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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article

Mechanisms of Disease

Frank O. Nestle, M.D., Daniel H. Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D., and Jonathan Barker, M.D.

From St. Johns Institute of Dermatology, soriasis is important to the clinician because it is common and
National Institute for Health Research has treatment implications beyond the care of skin lesions. It is important to
Biomedical Research Centre, Cutaneous
Medicine Theme and Federation of Clini- the physician-scientist because it serves as a model for studies of mechanisms
cal Immunology Societies Centre of Excel- of chronic inflammation. It is important to the clinical-trial investigator because it
lence at Kings College London and Guys is increasingly a first-choice disease indication for proof-of-principle studies of new
and St. Thomas Foundation Trust, Lon-
don (F.O.N., J.B.); and the Department of pathogenesis-based therapeutic strategies.
Dermatology, Center for Immunology, Uni- In recent years, substantial advances have been made in elucidating the molecular
versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis (D.H.K.). mechanisms of psoriasis. However, major issues remain unresolved, including the
Address reprint requests to Dr. Nestle at
St. Johns Institute of Dermatology, Fl. 9, primary nature of the disease as an epithelial or immunologic disorder, the auto-
Guys Tower Wing, Guys Hospital, Great immune cause of the inflammatory process, the relevance of cutaneous versus
Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT, United systemic factors, and the role of genetic versus environmental influences on dis-
Kingdom, or at
ease initiation, progression, and response to therapy.
N Engl J Med 2009;361:496-509. This review summarizes recent progress in our understanding of the molecular
Copyright 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. and immunologic basis of psoriasis and shows how improved insight into disease
mechanisms has already resulted in tangible benefits for patients, including the
introduction of new targeted therapies.

Epidemiol o gic Fe at ur e s
a nd Cl inic opathol o gic a l C or r el at ions

Lepra is easily distinguished from most other eruptions: from Psoriasis by the
regular circular form of the patches, which in the latter disease are always irregu-
lar, and in which, also, the borders are neither elevated nor inflamed. . . .1 These
important remarks by Thomas Bateman, which were based on original descriptions
by the British dermatologist Robert Willan, ended hundreds of years of confusion
and laid the foundation for establishing psoriasis as a disease entity that is separate
from leprosy. In addition, Willans observations inaugurated a new way to classify
and diagnose skin disease, based on accurate descriptions of skin lesions.
Psoriasis is a common, chronic skin disease, affecting approximately 2% of the
population.2 Most scientific research refers to the common clinical variant termed
psoriasis vulgaris, which affects approximately 85 to 90% of all patients with the
disease.3 Psoriasis is associated with a high degree of morbidity; patients are em-
barrassed about the appearance of their skin, and there are side effects of medica-
tions. In addition, patients with psoriasis, like those with other major medical
disorders, have reduced levels of employment and income as well as a decreased
quality of life.4,5 The combined costs of long-term therapy and social costs of the
disease have a major impact on health care systems and on society in general.
The disease is usually manifested as raised, well-demarcated, erythematous
oval plaques with adherent silvery scales (Fig. 1). The scales are a result of a hyper-
proliferative epidermis with premature maturation of keratinocytes and incomplete
cornification with retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum (parakeratosis). The

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mechanisms of disease




Figure 1. Clinical and Histologic Features of Psoriasis.

Erythematous, scaly, sharply demarcated plaques in different sizes and shapes are hallmarks of psoriasis. Although
there are predilection sites such as the elbows, knees, and the sacral region, lesions may cover the entirety of the
skin (Panels A and C). Concurrent psoriatic
ICM AUTHOR Nestleaffects multipleRETAKE
arthritis often aspects of1stthe interphalangeal joints of
the hand (Panel B). The nails are frequently affected, 1a-g
with nail dystrophy and psoriatic lesions of the nail bed. The
histopathological picture (Panel D, CASE
TITLE and eosin) is characterized Revised
by thickening of the epidermis, paraker-
EMail cellular infiltrate. CD3+
atosis, elongated rete ridges, and a mixed Line T cells
4-C (Panel E, 3,3-diaminobenzidine and hema-
Enon ARTIST: mst andH/T SIZE
toxylin) and CD8+ T cells (Panel F, 3,3-diaminobenzidine hematoxylin)
H/T are detected around capillaries of the der-
FILL Combo 33p9
mis and in the epidermis. CD11c+ dendritic cells (Panel G, 3,3-diaminobenzidine and hematoxylin) are detected
mainly within the upper part of the dermis. (Clinical PLEASE NOTE:
photographs courtesy of St. Johns Institute of Dermatology.)
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JOB: 36105 ISSUE: 7-30-09

