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Adyashanti - What is Truth?

Now, one of the dangers when I talk about telling the truth to oneself
and others is inevitably, almost every time Ive given a talk like this in
public - at some later point in time, maybe the next day or the next
week someone would come up to me and say you know, Adya you
know that talk you gave on truthfulness and honesty and all that and
I go yea, I remember the talk. And they say:
Well, you know, somebody came up in the parking afterwards and
decided they needed to tell me all the rotten things they thought
about me, in the name of honesty.
And I just kind of shake my head and go oh my God, you know this is
I hesitate even give talks on this. Because it is so easy to
Truth is a very high standard. Its not a play thing. To tell whats true
within ourselves isnt to tell what we think, its not to tell our opinion,
its not to dump our sort of the garbage can of our mind onto
somebody else: This is what I think about you, this is what I feel
about you, this is my judgment about you. None of thats true. Thats
illusion. Thats distortion. Thats ones own garbage. Its ones own
problem. Its ones projection.
What is Truth?
Truth isnt to unload our opinions onto someone, thats not truth.
Truth isnt to tell our beliefs about things, thats not truth. Those are
ways that we actually hide from truth. Truth is much more intimate
that that.
Whenever we tell the truth, has much more of the sense of a
confession. I dont mean the confession of something bad or wrong,
but I mean the sense where we come completely out of hiding.
Truth is a simple thing. To speak the truth is to speak from a sense of
a total and absolute un-protectedness. And to do that, with any
consistency, we have to not only have met every place in our self
where is afraid of doing that, we have to see what is the belief
structure I have, that tells me I can do that. Because those belief
structures, are by their very nature based in unreality.
But just to know that, its not enough. You actually have to see it,
really perceive it exactly what one believes, what are the exact belief
structures that cause you to go in duality, that cause you to go into
conflict, in hiding.
And also, part of awakening, part of realizing the inherent freedom of
being, if its true and authentic, if its real its given to the whole
world, its given to everybody.
True freedom isnt Im free. True freedom is everything is free
which means everybody has the freedom to be who they are. Whether
they are awake or not awake, deluded or un-deluded, freedom is that
everything in everybody gets to be exactly as they are... Unless weve
come to that point, unless weve seen that is how reality sees things...
Then we actually withholding freedom from the world, were seeing it
as a possession, were only concern with ourselves, how good I can
feel, how free I can feel. But true freedom its a gift to everything and
As the Buddha said upon his awakening I and all beings everywhere
have simultaneously realized liberation.
That come from the conventional mind, thats impossible to
understand. If everything woke up, someone may say, then why am I
not awake. If the Buddha is correct, if the whole world woke up
when we woke up, then why am I not awake? I cant really explain
that to the conventional mind. What Buddha was communicating was
it wasnt the Buddha that woke up, it wasnt this person who woke up,
it was the totality, it was the reality that woke up, and then was
expressing that awakening through this being called the Buddha.
But one of the important things about that is allowing the whole world
to wake up. Part of allowing the whole world to wake up, is the whole
world is free, everybody is free to be as they are. Until the whole
world is free to agree with you or disagree with you, until youve
given the freedom to each and everybody to like you or not like you, to
love you or hate you, to see things as you see them or to see things
differently. Until youve given the whole world this freedom that youll
never have your freedom.
This is a very important part of awakening; its the easy part to miss.
Again, if you are fully awake would be impossible to miss this.
But most people dont fully awaken initially all at once.
This is very important now: Everybody gets to be as they are and
only when everyone is allowed to be as they are, when youve given
them that freedom, when youve given them the freedom they already
posses... do you find within yourself the capacity to simply be honest
and real and true. Because we cant be true as long as were
expecting or wanting others to agree. That would causes to contract,
maybe they wont like what I say, maybe they wont agree, maybe
they are not like me these is all ways we withhold freedom for
everybody else.
