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Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials

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Binding gel characterization of alkali-activated

binders based on palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and fly

Nurulhuda Nadziri, Idawati Ismail & Sinin Hamdan

To cite this article: Nurulhuda Nadziri, Idawati Ismail & Sinin Hamdan (2017): Binding gel
characterization of alkali-activated binders based on palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and fly ash, Journal
of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, DOI: 10.1080/21650373.2017.1299054

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Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2017

Binding gel characterization of alkali-activated binders based on

palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and y ash
Nurulhuda Nadziri, Idawati Ismail* and Sinin Hamdan

Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan 94300, Sarawak,


Pastes of palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and y ash geopolymer activated with sodium
hydroxide (NaOH) and combination of NaOH with sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) were
prepared and cured at 80 C for a duration of 7, 28, and 90 days. The hydrated bind-
ing gel products were studied on phase, morphology, and bonding characterization.
From these analyses, calciumsodiumsilicatehydrate (C/NSH) gel type appear to
form in sole POFA binder but at a very low Ca/Si ratio, while sole y ash geopolymer
binder consists of sodiumaluminasilicatehydrate (NASH) binding gel product
with a signicant Na/Si ratio, regardless of activator types. When both precursors were
used, a combination of both gel types was formed, however, Fourier transform infra-
red spectroscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray analyses show that the NASH gel is
a more dominant product in the binder compared to the C/NSH gel.
Keywords: geopolymer; alkali-activated binder; palm oil fuel ash; y ash

1. Introduction blast furnace slags (GBBS), rice husk

It is a well-known fact that the manufac- ash, palm oil fuel ash (POFA), or natural
turing of ordinary Portland cement minerals such as kaolin have been
(OPC), the worlds most common con- successfully identied [37].
struction material releases approximately Geopolymer binders were introduced
one tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2) for by Joseph Davidovits in the 1971, pro-
every tonne of cement produced [1]. It is duced from the reaction of earth minerals
stipulated that up to 16% of this green- which are rich in silica (Si) and alumina
house gas will be released from the man- (Al) with alkaline and proposed that the
ufacturing of cement by 2050 [2] even structure of the binder was a three-dimen-
when its usage is utilized by incorporat- sional network of SiO4 and AlO4 tetrahe-
ing supplementary cementitious materials dra sharing oxygen atoms, with negative
(SCM). Therefore, there is an urgent need charges on the AlO4 tetrahedra balanced
to reduce this dependency by adopting by alkali cations (Na+, K+) [8,9]. Later
alternative binders using sole or blended ndings showed that precursors of similar
precursors. Numerous researchers have compositions rich in Si and Al such as
reported the potential of industrial y ash can dissolve in alkaline solutions
byproducts or waste materials as cement and resulted in a distinctive NASH
substitute or as partial replacement. In (Na2OAl2O3SiO2H2O) or KASH
many studies, alkali-activated binders (K2OAl2O3SiO2H2O) gel binder [10],
derived from y ash, ground granulated depending on the type of activator used.

*Corresponding author. Email:

2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

2 N. Nadziri et al.

This gel type has a typical Na/Si or Al/Si The use of POFA as alkali-activated
ratio ranging 0.51.0 and 1.152.15, binder is limited. In most studies, POFA
respectively. Raw materials that are rich has shown good combination with cement
in calcium such as slag can also react via partial replacement, but not as sole
with alkaline solution to form a hardened precursor derived from the geopolymeriza-
binder, producing a structure similar to tion process. However, there is no detailed
hydration of OPC whose composition is study done to analyze the microstructural
a CSH (CaOSiOH2O) with a Ca/Si properties of alkali-activated POFA added
ratio of near 2.0. However, an alkali-acti- with y ash. The objective of this study
vated binder from a calcium-rich precur- are to understand the compositional char-
sor composed of tetrahedral substitution acteristics of the binding gel based on sole
of Al for Si, forming a CASH (CaO POFA and y ash, and a combination of
Al2O3SiO2H2O) gel [11] with a com- both precursors are analyzed using X-ray
parable Ca/Si ratio of 1.01.5. Therefore, diffraction (XRD) for phase characteriza-
activator choice and compositions of the tion, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
raw precursors has signicant inuence spectroscopy for structure analysis and
on the type of gel formation in binder, scanning electron microscopy with
which contribute to mechanical and energy-dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) for
microstructural properties. morphology analysis and types of gel after
POFA are wastes from palm oil geopolymerization.
industry which has potentials as partial
replacement materials in concrete owing 2. Experimental program
to its pozzolanic properties [12,13].
2.1. Materials
POFA is a highly pozzolanic material
which has been tested as cement replace- The raw precursors used in this investiga-
ment materials with improvement in tion are POFA obtained from palm oil mill
strength and durability [7,1416]. POFA in Lundu, Sarawak and Class F y ash
chemical composition varies with average was received from Sejingkat Power Sta-
of 60% silica and 7% carbon depending tion, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. POFA
on manufacturing conditions [1720]. In was dried at 100 C for 24 h and sieved in
the hydration process, the silica content 45 micron sieve to remove large particles
in POFA will react with calcium hydrox- and to ensure good pozzolanic reactivity
ide Ca(OH)2 while pozzolanic reactions [18,21]. Access carbon on POFA was
produce more calcium silicate hydrate removed by calcination at 500 C in a fur-
(CSH) which is a gel compound as nace for approximately one hour. Access
well as reducing the amount of calcium carbon and other unburnt organic materi-
hydroxide. This contributes to the als contained in POFA were removed by
strength of the concrete and produces calcination at 500 C. This is important to
stronger and denser concrete as well as avoid their negative effect on nished
enhanced durability. Fly ash is an indus- product. High amount of carbon will
trial byproduct during the combustion of reduce the pozzolanic reaction of POFA.
coal for energy production. Due to its Particle size of the raw materials was ana-
high silica and alumina, y ash is a good lyzed using CILAS laser particle size ana-
source for geopolymerization, a process lyzer where d50 obtained for POFA and y
where upon interaction with alkali solu- ash are at 16.7 and 9.67 m, respectively.
tion releases Al and Si species for the The chemical compositions of the raw
formation of a dense binder matrix [10]. materials are shown in Table 1 which
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 3

indicate signicant amount of silica oxide height cylindrical molds. The samples
(SiO2) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3) in were sealed to prevent moisture loss and
POFA and y ash. POFA also shows some cured at 80 C until age of testing, i.e. 7,
traces of calcium oxide (CaO) and magne- 28 and 90 days. The inuence of using
sium oxide (MgO) but low in alumina higher temperature may have some effect
oxide (Al2O3). Meanwhile the composi- to the mechanical strength [23,24]. XRD
tion of y ash is according to ASTM C analysis was conducted using a Bruker D8
618, Standard Specication for Coal Fly Advance instrument, with Cu K radiation
Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Poz- scanning from 5 to 65 2, with a 0.02
zolan for Use in Concrete [22], and is step size and 2 s/step count time. FTIR
rich in silica and alumina. These elements spectroscopy was carried out using Nico-
are present in both precursors which are let iS10 instrument to characterize chemi-
important in development of binding prop- cal functional groups of the pastes using
erties. Two types of alkaline solutions are KBr pellet method, where approximately
prepared as activator. Solid anhydrous 1 mg of crushed sample and 100 mg KBr
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was dosed at were mixed and scanned 32 times from
12 wt.%, by total mass of solid precursor. 4000 to 400 at 4 cm1 resolution. SEM-
The dry solid was prepared by dissolving EDX allows the observation of morphol-
NaOH pellets in tap water and allowed to ogy and the EXD data were taken from
cool to room temperature before adding to fractured surface. Overall composition of
the dry precursors. A combination of the material was carried out using JEOL
NaOH with sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) at JSM6390La instrument at an accelerating
1:1 mass ratio (modulus ratio SiO2/ voltage of 10 kV in high vacuum environ-
Na2O = 0.6) was also prepared as second ment, and working distance of 10 mm.
activator in this study. Water to solid pre-
cursor ratio is adjusted according to work-
ability factor described in Table 2. Table 2 3. Results and discussion
shows the mix proportion of the alkali-ac- 3.1. Phase analysis using X-ray
tivated pastes prepared for this study. The diffraction
samples were measured by weight per- The X-ray diffractograms of the unre-
centage (wt.%). A higher water binder acted POFA and y ash are shown in
ratio is required for sole alkali-activated Figure 1. The unreacted POFA consists
POFA due to surface characteristics and of main crystalline phases of kyanite
chemical content that leads to low worka- (Al2SiO5, PDF# 01-083-1567). Kyanite is
bility of POFA-based samples. POFA is a polymorph of andalusite and silliman-
highly hygroscopic material and therefore ite. At 1100 C, kyanite will decompose
more water is required to achieve satisfac- into mullite and vitreous silica [25]. The
tory workability [14]. unreacted y ash shows high intensity of
quartz (SiO2, PDF# 00-005-0490) and
2.2. Sample preparation and methods mullite (Al6Si2O13, PDF# 00-015-0776).
The fresh pastes were mixed manually and After alkali activation, XRD diffrac-
poured in 25 mm diameter 50 mm tograms of the pastes shows no signicant

Table 1. Chemical composition of raw materials by XRF (%).