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

mitotic rate of the basal keratinocytes is increased the granular and cornified layers of the epidermis
as compared with that in normal skin. As a and is up-regulated specifically in psoriasis.29
result, the epidermis is thickened (acanthosis), Absolute identification of the causative gene
with elongated rete ridges; in combination with at this locus has been challenging because of the
the dermal inflammatory infiltrate, this contrib- extensive linkage disequilibrium (i.e., genes on
utes to the overall thickness of lesions, which one chromosome are inherited together and are
can vary between thick- and thin-plaque psoria- not easily separable by recombination events) ob-
sis and has been proposed as a distinctive trait.6 served within the MHC. Current data suggest
The inflammatory infiltrate consists mainly of that HLA-Cw6 is the susceptibility allele within
dendritic cells, macrophages, and T cells in the PSORS19,30; however, no disease-specific muta-
dermis and neutrophils, with some T cells in the tions have been identified, and variants in regu-
epidermis. The redness of the lesions is due to latory sequences potentially affecting several
increased numbers of tortuous capillaries that downstream genes cannot be ruled out. HLA-C is
reach the skin surface through a markedly thinned an interesting candidate gene, since it might be
epithelium. involved in immune responses at the levels of
both antigen presentation and natural killercell
Gene t ic Fac t or s regulation.
Studies have clearly shown that the clinical
Population studies clearly indicate that the inci- variants of psoriasis are genetically heteroge-
dence of psoriasis is greater among first-degree neous at least at the level of PSORS1. Thus, gut-
and second-degree relatives of patients than tate psoriasis, an acute-onset form usually occur-
among the general population.7 That a genetic ring in adolescents, is strongly associated with
component may account for this finding is sup- PSORS1,31 whereas late-onset cases of psoriasis
ported by studies of disease concordance among vulgaris (cases in persons over 50 years of age)
twins that show a risk of psoriasis that is two to and palmoplantar pustulosis are not associated
three times as high among monozygotic twins as with PSORS1.32 The implications of genetic het-
among dizygotic twins.7 erogeneity for disease management have yet to be
The mode of inheritance of psoriasis is com- determined, but such heterogeneity clearly points
plex. Classic genomewide linkage analysis has to potentially distinctive disease entities beyond
identified at least nine chromosomal loci with the descriptive nomenclature of the current dis-
statistically significant linkage to psoriasis; these ease classification.
loci are called psoriasis susceptibility 1 through Genomewide association scans have identified
9 (PSORS1 through PSORS9) (Table 1).26 The ma- variants in the gene encoding the interleukin-23
jor genetic determinant of psoriasis is PSORS1,8 receptor (IL23R) and in the untranslated region
which probably accounts for 35 to 50% of the of the interleukin-12B (IL12B) (p40) gene as be-
heritability of the disease, and the initial finding ing indicators of psoriasis risk.12,13 IL23R vari-
has been replicated in multiple genomewide stud- ants are also associated with ankylosing spon-
ies. PSORS1 is located within the major histo- dylitis and psoriatic arthritis.15,16 Another gene,
compatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6p, CDKAL1, has been shown to be associated with
spanning an approximate 220-kb segment with- psoriasis as well as Crohns disease and type 2
in the class I telomeric region of HLA-B. diabetes mellitus.19 Although the implications of
Three genes within the region have been the this observation are unknown, it is intriguing,
major focus of investigation because of the strong given the association of Crohns disease and
association of polymorphic coding-sequence vari- type 2 diabetes with moderate-to-severe psoriasis
ants with psoriasis vulgaris.27 HLA-C (associated and the increased prevalence of cardiovascular
variant, HLA-Cw6) encodes a class I MHC pro- disease among patients with psoriasis.
tein. CCHCR1 (associated variant, WWCC) encodes The results of several genomewide association
the coiled-coil, x-helical rod protein 1, a ubiqui- scans of psoriasis have been reported.9,12,13,18,33
tously expressed protein that is overexpressed in The majority of hits and the strongest associa-
psoriatic epidermis.28 Corneodesmosin (CDSN) tions have been observed in the PSORS1 region,
(associated variant, allele 5) encodes corneodes- and other associated genes have also been iden-
mosin, a protein that is uniquely expressed in tified. In addition to the IL23R and IL12B vari-

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Table 1. Major Psoriatic Gene Variants and Loci with Independent Replication.

