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Houston, Texas

April, 1962

The purpose of this Investigation was to determine

the variables which affect the stability of a stud-welded

vibrating wire strain gage. The lack of previously

published information and the nature of the instrument

required an origonal design. When undesirable condi

tions were noted, an attempt has been made to eliminate

such conditions through a change in design of gage com

ponents or installation techniques.

Two basic configurations have been studied, differ

ing in the manner in which wire tension is maintained.

Both types were subjected to zero drift observations

and calibration tests. The results of these tests indicate

that the classic method of wire attachment, that of squeez

ing the wire ends between a pair of anvils or pins, aggra

vates the natural tendency of the wire to relax under

tension and introduces a drift error which is difficult

to predict. The second configuration, developed during

the investigation, is similar to that utilized in tuning

a piano or violin. Eliminating the deformation of the

wire cross section greatly reduces relaxation and hence

the error introduced by drift.

Both configurations proved to be very accurate and

dependable for short term tests.











Appendix A - Notation 69

Appendix B - Observed Data 70

Appendix C - Bibliography 128


The writer is deeply indebted to the following

organizations and individuals: The Ideal Cement Com

pany, whose financial support in the form of a Fellow

ship made this study possible; The American Society

for Testing Materials, whose Grant-in-Aid provided

funds for material procurement and specimen fabrication

Mosher Steel Company, for their generous donation of

the structural steel shapes used as test specimens;

Johnston Steel and Wire Company, for their gift of the

piano wire which served as one of the most important

components of the gagej The Rice University, for the

privilege and honor of studying at so fine an insti

tution; Dr. J. R. Sims, as thesis advisor, for his

interest in the project, invaluable assistance and
encouragement; and Mr. R. Guidry, whose technical

skills greatly aided in the construction of the test



1 Typical Instrument Arrangement for 4

Vibrating Wire Strain Gages

2 Ratio of Vibrating Wire Frequency to 8

Vibrating Bar Frequency

3 End Post Cross Sections 21

4 End Post Details 22

5 Welding Gun and Template 25

6 Schematic of Series 1 Gages 27

7 Wire Straining Device for Series 1 28


8 Zero Drift of Series 1 Tension Gages 31

9 Zero Drift of Series 1 Bending Gages 32

10 Zero Drift of Series 1 Compression 33


11 Strain Gage and Loading Arrangements 39

12 Compression Loading Arrangement 40

13 Bending Loading Arrangement 4l

14 End Post Details for Series 2 Gages 51

15 Schematic of Series 2 Gages 52

16 Zero Drift of Series 2 Preliminary 54


17 Zero Drift of Series 2 Preliminary 55


18 Zero Drift of Series 2 Undisturbed 6l


Zero Drift of Series 2 Calibrated
Compression Gages

Frequency-Dial Setting Curve for

Maihak Strain Recorder

Calibration Curve for Wire Tensioning

Device for Series 1 Gages


1 Zero Drift Observations for Series 1 34

2 Gage Factors for Series 1 Compression 44

3 Gage Factors for Series 1 Bending 45,46


4 Gage Factors for Series 2 56,57

Preliminary Gages

5 Gage Factors for Series 2 Gages 64


Correlation of the theoretical and actual strains or

deformations in many structures is virtually impossible due

to lack of a device which is capable of measuring these

quantities over long periods of time* To be suitable for this

purpose such a device must meet the following general require

ments: l) It must be rugged and capable of being rigidly

attached to the test member; 2) It must be capable of being

rapidly and easily installed; 3) It must be relatively

Inexpensive since in a majority of cases it will be rendered

irretrievable; 4) It must be capable of transmitting the

measured quantities to a remote receiver; 5) It must be

stable and accurate.

Since its first appearance In Russia about 1928 (l)*

the vibrating wire or "acoustic strain gage has been used

in a variety of forms throughout Europe, notably In Prance (2),

England (3)> (4), (5), (6) and Germany (7) where It is manu
factured commercially. As a, result of this fairly extensive

use, the gage has acquired a reputation for meeting those

requirements mentioned above, although a search of pertinent

literature revealed only one instance of any experimental

verification of the stability of the gage. An article by

R. J. Mainstone appearing,in "Engineering" in 1953 (6)

Numbers in parentheses refer to Bibliography of Appendix C.

-1 -
describes the gage and cites the results of observations made
on four gages over a period of a year. While the results

obtained appear to have been very satisfactory so far as stab

ility was concerned, certain of the components proved

extremely difficult to manufacture and install, hence, Mainstone

was forced to redesign these parts. At the present time there

exists no further evidence of any study of this sort. The

lack of experimentation with the gage components probably

accounts for the wide variation in the design of the gages

which have been used.

At the beginning of this investigation it was the

writer*s intention to select a typical gage and study the

factors affecting its stability and accuracy. However, as the

search of the literature progressed it became apparent that

no design could be considered as typical and of necessity,

the investigation was expanded to include the design of a

gage which would meet those requirements mentioned in the

opening paragraph of this section.


The acoustic strain gage makes use of the fact that the

fundamental frequency of vibration of a stretched wire Is a

function of the tension in the wire. A representative arrange

ment of the necessary equipment for use with the gage is shown

in Figure 1. An Impulse from the pulsator momentarily ener

gizes the electromagnet coil of the transducer and sets the

wire in vibration. The wire vibrating in a permanent magnetic

field sets up a varying E.M.P. in the electromagnet coil.

After this signal is amplified, its natural frequency may be

determined with a cathode ray oscilloscope and a variable

audio oscillator. The wire is rigidly attached to the test

specimen in such a manner that any change in strain in the

specimen causes a change in tension in the wirej hence, the

resulting frequency change is a measure of that change in

strain. The relation between the wire tension.and its fun

damental frequency depends on the physical characteristics of

the wire and the method of attaching the wire to the test


If the wire is sufficiently long such that its bending

stiffness is negligible then this relationship is given by the

well known expression

* u/lr

-3 -
o cd CQ
fH t)
*d rH to
P H cd
< O O
O fi









where 60 is the angular velocity of the wire
1^ is the free vibrating length of the wire

T is the wire tension

M is the mass per unit length of the wire

Although this expression is quoted in the literature for anal

ysis of the frequency-strain relationship, it was of interest

to ascertain the error involved in neglecting the bending


Since in most cases the ends of the wire are clamped

between a pair of pins or anvils, the wire is essentially a

bar with its ends elastically restrained against rotation.

The differential equation for this condition is:

Elj pk
- T 4-^ -M 0)^*0
dx*- ^ <D
where E is the modulus of elasticity of the wire

I is the moment of inertia of the wire cross section

y is the transverse displacement of the wire at any

distance x from one end

M, U), T are as defined above

The general solution of the differential equation is

where A, B, C and D are four arbitrary constants

are given by the equations

-5 -

In order to evaluate the four constants the following boundary

conditions must be Imposed on equation (5) .

y * G at x - 0 and x *

er ^
2 dt X* o and x =
dx - dx
where KdJi is a measure of the amount of elastic restraint of
of the ends

It is convenient to investigate the solution of the problem

for the two limiting conditions of end restraint, namely;

Case 1) K * 0 or total absence of restraint? and Case 2)
-ri =0 at x = 0 , x s w
LM or total restraint,
For Case 1 the boundary conditions are
y = 0 at x * 0 and x =. I^T

and s r\
El9- at x = 0 and x = L,.,
and the solution of equation (^) yields f-MlT from which

Returning to Case 2 a similar procedure yields the equation

qj> |*2COSH 7 COS f 2.J + S/K/H *7, = o

-6 -
which requires a trial and error solution.
It can he shown that the value of f in equation (^)
must lie in the range 7r<f<2 and by manipulation of equation (l)
the following expression can be obtained

oj 0.
where is the angular velocity obtained from equation
GO is the angular velocity for the condition which
leads to equation (^)
A similar manipulation of equation (2) leads to the expression

^ L TT^ -j-'i

A plot of equations () and (j) for various value of

is shown in Figure 2. For the work under discussion the value
of was greater than 3000 in all cases and it can be seen
that for this condition the value of the ratio GO from either
of equations or (J) is very nearly one. Since the true
GJo and
value of lies between those obtained from
little error is introduced if the ratio is taken as one, in
which case equation (l) can be used to establish the strain-
tension or strain-frequency relationship for the gage.
Deriving this relationships Let f^ and fg be the natura
frequencies before and after a change in strain occurs in the
test member. By equation
Figure 2. Ratio of Vibrating Wire Frequency to Vibrating Bar Frequency
But by Hookes Law

X -AE6

where A is the cross sectional area of the wire

E is the modulus of elasticity of the wire
6 is the strain in the wire due to T
Substituting (^) into () yields

r -U>
t, 4-w M

Now due to a change in strain in the test member let the

wire strain be increased to NJg . This change in wire strain
causes a corresponding change in given by

and in A given by
but since is small compared to one then

C n'^) _

Now by equation
p2 NIA^ C\-2/u('N/-l)6
+2= 2
4i^lM 4L"M (XI+CN-OO - J__
again Q + (W-l)e]^ l+2(N-0&

hence equation (l|) becomes

Z _ KJAE6 f. l-2/x^N-l^ ]
" 4L* M L lJ
But by (^)

and using the arguments given above

r2 k, r2. f 1-2/MfN-Qfc 1
+i*N+i L 1 + 2-CN-Oe j
Only for very large values of will the term in brackets
have any effect, hence

The total change in length of wire is

4<-w LwfN-Oe .(l?)

or substituting and (14), equation 1 can be written

2\ 4LwtA
dLw = (ft AE U

If the wire is mounted in such a way that AL^occurs

over a length "L" of the test membesj then the change in

strain in the test member is given by
AL-VV /r2 4LW M
L " (17)

In order for the gage to be truly effective it is desir
able that changes in strain be read directly, thus eliminat

ing the precise determination of frequencies and gage char

acteristics involved in the use of equation (Ij) . This is

accomplished by balancing the frequency of the measuring gage

with that of a second adjustable gage which has a cali

brated control* The theory and instrumentation of the equip

ment required in this operation have been discussed fully by

Gibson (4) and will be described only briefly here.

The instrument utilized was a Malhak Strain Recorder,

which consists of a tensioned reference wire to which meas

urable changes in strain may be applied, a series of ampli

fiers, and an oscilloscope. The reference wire is kept in

constant vibration and the resulting frequency is fed to the

XX plates of the oscilloscope. The signal from the meas

uring gage is fed to the YY plantes and the tension in the

reference wire is adjusted until an elliptical Lissajou

figure appears. At this point the frequencies of the two

wires are equal and a measure of the strain in the refer

ence wire is given by reading the linearly graduated dial

on the instrument.
As shown in the previous discussion, a change in strain

in the measuring gage, to>& , causes a corresponding

change in frequency H . If the strain in the refer

ence wire, / , is adjusted such that -f] a^i and-f^**^ , it

can be shown that ' goes to MG' . Since the instrument
is so constructed that there is a linear relationship between

changes in the instrument dial setting and corresponding

changes in the reference wire strain, then this same linear

relationship exists between changes in the dial setting and

changes in the strain of the measuring gage. Hence a change

in strain in the test member will be given by the relation

4eTM = C(aR)
where C is a calibration factor for the measuring gage.

(Determination of C will be discussed later.)

4R is the change in dial reading.

-12 -

Any acoustic strain gage has three basic components:

l) a tensioned wire which is free to vibrate; 2) a device

for rigidly attaching the wire to the member under test; and,

3) an electromagnet and permanent magnet combination which

acts alternately as an exciter and transmitter.

For best results, attachment of the gage must be adap

ted to the particular material to be tested. For use with

concrete the wire is attached through a lever system to a

pair of parallel steel plates. With a protective case

surrounding the wire, levers, and magnet, the entire assem

bly is submerged in the fresh concrete which bonds directly

to the steel plates. When other materials are to be tested,

the wire is attached to end posts secured to the test member

in a variety of ways. The commercially built Maihak gage

and those designed by Jerrett (3) and Gibson (4) utilize

hardened steel knife edges clamped to the test member.

Finally, when the gage is intended for testing metals, the

end posts may either be screwed into tapped holes (6) or

welded (5). At the outset, this study was limited to a gage

of the welded type which could be used with the Maihak

measuring instrument.

-13 -
The selection of the welded stud introduces two factors

which have a considerable effect on any experimental work

performed. This type connection will most likely be used in

testing such structures as building frames or bridges during

the construction phase. Under these circumstances a large

number of gages must be installed in a relatively short time

and, consequently, individual calibration of each gage is

impossible. Secondly, a certain loss in definition of gage

length occurs due to modification of the properties of the

test member around the weld. The effect of these factors is

to require an experimental calibration of a limited number

of gages and the results taken as representative of all gages

installed. Therefore one of the items to be investigated is

if the dimensions of the gage can be controlled to the extent

that the calibration factor, or gage factor, for all gages

will be the same. As shown in the previous section, the

gage factor relates changes in test member strain to changes

in the measuring instrument dial setting. Since this relat

ionship is linear over the limited range of frequencies

represented by the instrument scale, the gage factor is

dependent only on the physical dimensions; vibrating wire

length and gage length. Aside from the above considerations,

other variables affecting the gage will be the same for all
methods of gage attachment.

Recalling the conditions under which the gage is to be

-14 -
used, it is essential that any variation in the initial, or

zero reading, established in the unstrained condition, be

the same for all gages and be completerly predictable. Such

variations, henceforth referred to as "zero drift", will be

produced by any change in the initial wire tension due to

causes other than test member strain and may occur from the

natural tendency of the wire material to relax under tension.

In which case, the magnitude of the zero drift at any time

will depend on the initial wire stress, method of mounting

the wire and to a lesser extent on the length of the wire.

The accuracy with which either zero drift or gage factor

may be determined will be affected by a number of influences

which are not directly contributive to their true values.

Variable excitation or damping of the wire by the magnets,

and any increase of vibrating mass due to corrosion or the

adherence of foreigh matter will have a marked effect on the

indicated frequency and hence the indicated strain. These

effects can be successfully eliminated by careful installat

ion techniques or by adequate protective covering of the gage.

It should be mentioned that differential heating of the wire

and test member will also give rise to spurious strain

indications. Since in the work under discussion both wire

and test member are steel, the gage is self-compensating

for gradual temperature changes, consequently adequate

protection again eliminates the effect of rapid thermal

-15 -
The gage selected for this study is basically the same

as that described by Chapman (5). The end posts are five-

eiigrths inch diameter by two inch prewelded length standard

Nelson studs. Centrally positioned between the end posts are

two one-quarter inch diameter by one inch prewelded length

threaded studs to which the magnet mounting bracket is

attached. In order to reduce the effect of the modifi

cation of the test member around the weld, the gage length
(center-to-center distance between end posts) was maintained

at approximately six inches.

Selection of the welded end post and the Maihak meas

uring instrument impose certain limitations on the size of

the wire and the method of attaching the wire. Due to the

limited range of the measuring instrument, the wire tension

must be such that after attachment the natural frequency

falls at a certain level in this range depending on the type

of strain to be determined. (For compressive strains the

wire frequency should be near the upper end of the rangej for

tensile strain, near the lower end.) Other factors to be

considered in the selection of the wire are that the mater

ial must be magnetic and the wire size such that in the
operating range, the previously derived strain-frequency
relationships remain valid. Tabulated below are the var

ious sizes and materials utilized in previous designs:


Jerrett (3) 32 SVG (0.0108") "Plated Steel"

Chapman (5) 0.017" "Stainless Steel"

Mainstone (6) 0.018" "Firth-Vickers F.I.20


Mainstone (6) 0.018" "Silver Plated Piano


Maihak (7) 0.016"(Measured) (Not available)

For the purposes of this study the standard piano wire, of

0.016 inch and 0.020 inch diameters, was selected since it

was readily available, whereas periods of from six to ten

weeks were quoted by local suppliers for procurement of the

special stainless steel.

The characteristics of the exciter unit receive only

the briefest attention in the literature, ana consequently,

less emphasis was placed on its choice for the work under

discussion. Experimentation with a number of coil and mag

net units and the 0.016 inch diameter wire indicated that

a satisfactory signal could be obtained with the Trimm Acme

Number 25 earphone. The nominally 1000 ohm coil and per

manent magnet is fastened by a machine screw to an alum

inum bracket which fits over the previously mentioned

threaded studs. This arrangement provides a simple and

rapid means of adjusting and maintaining the clearance

between the magnet and wire.

- 17-
The last item to be considered in the gage design is
the method of attaching the wire to the end posts. Because

of the tuning and dimensional consistency requirements, only

two of the previous designs are of interest for the problem

at hand.

In the Mainstone gage a large annular nut, screwed

over the end post, is slotted at right angles to the gage

centerline to receive a pair of grooved steel pins. A hole

along the centerline allows the wire to be inserted between

the pins which are clamped in position by a set screw. The

vibrating wire length then is fixed as the center-to-center

distance between the end posts. To further insure dimen

sional consistency the depthof the grooves limits the deform

ation of the wire cross section to "about one-third the wire

diameter". (5) In Chapman's stud welded gage (6) the wire

is squeezed between the bottom of a slot in the end post and

a clamping bar. With this arrangement the vibrating wire

length is defined by the edges of the stud and clamping bar,

with the deformation of the wire cross section governed by

the torque applied to the clamping screw. A nut screwed

over the end post prevents spreading of the slot, while

locking the bar and screw in position. Obviously this

method provides a less positive control of the amount of

deformation of the wire cross section although machining

of the studs is considerably less complicated than that

required by the Mainstone configuration. In each case the

wire is tensioned to the desired level before the clamp

ing operation.

From these descriptions it may be concluded that the

arrangement adapted must provide the following features:

1. A closely defined vibrating wire length

2. A definite control of the amount of deform

ation of the wire cross section

3. Require minimum machining of the end posts

4. Be easily aligned for installation purposes

The lack of published information concerning the dimen

sions and physical characteristics of the wire clamping

components, coupled with the writer's inexperience, neces

sitated the study of several different configurations.

The majority of the experimental efforts in the investiga

tion under discussion have been directed toward observa

tion of zero drift and determination of the gage factor

for each gage. Where variations in these quantities existed

between gages, an attempt has been made to eliminate such

differences, or at least render them predictable, through

a change in component design or installation techniques. A

detailed description of each configuration and the results

of the above mentioned observations are presented in the

succeeding section.

-19 -

The lack of published information necessitated that

the study proceed on somewhat of a "trial and error" basis.

Two basic configurations of the end post were used; the

essential difference being in the manner in which the ends

of the wire are fastened. These configurations have been

labeled "Series 1" and "Series 2" and the succeeding para

graphs present a detailed description of the components and

installation techniques employed and the results of the

previously mentioned tests for each series and its var


In the initial design an attempt was made to combine

the best features of those mentioned in the preceding sec

tion. Obviously the advantage of the Mainstone connection

is the definite control of the deformation of the wire

cross section provided by the grooved pins, while the

Chapman method requires considerably less complicated

machining of the end posts. The resulting combination

of these features is shown In cross section in Figures 3

and 4.
A five-sixteenths inch diameter hole is bored long

itudinally in the top of the stud and is threaded in the

upper section to accomodate a three-eighths inch set screw.