Precursor SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 Na2O K2O Others
POFA 44.10 1.20 2.10 10.30 9.13 5.80 0.55 12.40 14.95
Fly Ash 55.90 21.80 6.62 4.91 2.00 0.32 0.32 2.20 5.94
4 N. Nadziri et al.

Table 2. Mix proportions and the water to solid precursor ratio of the alkali-activated POFA/y
ash binder.
Binder ratio (wt.% POFA/wt.% y ash) Water/solid precursor ratio
100/0 0.55
0/100 0.35
50/50 0.35

diffractograms of POFA in NaOH with sil-

icate activator as shown in Figure 3(A).
The comparison in intensity between these
diffractograms became less remarkable at
older age (90 days) as the reaction became
stable in both activators as depicted in
Figure 3(B). This indicates that both types
of activator have different mechanism of
reaction where higher reaction occurred
during earlier time of curing in NaOH
Figure 1. X-Ray diffractograms of the unre- activator compared to NaOH with silicate.
acted precursors used to synthesize the alkali- This is observable in most NaOH-
activated POFA y ash pastes.
activated precursors such as in kaolinite
and y ash as the supplied OH reduced in
formation of new peaks for POFA pastes time leading to a constant reaction at later
as observed in both activators in Fig- age of curing [26].
ure 2(A) (NaOH) and (B) (NaOH with sil- Meanwhile there are no signicant
icate). However, kyanite crystalline shows formation of new peaks observed in y
increment in intensity providing evidence ash geopolymer in both activators as
of reaction between activator and POFA shown in Figure 4(A) and (B). Fly ash
precursor. By comparing diffractograms geopolymer using both activators shows
derived from both activators at region 2 similar crystalline phases as identied in
angle between 25 and 35, higher unreacted y ash which mainly consists
intensity is observed by NaOH-activated of quartz. However, a closer look at
POFA at early age (7 days) compared to region 2 angle between 10 and 30

Figure 2. XRD diffractograms of alkali-activated POFA pastes, as a function of the curing ages
and activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 5

Figure 3. Intensity comparisons of XRD diffractograms at selected 2 angle of alkali-activated

POFA as a function of activator obtained at (A) 7 days and (B) 90 days.

show slight variation by the formation of shows a dominant prole indicating the
new peak in NaOH with silicate activator. strong inuence of y ash compared to
Figure 5(A) shows the appearance of POFA precursor in blended paste. Low
low-intensity zeolite Na-P1 is observed in intensity of kyanite is also observable in
NaOH with silicate at 28 days and simi- all blends for both types of activator. The
larly shown at 90 days (Figure 5(B)). intensity of kyanite is observable at 2
This phase was not detected at 7 day cur- degree angle between 15 and 35 as
ing age. This zeolitic phase is common in shown in Figure 7 as a function of activa-
activated y ash cured in high tempera- tor. At 7 days (Figure 7(A)), kyanite is
tures, also reported in [27]. Zeolite Na-P1 more intense under NaOH activation com-
(Na6Al6Si10O32, PDF# 01-074-1787) is pared to NaOH with silicate during early
usually formed during hydrothermal curing time. However, there is an increase
preparation of analcime from pure silica amount of detection of kyanite in the
and alumina sources. blends activated using NaOH with silicate
The structural evolution of pastes with activator at 90 days curing (Figure 7(B))
50 wt.% POFA/50 wt.% y ash are shown suggesting the reaction of POFA in form-
in Figure 6 as a function of activator. In ing gel binder, which occur at later times
all diffractograms, quartz from y ash when mixed with y ash.

Figure 4. XRD diffractograms of y ash geopolymer pastes, as a function of the curing ages
and activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.
6 N. Nadziri et al.

Figure 5. Intensity comparisons of XRD diffractograms at selected 2 angle of y ash geopoly-

mer as a function of activator obtained at (A) 28 days and (B) 90 days (Note: No distinct peaks
observable at 7 days curing age).

Figure 6. XRD diffractograms of alkali-activated POFA/y ash pastes, as a function of the cur-
ing ages and activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.