Chromosomal Odds Ratio

Gene or Locus Location for Disease Comments Other Disease Association Reference
PSORS1 6p 6.4 Contains HLA-Cw6 (putative immune None Trembath et al.,8 Nair et al.,9
function) as major candidate gene Nair et al.10
and corneodesmosin
PSORS2 17q Putative role in immune synapse None Helms et al.11
IL12B 5q 1.4 T-cell differentiation Crohns disease Cargill et al.,12 Capon et al.,13
Tsunemi et al.14
IL23R 1p 2.0 T-cell differentiation Crohns disease, ankylosing spondylitis, Nair et al.,9 Cargill et al.,12
psoriatic arthritis Capon et al.,13 Rahman
et al.,15 Rahman et al.,16
Burton et al.17
ZNF313 (RNF114) 20q 1.25 Ubiquitin pathway None Nair et al.,9 Capon et al.18
mechanisms of disease

CDKAL1 6p 1.26 Unknown Crohns disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus Wolf et al.,19 Li et al.20
PTPN22 18p 1.3 T-cell signaling Type 1 diabetes mellitus, juvenile idiopathic Li et al.,20 Hffmeier et al.,21

n engl j med 361;5 july 30, 2009

arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Smith et al.22

The New England Journal of Medicine

rheumatoid arthritis, autoimmune
thyroid disease
Interleukin-4interleukin-13 5q 1.27 T-cell differentiation Crohns disease (distinct variant) Nair et al.,9 Chang et al.23
cytokine-gene cluster

Copyright 2009 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

LCE3B/3C 1q 1.31 Epidermal differentiation de Cid et al.,24 Zhang et al.25

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

ants, these genes include zinc-finger protein 313 Compelling scientific evidence accumulated since
(ZNF313), which is also called ring-finger protein then provides support for a functional role of a
114 (RNF114); this gene is abundantly expressed dysregulated immune system in psoriasis. This
in skin. A recent comprehensive genomewide as- evidence includes the presence of increased num-
sociation study provides support for the associa- bers of immune cells (especially dendritic cells
tion of psoriasis with the interleukin-23 pathway and T cells) in psoriatic lesions,39,40 the appear-
and provides additional evidence of susceptibility ance of clonal T cells in lesions over time,41 the
genes tumor necrosis factor (TNF-)induced functional role of T cells and cytokines in human
protein 3 (TNFAIP3) and TNFAIP3-interacting pro- models of psoriasis,42 the therapeutic activity of
tein 1 (TNIP1) within the nuclear factor B (NF-B) drugs targeting the immune system,43,44 the
pathway and of a genetic region that is poten- findings that psoriasis may be cured in patients
tially involved in the modulation of type 2 helper who have undergone bone marrow transplanta-
T cell (Th2) immune responses.9,23 As in previous tion and that psoriasis can be transferred from
studies, no evidence of epistasis (the interaction transplant donor to recipient,45,46 and the obser-
between genes) has been shown. The relevance vation that top hits in whole-genome scans of
of structural genomic alterations to an under- genes and messenger RNA are immune-related.
standing of psoriasis is underscored by the ob- Thus, psoriatic lesions probably evolve as an inter-
servation of DNA copy-number variation in the play between cells and mediators of the immune
-defensin gene cluster and a deletion in the late system specifically, its innate and adaptive
cornified envelope gene cluster associated with function and skin epithelium and connective
psoriasis.24,25,34 tissue (Fig. 2 and 3).47
In addition to comprehensive analysis of gene
variants, whole-genome analysis of the psoriasis- The Innate Immune System and the Role
specific transcriptome has provided important of Keratinocytes
insights into disease-relevant cells and pathways. The innate immune system provides an early-
Genomic signatures in psoriatic lesions point to response mechanism against harm to the host
dendritic cells and T cells as key cell types and through recognition by preformed, nonspecific
type I interferons, interferon-, and TNF- as key effectors. There is evidence of dysregulation of
cytokines35,36; these findings reinforce the mes- the innate immune system in psoriasis.48 Clini-
sage from genetic association studies that cells cal observations point to an important role of the
and mediators of the immune system have key innate cytokine interferon- as an inducer of
roles in susceptibility to and maintenance of psoriasis.49 The foremost producers of inter
psoriasis. An additional dimension for the regu- feron-, plasmacytoid dendritic cells, are increased
lation of gene-expression networks during in- and activated in early psoriatic lesions. The func-
flammatory processes is potential control through tional relevance of interferon- and plasmacytoid
microRNAs (miRNAs). Early studies suggest the dendritic cells has been demonstrated in relevant
possible involvement of miRNAs in psoriasis animal models of the disease,50 and the type I in-
for example, through interference with key in- terferon signature is prominent in psoriatic le-
flammatory checkpoints.37 sions.35 Plasmacytoid dendritic cells are activated
These recent studies have shown progress in through complexes of the antimicrobial peptide
obtaining a whole-genome perspective on pso- LL-37 cathelicidin and DNA in a toll-like receptor
riasis and have provided robust and reproducible (TLR) 9dependent manner; this provides a po-
data sets. These studies provide support for an tential explanation of the mechanism through
important role of the immune system in the dis- which host DNA is turned into a proinflamma-
ease process. tory stimulus that breaks immunologic tolerance
in psoriasis.51
Psoriatic keratinocytes are a rich source of
Im munopathol o gic Fe at ur e s
of Psor i a sis antimicrobial peptides, including LL-37, -defen
sins, and S100A7 (psoriasin). In addition to their
Studies in the 1970s showed the presence of sub- antimicrobial activity, antimicrobial peptides can
stantial numbers of immune cells in patients with also have a chemotactic function and shape im-
psoriasis, suggesting a possible pathogenic role.38 mune-cell function, including that of dendritic

