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Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223 230

Heavy metal contamination and health risk assessment in the vicinity

of the abandoned Songcheon AuAg mine in Korea
Hye-Sook Lim a , Jin-Soo Lee b , Hyo-Taek Chon a,, Manfred Sager c
School of Civil, Urban and Geosystem Engineering, College of Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-744, South Korea
Technology Research Center, Mine Reclamation Corporation, Seoul 110-727, Korea
Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety and Federal Office for Food Safety, Vienna, Austria
Received 6 August 2006; accepted 20 April 2007
Available online 6 June 2007


The objective of this study is, firstly, to investigate the contamination levels and dispersion patterns of As and heavy metals,
secondly, to estimate the bioaccessible fraction of the metals in soil and crop plant and, finally, to assess the risk of health effects on
the residence in the vicinity of the abandoned Songcheon AuAg mine, Korea. Samples of tailing, soil, crop plant and water were
collected around the mine site. After appropriate preparation, all samples were analyzed for As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn by ICP-AES
and ICP-MS. Elevated levels of As and heavy metals were found in tailing. Mean concentrations of As in agricultural soil were
higher than the permissible level. Especially, maximum levels of As and Hg in farmland soil were up to 626 mg/kg and 4.9 mg/kg,
respectively. The highest levels in crop plant were 33 mg As/kg and 3.8 mg Pb/kg (in green onion root), 0.87 mg Cd/kg and
226 mg Zn/kg (in lettuce root), 16.3 mg Cu/kg (in sesame leaves). The concentration of heavy metals in leaves is much higher than
those in grains and stalk. Vegetables grown on the contaminated soil were rich in As and heavy metals. Concentrations of As, Cd,
and Zn in most stream waters which are used for drinking water around the mine area were higher than the permissible levels
regulated in Korea. Maximum levels of As, Cd and Zn in stream waters were 0.71 mg/L, 0.19 mg/L and 5.4 mg/L, respectively.
These results indicate that mine tailings can be the main contamination sources of As and heavy metals in the soilwater system of
the mine site. The average of estimated human-bioaccessible fraction in soil in simulated stomach was 3% As, 40% Cd, 15% Cu,
31% Pb and 21% Zn, and that in simulated small intestine 12% As, 2.2% Cd, 5.6% Cu, 0.5% Pb and 1.2% Zn. The highest value of
human-bioaccessible fraction of metal in farmland soil was 85% for Cd. The estimated human-bioaccessible fraction of plant was
up to 97% for Cd in simulated stomach, and to 51% for Pb in simulated small intestine. The highest human-bioaccessible fractions
were found in Chinese cabbage (in stomach) and potato leaves (in small intestine). The average human-bioaccessible fraction in
plants were 47% As, 70% Cd, 62% Cu, 0% Pb and 62% Zn in simulated stomach and 22% As, 7% Cd, 27% Cu, 9% Pb and
23% Zn in simulated small intestine. The HQ (hazard quotient) value of the mine site was 16, and especially, the HI (hazard index)
value of only As was 15. The carcinogenic risk of the mine site was 2.7E03. This value means the probable possibility that about
3 cancer patients among 1000 people happen. Carcinogenic risk exceeded in the generally accepted range of E04 to E06.
2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Mining is one of the most important sources of heavy

Corresponding author. metals in the environment. Mining and milling operation
E-mail address: (H.-T. Chon). together with grinding, concentrating ores and disposal
0375-6742/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
224 H.-S. Lim et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223230