-20 -



A one-eighth inch diameter hole drilled transversely through
the stud permits insertion of the wire between a pair of hard

ened steel anvils which are then clamped in position by the

set screw. Since the anvils, cut from standard five-six

teenths inch diameter hardenable drill rod, are round, the

problem of precise alignment of the end posts is eliminated.

A 0.012 inch deep by one-eighth inch wide groove in the low

er end of the upper anvil limits the deformation of the wire

to a fixed amount. While this is slightly less than suggested

by Mainstone, it was felt that with the higher wire stress in

the case at hand any further reduction in the cross sectional

area was undesirable. In order to prevent the upper anvil from

turning during tightening of the set screw, a small tapered pin

is inserted through a second one-eighth inch hole in the end

post into a second slot in the top of the upper anvil. The

length of vibrating wire is defined by the edges of the an

vils. Setting this dimension somewhat arbitrarily at six

inches fixes the center-to-center end post distance at six

and five-sixteenths inches.

Before the gage could be installed, it was necessary that

the writer became proficient in the use of the stud welding

gun. The stud is inserted into a spring loaded chuck in the

gun and is then pressed firmly against the member on which it

is to be welded. Depression of the gun trigger activates an

electromagnet which withdraws the stud, striking an arc bet-

ween the stud and surface. A timing mechanism, also acti
vated by the trigger, holds the arc the required length of

time and the de-energizes the electromagnet. On release, the

spring loaded chuck drives the stud into the molten area of

the surface which on cooling forms the weld. A ceramic ferrule

surrounding the weld area retains the displaced metal form

ing a fillet around the stud.

Proper alignment and spacing of the studs is provided
by a template. The stud is inserted in the chuck and the

wire hole aligned. A pair of specially constructed points

on the legs of the gun are placed into very carefully

positioned countersunk holes in the template thus correctly

aligning the stud along the specimen. Verticality of the

end post is assured by the tripod action of the two points

and a third leg. The gun and template are shown in Figure 5.

Due to the necessary clearances within the gun, a

slight variation in the desired dimension was introduced.

This variation amounted to less than one percent of the

total distance between studs and was therefore considered n

negligible.* It was possible, however, to adjust the

dimension which defined the vibrating wire length to 6.000

- 0.005 inches.

The exciter unit was next installed, approximately

* See page 82, Appendix B.







positioned, and the anvils and retaining pins inserted in
to the end posts. The gage was then ready for mounting

the wire.

Due to the limited range of the measuring instrument,

tuning of the wire proved to he the most difficult part of

the entire installation process. For the shorter test mem

bers, tensioning of the wire was accomplished by dead

weight. With the test member in a vertical position, the

wire was threaded through the end posts, clamped to a

block bearing against the upper end post, and the neces

sary weights, calculated from Equation for the desired

grequency, suspended from the lower end. Clamping first

the upper anvils, and then the lower, trimming the wire

ends and final positioning of the exciter unit completed

the gage assembly. Because the clamping action changes

the wire tension in a manner which is virtually impossible

to predict, it was necessary that the mounting procedure

be repeated for each gage until the desired frequency

was attained. After numerous attempts it was found that

increasing the dead weight slightly above that calculated

by Equation reduced the number of repititions required.

The gage is shown schematically in Figure 6.

For gages mounted on long specimens, the wire strain

ing device shown in Figure 7 was constructed. Referring

to the figure, the wire is clamped at the right end to a





-28 -
half inch diameter pulley on the bearing-mounted axle,
threaded through the end posts and clamped at the left

end to the vertical post on the straining frame. With

the claw end of the loading lever fitted into ratchets on

the axle, the position of the wire is adjusted until the

lever is as nearly horizontal as possible. The wire is

then clamped at the end posts, first at the left end, then

at the right. The movable weight and a scale on the lever

permit wire tensions ranging from ten to thirty-five pounds.

(See page 127, Appendix B.)

A total of eighteen gages of this description were assem

bled. Zero drift observations were made on all eighteen

gages with nine being left undisturbed after installation.

As mentioned before, the wire must be tuned to a certain

level depending on the type strain to be measured. The

Maihak Instruction Booklet (7) suggests tuning the wire

to an instrument dial setting of: hOO for compressive

strains; 100 for tensile strains; or 250 where the strain

may alternate or the type is uncertain.* In the case of

tensile and compressive strains, the settings provide a

usable range of eighty percent of the full scale. Of the

nine undisturbed gages, mounted on one foot lengths of

6112.5, three gages were assembled for each of the three

* Instrument dial settings, reported in "Maihak Units", are

indicative of the strain in the reference wire, however, they
may be converted to frequencies by use of Figure 21 ,Appendix B.

ranges. The initial setting of the three compression gages
fell considerably below that mentioned above? however, these

setting were accepted. It was after assembly of these gages

that the decision was made to increase the wire loading be

yond that calculated by the equation. The remaining nine

gages, to be used for gage factor determination, were again

separated into the three groupings mentioned above. In this

case the compression gages were mounted on thirty inch lengths

of 6112.5? the mid-range or "bending" gages on seventy-two inch

lengths of 6I12.5J and the tension gages on three sides of a

forty-eight inch length of two inch by one and one-half inch

cross section standard key stock.

The results of the zero drift observations for the first

1000 hours are presented in Figures 8,9> and 10 and in Table 1.

It is immediately apparent that a sizeable drift occurs in

each gage with little noticeable relation to the wire stress.

This in itself would be only an inconvenience since it could

be easily corrected for if the magnitude of the drift at any

time had been the same for all gages.

The shape of the curve represented by the plot for each

gage is not surprising since the same shape is obtained for t

the loss in stress during any relaxation test. It was not,

therefore, difficult to conclude that the problem of drift

would occur in any Instrument of this type and must be cor

rected for in evaluating data obtained by its use.

1 o
<3 o
Q 0

<1 o
o o

< Ef)

< O w

< O
o 8
till 1 1
r-i CVJ CO-5T liAMJ
< o 1 | 1 j 11
<1 o o o o o o

^ <B

Q J o
< GO o

Zero Drift of Series 1 Tension Gages


0 0 o o
^ o
<3 0 O
e m

<1 0
i a\ a

0 o
<J f 4 o
<1 G O a
BO B o
<1 o
<3 G0

<! O o
^0 o OJ

<| 0 <
< 0 <4 o
Figrue 8e

< 0 0 * fH
< 0 o B
<1 0 O '
<1 8

8 o
O o
7 o
1 o

^ 4 a

o &

o Q
<3 o <g^r
o 0
1 1 1 ! ! !
0 r-i i.vj {T ^4 u \vu
1 1 1 11 l
G < o s < 0
<i ai
xi o

Zero Drift of Series 1 Bending Gages

o <i
< 0 G
o 0
<i 0 < 0

o 0 5
. < < 0

0 *3 &
0 <3 0
0 B
0 <3 0 o
<3 Q <4 CVJ
<1 Q
<3 if o
^-1 . o
Figure 9

0 9 o
0 <3 # ^ o


0 o
o O o
on CVJ

(irw) q.JIia ox?z


-<> o
<O ooo a
a invo
i i i
T B 8

B ooo
0d &
0 0
Sd *>
< I
<3%J " ~ kO

Zero Drift of Series 1 Compression

& " o
H o
8J in

G3 o
- 03
\ \ <*>qafs

N B c
^SN\ Q 0<1 OJ

Wa o4K s
*0 sPM \
Figure 10.

o o
m O o
- s CO OJ

(*nw) ^JT^a oaz

Table 1. Zero Drift Observations for Series 1 Gages
Gage No. Order Zero Reading (M.U.)* Wire Stress (psi)
A QQam.
bled Initial At lOOOHrs. Initial At lOOOHrs.
C-l-'/ 3 112.5 65.3 70400 66800

C-2-T 4 100.0 47.0 69500 65400

C-3-T 8 81.9 34.7 68100 64500
C-4-T 16 102.2 76.1 696OO 67600
C-5-T 17 106.8 76.8 70000 67700
C-6-T 18 108.2 80.8 70100 68000
C-l-M 1 236.0 178.3 798OO 75400
C-2-M 2 246.5 198.0 80600 77000
C-3-M 9 245.2 200.3 80500 77100
C-4-M 13 258.5 214.0 80700 78200
C-5-M 14 274.0 234.3 82400 79700
C-6-M 15 244.0 211.2 80400 78000
C-l-C 5 319.9 264.9 85900 818OO
C-2-C 6 341.0 286.3 87500 83400
C-3-C 7 318.3 264.2 858OO 81700
C-4-C 10 470.5 406.0 97300 92500
C-5-C 11 449.2 384.7 95700 90800
C-6-C 12 433.7 383.7 94500 90600

* See Appendix A for explanation of abbreviations.

# Gage designators containing the numbers 1,2,3 refer to
the undisturbed gages.

34 -
Before a correction for drift can be accomplished

it is necessary that the variation of drift between

gages be eliminated. It can be seen that numerous random

variations from a smooth curve occur in each plot.

During the course of these tests the ambient temperature

at the time of each reading was noted and so for as the

writer could determine changes in temperature bear no

relation to the deviations mentioned above. This same

effect is reported by Mainstone (6). An insight into

one of the contributing factors is gained through an

examination of the plots for gages C-4-T, C-5-T, and

C-6-T. AS already stated these gages were mounted on a

test member with a two inch by one and one-half inch

cross section and due to the small size of the test

member were extremely sensitive to vibrations emanating

from sources in and around the laboratoryeven to the

field of the flourescent lighting. Even with the utmost

care any reading taken was, at best, a guess; however,

the general shapes of the plots are the same as those

obtained for other gages. A part of the variation,

plus or minus one-half division, may result from reading

error, and it may be assumed that part may result from

a slight instability of the measuring instrument such as

due to fluctuations in the power source.

A final point of interest, along this line, is to be

noted for gages C-4-C, C-5-C, and C-6-C. In the early

portions of the plots for these gages sudden increases

in drift occur which appear to be due to slippage of the

wire. These increases (denoted by points connected with

dashed lines) coincide with loading tests performed in

determining the gage factor.

A more precise determination of these effects at

this time is of little or no value, since, even if they

are discounted, the major problem of the difference in

drift between gages still exists. The problem then is

to ascertain the source of the variation and eliminate

or minimize its effect in future designs.

Referring again to Figures 8, 9, and 10 it is seen

that the widest variation in drift occurs between gages

in the tension and bending groups. Since in these groups

the initial wire stress in each gage varied only about

three percent from every other gage in that group, it is .

unlikely that the drift variation is produced by differ

ences in wire stress. Noticing that*v in some cases,

nearly half of the thousand hour drift occurs in the first

few hours after installation, a probable source of error

is in the initial zero reading taken for a particular gage.

While every attempt was made to take this reading immedi

ately after final clamping of the wire, it was often neces

sary that the reading be delayed until the wire and test

member reached the same temperature. During this same

period, it is likely that the gripping forces are under-

going a continuous readjustment. At first the gripping

action is supplied in large part by friction between the

wire and clamping surfaces. At the most highly stressed

cross section, due to Poissons effect, these friction

forces are reduced. The point of highest stress is thus

propogated across the clamping surface until a balance

is reached between the friction forces and the direct

mechanical anchorage produced by the undistorted cross

section at the free end of the wire bearing against

the anvils. This phenomenon may account for a number of

the irregularities previously mentioned including the

erratic shape of the early portions of the curves and

the sudden drift of the compression specimens.

The drift problem was noted early in the observations

discussed above. As a check on the gripping configuration

four additional gages were assembled. Two of these, CM-1

and CM-2, were of the same design as described except

the clamping groove was set at 0.010 inches. The second

pair of miscellaneous gages, CM -3 and CM-4, were the result

of an attempt to adapt the system suggested by Mainstone.

The end post is shown in cross section in Figures 4 and 5.

Cutting the slot to receive the two clamping pins was

extremely difficult, mainly due to the round stud. The

- 37-
results of the drift observations on these gages are tabulated

on page 80 of Appendix B. Since no improvement was noted

these designs were discarded.

Coincident with the drift observations, gage calibra

tion tests were being conducted. As previously stated, nine

gages were assembled for calibration purposes; three each

for observation under tension, compression and bending or

alternating strain conditions. While it was not expected

that any change in calibration or gage factor would result

from the different loading conditions, the results of the

tests would indicate the most advantageous method for future


The tension specimen was eliminated from further consid

eration by the first test. Owing to the small size of the

test member and the close proximity of the gage end posts,

the bar became warped during the welding process. This,

coupled with the hypersensitivity of the gages to external

vibration, made the data obtained from the test impossible

to analyze. Consequently only the bending and compression

specimens were relied on for calibration.

Calibration of the gages was accomplished by comparing

the strain indicated by four SR-4 electrical resistance gages

with the change in dial setting for the accoustic gage. The
strain gage and loading arrange ment for each type of loading

are shown in Figures 11, 12, and 13.

Acoustic Section A--A

Compression Specimen

k 15--J
E-2 n_ ^E-3 V

<& ^
1 3^" ^ 34"
Bending Specimen

Figure 11. Strain Gage and Loading Arrangement










Since it was desirable that the results be verified by

a number of tests on each gage it was necessary that the mem

ber stresses were kept well below yield. Consequently, real

izing that residual rolling stresses were present, in the

compression case a load of 55 kips, producing an average

stress of approximately 15 ksi, was chosen.

Even though the ends of the thirty inch compression

members were milled, it was extremely difficult to eliminate

eccentricity of loading. In early tests conducted without

the benefit of spherical heads, an attempt was made to cor

rect for the inevitable bending. The results of these tests

were very erratic and it was only after a spherical seat had

been added at each end that any sort of consistency was ob

tained. It was still necessary, however, that each specimen

be loaded, unloaded, and repositioned until all four electric

gages indicated the same strain. (It is probable that this

cyclic loading contributed materially to the large drift

changes mentioned in the previous discussion.) The remainder

of the test consisted of increasing the load in increments of

5000 pounds and, at the end of each increase, reading the

strain indicated by all five gages in the order E-l, E-2,

Acoustic gage, E-3, E-4. Due to leakage in the testing

machine hydraulic system, the load tended to drift during

the reading Interval, consequently, an exact 5000 pound incre

ment was sacrificed in favor of maintaining as nearly a

constant load as possible. Reading all four electric gages
was necessitated by the possibility that friction in the

spherical heads would introduce bending which was not de

tected during alignment of the specimen. The gage factor

at each interval was then calculated by dividing the average

of the strains indicated by E-2 and E-3 by the reading

obtained for the acoustic gage.

Three tests for gages C-4-C and C-5-C, and two tests

for C-6-C are reported in Table 2. (An error in milling

the specimen for C-6-C was producing bending of the specimen

and was not noticed in early tests. A third test on this

gage was not considered necessary since excellent agreement

was obtained on the first two.)

Considering the difficulty of maintaining a constant

load and that the minimum reading error inherent in the

electrical gages is approximately two percent, the values

are in quite good agreement and the gage factor for this

group may justifiably be reported as 2.40 x 10"^ i 2$

inches per inch per Maihak Unit.

The results obtained from the bending tests (Table 3)

are less satisfying although the problems of alignment and

constant load are much less complicated. In this case the

strain indicated by the electrical gages must be corrected

to the level of the vibrating wire. This was accomplished

by a linear extrapolation of the strains Indicated by gages

- 43-
c Cft rH crv rH o o o CVJ H rH
P =r CO it CO it it it it it it it
CQ o
1 EH
o rH
t-- o o CO o\ o o\ o o\
P it VO in it CO it CO it CO
CQ 0 o o o

p in st* it it it it it it it it it
ra o o o

1 CVJ o B









Gage Factors for Series 1 Compression Gages


on VO GO it rH rH CVJ it rH rH H
P vo in =t -t it it it it it it it
CO o o

(Gage Factor units are in./in./lM.U. x 10

p in.
. in
CO o o o

=t P
it it
i CO o -

CVJ c rH H o o o
it it it it it it it it
CO 0 o

O -H O
u cd rH in o in p in c in o in o in
Qtb M
ft-P =
it o\ CO
o in o\
it it it
Table 2.

M <*N
o *o m
u <d Qi in o
o in
o in o in
CO it it in in

- 44 -
Table 3. Gage Factors for Series 1 Bending Gages



(Gage Factor units are lne/ln0/M.U.

Table 3. (Continued)

Approx. Approx. C-6-M

Total Surface
Load Strain c Compression Tension
(Lbs.) ("/xlO ) Test 1 Test 2 Test 1 Test 2
500 22 2.48 2.31 2.72 2.51
1000 44 2.43 2.39 2.60 2.49
1500 66 2.46 2.39 2.54 2,52
2000 88 2.47 2.42 2.49 2.52
2500 110 2.47 2,43 2.44 2.50
3000 130 2.45 2.43 2.42 2.49
3500 150 2.46 2.43 2.44 2.46
4000 170 2.46 2.42 2,50 2.46
4500 190 2.44 2.45 2.48 2.48
500C 210 2.43 2.45 2.48 2.48
5500 230 2.44 2.45 2.50 2.48

(Gage Factor units are in./in./M.U. x 10"^)

on opposite sides of the specimen. On examination of the
observed data (piP91- lO^Appendix B) it is seen that these

strains are not equal but begin to diverge at higher loads.

This condition casts serious doubt on the validity of the

assumption of linear strain distribution across the test

specimen. The divergence is a result of the loading arrange

ment. Referring to Figure 13# as the load increases the

loading beams deflect downward causing the knife edges to

rotate. Sufficient friction is developed between the knife

edge and specimen to cause an increase in tensile stress in

the lower flange. An attempt was made to use the 200,000

pound capacity Tinius Olsen Testing Machine which has a

loading beam built into the stationary head. The extreme

vibrations of the driving motor necessitated that it be

shut off during the reading interval. This, coupled with

rapid load drift, caused the test results (not reported)

to be highly erratic, however, the strains indicated by the

electric gages were sufficiently close together that the

divergence mentioned above could be blamed on the flexible

loading beams.

Since the assumption of linear strain distribution

becomes more erroneous with increasing loads the range of

strain for these tests was limited to about half that for

the compression case. The total applied load then was 5500

pounds resulting in a maximum moment of 52.3 kip-inches

-47 -
and a stress of approximately 7.15 ksi. The test procedure

was the same as for the compressive case with four tests,

two in compression and two in tension, performed on each

gage. An exact load increment of 500 pounds was again

sacrificed in favor of maintaining a constant load during

the reading interval.

The values of gage factor shown in Table 3 agree fairly

well with those obtained for the pure compression case, the

minimum reading error of the electric gages being about 4#

in the test range. Since no significant difference in gage

dimensions occurs between the two groups, the gage factor

for all gages may be assumed to be 2.40 x 10" inches per

inch per Maihak Unit. And for short term tests assuming

an accuracy of 2# is not unreasonable.