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mechanisms of disease

Adaptive immunity

Innate immunity Innate immunity

Antimicrobial peptides
Interleukin-12 Th1 cell
Keratinocyte TNF- Interleukin-6
Interleukin-1 Interferon- TNF-
Interleukin-6 S100
Interferon- CXCL9
Natural CXCL10
killer T cell CXCL11
Myeloid Keratinocyte
dendritic cell
Interleukin-23 Interleukin-17A
TNF- Interleukin-17F
dendritic cell

Macrophage Th17 cell

Figure 2. Key Cells and Mediators in the Transition from Innate to Adaptive Immunity in Psoriasis. COLOR FIGURE
Innate immune cells produce key cytokines (tumor necrosis factor [TNF-], interferon-, interferon-,
Draft 5 interleukin-
1, and interleukin-6) that activate myeloid dendritic cells. Activated dendritic cells presentAuthor
antigens Nestle
and secrete
mediators such as interleukin-12 and interleukin-23, leading to the differentiation of type 17Figand
type 1 helper T cells
Title Innate to adaptive
(Th17 and Th1). T cells, in turn, secrete mediators (e.g., interleukin-17A, interleukin-17F, and interleukin-22)
immunity that ac-
tivate keratinocytes and induce the production of antimicrobial peptides (e.g., LL-37 cathelicidin
ME and -defensins),
proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-, interleukin-1, and interleukin-6), chemokines (CXCL8 DE throughSchwartz CXCL11 and
Artist Knoper
CCL20), and S100 proteins. These soluble mediators feed back into the proinflammatory diseaseAUTHOR cyclePLEASEand shape
the inflammatory infiltrate. Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
Please check carefully

Issue date 7/30/09

cells and T cells.52 Keratinocytes also have a po- proliferation of T cells as well as production of
tential accessory role in skin immune responses. type 1 helper T cell (Th1) cytokines.53 They also
They are responsive to key dendritic cellderived have a proinflammatory capacity, and specialized
and T-cellderived cytokines, including interfer- subgroups (so-called TIP dendritic cells) produce
ons, TNF, interleukin-17, and the interleukin-20 TNF- and inducible nitric oxide synthase.54 Tar-
family of cytokines, and in turn they will produce geted immunotherapy and psoralen and ultravio-
proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleukin-1, let A (PUVA) therapy reduce the numbers of den-
interleukin-6, and TNF-) and chemokines (e.g., dritic cells in patients with psoriasis; this provides
interleukin-8 [CXCL8], CXCL10, and CCL20) (Fig. support for the key role of these cells in the
2). Thus, a rich interface between effectors of the pathogenesis of psoriasis.55 A functional and po-
innate and adaptive immune system shapes the tentially therapeutic role of plasmacytoid den-
psoriatic inflammatory process. dritic cells as potential drug targets has also
been shown in models of psoriasis.50 In addition,
Dendritic Cells mouse models suggest a role of macrophages.56,57
Dendritic cells are key sentinels of the immune Thus, there is accumulating evidence that den-
system, bridging the gap between innate and dritic cells and possibly macrophages are key con-
adaptive immunity. Myeloid dermal dendritic cells stituents of the psoriatic inflammatory process
are increased in psoriatic lesions and induce auto- and potential future therapeutic targets.

n engl j med 361;5 july 30, 2009 501

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Predisposing factors Disease initiation Disease maintenance

