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IB English/Commentary

Return to IB English Alliteration: is the repetition of ini-

tial (at the beginning) CONSONANT
sounds (if its a vowel repetition, you
would call it assonance. Assonance in-
1 How to write a Poetry Commen- cludes any repetition of a vowel sound in
tary any part of the word. It usually occurs in
the middle of words).
In order to write a proper IB Paper 1 style essay, the fol- Allusion: refers to an event from an ex-
lowing guidelines must be followed. For the IB commen- ternal content. It is understandable only
tary, you are expected to explain a given poem or prose. to those with prior knowledge of the ref-
While it is not to be confused with a detailed explanation erence in question (as the writer assumes
as you might expect in college which would be anywhere the reader has).
from 5-15 pages in length, the commentary is less formu- Apostrophe: Something that addresses
laic and structured than the World Literature papers, but an object or person or idea who is not
at the same time, it adheres to formal standard English. present as though he/she/it could reply.
There are several disagreements as to what constitutes a Antithesis: The juxtaposition of con-
commentary. Some hold that by nature, it is not formal-- trasting words or ideas to create a feeling
it can be a running commentary"(hence the term, com- of balance (e.g Too black for heaven, and
mentary) of what the examinee sees in a given poem. yet too white for hell)
Though this approach runs the risk of seeming like a liter-
ary version of a grocery list, as long as the examinee sees Assonance: The repetition of vowel
some overarching, organizing method--an idea, concept, sounds may also add to euphony.
or literary device that the poet uses to hold the poem to- Aubade: Poetry referring to either the
gether cohesively--the commentary need not be as tightly dawn, a love song or about parting lovers.
formulaic as the ve paragraph thesis paper (which is gen- Ballad: A form of poetry in a specic
erally despised in most circles because it discourages di- meter meant to be sung. There is always a
vergent thinking). repeating refrain and it is always narrative
Others say that this organic approach makes it impossi- in form. See below for more information.
ble to surmise any actual literary analysis. A beginning Blank verse: Iambic Pentameter that
thesis of the poems focus, followed by organizing the doesn't rhyme. (Much of Shakespeares
analysis into patterns, strands, or organizational groups, plays for example were written in blank
makes it easy to follow a persuasive, holistic presentation. verse.)
All agree, however, on the paramount importance of Caesura: A cut or break in a line, could
framing ones literary analysis within the terms and de- be a comma or a semicolon.
vices of poetry; one must both identify literary elements,
analyze its purpose and eect, and speak intelligently as Cacophony: Harsh sounding and gener-
to tone, diction, structure, mood, and form. ally unpleasant.
Consonance: The repetition of conso-
Below are some literary devices to get you started.
nant sounds NOT in the beginning of a
word (which would be alliteration). En-
Accent: refers to the stressed portion of forces relation.
a word. An accent is used to place em-
Continuous Form: Lines follow each
phasis on a word.
other without any type of structural or-
ganization except by blocks of meaning.
Note: accent and stress can
be used interchangeably. Didactic Poetry: Poetry with a directly
morally teaching purpose.
Allegory: A description that has a sec- Ethos: the validity of the source or nar-
ond, usually moral meaning. rator/ speaker.


