-7440) 1650*
PB-l (5200-20200)1800
2. Technician GT.III PB-1(5200-20200)1900 Rs.120p.m.
3. TechniciansGr.II PB-1(5200-20200) 2400 Rs.160p.m.
TechnicianGr.I PB-1(5200-20200)2800
Supervisors(erstwhile PB-1(s200-20200) 2800
-istry )
4. Sr. Technicians/Junior PB-2(e300-34ri00)4200 Rs.200p,m.
Engineersand staff in &
higher scales above

( * TillplacedIn P8-1)

2. The following may be incorporated below clause (b) to subrule (i) to Rule
1420 (71 in Indian Railway Establishment Code - Vol-II | 1987 edition (2005
reprint edition) :-

(c) The rate of this allowance will be increased by ?57owhenever the

DeamessAllowance payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.

(Authority , noii*uy Board'sletterNo.E(P&A)ll-zfn)7/FE-4/3datecl)5-g-200g)



Sub: Views sought by Seventh Cerrffal Pay Commission on Service matters.

Ref: Adv.(Staff)'s note no, PC Vl/20{4/Mt1(ft-A} dtd- 3-7-{4.
With reference to above, the following requirement regarding
Allowance'may be consideredfor submissionto the pay commissionon item no. 9.1 of
the questionnaire(Allowances):

1.0The nominatedbreakdownstaff for accompanyingthe Accident ReliefTrain (ART)

forms a core team for handlingrescue and restorationoperationsat an accident
jsbs. Consideringthe importanceof their job and the criticalityof devotionrequired
?6-1-executingthe same, these officialshave historicallybeen given incentivesso
that the most co"mpetentstaff comes forward for these duties. Incentiveshave
included, among other things, breakdown allowance, priority in allotment of
quarters, supply of free feed during the period of breakdown duties, payment of
overtime, payh-entof full DA without restrictionsetc. With the changing economic_
scenario and reduction in the number of accidents, the present structure of
incentives has become grossly inadequate to attract the most suitable staff for

2.0 Subsequentto the implementationof the 6th Pay commission,a committeeof JS

level officers was constituted in Ministry of Railway to review the breakdown
allowanceconsideringits importance.Further,a committeeof AdditionalSecretary
level officers was constituted to review the report of first committee' This
committee,while giving its recommendationsnoted that'there is considerable
merit in the arg-umeintthat with reduction in number of accidents, the
payment of overtime and DA to ART (breakdown) staff haq become
inSgnificant as compared to total emoluments of railway serYant." lt further
note-dthat ,,it is in thl interest of Railways to have sufficient pool of willing,
efficient and hard working stafi who are ready to volunteer for arduous duty
of breakdown and for thiJpayment of a sufficient allowance would not be out
of place. However, in view of the stipulationsof the 6h Pay Commission,the
Committeerecommendedto double the breakdownallowancelike any other' The +
aflowancethus doubled is as under, which works out to less that 1o/oof basic
grade pay, which is pattrysum in the cunent scenano.

S.No. Categorl Gurrent BD Allowance as 7o

" Breakdown of average basic +
Allowance grade pay
1. Helper Gr.ll/HelPer Gr.l/ 80 . Q.9Vo in lowest
OtherGr- 'D' staff grade
. 0.57o in highest
2. TechnicianGr. lll 120 . 0.9olo
3. TechnicianGr. ll 160 . O.9o/o
TechnicianGr. I
Supervisors (erstwhile
4 Sr. Technicians/Junior 200 . O.7o/o
Engineercand staff in higher

3.0 As detailedabove,the need for a higherbreakdownallowancehas been agreedto

at is pertinent to trignligtrt that Breakdown Gang is unique to
Railways and hence the treatmenfof incentives & allowance paid to them
would not be covered by general stip
issue was not taken up speciflcallyb
highlightingthat it has become next to
frarOworf<ingstaff who are readyto volunteerfor arduousdutiesof breakdown.

4.0 V/hen we look at historicaldata, the breakdownallowancewas first introducedin

1gS3as 1Oo/o of basic pay. Howeverit was @nvertedto fixed sum type allowance
in 1964.The time has'pertraps come to convert back to the original system of
making it as 10% of the basic + grade pay'

5.0 The financialimplicationof these allowancesis going to be very_limited in view of

the smallstrengihof nominatedbreakdownstaff. Considering deploymentas
yardstickall ov6r lR and consideringit as 10% of basis + grade pay, the additional
iinancialimplicationworks out to leis than Rs. 1.5 crore per month over the entire
lR for the most importantcomponentof DisasterManagement.

In view of above, it is requested that the proposal to revise the Breakdown

Ailowance to 10oloof basic + grade pay may be submitted to the 7th Pc for

DME(P)-ll ii
10-JulY-2014 |l


? ll \
New Delh.i,deted 2e*12'2lX)8'

The Genenl Managers/CAOs'

AII lffiRailways & Production Units etc'
(As per mriling tists No.l &2')'
Raitwey seNices (Revised
subiect : P8y element !l Running Atloyance in thp and
: o'*ome*eage

The new scalesof PaY of Rwrning sl

recommendationsof the Sixth Central Pay

ion of Indian Railwaymen'

2. The Presidentis pleasedto decidethr

nedby the schemecontainedin Board's lefier

l, aradditional quartum of 30Yoof basiopay
les, 2008would be'reckonedfor the prryposeof

of Kilometeage Allowanceand
3. The Presidentis also plea.sedto decidethat the rates
foi t*"i"g tt'f io tlre hailway
Allowance in lieu of kilometreag: IiLK)-at oytstatioo
uiscdPay) Rules,2008 shallbe asindicatedbelow:
Pay Band Plus Grade Rates of Ratesof ALK
$. No. Category (per 160
Pay Kilometreage
Allowance kms.)
(per 100 kms.) (in Rs)
Pay Bapd GradePaY (in R$)
(?) (s) (4) (s) i (6)
9300-34800 4200 170.00
1. h.scoPilot(M4D-
2. Loco Pilot(Passenger)/ 9300-34800 42A0 169.00 270.00
' 3 ; LocoPilot (Goods) 9300-34E00 420Q 168.00 269.00
4. Lmo Pilot (Shunting) 208.00
ch.I 9300-34E00 4200 130.00
5. Loco?ilot(Shunting) 202.0!_ 5200-20200 2400 126.00
-:2 :-.

