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Vocabulaire de la religion en anglais

FRANAIS ANGLAIS congrgation congregation

abbaye an abbey conversion conversion
abb an abbot converti converted
adepte adepte conviction conviction
aller la messe to go to mass Coran Koran
aller l'glise to go to Church coranique Koranic
aller au paradis to go to paradise, to heaven couvent a convent
aller en enfer to go to hell croire to believe
me soul croisade crusade
animisme animism croyance belief
animiste animist croyant believing
antchrist Antichrist crucifix a crucifix
apostasie apostasy culte worship
apostat apostate Dala-lama Dala-lama
aptre apostle de l'encens incense
appartenance membership dvotion devotion
arabe arabe diacre deacon
arabie arabie Dieu God
archevque an archbishop diocse diocese
athe atheist disciple disciple
athisme atheism dissident dissident
autel altar divine divine
Ayatollah Ayatollah diviniser divinize
baptiser to baptize djihad jihad
bndiction a blessing doctrine doctrine
bnir to bless dogmatique dogmatic
Bible Bible dogme dogma
bien et le mal good and evil dynastie dynasty
Bouddha Bouddha ecclsiastique ecclesiastical
bouddhique Buddhist dit edict
bouddhisme Buddhism glise church
bouddhiste Buddhist enseignement education
califat caliphate sotrique esoteric
calife caliph vanglique evangelical
cardinal cardinal vanglisation evangelization
le carme Lent veil wakefulness
caste a caste vque a bishop
catchisme catechism excommunication excommunication
cathdrale cathedral existence existence
catholicisme Catholicism expansion expansion
catholique Catholic expier ses pchs to atone for one's sins / expiate his
catholique pratiquant a practising catholic sins
clibat celibacy fanatisme fanaticism
chapelet a rosary un fidle a faithful
charia charia foi faith
chiisme chiism fondamentalisme fundamentalism
chiite Shiite fondateur founder
chrtien Christian foulard a headscarf
chrtient Christendom glorifier to glorify
Christ Christ gourou guru
Christianisme Christianity guerre war
clerg clergy halal halal
commettre un pch to commit a sin hrsie heresy
communautarisme communitarianism hrtique heretical
communaut community hirarchie hierarchy
communion communion hindou hindou
compassion compassion hindouisme hinduism
concept concept hindouiste hinduist
concile council idoltrie idolatry
concordat concordat imam imam
confession confession l'immacule conception the Immaculate conception
confessionnel sectarian impit impiety
confrrie brotherhood interdiction prohibition
confucen Confucian interdit forbidden
confucianisme confucianism Islam Islam
confucianiste confucianist islamique islamic
islamisation islamization polythisme polytheism
islamisme islamism pratiquant practicing
islamiste islamist pratiquant a churchgoer
islamologie islamology prcepte precept
islamologue islamologist prche preaching
islamophobie islamophobia prcher preach
jsuite jesuit prtre priest
Jsus-Christ Jesus Christ prier pray
jene fast prophte prophet
judasme judaism prophtique prophetic
juif jewish protestant protestant
karma karma protestantisme protestantism
la Mecque the Mecca rabbin a rabbi
la rsurrection resurrection ramadan ramadan
la sainte vierge the blessed virgin, the virgin mary rforme reform
lac layman rincarnation reincarnation
lacit secularism religieux, religieuse religious
le diable the devil religion religion
le purgatoire purgatory religion d'tat state religion
le saint-esprit the holy spirit rvlation revelation
le Seigneur the Lord rite rite
le Talmud the Talmud rituel ritual
l'ternit eternity sacr sacred
ligue league sacrement sacrament
liturgie liturgy s'agenouiller to kneel
luther luther sagesse wisdom
luthranisme lutheranism saint saint
luthrien lutheran salafisme salafism
matre master satan satan
majoritaire majority se dtourner turn around
majorit majority se repentir de to repent for
mantra mantra secte sect
marabout marabout scularisation secularization
mecque mecca shinto shinto
mcrant miscreant shintosme shintoism
mditation meditation shintoste shintoist
membre de l'glise a member of the church, church sourate surat
member spirituel spiritual
messager messenger sunnite sunny
messe mass superstition superstition
minaret minaret synagogue synagogue
missionnaire missionary taosme taoism
moine monk taoste taoist
monastre monastery un temple a temple
monothisme monotheism thologie theology
monothiste monotheistic thologien theologian
moralit morality thologique theological
mormon mormon tolrance tolerance
mosque mosque tradition tradition
mouvement movement traditionnel traditional
muezzin muezzin turban a turban
musulman muslim un intgriste a fundamentalist, an integrist
mystique mystical un martyr a martyr
mythologie mythology un miracle a miracle
naissance birth un plerin a pilgrim
non-musulman non-muslim un plerinage a pilgrimage
nonne a nun un psaume a psalm
cumnique ecumenical un texte sacr a sacred text
ordre order une prire a prayer
orthodoxe orthodox une procession a procession
paganisme paganism Vatican Vatican city
paen pagan vaudou voodoo
papaut papacy vnrer to worship
pape pope verset verse
paradis heaven vie ternelle eternal life
pasteur a pastor zen zen
pch sin
perscution persecution
philosophie philosophy * *
pit piety

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