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Name: .......( Form 5 S

Paper 1
201 t



Paper I

8:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m,

I hourand 15 minutes



l. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the answer sheet.

4. Blacl(En only one space for each question.

5. If you wish to change your ans\ver, erase the blaclcened mark that you hove made. Then blacken
the spacefor the new arutwer.

6. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.

7. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

8. A list offormulae is provided on page 2.

Set and Proof-read bv: Approved bv:

Lt"r F""g Sr,rg tin Chee yan G"hjir zh*- Low Kok Yqng Poh Seong Foi

4531/l @ Copyright by Chong Hwa Independent High School

The following information may be useful. The symbols have their usual meaning

'T a: U_U
16n=Tsin i
2 v2 =uz +zas 17 t2: fl
3l s = ut +|atz 18n= realdepth
apparent dqth
4 Momenfum = trw 19 Q=It
5 F:ma 20 E =VQ

6 energy - lmvz 2tL 1t

f uv

7 Gravitational potential enerry 22 g = L0ms-2

= mgh
ti 23
Ehstic potential energy =
f,f x Linear magnificati on, m =
9 power, , =W 24 L=T

lo ,u
o=! 2s v=IR I


11 Pressnre,p=; 26 Power,P=IV :

12 Presstre ,p = hpg 27 & Vs

Nr= v,
13 Heat,Q=mc? 28 E=mcz
14 Heat , Q : zrf, . 29 Ef ., _! -._ -._ I"V,
ficiency = 100o/o
15 pV
Which of the ammeter shown below is most sensitive?

-n@* .::
*.".r*'o+ t


Diagram I show a micrometer screw gauge used to measure the diameter of a wire. What is the diameter
of the wire?
A 5.30 mm
B 5.80 mm
C 35mm
D 5.30 cm

Diagram 1

A student carries out an experiment to study the relationship between the count rate of a radioisotope with
the time. He put some radioisotope at a cefiain distance from the G.M tube and records the count rate
every 10 minutes" In this experiment, the manipulated variable, responding variable and the fixed variable

ManipulatellJariable Bespon4ins variable Fixed variable

A Count rate Time Mass of radioisotope
B Time Count rate Mass of radioisotope
C Count rate Time Distance of radioisotope from G.M tube
D Time Count rate Distance of radioisotope from G.M tube
Diagram 2 shows two girls standing on the platform of a KTM station watching a commuter train. The
train start from rest and moves with an acceleration of 0.2 m s-'. The girls observe that the train takes 25 s
to move past them. What is the length of the train?
A 2.5m
B 62.5 m
C 80.0 m
D 100.0 m

Diagram 3 shows a ticker tape charts. Every strip has 5 ticks. If the frequency used is 50 Hz, calculate the
acceleration of the moving object. s/cm
A 56.3 cm s-2
B 75.0 cm s'2
C 225.0 cm s-2
D 300.0 cm s-2


Diagram 3

Two masses are hung in series from a fixed point alternating with three strings as shown
in Diagram 4. If
you pull very quickly on the string Z, due to the inertia
A the string X will break
B the string Y will break
C the string Zwill break string X
D all the string will break at the same time
string Y

string Z

Diagram 4

Diagram 5 shows the position of a trolley at the compressed spring, the distance travelled by the trolley
before stop after released from the spring can be increases by
[*compression keep constant in all cases]
A replace the spring with a spring made by thicker wire.
B replace the spring with a longer one.
C replace the trolley with a heavier trolley.
D replace the spring with a spring which have
bigger in diameter of spring Diagram 5

Diagram 6 shows a newton's cradle with 5 steel balls of the same mass P, g, R, .S and L What will
happen if ball P pull aside, let go and hit the ball with a velocity of u?
A Ball Q, R, S and Zmove with same velocity v.
B Ball P becomes stationary while ball T"moves with velocity v.
C Ball P bounces back with same speed, v and ball Imoves with velocity
D Ball P becomes stationary while ball S and 7 moves with velocity v.

Diagram 6

A basketball player makes a free-throw shot at the basket. The basketball leaves the player's hand at a
speed of 7 mls from a height of 2.2 m above the floor. Determine the speed of the basketball as it goes
through the hoop, 3 m above the floor,
A 5.74 m/s
B 6.20 mts
C 9"80 m/s
D 46.20 m/s

Y1=2.2 m Yu=3m

Diagram 7

10 Which of the following shows the applications of high pressure in everyday life?
A A knife with a sharp edge B A bulldozer with a wider tvre

C Tall buildings on a base of large surtace DS now shoes wi th a larger surface area


ll Diagram 8 shows a manometer is used to measure the pressure of the gas in the container. If the
atmospheric pressure is 76 cm Hg, What is the pressure of C[I+ with water vapour in the container?
A 46cmHg
B 73cmHg
C 79 cmHg
D 106 cm Hg

CHa r

Diagram 8

12 Diagram 9 shows a stream of air flowing through a tube. Which of the following graphs describes the
relationship between the air pressure, P and the distance, x?

,; '
--2-+ ----y--

Diagram 9

13 Which of the following liquid has lowest density if the same object is put into the different liquid?

Object floating Object floating Object moving Object keep

on the surface of liquid the surface of liquid downwards with an stationary in liquid
14 Gamma rays are not deflected by an electric field because
A they are strongly penetrating B they are weakly ionizing
C they have no charge D they have no mass

15 What are isotopes?

A Atoms of an element with the different number of protons and different number of neutrons
B Atoms of an element with the same number of protons and same number of neutrons
C Atoms with different physical properties but same chemical properties
D Atoms with different chemical properties but same physical properties

16 Which of the following statements about nuclear fission is not true?

A Enormous amount of energy is released
B New nuclei of new elements are formed
C Total mass before fission reaction : Total mass after fission reaction
D Radioactive radiation is released

L7 The graph shows the decay curve of a radioactive material.

Activity/counts per minute

If the initial of the radioactive material is 800 counts per minute, what is the activity
after t hour?
A 400 B 200 c 100 D50
l8 Diagram 10 below shows a series of radioactive decays for the nucleus of uranium-238 to
that of radium-226.

Nucleon numbcr (A)

Diagram l0
Profurn numbcr (Z)

How many p-particle is released during this process?