(l) (2) (3) (4) (s) (6)

6. Sr.FM-1, Sr. Asstt. Jzuo-20200 2400 126.00 , 202;00\
7, EM-I, Asstt.Loco 5200-20200 .lgtlo
Pilot @iesel/Elec) t2'..00
Sr. SecondFireman 5:z00-20200 r900 121.00 19400
78.00 (shuntine)
9. 5200-20200 r800 102.00 163.00

l. VlrnilE*pr"*rGffi 4200
2. 154.,9.Q,,. 246.00
9300-34800 4 2 W , ' 153.00
3, 245ns
9300-34800 42t$i ' 152.00
4. 249.00
99edsGuard s200-2a200 2800
5; lir.Asstt Guard/ 151.00 242.A0
520a-20200 240A . 90.00
Sr.Brakesman r44:00
6. AssttGuard/ 5200-20200
Brakesmqn r900 86.00 138.00
4' The n[mine sta^ffmay be granted
Kilometreage allowance/AlK at the above rates
u&ichever is?#:"#+i::::l;i:nr::*
later.''''" ;'il";"#;;; F yr*"rfervices
'{llouniree/A[owancein lieu or rilometreage ffiffiHtd:tr;ff:ffiff***::
5' This issueswith the concurrenceofthe
FinanceDirectorateof the Ministry of

citpy (with 40 spares)forwarded New Dethi, datedZ-I2-200g.
lrys), RoomNo.ZZ+,N"* O.lhi_l10001. comptroiler andAuditor Generalof

optrtgi- New Delhi dafed&12-200g.
(r) TheFA & cAos, All IndianRailways prod.
(iD, The Chief Commission"iof & units etc.
n"il*y $rf._i;ft;shok Road,Lucknow.
' (*nnt\* .v

Reportof the FastTrackcommlttee



LocokrnninF Strffincludine
Reoortof the FastTraqk CotEli:ttr{n
Introdu@rY: T

dat4 J5:2j20l0 co-nstitficda Fost

Railwry Boad vide order No'ERB'I/20rcn3n EDF/E AdviserElect(Rs)',
Trackcommirce comptisingof EDpGI t*d""'rtJj,'EDrc-IL lrlt Runningstatr inchding t
EDtdEGr) -d ED(C;ffi to mt'itt.-iir"'i*tii* "f
Tbp.tcrur of rcferenccofthe Committee
by vstow
Tfu Cowntttee will look into the issues raised
tmployees ascotnsifured ryropide reguding:
(r) GradcPW odfixaion ofry,on Promotionrecomnetfuttonsof the SinhPalt
in* n*nlrg itoi^ i, ttn -
At) enouiio to
tusedon revtsed
(ttt) ffif# of t'ur,otnq
*t's io*;*' odielaed denods; otd
(w) c."v'iii"""'ing allonwe in subwbansecfnrls'etc'
wstgm Railway
fiom individrral-errployees,
A lrye nrrmbcrof rep,reserrtatiors -d Cenrial-RaitwayMotormcnmd
lrlffiDcnts Assmiation,JointAction itu naia Gu6d
. Rrmins sufiq,"ili; n"it*uy I; til;"r;Otsttttd""
I.fco S'tttrA'ssmiationwerercceived'
CdildL Hf f"A" hLlt*i"S
ViefisofreoognisedlabourFederalionsi.e.,NationalFederationofErdian hn fte
n*unysrenNrn illall- I"dtunuil,r"ili'{"rJ"tin""renrr
of tbis
with oe detiberations corntniuee'
FodaUios docidcdril-o'rr-*i,r"

andthce dcr
nuship of Jurdce BI{' Srlkrtbrr
;ffi of Irdia to give rccoffncndatioturoqrdmq
##'t-hdr* i";th or in kind) for dl ccntrd'
with all
connnission is
submined reportin March2(X)8afterhavingdetailod of phvot
sa Thc ;#il;hd;; inaiv'usl ernploFcs
#r*o b"hdh;;*,
ofkrdiaThcco#L?o-"t' "uta' t"tio* pmvriling
trb6 d Govariment rur*",i*i'e ofscrvice
fgffii,lfurffi,iffiil* "i*'r
tco vi$efr" co'"'rissi;'iilt#"t *itr'-
;;E th'e
,&fftoo., iilT;iffiqyitTJ"
"*,# ;";;;i*
'#;;;tt;;il"ff' ;iittrr. llreco t"a inuactioo
ltecovisis Ptr1aiglY
vsiuims-in dl&rcd
ffitftty."A ako 0terelative
i"'** tif* into amorrntby tbc oommissiowttilc
diffGnt ftom
Pay Commissionwers significutty
["s ttcn in the bosicpav
r> h ll
J c*gory/gradoof
pry sffi$trrst,u'e *F-1"oHq of ffxedpeyr"l{TJ*cuhrorru'ning paybandrand
srushn.In olia uvgxiin"vt ittissionco'*"p
merrtioned \
cm'qrce* In thone$,#;-;il""d"dCornmissiorr' n""*ffiJ;"*"" of rhorecommerrdations
cfadcoeywts irrtnoduco o, q:
tGf;ttt"rty is rcProd'cedbelow:


rch2008: Pras I'2'7 to I'2'9)

of tlre
on recommcndatinns
htin by fie Government

bv 4 rrurningPayBands'In andRs'
;ililil"*:r of Rs'8oooo
a*J PaY
90000' ' n--' n^-r
sy*em' This
in old
pay as'aryqt l-.1ray scales '
' 'Thcne are rrow only^18 94: existingin tt Past
t"tt*tfi;;td;;;f variousscales

f!.t Tb findmental changes
Ifric oentit'*Y anPloYecs'
spveral ofemplovees-i
1,,1 ltco artJt#; ry-s9lf
e'g]tzJ ofiotal wnrcn
railwav I
frai ;f t*bs
t* Ib rommcndationl-ofilt: analyssc
' -L'Ad b^^
"7.36.4677zpresen&e of I'ao kambtgSt{is asn&r:-

