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Welcome to the vividly red hued Teris

of Muttom
Muttom,, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil
Nadu, India.
The stabilized dunes acquired the
enchanting colour due to alteration of
iron bearing minerals, when the
liberated iron oxide (heamatite
intimately covered the quartz grains
giving rise to redness.
The moist climate of the region carved the
otherwise even land into a series of
roughly parallel gullys by headward
erosion. The polygonal joints served as
conduits of seeping rain water resulting in
sort of subsurface tunneling which
ultimately became the loci of the axis of
gullys.. Then the “footless” overlying teri
collapsed and modelled itself into steep
walled flat floored gullys
Now shall we go for the show….
Wide deep Gully, Southerly of Muttom
Light House Rd, Kanyakumari Dist,
Tamil Nadu
Two parallel gully heads, NErly view, Muttom, Northern side of
Muttom light house road, Kanyakumarui Dist, Tamil Nadu
A low slung scarp of Teri in the mid­ground, Easterly view, North
of light house, Muttom, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu
Note the well jointed and foliated basement crystalline rock, North of
Light house, Muttom, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu
Closer view of basement crystalline rock, North of Light House, Muttom,
Kanyakumari dist, Tamil Nadu, Easterly view.
Teri overlying altered crystalline rocks, North of Muttom Light House,
Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu.
Camera case 3 in on sides., Note the near perfect fractures and
joints and progressive alteration of feldspar to white clay.
Close up of contact between Teris and altered crystallines., but
seperated by a zone laterite of light brown colour toward the base
of Teris.
Teri sand


Altered basement, feldspar

turning to white clay
Same scene as in previous picture

Red teris


Altered basement
Muttom light house, Southerly view, Kanyakumarui Dist, Tamil Nadu.
Notice recent water accumulated ilmenite, magnetitie
etc., Teri land, Muttom, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu
Landscaped Teri land giving way to new Public
housing development, northerly of Light
house, Muttom, Kanyakumari Dist
Note the well jointed nature of Teri taken advantage of by running water and erosion,
Muttom, Kanyakumari dist, Tamuil Nadu.
New housing development on t he left background, Muttom Teri, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu
The roughly parallel gullys developed along the inter dune swales, Muttom Teri, Kanyakumari Dist,
Tamil Nadu
Closer view of a gully wall, showing downward joining regular joints that aided in the
erosion and slumping. Muttom Teri, Kanyakumari Dist, Tamil Nadu
Note the landward sloping layers­ dune foresets, Muttom Teri, Kanyakumari Dist,
Tamil Nadu
In fact if this unique geological heritage
is declared a national monument, these
scenic geological features will be
swallowed by JCBs and the humanity
will loose this nature’s gift. Write to
your MP and MLA and ask for
preservation of the Teris of Muttom
Kanyakimari Dist, Tamil Nadu, India.
Thank you for your visit to this slide set
This is a presentation put together
by Dr.Thrivikramji.K.P

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