AI B2 C 3 D4

19 A nuclear bomb exploded and released a huge amount of energy. It is discovered that 4.5 x
l0-3 kg of
mass was lost during the explosion. How rnuch energy was released during the explosion?
[speeJ of
L 4.ozx lora J B 4.05 x lor4 J C 5.12 x 1Ors J D 5.22x 1016J

20 Diagram 1l below shows a capillary tube containing air trapped by a column of mercury. The
capillary tube is placed in two different positions.

Diagram 11

The length of the column of air trapped in the capillary tube is x when the tube is horizontal
and the
length is y when the tube is vertical. x, y and z are measured in centimeters. Which
of the following
expression is correct?

[Atrnospheric pressure = 76 cm Hg]

lt76x:762* zy B76y=76x+zy C 762:76y + xy D 76x :76y + zy

21 Diagram 12 shows a metal block of mass I kg immersed in 5 kg of water. Assume

that heat is not lost
to the surroudings, what is the final temperature of the system?
[Specific heat capacity of water:4.2
x 103 J kgt og-t' specific heat capacity ofthe metal block = o.t x r'otl te irci-

Diagram 12 Water at 30oC

Metal block at 80oC

A 30.8 B 31.g 0C c 35.8
D 4t.g 0c
22 Which of the following graphs shows the relationship between the pressure and absolute temperature
of a gas kept in a container of frxed volume?

- l,

23 Diagram 13 below shows two blocks X and I touching each other. The initial temperatures of X and
Y are 60oC and 40oC respectively.

Diagram 13

The rate of flow of heat from X to Y is Q1 and the rate of flow of heat from Y to X is Q2.

Which of the following is correct when two objects are at thermal equilibrium?

A Qr =Qz=0 BQr>Qz CQr<Qz DQr=Qz

24 A fixed mass of gas in a container fitted with a piston is heated at a constant pressure. Which statement
is correct?
A The volume of the gas decreases
B The molecules of the gas move closer to eah other
C The kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases
D The molecules of the gas move with lower velocity

25 A mercury-in-glass thermometer has a mercury column of length 3.0 cm at the ice point and length of
12.0 cm at the steam point. What is the length of the meroury column at a temperature of 50 0C?
A 4.5 cm B 6.0 cm C 7.0 cm D 7.5 cm
26 A driver can hear a loud noise produced by vibrations in some parts of the car when his car is
travelling at a certain speed. When he increases the speed of the car, ttre parts of the car stop vibrating
and the noise cannot be heard again Whichphenomenon explains the above sifuation?
A Damped oscillation B Reflection of sound C lnterference D Resonance

Diagram t4 shows the apparatus set-up of an experiment to investigate the relatiouship between the
image distance, v and the object distance o u. When the object is placed at lScm from the convex lens,
the screen needs to be adjusted at 54cm from the object to form a sharp i*age. The focal length of the
lens is
A 12.0 cm
B l8.0cm
C 27-0cm
D 36.0cm

i-l I

ifsE i oiagram t+

28 Which diagram shows the total intmal reflection of light?

29 Diagram 15 shows a light ray incident at an angle of 350 on a plane mirror MN. The mirror is then
rotated clockwise tbrough an angle of 25v to a new position XY. What is the asvy angle of reflection of
the light ray?
A 100
B 200
c 350
D 600

' ,,"*ru*, ,;--'-*

Diagrams 15

30 Diagrm 16 shows two light rays passing into a glass block. Which relationship is correct?
A ?-!
B sinp x sirw = sing x sins
^ sinr sins
stnp sutq
Diagram 16 D sin9rs: sin!

31 An object is placed at a distance of 6cm in front of a converging lens. The lens has a power of +12.5D.
Vlhich ofthe following are the characteristics and linearmagnification ofthe image formed?

Characteristics Linear masrification

A Real and inverted More than I
B Virtual and uoripht More than I
C Real and inverted Less than I
D Vifiual and uorieht 1,sss than I

32 Dia$am 17 shows the pattern of water waves being propagated towards a point F after passing a
convex glass plate and a concave barrier. Which phenomena explain the propagation of these waves?
glass plate A Reflection and diffiaction
B Diffraction and refraction
C Reflection and refiuction

D Diffraction and interference

Diagram 17
Concave banier

33 Diegram 18 shows one method usod to detect the rock layer below the earth's surface. A sound from
an explosion which is sent below the earth's surface is reflected and detected again by an echo receiver
after 0.4s.The speed of sound through the soil layer is 4000ms'r. What is the distance of the rock layer
from the earth's surface?
A 400m
Echo receiver
B 800m
Earth's surface

Soil tayer C 1600m

D 3200rn
Rock layer Diagram 18

34 Diagram 19 shows the waveforms produced by sormd from the piano. Which of thc following
statement is hre?

t L
A J, K and L have the same loudness C Khas ahigher loudnessthant
B J has ahigher pitchttran K D Lhasthelowestpirch
35 Diagram 20 slrows a hammock carrying a baby that is allowed to oscillafe freely untii it stops
oscillating. Which graph represents the change in amplitude, a , with time ,t for the oscillation of the

Hammock string

hammock Diagrmr 20


l-O rn

A B a (rn)


a (rn) a (m)
o.s L---- o.5
o o


36 In a Young's double -slit experiment, bright and dark fringes are formed on the screen as shown in
Diagrarn 21. Which action can be decreased the distance of separation between two successive bright

Laser pointer
[::o*'n [f
tC: [,lr Brisht and dark fringes on the screen

t- D +llM D:=s:a=r'-

A Decreasing the distance of the screen * iD with the distance a kept constant.

B Decreasing the separation distance of doubte -slit to la**distance D kept constant.

C Increasing the distance of the screen to 2D with the distance a kept constant.

D Moving the double-slit closer to the single slit with the distances a and D kept constant.

37 Diagram 22 shows a form of waves produced in a slinky spring. Which of the waves produced under
the following circumstances are similarto the wave shown in Diagram 10?


A A stone is dropped on awater surface

B A stretched string is vibrated up and down .

C A tuning fork is made to vibrate in air

D A microwave oven is switched on


38 Which of the following gaphs correettry shows the relatio4ship between potential difference, V, and
current, I, for the filament lamp?
A vor) V (V)


v (v)
-* I (A)

lr :

r (A) ,V I (A)

39 Diagram 23 shows a parallel circuit. The resistance of Rr is not equal to Rz.

, .8.2,
Diagram 23

Which physigal quantity must be the same for both Rr and Rz?
: {
ACurrent' '

B Potential di{ference
C Power
D Electrical energy
Four resistors af,e connected as shoryn in Diagram 24.
l1 j

K L li

4(l .2{l
Diagram 24

Between which two terminals will the effective resistancebethe maximum?