6fr4&fii,8) IIEqror


Ino' wu
Alllt foenanttratwt
Inpar/Ino Fotznan'B'lFuel

fficotottertcwl 'AfFul rou't.

i&iiain" r"*nun InrPeat

n@orrutpt4s t ElottowngPuy rtf *'sctv'

wady, TN

Reconmcn&d W, @PayB'aa
smlc @&PcY

3050-{590 PbI
-L@o PB-I 2lU)
Pila (slauti'g) 4U ]+t ^t
IIrWq Aslstant Lao


C**l t\^f 9vr7a'ql- 3

t Leo FAol Ptds) 65N.IO5q) P&2
IIrSqtur L@ Pilot (Slaut*@ A
L@ Pilot
(PwrydlilMamnnt Luo
hiW (Mt)I, Ino Pilot I'latl
Erytst LwPIIa PassergerI, Sr

/u''t tN tonEranllletan Ldo 7450-II5W $w

e,;otolla/ DrMnglnrydu/
Po*v C.otttollcr/Lao INNtr /
Lffi Foenan 'B'/Fuel
tqactoD'Et*t Ttzdton Leo
Coto&cr / Ailef Power
CutoltatClnef Loco
Irye/Ilxo Forcnnn'A'/Fucl
hqeat' A'/Drivtttg I nrpeaor

On reowt olmue onerouinahre of wo* as u,ellaspwess of selutton hnvtve4

Im Pilosfor Wsenger fraila sMI begivn a &itbml alloworceof Rs.500 p.m Ifro -
Pillotfor rmiUupras trai$ will be giwn this albworz ot tlre mte of Rs.l000p.m -
Mztcss allowupe sMl bepayableon thisalloworce.The*tsthgprily with c&gol
Ms,for otlcr allowqrceslike nouingallowane, nayalso beretainel brcspct of this
' dlotwrewhich is beingrecommendedfor ilEfvsl tinte,

7.36.51Tln denwdtor providinginsworcecoverq)pecrsint@ ad tlp lrfutisty

slpuld vqk oul a sclanE for prwidhg str;h tttswancecover, Tfu dernarb tor otlur
dlowopes specificallyft this caegory (ve not narited Consegwntly,tl6e denords
.corpt becorceded".
Movh 2008:puas 7.36.46to 7.36.51)
(buee: tln Reportof SixthPry Commission,
1.6 Tt16Six$ PayCommissionalsointroduced sevemlotherbenefisfor the mploysby wayof
qrfmpoddnc.tionalatlowanccqrtherateof Rsl00Opermontr perchild up b 2 childrsriamounting b
allowancewasonly Rs.,10pcr child per
Ed b6cfit of Rs 24000per yar.Prior to this theeducational

1,7. Tralrsportatlowancehasbnenhanced. It is admisibleto all ca@oriesof ernploym 9wn if

tsy rre within
rceidir1g onekilometer
of work place (fris wasoneof the conditionsin earlicrschcrnc).
llci e b boingpard8i fte rateof Rs.3OOFD.A to Rs.32@lD.A.asagain$Rs.l00 b Rs.t00ptc to
15; Tho SixlhPayCommission whilesummarizingttreirrcoommcndation havealsomentioncd asundcn
"Atl ttp recomrcndatiorcse inter<onnected qd nced to be trgted aJ ot
ognic wlple. Pstial inplemantulon of tlesereconnfutiota will dcstuytle
utdertyhs spirit,breaktle conntpnttced qd bring in sewml qwmltes nd
ircqryisterrciel.Tlu ruport woull tlwefore, needto be treald h a lpllstb
nunq od therecorPtpndations corsideredasapukoge."

Lt T[o rocommendations of Pay Commissionof enhancedpay strucntre,other allorv.anoog

.pfpn36$donsaser beingaccptcdby theGovemmentof India and issueof ordorsby thc Ministry
{fitbo* hovebeennrtry imptementedby Railways.Rccommendations havebcenimplementcd
fit$p114prios of railway omployes including staff
loco-running (includingmotomun catsgofy)
Ila;e.fs-havc also bccnpaid,The total impact of Sirth Pay Commicsinnhes becnrsrsrcd rt
r*rg5at*t of Rrj!flXt Crr. during the tbrpefinenclalyern 2fl1&09,21m!Ll0rud 201G11
tiiift crpendltune on lccount of Pensionend pay rrnetn but ercluding |1 llcenc|r

frintr.flch ir csfmetcd at Rs2736Cn. Thir erdmrte lncludcl Peruancnt Incrcl|' of
rfnmrnriily R!.15000Crs for one year'

^.( . dd h_^4 ,!t**ov

i ftom various.catcsoriesof of
Howwor, thore haw gt"at pal anOrevision
inctudingO, *t ty"ilii"^t' iigrt"t
!rcn "rab*.glTlp-sentations
omptoyoos orsixt rlv commission' I
various auowances erc.which#6;;;;;#"d;;;;
2'l. As Prthetr
fiom tbe rurning sta
nogotidng mchanii
analf'rd/axminoo t
cfrD wantdto int
CmissionPr' Nev
by difroentunionsandirdividual
;,nhi;;}", ir.yT,b*g,_b"fory ^l: g,oy*e
i:. #ffffi
A$btrntloco Pilots'
fr* *'"r* "ipH-g-*H ffiH,HtrJ;ff$Hffil"H'Hffi
inthe tablebelow:
TtredemaaS!ot sufffor

(Iri \rrw I o7'