Sufficient information was obtained from the zero drift

observations and calibration tests on these gages to allow

the formation of several conclusions so far as improvement

in design was concerned. Since good agreement was obtained

for the gage factors further control of dimensions was con

sidered unnecessary. The primary concern was to eliminate

the variation in drift between gages. Since the most prob

able source of this error is the initial zero reading, an

effective method for reducing the variation would be to

reduce the total drift.
A common feature of all the gages to this point was that

-48 -
the deformation produced by clamping had occured entirely

in the wire. Surmizing that reducing the anvil hardness

(previously Rockwell C-50) until the deformation took place

in both the anvils and the wire or in the anvils only would

materially reduce the loss in wire stress, six gages of

Series 1 design were assembled with the following anvil

hardness: CM-5 and CM-6 at Rockwell C-38; CM-7 and CM-8

at C-32j and two others at C-l8. (C-l8 is the untreated

hardness of the standard drill rod.) In the latter two

gages deformation took place in the anvils only with all

gripping being the result of friction. These friction

forces turned out to be insufficient to maintain the wire

stress within the range of the measuring instrument.

Bofore drift observations were commenced with the other

four gages a number of wires were tuned, clamped and removed.

In these cases deformation occurred both in the anvils and

the wire necessitating the use of new anvils with each

mounting of the wire. An examination of the wire in the

clamping area with a microscope revealed that the deform

ation of the cross section was irregular across the clamp

ing surface as opposed to the smooth surface obtained in

previous gages. Obviously the irregularity was an undesire-

able condition, however, short term drift observations were

made and the results are presented on page 8l of Appendix B.

Comparing these results with Figures 8, 9* and 10 indicates

-49 -
that no improvement has resulted.

Rather than pursue the clamping grip further, it seemed

more profitable at this point to investigate an entirely dif

ferent system. In the December, 1961 issue of "Materials

Research and Standards", an article by G. R. Gohn and A. Pox

describes apparatus using the vibrating wire technique for

determining the relaxation properties of wire. (8) The wire

is fixed by wrapping the ends around steel arbors in much

the same manner as a violin or piano is tuned. This config

uration proved readily adaptable to the five-eighths inch

diameter end posts. (See Figures 3 and 14) Machining of the

studs is basically the same as previously described with the

addition of a second five-sixteenths inch diameter hole bored

transversely to both the gage centerline and the longitudinal

axis of the stud. The arbor, a one inch length of the stand

ard five-sixteenths drill rod, is reduced to three-sixteenths

inches in the wrapping area. A 0.040 inch diameter hole

in one end of the reduced section allows the wire to be

threaded through the arbor providing a mechanical anchorage

while the wire is wrapped. The stiffness of the 0.016 Inch

diameter wire failed to provide this anchorage, consequently,

a 0.020 inch diameter was used for the remainder of these

tests. Also, since the wire is held in tension by friction

between the wire and arbor, the greater surface area of the

0.020 inch diameter wire will enhance the friction effect.

After the wire is wrapped and tuned, tension is maintained
by clamping the arbor against the bottom of the hole with

an anvil of the same description as the upper anvil in the

Series 1 type connection; the groove providing a positive

stop against rotation of the arbor. Since the length of

vibrating wire is the same as the center-to-center distance

between end posts, both dimensions were set at six inches.

The gage is shown schematically in Figure 15.

The gages assembled with this arrangement have been

labeled Series 2, Preliminary, and Series 2. For the pre

liminary group, installation proceeded in much the same

manner as for Series 1 gages. With the arbor hole aligned

by eye, the end posts and magnet mounting studs were welded

in position. Since the end post cross section was mater

ially weakened by the arbor hole adjustment of the vibrat

ing wire length was not possible, however, as evidenced

by previous results, slight dimensional inconsistencies

had little effect and were accepted. With the exciter unit
approximately positioned, the ends of the wire were threaded

through the arbors and wrapped by simultaneously turning

both arbors in opposite directions. As the wire tension

approached the desired level, one end was clamped and the
other adjusted until the required frequency was attained.

While the exciter unit was being positioned, it was noticed

that the signal had decreased both in amplitude and duration

compared with Series 1 gages. Since both the stiffness and

mass of the wire have been nearly doubled, this was not unex

pected, consequently the magnets were positioned for maximum

response rather than at a fixed distance from the wire.

A total of eleven gages were assembled in this manner:

six gages, three tuned at compression level and three at

bending level, were left undisturbed; five gages, three at

compression level and two at bending level, were for cal

ibration purposes. For the sake of economy the gages to be

calibrated were mounted on the same specimens as the Series 1

gages. Although a number of items which demanded correction

were noted during the assembly of these gages, these tests

were continued before any improvements were attempted.

Zero drift observations were made on all eleven gages

and the results are presented in Figures 16 and 17. The

drift performance of these gages was very encouraging;

the total difference in drift for all six undisturbed gages

being only five Maihak Units at three hundred fifty hours

compared to approximately twenty units at the same time for

Series 1 gages. Also of prime importance, the total drift

has been reduced to about fifty percent of that in the

previous case.
The results of the calibration tests are shown in
Table 4. The increase in gage factor over Series 1 gages
is the result of the decreased gage length and the increased

-53 -

Zero Drift of Series 2 Preliminary Gages
(*n*W) T*3 OJz
(*n*W) WF-IQ oaaz



Figure 17. Zero Drift of Series 2 Preliminary Gages

Table 40 Gage Factors for Series 2 Preliminary Gages

Table 4. Gage Factors for Series 2 Preliminary Gages

Approx, WP--4-M WP-!5-M

(Lbs,) Tension Compression Tension Compression
500 3.00 2.98 3.17 2.70
1000 2,95 2.95 2.89 2.7 6
1500 2.96 2.95 2.90 2.7 6
2000 2.99 3.00 2,84 2.79
2500 2.99 3.02 2.83 2.79
3000 3.02 3.03 2.86 2.8l
3500 3.00 3.04 2.87 2.81
4000 2.99 3.06 2.87 2.82
4500 3.00 3.04 2.85 2.83
5000 3.01 3.07 2.83 2.81
5500 3.02 3.07 2.85 2.83
(Gage Factor units are in./in./M.U, x 10^)

mass and stiffness of the wire, also it was expected that

the factor obtained from the bending tests would be slightly

higher than that from the compression test. The main prob
lem is in the variation in factor between the three compres
sion gages. A check of gage dimensions revealed that the

magnet gap for VJP-2-C was set at 0.02 inches while the gap

for the other two gages was 0.03 inches. A third test on

WP-2-C with the gap set at 0.03 inches evidenced no

change in gage factor, hence it was assumed that the dif

ference must be due to differences in gage dimensions.

Again sizeable changes in drift accompanied most of the

load tests.

In order to improve the gage characteristics, three

basic changes were necessary. During assembly of the prelim

inary gages, it was noted that the wire and arbor were not

in contact over the full length of the wrap. Consequently,

the mechanical anchorage produced by the sharp bend in the

wire at the hole in the arbor had little effect. The grip

in this case relies entirely on friction developed between

the wire and arbor. Since these forces are not evenly dis

tributed around the wrap, they are in a continuous state of

change; this situation probably accounts for the sudden

drift associated with the calibration tests. The most

plausible method of eliminating this condition is to wrap

the wire under tension - preferably under the desired final

tension. The device shown in Figure 18 allows pretension

ing of the wire. Theoretically, this device will automatic

ally maintain a tension in the wire which varies between the

limits of 100$ and 80$ of the desired value during wrapping.

Since the theoretical dimensions could not be maintained, it

was necessary that wrapping be performed under less than the

desired value. The values of pretensioning chosen were;

twenty pounds for compression gages, where the required

final tension was approximately thirty pounds; and fifteen

pounds for bending gages, where final tension was to be about

twenty-five pounds.

The second correction required for improvement of the

gage was a more precise control over the gage dimensions.

Variations in dimensions were traced to clearances within

the welding gun. A sleeve attached to the legs of the gun

allowing only five thousandths of an inch clearance for the

stud chuck successfully eliminated most of the variations

in gage length. Control of the vibrating wire length nec

essitated more careful alignment of the arbor hole. This

was accomplished in the following manner. The ends of the

studs were marked on both sides at the center of the arbor

hole and inserted in the chuck. A template similar to the

stud positioning template previously described was then fitted

over the points on the legs of the gun with the stud passing

through a hole in the plate. The marks describing the center

of the arbor holes could then be easily aligned with a line

on the plate set perpindicular to the gage centerline.

After the studs were welded in position, the arbor was

inserted and clamped firmly in place. This allowed slight

adjustments to be made in the vibrating wire length by

bending the studs. That these precautions were effective

can be seen by comparing the dimensions for the two sets

of Series 2 gages shown on page 105 of Appendix B.

Finally the magnet gap for the second set was increased
to 0.04 inches for all gages. While this caused a marked

decrease in amplitude of the signal, damping was less se

vere which facilitated readings during the calibration

tests. Twelve gages were assembled incorporating the above

changes. Three compression gages and three bending gages

were left undisturbed and six compression gages were in

tended for calibration.

The results of zero drift observations are shown in

Figures 19 and 20. The magnitude of the drift has been

reduced when compared to the preliminary gages, although

the variation between gages has remained unchanged at about

five Maihak Units for all compression gages. The most

significant point is the reaction of the calibrated gages

to loading. Before, a sizeable increase in drift accom

panied a load testj but in this case several of the gages

experienced a decrease in drift. This indicates that the

tension in the wire around the wrap is higher than in the

o o
E&$) o\ 0W &

o o
8 ooo

i i i 1 1 I
H CM CO t-co o\
1 1 1
(6d JSlSlS a<3 O ! > Is

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

<1 0 o <3^ 0 -

Time (Hrs)

Zero Drift of* Series 2 Undisturbed Gages

O t)
VO e

3 o

GW o <3 0

ew O Q <1


0< o cQQ
Figure 19.

E< a

o o
W**CI oaz (*aW) oaz

6 /
(irw) wza oiz

Figure 20 Zero Drift of Series 2 Calibrated Compression Gages

free portion.

The limited time remaining for completion of this

investigation permitted only a single calibration test on

each of the six compression gages. The gage factors for

the five meaningful tests are reported in Table 5 An

error in machining one of the end posts used in gage W-6-C

caused the clearance between the wire and the body of the

post to be reduced to a fraction of that originally intended.

Under load, even the slightest bending of the test specimen

caused the wire to touch the end post body and no consistent

results could be obtained with this gage. The spread in

gage factors has been considerably reduced although it still

amounts to about four percent. Since the minimum combined

reading errors for both electric and acoustic gage systems

is about two percent, the spread could be attributed to this

factor. It was suspected, however, that this was not the

case and a check of the resistance of the electromagnet

coils revealed that some relatibn might exist between the

spread and the damping and excitation characteristics of the

exciter units. Hence, for future work with configuration,

the properties of the exciter unit should be subjected to

more rigid specifications. Asuggested unit is a five hun

dred ohm coil of the same number of turns as those used above,

with care taken that both electrical resistance and permanent

magnet strength are precisely the same for all units.

Table 5. Gage Factors for Series 2 Gages

Approx. W-l-C W-2-C W-3-C W-4-C W-5-C

5 2.61 2.45 2.53 2.49 2.35
10 2.68 2.55 2.61 2.59 2.45

15 2.67 2.60 2.62 2.62 2.46

20 2.67 2.6o 2.59 2.63 2.51

25 2.68 2.58 2.6l 2.67 2.54

30 2.67 2.60 2.61 2.66 2.56

35 2.66 2.60 2,60 2.66 2.59
40 2.67 2.60 2.60 2.68 2.63

45 2.70 2.61 2.60 2.68 2.63

50 2.69 2.61 2.6l 2.70 2.66
55 2.69 2.62 2.62 2.69 2.68
(Gage Factor units are in./in./M.U. x 10")

The favorable results obtained with Series 2 gages

indicates that with a few more improvements, this type

will eventually result in a gage which meets the five

general requirements listed in the opening paragraphs

of the introduction. As already stated, a better exciter

unit would be the first step in this direction! also,

for better control of the wire tension, a more sophisti

cated pretensioning device must be designed.

a large part of the difficulties encountered in

calibrating the gages resulted from bending of the test

specimen. Since with the Series 2 type end post the

position of the wire is not restricted by a lower anvil,

the effect of bending can be reduced by dropping the

wire to very near the surface of the specimen and repo

sitioning the magnet so that it is above the wire. This

would necessitate moving the magnet mounting studs so that

the bracket would be at a slight angle with the gage center


Naturally, in order to asses the long term accuracy

of the gage, zero drift observations must be extended in

duration beyond those performed in this work. Since the

tests indicate that the drift is a product of relaxation

-6 5-
in the wire, it is to be expected that the drift curves
will become assymptotic to the time axis after several

thousand hours. Consequently, the error introduced by

drift will reach a maximum value and afterwards will

remain constant.

Finally, a more accurate system than the electrical

resistance gages used in this investigation should be

used for determination of the gage factor. An auto

matic recording arrangement permitting simultaneous

readings to be taken would also increase the accuracy

of the gage factor.


The wide variation in zero drift between the var

ious Series 1 type gages is attributable in large part

to the difficulty in establishing the initial zero read

ing for each gage. Since the rate of drift immediately

after clamping of the wire is extremely high due to

deformation of the wire cross section it is this writers

considered opinion that any deformation is an undesirable

situation and must be avoided. Also, there is only a

remote possibility that the drift can be controlled by

selecting the proper anvil hardness so that no plastic

deformation of the wire occurs.

The fairly consistent test results for Series 2

type gages indicates that after those suggestions men

tioned in the preceding section have been implemented a

gage meeting the general requirements listed in the

introduction can be developed. However, much more work

is required before any definite conclusions may be drawn

so far as long term accuracy is concerned.

For short term tests (of about twenty-four hours

duration), expecting an accuracy of about plus or minus

two micrinches per inch is not unreasonable provided

sufficient time has elapsed after damping of the wire

so that the gage is operating in the flat portion of the

drift curve. Similarly, with an improved exciter unit,

the same results may he assumed for the Series 2 config


-68 -


Listed below are explanations of those symbols which have

not been defined elsewhere in the text.
E-l, E-2, etc. Electrical resistance strain gages.
G.P. Gage Factor.

% Height of wire above test specimen.

L Gage length, Center-to-Center distance
between end posts.
M.U. Malhak Unit or one division of the meas
tiring instrument scale.
R Zero Reading for acoustic gages.
Electromagnet coil resistance.

Gage Numbers are designated by three groups of symbols:

The first group consists of one or two letters: the
first letter, either "C" or "W" refers to Series 1 or
Series 2 respectively and means 'Clamped or"Wrapped"
wire ends; the second letter, either "M or P means
"Miscellaneous" or "Preliminary".
The second group consists of a single number which
was arbitrarily assigned to each gage.
The third symbol will be either "C", "M" or "T"
meaning "Compression Range", "Mid-Range" or "Tension
Range" and refers to the level of tension in the wire.



This appendix contains a complete record of the data

recorded during this investigation. It has been arranged

in the following order:

A. Series 1 Zero Drift Observations.

B. Series 1 Calibration Tests.

C. Series 2, Preliminary, Zero Drift Observations.

D. Series 2, Preliminary, Calibration Tests.

E. Series 2 Zero Drift Observations.

F. Series 2 Calibration Tests.

0. Miscellaneous.

-2^0 V*?A/?r &s3S^V6T)oyJ5
<7AA ?/ O' T'' fi?/5~ 67
CrAr:,^ /JuMf.3VP ! <r- /- To <5-2-7* 6-5-7"
/tJ IT/As 72*/5/&/J ! I3.ZS >5./S A3. ?sr
7BJ'Vt/ J 13.9 13,7 3.4-
OATS- TUMP Ti(S!g-\ e 77m '^P 4^ je 4\e
1 j^p-cc
/O-24 1? i Jil.S /cc.o
JO-24 1C (7(i0 j J671 iC.4 D 52.2 774 3
'6-2 S' 74 0-Oc.cA 74.0 l?.S /5> 73? 24.) 19
tC-'K i 2Z2. 4t> 22.2 21.2 43 Si. 9 i
is 90s

A0-27 lo oooo! 19.11 12.4 07 lo.G 29.4 67 CJ.2 ; 20.7 1/

>0-2$ 72 <3=)'0 2S-.7 -&$.o l 32.0 9/ 56,2 : 2s,7 ! 42
JO-29 J4 C900 254) 2 c,.0 /1 5 Gib. j1 3 3.C 115 5^.2 4277 i 60
tc-so 1 Co 090<> ! $4S \7-i.o 137 052 ! 3 3. S' 139 52.9 : 29.0 ! 96
>0-3/ 12 0=) cd;
205 | IG 3 00.0 | 34.0 ! 763
52.7 i 2 j 1)4
11 09cqj /<9 20. 0 : iS7 63.8 | 34.2 )27 SO.oj 3/.9- ! 13 S
n-2 j 79 O^c/j to.6 27.5 1 2// 62.2 j 31.2 j rHl 4 27 133.2 ; iu
//-3 72 0900, 71 / 3 4.4 j 235 60.3 j 39.7! 235 47,21 34.? \ 120
n-4 70 j O-iOO- I 3<c .9>: 2/0.
| n
^ 31.3 ! 255 7)9.7 1 40.? | ZS9 45,0
>!-S 7/ Q9CC\ ! 75.6 31.5 | 2% 3 44.9 !i 470 .
58.9 | 41. 1 j 2?3 254
H-L Ip. . O^od I ?4S 31-1 j 30 7 57.6 | 420 !t 307 44-/3 jj 37/ ! 252
J/-7 <77 3 2.3 ! 33/ 57.2 ' 42? j 33/ 43.6 ; if. 3 : z82
) !| 74.2
H-2 7/ ! ( 73.2 39.3 | *55* 56.) j 4 3.9 | 356 42.9 : 59.6 50 G
n-9 | ,
70 73.? Si.2 ; 3 75 54.6 | 4s.4 | 379 4 i. 3 40. c j 530
7!->o j ( ; 42.6 139.0 j 354
7/ i 1 15.7 HQ j 403 5*5.5! 44.5 1 40 3
'77' i; :)
//-/A | 75.2 3<=>.V; 427 5 STL I 44? ; 427 41.5 40.4 ; 27%
U-J3 75 j ! 72.3 4o.Z- j 475 5471 j 4s,2 475 4/.6,4c.5 ' 40 2

//-/4 !
75 4 1.0 I 43? 53.4 j 4C.G | 499 4/.2 4c. 7 ;
; i 71.5 4?G
//-/< ! 1
72 1 70.2 7 73 !} 523 52? | 47,2 j 573 39.5 t: 42.4 j 474
//-Ad J 43.0 !
72 : :
i M-l 43.? | 547 SO. s; 49. s : 64 7 3/9 492
JJ-A7 ! 70. 1693 43,2 | 57/ 5/.9 ; 477 ; 57/ 29.2 42.7 ; 522
.A .
n-/2 ! 43-6 | 555- 35/. 2 j 42? I 595 52. d I 439 : 546
i 7/

?*r/?<Q 0/9/ fi=7~ 0/5 VsC T/CA/S
(J'JJDI5TU/2/3-0 0?A&&S ~ Cot.IT/tiUcC>

<T)A<ze filoMrso-fi? c- 2-77. C- 3 - 77.