AKL .,


41 Diagram 25 shows a circuit in whichthe battery has negtigible internal resistance.

l2v 20

Diagram 25

What is the power dissipated by the 6 C) resistor?

A 6W
B 12W
c l8w
D 36W

42 Diagam26 shows an electomagnet made of a soft iron core which is used to attract paper clips.
Soft iron core

Dry cells i

Paper clips
Diagram 26

What will inciease the number of paper clips atkacted to the core?
A Use a thicker wire to form the coil
B Use hard iron core instead of soft iron core
C Reduce the number of dry cells
D Reduce the nurnber of turns ofthe coil
43 Two parallel copper wires are carrying equal currents out of page. Which of the following shows
correctly the forces between the two wires and the magnetic fields close to the wires?
A aa\
rffi) V\7


44 Diagram 27 shows a copper rod in the space between the magnets.

Diagram 27

Which of the following movements would produce the greatest reading on the galvanometer?
A The rod is moved quickly along JK.
B The rod is moved slowly along JK.
C The rod is moved quickly along LM.
D The rod is moved slowly along LM.
45 Which of the following statement about transformer is correct?
A transformer can work with both direct and alternating current power supplies.
Energy loss in a transformer due to eddy current can be reduced using soft iron core.
CThe output power of a transformer is always greater than its input power.
DIn a step-down transforner, the secondary current is bigger than the primary current.

46 A power station generates 10 MW of power at a voltage of 132 kV. If the total resistance of the cables
is 50 O, what is power loss in the cables?
A 3.8 kW
B 75.8 kW
c 200 kw
D 287 kW

47 Diagram 28 shows the interior structure of a cathode ray oscilloscope.


Diagram 28

What are the parts labelled P, Q and R?

P a R
A Accelerating anode Deflection system Control grid
B Control grid Accelerating anode Deflection system
C Control grid Focusing anode Deflection system
D Deflection system Focusing anode Control grid


48 Which of the following statements about ap-type semiconductor is correct?

A The numbers of holes and electons in the p-type semiconductor are the same.
B The p{ype semiconductor is doped by acceptor atoms.
C The p-type semiconductor is formed by adding arsenic.
D The majority charge carriers in the p-g/pe semiconductor are electrons.

49 In which circuit does the bulb light up?



50 Diagram 29 shows a combination of logic gates.

Diagram 29

Which of the following tuth table represents the output R in the circuit?

A P o R P a R
0 0 I 0 0 0
0 I 0 0 I 0
1 0 0 1 0 1

I I I I I 0

c P o R D P o R
0 0 I 0 0 I
0 1 0 0 1 I
1 0 0 I 0 0
I I 0 I I I



.............( Form 5 S



Paper 2

10:10 a.m. - 12:40 p.m.
2 hour and 30 minutes



l. This question paper consists ofthree sections:

Section A, Section B and Section C.
Section Questions Marks Score
\---' 2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your answers
for Section A in the spaces providgd in the question paper. I 4

3. Answer one question from Section B and one question 2 5

from Section C. Write your answers for Section B and
Section C on the paper provided by the invigilators.
3 6
Answer questions in Section B and Section C in detail.
4 7
Agswers should be clear and logical. Equations, diagrams,
tables, graphs and other suitable methods can be used
5 8
to explain your answer.
6 8
4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks,
7 l0
5. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn
to scale unless stated 8 l2
6. The marks allocated for each question or sub-section 9 20
of a question are shown in brackets. B
l0 20
.-r, 7. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the
answer. Then write down the new answer.
l1 20
t2 20
8. A list of formulae is provided on pages 2.
9. You may use non-programmable scientific calculator. However,
stepl in catculation must be shown.

10. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90 minutes, Section B is 30 minutes and Section C is
30 minutes.

I I . Attach all your answers together and hand them in at the ind of the examination.

Set and Proof-read bv: Anproved bv:

LA. .
Lim Fons Sens -Tin Chee Yan
GohVe Zhan Low Kok Yqrg

453112 @ Copyright by Chong Hwa lndependent Highschool

The following information may be useful. The symbols have their usual meaning

U-U 16n-.-sin i
t slnr
2 v2 =uz +Zas t7 v=fl
7 18n= real depth
/, apparent depth

Momentum = mv 19 Q: It
F =ma 20 E:VQ

Kinetic energy = lmuz 21 1 1 1 \--l

I u v'. t.

Gravitational potential energy 22 g, = 10ms-2

= mgh
8 ' 23 Linear magnificati on, m = !-
Elastic pote,lrtial energy - f,f x
g Energy 24 L=9
Power-' p - time D

10 m 25 V=lR

ll Pressure, p =; 26 Power, P : IV

t2 Pressure ,p = hpg 27 &V"

-=- vp

13 Heat, Q = mcq 28 E =mcz

t4 Heat, Q: mf, 29 I.V

Ef f icimcy - t00o/o
15 pv
Section A
t60 mwksl
Answer rll questions in this sectiort

Diagram 1 shows an experiment carried out to determine. the electromotive force and the internal
resistance of a dry cell.



Rheostat :

Diagram 1

(a) What is meant by internal resistance?

ll markf i

(b) What is physical quantity shown by the voltmeter when the switch in Diagram I is closed? {I
Tick (/; the comect answer in the box provided below. 1


u Potential difference


Electromotive force {
-{ .J
tl mokl I

.\ (c) The dry cell in Diagram I has an internal resistance of 0.5 O. When the switch is open, the
voltmeter reading is 1.5 V. When the switch is closed, the ammeter reading is 0.3 A. Calculate the
resistance of the rheostat.

[2 narksl
Diagram 2 shows E-I graph, based on data obtained from an experiment to investigate the relationship
between variable E and lunder two difTerent types of testing environments. Given equation E: t' +l is
obtained under environment Xwhile equation E = 2T is obtained under environment I/. Under each testing
environment, different values of 7 are used and value changes in E are recorded.

E (unit)


Diagram 2

(a) State the manipulated variable and responding variable.