Smoking -defensins 1 and 2 Chemokines
S100A7-9 Neutrophil

T-cell migration
Trigger Keratinocyte activation
Stressed and proliferation Tc17
Collagen IV

Interleukin-23 Tc1 Tc1

Nitric oxide
Interleukin-1 Th17
Interleukin-23R Interleukin-1 Interleukin-6
Interleukin-6 TNF- CD45RO
LL-37 TNF- VLA-1
complexes Th17 Tc1
TIP dendritic
Activation cell
Th17 Tc1
Interferon- Th2

Plasmacytoid Dermal
dendritic cell dendritic
cell Interferon- Chemokines CCL19 Tc1
Lymph node

Interleukin-12 CCR6

Th1 Th17
Interleukin-23 CCR4 Macrophage
Putative autoantigen presentation
KGF-1/2 TNF-
EGF Interleukin-1

Th17 Effector cells

recirculate and migrate Collagen and
into skin tissue proteoglycans

T Cells late antigen 1 [VLA-1]) on T cells with collagen COLOR FIGURE

A key question concerns the autoimmune nature IV in the basement membrane Draft 6of the psoriatic 7/13/09
of psoriasis and the contribution of autoreactive epidermis. Blocking of this Authorinteraction
Nestle inhibits
Fig # 3
T cells to the disease process. Currently available the development of psoriasis Title in clinically
Evolution of arelevant
data do not support the notion that psoriasis is a models.59 Psoriatic T cells MEpredominantly lesion
bona fide autoimmune disease. Psoriasis is prob- interferon-60 and interleukin-17.
Schwartz Recent in-

ably best placed within a spectrum of autoim- terest has focused particularly
mune-related diseases characterized by chronic Aproducing type 17 helper T (Th17) cells. This
Figure has been redrawn and type has been reset
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inflammation in the absence of known infec- cell type is specialized in immunosurveillance

Issue date 7/30/09 of
tious agents or antigens.58 epithelium, and it also secretes interleukin-22, a
The transport of T cells from the dermis into key cytokine linking adaptive immune effectors
the epidermis is a key event in psoriasis. It is and epithelial dysregulation in psoriasis. Inter-
controlled by the interaction of 11 integrin (very leukin-22 induces proliferation of keratinocytes

502 n engl j med 361;5 july 30, 2009

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mechanisms of disease

theory has been validated by the clinical success

Figure 3 (facing page). Proposed Schema of the Evolution
of a Psoriatic Lesion from Initiation to Maintenance of anti-TNF therapy in the treatment of psoria-
of Disease. sis.66 On the basis of the analysis of gene signa-
An interplay between environmental and genetic factors tures in this disease, three predominant cytokines
sets the scene for disease-initiating events. Initial trig- seem to be at play: type I interferons, interferon-,
gers such as physical trauma or bacterial products start and TNF-.35 Both TNF- and interferon- also
a cascade of events that include the formation of DNA
LL-37 complexes, activation of plasmacytoid dendritic
have antiinflammatory properties67,68; this might
cells, and secretion of interferon-. Activated myeloid explain, in part, the counterintuitive clinical ob-
dendritic cells migrate into draining lymph nodes and servation that anti-TNF therapy induces psoriasis
induce the differentiation of naive T cells into effector in a minority of patients.69 In addition, dendritic
cells such as type 17 helper T cells (Th17) or type 17
cellderived interleukin-23 and downstream prod-
cytotoxic T cells (Tc17) and type 1 helper T cells (Th1)
or type 1 cytotoxic T cells (Tc1). Effector cells recircu- ucts of helper T cells, including interleukin-17A
late and slow down in skin capillaries in the presence and interleukin-22, are of considerable impor
of selectin-guided and integrin-guided receptorligand tance.70,71 Key cytokines in psoriasis act through
interactions. Immune cells expressing the chemokine a restricted set of signaling and transcriptional
receptors CCR6, CCR4, and CXCR3 emigrate into skin
tissue along chemokine gradients. Key processes during
pathways: Janus kinases and signal transducers
disease maintenance are the presentation of putative and activators of transcription (JAK-STATs) in
autoantigens to T cells and the release of interleukin-23 the case of type I interferons, interferon-, in-
by dermal dendritic cells, the production of proinflamma- terleukin-23, interleukin-12, interleukin-22, and
tory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-)
NF-B in the case of TNF-. Thus, complex and
and nitric oxide by TNF- and inducible nitric oxide syn-
thaseproducing (TIP) dendritic cells, and the produc- in part redundant psoriasis-relevant cytokines
tion of interleukin-17A, interleukin-17F, and interleukin- converge on key well-known intracellular check-
22 by Th17 and Tc17 cells and interferon- and TNF- by points that are common to many chronic in-
Th1 and Tc1 cells. These mediators act on keratinocytes, flammatory conditions.
leading to the activation, proliferation, and production
of antimicrobial peptides (e.g., LL-37 cathelicidin and
-defensins), chemokines (e.g., CXCL1, CXCL9 through Counterregulatory Mechanisms
CXCL11, and CCL20), and S100 proteins (e.g., S100A7-9) During tissue homeostasis, proinflammatory
by keratinocytes. Dendritic cells and T cells form peri states are balanced through counterregulatory
vascular clusters and lymphoidlike structures around mechanisms. Although studies have indicated
blood vessels in the presence of chemokines such as
CCL19 produced by macrophages. A key checkpoint is that the numbers of regulatory T (Treg) cells are
the migration of T cells from the dermis into the epider- not altered in lesional psoriatic skin, there seems
mis; this migration is controlled through the interaction to be a defect in their overall suppressive activi-
of 11 integrin (very late antigen 1 [VLA-1]) on T cells ty.72 In CD18-knockout mice, a deficiency of Treg
and collagen IV at the basement membrane. Unconven-
cells is associated with the development of pso-
tional T cells, including natural killer T cells, contribute
to the disease process. Feedback loops involving kerati- riasiform features.73 An important regulatory cy-
nocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells contribute to tokine, interleukin-10, is decreased in psoriasis.
tissue reorganization with endothelial-cell activation and Early clinical studies showed that interleukin-10
proliferation and deposition of extracellular matrix. Neu- has moderate therapeutic effectiveness, an obser-
trophils in the epidermis are attracted by chemokines,
including interleukin-8 (CXCL8) and CXCL1. CD45RO
vation that has not been confirmed in larger,
denotes cluster designation 45RO, EGF epidermal growth controlled trials.74
factor, KGF-1/2 keratinocyte growth factor types 1 and 2,
and TGF- transforming growth factor .
The Psor i atic Microva scul at ur e