Dcamcs Allowanccl
to Loco
saff have turther n!$tio{ efPry^fidssible
demanded nmning staff'
b) ruDnins of
all caregories
pilot MaivExpress riJ'1r"" pil"oe.rJ;; f* of Rs.4000/.p.n
Mototlnenolof we"tel,i'ffiv'J"*-a
wsw^ur\.'' J
Anrbtdl end Dbcussion

32 Tb Sitft PaYCommissionhaddulYt
thcir report In accordmcewittt the rcoomm
Indim Railways were grantedrtplrcement
Cmission fq vsious othercategories in ttr
LoooPilds uld Sr. essistantLocoPilotswene
Rcl900/- md Rs2400/-respectively.t "9 P
lv{Cmsn/lSr. Motormanwere placedin the
&ade Paf of Rs.4200/-alongwith l,ocoPiloe
Tb Cornmissionhad rccommended grantot
p"yOfol t" f"f"iUer.pno" and PassengerLoco lilots @ Rs.lOOO/- P.l1: d Rs'spl- -nap'
-*fr urhichtri" *oay ueenimplernented.Ukewise, additionalallowanpe.of Rs.50U-
ffiv.ry of Pay Cornrnissio'n
with recommendation
n;o1afrb Mail/Expressi*arq in-acoo_rdance recommended by thc Pry
i" 6[ *gpte The Conmittee observed that the dirpensrtion
Coubdon for nrnning strff wts in consonlncewith thc gcngrrl phtlmopby ol0:
runnfutg staff&
fi.nus in Goyemmfi-envisaged by $l Pey CgmmboiontIn addition,
A bcfrcf
;iitLd-t" a nrmber of other t*tciia benefitsincludingRunning4uolq"*:.
govemment errployees for fi:<ing the-pay of
r.ttuOntog' than thc;; rye[*bl" to other
sincc in caseof nuuring sta$ DA'on
,*drg dht" G1g'visedrii rr,r"t * hasbeenused
p"yutir-tofruning allowanochasalsobeentakcnirnocompgtation.
,ttodtoLocoInspectors wtrichcorlstiutethpncd
otion.GradePayofRs 4800ad Rs 5400hava
which constittrtefirther zuperiorgradsin tbe
Rs 5500-9000was rcplacedwith Pay bondof
h PayCommission pay struG'hlt'The Motormcowere
puy scaleof Rs 5500-9000 wtri*r tras been replaoedin thercttised
hd,$tod in the pre-rwi*d
Uv pay U"na if'g100-34g0olcp of Rs.4200+ Additiorul Allowmce of Rs.500
p.m.m *tich D.A. is PaYable.

'(b) Blucationalassistance.
(c) Fixationof payin stationaryposts'
(d, Entitlementto quartr
, (s) OvertimeAllowance.

$*!. Tb. nlnnhg staff rhrlshavea distinctadvantage over othersin lb sixt{ n3v
of Pilot
L,oco @asscngr) andMotorman in tbc
ffi.d; tt rfirt*. Theemolume,rts
'ffi,p"y-;;#toi-'ror" with sixtttPay pay
oipot of Rs.5500-9000
*Z ooa
t\^AA nntanlz-
Anrbtdl end l)fucussion

3a Thc SixS Pay Cornmissionhadduly orurined the pay ryucfir of runningstsf in\
6;r rcDort In accordmcewith the recommqdcions,AssistsntInco PiloM-oco PilCsof
Indin'nam"ys werc grantedreplacenrent pay stnrctureas also recommcnded by tho
Cmisiqr filr variousotherc*egories in the sasrepre-revisedpey scales. The Assistrttt
LoooPilotsod Sr. AssistantLoco Pilotswereplacodin the PayBard P&l wift GradcPay
*"lggry- ad Rs2400/-mqpec.tively.tnco Ptloe (on GoodsandPassenger and
}{Comm/!Sr. Motorman wire placed in the revised pay strnctu of Pay Band Pq2 $ft
OnOcntf of Rs.4200/-atongwitr LocoPitots(Mail) onecount of generalrygg ofscalS.
fb Corimissionhad rcornnrended grantof additionalallowance(on wtrich DA is also
Drtr$b) o Lfail/Exprcss and Passenger Loco Pilors@ Rs.lOo0.AP.t d k.S{A -p:1"
fuicdvdv whicfi lrasatreaAy Ueenimplernented. Likewise,additionalallorvance of Rs50U'
iil gr.d b MailrExpresstluatdsin acoordance with recommeodation of PayCornmiscion
in tE rcgprt lte Committoeobscrvodthat the dirpensotionrccommeodcdby tho Pry
C{6redon for nnning stefi was in consonrncewith tte gcngral philocophyolde
Ui.rtrg in Govemment-envisagcd by the Pay Commbsion.In addition,runningsafr&
;riitLd-b a numberof other nnanciatbenefitsincludittgRunningAlloruance.- A bcfief
t OuOofogytlnn tbo one 4plicable to other govrnment errployees for fixing t9 PI of
tt5drg rtfrin therevisedpii ru,r"tr* hasben used sincc in caseof ruuring stafr DA'on
payodnent of rurufngallowancehasalsobeen takenirto computation.

3.41. Thegradcpsy of Rs4600hasbeenallottedto Inco Inspecton$i9!t coT$n{c,F."d

hhhr sadc'avaitiUieto tnco Pilotson promotionGradePayof Rs4800andRs 5400have
ffi--.ffifi.d W tt" Governme,lrt to officersufrich constittrtefirther superiorgradcsin-tbo
tr6gp1y. It is-notedtbat the pay scaleof Rs 550&9000was replacedwirh Pay bandof
Rs"g300['34g00{P 4200 in tni sixttr Paycommissionpay strr.rctrc.The Motormsrwere
dr.t d i" G pnotoir"a pay scaleof Rs 5500-9000 whichbasbeenre'placed in thc-ttttised
Uy pay Uana if-gf00-349@rGP of Rs.4200+ Additional Allowurce of Rs.500
n", rtts*
p.m.o *hich DA. is PaYable.