of tailings, along with mine and mill waste water, 101 kg Au and 925 kg Ag in 1943. The reported total
provide obvious sources of contamination (Adriano, outputs were 208 kg of gold and 1606 kg of silver.
2001). Heavy metal contamination has been one of Approximately 50% of the products were recovered
serious problems in the vicinity of abandoned mine sites. during the first 10 years of the operation.
These heavy metals have a potential to contaminate soil The mining and smelting ceased in 1970s and, upon
and water. They can be dispersed and accumulated in closure, large amounts of mine wastes were left behind
plants and animals, and taken in by human beings as without any proper environmental safeguards. The
consumer. Human health risk assessment has been used unprotected mining wastes have been dispersed down
to determine if exposure to a chemical, at any dose, could the slope by wind and water as a point source pollution
cause an increase in the incidence of adverse effect to of the vicinity of this mine. Because there is no facility
human health (Wcislo et al., 2002). providing the public water supply around the mine area,
The potential toxicity of contaminants is strongly the stream waters nearby the mine tailings are the source
determined by the speciation of the elements involved. of drinking water for the inhabitants.
In risk assessment, oral exposures are typically stated in
terms of the external dose or intake, instead of in terms 2.2. Sampling and chemical analysis
of absorbed dose or uptake. Intake is typically defined as
the process by which an agent crosses the outer The sampling area was divided into two parts by the
exposure surface of a human without passing an topographical factors and pollution source, namely,
absorption barrier, while uptake is the process by study area and control area. The control area was chosen
which an agent crosses an absorption barrier into to the opposite site of the mountain where the mine is
human or animal. Bioavailability of a compound can located. Tailing, soil and water samples were collected
be defined as the fraction of an administered dose that during three different seasons (October of 2002, and
reaches the central (blood) compartment, whether March and May of 2003). Plant samples were collected
through the gastrointestinal track, skin or lung. Bioac- during two seasons (October of 2002 and May of 2003).
cessibility is the fraction of a chemical in an environ- The sampling location map is represented in Fig. 1. The
mental medium that is available for absorption based on length of the stream in the sampling location map was
in vitro extraction but not necessarily absorbed. The about 4.5 km.
term bioaccessible will be used to indicate the in vitro Tailing and soil samples were dried at room temper-
fraction of the chemical intake that is directly available ature and sieved to 80 mesh (b180 m). 21 mL of
for absorption. Therefore, bioaccessible metal concen- concentrated HCl and 7 mL of concentrated HNO3 were
trations are more important for risk assessment than total added to 2 g of tailing or soil samples, and mixed. The
metal contents in the environment. samples were then heated at 60 C for 30 min, and
The purposes of this study are (1) to investigate the subsequently at 140 C for 90 min. After cooling and
contamination levels and dispersion patterns of As and filtration, the solutions were diluted to 100 mL with
heavy metals, (2) to assess the risk of health effects on distilled water. All samples were analyzed for As, Cd, Cu,
the residents around the mine site, and (3) to estimate the Pb and Zn as well as for major elements by ICP-AES.
bioaccessible fraction of the As and heavy metals from Mercury was determined by cold vapor AAS, and
soils and plants in the vicinity of the abandoned confirmed by standard addition to the sample solution.
Songcheon AuAg mine. Crop plant samples were washed thoroughly with
distilled water, dried at room temperature, and milled.
2. Materials and method For the total digestion of the plant samples, 16 mL of
concentrated HNO3 and 4 mL of HClO4 were added to
2.1. Study area 1 g of dry plant sample. The mixtures were heated at
80 C and up to 150 C gradually with frequent shaking
The Songcheon goldsilver mine is located in until no more brown nitrous oxide gases were evolved,
Samsan-ri, Yeongok-myeon, Gangneung-si of eastern then increased 170 C until the solutions were almost
harbor city of South Korea. The deposits of this mine are dry. After cooling, 25 mL of distilled water was added.
classified as hydrothermal AuAg bearing quartz veins Solution was facilitated by ultrasonic treatment fol-
and the main geology is composed of Precambrian felsic lowed by filtering. The solutions were analyzed for As,
gneiss. Sulfide minerals consist of arsenopyrite, pyrite, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn by ICP-AES.
galena and sphalerite. It was an active mine from 1939 Groundwater and stream water samples were taken
to 1977. The production of the mine was reported along the stream at the mine area. Water samples
H.-S. Lim et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223230 225

Fig. 1. The Sampling location map of the Songcheon Au-Ag mine area.