and production of antimicrobial peptides as well Evidence of a role of endothelial cells in psoriasis
as chemokines.63 A functional role of Th17 cells includes the increased expression of vascular en-
dothelial growth factor (VEGF),75 psoriasiform
in psoriasis is suggested by their reduction during
successful anti-TNF treatment.64 inflammation in mouse models with transgenic
overexpression of VEGF in the epidermis, the as-
Cytokines sociation of psoriasis with VEGF gene variants,76
The hypothesis of a cytokine network in psoriasis and the efficacy of drugs targeting angiogenesis
proposed a central role of proinflammatory cyto in animal models.77 In contrast to the microvas-
kines, including TNF-.65 In retrospect, this culature of normal skin, the psoriatic microvas-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

culature is characterized by tortuous and leaky In an attempt to overcome these problems and
blood vessels that facilitate leukocyte migration to develop humanized mouse models, the trans-
into inflamed skin. VEGF and angiopoietins are plantation of skin from patients with psoriasis
some of the factors believed to be responsible for into immunosuppressed mice has been a prom-
these vascular changes in psoriasis. ising area of investigation. Transplants can be
obtained from either symptomless (nonlesional)
Model s of Psor i a sis or lesional skin of patients with psoriasis. Such
xenotransplantation models allows studies of
With the exception of a few sporadic cases in the development of psoriasis and of established
primates, psoriasis is unique to humans. Thus, psoriasis. Thus, these models can be used to ad-
the available nonhuman models of psoriasis usu- dress two seminal questions in psoriasis research
ally provide only an approximation of the dis- (Fig. 3): What are disease-initiating events? What
ease. The three main types of in vivo animal are disease-maintaining events? These insights
models usually rely on mice as hosts and are ultimately have led to answers related to the pre-
based on the following experimental settings: vention and treatment of psoriasis.42 New discov-
spontaneous mutation, genetic engineering, and eries based on such models include the necessity
xenotransplantation. Spontaneous mutation in of an intrinsic skin factor for the development of
mouse models has resulted in inflammatory and psoriasis, the important role of immune cells in
scaly skin phenotypes, but these models usually tissue, the key role of epidermal T cells, and the
represent only a limited set of psoriatic features.78 contribution of early innate trigger events.82 Xeno-
There are two broad categories of genetically transplantation models of psoriasis are also valu-
engineered mice: mice in which a genetic ele- able tools in drug development.42,83 They have
ment has been introduced (transgenic mice), and been useful in reassessing the mechanisms of
those in which a genetic element has been re- established psoriatic drugs in more detail, and
moved (knockout mice) or attenuated (hypomor- they have also been helpful in validating poten-
phic mice). In most cases, genetic modification tial new drug targets, including antiinterferon-
is targeted to the epidermis through specific pro- or antiinterleukin-22 therapy, which are cur-
moters. These models test the hypothesis that rently in early clinical trials.
overexpression of a given cytokine, growth fac-
tor, adhesion molecule, or signaling element con- Psor i a sis a s a S ys temic
tributes to an inflammatory skin disease.79 The Infl a m m at or y Dise a se
advantage of these models is that a given media-
tor or pathway can be studied in isolation and There is increasing awareness that psoriasis as a
thus its role in skin inflammation in mice can disease is more than skin deep and that it has
be established. important systemic manifestations that are shared