A.lg Thermge of rcvisedbasicpay for payfixationin revisedpaystnrctufor thestafras

o l.12$6 in tbe pe-revit"d payscaleof RsJ
le*onoen) wasRs.15t5G24380 ascompared t
' rv frr non*unningstaff . Tberevisedbasicp
ei$dEd to 3V/o of tbe basicpay
alfilivc valrrcis alsoreckonpdfor severalother
' (a) MGdicalarcndance ard teatrne't'
,(b) Educationalassistance.
(c) Fi:cationof payin stationaryposa'
(d) Enti0ementtoqttarter
, (e) OvertimeAllowance.
O l.pavcSalarY.

Tb runninSstatr thr.rshave a distinct advantageover others in th Sixth Pay

Chmi*ron paystnrture.The einolumenbof Lnco Pitot @asscngr) and Motormanin thc
pay of Rs.5500-9000 comparwith Sixlh PayComrdssioopay
MIPEy cmmissionscaleof
Emolumentr of Loco Pllot (Pemengerlllotormen
(ucludlng Ovcr{mc,8onut, Nlglit DutyAllowrnce NedonelHollday
Allowanco,Ghlldpn EducetlonAllowame etc.|

Soaleof Pay Rs.5500-9000(pre-revised)

As on 31-12-2005 (Dateof Effectof Ason01-05-
(Prior to 6utPay 66 Pay 2010(Current
Commission) Commissionl Positionl)
aslc PavfAvs) 72SO 15360 t784
a Pay 00 4200 4"
fnntinnallr 2t7S 5868 66t2
earnessPav 4713 00 00
Allowancei 00 500 500
Allourance 2969(2L%1 00 10763135%l
Ttanspon s
Allnunne 100 1600 1600
GCA(A-l class
clrvl 200 00 00
BP+PE+DPl 4241 7628 8596
r6n-q ao'l 4274 8619 8619
Gnolumcnts 23747 37907 52t10
over Fifth Pay 59.63% 119.47c/o

ntrpckonedfor not includedin the bal emolurnents.
0 Allorranccis payablc
or on AdditionalAllowmcc.
t& The Cornmitteertotestlnt as per decisionof tte Governnrent,the Anomalies
Gmnifecs hgvebe,nset up underthe JointConsultative lr4qchhry(JCIO Sctrenre
at the
l{hpal ard peeutnentat levelsto look into ammaliesuising ott of implementation of thc
Sifth Pey Commission.The repiresentaives of the recognisedlabour Federationson tbe
Sdluqr rc mernbersof bottrnationalanddeparbentalAnomaliesCommittces.The issues
lifbitrg to pay structu of runningstaff have beentaken up by recogdsedlabour
Sfla1#EnsofRailwaysin Depamenul tuiomalyCommitee.

tft Brcomncndrtiom(PryStructure):

t*1; Thc CommineenotedthattheIabour Federations tookup thematrerof paystruchtrc

nedsst l.oco Pilos(ALPs).In punilnnce
the cadrp of
structur Assi$ant
tooo Pilob(ALPs)
bbmimpro-ved bythe Ministryof Railwaysasunder:
Dcsigrution GradePay EdstinS% Rcvisedo/oof
ofpoes m(m
STALP Rs2400 30 80
ALP Rs 1900 70 20

h^-l '9nvraatu

3.4a Thc Committee observedthat dr.reto mrger of pre-revisedscalesof Rs.500G'8000,

/ Rs.550G9000and Rs.600G9800various irsts of Running staff in these scalesof poy have
been placcd in identical Pay Band/Grade Pay, itz., PB-2, GP Rs 4200 on qpccific.
reoommendcionof Sixth pey Commission.An additionalallowance(on which DA b payab@
hasbaoallowed to Loco Pilot MailrExpress,Loco Pilot Passenger,and lvlail/E'xpressGudds
thps poviding difterentiation between functional gFoupsof Looo Pilots. As per the gncral
sobcmcof nuning pay bands an ernployeeafter reactringthe maximum of one Pay Band will
alorir$catty rnove to the next Pay Band andthus therewould be no incidenceof stagnationat
m4dmum of tbe pay band. Further, for fixation of pay of Running Statr in reviscd pay
strucfirg, spccial fitnent trbles were used duly reckoning DA on pay elerrenl of running
r[o$,ecs. The nmning allowance has also been continuedin the revised pay stnr:ure. The
.Q6UtAoe obselacd thrt the pay strucfirrc rccommendcd by thc Pey Commfusion for
r-{;;hg rtrfiwas in consonancewith the geuenl principle of deleyering edoptcd by tbe
P,ry Conrnb*on br all cetegoricsof central govemment employeee.

3r. Further,the issuesrcgardingGradePayand Additional Allowance to running sta$is on

6e agooda of Departnrental Anomaly Committee as per standard procedun under {CU
Sctgrc and are under discussion in the Committee. Based on rcommendationsof &c
Ammaly Committe,appropriatereferencesfor dtfferent categoriesof staff(including irmning
stifr) may b madeto the Ministry of Financewhereverdecidedby Railway Boald.

3.4.4. As por Sixth Pay Commissionrecommendations minimum pay was prcscribedih the
pay bandsior the direct recruits,while for promotedemployees no such minimum pay was
inido applicable.This led to a situationat times whenjunior direct recruit employeewas
dmyin!-more pay than the senior promoted employee.The Committee finds that the
tt4ioisti of Raiiways at the instanceof Labour Federationstook up this PattT *t $"
Misigry of FinancJwhiph in turn examinedand issuedinstructionsto give abovebcnefitby
pcrmitting steppingup of pay of the seniorsubjectto _conditions.Thcse instructionshave
boonimplemeniedon-theRaiiways.This will alsobenefitMotormenand other loco running

40. RunnlngAllowence

tL Dcnmd: Rrtes of Kilometrage Allowance(KIVIA) be rcvised ss pcr formuh

cnlllcirrted by Running Allowance Committcg 1980 end atrcar8 be prid w.ef
Aulyrb rnd Discussion
+iL ne SixO Central Pay Commission in para 7.36.97 of ie report regarding crtain
{brrnpcs in Railways recommended(ater qualified assuggestionsonly) asunder:
In Railways,certain allowarces lilce Night Duty Allowance, funning Al-lowora ua
ov comiuted on the basisof pay scalesatached to vqlous posts. In the revised
filrctwe, py scalesfor spbilic posts will ceaEeto lave oty meozing A revised
fut4ub for compUingtlese allowozceswould,tlrcrefore,needto ewlved...