Euphony: Pleasant sounding. Ars Poetica: A poem about poetry

Extended Figure: An apostrophe, sim- Conceit: The comparison of two dissim-
ile, metaphor, etc. which is developed ilar things. Shall I compare thee to a
throughout a poem. summers day
Imagery: Language which appeals to Dramatic monologue: Narrator speaks
each of the ve senses. to himself. The speaker is not the author.
Visual imagery: Sight. The Epiphany: A realization or comprehen-
most frequent type. sion of the essence of something.
Aural or auditory imagery: Feminine Rhyme: Two syllable (Disyl-
Sound. labic) rhyme consisting of stressed sylla-
Olfactory imagery: Smell. ble followed by unstressed
Gustatory imagery: Taste. Incantation: Use of words to create an
Tactile imagery: Touch, tan- archaic eect. (Opening scene of Mac-
gibility. beth and the Weird Sisters)
Organic imagery: Human Incremental repetition: Repetition of
sensations, hunger for exam- succeeding stanzas with small substitu-
ple. tions of changes.
Irony: Dramatic or otherwise, conveying Masculine rhyme: Monosyllabic
an aspect that is intrinsically unexpected rhymes.
or self-contradictory. Metonymy: Substitutes the name of one
Metaphor: A comparison between two thing with something closely associated
unlike things without using the words with it.
like or as. Synecdoche: Substitutes a part of one
Onomatopoeia: Words which are writ- thing to represent the whole, or vice
ten to mimic a sound. (SHAZAM! versa.
SPLAT! PLOP!) Pathetic fallacy: A reection of the ac-
Paradox: A statement which appears to tion/events through nature/weather. (A
contradict itself but makes sense (usually thunderstorm during the creation of
in an abstract sense). Frankensteins monster sequence)
Personication: Animals and inanimate Persona: The character created by the
objects are given human characteristics. narrator.
Phonetic Intensive: A word whose Synaesthesia: A blending of sensations.
sound emphasizes its meaning.
Trope: A way of extending the meanings
Prose: Language which is not in meter. of words beyond the literal.
Refrain: A repeated line, phrase, sen-
tence, etc. which appears throughout a
poem. 1.0.1 Types of Poems
Rhetorical Poetry: Poetry written in su- Alexandrine: Twelve-syllable poetic
peruous language with the intention of line of French origin.
being overdramatic.
Couplet: A poem or section consisting of
Scansion: The process of measuring
two successive lines, usually rhyming and
having the same meter and often forming
Simile: The comparison of two subjects a complete thought.
using like or as or something similar
Elegy: A poem of loss and consolation.
Sonnet: See link.
Panegyric: Praise for an individual, a
Tone: The writers attitude toward the group of people, or a body.
Sonnet: A poem of fourteen lines,
Advanced Vocabulary for the Daring usually following a strict rhyme
Anaphora: Repetition of the same word Stichic: A poem which is a continuous
or words from the beginning of sen- sequence of lines without any division
tences, lines, or phrases. into stanzas.

Villanelle: 19 lines divided into 6 stanzas Does the poem have an exten-
5 of 3 and 1 of 4. sive gure?
Apostrophe: A poem directed to a per- Is there a refrain?
son or thing not present/alive.
Next, once you've gone through the
poems meaning and its literary devices-
1.0.2 Step 1: Reading the Poem its time to look for form!

Read the poem silently once. Take a Note: Knowing a poems scan-
mental note or actually write down if you sion is not necessarily re-
can't remember any impressions, emo- quired. You don't need to state
tions, or confusions the poem may orig- this poem is written in dactylic
inally stir. hectometre, but its pretty ob-
vious if a poem is written in
Read the poem once more; try to under- iambic pentameter and count-
stand its meaning or the course of events ing meter isn't too dicult.
it may describe.
Is the poem in a continuous
Read the poem aloud if possible. If form, a stanzaic form, or a
you're in an exam room you can read the xed form? (Such as a Ballad
poem under your breath. Take note of or a Sonnet)
the tone and speed of the poem. Take note of the poems
Read the poem again and take notes structure- how many stanzas,
about the literal and gurative context of how many lines, etc.
the poem. This should include its mean- Make extra note of the authors
ing on the literal level and any gurative tone and how this inuences
meanings it may include. the poem.
Read the poem again, this time looking
for literary devices. These should be, but 1.0.3 Step 2: Looking for Detail
not limited to:
Now that you've found the poems literal
Imagery and gurative meanings, its form, and its
Assonance literary devices - its time to get to work!
Make connections - in what
Onomatopoeia and Phonetic ways do the poems literary de-
Intensive words vices add to the poems mean-
Metaphors, Similes, and Per- ing?
sonications. What eect does the writers
Juxtaposition and Contrast tone have on the readers per-
ception of the poem?
Once you're sure you've found these liter- What eect does meter and
ary devices, proceed to look further for: form have on meaning?
What does the title suggest- is
it related to our understanding An excellent way of keeping your entire commentary in
of the poem? focus is, asking yourself these simple yet signicant ques-
Note: Compare your
1) Whats being said (content, maybe theme, character,
rst impression of
ideas, relationships, ideas, love, peace etc.)
the title to its actual
meaning. 2) How is it being said (stylistic devices, rhyme, structure,
diction, etc.)
Does the poem have an apos-
trophe? 3) So What? (I.e. for what ends, purposes, extrapolation
Are sections cacophonic or eu- chances, personal connection and response, etc.)
phonic? If so, do the previous Remember its not a grocery list of memorized terms-
literature features make them barfed out in a time period of 2 hours. It is supposed
so? to be an intricate and insightful response to what you as
Is there any irony? a reader, understand from the text, the authors intended

message. The planning phase is perhaps the most impor- Paragraph Three: Devices
tant, even more important than the writing phase (which
comes naturally succeeding it, if planning goes well the Write about the poems liter-
written should be equally responsive). ary devices.
Write about important themes
present in the poem.
1.0.4 Step 3: Structuring your Commentary
Paragraph Four: Combine
There is no denitive structure to a po-
etry commentary; this isn't like writing a Write how literary devices and
history essay. However, structure is an meaning interconnect.
important aspect in writing a poem com-
This paragraph should begin to
mentary and you can prepare yourself in
bring things together.
advance by having some notion of the or-
der in which you will write. Here is an
example of a possible essay structure: Paragraph Five: The Wild Card