collected for cation determination were filtered through small intestine. Bioaccessible fraction may be useful for
a 0.45 m cellulose nitrate membrane filter (4.5 cm assessing exposure amount rather than total amount or
diameter) using a hand pump, and were immediately bioavailable fraction. Thus EHS test, which is modified
acidified in the field to pH b2.0 by adding HNO3. The from a model for feed evaluation based on in vitro
trace ions such as As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were analyzed digestible dry matter and protein (Fuller, 1991), was
by ICP-AES and ICP-MS. suggested for defining the bioaccessibility in this study.
All chemical analytical results of this study were In the EHS test, simulation of the actions and
performed by quality control system, which includes conditions in the human stomach and small intestine
reagent blanks, replicate samples and certified interna- was performed to determine the bioaccessible fraction.
tional reference materials (HRM1 and HRM2 for soils The simulation consists of 2-step extraction tests for 1 g of
and tailings, HRM12 and HRM14 for plants) (Ramsey 80 mesh soil; 1 mL pepsin solution was added as
et al., 1987). The precision and bias of chemical analysis enzyme with 19 mL acidic buffer (pH 1.5) at first step
were less than 10%, respectively. (simulation of environment in stomach), and 1 mL
pancreatin solution with 19 mL alkaline buffer (pH 8) at
2.3. EHS (Extraction of heavy metals in stomach and second step (simulation of environment in small intes-
small intestine) test for bioaccessibility tine). The soil samples were mixed with the solution and
shaken in waterbath at 100 rpm. The temperature of
The total amount of hazardous substances in soils or waterbath was maintained at 37 C during the reaction
crop plants cannot be absorbed into human body. The time. For the first and second steps, the reaction was
concentrations of substances in soil and plant from total continued for 2 hours and overnight, respectively. The
extraction are the levels of soil and plant themselves. reactions were done without any light input. After the first
Even though the first step of sequential extraction test is step, the samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 30 min
exchangeable form and can indicate bioavailable to minimize any loss of the solid through the successive
fraction, it is less proper for estimating the absorbed extraction steps. When the supernatant was separated
amounts into human body than extracted concentration from the solid phase, it was then removed by a clean and
from the test to simulate the conditions of stomach and dry pipette into a polypropylene vessel. Care was taken to
226 H.-S. Lim et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223230