F,urdrer,tre Commissionin para4.2.81of i15repOrt recommendedas under

Ttu Commission recommerds doubling of the extant rutes of Cyle Alloutsre,

weslittg Allo+'ance, cash Handting Allou'arce, spectal Allonope, Nigfu hny
, Atlowatte and Sptit Duty Allowattce. Similarly, rates of allou,arrcestry"r|" to
Report wiII also be
Merent Mtn*tris/Deptments/Organisations not coveredin this
t!,^D StTTTaW\r
43 RailwayBoardcon*inneda JointCommittee in November200Eoomprising ofEcersof
RaitnnyBoanjanAstaffsideto detrmindthequantmrof pay element'inrunningallowance
md revien,the formulafor computingratesof kilometrageallowance.The JointCootnittoe.
felt thattheconcep't
afterin depthdeliberations of meanpayof passenger gnde asexistingin
tbc qtmt-fomrula wasrenderedimpracticable aspaybsnd was not a singlescalcof paybut
s"rlgamationof severalscalesof pay. TheSixth Pay Cornmission recomrnerdd thatvariors
attorvauoes shouldbe doubledandthe Committee felt that this recommendation of the Sixth
PayCommission shouldalso be followedin respect of rate for kilometage allowance. Thus,
k*fng in viewthe generalrecommendations of the Sixth Pay C,ommission reepding doubling
of ilorvonce rccomme,ndations of theJointCommitte,e weneaccepted by RailwayBoad ed
ingftAions issuedaccordingly. The revisedrarcsof KMA were madeapplicablew.e.f'
01.092008as all otherallowances wererevisedfromthis dateafterimplernentdionof Sir&
CPCpaystructurc.Thepayelementwhichwasnecessitated earlierdueto dcprcssion in scales
of pyof r,rmnirUstaffwasalsoconsidered by ilreJointCommitlee.TheJointCommittee notd
bdfu depression in payof RunningStafferodedafterrevisionsof payby theFourth&,F!flh
PayCornmissions and mergerof SP/oDeamess Allowancewittr pay w.e.f.1.4.2004.Btt
cdsidcring the needto motivatethe RunningStaff for efficientrailway operatiors,the_F
clcocnt of 307ofor in seryicebenefitsand 55% for retireme'nt benefitswas continuodon
rcomm,ndations of theJointCommittee.

{31. The erpcnditureon KMA dueto revisionof rat(doubling of rete) b esJimrtcdto

bGn$$0tscrs per snnum. Additional annualrecurring erpenditureon KIIIA would bo
gtaft Further, the edditionel
+prudnratrly l&.OSlcrs.basedon the demandof nrnning
fil"et impticetion of the demand of nrnning cttfi to the rates of KMA rnd
would be "*t"it!
rpprorimately Rs. 16'{2crr.(arreelt
pqrn66t of alroa"s w.e.f.1.1.2006
w*.f,t.ljfll5 to 31.08J008).
4A Rocomnendation@unning Allowance):
The contingationof nrnningallowano{Klr,fA)wasdiscussed theadbalebVthefgint
Commince conSitsed by Railway Board. The Fast Track committee post'Si:rth
1rryComnission pay strlrcture maintains thatno change is called for in of
rcspct of
Ui clb!*"r" w.e.Lt.g.Z008 as was recommendod by ttre Joint Commitce. Ttc issu!
tl5ribg pay clement and ratcs of running allowrnce were considercdby the Joht
lh;;;6!." g e pockegewhlle msking ib recommendetions. Any rwien of ntes of
- dlowenci mai call for s rsvieryof pay element as well.
tO, Reductionin Duty Hours of runningstafi
hfEd: Represontations havebeenrecefuedfrom recognizrdLebour Federationsrnd
o-frer orgtnisationsfor rcductionin the duty hours and chengein HOER


al. h rcordancewith theprovisionso_ftheRailwayAcU l9!9, nuuringstafrareclassifid

ili.iltb"".r' dndarpteq"dt to work for lO4hoursperforhight on an averag.Ttteduty
lir"" of nming staff are regutateA by guidelinesgrvenby CentralAdministrativeTribunal,
Eamlj1{ra1Th-tuudngdutyat a ste6h-should notordinarilyexceedl0 hoursftorn&parturc
Ofto ttir, andoverall-<luty-strouldnot exceed 12hoursfrom 'signingon' to sigrtingoff save
lnatcetiOnatoircumstBncs equipment
like accidents, failuresetc'


SZ . hE to the vry nanr of thir dutiesard keepingin view round the clock operationof
tbe railways, the loco running staff canndtbe put on a daily fixed roster. me cgnart aaity
avr8gedutyltow of Motormen are 6 hours l8 minuteson Ccntal Railway and 6 hoqrs2(
minutcson WestemRailway which ale much below the stipulatednorm of l0-hogrs.

53. All efforts are made to contain the duty hours within the parameterslaid dorm and
positiott is being monitorpd at divisional, Zonal and Railway Boud levels. Thc position
ryding &ivrs' duty on fortrightly basis is monitored by orew contnollersanA Oivisionat
offEcco. Power controllers work in close coordination with scction controllers to eosur
implemcoaton of l0 hours duty. This issue is also discussedin periodical meetings
rccqnizcd Iabour Federations.The running staffare monetarily corirpensatedwtrcnei.r ",ith
qe bookcd beyond prescribedduty hours in variorx exigencies.-Theoavmentof
L----- ^F

r.qurr. v rerp vr rr5l.