Manipulated variable -

Responding variable -

iystem operate ,^:rK*'


ll markl
(c) If f represents the temperature in of a system, at what temperature do both environments Xand I/
produce equal energy loss?

l2 marksl
Figure 3.1 shows the apparatus for an experiment to determine the specific latent heat of vaporization
of water. Water is boiled using a 500 W immersion heater. The quantity of water boiled in 5 minutes is
6o g.

to porersjpply

Figure 3.1

(a) Calculate the value of the specific latent heat of vaporization of water [2 marks]

(b) 'WhV does the water boil at a constant temperature even though heat energy is continuously being
supplied? [2 marks]

(c) Give one reason for the difference between experimental and standard values of the specific latent
heat of vaporization of water. [1 mark]

(d) State one precaution in order to obtain a more accurate result. [1 mark]

A whistle and a gong emits sounds with different properties that can be studied by using a cathode rhy
oscilloscope ( C.R.O ). Diagram 4.1 shows the trace on the oscilloscope screen produced by sounds
from both instruments.

Open door
's signal

's signal
o rot
Diagram 4.1 o Diagram 4.2

(a ) Based on Diagram 4.1, compare the frequency of sound produced by the gong with that of the

I l mark]
(b ) Based on Diagram 4.1, compare the property of sound of the gong with the sound of the whistle
from the following aspects.
(i) Loudness:

( ii ) Pitch:

[ 2 marks ]

i.l The sounds of the whistle and gong are pnrduced at K in the laboratory. It is found that the
sound of the whistle can be heard clearly only at L and M, but not clearly at N. However, the
sound of the gong can be heard clearly at L, M and N. Diagram 4.2 shows the positions of K
(i ) Name the wave phenomenon that enables the sound of the gong to be heard cleady at N.

( ii ) State how the wave phenomenon mentioned in 6 ( c ) is affected by the wavelength.

I I mark]

(d ) Ultrasound that is used in medical equipment for observing the intemal organs of the human
body has a frequency ranging from lMHz to l5MHz . The equipment works optimally if the
wavelength of the ultrasound used is equal to the size of the cell being observed. The speed of
ultrasound in the human body is 1540ms-t" Calculate the minimum frequency needed to detect
a cell of size 0.7mm

[ 2 marks ]

5 ' Diagram 5.1 shows

a type of logic gate where A and B are the inputs and Y is the output.

Diagram 5.1

(a) Based on Diagram 5.1:

(i) What is rneant by logic gate?

ll narkl
(ii) Name the logic gate shown in Diagram 5.1.

ll markl
(iii) State the Boolean algebra representing the logic gate shown in Diagram 5.1.

ll markl
(b) A student wants to build a simple fire alarm system using a smoke detector and a heat detector.
Diagram 5.2 shows the logic gate circuit of the alarm system. The alarm will be activated if any
one of the detectors is activated.



Diagrari 5.2

Smoke is detected logic '1'
Smoke is not detected logic'0'
Hot surroundings logic '1'
Cold suroundings logic'0'
Alarm is activated logic '1'
Alarm is not activated logic'0'
0 r;r&.:Jr.q

0 1

I 0

12 marhsl


ll marlQ

I :if,{i; ::..i1: ;ji:

, ,r. '..-,1 ,.'.,. .,' jj- "'.r , r-. ..::,:,.::-; t,rl:.ll

(in) Sfhtiio*t niiiemrii' or *ffi 's*itffi$ri

ll mark)

*.* ;."eu::::ei{i





6 Diagram 6.1 shows an object placed in front of a plane mirror whereas Diagram 6.2 strows an object
placed at a distance of 2f in front of a convex lens with focal length f .


Diagam 6.1 Diagram 6.2

(a) Complete the path of ligfotmys inDiagram 6.1 and 6.2. [ 2 marks ]

(b) Name the phenome,non of light in Diagram 6.1 and Diagrm6.2. [ 2 marks ]
Diagram 6.1 :

\v (c ) State the similar characteristics of the images formed in Diagram 6.1 and6.2.

t l markl

(d ) In searching the bouom of a pool at nighg a watchman shines a namow bearn of light from his
. flashlight 1.3m above the water level, onto the surface of the water at a point 2.7m from his
foot at the edge of the pool ,as shown in Diagram 6.3. Where does the spot of light hit the
bottom of the pool, relative to the edge if the pool is 2.lm dq? Ivfark as X the spot of light
and comFlete the path of ligtrt ray in water.[ refractive index of water is 1.33 ]

Diagram 6.3


7 Three radioactive specimens have to be stored safely. Table 7.1 shows the properties of each specimen.

Table 7.I
Specimen Half-life Radiation
P 6500 years c[
a 7 years p
R 219 years d,\

Thlck lead

Figure 7.1
Thin plastic

Figure 7.1 shows three types of container that could be used for storing those specimens.
[Each container can only be selected once]
(a) Determine the container suitable for storing
[3 marks]
(i) specimen P

( ii) specirnen Q

(iii) specimen R

(b) Give a reason for your answer in (a) (iii)

U markl

(c) In a radioactivity experiment, A Geiger counter was used to measure the activity of material W
over a period of one hour, Its activity was measured every ten minutes. During this period, the
background radiation was regularly measured at 6.00 counts per minute. The result are shown in
Table7.2. '

Table 7.2
Time (min) Activity (counts per Activity due to sample
minute) alone (counts per rninute)
0 t00.00
r0 74.00
20 53.00
30 39.s0
40 29.50
50 22,50
60 17.75

(i) Complete Table7.2 I mar$

(iD Explain the meaning of background radiation [1 mark]

(iit) On the graph paper below, plot the values for activity due to sample alone against time
based on Table 7.2 [2 marks]

(iv) Based on your graph, determine the halfJife of material W. Show how the answer is
obtained from the graph. [2 marks]
8 A balloon has a volume of 2 m3 when filled with helium. The mass of the balloon fabric is 0.2 kg. A long
coiled rope of mass per unit length 0.1 kg m'r rests on the ground with one end attached to the balloon. As
the balloon rises, the rope will uncoil as shown in Diagram 8(a). [Density of air = 1.3 kg m'3]

,op. -+l
g.aU^d --.,1h
(a) (b)
Diagram S
(a) Diagram 8(b) shows the forces acting on the balloon when it stops rising. Name the forces X, Y and Z.

X. v-
Z- [3 marl<sl
(b) What is the value of X ?

[2 marksl
(c) What is the principle you use to acquire the answer in 8(b)

fi markl

(d) Write an equation to show the relationship between these three forces, X I', and 7

ll markl

(e) Calculate the length of the rope which has uncoiled when the balloon has stopped rising.