avoid removal of any of the solid residue. Prior to ICP- Table 2

AES determination, the alkaline extracts were acidified Input parameters to characterize the ADD value
with nitric acid. Matrix matched calibrants were used. Parameters Description Unit Value
C Contamination concentration mg/kg
2.4. Risk assessment in media
IR Ingestion rate per unit time
Soil mg/day 450
Risk assessment is defined as the processes of
Plant g/day 90
estimating the probability of occurrence of an event and Water L/day 1.5
the probable magnitude of adverse health effects over a EF Exposure frequency days/years 350
specified time period (Kolluru et al., 1996). Human health ED Exposure duration years 15
risk assessment consists of four stages, (1) hazard BW Body weight kg 66.3
AT Average time days 30/70 365
identification (2) toxicity (dose-response) assessment (3)
SA Surface area m2 1.6
exposure assessment, and (4) risk characterization. AF Adherence factor L/m2/day 37.5
The purpose of hazard identification is to identify ABS Absorption factor 0.01
chemical substances which can affect a harmful effect in CF Conversion factor E06
human body. A hazard is a source of risk but not a risk
itself. The concern of chemicals (COCs) was selected by contact is supposed by average daily dose (ADD). The
a risk assessor in this stage. ADD value means quantity of chemical substance
The purpose of toxic assessment is to estimate the ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin per
potential for selected chemical substances to cause kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg/day). The value
harmful effect in exposed people and to provide an of ADD could be used to assess the possible entry of As
estimate of the relationship between the extent of and heavy metals into human body. The parameters in
exposure and the increased likelihood of harmful ADD formulas are presented in Table 2. The formulas are
effects. The two principal toxicity indices are known as follows;
as slope factor (SF), and reference dose (RfD). The SF is
a conservative estimate of the incremental probability of Ingestion
an individual developing cancer as a result of exposure
over a lifetime, and RfD is the estimated amount of the ADDi
daily exposure level for the population that is likely to BW  AT
be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects
during a lifetime. The toxicity indices of elements are Dermal contact
presented in Table 1. The values were derived from US
EPA and exposure risk assessment decision support ADDd
system (DSS) developed by the API (American
Petroleum Institute). Risk characterization is the final stage of risk
The aims of exposure assessment are identification of assessment. The objective of this stage is to calculate
potential receptor, evaluation of exposure routes and the risk. The results of toxicity and exposure assessment
pathways, and quantification of exposure. The estima- are integrated to arrive at quantitative estimates of
tion of intake (dose) in human body through contaminant cancer risk and hazard indices. Carcinogenic risk is the
probability of an individual developing any type of
Table 1 cancer from lifetime exposure to carcinogenic hazards.
Toxicity indices of elements The acceptable or tolerable risk for regulatory purposes
Element SF [(mg/kg/day)1] RfD [mg/kg/day] is in the range of 106 to 104. These values mean from
one additional case in a population of 1 million to one in
Oral Dermal Oral Dermal
10,000 people is acceptable. Carcinogenic risk can be
As a 1.5 1.5 3.00E04 3.00E04
estimated with a linear equation as follows:
Cda n.d. n.d. 0.005 (water)/ 5.00E04
0.001 (food) Cancer risk average daily dose mg=kg=day
Cu b n.d. n.d. 0.037 0.037
Hgb n.d. n.d. 3.00E04 3.00E04  slope factor mg=kg=day1 
n.d. = Not determined.
Data from US EPA (1991,1992). The potential for non-carcinogenic agents to occur is
Data from API (1998). assessed by comparing exposure or average intake of
H.-S. Lim et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223230 227

Table 3
Concentration of As and heavy metals in tailing, soil and sediments (mg/kg)
Elements T (n = 5) MS FS SS CS World's
(n = 6) (n = 21) (n = 3) (n = 2) normal soil a
As Range 3584143,813 6953082 7626 3243 1926 6
Mean 51,414 1910 175 36 22.2
Cd Range 2.220 0.61.8 0.21.4 0.30.5 0.10.1 0.35
Mean 9.40 1.32 0.75 0.42 0.14
Cu Range 30749 3689 13673 1680 3036 30
Mean 385 67.0 80 40 33
Pb Range 12550,803 63428 23290 1455 2638 35
Mean 20,323 291 95 32 32
Zn Range 5807541 115795 83399 63110 9496 90
Mean 3059 477 185 86 95.0
Hg Range 0.091.01 0.190.55 0.094.90 0.020.26 0.020.05 0.06
Mean 0.45 0.39 1.12 0.10 0.03
n = number of samples;
Bowen (1979).