Introduce an important theme

Note: Everyone is dierent,
or aspect of the poem in great
if you want to write your po-
detail. This could be a refrain,
etry commentary in a dierent
an extended gure or an apos-
form, by all means do so- this
is merely a suggestion aimed
at guiding your writing.
Introduction The conclusion should com-
bine the Wild Card with the
State the poems title, author, above paragraphs. In this case,
and a small introduction to the one could talk about how lit-
poems overall literal meaning. erary devices or the poems
State the poems form, and structure aid in supporting an
any important literary devices extended gure.
which appear throughout it.
Write about an important as- Here is another suggestion for a structure which requires
pect of the poem which you about 10-15 minutes of planning, but is still just as
will further discuss in your ecient-
wildcard paragraph and even-
tually conclude in your last Introduction
State the poems title, author,
Paragraph One: Structure and Nar- and a small introduction to the
ration poems overall literal meaning.
If any, state the relevance of
Briey mention the poems the background of the au-
structure. Make note of the thor (i.e. their philosophies,
use of Enjambment or the causes, a message..)
juxtaposition of words. Construct a 'map' to your an-
Write about the poems meter swer. Concisely, write one
and its speed. sentence on each idea that will
Make note of the poems be put forth in the essay
speaker (do not use narrator)
and his/her tone. Paragraph One: Idea One

Paragraph Two: Meaning Use PETER

Point: State the
State the poems literal mean- point you are trying
ing. to prove, e.g. The
State the poems gurative conict in the extract
meaning. symbolizes change

Evidence: Give evi- That oats on high o'er vales and hills,
dence for the conict
by quoting When all at once I saw a crowd,
Technique: State the
literary features A host, of golden daodils;
Elaboration: De-
velop your point Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
further and give a
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
deeper explanation
on your point. Also Continuous as the stars that shine
state the reason for
the point that the And twinkle on the Milky Way,
author was trying to
make, or the reason They stretched in never-ending line
for which the literary
feature was used Along the margin of a bay:
Response: Describe
the emotions or Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
ideas evoked into the
reader, if any Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Paragraph Two: Idea Two
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
e.g. Point: The rst person
narrative is used to gain empa-
thy from the reader. A Poet could not but be gay,
(Follow the same pattern as
used for the rst idea) In such a jocund company:

(An ideal commentary has 3-5 ideas. Remember to fo- I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
cus more on developing the ideas than to have more of What wealth the show to me had brought:
them. 3 well developed ideas will fetch more marks than
For oft, when on my couch I lie
6 baseless points.)
In vacant or in pensive mood,

(O record: One must realize They ash upon that inward eye
that a conclusion is usually just
the introduction which is para- Which is the bliss of solitude;
phrased with a more conclu-
sive tone and possibly a fact or And then my heart with pleasure lls,
two more!)
And dances with the daodils.
The conclusion must contain
a brief summation of all the
Try to do it by yourself rst- even if
points you have made and why
were they the most important.
It could also include some per-
sonal interpretation that you Ready?
are not condent about adding First impression: The poem is ex-
in the body of your essay. tremely euphonic and uses quite a bit of
pleasant imagery. When spoken, it rolls
o the tongue naturally. This reinforces
1.0.5 Step 4: Example Commentary the poems joyful tone which proceeds
through out the poem except for mo-
Confused? Don't be! Here everything will be made clear mentarily in the fourth stanza where the
as together we'll decipher a poem. Our poem of choice is rst two lines are cacophonic. The poem
The Daodils by William Wordsworth. deals with an extended gure which may
I wandered lonely as a cloud be considered an apostrophe.