SA. Various CommitteeyTribunals have examinedthe issue regarding redwtion'of drry

lqryr for nrnning staff. They are, namely, Adjudicator lr[r. Justice na;.anyursnu
-Vfiubtoy 0946
qU*{ by Railway Iabour Tribunal (1969) headed by Mr. Justicc ria tf1g
Commifieeson Running Allowance (1980) btrt no specific recomme,ndatioruforibangc of
classificationor working hourshadbeenmade,
5.5. Xho Committeonotsthat severalmerrurer to improve worklng condidonr of running
o An eqgonomic
designof crewfriendryDrivingcab hasbeendeveroped,
. [mprovementin conditionof runningroomsfor drivers/guards.
o Walkie-Talkiesetshavebeenprovidedto DriversandGtrardsof all tains for fastor
o Imptovementin skill urd knowledge compstcnco of runningstaff,bainingftpitrty
for drivers,guardsandstaffconnectedwith bain operationshavobcenmoOomizod
includinguseof simulatorsfor taining of drivcrs.
t r Sipalling cystemis beingmodernised
o Tha moderndesigrrsof locomotivesrequirclessrepairsandresultin losscrfailurcs.

35. Brcornnendetion@uty Houn):

The Committee notes that there was an agrementwith Labour Federationsin 2006
h Gfigdrute-a high powered committee to examine issuesregarding duty hours of nrnning
!Fq$d Ssfety categories under Hours Of Employment Regulations(ttOgn). This issgc
eq! oruultation with all stakeholders,detailed examination of field conditions, actual
nFrtins bours and ground realities in the context of relevant provisions of law.

fllrr trnror rnd Recommendations:

{P. Conputed Kilometers for MotormeeDemrnd for minimum 3(Xl l(mCdry.



Avg working 6 hn l8 mts 6hrs26 mts
Actual avs Kms t00.24 r22.65
PayableKMs t48.98 158.38

61.1. Kilomaeizge for motorman as well as rurning staff working passengrtains ap

cotlPtlcd as per iruErrtions issuedby Railway Board in 1981. In terms of theseinstructions,
are allowed kilometerageallowanceat ttre rateof actualkilometcrageeamedsubject
1srrrirdmrnr of 150 km per day for perfomringdury of 5 hor:rsand above which ineicatesilar
nohtmsn can normally ern Klv[A of 4500 hms. in a montb. The averagedUy hoursof Loco
Pilob (Passengo) is longer than that of Motormen and so arp their kilometer ernings. Tbb
rr|llor wrr formally considered by Railwry Board ln the pest rnd it was dectded thrt
tlrrt *lr no Jurtification in comparing subultsn strfiwith mah line running ctrfidl
hoc tte demend of Motormen for computed kilometrege wrs not eccepted.

7.0. ACP/MACPforMotormen
11. Ihmrnd : ACP/IIIACP SchemeshouH be imptemented for ell Wegton Reilwry
Motoruen without discrimination to fceder cedre.
7,2, ACP benefit !o Motonnen directly recruitbdon WestemRailway in pre-revisedscaleof
poy of Rs.5500-9000has been a subject matter of dispute and litigation. The matter is zub
jtdics and pnding in SupremeC-ourt.In vierv of thb posidon the Comnittee is not in e
podlou to dye rny necommendationin this regrrd.

&0. Shgh Hrnded Allowance for Motoroen:

&f. Demrnd : An Assistant Motorman be provided with Motoman and till ttir ir
doec e Single Handed Nlowance to dl Motormen be paid.

&1. lt{otormen are classified as Running Staffand are coveredby the RrurningAllowancc
" E*FEG. As such all the allowancesadmissibleto running staffare admissibteto the catcgory
ofpgbrmsU on their fulfilling the prescribedconditions.

&S For suhlrban train operatiorLone Motormsr is deployedaginst one Loco Pilot andone
A'cft*ffrt Loco Pilot deployed for mainline tains. It has ben reresentedttrat Motorman
$0dd,rho be assistedby AssistantMotorman for suburbanoperationto eosue saftyandtill
|s tffi Assistant Motorman is provided, single handedallowance should Ue graniedto al

f4' Thenatureandpatternof nain operations

on mainlineandzubrubansystffi artoblly
ffind srd cannotbe compared.TheAssistant LocoPilot in rrespoctof mainlineoperations
k,Wir-od to get d6wn at scheduled
andunscheduled stoppages t6 iorpectlocomotiveunder-
8og for anyabnormdity,exchangesignalswith stationstaffandguardon eachpapsing station,
{try.t highpnsion compartnentandnondrivingcabof thelocomotiveafterpassingneutral
relm cachtime.Thisrequirement doesnotexistfor subrrbanoperatioru.

t'r^A ?lYntaar:r L'A ,

&5' The Committeo concludesthet the existingrrrangemcnt
is adequateend tte
domaadfordnglc hrndedsllowancehes'nomerit

9.0. Rertontion of 15daycCrsual Leav{CT,)

9'l: Demend:Reductionof CasuslLeavefrom 15 to l0 was

arbitrary and lS dayr

FedcrationsuuderJCM s.h._tg afrerdisagreement

betrve.enitatrrru"*i theofficialside.The
Arutrrtlon Awsrd nejectedthe proposedrcstoretionof crquarreave"

r0J' Ilcmrnd : ReiseCeilingLimit of KMA for.thepurpose

of IncomeTer erenptior.
10'1' Thecommittee.notorlry a proposalfor raisin! rf,istffidi;;
Rs.@/- ro Rs.12000/-
wassclt to cBDTA,Iinistryof Finance.ThisshouldL p, r"d;th
Ministy f",
m'earlydecision. "iF;;;
llJL Correctionin SR4J5@):

U.l. It hasbeenstatedby someMotormenr

Raihvay(WR) havedispensed with SrarionMr
uainandhave,thereby,madeviolationsof the(
Indiar Railways(R).It hasbeenstatedthatrhe
dying all rigbtsignalto Motormanto starttherain.