Figure 7. Intensity comparisons of XRD diffractograms at selected 2 angle of alkali-activated

50wt.% POFA/50wt.%y ash as a function of activator obtained at (A) 7 days and (B) 90 days.

3.2. Structure analysis using Fourier study with marked wavenumbers. The
transform infrared band observed at 3423 and 3415 cm1
Figure 8 shows the infrared spectra of the corresponds to the stretching vibration
unreacted precursors material used in this modes of hydrogen in HOH group in
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 7

y ash and POFA, respectively. A broad these activated POFA. The main binding
peak at 3415 cm1 in POFA is due to gel of NaOH-activated POFA pastes (Fig-
loss of water during drying process in ure 9(A)) is characterized by the broad
500 C temperature. The asymmetric peak in the wavenumber range between
stretching vibration mode of SiOT 1000 and 1100 cm1, a shift from
bonds (T = tetrahedral Si or Al) is wavenumber 1030 cm1 from the unre-
between 1200 and 950 cm1 band [28]. acted POFA. The nal position at
This band is shown at 1035 cm1 in the advanced age is around 1006 cm1 indi-
POFA and 1077 cm1 in the y ash, con- cating a progressive reaction that is rich in
sistent with the differences in the chemi- silica gel. This is consistent with the for-
cal composition (Table 1). The small mation of a sodium aluminosilicate-type
band at 791 and 782 cm1 for unreacted gel [30]. Meanwhile, the wavenumber
y ash and POFA, respectively, attribute located between 1050 to 1095 cm1 refers
to the presence of quartz. Absorption to the assignment of kyanite, which is con-
bands at 459 and 455 cm1 are assigned sistent with XRD [31,32]. There is also a
to SiOSi bonding, while bands at slight shift in the symmetric stretching
579 cm1 in the unreacted POFA spec- vibrations of SiOSi near 788 cm1 from
trum are assigned to SiO bending [29]. 772 cm1, and bending vibrations of Si
The FTIR spectra for activated POFA OSi and OSiO in the 440450 cm1
activated with NaOH, and NaOH with sili- region from 460 cm1. These results are
cate are shown in Figures 9(A) and (B), consistent with the formation of a Ca2+ in
respectively. In general, the spectrums aluminosilicate gel or C/NASH gel
show similar prole in both types of acti- [33]. Calcium is available in POFA
vator. Overall, the intensity of the broad (Table 1) and therefore could participate in
band assigned to the vibration modes of formation of the gel binder at a low rate.
HOH group which is between 3200 and This phenomenon was also observed in y
3600 cm1 appears to increase over time ash geopolymer with partial addition of
due to the hydration process of the bin- calcium-rich slag [28]. In NaOH with sili-
ders. Absorption bands at 1620 cate-activated POFA paste (Figure 9(B)),
1640 cm1 are assigned to the bending the major binding gel is centered at the
vibration of the OH groups of the wavenumber near 1000 cm1 at early age
hydrated reaction products. Small decre- and continues to shift slightly towards
ment in peak intensity from 1640 cm1 at 1009 cm1 as the nal position at later age
early age and at 1630 cm1 at advanced corresponding to also a silica-rich-type
age indicates some removal of chemically gel. These major peaks are also appeared
bonded water during the curing period for broader when compared with NaOH-acti-
vated POFA whose main gel shows an
intense and sharp peak which is also con-
sistent with the observation via XRD (Fig-
ure 3). There is also a slight shift at
wavenumber 777 cm1 and the wavenum-
ber between 443 and 447 cm1 which
show the appearance of SiOSi bond in
the products. A weak bond centered at
wavenumber 562 cm1 corresponds to Si
O composition.
Figure 8. FTIR spectra of the unreacted The FTIR spectra for alkali-activated
material used to synthesize alkali-activated y ash with NaOH and NaOH with silicate
POFA/y ash binders. are shown in Figure 10(A) and (B),
8 N. Nadziri et al.