hazardous substances with corresponding reference according to distance from tailing site (possible point
dose (RfD). Non-cancer risk is represented in terms of source). These contaminated soil can influence the metal
hazard quotient (HQ) for a single substance or hazard uptake by plants grown on farmland soil.
index (HI) for multiple substances and/or exposure
pathways. If the exposure level of a substance exceeds 3.2. Heavy metal contamination of crop plant and water
the corresponding RfD , i.e., HQ exceeds 1, there may
be concern for potential non-carcinogenic effects. The highest levels in crop plant were 33 mg As/kg
and 3.8 mg Pb/kg (in green onion root), 0.87 mg Cd/kg
HQ hazard quotient
and 226 mg Zn/kg(in lettuce root), 16.3 mg Cu/kg(in
ADD or exposure; intake=RfD reference dose
sesame leaves) (Table 4). When compared with
X concentration of typical Korean plants, most of crop
HI Hazard indices HQ plant were highly contaminated by As and Zn. The
elevated levels of As, Cd, Pb and Zn were found in root
3. Results and discussion part of plant. Arsenic and heavy metals were highly
enriched in crop plant grown on contaminated soil.
3.1. Heavy metal contamination of tailing, soil and The total concentrations of As and heavy metals in
sediment water are presented in Table 5. When compared with the
permissible level of drinking water standard regulated
Elevated levels of 143,813 mg As/kg, 20 mg Cd/kg, by the Korea Ministry of Environment (2003), the levels
749 mg Cu/kg, 50,803 mg Pb/kg, 7,541 mg Zn/kg and of As, Cd and Zn are higher than the permissible level.
1.01 mg Hg/kg were found in tailing from the Songcheon However, Cu and Pb are not so high.
AuAg mine (Table 3). These levels in tailing are
significantly higher than world average values in 3.3. Result of risk assessment
uncontaminated soil reported by Bowen (1979). Espe-
cially, maximum levels of As and Hg in farmland soil The calculated health risk for residents is presented in
were up to 626 mg/kg and 4.9 mg/kg, respectively. Also, Table 6. Farmland soil, Chinese cabbage and drinking
Hg concentration in soil samples appeared highest in water were supposed to be an exposure route of As and
farmland soil. heavy metals to human body in risk assessment. The
The tailing was considered as a point contamination highest value of ADD was 4.4E03 for As. The largest
source of As and heavy metals in the mine area. exposure route for As and heavy metals was the
Elevated levels of As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were found in ingestion of plant (Chinese cabbage). The concentration
farmland soil due to dispersion of the metals from the of As and heavy metals in Chinese cabbage was lower
tailing by clastic movement through wind and water. than those in soil. However, the ingestion amount of
The concentration of As and heavy metals decreased Chinese cabbage was larger than that of soil.
228 H.-S. Lim et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223230

Table 4
Arsenic and heave metals in crop plant (mg/kg)
Elements As Cd Cu Pb Zn
Sesame (leaves) (n = 2) Range 0.151.64 0.050.08 10.916.3 1.22.0 6391
Mean 0.90 0.07 14 1.6 77
Red pepper (n = 2) Range 0.390.42 0.050.06 5.05.9 0.120.14 1431
Mean 0.29 0.06 5.5 0.13 23
Red pepper (leaves) (n = 1) Value 2.3 0.48 4.1 1.8 110
Soyabean (grain) (n = 1) Value 0.05 0.02 5.0 0.08 30
Soyabean (shell) (n = 1) Mean 0.98 0.06 3.1 0.19 41
Radish (leaves)(n = 2) Range 1.902.35 0.180.27 4.54.6 0.821.5 87139
Mean 2.1 0.23 4.6 1.2 113
Chinese cabbage (leaves) (n = 2) Range 1.653.20 0.170.19 4.65.2 0.891.7 105143
Mean 2.4 0.18 4.9 1.3 124
Green onion (leaves) (n = 2) Value 4.7 0.7 3.0 0.8 224
Green onion (root) (n = 1) Value 33 0.47 7.1 3.8 65
Lettuce (leaves) (n = 1) Value 2.2 0.39 5.6 1.3 47
Lettuce (root) (n = 1) Value 7.4 0.87 4.4 1.6 226
Potato (leaves)(n = 5) Range 1.21.9 0.21.0 7.913 0.60.9 3060
Mean 1.5 0.5 11 0.7 46
Potato(stalk)(n = 5) Range 1.53.0 0.20.1 3.48.5 0.81.7 95171
Mean 2.2 0.6 6.4 1.3 128
Angelica (leaves) (n = 1) Value 0.94 0.09 5.2 1.3 36
Groundsel (leaves) (n = 1) Value 1.0 0.13 11 1.7 45
Normal value a 11.7 0.050.2 5.030.0 5.010.0 27150
Normal plant in Korea b 0.09 0.10.1 10.0 0.15.0 10100
n = Number of samples.
Kabata-Pendias and Pendias (1984).
Jung (1995).