So, when were protecting ourselves, were also withholding freedom
for everybody else. But, if one is to look into the very nature of the
realization itself, when reality awakens to itself, when we realize that
we are the one and only spirit, that manifests everything in everyone,
in the very nature of that realization itself is total freedom for all.
And theres a certain fearlessness about it.
People sometimes come to me, they say: "well, Adya there is inner,
there is still some inner place, often a very sort of early childhood
inner place it's afraid to just be what i know to be true"
And of course, I'll say: "well, you have to look at that, see what
believes got formed, see how you, yourself formed certain believes
structures based on what happened. And then, you'll see that those
believe structures aren't true, but first you've got to see them as they
But also, you have to see, that you and I, we have no way of knowing
or predicting how the world will receive us. Part of being awake is
being willing to be crucified. I mean, if we think to be awake is for the
whole world to agree with us, we are actually in a total delusion. Jesus
found that out. A totally Awake Being, as they say in christianity "the
Son of God"... and what happened to the Son of God? It got crucified,
hang on a cross.
And inside human consciousness, there is this sort of deep sense of a
taboo, as if it is not ok to realize the truth of being, and if you realize
it, is not ok really to... to just be it. Not go out preaching about it, not
necessarily... I am not suggesting that. Not shoving it down someones
throat. But just... being what you perceive.
There is an unconscious taboo, within the totality of human
consciousness, that says that's not ok, you will be crucified for it, you
will be killed for it. And, of course, in our human history, people have
been killed for it, people have been crucified for it.
We have a long history of getting rid of, or killing the truly
enlightened beings, in many societies.
Because true enlightement is not conform to the dream state.
In fact, many times, the dream state feels offended and a threatened
by true enlightenment. Because a true enlightened being cannot be
controlled. The threat of death can't even control an enlightened
being. The threat of death couldnt control Jesus. He was going to live
his life out, as he was destined to live it out. Whether that meant life
or death for him.
And so, as a human being, we can't have this childish ideas that
enlightenment means "everybody loves me!" Maybe everybody will
love you. But, more likely, some will and some won't. But when you've
given the whole world its freedom, to like or not like, than you've gone
a long way to finding your own freedom.
They are tied inextricably one to the other.


Unul din pericolele care apar atunci cnd vorbesc despre a spune
adevrul ctre sine nsui i ctre ceilali, este inevitabil, aproape de
fiecare dat cnd vorbesc despre asta n public ca la un moment dat,
poate a doua zi sau sptmna urmtoare cineva s vin la mine i
s mi spun tii, Adya, acel discurs despre adevr i onestitate i eu
i spun da, mi amintesc. i el spune:
Cineva a venit n parcare dup discurs i a simit nevoia s mi
spun toate lucrurile neplcute pe care le gndete despre mine, n
numele onestitii
i eu mi clatin capul i spun oh, Doamne, asta e. Ezit chiar s mai
vorbesc public despre asta. Pentru c este aa uor s apar
Adevrul este un standard foarte nalt. Nu este lucru de joac. A
spune ce este adevrat n noi nine nu nseamna a spune ce gndim,
nu nseamn s spunem opinia noastr, nu nseamn s vrsm coul
de gunoi al minii noastre asupra altcuiva.
Asta este ceea ce cred despre tine, asta este ceea ce simt n legtur
cu tine, asta este judecata mea despre tine.
Nimic din acestea nu este adevrat. Aceasta este iluzie. Este
distorsionare. Este propriul gunoi, propria problem. Este o proiecie.
Ce este Adevrul?
Adevrul nu nseamn s i descarci propriile opinii n legtur cu
altcineva, acesta nu este adevrul. Adevrul nu este s ne spunem
credinele despre lucruri, acesta nu este adevrul. Acestea sunt
metode prin care de fapt ne ascundem de adevr.
Adevrul este mult mai intim dect asta.
Ori de cte ori spunem adevrul, are mai degrab sensul unei
confesiuni. Nu m refer la a confesa ceva ru sau greit, ci ma refer la
sensul n care ieim complet din ascunzi.