Figure 9. FTIR spectra of alkali-activated POFA pastes, as a function the time of curing and
activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.

respectively. Similar peak assignment of 1100 cm1, consistent with sodium alumi-
the stretching and bending vibration of the nosilicate gel in the y ash pastes
water compound is characterized between [26,28,32]. Comparing this major peak
3200 and 3600 cm1 and 1620 and location to the y ash pastes activated
1640 cm1, respectively. No signicant using NaOH with silicate (Figure 10(B)),
changes occurred in the intensity of the it appears that NaOH activator gives a
water structure of this type of gel, contrary sharper and intense peak, similar to what
to what was observed in POFA pastes in observed in sole POFA pastes. These pre-
Figure 10(A). It shows that the curing con- sented the high silica gels in the reaction
dition used in this assessment did not dis- under this type of activator [35]. The week
turb the water structure in the gel, which bands occur at 518 cm1 are related to
gives an indication of a NASH-type vibrations in the unreacted solid aluminate
gel compared to POFA whose gel could in the products [36].
have some calcium silicate hydrate [34], Meanwhile, FTIR spectra of alkali-ac-
although not apparent via this assessment tivated POFA with y ash activated with
method. This also shows that aluminosili- NaOH and the combination of NaOH and
cate-type gel is more dominant in both y silicate are shown in Figures 11(A) and
ash and POFA pastes compared to a cal- (B), respectively. Both FTIR spectra
cium silicate hydrate. Small band were show similar prole. Major binding gel
observed between 1400 and 1420 cm1, in NaOH-activated POFA/y ash is char-
associated with the stretching mode of O acterized between 1002 and 1007 cm1.
CO bonds in carbonate groups. The main By comparing Figures 10(A) and 11(A),
binding gel shows that NaOH-activated the reduction of the wavenumber in these
paste (Figure 10(A)) was centered at band is due to the lower degree of cross-

Figure 10. FTIR spectra of alkali-activated y ash pastes, as a function the time of curing and
activator (A) with NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 9

linking of the amorphous phase on the Figure 13 shows the appearance of

unreacted material, owing to the calcium POFA paste after activation with NaOH
contents in POFA [28]. The small vibra- (Figure 13(A)) and NaOH with silicate
tion located 1088 cm1 refers to the pres- (Figure 13(B)) taken at 28-day of curing.
ence of kyanite, which is also consistent It seems that POFA activated using
with XRD. The simultaneous activation NaOH is denser compared to NaOH with
of y ash is promoting the formation of a silicate whose appearance is more porous.
more cross-linking of aluminosilicate-type There appear to be some formation of
gel which can be seen from the vibration crystalline microstructure within the bind-
on the band between 544 and 775 cm1 ing gel in NaOH activator. Calcium,
where the y ash spectra prole is domi- aluminum, and silica contents of the sam-
nant in the product. Symmetric stretching ples were reported, renormalized to 100%
vibrations of SiOSi and AlOSi can on an oxide basis when plotting the tern-
be identied near the 755 cm1 until ary diagram. Calcium, aluminum and sil-
755 cm1 band, while OSiO bonding ica contents of the samples were
occurs near 450 cm1 band [28,37]. It reported, renormalized to 100% on an
can be clearly seen that there are no sig- oxide basis when plotting the ternary dia-
nicant differences in FTIR using both gram. It shows the variation of gel com-
types of activator in blended precursors. position across the binders as a function
of activator (Figure 16(A)). POFA acti-
vated using NaOH with silicate shows a
3.3. Scanning electron microscope heterogeneous gel formation within a
energy-dispersive X-ray porous microstructure.
3.3.1. Morphology analysis using Figure 14 shows the appearance of
scanning electron microscope y ash paste after activation with NaOH
The SEM image of unreacted precursor (Figure 14(A)) and NaOH with silicate
can be observed in Figure 12. The unre- (Figure 14(B)) taken at 28-day of curing.
acted POFA (Figure 12(A)) appears coar- Fly ash paste using NaOH appears denser
ser compare to y ash particle with oval compared to NaOH with silicate with
or round edges and irregular in shape. partially reacted y ash. Fly ash with
The unreacted y ash (Figure 12(B)) NaOH with silicate shows a heteroge-
shows spherical shape of the particle. neous gel formation within a porous
This spherical shape of the y ash microstructure. Fly ash particle was par-
improves the consolidation and reduced tially reacted after 28 days curing ages
the permeability of concrete binder [38]. compare to raw y ash in Figure 12.

Figure 11. FTIR spectra of alkali-activated 50wt.%POFA/50wt.%y ash pastes, as a function of

the time of curing and activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.
10 N. Nadziri et al.

Figure 12. SEM of unreacted precursors (A) POFA and (B) Fly Ash.

Figure 13. SEM images of alkali-activated POFA pastes, as a function of the time of curing and
activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.