If//71 Cl. ! 7 HO/C-fiJ
f /tJCL Jfil3io/3~'

DCT- /cM/> //vfe\ O /,UQ TM

'me 4/0 774Sr
i>~7Q <67 <09*o| 47.4 43-5 443 503 49.1 643 32-3 43 d S9 4
fi/-2/ 71 09001 6 ?-3 44.2 U7 50.2 4 93 661 32.2 43.7 612
H-27. 15 09>cof Cl3 44.2 69) 49.9 10.1 691 31.1 44. ? 642
Z/-24 62 690C>jj 6C.0 +'*1 739 4-2.2 51,2 739 36.3 45. C 690
I1-21 72 6<9od 66, / 4d.4 | *// 412 5|. ? | 2D 36.1 4s. 2 767
//' 2$ 73 O9ooj 66,2j 453 j 4 to 2.01 23S' 35.1 4c: 2 126
11- 30 (ol 0<=>6o| 65.^1 449 j ^23 47.5 52. ! g'33 55.2 461 234
12- 12 1
7 65.3 4-7,2 ! 947 47.3 52'.7 I 907 35.0 46.9
12-4- | IS
06 | 26
I M 47,2; 979 47.0 55.o: 979 35.3 4C. C 910
! M.O \ H'S! / c 2 7 46.0 <4.0: 1027 34.7 41,2 912
I ^
12-3 j 72 j I 43.01 49. d /eo^ 46> > 2 53. ?i /655 34.1 413 1050
H-/2 j 62 ! 161.31 56.0; 1111 44,0 S6.>; 117/ 33.1 4U II22 |
if !
12-19 6u9 61.2 j S/,3 j /339 43.3 j 56,7! 1339 .5 50.4 1290 !
12-24 67 55, / I 93.4-1 ISO? 41.31 52.7: IS07 30. o 57.9 1452 i
-2 67 52.51 54 .Si I67S 49.6! O0'.o 107 5" 22.2 5?. i 1620 1

- 72 -
55/Z/55 1
C'ALiBgArzP GA<$ <^-5

9AG AJOM&F/? 6- 4- T ~5-- 5- T <5 " ~ 7

/A; ;T/&L lEk/S/o/J i2,S5 ; J3J_S__

F'IK/AL T&tJS/ojU _13._7__. ..... J 3,? .... 13.?_
T/M& 7? _A&l_ /eC 7M- d/e 7A6
~lap !X2?
/t-JC /0Z2 '<%.
//-/7 /oco 93.O 3.2 n. /04.6 2.8 17 ICS.2. .
l/-/f i 92.0 10.2 4|- 99.6 1.8 74
i 41 /03.3, 4.9
II'20 { ?9./ 9. j 29) 939 12.9 89 95.2 9.6 12
H'2/ ! 11A \4.ti 113 93. 5 1 3.3 113 97.7 /o,5 96
U'22 M.2 14-0 1ST W it/ 137 97.0 11.2 /X'
. \j
.11-24 \ B. 3 It** 12 ?4.0 202 l?5 94.0 M.2. /6 7
n-2i i
1 BA M.C, 297 35.6 2|.? 25? *97.9- /C3 240
H-1? :
j 83.7 its 2SV m 9J,9 221 9/. 7 /6.4 16 4
I/-3G 1 74.7 26.5 329 Si.2 256. 329 79.6 9.2 312
12-1 ii
i 82.0- 20.2 353 S3.6 23.? 3S3 9/.S 1C. 7 336
12-4 i 19.(o n.c 4ir 79. S 21.6 425T 59.0 19,2 40 2
12-7 i \\ m >3.9 49? 79.2 no 497 S?,6 20.2. 480
! 2-9 1
i\ 86. S "21.7 549 e&.<~ 20.3 545 | ffS.8 22.4 |f\ 52?
12-12 %.% ! '11.4' 6/7 . | S/.7- 25,0 6/7 1L0 22.2 1 4oc
12-19 \ n(,n \l 'Z*5> S | 725 17.0 29.1 :725 23.6 25.2 70?
12-20 1C.0\ 26. 2 953 14. S 3c.6 !^53 76-7 27.4 93 6
1-2 13.^ ! 22.3 112 1 753 31.5 j Il2| 72.6 29.4 ! 164
1 1 i1 ti
i | 1
i !i1 i!
! 1; j
i f 1
i {
i i!
i i
i ' 1i
i ii !
! tI
I- i

-13 -
.D/Cv/^r 0^75 75 t//S T/6/JJ5


. c-l -/tf. c- 2 -M C -5-/4{

/amAi. 7ff/jne>n /<57^57 3 /<r.55 *d-G
F/tJtU.TJ ai".r.
JeunaU /5.7 L.6 /518 eft
Taun^rr.xg, S /S' . ___
DAT& /? /S>0 '/w* /? <3/2 7*^ /<? 4>?
'IZt.O, 24 24-
/0-74o>t 18 -
70-24-(,/ l(o /7CiO 4 /O.O 4
225,2 222.2-
/O-25-4/ 74 <y=x>a 2(0./ 7.0
20 225./ /7.7
/0-2C-C7 ?XA/
IS C-TCO 2o4.1 31,3 44 270 0 22.2 44
10 o9eo 704.0 32.0 03 219.3 23.5 . 6g 727.2 14.6 i>
/O-lg-il 12 c<7co 34.<S 52 217.0 25,0
TOi/l 92 2|3.5 23.3 42
/O- 29-6,/ 66
14 0*100 7A>O.Z 3S.2 //Co 210? 26.0 ll<* 2OS.0 31.5
/0-50-Cf 3S.6 140
. 7G cpioo ZCC. 4 215.6 27.2 140 26-4.0 32.2 90
/o -5t-ct 6*400 Wi.O ie. 1
ie /04 215.6 29.0 (04 202.0 24.3 114-
17* C^OO 19*,. S' 46.0 1 f8 2//./ 51,7 182. Too.S 36.0 132
11-7-6/ 75> OOOO 193.S 4 c .3 2.12 33.2 2i2 199.5 162
207>,6 37.3
H-3-67 72 C)00 191.2 44.f 716 207.2 35.6 236 197.*5 39. J i?6
45.9 260 V5^\ ~
O 9C>G 190.1 196.5 4o.3 7t 6:
7J-<./ i ^r^.1 -
11 0*400 12-9,/ 46.0 224 V/ / - 195.2 41.6 234
Il-6r6l 70 0=400 \ If 8,2 - -
47.2 365 195.0 41.2 25
11-7-6/ 69 332 .
6 *300 i?.V 4S.2 i 9o .5 46.3 792.
- UOT& 2
'ilS-6/ 7< Cf=)GO 1*7.0 4*?. 0 3 SO c--3^-M
//-S-6/ C-2B-V,
/?rr 1
ll-^-Gl 244.5
70 0=100 1*6-3 49,7 350 230,0 /5T2 n
tl-ld-61 71 0900 /f?.5 43. S 40 4 222.7 2 32 24 22g,S 41
.11-11-61 77 C^too 111,% 1 45.5 423 219.0 27.5 48 225.3 19.9 65
11-13-67 75 SO. 3 '49.7 215.3 31.2 271.0
0900 470 96 24.2 H3
"-tUt 70 502 500 214.? 126 219.3
OOoO s.a 31.7 25.9 /37
U-/-(,/ 72 5/. 3 21 2.4 341
0=400 If4.5 524 |44 2t7.5 2 7.7 /4/
>-16-1.1 72 c&oo 1*3.0 53.0 54 a 2110 3 5, 162 2)5.2 3o,o
H-H-M 70 O^foo If 3.9. 5 2.5" 572 2H-7 3 5,3 192 215.0 30.2 704

II-&-6I 11 0=100 132.2 5 3.2 5*^6 2l0< 3(1.0 2l6 2)4.2 31.0 223

-74 -

U/JOt $ rOR/^EO GAGES- Co*J7-/t*lUX>

G&ce fJuwet* C-/-M . 2&-M; C-3B-M,

Ptre 7*MR //WE e A 7Us AR T R 4/9 Ti*er
tt-1<H>I 67 OPcxs 1? 2.3 S3 n 044 2<C9 37.-5 204 213.1 32./ 221
H--2I-OI 11 0>9cO 1*3,0 53. 0 66g 209.0 37.5 2 eg | 2/2.6 32.6 50 S
n-72-61 75 cnoc
181.? 54.1 692 207.4 39. 1 3/2 |2//-5 33.7 379
V-7.^-61 4S Q9oo i80.3 5-5,7 146 2.059 Ao.C 360 1209.2 36.0 377
11-77-61 72 09oo iffo.o 54-0 8/2 2DS.6 40.9 432 j*2c2 37.0 449
H-28-Q 73 CFDO m3 56.2 236 205.4 4/. 1 456 |2oa.2 37.0 ^73
U-35-4 47 cnoo 119.0 57,0 ?S4 204.0 42.s
506 j 2o.7.2 36.0 52/
)2-)-U CRjCO 1/77.7 5tZ
72 502 203.7 42.C 526 1 206.6 2*.6 54 S'
12-4-P 75 0900 ni3 sm 920 203.3 4 3.'2 600 |2C66 39.6 Col7
72 -6-(J 7<4 0900 177.7 58.3 IC2t 2c/2.0 44.5' 445 Vu-SA 39.2 66 5
l?0-U 72 Cnoo 1/74.2 59,? U0() lco.7 45.? 720 2o40 41,2 7 37
72-/2*/ 48 cftoo 1175.0 6/.o M72 4-7.0 792 \ 2c 2.7 4 3. (7 20 9

tl-tt-Q & 0900 1/744 42. C /340 1915.0 4-^.s <960 ^77
>2-26-41 4? CDO o j! 172.6 64.0 ISC a 170 0 sfc.S /12,9 ! 195.4- I 4i>. S
1 1145
J-2-C2 4? 2f900 j H6.7 65.3 / 67 6 193? 52,6' l29o| <96,?j 42.4 1113
1 i

RRCRl MEA5V &//JC, //Ursj-ROMEMT. (J AGE C~23 - W





RlTt-l SAR! <EO/-7PGNER75Z AC C- 3 - M/P RUT //,// TH

N&w )////<.

... 3. ROST // **///?<? A NO END PC U OT/C E/-> C/J A/-C.

<54,<?s I-2.-C.2.

- 75-
5E/8/81 r
^E&O O f2>S/?]/AT/0/J5
CAL./ &&A T^O GA&5

C3 &<6? hiuMfi&R 6- 5 - /4,' C- 6 - Mi .

1/JiriAL Tkfj5/u/i /6..S& /P.SS UQ
/C.55 - 3
F/tJAL /EU5/0/J /6.0 L6 J02. _ufc- ._ /5. <?
DATE /BMP //^f/r A /e 7TM& /? _.4*L TTtjfc- AG_ 7/Afd
. /*roo
72 1-; 258.5 ' - 2.74.6
K-/7-6/ 10 /coo 245.0 13 26 2C4.9 9.6 10 237.? 6.Z 12
n-i&ci 11 /coo -242.1 IC.4 4 4- 267.0- 12,0 43 233.2 /0/4 4-2
H-20tk 6? 2o.5> 92 1257.2. i(o,2
IOOO 2310 9! 22F.S" 1 SOS 90
//-2/-C/ 1 111 toco 234.5' 24-.0 1 116 j 45,56' 2o,z 115 2?4.9 /9./ 114
U-2U}\ 75 /coo |Z32.3 O.4. /(a . o6- . /44 1252.0 22. C- 139 224.5 -19.5 13?
n-24</\ c% 1 oco 1229.3 2-7,2 1?? ' 245.5 24.5 I 27 222.0 22.0 i?0
U-27-C/ 1 72 loco 1224.1 5|. 240 | 244-3 27.7 29=5 21?. 9 25.1 2SZ
H-78-4J i 73 IOOO 122C. 3 32.2 J 244.0 30. C 75?5 2/6.5 21. 5 2? 2
fFoCftat co i p
12-1-4/ i 72 ICJCG : 223.2 3 5,3 350 | 241.1 52.9 365 2i5.2 2?.2 354
12-4-Cf. 15 1 ooo 12'2I.2 57.3 42? j 2393 34.7 427 2/6,6 2S-.0 424
I2--1-CI ' 70 }OOC> i22|.a 57,5 500 ! 237.2 36. 499 2)6./ i 2 7.9 49 2
/2-9-6/j 72 IOOO :219.3 39,2 548' 1236,6 3 ?.p 547 9/5,6 j 29.0 i 546
l2-J2-a 6 $ ICOo ki?.2 40.3 42C 256/ 3?.& 619 2/4.0 j 3C.C 6 1?
12-11)4 08 1 /oco i-2.14.0 4?.5* 72? |;256.6 32M 221 2(2.9 j5M 7 S'6
n-%-cj. 67 !1 i coo i2l4.0 44.5 *5561254.3 39.7 9S5 2/1.2 j 954
1 i
r2r&2\ cl loco 1211.3 47,2 j (124 jj233,0 41,0 1123 2C9.7 34.3 1 /I22.
! l!
2J=/?O /D/zs/^r 0/3< e-/z ^ r/o/js
&fJ CO / ST O 2/33 /zCs C'P/^<S,<r.5

(jA6 A/OM/Bf# c- /- 0.. C-2-C/1- <0-3-C/

/VJTJ/JL 7BMS/CfJ /7.25 t-G 11.2S ^ /7.25c6
F'/K/AL T^/JS'/O/J 1C,.9-3 17.2 LG 1(OS>UH,
23/QTC Z/MJ? R d,e 7A)4^ d* 7/M^ /? d/? 7TM&
/loo ,?ca n
/0-24-C/ it
5/9.9 341.0

/0-244 . 1L
/C'25-a o=ico 301.3 15.6 \5 813: } 17.9 15
16-7441 12 CF&O 29S.* 24-. 9 39 3H.0 24.5 39 3/8.3 ' -
/&-27-CJ 70 O900 7*9?,? 2C. / 63 3/4,7 26.3 62 Zc.c.0 /?.o l9
/0-28-M .12 C9oo 29c. 0 29.9 27 5il,7 29,3 27 293.1 2 5,2 43
0-204/ 14 C9CC 229.3 30,6 HI 3/6.9 36./ ill 292.2 is.5 <^7
/6-304/76 O^OD 254,7 33,2 135 3<33 22,/ 135 -2?? 6 36 3 9/
/OSZ/\ J2 O^ico m,6 33.9 159 3o?.2 32.S' 159 247,2 3/./ 115
//-HZ 0900 279? 36 ,/ 153 306.3 34.7 123 2/?4.3 34,6 139
! 77

//~2-CZ\ 79 0900 2 21.? 35./ 267 505.3 37,7 267 2t2,0 56.3 163
//-3-6/ 12 OQCO '2793 40.6 23/ 30/.3 39.7 231 2 b"0,6; 3?. 3 T*7
//-4</ 10 Cb9 60 2713 4/-6 255 2990 42.0 255 27?.? 59.5 2//
H'5-C.t 09oo 215.6 4/,9
11 279 2990 4 2.0 219 Z77.0 4/. 3 . 235
J/-C-C/ 70 CQoo 217.2 427 36 3 29?9 42. / 303 276.5 4/.? 259
//-7-o/\ 09 0900 274.3 43.6 327 297.6 4-4.5 37-7 275.? 42. 5 223
U-H/ 71 0900 275.0 44.9 55/ 296,? 44,2 3S7 2756 43,3 307
//-9-c/ 70 <->900 274.6 4S.9 375 2.96.2 44.2 375 274.5 43, 33/
11-/04, ' 7/ 2753 44,4 399 297.2 43.? 399 27 S3 43.0 355

ll-IKI 77 0900 275-0 449 423, 2965 44*5 423 274.5 43.? 379
/I-/3-0Z 75 0900 273.3 46.6 47) 255.1 45.9 411 272.2 4C.J 427
//-/<?-! 10 0900 273.2 4-6,7 495 294.7 40.3 495 272.2 44,/ 45/
(I-/S-C/ 12 O9oo 271.2 47.7 579 292.4 4-?. 6 5/9 276.5 472 475
ZHU) 12 >9oc 276.2 4S,7 54 3 291.? 492 543 269.2 49.) 499
U-/7-0! 10 090CJ 270,2 48.7 567 292,0 49,0 sen 269-6 47,7 523
11-18-0/ 11 C3=/C 0 269.2 50.1 59/ 29 U 49.2 591 26-9.2 48,1 547
1 ' ' !

-77 -
feeo /D/ez/^r I/A T/OAJS


AioM/e^y?' c- /'O 5- 3- 5 <r-5-<r,

DATP TEMP />M 41/5 77rt& ,e oi/e ~TM /? TT^ie
/1-20-c/ 67 OTac 267,0 505) 639 290.7 50.3 639 ^wi.Z 49.5 595
//-2I-4Z 7/ 1
Cf^co 26*9.6 56.9 665 290.9 50.7 66 3 2.01.0 50.3 6/9
u-Tl-d,/ 75 0^00 762.6) 5 /.9 6 ?7 2 vO'2 57.2 6,7 2 Cl.3 S/.O 643
11-24-^/ 735
<y=w> 2&Sf) 54.0 54.'/ 73S '2.0S.O 53.3 69/
n-27-6/ 72 OTCO 766.5 SB. 6 207 2? 2.0 53,0 ?07 265.) 76 3
//-2s-a 13 0700 266.2 53.7 2s / 227.7 53.3 ?3) 269.1 53.2 7? 7
lh2D4t 67 C<7CO 2652 | 54.7 279 2 4.5 56.5 779 26 4.3 54.0 ?3 5
12-1-6,1 72 CFXJO 265,0 ! 2 4.9 903 2 c" 5 *5 55,5 905 4 3. ? 54.S #59

!2-4-C=j\1i 75 <0=00 2649 55,0 975 2?6.3 54,7 97 S 264.2 54.) 93/

12-6-67 l(o 0=700 26*1.7 5 S', 2 1023 2? 5.? 55,2 1C 23 262,4 54.7 979
!?*=> 2/ j 12 0900 262.? 57. / 1095 26'4,7- 50,7 1095 26/2.5 56.3 /Col
17-12-6/ 68 0=K.DO O&LL 5tf.7 H67 2/25 52,5 1167 260/2 07.) mz
n:&c,\ <28 0=700 l.(o c.\ 59. t 1335 2 ?2.0 59. C 1335 29.6 5S.7: 120)

/ 2-262/S 67 osoo 257.0 j 61.** ISO 3 239.2 6!,? 1 5C3 267.2 61.0 /459
/'2-6/ii 6 / 0960 2*37.0 \620 I67| 277.3 oB.Y 167 / 255,2 6.7.5 /6 2.7




6io/S C-4-C - ' 6T-C- C- -C,\
'fyrtt'ftAL /SA/H/OJJ . I9.S5" 19.5 5 19. S 9
rfr/HAL 7zM3/otJ ie.i i2.8 ff.C,
DATA /*iP //MB Af? 7/Mfir (8 4/? //A^E * /? 4/0 Urt
//-'tr-c/ 11 47D.S
II oc. 11.00
t'fWC-6^ 72 /ooo 449.? 21,4 19 449.2 * 433.7
10 loco 44 S. 1 25.4 4-3 431.0 ISIP 73 4?r.2 /s.S 12
IH2-&/ 7/ ooo 4 4 SO 25,5 67 425.Z 24.0 413.2 19.9 46
1 47
//-20-&! 67 1 ooo 4323 37,1 I/S 417.1 32.1 95 402.5 2S.2 70
Il-21-Gt 11 looo 14 3?.) 32.6 /39 416,2 38,4 1/9 467.1 26.6 94
ri-Tl-C/ IS 1 ooo 43Q# 39,7 163 409.7. 40.0 143 406.0 21.7 112
!1-3.4-4>} 6? /QDO; 4)24.6 44,S 21/ 404.3 44.9 191 401.0 32.7 IfcCo
n-zi-Gi 72 /<ooo |! 4 24.2 46.3 2 23 401-S 47,4 263 39*3 3S.4- 23?
//-2f-/ 73 iooo'k^/D 44 5 307 401.9 47.3 287 3955 3S.2 262

V/-39-2/ <S7 /OOC jj4?9.l 5/4 35S 39(6.0 53, 335 392.0 41,7 310

-nr TlJCoT j

/2-4-6I 75 / <c>oo I 417.4 33 J 451 394.0 5S.2 4 3 1 392,1 41.6 406

n-Kt 10 ioooj1 415.3 55,2 523 394.4 S4.& 503 392.0 41.7 47?
;?-s>-6/ 72 /OOP j|4/3^ 56.0 571 39I.S S7.7 55/ 3?9.2 44,5 526
I2-I2-U (oi /cop 410.1 6.0,4
643 390. S 5^.7 623 32^-0 45.7 598
n-io-tj iooo\(4020 625 Sll 527.0 62.2 79/ 38S.S 47.2 766
r2-7GQ 67 .1000 j 466.0 64.9 979 314.1 64.5 959 383.0 so .7 934
1-2-C.I 67 lOOoU 63.6: 663 //47 113/1 66.0 1121 ztc.l 52.9 1102.