The value of non-carcinogenic risk, toxic risk (HI), 3.4. Bioaccessibility of metals in soil and plant
was 16. The value of toxic risk of only As was 15, which
covers 94% of the total toxic risk (=16) from the study Bioaccessible fractions of As and heavy metals
area. Therefore, As was considered as a major toxic extracted by the first step of EHS test for tailing, soil and
chemical substance to human health in this mine area, stream sediment are shown in Table 7. In the simulated
and the daily intake or contact of soil, crop plant and gastric environment, the highest concentration of As and
water by the local residents can pose a potential health heavy metals were found in tailing. The maximum
threat due to long-term arsenic exposure. Carcinogenic extracted concentration of As and heavy metals in
risk is 2.7E03. This value indicates the possibility that tailing were 343 mg As/kg, 1.8 mg Cd/kg, 24 mg Cu/kg,
about 3 cancer patients among 1000 people occur. For 2318 mg Pb/kg and 344 mg Zn/kg, respectively.
these results, the residents in the mine site need However, the bioaccessible proportion percentage of
regulatory concern. metals, represented by the leaching ratio compared with

Table 5
As and heavy metal concentration in water ( g/L)
Elements As Cd Cu Pb Zn
Drinking water (n = 28) Range 0709 0.004191 0.7117 0.145.41 2.45400
Mean 135 27 3.6 1.07 717
Stream water (n = 13) Range 0.5234 0.010.08 0.832.5 0.160.64 2.448
Mean 11 0.04 1.6 0.41 12
Control area water (n = 2) Range 0.1713 0.0050.03 1.64.4 0.20.5 2.766
Mean 0.74 0.02 3 0.3 34
Permissible levels a 50 10 1000 50 1000
n = Number of samples.
Permissible level: for drinking water standard of Korean Ministry of Environment (2003).
H.-S. Lim et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223230 229

Table 6
Health risk for residents in the vicinity of mine site

the total concentration, from the tailing was lower than (5.7%) N mountain soil(4.6%) N tailing (3.0%) N control
that of mountain and farmland soil. The highest area soil (1.8%) and for elements, in the order of As
bioaccessible proportion percentage of 6% As, 26% (12%) N Cu (5.6%) N Cd (2.2%) N Zn (1.2%) N Pb (0.5%).
Cu, 42% Pb and 40% Zn appear in mountain soil. In The maximum amount of As and heavy metals in crop
comparison of sample type, the average value of plants extracted in the simulated small intestinal
extractable proportion percentage decreased in the environment were 1.9 mg As/kg in green onion leaves,
order of mountain soil (33%) N farmland soil (22%) N 0.14 mg Cd/kg and 5.2 g Cu/kg in potato leaves,
tailing (19%) = control area soil (19%) N stream sediment 1.31 mg Pb/kg and 30 mg Zn/kg in Chinese cabbage.
(17%), and for elements, in the order of Cd (40%) N Pb
(31%) N Zn (21%) N Cu (15%) N As (3%). The highest 4. Conclusion
extracted concentration of As and heavy metals
extracted in the simulated gastric environment were (1) Contamination levels of As and heavy metals in
1 mg As/kg and 104 mg Zn/kg in Chinese cabbage, tailing from the Songcheon AuAg mine were
0.41 mg Cd/kg in red pepper leaves and 14 mg Cu/kg in 143,813 mg As/kg, 20 mg Cd/kg, 749 mg Cu/ kg,
sesame leaves. In the case of lead, Pb was completely 50,803 mg Pb/kg, 7,541 mg Zn/kg and 1.01 mg
not extractable in the first step. Hg/kg, and those in farmland soil were 626 mg
For the extracted amount of As and heavy metals in As/kg, 1.4 mg Cd/kg, 673 mg Cu/kg, 2 mg Pb/kg,
the simulated small intestinal environment, the largest 399 mg Zn/kg and 4.90 mg Hg/kg. The tailing was
amounts were also found in tailing. The highest considered as a point contamination source of As
extracted concentration of As and heavy metals in and heavy metals in the mine area.
tailings were 651 mg As/kg, 1.0 mg Cd/kg, 9 mg Cu/kg, (2) Crop plants grown on farmland soil were rich in
7 mg Pb/kg and 4 mg Zn/kg, respectively. In comparison As and heavy metals. Maximum level of As was
of sample type, the mean of leachable proportion 33 mg/kg in green onion root.
percentage in simulated small intestine decreased in (3) The levels of As, Cd and Zn in drinking water
the order of stream sediment (6.3%) N farmland soil were higher than the permissible level standard