Figure 14. SEM images of alkali-activated y ash pastes, as a function of the time of curing
and activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 11

Meanwhile, in binary precursors, of POFA pastes activated by both types

POFA/y ash activated using NaOH (Fig- of activator. The average Ca/Si ratios are
ure 15(A)) is denser compared to NaOH distinctively low for both sets of activa-
with silicate (Figure 15(B)) whose tor. This is a large different when com-
appearance is more porous. There appear pared to the normal cement-based pastes
to be some formation of crystalline whose Ca/Si is around 1.52.0 [39]. This
microstructure within the binding gel in indicates that in alkali-activated POFA,
NaOH activator. The crystalline calcium is not largely dominating in the
microstructure also represents the silica. formation of the binding gel, contradicts
POFA/y ash with NaOH with silicate to some previous ndings [40]. This is
shows a heterogeneous gel formation also consistent with the XRD and FTIR
within a porous microstructure. data. The binding phase observed in
POFA pastes can be described as an C/
NSH regardless of the activator used.
3.3.2. Energy-dispersive X-ray Aluminum is very low (Table 1) to be
spectroscopy analysis considered in the formation of alumi-
EDX results obtained from multiple nosilicate (NASH) gel with EDX cal-
points from the binder regions of the culation of Al/Si are 0.03 and 0.06 for
alkali-activated POFA/y ash paste are both types of activating solution used,
analyzed in this section. Calcium oxide which is in contrast to a typical value of
(CaO), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and sil- 0.350.4 derived from aluminosilicate
ica oxide (SiO2) contents of pastes plot- precursors such as y ash and slag [41].
ted as ternary diagrams. These plots Figure 16(B) shows the clustered regions
clearly show the variations in binding gel in y ash binder as a function of activa-
composition across the different POFA/ tor. The points of the clustered region
y ash binders as a function of activator, clearly show the composition N(A)S
and also conrm the approximate chemi- H (dashed circle) indicating a completely
cal compositions of the types of gel different gel composition in y ash com-
forming with different binder proportions. pared to POFA pastes. There is also no
Figure 16(A) shows the clustered regions obvious difference in the gel composition
in POFA binder activated with NaOH with respect to the types of activator
and NaOH with silicate. There is no used, although some Ca from y ash
signicant difference in the binding gel (Table 1) may participate when using

Figure 15. SEM images of alkali-activated 50 wt.% POFA/ 50 wt.% y ash pastes, as a function
of the time of curing and activator (A) NaOH, (B) NaOH + Na2SiO3.
12 N. Nadziri et al.

NaOH with silicate as activator, produc-

ing a NC(A)SH gel (shaded circle).
This type of gel was discovered previ-
ously in binders with low calcium con-
tent [28]. Meanwhile Figure 16(C)
marked the clustered regions in blended
POFA/y ash paste as a function of acti-
vator. The incorporation of y ash in the
pastes promotes the formation of two dis-
tinct gels associated with the activation
reaction of both precursors. The C/NS
H product seems to show a reduction,
and consequently the binder becomes
enriched in aluminum and silicon, consis-
tent with the formation of a N(C)AS
H (shaded gray circle)-type product.
These gels are evident from the FTIR
analysis where the inclusion of y ash
slight shifting the chemistry of the bind-
ing paste. Thus, the inclusion of y ash
in POFA precursor give the coexistence
of N(A)SH (dashed circle) gel which
dominant in paste.

4. Conclusion
The nature of the gel in alkali-activated
pastes using POFA and y ash is strongly
dependent on the precursors and choice
of activator, as the differences in
microstructural and mineralogy of these
precursors promote the formation of dif-
ferent binder products. A calcium
sodiumsilicatehydrate (C/NSH)-type
gel is formed in the sole POFA binder
while sodiumaluminasilicatehydrate
(NASH) binding gel dominant in y
ash binder. When a combination of POFA
and y ash were used, NASH gel
strongly inuences the binder matrix. The
types of alkaline activator do not inu-
Figure 16. Ternary representation of EDX
for alkali-activated POFA/y ash pastes as a ence signicantly the type of gel forming
function of activator and POFA/y ash ratio: in the binder.
(A) 100wt.% POFA, (B) 100wt.% y ash and
(C) 50wt.%POFA/50wt.% y ash. Composi-
tion in black circle represents a C/NSH type
gel, dashed circle represents an NASH gel Disclosure statement
and gray lled circled represent an N(C)A No potential conict of interest was reported
SH type gel. by the authors.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 13

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Flow characteristics of ternary blended
self-consolidating cement mortars incor-
porating palm oil fuel ash and pulverised
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