-79 -
^if20 2/2//=7~ 0/3S <50 EAT/C/U3

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1 ViO / 300
II-27 72 4^,7 - 'Z'SCCs -

JI-2? 73 too o 4 <79.6 20./ 92' 241.2 is,4 7.1

11-30 67 ICC-O 402. J 'll. 4 10 233.3 23.3 4.9
12-/. 72 loco 4o/,2 2?.5* 94 23?.S 24./ 93
12-4 75 IOO 294.9 32.? 164 23(2 25,4 ) 6"cs
/2-6> 70 1660 393.S 36,2 214 22?. 2 2?,4 213
12-S 72 10 60 39o,2 39.5 2V4 7.241 31.2
JI-J2 6<? IOOO 3?6.? 42.9 3s% 272.0 34.4 357
12-lS 6? 37.9 525
iOC'0 3? 2.2 4C.9 526 2 6,1
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/-I ...47... /oco 377,2 ,.52$ _ ?62_ 214.1 42.5 3 6 )

G46<5 COMftE/Z CMS E': ^-*4

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_ '6L7 !<o, /
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12-/4 65" /&oo 2249 9.3 5

/ 3<^>
. 12-IS 6 $ /oco 22),2 13,0 73 'ia.y

12-/6, 70 0500 2)7.3 /6.9 44 245.9 /4.9 20

12-1 & 6>9 0700 2/3.0 2),2 94- 2792 23.4 68

12-/9 C?50Q 210.9 23.3 J I'S

237,0 25.? .92
)2-26 67 09OO> 203.0 31.2 2? 6 23/-2 31.4 260
1-2 67 c^oo Zoo. 0 33.6 454 22?. Z 34.6 42

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C-4-C .2S 0.87 500

0- S-C <2.30 3 0.84 330
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C-4-M 6.2:52 o.83 3.3O

C-S-M . 2^4 O. 8G 9 2o
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CAG& C- 4~ C . 4 Oe-c.EMFbe/2. /S&/ , /3oo

i"G:< 'V;' ' ZB^rJ
(2-/3) Err. , 4T-2.. C-4-c>\ ^-3. B4 ,
O /3f34 15 764 425,0 144^0 H?7 0
; - scoo /30<T6 /57 /7 404.9 1440 4 n 824
/oooo /3o4<0 /5<2>12 384.7 1435 7 11117
;: ' ./Scoo' IF933 /52& 366.2 143/3 H132
: ' 2ocoo 12341 *ss2 / 347,2 14268 11(386
2SOOO - /553C 329.1 14225 1164/ .
, . 30000 /2?CO /S43>3 310,1 14153 11597
l <
; 3^000 I2?l2 /S444 290.8 1412.4 H548
y 40000 I27&C, /533 7 271,8 I4-0S1 II503
45GOO /21Q.O. /5350 2S/,6 1404/ 11455
. SOCOO 12012 /53O0> 252.2 13996 1140 g
Vs 5000 12022 /52C/ 213.8 13949 II 363

/? LOAD /tJDiCATGO 'G7~t?A tri C %*>o'9 AV&K&GG A(C-4-C) <S.9"

^ L/3 ^-/ -2. E-3 e-4- ; /Ww < /D'c*\7 .C. 14 0)
;, . O .
' : SOOCi 4 S' 47 46 46 41 18.1 2.60
. I00O0 *=94 92 92 93 92 3^.2, 2,40
\ . ' ISOOO 14/ 138 131 138 132 56.& 2.43
2' ; ^OCOO 187 183 182 184 l S3 76.0 2,4 1
25000- . 23i 22$ 22S 229 221 ^3.9 2.42
\%: 30 COO 214 211 267 213 269 112.5 2.40
i:',3S>oo 322 320 3IC, 2.4/
**:; .* *
322 3 18 132,2
: 40 OOO 368 367 363 367 369 151.2 2,41
41 4
*\\ - 4 r s~ooo
' 414 409 415 4l2 171.4 2,40
'V. .30000 : 462- 452 4S4- 462 4 56 /^a 1 ?Ao
. 55000 506 5o"b 501 SOI 502- 209.2 2.40

GAGS FACTOF - 2.40* /O-6 /iu/tA.O. - 2%

/<?/ J-
6;AC, r^CTO/Z / Aj AT/O/J

CjAG^r C-4< 15 D<CM/3T/Z, ^ 16-30

7g^r 2
Lo/\& Sr/?A 111 <5AG 5 Z&AO/iJG 5 ;
(/'3) '/ E-2" C-4 -C.v 29-5 5-4 :
o 13154 15202 411.7 . 14 508 ///99 '
SOOO 1310? IS 753 592. 7 14455)
t 1125/
/OOCO / 3 GO/ IS 7c 4 374.1 . 14-4/3 11761
isoco i30r2 /5GS$ 3S4.S 1436 5 11752
200oo 12.00 0 15(2/3 334.1 1432/ 1/7//
7-5000 /29/7 15S&C 3155) 14213 II6G5
30000 n f 74 15522 2 sc.2 14229 11627
3SCOO 1223/ 15430 217.4 14(21 HS79
40000 fl 786 1543/ 2 s?.2 14/59 1/531
4SOOO 12 732 15384 239.3 14 09 / 1)484-
150000 12 05)0 15337 '7-19-? [4c^-7 1144-/
55000 12 047 15277 '2c0.s |4oc co 1139)

A\f CPA/,
U>AO /// O /C/1\TP 5r/<f/Jj ('/'ll x10 5 Sr/PA/A ACC-4 -c) <543 c 10/3
(Lfi) -/ -2 5-3- -4 - (m/in **5 ) (MO) (-&S *

5(XDO 47 4<9 49 4? 49 1S.O 2.5?

ICOOO 93 90 9S 42 90 37.0 2.S5
14-4 143 141 :
/sooo 147 M-4 57.2 2.S2.
TO COO 125) 129 IV7 18? in ll.o 2.4-4
26000 237 2 3d 23S 234 23C 95.2 2.44
3 Coop 780 220 27-9 277 710 1)4.9 2.44-
2606(0 325 321 32/ 320 322 134.3 7.40
40000 30=) 371 369 36 370 153.5 2.4/
45000 4\\(o 41* 417 415" 4/2 172.4 2,42
50000 452 406 46/ 455 4 03 191.*9 2.4)
55000 501 5/4 52)7 504 5n 2|.9 2.42

5>/~jes> 1
. GAGS FACTO/? jO&TM/A/471sJ

<jAG- 0-4-0 7~l JA/JOARY J il 30

T^S7" 2>
24PAD 5 T/S A /// GAKS,^ /OSAYD/A GJ<,

C^'s) / -Z' Cr<7'C -'3 JS-4


0 /43SO /S8/7 )4S)2
5(300 14333 / 170 294.-9 14470 /S/39
/oooo 142? 9 /S723 376.3 \44Z4- /S097
/5ooo 142,4? /5U5' 3S6.Q 14 31? 1 S041
20000 I4IC& /ZC,2G 3 36.6 14 33) ISOOI
2SOOO /4/S4- ISS23 3 16.7 14 784 /49S6
/4/09 C
30000 1% 53 5 297. 1 4 240; /4 9| /
35000 f rf- C>? / 1 54<9o 2777 14 190
4<0 Ooo ./4o/5 ISAqq 260.2 14 146 14 S'20
4SOCDO /3970 1 S3 GO 239.3 /4 /60 14 273
So 000 /39Z3 15 3 S 2/9.9 \dcS> 2 1472?
55COO 1387 fr 1 S 30 'O 2o2.0 140 10 1468/

A(C-4-<3 f~ACU
2(7 A/7 /AO/C A TO/3 ST/OA/M ' ) /(1 6
(24) O'l -3 0-4 (1yto ) MH

sceo 47 47 47 44 47 1 ?.3 . 2.97

/oooo 9/ 94 94 9/ 94 76,9 2.55
/002)0 /3<P )42 /40 13C 141 57.2 2,47
20000 /*/ m 187 122 76.6 2,49
25000 226 234 234 22'/ 234 96.S' 2.42
Soooo 27/ 27$ 272 212 27 2 IIS. 4 2.4/
35000 3/0 327 32? 3)2 32 7 134- ^ 7,43
40000 305 373 372 3C3 3 73 15 3.0 2.44
45000 4/0 4)7 4/f 4)0 4l7 17 3.9 2.4 G

50000 457 405 4C& 4 OS' 465 193.3 2,41

55000 502 509 503 5o2 SCO 2W.2 2,4/
5e pies / ,;. ' '

GAGE fAcra/? OeTEPU/A/AnoU

G A>GE C?-S- C 4- C>e c 19(2/j /S30

7es 7- /

{-CAP 5T/3A/U GAG^ /^><rd&W<$S

(4&J EH -2 C-5-c '3 5-4
0 t/H? /22/y 395,0 73476 H752
6000 f/?03 /3 77/ 317.5 13425 H7/5
/coco I/7S9 73720 359,0 5379 //U9
/5i HU/ /%/?/ 339. P (3332 7/624
20000 1/(67 J3&37 320.3 75227 //570
75000 f/6QO 73593 30 70 13 24/ //S33
3oooo US72 (3544 27 IS 13/95 . 1/4-24
3SOO 0 IIS'S! 73497 2CQ.2 /3/4? . H443
^0000 114-21 /3443 242.4 /309c //596
4sooo //43S 15402 2235 /.3054 j/342
Socco II327 75363 2oS,4 /30/0 1/305
csooo /134-2- 733/5 ' 125.2 12962 //25S

loA> /MO/CAPPP GrPA/A/ Gz XAO~c) STJEA /// d(c - 5-c) B Pic7z>e
G<5) PH PH e-3 -4 OTL^O' ) (MO (r/3 * to'9

5000 4-4 47 45 43 4c, n-5 2.63

/Ccoo 22 92 97 89 92 36.0 2.^6,
7GC>0 13C 137 137 134 131 5S.2 2.42
-2OOC0 / 20 12/ /23 122 182 74.7 2.44
2SCCQ 227 22S 229 225 211 9 4.0 2.4|
3oooo 275 274 275 274 714 113.9 .2,41
35000 3/5 32! 325 3/5 3 22 132.8 . 2.42
40000 366? 370 314 362 312 152. C 2.44
45600 4/2 4/0 4/6 4/0 414 171,7 2,4 1
5COC/J 460 455 460 4-S3 A SI 2,41
5000-6 505 503 502 500 505 20=5.2 2.41

-k "*'
. '
-s&e/es ? . .
OA<$- ' hcro/ /LsTA5/A/AT/C>/J

' ii Ct&> C-S-C 13 OecM/5/Z /s>6/, / 2 5C

7jkZ;J2: . '
-/ '2 C-5-C -3 E-4
'<D >/W 132/3 387.3 /3402 /776S
r^oo /7go4- 13 17/ 37a/ 73449 //727
/oooo 7/760. . 73728 351:1 73406 77079
: /soco //?/? 73680 352.3 73360 1/632
. * '2co&c> 7/670 /353T 312,9 /33/3 7/529
>. ,25*000 //(,22 73^90 294.2 /32(79 7/547
Sdocc) 7/579 13544 . 215./ 73222. U496
" [35000 1/530 13499 2508 13/79 H4-S7
'; 4COOO' U4H J34S2 237.$ 73/32 H404-
: 73033
' '45coo 7/438. /340 7 218.9 7/360
: :5&opD 7/390 /33/20 2 00.0 J3047 7(372
' ssooo 7/342 13 3/7 ISO 7 299Q 7/268
' f
.'V *

! A VEP&G& A(C5<) 6AO /ACTA

7/vo / o/j rD ST#A//J /O'6) t or/?A///
&<3j) 5 ~2 -3 -4- {h < '*>9 VI,0.) * 10-1)

3260 44- 42 43 47 42 n.z 1.44
: fOOoCt $2 25 86 50 S5 30.2 2.35
VfCOO ; 730 /33 732 !3C 133 55.0 2.42
n? m 779 J79 I7g 74.4 2.39
2SCOO Z7<6 223 2?5 227 333 93./ 2.40
/?<?fXXD' 20~f lib . 272 2 (7 112.2 2.40
{36000 31 e 3/4 313 3/7 314- 130.9 2.41
*40000 : 364- 36! 360 3C4 30/ 149.5 2.4/
[45000 4-1(0 406 404- 40? 405 /08.4- 2.40
56000 4Sg 453 45/ 456 452 /f7.3 7.41
556(00 SD> 502 49& 500 45=? 206.4 . 2.4 2

'** **

. 56F/F5 .21

OAGF C-S-C 27 sJAFOAJ2Y 7552 J 7530

IOAO 5rFA//i &A66 /OFc/oz/lGS
6-7 -2 O-5-C 6-3 -4-
0 /4/03 /3%2/ 360.0 73487 766/0
6600 /4Q<4 13 773 376,2 73439 75 SO?
/OOOO /4-0/6 7372? 3S1-9 73392 75620
/sooo 73667 73 68/ 333.0 7334? 75417
20000 73S79 73C33 373.0 } 3 2*99 75429
26060 738?5 7368*$ ' 794.3 13254 76333
30000 73827 7364/ 215J 73 2 69 7553?
36000 /37gO 734V& 2500 73761 75760
40000 13736 13466 237./ 737!? 75746
46000 13G24 73406 217.0 130(21 75796
50000 13658 13 357 198.S 13622 JS/57
66000 73590 7337 0 778.9 12311 76/03


7A,60 /T/D/CATED 5T6A/F(T^ y J0~C) 576A//J
6-7 6-2 6-3 E-4 (% voO (MU) ('%ro *ioc)'

5050 42 4S 47 45 4$ \9.2 2.SO

/ccco 53 1
92 95 92 < 5 3?.l ,.,44
75Coo /40 739 735 140 . 57.0 5.4c
2CCCO J84 788 7?8 783 IN 11.0 2,44-
76500 22? 232 233 229 232. 95,1 2.42
30006 276 780 27? . 274 219 1/4.5 2.43
35000 328 325 326 322 325 134.0 2.43
40600 302 37/ %9 3(5] 310 /52.9 2.4 2
46000 4& 421 470 . 476 421 113.0 1.43
50CCO 465 464 ACS 4C/ 4(o4 191,5 2,42
55COO 573 5/7 5/0 509 511 ZH.j ?,42
5f?/5. 5 T

Co OOu5 c-c-c 14 Dec

/es7- /
ZoA/9 OT/OO/A/ 5A6 /?5A/C//J66
(LC ) 0-1 c-2 C-O -c 5-3 5-4
O /20&0 14395 3206 14945 7/345
S'/DOC) 12035 14362 309.2 >4902 7/300
SOCOO 7/929 74303 351.2 14252 1/252
ssooo 77940 142/4 333.3 74/70 17267
20000 // SO2 14210 3/4.0 /676S 7776/
25000 7/252 14/70 293.9 74720 / 77/5
3cooo 1/3/0 14129 314.6 14675 77072
3SCoo 7/765 7402/ 255.? 74632 /7030
4oooo II722 14039 257.4 74532 /0 353
4soco //679 13991 2/0.0 74544 70947
5COCO 1/634 13945 200.0 74500 /09CO
55000 77590 /3900 121.0 74456 7 OS 55

/.OA/O Z//D/cor^/D ST/OO/// CIV /~C /reA/3 A(c-6-c) 6005 EtX-TOitL
Co) 5-1 E-2 E-3 5-4 (% *J2^) CKU.) _Cmz>5 J

5000 45 33 43 4c 43 17.4 2.4 7

/coco 9/ 77 93 93 3>0 344 2-36
/5cco Mo 73/ /35 733 . . 133 Otzt'Z ^
J, 2,50
2OccO M2 179 I/O 134 119 17.6 2,47
25660 <22% 2/5 225 230 '' 22 S' 92.1 2.43
30X50 210 26C 270 273 y II 2.0 2,39
35000 3/5 3/4 3/3 3/5 3 1.4 130.9 2 AO
4ocoo 353 3 50 357 362. 3 56 149,2 2,39
4-sooo 40/ 4o4 40/ 4C4 40 3 1 (o 1 0 2.40
50000 446 450 U5 . 445 44? 136.0 2.40
56CCO 490 495 4%9 490 492 26-5.0 2,39

-90 -
5&/P/5S T
/AC7VZ D&rdr#A'f///4770/J

OAG& C-6-c 27 JAAJUA/SY /9C.2, /SCO

7k sr 2
OoAO 5r5^3/77 53 AO5 &AO///<SS
05 5-2 5-5-C 5-3 5-5-
O 739>g /4395 385-6 /49S2 74520 r
5000 >'352 7434f 366.0 749/0 24463
/o&co /0309 2/30/ 340,7 /4866 14420
/sooo /S264 14254 3275 24820 14374
Oocco /S2/9 242/0) 309.0 14777 74330
k'SOCQ 10173 24/65 290,9 14732 14282
30000 Z5/27 24/20 77/, 2 24687 14234
3SOOO /SO60 24075 2530 1464/ 24227
4occo /5034 24630 234.3 24597 24240
4'=cco 24929 12584- 215.7 ' 24552 24C522
St>coo /4<?40 23946 196,8 /4O7 1404C
5SCOO 242^4 73295 178.2 /4462 O

loAO //JD/C0T5P Srk/5 (yz? ' A(c-6-d) Gm 5CToe

0-S) 5-2 5-2 0-3 5'4 (4x/o-c) (HU) <fr* >0-3
5000 44 %7 4? 47 .47 19- C 7,4 O
/cooo 29 '94 92 90 ^3 39 2,19
/SOX) 234 /4?. % W 236 140 si.i 2.4 1 .