Recently, an interesting new model induced with other chronic inflammatory diseases, such
psoriasiform skin inflammation in mice with as Crohns disease and diabetes mellitus. The
the use of topical application of the TLR7/8 ago- shared conditions include the metabolic syn-
nist imiquimod. This model recapitulated most drome, depression, and cancer.3 It is unclear
of the known critical checkpoints in the patho- whether cancer, particularly lymphoma and skin
genesis of psoriasis, including activation of plas- cancer, is related to the disease or its treatment.84
macytoid dendritic cells and dependence on Th17 An associated arthropathy, psoriatic arthritis, has
cells.80 However, most mouse models do not re- features in common with psoriasis but is consid-
flect the complex pathogenic network in psoria- ered to be a distinct disease entity with a distinct
sis, in part because of differences between hu- therapeutic spectrum.85 Of emerging significance
man and mouse skin. These differences include is the relationship between psoriasis and the risk
the extent of interfollicular epidermis, the thick- of cardiovascular disease, including coronary-
ness of the epidermis, the density of hair follicles, artery calcification.86,87 Whereas there appears
the differentiation program of keratinocytes, to be no excess risk among patients with mild
and the presence of mouse versus human immune psoriasis, moderate and severe disease is associ-
cells.81 ated with an excess frequency of myocardial in-

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mechanisms of disease

AntiT-cell strategies

Dendritic cell T cell

Chimeric monoclonal
anti-CD11a antibody
( chain of LFA-1) T cell


Dendritic cell Natural killer cell


Human LFA-3 fusion

protein T cell T cell

Anticytokine strategies
Anti-TNF Antiinterleukin-12 and interleukin-23

Infliximab Adalimumab Etanercept Ustekinumab

Interleukin-23 Interleukin-12
TNF- p40
p19 p35

Chimeric monoclonal antiTNF- Human monoclonal antiTNF- Human p75 TNF-receptor Human monoclonal anti-p40 antibody
Fc fusion protein

Figure 4. Pathogenesis-Based Targeted Therapy for Psoriasis. COLOR FIGURE

Targeted biologic therapies that have been approved for marketing or for which phase 3 clinical data have been Draft published
6 are 7/09/09
The two major therapeutic classes are T-celltargeted therapies (alefacept and efalizumab) and anticytokine Authortherapies (antitumor ne-
crosis factor [TNF] therapies): infliximab, adalimumab, etanercept, and a monoclonal antibody against interleukin-12
Fig # 4 and interleukin-23
Title Pathogenesis based on
(ustekinumab). Efalizumab (which has been withdrawn from the market) is a chimeric monoclonal anti-CD11a antibody. targetedIt therapy
blocksofthe psoriasis
interaction of CD11a (lymphocyte-functionassociated antigen [LFA] 1 [LFA-1]) with intercellular adhesion molecule
ME 1 (ICAM-1), leading
to a disruption of the interaction between dendritic cells and T cells at tissue sites and in lymph nodes as well
DE as blocking Schwartz of immune-

cell binding to blood vessels. Alefacept is a human LFA 3 (LFA-3) Fc fusion protein that blocks the interactionArtist
between KnoperCD2 on T cells
and LFA-3 on antigen-presenting cells. It also induces antibody-dependent cytotoxicity in T cells bound to alefacept.
Figure has beenAnti-TNF
redrawn and type strategies
has been reset
Please check carefully
have three variants: a humanized chimeric antiTNF- monoclonal antibody, a fully human monocolonal antiTNF- antibody, and a
Issue date 7/30/09
human p75 TNF-receptor Fc fusion protein. Finally, blocking of interleukin-12 and interleukin-23 is achieved by means of antibodies target-
ing the common p40 chain of these cytokines. CD denotes cluster designation, and FcR Fc receptor.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