llt' cR-4:15pertainsto "startingof Trains"on IR Thefirst zubruIeof GR

tlrc rqo^nsibility of ttre Motonnan/Loco
Pilot to seethat the conectstartingsignalhasbcen
gtqbetrc startingof a train GR4.35doesnotlay down
tlratur; c,," d shailsee0re*arting
$n'l bafotEgving all riShtsignalto theMotormanIn GR4.3515),ittus beenstatedthat*r/re
) yry be dispensed with in caseof ntburbart
, be specifiedby spectal instructionf,.T\e
rdeure of cnablingprovlrionsof GR 43S(O
usrd to start a train in the year 199g.Thcsc
in theycrr 2fi16.

iM's permission to Grurdto starttherain can

nalrailwaysinoperational intercstsprhspsin
rt druationof halrs,andmultiplicityofmiirsat
rtionalreasons. The high densityof slburben
rovisionby WesternRailway whichisma*ed
nallingsystem.The Committeefindstrat the
lip number203 by wR on unnw do not
oodeyGoeanypmvisionof theGeneralRures.

' - ' t -


r2;0, Ntsbthty Allonrnce andNationalHolideyAllowrnce:

12.1. rlcurnd : Therc weg a demaudfor rllowing Nigt rluty A|lowenceNDA) rd-
Netlonel rrolidey Allowence (NIIA) to dr nongrzeitoo rtrfi wltrou[ -y-
rutdcdoa of pay limlt rnd alsofor poymentof I\[IA et the rrte of onedry brdc

l?J. Thedenranrtof NDA andNHA hasbgnaccepted andall non-gazetted

(ircftdhg nming stafr) has beenmadeeligible for NDA ard NHA. Further,f.ritionat
Holiday"Allonrmce(NHA), like otherallowanceghasbeendoubledw.e.f.1.9.2008 in ke*ing
uifr ltG 8cnralrpcommerdationof the SixthPayCommission
with a provisoto irr"readure
s[owanceby 25o/owith DA increaseof 5V/o.

lile. TheComnritteeobsenesthaton Railways(orcept WestemRailway) whw EMUga3p

opcrldGd, tbecalegoryof Motormenandt ocoPilots(Passanger)
is commonandl\rtotorrrenare
tihca ftom LocoPilot cadretttrcWha selection
firll asfssqgr tains andon promotiorqrctumas Loco Pitot (MailEcp1gn) in t1g catr.
This osulsbcter carcerprogression for Motormen Thereis no such of ryufr
movcgotas MailrE:rpessl,oco Pilots for WestemRailwayMotorme,nThe Codnifee,
ftadolrr sqgestr thlt WestemRailwayexamincthe pocribility of bringing lb ryrtemrt
prr wtft oftcr Zonal Railwayo.

t\^\ i


fin np^t-il/v'tf,:

i-d qarf,q MTNISTRY
(ffi +d RAILwAYSoARD)

NewDelhi,dated: 28.06'2012'

AtlIndianRaitwap& PnuluctionUnit etc

A f t e r t h e p r o m u l g a t i o n o f t h e R a i l w a y S e r v i c e s ( R e v i s e d P a y ) R u l staff
e s , 2and
0 0 8the
the running
issuedletter of no.-d,. z6.lz.20ag,a""ioing the pay-el.ementfor
"n"n in lieu of Kilometreage(ALK)'
revisedratesof KilometreageAllowanceandAll-owancc

2. In considerationof the persistentden

decidedthat the ratesof KilometreageAllowan
kms) which rverelaid down vide Board'sletter
2S% witn effect from 01.01'201l' The otl
Kilometreage Allowaice/ Allowancein lieu of Kilometreage
of the Ministry of
3. This issues with the concurrenceof the Finance Directorate
--bJ.Sol'i,- *h"'"t
( Salim Md. Ahmad )
Deputy Director/E(P&A)II'

NewDelhi,dated: 2&06.2012.
& AuditorGeneralof lndia,*o?*
Copy(wlth 40 spares)tbrwardedto the DeputyComptroller .- ...
trto,izz. I i "_1_j-- -
For Financial Commissioner/Railways'

NervDelhi,dated: 28.06.2012'

Copyto :-
(i) The FA & CAOs, All IndianRailways& ProductionUnits
of Railway 16,
Safety, Ashok Road' Lucknow'
(ii) The ChiefrCommissioner n
--w4'' J-C^'- A{"-*-{
( Salim Md' Ahmad )
Railway Board.



No. ERBJ12AB123116 NewDelhi,DatedLSJ.2A13

Ministryof Railways(RailwayBoard)have decidedto constitutean Empowered
Committeeto finalizea mechanismfor a new formulafor runningallowance. The
willconsistof thefollowing

2. The Terms of referenceof the committeewill be as under:-

i). To determinethe quantumof pay elementin RunningAllowance;and
ii). To reviewthe-existingformulafor calculationof rates of runningallowanceand
evolvea new formula.
3. The Headquarter
of the Committeewill be at New Delhi.
4. The Committeeshouldsubmitits reportwithina periodof 3 (three)monthsfrom the
date of its constitution.
5. The convener and Membersof the committeewill be eligibleto draw TA/DA, as
admissibleunderthe extantrules.

, RailwayBoard
Copyto :
1. onUnits,
2. Vadodara
3. (A)& EDPG/MSR(K).
4. i4T,ML,Secy,,DG/RPF,DG/RHS,
-, EDF(E),
5. Marg,Lucknow.
7. ThePay&Amunts Officer, RailwayBoard.
8. TheGenenlSecretaries, AIRFandNFIR.
L TheGenenal Secretary,
IRCA, NewDelhi,
10, TheSecretary General,
11. cagh-|,ll, lll, G,G(Pass),G(Acc,),
sEE(por,ver), parl,,o&M,Reception,
ERBll,lll,E(p&A):li, Library,RBCG,
Telecom andStationery Branches,
12. TheConvener andMembensof theCommittee.TheConvener of theCommitteeis requested
to finalizethereport
-within prescribed tenure.
A copyoftherepodmaybesentto ERB-I forinformation,

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