'20000 /79 ] 225 ^ 22/ 280 \%h 1C. 6 2.39

25COO OPS 279 221 222 2-7g ^4. '2.4 1
30000 27/ 275 : 27/ 270 213 113.8 2.40
35600 3/j? 319 ; 3/7 323 1)1 $ iyz.Cc 2 AO

4ocoo 304 365 5 30! 370 3C3 Isi. 3 2.40

45CCO 409 4/4 4o7 4/8 4 II 14.9,9 2,42
50X0 452 45f 45/ 464 4-5 S U8J 2.4-1
55000 504 503 497 520 5oo 101,4 2,41 .

$e#/es I
5AGS 7=~ACTC^ TDsrs&M//JAr/OAj

GAGr C-4-M Cc/sl/=>/?$$/&A/ / D5C5A^/S,5 /SO/,/330

loAO 3>r/? -d /// 3?SA>ZO/A/<5J5

<2^/> 54 5-2 C-4-M 25-3 54
O /20#? . /45/0 72/,7 //9oO 7/953
. SOO /2/OS. /4490 2/0.0 7/939 //93/
AOOO 12/25 /4407 798,7 //9/7 J/9/2
/SCO /2/42 14445 /8ZO 7/334 7/820
QOOO 72/69 /H23 770.2 7/$74 //20C
ds&o Z2/90 75/02 765.3 //SOS' /M47
3000 J22/D /43S7 7535 //S33 //82S
3500 /223/ /4367 M3.3 7/2/3 //<f03
4ooo /2252 7434/ /32.9 //792 //7 23
4-500 12275 74322 /22.0 7/77J /r/2
sogo . J2300 /43C4 //2.7 7/750 /J755
5:52><2 /232L 74225 /C2. 2 7/732 f/7/4

LOAD ZA/S/ CAr/F/D 5ST~5A/// o'-tt D *) 'f.v A (c-4 -M) 2AGO FACTOR
.... &&) 55 5-2 5-3 5-4 M.D5
N <* (3r, * <0-9

:. SOO 2/ 20 7\ 22 2, 7 U.7 O.Z?

zoco 43 '4? 43 4/ 150,0 23.0 2,42
.. :: /seo OZ 05 &1 2S.I 74.1 2,45
'2000 S7 97. V SC 77 7/2.2 453 2,4 7
'2500 /Of /os 705 /07 iZZM 504 2.4 5
3000 MS /29 5.7 J2S ILC.O 07.9 2,45
'3500 149 /49 747 /SO 192.1 7 S. 4 2,45
4000 !?0 /09 > /$ 170 2)9 m 2,47
4Soo /9J t?t /S7 /9/ 24-4 99,7 2,45
5000 ' 21? '200 7.64 2/7 26 8 /09S 2,45
5500 239 225 222 2 57 7.92 . /I9. S 2,44

rfyr/^/- 33
C3A(55 5AC7-&A? }=71:rfi?M//JAr/0/U

XA<C,5 C-4-MI 7-r/J5/OA/ 2/ D''MSi>& /S2>/ /^OO

toAG OSOXA/AJ /3)GAG/A/<55>


50 5-2 5-3 3-4-


o /2055> /4570 2/7.3 i/SC5 //SA/O

SQG ri0 3p 74597 2703 //99Z //920
IOOO 170/9 /4C/g 24/. <2 /20/3 /ooo
/50O //955> /4037 253./ /2023 f/879
2000 H97& /4059 20 5.0 /2043 //8C0
2020 5 9 SB /4080 27CJ 77074 n mo
3000 H9>4/ 74700 27C.2 00.7
/ 2 H82!
3500 f/<92.3 /4 72/ 207J /1/2.0 //$03
4000 I/OC5 1414/ 5o ,2 /2/4/ 11/83
43200 //32S 1/133 3 OX /ZX3 // 744
3300 //XX 14 783 330X /2 03 // 743T
3500 //84<7 /4-OOc, 341.5 I22C4 J/727

IOAD /A/>/CAT5> S75A//J 6T/7

y 0,*/ A(C-4-M) c 2&C.-3 fX.roe
j/H/n). ,,

TOO) 3-/ 52 5-3 5-4 (& ^0 (M.U.) "V; 1

(IXY 0 *)

500 2/ 3 2 25 * 21- SO.7 /3X 2.30

/ooo 40 42 4f 40 ' c,u 243 2 XI
/OX) 66 XT 6<f 5/ 205 35.2 2,4 2 -

2006 2/ 29 $f 20 USX 41,1 ZZ8

2500 //>/ //o /C9 /CO 140.7 52. e 7.39
3ooO f/8 /30 /3? HO /C8.0 69-5 2,42
3500 /3X> /5! /s5 /37 /9s.e> 20. S 2,4 3
4000 /54 /?/ /73 /57 712. SIS 2.43
4500 /74 /02 XX no 249 102.5 2,43
53)00 /93 2/3 2/6 /95 715 113.3 2,43
5500 2)2 . 23(2 239 2/3 304 - 124.2 7.45

-92 -
Got.* 6ACT&6 H')67'66 Af/A/Ar/OU
GAO^= C-4-M /&AJ 3G <JASUA/?Y CZt 1370

10A/9 S~6A /// SAGS ASA SO//J 6 5

6c/=n 6-J 6-2 C-4-tO 6-3 .6.-4 _
O /<Z/7? 740/2 274,0 7/973 7 US 8
Sec /(7co 74690 203,0 // 952 7(2/0
/OCO 7(27.7 74 670 /92J 7/932 JO 250
/5Z)G 7(244 74 550 7 77.2 779/0 /CZS2
7000 7(7 2.0(2 74 630 770,7 7/890 l( 273
2560 /um 73 509 7594 7/270 10 290
3DOO /<0 300 74 489 7429 7/750 703/9
3Sco /O 330 /4-d(9 732.3 7/ $30 7(340
4ooo 7635/ 74460 727.7 77$/0 70 530
4600 7(3373 74 429 HC.7 7/790 1C 322
6000 70300 744CO. 70537 7/770 1 6 405
6500 704/3 743(9 9s.7 77749) U42 7

OCAD 7/UA/OATSO CTAA/A (6. "A 6 (c "4 - Oj) GAO T/AC7CVZ

(is) 6-t 5-2 6-3 4 (&* A> (HO.) (9/SA..

/ "> '2/ 58.0 2.4-/
soo 22 22 175
/coo 44 42 4/ 42 si.o 2'2. S' 2,40
/SCO (0 Co (33 (4 21.4 33.4 7.44-
Toco 22 71 * F3 85 /o?,C 44.5 2.4 2,
2530 //o , 703 /03 708 134.4 5.S 2.4 2
3000 737 723 723 73/ 7(0.7 6 5.7 2.45
3500 752 743 743 752 726/6 1C .3 2,45
40CO 773 752 /G3 772 2/2 20 2.4-4
4500 795 773 723 754 239 61.9 2.44
5060 2/3 . 203 263 2i7 265 76706 2,43
5500 ; 240 223 724 ^6 6 292 77 0 2,46

-9 3-
57=/?/^s T
' PACTOte jMAr/CKi

CJ~4~M 773/JS/OA/ 6C> n^sso*.S&Y /S>02J noa

LO/\> *S 7~/P /O /A/ C~i /A>& /SSAJOV//CSC5

(?-&) &-/ 5-2 63-4-77 26-3 3-4
o 76/69 746/7 319,3 H928 74/20
560 /&/0 74638 23 7,0 /TOGO 7Q59
/COO 20/30 /4i?<>0 2712,2 17022 76/39
/SCO /6//0 74660 263.2 Ho 4 3 7<2 779
2000 7G6$9 ' 7470/ 264,3 no 64 10679
2500 /6069 74-722 2150 no 86 76 079
3000 /6G4S 74745 2UC 12107 7 6 059
3600 76029 14766 2983 1251% 7 Go4o
46CO /COOS/ 14773 3/0,0 12)52 760 20
4 SCO /SO 8 3 !4U0 32/.0 )2n3 j 6 OOO
5000 75568 14830 352,4 12194 159%!
6600 759 49 74% 6! 343.57 1221c, ISOGZ

TCAO hJD/cCi TSD .ST5,*/O Crfo 70 -*) VJ A(C.-4 -M) 6A<~C 5/^croc
lUi) 6-/ SOI 6-3 6-4 CM. U.)

SCO /9 21 2.1 2/ 27.7 71,7 231

/Ooo 39 43 44 4/ S5.9 23,9 2.44
/SQO 59 03 65 d 22.4 33.9 2.4-3
2000 80 H ?C 71 709.6 45.0 2,44.
'LSCO 7CQ /05 708 /o/ 131.2 565 4,4-Z
30CO 72./ n$ 729 . 121 765.S 613 5.42
'3630 /40 \ 149 750 /40 IS2.4 79. S 2.42
4000 /30 !?8 m /GO 222 0-0,9 2,45
4600 /?/ 193 795 780 2 SC 701.7 Q.,4-(O

5000 20/ 213 2/6 199 7.1 L 7/3.7 2,44

5500 820 234 25% 7.!?! 303 124,2 2.44-
Ssoe/ss JL

&AG C-S'-M Cc^666SS/OH / D6S6M65 /$ /SC 7J /4SO

/-OA) -57794/// <5 6(9 6 3

(63) 6-i 0-7 C.-S-M 6-3 6-4
M. Z27525" - /2 ns 24/2 7330/ 720/0
500 /27V-9 1206] 229,? 732fO 7303/
/oco moo 12073 2/?J 73200 73052
/SCO : my.2 /2064 20/0 73240 73077
. 2000 72665 17036 m,7 . 73220 73099
2.500 12706 iZoH m,3 13700 13170
:: 3ooo /2?O0 1/994 176/ 13170 13140
' -3S0Q 729/0 119/5 544 ]3l/0 73/02
4-oao 12930 7/964 7544 73140 73/23
. 4-S'co 12902 (1934 mo 73/19 73206
SZ>CO 12977 H9/4 /32.9 73099 73229
'.. 65oo ; (299? 1/235 12.2.0 73020 73256

2m/? /Aio/csrso S/S/AlU (l& */0~^J 5i/j A(C--,A) GAG S-Acrog

. 253) 6-7 6-2 6-3 6-4 ^v (MU.) C4&. **'<)/

SCO 25 27 9-! 2/ 27.9 HA 2,49

7000 45 40 4/ 4Z 57,0 224 7,SC
/SCO (27 05 Of 07 21,0 33,2 2.46
Toco 90 U 3/ 9 10/ 2 A-2
r *J . C 2,4 6
QSOO 173 705 70/ 770 733.1 549 2.45
3000 136 725 727 /JO 139/ OCJ 2.4/
3600 755 744 /4/ 752 no 9 7C.J 7.41
4ooo. 775 705 70/ 773 'ill ?c.$ 243
4500 : 197 7*5 772 193 2 52 97,2 2,49
:5ooo 222 205 702 . 2/9 264- ' fOL 3 7,44
5500 243 224 32/ 2 40 2?9 //9,2 2.4 3

F/crzjye -VIF /F M/z/s/rr/OA/

~5-/o/ 727/5/0/7 2/ USC&M 7Z'/Z /507 j

loAO OoOr'O //y (5oo/r /Gmo'/ooo


E-2 :/?_ 54


/SO/O 72/39 249.2 13320 (4/03
300 7 4 2 5/ 72/(3/ 0.00 5> 1534/ 74/5/
/COO 74 8 75 72m 2.12,5 '35/3 J4l32
1000 74 957 /27.0 7 434.0 733K 74/72
2 CCO 744s 2 /2.7.30 255.3 73409 / 4 09/
. 253'C 7 44/3 72232 307. / /5430 74074
3000 74$9C 72272 317.7 /34SO 14050
3300 /4f/7 72223 37-3.2 . 13472 /4039
4o<00 74 55C 7237? 347.0 13435 140/8
4000 / 4 rJ 7 72539 357,8 735/7 74cco
SXOD /7j/o 72359 302,4 15538 13122
OOOo 74 80/ 72380 3 73,2 !j 500 72904

7AC.O . 7//0/OA7~eO 5rovj/// {'ITJ i3~&) d LV O/.'/iS FACTI

c c
(5) 5-7 5-2 3~ 3 -4 (^io */Q' ) (503 x/0" )

5oO 79 22 2/ 17 27.2 ll.l 2.32-

7000 33' 45 43 3C 5. L 23.3 2.39
7500 69 58 OC, 5(2 103 34.? 2.44-
'2000 7/ 9/ 5 77 a 4.0 4-U 2,4 7
2500 97 1/3 I/O . 54 141.2 51.9) 2.44
3000 n4 733 /30 772 /CC.5 (e'LS 2,43
3500 733 /54 52 . 729 Oi.l 19.0 2.45
4000 734 178 775 750 224 9J.S? 2,44
4500 173 799 197 70 8 25/ 102.0 2.4S
5000 797 22 0 2/2 127 277 113.2 2.4S
.b5oo 209 2.4/ 240 '2o4- 30-5 124.0 2.4G

(?<$ FACTO/Z jF-Jlfi?A4/iJ/\7-/<D/j


loACJ Sr/?A/M GAG6 /<?. c

Oo) r-f F-2 5-5-/4 75-5 6-4.
o /soso //$>/ 2(2.0 13/4f w?5~
5oo /SO 5/ 71640 260.0 3/22 742oo
/ooo /SO 7/ //9>2o 189.2 73 70/ 1422-1
/SCO /SOOC //S99 111.? /Soso 14 343
2000 /S*r8 i/8 7? 7U,6 (30 60 14 247
a sco /s! 40 1/8 67 . 756,7 JS646 14 2%%
JOGO 15/6( ; //; 37 745,2 /3O20 74 3/2
JSCO 15/85 l/S 73 734,2 /2999 74 337
4000 /SI 07 7/7 95 723,9 120 79 (4 353
4060 ISZ29 m 72 1/3.2 129 54 74-315
sooo /S2 50 7/7 51 . 702.7 (293% . 14 397
' 5600 7547! 7/7 32 9/, 3 !&/% 74 4/9

/QUO ///0/c.Areo ST/?/A/ (& *70 fc vV 4(C-S-M) Ooss FACTC/?

QAJ -/ e-z 5- 3 . $'"*) (M.U) (C: **,-<)

Coo 2/ 71 25 25 29.0 5,0 7.47

/coo 4/ 4! 47 45 5(o5 72.7 7.43
mo 63 62 63 6>S 33.7 34.2. 7.4S
loco %8 .. M 22 32. ///, 2 4-5.4 2,4-5
2&0 .no 704 /o$ H3 /37,2 50.3 7.4-4
.260) .131 124 /2f . 73? /633 6CJ 7,4-4-
.3600 756 m 146 /SO /9>2. 1 77S 2.47
4006 177 760 769 !72 7(7 n.\ 2,40
4500 199 lf9 729 5-CJ 245 9?.2 2.42
Coco 720 2/0 210 222 212 709.3 2.47'
5500 241 no 230 244- 297 l2o,7 2.40

<5/55 /

<OA5 C-5-M TG*JZ>/OSJ 2& CJAA/UA^Y /SC2J 7400

lcA> <r6?A //J (A A<55 /?2D //YG' <

. fee) 54 5-2 C-S-M 5-3 5-4
o 75024 //9 ?0 7.15,7 15/50 14170
500 5<C'0 / //35'2 227.0 13/75 14/St
/oog / 4-9266 <2o/4 232.2 15/97 14/3}
/5o<o <4900 12034 749,7 13219 14/10
2ooo 74940 0066 201.0 ) 37-40 14090
2-500 74920 /201 % 717.0 15700 140 7/
3000 /4900 ',2! 02 laA 13-222 I40S/
3500 74 879' 12/24 295.1 /35O0 14030
4000 74-85? 17-143 356.9 /33V 140/0
4<oo J4&37 12/OB 3112 13349 13990
SGCP /4tl7 12/90 529. C 13370 059/0
5500 74 796 !2?./3 341.0 13391 13949

07 A/ , A1 \
2-ot.Q 7/25/.CYT5ZO Sr/9/5/5 (7* J ^ \*J A(C-5- /A) GAO5- AACTV/Y

-(031 . -i E'2 E-3 -4 (& * >5) (M.D,)

570 23 22 /9 19 6.4 n.3 2.34

/coo 44 44 41 39 54.5 22 S 1,47-
/5O0 64 C4 <23 to 21.5 34.0 1,4 0
2000 H a H 70 /07.9 45.3 1,40
2500 /o4 /of /C4- 99 135 7 56.3 2.4/
3000 174 /32 5-G U9 16433 47.7 2,44
3560 145 154 / 50 740 194.1 20.1 2.42
4ooo /66 176 17/ /OQ 111 <71.2 2,43
4500 /27 /9? /93 120 2 SO 702.5 2,44
50CO 707 7.10 2/4 200 111 1/3.9 2,43
5CO 222 143 155 22/ 3&S 125.3 1,43

<5?AG/? /~ACT6>AS D^T^/fM/AJAr/O/S

^sc= 6-C-7? COMM/e Ess/o/y / ?<EC&M>/3E& 796? /5o

,?A LOAD 6>T/?A //J ^PJEA/S/MCT 5

;- -/ 3-2 6-0-M .... ~3 -4
VV 'o 70?88 7234o 2/9.3 //SCO 12720
/03/O 77318 208.6 7/64-7 /2740
. /O?<0 /0332 /Z2SC /97.0 H 620 7 2700
703S2 12 273 / SC,. O /! 660 12780
A \ '-'20QQ /037S 12 7SS 776.0 ll 580 moo
:/?SQD . JOBSS' 12 Z54 702,2 H 666 J212d
5o3>d )0 42o !l 2/4 A?,3 II 640 nm
(: 3500 70440 11/94- /43/9 H 920 12860
4ooc> 76460 12/73 7334 ll 600 moo
4SoO /0460 /2/S3 121.9 1/480 119CC>
-. a7362 JOfCO !2137 /a/ 11460 12923
;6SiX> 70 322 /2 77? /0/. <f H440 /2S4S

A(c-6-Mj 6?/>(r- 58CT6/3

>40 //Jjy/CAT/TO ST&A/A/ (^TL * /o'**) 6v\/
124) 4=-/ e-2 -3 E-4 (74.0.) * A

300. 72 22 19 70 2.0.6 /0/7 2.43

/30 ^ 44 40 40 543 22.3 2.4-3

/SoO. 4 <2? TcO GO 819 333 2,46

2000 87 23 So SO 106.2 433 2,47

:'l5X> 77/ 706 . /oo /oo /33. (a 54./ 2,41
720 720 120 m.s 65.0 9,45
/52 74C /40 140 H5.4 75,4- 2,46

4000 /?2 76? /GO /GO 7\2 86,2 2,46

4500 - 72? 787 /SO 720 232 97.4 2,44

5&00 272 103 . 'Zoc, 203 2 61 !6 7,2 2.43

3f56 257 222 no ns 217 H7.6 2,44
5T/?//FC /
<2? AC & /A C TO A? 239T 779? ASI/A/A T/C/7