farction and an increase in mortality, in large and psoriatic arthritis.95-98 This therapeutic ap-
part because of cardiovascular events.88 There is proach is conceptually new, since it targets main-
emerging evidence that systemic inflammation ly dendritic-cellderived cytokines, in contrast to
analogous to that observed in rheumatoid arthri- the broader targeting of anti-TNF therapies.
tis is involved in psoriasis.89 Circulating factors Current biologic therapies are well tolerated
that are indicative of systemic inflammation and overall, and some are more effective than conven-
endothelial activation have been detected. If con- tional systemic therapies.99 However, the long-
firmed, these findings would have major impli- term safety of biologic agents is an unresolved
cations for future preventive and therapeutic issue and will be addressed in a satisfactory man-
strategies. ner only if there is optimal use of and invest-
ment in postmarketing surveillance of these
drugs, including the development of comprehen-
Patho gene sis-b a sed A pproache s
t o Ther a py sive registries of biologic drugs.100

Classic systemic treatments for psoriasis have C onclusions

not fully met the needs of patients.90 Antibody-
based or fusion proteinbased selective targeting of The evolution of a psoriatic lesion is based on a
key mediators of inflammation has been added complex interplay between environmental and
to the treatment approaches for psoriasis.81,91,92 genetic factors that sets the scene for disease-
The first biologic agent developed specifically for initiating events. A cascade of events leads to ac-
a dermatologic disease was alefacept, which was tivation of dendritic cells and, in turn, the gen-
developed for the treatment of psoriasis.93 Derma- eration of effector T cells that emigrate to and
tologists have subsequently moved from seren- reside in skin tissue. Cross-talk between epithe-
dipitous choices among the available therapeutic lial cells and immune cells shapes and maintains
options to targeted intervention based on in- the inflammatory milieu. Research in the past
creased insights into the pathogenesis of psoria- decade has identified many of the checkpoints
sis. The proof of principle of pathogenesis-based governing these processes and has lead to the
therapy in dermatology has created a multitude development of new, highly effective targeted
of opportunities for the development of new therapies. Although this progress is remarkable,
drugs that are currently moving through the there are still many unknowns, especially in the
phases of clinical development. area of disease prevention and the development
Biologic therapies in psoriasis are highly effec- of drugs with appropriate long-term riskbenefit
tive and can be classified according to their and cost profiles. Future research will need to
mechanism of action.94 The two main classes are tackle these challenges in order to establish ther-
biologic agents targeted at T cells and biologic apeutic and preventive approaches that ultimately
agents targeted at cytokines (Fig. 4). T-celltar- lead to improved outcomes for patients.
geted biologic agents such as alefacept and efali- Supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust Programme
zumab (which has been withdrawn from the (GR078173MA), the National Institutes of Health (RO1AR040065),
the National Institute for Health Research Comprehensive Bio-
market) have validated the concept of a role of medical Research Centre Guys and St. Thomas Hospital and
T cells in established disease. Anticytokine thera- Kings College London, and the Medical Research Council United
pies have been developed through advances in Kingdom Programme (G0601387); a fellowship award from
Societ Italiana di Dermatologia Medica e Chirurgica e Malattie
anti-TNF therapy in chronic inflammatory dis- Sessualmente; and the Dunhill Medical Trust.
eases, including psoriasis. However, a multitude Dr. Barker reports receiving grant support from Schering-
of issues, including long-term efficacy, relapse Plough and Abbott, consulting fees from Abbott and Wyeth, and
lecture fees from Schering-Plough, Janssen-Cilag, Abbott, and
after drug withdrawal, safety, and costs, are driv- Wyeth; and Dr. Nestle, receiving consulting fees from Galderma,
ing the search for new and better therapies. The Boehringer Ingelheim, Abbott, Janssen-Cilag, Merck Serono,
latest addition to the anticytokine drugs are anti- and Wyeth and lecture fees from Abbott, Janssen-Cilag, and
Wyeth. No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this
bodies targeted at the interleukin-12 and inter- article was reported.
leukin-23 family of heterodimeric cytokines that We thank Paola Di Meglio, Antonella Di Cesare, Niwa Ali,
share a common p40 chain. Randomized, con- Deepika Kassen, Gayathri Perera, and Eduardo Calonje for help
with earlier versions of the figures and Brian Nickoloff, Richard
trolled studies have shown the efficacy and short- Trembath, Francesca Capon, and Adrian Hayday for helpful dis-
term safety of anti-p40 antibodies in psoriasis cussions.

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n engl j med 361;5 july 30, 2009 509

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