13 marl<sl

(0 If the rope is now cut offand the balloon rises again and eventually bursts. Explain briefly why the
balloon bursts.

12 markrl

Section B
[20 marks]
Answer any one questionfrom this section. The suggested time to answer this section is 30 minutes

9 (a) A block of copper and a block of aluminium of equal misses are heated by identical immersion
heaters of50 W each.
Heatlng sl aluminlum blod(
lbatrrg c[ copper Uodr


Diagram 9.2
Diagram 9.1

The temperature-time graph for copper and aluminium are shown in Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2
Specific heat capacity of copper = 387 J kg-t
Specific heat capacity of aluminium = 900 J kg'r

(aXi) What is meant by specific heat capacity of a substance? [1 markl

(ii) With reference to Diagram 9.1 and Diagram 9.2, compare the mass, the change of
temperature and the energy absorbed by the objects.

Relate the energy supplied to the objects, the mass of the objects and the change in
temperature of the objects. Then deduce a relationship between the specific heat capacity
and the change of temperature of the objects. [5 marks]

(b) Using your knowledge of specific heat capacities, explain the phenomena of sea breeze [4 marks]

(c) You are given some material to make a cooking pot's body, base and handle. The materials are
copper, wood and aluminium. State and explain your choice of materials to make the cooking pot.
The cooking pot should have the following feature:

[0 marks]

10 Diagram 10.1 shows a ripple tank stroboscope diagram for two sets of semicircular \traves. Diagram
10.2 shows a similar diagmm with a modification.

Diagram 10.2
Diagram 10.1

(a ) (i ) State the modification done to the setup in Diagram 10.1 to obtain the situation in
Diaemm 10.2.
I l mark]

( ii ) Compare the wavelengths, the separation between the sources of the two sets of waves,
and the separation between the antinodal lines in Diagrarn 10.1 and Diagram 10.2.
Relating the wavelengths, the separation between the sources and the separation
between the antinodal lines, deduce a relevant physics principle.
[ 5 marks ]

( iii ) Name the wave phenomenon shown inthe diagrams.


(b ) A boat is standed in the middle the sea and the engine has broken down. Explain whether a
large sea wave moving towards the shore will be able to push the boat to the shore.
[ 3 marks I

(c ) The town hall in yotr town is not properly designed and as a result the sound system is acrf
very good. The audience cannot hear the music performed on the stage clearly eve,n though
there is a loudspeaker system, the speakers placed all around the hall and the sound is loud
enough. You have been asked to make modifications to improve the acoustics in the hall.

Using yourknowledge of wave such as reflection, interference and so on,

(i ) Explain the probable rieasons for the acoustics being not good currently

( ii ) Howyou couldimprove (c) ( i)

I l0 marks]

11(a) During an accident, the driver in the car is badly injured cut by the shattered glass. The front and rear
crumple zone is changing its shape as shown in Diagram I l.l
(i) Name the force involved during the impact. ll markl

(ii) Explain why the front and rear cnrmple zone changes
its shape after the impact, 13 marlcsl

(iii) Give one suggestion to avoid the driver being cut by

the shattered glass. [1 mark]

Diagram l1.l
(b) Diagram 1 1.2 shows four arrangements of piling system P, Q, R and S that being used to insert a pile
into ground.

Arrangement of Arrangement of Arrangement of Arrangement of

oilins svstem P piline system Q piline system R piline system S

Pile driver Pile driver

m:80 kg m:
L':iffiT T 100 kg
h:20 m h:20 m

-":'dL concrete pile


Study the specification of the four arrangements of piling system based on the following aspects:
(i) Mass of the pile driver used to push the pile into ground. [2 marlts]
(ii) Height of the pile driver 12 marl<sl
(iii) Material of the pile 12 marksl
(iv) Shape of the base of the pile 12 marksl

Explain the suitability of each aspect and then determine the most suitable alrangement to be used to
insert the pile effectively. Give reason for your choice. 12 marltsl

(c) A metal block with mass of 55 kg is being dropped onto a pile to build a skyscraper. The height of
the metal block from the pile is 25 m. Calculate:

(i) the weight of the metal block. ll markl

(ii) the velocity of the metal block before it hits the pile. 12 marks)

(iii) the impulsive force act on the pile if the impact time is 0.5 s. l2 marks)

t2 Diagram 12.1 shows abar magnet moving towards a loop of copper wire which is connected to*a
galvanometer. It is found that the pointer of the galvanometer deflects.

Diagram 12.1

(a) (i) What is meant by Lenz's low?

ll marlfl

(ii) Explain briefly why the pointer of galvanometer deflects?

[3 marks)

(iii) Relate the angle of deflection of the pointer of the galvanometer with the relative speed -'
between the magnet and the loop of copper wire.
ll markl
(b) Diagram 12.2 shows five direct current generators. You are asked investigate the designs and the
characteristics of five direct current generators.

Area of coil : 20 cm2

P Speed of rotation

= 100 revolutions per minute

Area of coil:20 cm2

a Speed of rotation
: 100 revolutions per minute



Area of coil :5 cmz

R Speed of rotation
:50 revolutions per minute

Area of coil :20 cm2

S Speed of rotation

= 100 revolutions per minute


Area of coil:5 cm2

T Speed of rotation
:50 revolutions per minute

Diagram 12.2
Explain the suitability of each characteristic of the direct current generators and determine the
most suitable direct current generator that can light up the bulb brighter.
fiO marks)

(c) A transformer can be used to light up a bulb marked 12Y,36 W from 240 V mains supply. The
bulb lights up at normal brightness. Assume that the transformer is 75%o efficient.
(i) What is the number of turns in the primary coil if there are 20A turns in the secondary coil?
12 marlxl

(ii) What is the current flowing in the primary coil?

13 marlal


Form 5 S



Paper 3

1:15 p.m. -Z,:+S p.m.

I hour and 30 minutes


1. This question paper consists of two sections:

Section Question Marks
Section A and Section B.

2. A 1
Answer all questions in Section A. Write your
answers for Section A in the spaces provided in 2
the question paper.
3. Answer one question from Section B. Write your
answers for Section B on the paper sheets provided 4
.by invigilators. Answer question in Section B in detail.
Answer should be clear and logical. You may use
equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answer.

4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks.