Structure: The poem is in a stanzaic I saw a crowd / a host, of

form of four stanzas of six lines each. golden daodils (3-4)
The rhyming scheme alternates at rst, Tossing their heads in sprightly
ABAB, but ends in a rhyming couplet CC dance (12)
which adds to the euphony of the poem In such a jocund company (16)
and the ease at which its spoken. The
lines are in iambic tetrameter. Assonance

Note: Meter can be found by A host of golden daodils (3)

counting the syllables in each Beside the lake, beneath the
line and simply dividing them trees (6)
by two. If this is the same For oft when on my couch (19)
for each line, then the poem is
heart with pleasures lls (23)
written in a specic meter.
Speaker: The speaker is obviously the
poet himself. By sharing his own rst ex- Beside... beneath... breeze (5-
periences with such a crowd of daodils 6)
the reader gains the same rst impres- stars...stretch...shine (7-8)
sions. (13-
Literal Meaning: The poet recalls his 15)
rst experience of seeing such a won-
drous crowd of daodils beside a bay. Repetition:
The blowing wind moves them in an awe-
some formation, a spectacle of nature of Dance (6), (12), (13), (24)
which the poet remembers in order to lift Gazed (15)
his spirits.
Figurative Meaning: Everyone has had Wildcard: Importance of the Speaker
their good experiences in life. Perhaps
its the sensation of getting a new dog or The speaker shows a great
seeing a beautiful bird take ight. Its im- tranquility and appreciation of
portant for us to remember those experi- nature. The juxtaposition of
ences, in times when we are down. the rst two lines of the last
paragraph with the rest of the
poem and the use of the word
Imagery: Lots of visual imagery couch suggest unhappiness
with the material surround-
Golden daodils (4) ings.
Sparkling waves (14)
stars that shine / and twinkle Great! Now that we've written down the
on the milky way (7-8) basic aspects of the poem- its time for us
to connect their meanings and eects!
Kinesthetic imagery
The Commentary
Fluttering and dancing in the
breeze (6) The Daodils by William Wordsworth describes the
Tossing their heads in poets sight of a spectacular eld of daodils situated by
sprightly dance (12) a bay. He uses worldly imagery to magnify such a small
The waves beside them feat of nature in an attempt to demonstrate how both na-
danced (13) ture and memories are important in dealing with many of
the woes of a modern society. The personied daodils
Metaphors and Similes are the center of the poem which is written in a stanzaic
form with a consistent rhyming scheme. Through the use
I wandered lonely as a cloud of literary devices and intensive visual and kinesthetic im-
(1) agery, the reader is able to adopt the same feeling of awe
at this simplistic spectacle as once felt by the poet.
Continuous as the stars (7)
The poem is written in stanzaic form of four stanzas
Personication of the Daodils each consisting of six lines with each line written in

iambic tetrameter. For the rst four lines of each stanza,

the rhyming scheme alternates as ABAB, but ends with
a rhyming couplet. This stanzaic form serves to rein-
force the poems euphony, with the ending the consis-
tent rhyming scheme serving to ensure that the poem pro-
gresses smoothly. Indeed, the structure of the poem may
even serve to reect the extended gure of the poem, for
like the daodils, we too are entranced by the product of
its general simplicity. The poem is told through the eyes
of the poet himself.
The poem describes in detail, a simplistic wonder of na-
ture, a crowd, / a host, of golden daodils (3-4) situated
along the margin of a bay (10). The daodils dance
(6) and though not mentioned directly, this dance is most
likely caused by the wind. The poet is amazed at two
things, the sheer number of daodils, comparing their
numbers to the number of stars in the the milky way
(7) and the intricate dance that they produce. He then
states that the waves of the lake also danced, most likely
ripples once again caused by the wind, but the eect the
wind had on the owers Out-did the sparkling waves in
glee"(13). The sight was so beautiful that the poet gazed
and gazed (17), clueless of the wealth (18) gained from
the experience. From then on, when the Poet is in a va-
cant mood (20), he recalls this experience in his mind
and his heart [lls] with pleasures (23) as he too dances
with the daodils (24).
(Note: this commentary isn't the best example... the use
of the quotes at the end is exactly what IB doesn't want.
Additionally its far too short - a commentary should be
about one thousand words)

2 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

2.1 Text
IB English/Commentary Source: Contributors: Ixfd64,
Panic2k4, Jomegat, Jguk, Daniel.Stevens, Ealgian~enwikibooks, Akademix, Mike.lifeguard, Recent Runes, Ramac, Heronumbazero, Dan
Polansky, Illustrious, Dallas1278, Kayau, Techman224, QuiteUnusual, Omnipaedista, Adrignola, Tyfq, Frenziedst00ge, Xandros Markai,
Zz18 and Anonymous: 106

2.2 Images

2.3 Content license

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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