6ACT OC-M 73/757O/J '2/ Doc 70/5735/9 790/j /500

5<A> Sro/A/// (v4C.e? 4C5.A/7/WC 5

CLO) 5yj 5-2 C-C - 74. 5-3 5-4-
O 70270 /5'CO '216/9 7/063 ' 127/0
5070 70 250 12.3 25 7.22.3 7/0 S'S' / 2090
/oco /023O 72408 2399 7/7/0 367/
/soo /o2// 12429 257.0 7/73/ 12052
2COO 70/95 72 449 2/2.2 77 252 /2 52
2*500 ZO/75 !2 46 2 '2730 7/ 770 72-0/0
3000 70/53 72445 233-C 7/790 7259!
3500 /0/3? /Z 5/2 Z95'9 UW 5572
4OTX0 20/20 1253/ 305.2 // 24 0 12560
4500 /0/02 12553 3/5$ H /GO 71542
50C5 70005 72 524 32.7,3 n '5 / 3-525
5500 700<2 7 72 597 332.3 U903 72 570

5A/C //JO/C A TJT/O 5354 /7J (iP/o-y /*/ ZCC-O-M) 6ACT 5AC70&
CLT) O-/ E-2 5-3 T~4. \(L*'<5L /MU. ) (9/, v ,0-7 1 -y

600 20 24 20 37,0 11,4 5,72

/Oco 40 42 42 39 59.? 23.0 2 ,Gd
3560 50 6? 5/ 53 2>tc.(o ' 34.1 7. 4
2000 77 $9 e? 5/ H7.2 . 453 7,49
2600 SAT 70/ 70/ 700 !5.o SC,./ 2,44
30co //7 ,25 726 7/9 767.2 GG.7 2.42
2500 /33 75Z 754 732 9:9 710 2.49
4000 750 /?/ 770 750 27} MS 7,so
4500 /6$ 193 79Z 70S 24$ 99.9 2.47
5CCO 725 2/4 2i/ 723 714 1/6.4 2,42
5500 203 23/ 239 205 303 /2I.4- 2, SO

-too. -
<5/5/5^' /

? /Cocro,^ / 45/^5/^/*/

Gzss1 G-G.-W Co iV oCsc/o'sd/ y' /5SC/Scs>

csi>o G 55^ /CC'^S'/AZISS


47'/ 75-2 C-O -7,1 /r-3

o 02450 /234/T 206.7 3650 /C493
500 125/2 rZ3'Z5 195,0 //029 750/8
lOOC: 12 53 C 12363 124,0 7/609 15639
/6& /2 553 /2283 173,0 //$%9 15060
2500 . /3 570 12263 167,7 7/3(23 /Z&O
2000 12 Gy . H241 /5 / >7 H54$ 15607
3c&o /2 22 12222 !4/0 //6z 2 757/3
3soo /Z<647 11262 130.3 ncoo 15/4?
4CCO /%<>?. 121 33 H92 //4f7 /5G 68
4SCG . /2/ 90 12/62 /o/. c 114-6/ /56 90
5000 >27 U 12/4/ 92.0 1/447 /57 \Z
5500 127 3'Z mn tto /1427 /si 3)

x C\Aj
/mo.. 7//o /CACOD CT/C3//J ('u 73 ) /CC-O-M) 0/-65 f/eTC/O
f '73- y A-&)
/LS) S-I 5-2 5-2 5-4 2 *'o3 (M.O.)
V ^ C'MJ
X 1" ' /

SCO 72 20 7J 25 21.0 //. 7 2.31

7000 4C 42 41 46 S4.3 22,7 2.39
/zoo 69 22 a 67 305 33. 7 2.39
Tcco 23 n 8} 77 706.4 44.0 2,42
0500 III /63 ,/6'2 /69 133.7 55.0 7 A3
3ooo J32 123 m 130 159,1 65.7 7,43
3%X> /S7 14/ 14/ /ic esn 10.4 2.43
4000 /?$ f/2 Kc3 175 212 ns 2,42
450 200 /C3 1/4 197 240 18.1 2.45
Sees 22/ 204 163 219 <L6> 0> 168,7 2,45
C500 24/ 223 223 23? 251 nt.7 245

-/o/ -
5S/?JBS /

<3/16 C-,6 ~/4 71? */</<?// ?Q y /5<3 2} 7030

ZO&JD Sr^o/A/ C5^G >///3

U'S) -/ S-2 C-C-A4 -5 SS
C /S47Z 7736/ 209,2 ' //Coo. 75430
SCO /S4-S/ 1
(23C2 -220.0 //C ! /S400
/COO /430 12 384 751,2 //C 92 75440
7S00 /4/S 1240$ 743,1 U7/6 154 ft
2/jOO /53S 9 t'l429, 7540 Hi 38 75397
2500 /53C9 12 446 205,2 H7 60 /S3 IS
3occ- 75349 /2470 270.2 U7 7o /53 55
3500 /S 330 /2 49/ 7/8.0 118 62 S3 35
Soso /55/0 /2S/2 2990 42 23 753 (0
4SCO /5290 12 535 2/0,7 1/248 75297
5CCO /SO// /2SSg 322.0 //20 9 /52 77
SSco /S 262 /2 79 332,7 //8So 752 5g

/6 -<
Zc^o /A?C'/C /I S/D Zor^o/A/ C/s * V 5 CC.-<L-M')S>&6& F7,CT6g
O3J -/ -2 -3 -4 ('rL * '0^)' (M.U.) d&uo-1)

SCO 2\ 27 2/ 20 2 74 /0.8 1..SI ,

/coo 42 43 42 40 54.1 2 7,0 2,49
/SCO 6>2 c>7 hb <72 263 3333 2,2'
2000 $3 22 n 53 713,1 44. Z 2,52
2<CO /63 /o2 //o /o 140.2 6.6 2.50
3ooo 123 129 730 /25 / c'oO, 7 07.0 2,49
35co /4s /SO /52 J45 794,2 12.7 5 40
4occ 7/Z 77/ rs /CZ 22/ ? 2,4(o .
4Soo )2Z 794 735 /?3 252 70/5 2,47 7
6/GOO aoi 2/7 2/9 203 220 7/2. ? . 2.44
5500 220 233 240 222 306 /23.S 2.4-2

-102 -

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5PP/<S5 2

<D//S)</J/c/j3 C/= CA O/SPA 550 GAC/5-5

6J'C&- 0, Az 2. //K/
P0/43eg (/AjcuttJ OtJCHes) (tiJCtiers) ( /JJC s) C/K/CHeP) (OHM'S )

JPP-i-O 5.S7S . 6.CO 7 ^932 S.SS9 0.&5 93 O

.1 WP-2-C 5,993 5.970 5.98 i S.9&7 O.ST6 9^0
WP-3-C 5986 O.ooC 5.990 5,959 O. 86 990
WP-4-M 5,959 6.0/5 5987 5,950 0.92. ^9 O
WP-5~M 599 S 5.999 5.355 0-81 920

IP- PC 6. ooo 5,988 5.994 5.990 OS4- ^30

p-2-C .004- 6-00! <2>.00 2. 5993 6.84 Z90
IA/-3-C 5,999 <o-oO(3 6.CXD4 5.995 0.8 7 9C O
\p-4-C &,oo6> 6.oo4- 6,co5 599 S 0.8G 920
WS-C .000 5.999) 6,000 5990 O, 93 SCO
lp-Cr-C 6.0/5 6.002 G.ooQ 5.990 0,84 920

5iW/S 2-
<5AG /^ACTO/Z JDr7l?/g/s?///s4 ~/&//

GAG5= \A/>- 1-C 27 <JA7/(JA 73 Y 7962; 2330

2e-s 7~ /
/-OA> Sr/?A/7/ GAG 5 PP<SA/9/7/G5
/LM 5-2 52 WP-/< 5-3 ~4
o 25325 M'39l 403.4 15/90. 24520
5^06 75779 . 14345 3 XL 6 15/43 14415
70000 /S73/ 14300 32*2.1 25099 14475)
/sooo. /56?3 14255 362,1 75052 14321
20000 /S4.3S 14211 33S.4 7500=9 14334,
'Z'SCOO 7.5590 I4tt>4 3/19 /45C2 I4zn
30000 /5544 !4U9 300. L 149/6, 14141
3*5000 75495) i401f 2 22.3 14-270 14197
4-ocoo 75452 ',!40 24 204.2 14223 14150
*4Sooo 15459 15)7 7 242.2 14/20 : 14)05
50000 253(20 13950 250.0 !4l3r2 14059
SSooo 253/5 13314 213.2 I4W 14013
A zeeM <d (WP-I-C) &A6& 5kc7&&
2oA) //jo/cAr^o GT&A/TJ ( <r5A/7J
(HO.) 15/liL K/cr k
03 '/ E'2 5-3 . -4 2-777 X/0~*) MO /c

5000. 4a 4L 41 45 46 1,4
1 2.0,4- >

/coco 92 9} 9/ 9/ -9/ 34.1 2.62 : |

/Sooo 140 I5C 152 /39 137 5*0.7 2.10 ;
20 coo ItS 120 HI \%4 . IS 6 68.0 265
26coc> 233 227 Zl? 132 7.27 ?S.*S 2, OS
30000 279 272 274 779 273 102,2 2.66
35000 314 32o 32(3 323 320 12.1,1 2.64
4occo 31/ 30 S 36,7 310 3(c Co 13?, 4' 2.64
45coo 4/4 4/1 410 4 IS 411 /ss.2 2.65 .
ODCOO 403 45? 4ST 40/ 451 173.4 2.6^ ;
ssoco 50$ 5C4 SO 3 501 So4 191.^ 7.6f

'; > ' . ; GAGA- /-&C7&se j-Azrr&/,/sf//S/! 710 57

; ;
Goo s WP-/'C c /G?/3/eo^gy JSGZ, /S3O
vW'V72=57- 9_
3 SoAD 5r/?A/AJ
0 &//?) 5-/ 52 WP-/-C 5-3 <5-4
:':^v; ' <0 /S7 70 74370 394,0 75/69 744? C
75725 74-379 3783 /S/27 1444-0
'' /o. 75450 74 223 30/.S 7508/ 74392
75 /S 4 3/ 74240 344.2 15035" 14-345
' , GO-.. /SS27 74 797 377,0 7-4 740 75302
25 /S639 74 749 303.7 1494-1 iizsz
) 3? 75493 74/04 29/-4 /4 ?9<9 142.70
V - 35 75449 74020 273, 7 /485I 14765
, 46> 75403 74C/3 244,0 74 80/ 74-50
45 /53S? 73905. 23 7,7 74 752 74 0 73
50 75370 73 9/7 2 79,9 74 1 jo /4 oZ9
5 7526,2 73$ 74 202.3 74 ICC *3 S?g

ICAO /Mp/Car&D Sr/2A//J (7)2 */cr*) s r&cuJ. 0^60 52cr^

W//M , \
<&4 54 52 5-3 5-4 (MM) ( 55Jj. */D )

78 47 42 4C 4/ 1 s.7 7.61
70 % 27 *8 94 21 37. s 2.6 8
75 745 730 734 740 132. 49,8 2, (55
4o 129 173 779. m 170 67,0 7.63
.25 237 227 212 73 f 774 853 /2,63
30 . 223 z&C 27 0 276 70? 102, L 2,4 /
35 327 ' 3/0 313 32/ 3/4 120.1 2,6/
40 373 357 302 SO 6 399> 13 3,0 2, 60
45 , 419 Acs 411 4-13 4-02 150, 3 2 ,01
SO- 4-04 453 459 457 4-50 174.7 2, 62.
55 5D2 4%, so 3 49Q 49^ ill, 7 2,60

55P/P5 2- /M/AJ SJ/?r

GAGP lA/'P- 2- C 21 JAP oOPy /S/2^ /700


CoAD 5>r5A\/D Gy GP 55 A 5/pGO

(J/p) 5-/ 5-2 2A/P-2-C P-3 <5-4,
o /55/C /4/5)7 423.2 2 5/20 23403
5 '0773 24-049 4023 255/2 J3437
/o 25725 24OO0 38/S 2567.0 13390
/5 /5/70 23954 370.2 /54/4 03343
20 '5/27 23902 354.0 '5471 1229/,
25 2555/ /32/f 3310 2538/ 1375)
30 2553/ 2322/ 3215 25334 13204
55 /5492 iST/O 305? '5190 132/0
40 25342 13720 2SI 3 15240 13/10
45 '5335 23/73 2113 25294 (30/7
GO 2535/ 23/75 254.3 25249 13021
SO 75304 23500 2317 25/03 >2977

S/AJ ...s ) A V&PA6P

2-0A? /p/GATED :' TPA/P C 75 "/ V 5 TPA/D 4 ( U/P-2-/) GAG& OACTO/F
4k/p) E-) e-2 E-3 P-4 (/fj/iA *'0 ) <ku) 'PA. < *<)

6~ 4/ 4i ' 4f 4/ 42 //. i 2.98

/o 53 Of 90 93 9/ 31,7 7.21
/5 140 M3 14/ 240 144 414 3.04-
20 r<o 44 M3 57 12/ /An 7.90
2G 235 23/ 725 232 233 863 7.90
30 220 2?4 27/ 219 219 9/3 7,90
3*5 324 327 320 37 3 324 112.4 752
4o 314 37? 370 313 374 130.4 O 09
1 *

45 417 424 4-)C> 410 . 420 I<9 7,8/ ..

50' 42,5 4/3 4/f 4/2 4/ 6 1/3.9 234-
55 5/2 5/7 507 501 512 119.5 2.25.

57?/*S 2- P/P54/Q///JA 5 r'
PAG 50/2. /A/4r/<osj

5AG5 WP" 2-c 5/2=>35oA5y . .753 2 , /7GO

77k GT 2-
/-GAO S>T/2/)//J <3>A6& /pTAl JO//J<5<
'fa'*) 55 5-2 14/5-2-0 5-3 5-5
o /37V 2 /8-//0 4/50 /55/7 /3409
.5' /3 73/ 7406 2 3904 /5570 /3 42 3
70 73 703 740/3 382,3 75 573 73577
y/5 735/ 73370 3470 75420 73 330
'20 13/70 13^23 337,0 754-33 /3 28/
25 73503 73375 334.0 /5 322 /3 233
30 . /33/V 7323/ 3/7,8 /S 34/ /3 /VO
35 )3 472 73783 3O/.0 15 2<?7 )3 M-2
40 73 42? 78735 324-0 IS 230 i3 09?
45 73380 /S388 758,0 75 2C3 73050
50 '13 332 73 U7 23/./ 75/57 73 003
55 13 22? 73 593 135,0 75/70 !295(3

\/CO4^ ^ &
/tJOicArzo5r-ez>/s/(/u /o ^ ST/P/^/aJ 9&c,t- SECTOR
10 4 *
(89 -/ . ^"'2 5-3 3-4 (M.OP (TW * y

s 4f 47 47 40 48 /<>. s 2,9/
70 79 97 94 92 90 33./ 7.90
/5 13(2 Mo 737 139 139 47.9 '2.Z4
-20 7$2 187 784 /8f !2(o 05,0 7.2^
25 519 Z$S . 2729 23> 252 67 .o 73 G>
3o 213 779 17C 279 27? 98.1 7.23
35 320 327 32 O 30? 324 114.9 2.22
40 305 375 3G? 372 37/ 131.9 7.. 2 )
45 4/2. 422 4/4- 419 . 4
4/2 M-7.9 2.23
SO 4CO 409 4&0 4O0 4oS 104.2 . 2.27
S3 5c?5 S/7 507 5/3 5i 2 no,9 2.23

5/Z?/&*$ 7 - PJO^L/MIKlA/PY

/^Acro/z <D<?r^/ZAs}/sJA r/o/J

QAG5 2//0-2-C 0 /Sr/oeoArr 754>2 j GO30

Tsor 3
C> 5 re A /// QAO^ /55AC?7SJ<S5
7iOP) 5-/ E~2 U/5--2-Q . 5-3 5-4
O 73770 7 4o S2 4/3.9 75599 73 439
o 73725 / 40 30 397.Z 1555/ 7340/
to 73577 73 0?<9 3?l.l /SS05 73352
75 13630 73^4-2. 545.2 75458 73503
'20 73 iTJ 73 $95 349.) 754)3 73 257
& ,3 53S 73 20) 337..0 75309 73 270
30 /3 49Z 73 ?05 3/0.8 /S'323 )3 76 7
35 73 440 73 757 300./ )5 2 ?7 )3 119
40 13 40/ 73 7/2 224.0 75250 /3 072
4S /33G 73/44 7C./.7 ISI2C )3 075
3o 13 3/o 73 6/9 7 50.9 15/40 izqzo
55 (32// 73 570 34.0 15097 IZ93)

; t

<U'AD tfJ JO/CAr5C> 5r/3A/rJ Srr */0 V STgA/tJ A(wP-2-c) <5A&& S&cro/r
(K/P) 5;J 522 53 5:4 (4, (/^) l M.U. X (0~ ).--
1*HS ^

45 4C> 4? 47 47 76,7 2 .St

31 93 9X3 97 94 32.2 7,21
740 7/0 74/ /4C, (40 48,7 73?
/e? /f? 726 )9Z 787 . 643 7, 89>
Z3Z 23) 230 239 23/ St.3 lM.
27/ 277 27C 271 2 7? . 97.) US/
324 325 322 330 . 324 If 3.2 7.25
869 316 309 377 320 /29-9 2.
4/4 41? 473 42.( 4/6 140,2 : US .
$ b

400 403
. 450 469 46/ 163,0
509 5/2 502 S/S' , 570 17937 7. S3

S5S/55 2- //snuA/py'


GAV,9 /A/P- 3-C 27 VPC5/S/05P /S>G7J /5~30

TS-^T /
. (KfP) P-/ P-2 WP-3< P-3 ^-4
. O (4400 (340/ 400.0 /45/S (4-94,)
;' . ^ ' (434$ /53S2 3sy. 6 (4444 (49/0
- VO- - (430/ (53/0 364.9 (442/ (4-707
XT . (4250 (5270 3SO.I (4379 /4 m
. : 26 (42/4, (5223 332.4 14332 (4770
>; 25 /4-/70 1517$ 3(4.9 i4l?7 (4730
. 30 /4/Z2 (5(30 295.3 (4232 74490
^ ' !4v3?9 (5034 719.0 (4-190 (4S4S
46" /4052 (5037 too. / / 4/4V (4599
45 (39 34- 14990 242.9 (4093 (4552
;" .30 !394O (494/ 125.0 (4041 14 So 8
': 55 >3392 (4 70S 2ol.o (3999 (4400

A vTZA&T *(WP-K) stae.