5. If you wish to change your answer, neatly cross out the answer that you have done. Then write down
the new answer.

6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated.

7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets.

8. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

g. The time suggested to complete Section A is 60 minutes and Section B is 30 minutes.

10. Hand in your answer sheets at the end of the examination.

Set and Proof-read by: Approved bv:

th .,-4 4_ 4
Lt, F*g S.,rg 'iin Chee Yan G;ilI; Zh* t o* rot yqng Poh Seong Foi

453113 @ Copyright by Chong Hwa Independent High School


Section A
Answer aII questions in this section.
[ 28 marks ]
An experiment is carried out to study the relationship between angle of incidence, i , and angle of
refractio4 r . The arrangement of the apparatus for the experiment is as shown in Diagram i.l.

Power supply

Diagram 1.1

- Sernicircular
glass block Plain paper

A semicircular glass block is placed on a piece of plain paper and the outline of the glass btock is
traced. The centre of the flat side of the btock is marked O and the block is then removed. The
normal is drawn and the angle of insidenco, = 100 is marked.

The glass block is placed. back to its original position and the ray box is placed so tbat s single ray is
directed to the point O with the angle of incidence, i = 100 . The poritioo of the refracted *y it
parked and drawn. The angle of refraction ,r ,ismeasured as shownin Diagraml.2
I The angle ofrefraction is the angle between the refracted ray and the nomril line" ]

The experiment is repeated for the values of f :200,300,400 and 500. The corresponfing
refracted ray obtained is as shown in Diagrams r..3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.
Refracted ray

N!$Y6- Bo eo

glass block Angle of incidence, i:'tO;",
Iliagram lJ
Refracted ray

W r_roffi

glass block
l--- Angle of incidence, r: 20&
lncident ray Diagram 1.3

Refracted ray

glass block
Angle ol incidence, i:3ff
lncident ray Diagran 1"4

I lrrltcrr;l+rrl t'rry

glass blod( Angle of inciderrce, i = 4O"
lncident ray
Diagram 1.5
Refracted ray

Semicircular o^
glass block !- Angte of incidenqs, i = 5O"
lncident ray r Iliagrrm 1.6

Ia ] Based on the experiment identiS:

t iI The manipulated variable :
I l mark]

t ii] Therespondingvariable :

I iii ] The fixed variable :

II mar-k ]

tb I Based on Diagram 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6, measure the angle of refraction by using the
protactor Tabulate your results for wery value of i,r,sini and sinr in the space below.

[ 7 marks ]

I c ] On a piece of graph poper, plot a graph of sin r against sin l . [ 5 marksJ

t d I Based on the gaph in I c J, state the relatioaship between r and i . I l mark]

2 A studentcarries out an experiment to investigate how the activity of a radioisotope changes with time.
The radioactive source is placed in front of the mica window of a Geiger-Muller tube that is connected
to a counter.
The results of the experiment are as shown in the graph of activity,.,4 against time, f, in Diagram 2.

(a) Based on the graph in Diagram 2, state the relationship.between the activity, A and the time, r.

ll marlcl

(b) Identify one variable that must be kept constant throughout the experiment.

I markl

(c) Based on the graph in Diagram 2;

(i) Determine the time taken for the activity to drop from 900 counts per minute to 400 counts per
minute. Show on the graph how you get this answer.

13 marksl

(d) State the half-life of this radioactive source. Show on the graph how you get your answer.
12 marks)

(e) Using the half-life in (d), predict the time when the activity drops to below 25 counts per minute.

13 marksl

(0 The student continues taking the readings but finds that the reading of the counter does not drop
below 30 counts per minute, even after the lime predicted in (e). Suggest a reason for this

ll marlcl

(g) State one precaution that should be taken during this experiment.

[1 mark)

(iraph *l'actit,lty. J aguinst lirnr'. r.
! '' i
[2 marks]
Answer arry one questiontrom this sectlon The suggested time to arswer this section is 30 minutes.

3 Wen Jie was on an expedition to the top of Mount Kinabalu..He was required by his teaoher to bring a
balloon up to the top without bursting it. The teacher told him to make sure that the balloon is not fully
inflated at the beginning of the expedition, as shown in diagram 3.1. The balloon became fully inflated
when he reached the top of Mount Kinabalu, as shown in diagram 3.2.

Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2

Based on the observations:

(a) Make one suitable inference. [1 mark]

(b) State one appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated. [1 mark]

(c) Design an experiment to test your hypothesis stated in (b)

Choose suitable apparafus such as glass syringe, Bourdon gauge and others.
In your description, state clearly the following:

(i) Aim of the experiment

(ii) Variables in the experiment

(iii) List of apparatus and materials

(iv) Arrangement of the apparatus

(v) The procedure of the experimen! which includes the method of

controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the
responding variable

(vi) The way you would tabulate the data

(vii) The way you would analyse the data

[10 marks]
Diagram 4.1 shows a styrofoam cutter is being used to cut a piece of styrofoam when it is confiested
to one dry cell. Diagram 4.2 shows the condition of the same styrofoam cutter when it is connected to
two dry cells. It is found that the styrofoam cutter in Diagram 4.2 dissipates more power and able to
cut the piece of styrofoam easier than that in Diagram 4.1.

Diagram 4.1 Diagram 4.2

Based on the information and observation above and using your knowledge of power dissipation:
(a) State one suitable inference. ll

O) State one hypothesis that could be irwestigated. ll markf

(c) With the use of apparafus such as power supply, a constantan wire and other apparatus, describe
an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in O).
In your description, state clearly the following:
' (i) 'fhe aim of the experiment.

(ii) The variables inthe experiment.

(iii) The list of apparatus and materials.

(iv) The arrangement of the apparatus.

(v) The procedure of the experiment.

Describe how to control and measure the manipulated variable and how to measure the
responding variable.

(vD The way to tabulate the data.

(vii) The way to analyse the data.