Table 7
Concentrations of As and heavy metals in soil extracted in the simulated stomach (mg/kg)
Elements T (n = 5) MS (n = 6) FS (n = 21) SS (n = 3) CS (n = 2)
As Range 551118 6.0216 0.339 0.71.0 0.390.41
Mean 343 122 7 1 0.4
Cd Range 0.25.0 0.11.4 0.10.8 0.020.06 0.050.12
Mean 1.80 0.78 0.32 0.04 0.09
Cu Range 1443 3.535 0.9280 2.67.4 1.11.5
Mean 24 19.0 19.0 5.0 1.3
Pd Range 306453 21169 582 7.014 7.27.6
Mean 2318 126 27.00 11 7.4
Zn Range 73829 5.0479 7.6143 11.014.0 1.72.7
Mean 344 234 43 12 2.2
n = number of samples T = tailing; MS = mountain soil; FS = farmland soil; SS = stream sediment; CS = control area soil.
230 H.-S. Lim et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 96 (2008) 223230

regulated in Korea. Maximum levels of As, Cd References

and Zn in stream water were 0.71 mg/L, 0.19 mg/
L and 5.4 mg/L, respectively. Adriano, D.C., 2001. Trace Elements in Terrestrial Environments, 2nd ed.
(4) The mean value of estimated bioaccessibile fraction American Petroleum Institute (API), 1998. DSS version 2.0. American
in soil in simulated stomach was 3% As, 40% Cd, Petroleum Institute, CA, USA.
15% Cu, 31% Pb and 21% Zn, and that in simulated Bowen, H.J.M., 1979. Environmental Chemistry of the Elements.
small intestine was 12% As, 2.2% Cd, 5.6% Cu, Academic Press, New York.
Fuller, M.F., 1991. In Vitro Digestion for Pigs and Poultry. CAB
0.5% Pb and 1.2% Zn. The average value of
International, pp. 67176.
extractable proportion percentage in simulated Jung, M.C.,1995,Environmental contamination of heavy metals in
gastric environment decreased in the order of soils, plants waters and sediments in the vicinity of metalliferous
mountain soil (33%) N farmland soil (22%) N tailing mine in Korea, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of London.
(20%) N control area soil (19%) N stream sediment Kabata-Pendias, A., Pendias, H., 1984. Trace Elements in Soils and
(17%), and in simulated small intestine environ- Plants. CRC Press.
Kolluru, R.V., Bartell, S.M., Pitblado, R.M., Stricoff, R.S., 1996. Risk
ment in the order of stream sediment (6.3%) N Assessment and Management Handbook. McGrow-Hill.
farmland soil (5.7%) N mountain soil(4.6%) N tail- Korean Ministry of Environment, 2003. Standards on the Water
ing (2.8%) N control area soil (1.8%). Contaminants for Drinking Water.
(5) From the results of risk assessment, the toxic risk Ramsey, M.H., Thompson, M., Banerjee, E.K., 1987. Realistic
(HI) value of heavy metals in the mine area was assessment of analytical data quality from inductively coupled
plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Anal. Proc. 24, 260265.
16. Especially, HQ value of only As was 15. The US EPA, 1991. EPA Supplemental Guidance, Office of Solid Waste
carcinogenic risk for As in this mine area was and Emergency Response, Directive 9285.6-03. US Environmen-
estimated as 2.7E03. Thus the daily intake or tal Protection Agency, Washington DC.
contact of soil, crop plant and water by the local US EPA, 1992. EPA Guidelines for Exposure Assessment. Federal
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This work was supported by the grant (M10324060002-

03B3106-00210) from the Korea Ministry of Science and

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