G'p) P-V p-2 P-3 <? ~4 (Si x/o't) <79

5 52 4-9 57 s/ 50 l?,4 2,72

. VO 99 01 9d 94 92 IS, | 2.62- ,
VS 140 13/ I3& (35 13 3 4 9,9 2.67
V . 20 . m m /*3 12/ )20 67,6 2,66
2S- 230 223 22? Z2S 215 .15.1 2,64
30 27$ 27/ 277 27/ 214 . \04.1 2.62
: 3S 32/ 3/7 325 3(0 32/ 121,0 2.6 5
'40. 34$ 344 314 X2 3&9S 139,9 a. 64
45 4(0 All 4Z2 409 4-12 157./ 2.65
50 ; 440 400 44,4 453 4-6 4 175.0 2.65
5T SOS 300 576' 50/ SI 1 \93.D 2. 6 ^

SE (?/?. 2- P/$f-L / As?//JA JP Y
C?A6- / ~ACr&: /D&r&R/YtKl AT/CKl

GA'G& W/0-3'C 6> 795 2. j (730

Cz//Z>) -/ E'2 PV5-3-C <5S TPS '
o 74357 (5332 390,8 /4SZO 74940
S 74322 (0343 374,2 44407 74898
/o /4 Z77 (6299 35 8.0 /4422 (4 25/
73 14229 7525/ 341,} 74373 74 SOI
20 J4-I? 2 /5-20C 324.} 74332 74-755
25 /d!37 13 tOO 30( ,5 742%7 . id- 770
30 /4 090 IS 1/3 2 89-(o {4240 /4&0C
35 J4 olC IS 070 ' '1123 14-195 (40 20
40 /4 OoO /SCI 2 2S4.3 14749 74575
45 /3 9)53 14 97? 257,0 74/02 74 529
SO (3900 M 930 7193 740S4 74 4 20
333 (3 8(3 14 234- ZO(.$ 74-0/0 /443L

(2y/? /ASOICAT5D STOA/AJ {/H x/<-)^) o(wP-3-c) GAYE FACT&Z

(,<?) ! -2 e-3 -4 (,*JO-c) rM.0,1 (Gba IOQ

45 45 43 42 44 70.0 2,0s
90 39 82 29 89 373 7,7/
(3$ 137 73Z 739 735 49,q 2, 72
./86* 52 /7/ 185 786 (,({,7 2,?0
230 22-8 72 3 230 ZZC 84.3 :2, (2
277 275 * . 270 7.74 213 /ot.2 2,7 0
31/ 372 3/5 320 317 1/8.5 2, (2
3(7 34C 30 J 3057 30,4- 130.5 %(7
4/4 4-H 408 4-ll 4/0 153.8 2.67
440 4S2 450 400 4-5 7 1715 2. 66
5o4 504 Soo sot 502. mo 2. 66

2^/'feELi MI MAfey
/-4C7-&/E. /5E r^/^/^/tSA T/O A/

GA6E I5P-4-M y/r/vjf/OA/ so ^x/2/zjjEy /9C2; /<430

7OA/> 5rPA//7 <5A<s& /3?y/s>//y;s

(/& ) 55 50 WP-4-/4 5-3 5-4 .

o. 7467/ /C/77 725,0 7(788 7/97/

500 74590 /(, 200 734.5 0 203 7/957
/coo 74569 7/227 244.0 Ko 230 a 930
7500 74549 7(242 2S3./ (025/ . 419/7
7000 74527 7C205 2/2/3 7(273 //890
2500 74/309 /CZfC 212.0 (<o 29C 7/870
30CO 7448/ 7C 3/0 2f./. G 7/3/9 7/850
3500 744/7 /& 330 7-9/J 70340 77830
4000 . 74448 /> 35/ ZOOS 8(3(0 //8/C
4500 /4-428 7C 372 309,0 7/32/ n790
sooo 7440 8 /C39C 3/2.3 /(404 7/709
5500 76388 74 4/2 3275 7(40/ 7/749

/coo /U/P/SATZ-// 5r/?z/// O^f * /O'6) 'W o(n7P-4-M)Ctz 79crc

(93) -/ E-2 -4 ^M^70- J (P/ O.) x/O*)

500 2/ 23 2/ 26 2?.S 9,S 3,00

/oco 42 44 42 47 SC.O 19.0 l.s 6
/5X) 02 05 03 CO 83/1 2 Cl 2.SO
2ceo 22 7 25 2i 1114 37.3 7.SS
2500 702 709 708 70 j. 140.7 47.0 7-.SS
3CO> 723 733 737 72/ /70.9 sc,( 3.02.
520 744 753 752 74/ 19 7.7 os.% 3-o o
4ccO 7(3 774 7 72 72/ 224- 74S 2.99
450 723 795 193 .727 252 %4.0 3.00
sooo 203 2/9 2/5 205 S3.3 3.01
56do 513 247 238 225 310 107.5 3.02.

: . 'SS/?/S' 2
Phcrc/e 2&7&&/j/M<4TyGtJ,

<34<5 M// -4-M (^o/ts/^s&^ss/oA/ 30 %y^A/o/s^y'ZS263,//coo

5479 Sr/Od/M /A3?47?/A/<9S

<3-/ 5-2 IV5-4-/4 5-3 <3-4
o 746/3 . 76/70 574.2 74/2/ 1/979
5bO 74633 76/30. 2/5.2 / 4/CO /2.6CO
/cco 74660 7030 206.Z 74/40 1202 0
/SCO /46f/ /C//0 ' 197,3 14/20 / 2-042 '
2000 14 702 15:29 ///:/ 74/oo /Z062
2500 t 14 123 /6049 / 80.3 74050 12023
3000 /4 74S 16049 17/7 74060 72104
3500 i4-i(> y 70029 763.2 74040 19I2C
4ooc> 14729 /CJ'39 755.0 14030 rzt43
4 ooo IHio /999C) 145,2 /4-ec-o 17170
3000 1483/ 159/59 137.2 73980 12192
CSOO 14357 7593/ 129,7 1396/ 12212

ZCJ/? /5 5/CA 755 ST////)/ C //V X/0~S> 6w /t(j//P-4-!/) 6 666 Pkcroe
(C5) E'! '2 .... -3 -4 /%,*-*>
V. (M.a) lrak */0~(7

500 70 20 21 2/ ' 2 (,.8 9.0 292 2

7/CO . 42 40 4! 4/ 53./ /Z.o- 299
/5CO '.
63 00 c( 03 1*3.4 26.9 7,9 S" ;
2000 24 2/ f/ 73 /o(2,'2. 3 5,4- 3.oo
7500 105 707 /OZ 704 132.5 >3.9 3.02
300)0 127 121 iV ; (26 1580 57.5 3.03
3S00 150 147 141 . 14/ 125.4 610 S.oT
4oco 17/ 76/ !C/ ; I
' /9 2/2 COX 3,00' .
45cO 79Z /$/ 18/ i?/ . 23 % 12A 3.o4
6900 -2)3 202 20/ 2/3 2GS 3.ol
5500 734 ' 20 220 233 TOO 04.5 3.07

-114 -
SE/?JE5 2' P/?EA//A///AJOY

SAGE /^Acro/s- TSErE^E/M/UAj/o^

OAGE W5-6-/4 TEA/5/os/ OJAA/UA/SY /SC2J 0*500

/-OAO> Sr/?A/// S?A(j 6 /3EAO //J6S

' <2/37 <5-/ 6-2 __ A/6-E-M O-E 6-4
O /2344 /54-S7 207,0 75483 7/C4C
.. 600 /232,3 )6503 '2/6.5 /5507 77423
:/CCO /23D/ J6620 227.2 75629 7/002
- /<2o /2?6J /6S49 2309 76660 //667
2000 /2207 /66TO 24C.9 /66T/ 7664/
,200)0 . 1224/ /SO9/ 257.0 /555/4 'S647
; 3000 722 2/ /SO/3 2003 l5S/C 7662/
036100 1220/ 75437 2703 /6(C3$ 76607
4ooo (2/8/ /SOS? 286./ /6s 40 / 64 90
4-600 I2/<20 /5079 29S. $ 760 30 /6400
6COO 72/40 76099 306. S /57ca 76440
6600 /2 /20 7512/ 3/6.0 15724 75420

TOAP /6 o/cArso 3yh?A/A/ 76*^6

Q-s) -/ -2 '3 -4- * *0*) O.o-) (-M.

5oo 21 . 22 24 23 29-5 9,3 ?,/?

/coo 43 46 4C U 524 20.2 2,89
76)0 03 02 0? 65
%L>.Co 29.9 2.90
2000 ?3 so 89 95 7/3.6 39.9 2,24
2500 103 I/O /// /06 /4/S 56.0 2,83
3600 /23 732 133 726' /C6.7 593 zzc,
'3500 143 750 756 745 /9Z0 69,3 2.27
4000 703 777 177 700 *2.27 79./ 2,87
4500 184 . 733 /97 /SO 2 53 n.% 2,8
6000 204 2/f 71$ 206 219 98'. S 2,83
5600 zz4 240 24/ 220 307 /C3.0 2,f5
Sse/ss 2- Pe/DA/M/MAZY
S/ACA? TOACAD/Z 25)r7'6/(?/A ;/J 770/1

6?AG WP-S-M 5/A6OS^-O*/ 30 U/hA/cJA&Y' 73602 J /200

/LaA/D 5T6A/A/ p AG6 PPAJD/A/G s

76#) PL -2 y/P-6-p PS 6-4
o 723567 (543/ 202(9 76485 7765?
Soo /23'72 /S4Cl 03.3 75462 (7673
/GDO (2396 /5440 me, 76441 ((700
/SCO 124/? (5420 /740 /S42& 0722
"2000 (2438 76400 (04.9 (S 406 7/743
2600 (1469 (5380 /S5.4 (5336 (7756
3000 (2 420 (5300 ' /4C.3 753c6 1173%
3600 (2 60/ /534-0 l.373 75346 nz/o
4000 /262/ (632/ (216 75326 0530
4600 /2.S43 (530/ 093 75304 (PS3
6000 72504 152.86 no. 7 (5227 m/c
6600 (2 689 (5702 /c/,3 (6765 0 599

LOAD /AS6/CA7AO Pr/3A/6 (6> /oO 6*/

L(/JP 5-M) GA&6 /Acrse
7(A) 60 5-2 6-3 - -4 (3 >6 1
(MM.) CTu. *'6

505 22. 20 20 25.9 9.0 0.10

7000 45 47 4/ 42 OS. 3 (9,3 2,10
7500 0? 6/ 52 (24 19.9 23.9 XI lo
2X0 S3 7, 52 85 (05.9 38.0 %19
2600 709 70/ 703 70? 732.5 41.5 1.19
Tcco 730 (27 734 730 . 759./ 5(c>.C> 251.
3600 (5/ 747 743 752 /H.(o GS.O 2.21
4oco 77/ 700 763 772 2(0 14.4 232
4500 793 /SO ifr 795' -237 5.4 2. %3
6oco 2(4 (97 207 2(0 539 92.2 231
5600 239 719 223 2,4/ 2$ 2 (01.6 2, S3
'5eefes- 2
2F&gb' /D/e/z^r OG>ee/Pi/oT/oz/s
C!A/0/sr//3r> G/65&-5

6A&& AJoM&ee w- i : !//- 2 7 M W-3-M.

/-/(JZl TkjJSlOM 1 24.3. 2.4.^ 2.4, U,
DAT /(Me ' /? ^/e On? ' ^ . OR h^e W AR T/MIT

2-17-62 " /500 215.6 - - 2/5.3 2090 - .

7-18-62 /4-0O 210,5 4,5 23 ZII.O 4.3 23 264.0 SiO 23
2-19-62 \ 268.2 6.? 47 208.2 <.3 47 261.0 2.0 47
2-20-62 \ 2613 13 7/ 2oS.3 6.5 7/ 200.7 8.3 7/
'1-22-62 2-rt.i to.3 7/3 706.3 9.0 H9 19$.? /6.3 //S>
'2-mi | 263.$ /A 2 /67 765.6 /6.3 161 192 6 11.4-
2-27-62 262.0 130 259 763.8 It.5 7 39 /S6 ? 12,2
3-7-C2 i 26It 13.2 3/7 263.3 12.6 31/ /S6.7 17.8 31/
3S-C2 2C0.2 14-J 383 261.0 . 143 353 193.9 15! 383
3-$,'62. tse.s /5,5 455 260-8 /4.5 455 193.4 75.6 455
3-12-62 / m3 /C.7 55/. 199.2 /6J 55/ 192.0 17.0 55/
3-19-62 i 191.3 17.7 7/9 m.3 n.o 7/9 l9l0 /8.0 7/3
3-26-62 i IH.9 12.) 227 !965> /8.4 W 185/3 19.1 88?
4-2-62 196.1 /055 /96.3 19.0 /OSS /89.0 2 O.C /65S

; -i/7-
. 78ej?o:JO/s/y=T */&'-. v ... *
. / U*SC>/cZTU&3:<C> ?4G<\5 -,'

c' + V*

W-7-C U/-&-C IV-S.-C-

/7/JAL 7AM 1A'*> 29.9
23>AT- 7/M& d/e 77Me ~f/MG ' '
AS Twe.
/ soo .3763 . /4<^2 . v 406.0
2-18-62 i4oC 3722. 43- 23 ^<324 4.? 23 4GO,9 5.1
.2-JS-&2 \ 369.2 in 41 4oao 7.2, 47; 392.2. 7.8 47:'
2-2o -62 369,0 1 71 460-/ 7.|. 7 / 3S2 7.?
2-77-62 i 367.6 S.S IIS 39f,0 9.2 /IS 395.? 10.2 . /IS;.
4 36$) .114 ,&? 396.? /0.S 11.7. Id/l
2-24-62 767 394.3
2-71-62 367.6 9-.S 239 396.3 )0.9 239' 3S?.o /2.0 23S.
3-2-62 i 3// 39(,6
368,2 Z 3 311 394.2 i2.4 ./44 3//
3^5-62 i . 364.7 /i.e .323. 39/./ A75.4 3g.3 ; 3293 . /4.7 .38 3'-
3-8 62 \ 3633 13.2 455 3S/.3 I5& 455 329.4 /6.4 4S5
3-12-62 3C1.3 IS,2 SS/; 329.9 /7.3 55/ 3//. 6 18.0 55/;
3-19-62 _4 364,6 199 7/9 . 32S.O , /&2 7/9. 3&.5>' /9./' '7/S.
3-26-62 ? 360.1 16,4- 827 3277 /.S $??; 3?5.3 7Q.1 ' 8,87
359.2 17.3 /03S 387-0 20.2 /65S 3<?5-<2 21 .o .7055

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M 55 5-2 - 3 . 5-4 (7/ *'f>9 (HU.-) (A$. 'F*) .

45 45 47 47 4-0 n.z '7, 55

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55 5o4- 497 500 SOL 50/ !9/A . v
9. 62 :

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W-4-C . 20 5&/3&UA/ZY /9^2 j K30

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20 1(240 n 347 3/2.3 J/7W (2044-
25 (U95 l!3of 295.7 I/O 80 K990
30 K/50 11255 272.7 J63.C 7/952
35 n /03 n 209 26/2 //590 //904-
. 40 ((652 // /C3 244.0 (1543 K259
45 Jo// n //9 22 2.2 ((499 (W3
50 /0905 // 072 2H.7 1/43/ ((144
55 /0S2O // 025 194/0 /1405 (i 7/C

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CKJP) 5-/ -2 e-3 -4 (MO J (OMJ. * ^ )

5 4/ 42 45 41 4-3 (7.3 2 ..49*"

JO 9/ 90 92 92 . 9/ 35/ 2. 59
33S~ /39 138 52,1 2,(32
(37 (37
' <20 179 53 (84 (83 (23 69? 2.43
224 229 232 . 23/ 230 26,3 2. a
30 269 215 274 215 2 IS /OS.3 2. 66
.35 3fC 32) 322 323 32/ (20.8 2. <26
", 4Q 3Qf 30 / X9 30 8 302 (37A 2. 6&
J4f, 408 4J 4/3 4/4- - 4)2 /S3,8 2, a
350 453 45$ 4C/ 453 459 no. 3 7.10
%55 499 502 sol 57/ 5o4 (87./ 2,69

: 5r/?/& 2 . ' '

FAcrose jD&rg'&jsi//JAT/OA/

l/V-S-C * 2C FE/3OAY /92y 1430

2-0AO ST~/2AS /A/- GOGS 2p'A>//J<3 2

Qc/&X 54 -2 W-S-C 5-3 5-4

O 427 /O 12773 39/9 /2OB0 10427

5 /2AC-4 J2730 .C
313 12036 (0380
/O iZOfV 12623 355,2. 1/990 /O 332
IS 12S?0 12639 3370' 1/944 /02SJ
20 1252J 12592 3)9,2 /( $95 /O 241
25 J24%\ 1254$ 302,$ H%53 10/92
3 ? 12432 ,1250} 225,2. n 80 10 5/ /
35 1239 / I24SZ &>% f 1 H75$ /o jo ?
40 12347 12405 ' 2523 n 7/2 /OoQO
45 12 30? /23S9 234.0 HCC4 /0CI5
so 12 25C /2 3/0 /
2 7,3 H C/4 997/
ss /22i?> 12202 201.7 i\572 *9*928

2 4 //U) /CATD ST/OO/A! ($* ~ )
/0 C
/] (w-5-c) 5/6tj FCTCJS.
Q&X JLiL 5-2 5-3 -4 ^ Ho.) 1 S

s 4 C 43 44 . 47 43 /%,3 2, 35
lo 9/ 90 90 95' 90 C
3 .7 2.45
is /4o /34 C 13 140 139 54.9 ,
2 4<o
20 m /if m nc HI 12.1 2. 51
25 229 225 22? 27,9 Z7-6. 29.1 2,54
40 112 272. 275 lie 273 /04,? 2 5 , C
35 3/9 52/ 322 320 32/ I23J 2.59
40 363 3CS 36? SCI 3C$ 141,0 2. Cl
45 409 4(4- 4/C, 4/2 4/5 (S 79 2.63
50 4$4 403 4CC . C,
45 4^4 /34.C 7,GC>
55 49 ? 51 / 502 499 5/0 !9o,2 l.(o%

- 124 -

Music. Sp/?/p<s IA//&&

= 7-/? (///.) 0.0/6 0.020

Me<4r /42& S/7

Moocu/t/s o P T/c/rr (/%/) 27.?*/0^ 26.Stick

OCT/MAT^ Sr/?u6rs/ (os/) 36ScOo 38ecoo

CpAs}iCAt. CowPOtZ/ 7~/&**' CAP/SOP ! '*==>CD

wese. 0> 3 5T
M/o i.PHG/ZCUH. V, O i
SoL Pi/OR\ O , OQ.O
S//./CA/J . o ois
Frequency (CPS)

Figure 20. Frequency-Dial Setting Curve for Maihak Strain Recorder



1. Dawidenkow, N.: Journal of Applied Physics, Leningrad,

Vol. 5, (1928). (Referenced for date of publication only.)

2. Coyne, Andre: "An Acoustic Process for the Examination

of Stress," The Engineer, Vol. 158* (August, 193*0,
pp. 142-143.

3. Jerrett, R. S.: "The Acoustic Strain Gage," Journal

of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 22, (1945), pp.29-34.

4. Gibson, J. E.: "The Design and Application of a Simple

Acoustic Strain Gage," Civil Engineering and Public
Works Review, Vol. 52, No. blfci, (Dec., 1957) PP. 1366-
5. Mainstone, R. J.: "Vibrating-Wire Strain Gauge for Use
in Long-Term Tests on Structures," Engineering, Vol. 176,
No. 4566, (July, 1953), pp. 153-156.
6. Chapman, J. C.: "Stud-Welded Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge',1
The Engineer, Vol. 206, No. 5360, (October, 1958),
pp. 64o-64i.

7. Instruction Booklet for Maihak Remote Control Measuring

Instruments, H. Maihak Ag., Hamburg, Germany^

8. Gohn, G. R., and Pox, A.: "New Methods for Determining

Stress-Relaxation," Materials Research and Standards,
Vol. 1, No. 12, (December, 1961), pp. 957-965.


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