110 marlal


Paper 1
1 D 6 C 11 B 16 C 21 B 26 C 31 B 36 A 41 A 46 D
2 B 7 A 12 C 17 D 22 A 27 A 32 C 37 C 42 A 47 B
3 D 8 B 13 C 18 B 23 D 28 D 33 B 38 C 43 D 48 B
4 B 9 A 14 C 19 B 24 C 29 A 34 A 39 B 44 C 49 A
5 D 10 A 15 C 20 D 25 D 30 C 35 D 40 B 45 D 50 C

Paper 2 Section A
1 (a) Resistance against moving due to the electrolyte in an energy source.
(b) Potential difference
(c) I (R r)
1.5 0.3 ( R 0.5)
R 4.5

Manipulated variable T

2 (a)
Responding variable E
(b) Environment Y
(c) T 2 1 2T
(T 1) 2 0

3 (a)
T 1

Q mlv Pt

Pt 500 (5 60)

2.5 106 Jkg 1
(b) The heat energy is absorbed is not used to increase kinetic energy of water molecules,
instead it is used to overcome the forces of attraction between the molecules and also
to do work against atmospheric pressure.
(c) Heat is lost to surroundings.
(d) Wrap the beaker with insulating layers / tissue papers.

4 (a) Frequency of sound produced by the gong is lower than that produced by the whistle.
(b) (i) The sound of the whistle is louder than that of the gong.
(ii) The sound of the whistle is in higher pitch than that of the gong.
(c) (i) Diffraction of sound
(ii) The longer the wavelength of a sound, the greater is the diffraction effect.
(d) 0.7 mm 0.7 103 m

v 1540
f min 2.2 106 Hz 2.2 MHz
0.7 10 3

5 (a) (i) A switching circuit that perform logical operations. /

Has one or more inputs but only one output.
(ii) NAND gate
(iii) Y A B
(b) (i) P Q R (ii) OR gate
0 0 0 (iii)
0 1 1 P
1 0 1 R
1 1 1
(iv) Use a small current in primary circuit to control a big current in secondary circuit.
6 (a) Object Image


2F F F 2F Image

(b) Diagram 6.1: Reflection of light

Diagram 6.2: Refraction of light
(c) Same sizes
1.3 m i i

2.7 m
2.1 m r

2.7 BX
i tan 1 ( ) 64.29 tan 42.64
1.3 2.1
sin 64.29 BX 1.93 m
sini sin r AX 2.7 1.93 4.63 m

7 (a) (i)
sin r

r 42.64

Thin plastic
Thick lead
(b) Specimen R releases gamma ray which has highest penetrating power.
(c) (i) Activity due to sample (iii)
alone (counts per minute) Activity due to sample alone (counts per minute)
68.00 100

16.50 80

(ii) Natural radiation due to

cosmic rays and radioactive 60
substances in soil and rocks.



10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (min)
(iv) Half-life = 20 minutes
8 (a) X Buoyant force
Y Weight of balloon
Z Tension of rope
(b) X Vg 2 1.3 10 26 N
(c) Archimedes principle
(d) X Y Z
(e) 26
Mass of rope 0.2 2.4 kg
Length of rope 24 m
(f) The atmospheric pressure decreases as the altitude increases. As the balloon rises, the
gas pressure inside the balloon is higher than the atmospheric pressure causing the
balloon expands until balloon fabric unable to withstand the expansion.

Paper 2 Section B

9 (a) (i) Specific heat capacity of a substance is the amount of heat energy needed to increase
the temperature of 1 kg of the substance by 1 C. (1%)

(ii) Masses of copper and aluminium blocks are the same. (1%)

The change of temperature of copper block is higher than that of aluminium block. (1%)
The energy absorbed by copper block is the same as that by aluminium block. (1%)
When the mass of an object is constant, the greater the energy supplied to the object,
the higher the change of temperature. (1%)
The smaller the specific heat capacity of an object, the higher the change of
temperature. (1%)

(b) The specific heat capacity of the land is smaller than that of the sea water. (1%)
During daytime, the change of temperature of the land is higher that that of the sea
water. (1%)
The air above land is heated up and rises. (1%)
Cooler air from the sea is blown towards the land as sea breeze. (1%)

(c) The cooking pots body is made of aluminium because aluminium has a small specific
heat capacity so that it becomes hot quickly and thus able to cook food faster. (2%)

The cooking pots body is made of aluminium because aluminium has a low density so
that it is lightweight and portable, thus can be carried around easily. (2%)

The base of the cooking pot is made of copper because copper has a high density so
that it is heavier and more stable, thus it will not topple over easily. (2%)

The body and the base of the cooking pot are made of aluminium and copper because
these metals are relatively safe and does not harm our health as compared to iron
which can rust easily. (2%)
Remark: The body and base cooking pot now is made up of stainless steel because
stainless steel cannot rust easily. Aluminium can reacts with acids in foods to form
poisonous substances.

The handle of the cooking pot is made of wood because wood has a large specific heat
capacity so that it does not become too hot when heat is absorbed, thus it can be handle
will ease during cooking as well as serving. (2%)
Paper 2 Section B

10 (a) (i) Increase the frequency of vibration motor. (1%)

(ii) The wavelength of waves in Diagram 10.1 is longer than that in Diagram 10.2. (1%)
The separation distance between the two sources of waves in Diagram 10.1 is the same
as that in Diagram 10.2. (1%)
The separation distance between the antinodal lines in Diagram 10.1 is larger than that
in Diagram 10.2. (1%)
When the separation distance between the two sources of waves is constant, the shorter
the wavelength, the smaller is the separation distance between the antinodal lines. (2%)

(iii) Interference of water waves (1%)

(b) The large sea wave will not able to push the boat to the shore. (1%).
Instead, the boat oscillates at its equilibrium point perpendicularly to the direction of

the sea wave. (1%)
This is because waves transfer energy without transferring matter as the waves
propagate. (1%)

(c) (i) The two loudspeakers are placed too closer each other, therefore the distance between
two consecutive loud sounds are too far. (2%)

The two loudspeakers are placed in such that they are facing each other, therefore
multiple reflections occur and noises appear. (2%)

The wall and floor of the hall is hard since hard surface are good reflector of sound,
therefore echoes can be heard. (2%)
(ii) The two loudspeakers are placed far enough so that the distance between two
consecutive loud sounds is small. (1%)

The two loudspeakers are not placed opposite to each other to avoid multiple
reflections. (1%)

The wall of the hall is covered with soft boards to absorb sounds and reduce echoes.

The floor of the hall is furnished with carpets so that to absorb sounds and reduce
echoes since the carpets are soft and rough. (1%)
Paper 2 Section C

11 (a) (i) Impulsive force (1%)

(ii) The front and rear crumple zones are hard. (1%)
The time of impact is short. (1%)
The impulsive force is big. (1%)

(iii) The glass is designed to fracture into small rounded pieces upon impact. (1%)

(b) Aspect Explanation

(i) Mass of pile driver is big So that it can produce a big impulsive force upon
(1%) impact and able to push the pile into ground. (1%)

(ii) The pile driver where So that its velocity is high just before striking the pile
being dropped is high and able to push the pile into ground. (1%)

(iii) Steel pile (1%) Steel is strong and will not break easily upon a strong
impact by the pile driver. (1%)

(iv) The shape of the base of

the pile is triangular
The triangular base has a small contact area with the
ground, producing a high pressure and able to push
into ground easily. (1%)

Piling system S (1%) is the most suitable to be used because the pile driver has a big
mass, the pile driver where being dropped is high, steel pile and the shape of the base
of the pile is triangular. (1%)
(c) (i) W mg 55 10 550 N (1%)

(ii) 1 2

mgh mv
v 2 gh 2 10 25 22.4 ms 1 (2%)

(iii) mv mu 55 (0 22.4)
t 0.5

F 2460 N (2%)
Paper 2 Section C

12 (a) (i) Lenzs law states the direction of induced current is such that the change producing it
will be opposed. (1%)

(ii) There is a relative motion between the bar magnet and the loop of copper wire. (1%)
Electromagnetic induction occurs whereby the magnetic flux of the magnet is being cut
by the wire. (1%)
Induced current flowing through the loop of copper wire is produced, causing the
deflection of the pointer of the galvanometer. (1%)

(iii) The higher the relative speed between the magnet and the loop of copper wire, the
bigger is the angle of deflection of the pointer of the galvanometer. (1%)

(b) Characteristic Explanation

Concave permanent So that it can produce radial magnetic field whereby

magnets (1%) the field lines are converging. (1%)

Big number of turns of So that the coil able to cut more magnetic flux, thus a
coil (1%) bigger induced current is produced. (1%)

Big area of coil (1%)

Lo So that the coil able to cut more magnetic flux
effectively between the two magnets. (1%)

Fast speed of rotation (1%) So that the coil able to cut magnetic flux at a faster
rate to produce a bigger induced current. (1%)
Direct generator S (1%) is the most suitable to be used because it has concave
permanent magnets, big number of turns of coil, big area of coil and fast speed of
rotation. (1%)

(c) (i) N s Vs

N p Vp
200 12

N p 240
N p 4000 turns (2%)

(ii) I V
Efficiency s s 100%
I pV p
36 75

I p 240 100
I p 0.2 A (3%)
Paper 3 Section A

1 (a) (i) Angle of incidence, i

(ii) Angle of refraction, r
(iii) Refractive index of medium, n

(b) i () r () sin i sin r

10 5 0.174 0.087
20 12 0.342 0.208
30 18 0.500 0.309
40 24 0.643 0.407
50 29 0.766 0.485

(d) sin r is directly proportional to sin i.

2 (a) Activity decreases with increasing time.

(b) The distance between radioisotope and the mica window of the Geiger-Muller tube

(c) (i) Draw line on the graph at A = 900 counts per minute to obtain t1 = 20 minutes
Draw line on the graph at A = 400 counts per minute to obtain t2 = 48 minutes

(d) 1600
t t 2 t1 48 20 28 minutes

Draw line on the graph at A = 800 counts per minute to obtain t = 24 minutes
T1 24 minutes

(e) 1600
T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1

2 2 2 2 2 2
t 6T1 6 24 144 minutes

(f) The reading is due to background radiation which is originated from natural
radioactive substances in soil and cosmic radiations.

(g) Use forceps to handle the radioactive substances.

Wear hand gloves to handle the radioactive substances.
Section A Question 1 (c)
Graph of sin r against sin i

sin r




Axes (1%)
Scale (1%)

Lo Size (1%)
Points (1%)
Line (1%)





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 sin i
Paper 3 Section B

3 (a) The volume of gas inside balloon depends on the pressure of gas.

(b) The lower the pressure of gas, the bigger is the volume of gas.

(c) (i) Aim: To determine the relationship between pressure of gas and volume of gas.

(ii) Manipulated variable: Pressure of gas, P

Responding variable : Volume of gas, V
Constant variable : Temperature of gas , T / Mass of gas, m

(iii) Apparatus and materials:

Glass syringe, Bourdon gauge, piston, rubber tube, slotted weights and retort stand
with clamp.

(iv) Arrangement of apparatus:
Slotted weight


Bourdon gauge
Rubber tube

(v) Procedure:

1) The apparatus is arranged as shown in above diagram.

2) A slotted weight with mass, m = 100 g, is placed on top of the piston of a glass
syringe. The pressure of gas, P, inside the syringe is measured by taking the
reading of Bourdon gauge.
3) The volume of gas is taken by reading the scale on the syringe.
4) The experiment is repeated for different masses of slotted weights, m = 200 g,

300 g, 400 g and 500 g.

(vi) Tabulation of data:

m (g) P (kPa) V (cm3)

(vii) Plot a graph of V against P.

V (cm3)

0 P (kPa)
Paper 3 Section B

4 (a) The power dissipated by the Styrofoam cutter depends on the potential difference
applied across it (or number of dry cells).

(b) The higher the potential difference applied, the higher the power dissipated.

(c) (i) Aim: To determine the relationship between potential difference applied across a
constantan wire and the power dissipated by the wire.

(ii) Manipulated variable: Potential difference across the constantan wire, V

Responding variable : Power dissipated by the constantan wire, P
Constant variable : Length of constantan wire, / Resistivity of constantan wire,
Cross-sectional area of constantan wire, A

(iii) Apparatus and materials:

Power supply, a constantan wire, ammeter, voltmeter, rheostat, switch, metre rule,
connecting wires.

(iv) Arrangement of apparatus:

supply Switch

Constantan wire
Lo Rheostat

(v) Procedure:

1) The circuit is set up as shown in above diagram using a 50.0 cm constantan wire.
2) When the switch is closed, the rheostat is adjusted so that the potential difference
across the constantan wire shown by the voltmeter reading, V, is 1.0 V.
3) The current flowing through the constantan wire shown by the ammeter reading is
taken. The power dissipated, P, by the wire is calculated using P = IV.
4) The experiment is repeated by using V = 2.0 V, 3.0 V, 4.0 V and 5.0 V.

(vi) Tabulation of data:

V (V) I (A) P (W)

(vii) Plot a graph of P against V.

P (W)

0 V (V)

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