Adevrul este un lucru simplu. A spune adevrul este a vorbi cu un
sentiment de total i absolut lips de protecie. i pentru a face
asta, n mod consistent, trebuie nu numai sa ntlnim fiecare loc din
noi nine unde ne este team s facem asta; trebuie s vedem care
este structura de gndire (credina) care mi spune c nu pot s fac
asta. Pentru c aceste credine sunt prin nsi natura lor, bazate pe
Dar nu este suficient sa tii asta. De fapt trebui s vezi, s percepi cu
adevrat exact ceea ce crezi, care sunt structurile de credin care
te duc n dualitate, care declaneaz conflictul, ascunderea.
De asemenea, o parte din trezire, o parte din realizarea libertii
inerente a fiinei, dac aceast libertate este autentic, real este
dat ntregii lumi.
Adevrate libertate nu nseamn Sunt liber. Adevrata libertate
nseamna c Totul este liber - ceea ce nseamn c fiecare are
libertatea de a fi cine este. Indiferent dac este trezit sau nu, n iluzie
sau nu, libertatea nseamn c orice, n oricine este exact aa cum
este... Daca nu am ajuns in acel punct in care sa realizam ca acesta
este modul in care Realitatea vede lucrurile, atunci de fapt noi nu
acordam libertatea lumii, o vedem ca pe o posesiune, suntem
preocupai de noi nine: ct de bine pot s m simt, ct de liber
pot m simt.
Dar adevrata libertate este un dar pentru orice i oricine. Aa cum
spunea Buddha dup trezire, Eu i toate fiinele de oriunde am
realizat simultan eliberarea.
Din perspectiva minii convenionale, aceasta este imposibil de
neles- Dac orice s-a trezit, cineva ar putea spune, atunci de ce eu
nu sunt trezit? Dac Buddha are dreptate, dac ntreaga lume s-a
trezit cnd el s-a trezit, atunci de ce eu nu sunt trezit?
Din punctul de vedere al mintii conventionale, asta este imposibil de
Ce a comunicat Buddha este c nu Buddha s-a trezit, nu persoana sa a
fost cea care s-a trezit, totalitatea a fost cea care s-a trezit, realitatea
a fost cea care s-a trezit i a exprimat aceast trezire prin aceast
fiin numit Buddha.
Dar unul din cele mai importante lucruri legate de asta, este s
permii ntregii lumi s se trezeasc. O parte din a accepta ca ntreaga
lume s se trezeasc este a accepta c ntreaga lume este liber,
fiecare fiin este liber s fie aa cum este.
Pn cnd ntreaga lume este liber s fie de acord sau nu cu tine,
pn cnd nu oferi fiecruia i tuturor libertatea de a te plcea sau
nu, de a te iubi sau sa te urasca, de a vedea lucrurile aa cum le vezi
sau de a le vedea diferit. Pn cnd nu vei drui ntregii lumi
libertatea aceasta, niciodat nu vei avea libertatea ta.
Aceasta este o parte foarte important a trezirii i este partea pe
care e uor s o ratezi. Dar, nc o dat, daca eti pe deplin trezit
este imposibil s pierzi asta.
Dar cei mai muli oameni nu se trezesc pe deplin deodata.
Aceasta este foarte important: Toat lumea este aa cum este i
doar cnd oricui i este permis s fie aa cum este, cnd le dai tuturor
aceast libertate, aceast libertate pe care deja o au gseti n tine
nsui capacitatea de a fi pur i simplu onest i real i adevrat.
Pentru c nu putem fi n adevr ct timp ateptm sau dorim ca alii
s fie de acord cu noi.
Asta va produce o strangere de inima [o teama]: poate nu le va
plcea ce spun, poate nu vor fi de acord, poate ei nu o sa ma
placa acestea sunt toate ci de a nu acorda libertatea celorlali.
Deci, cnd ne protejm pe noi nine, n acelai timp i privm pe
ceilali de libertate.
Dar, dac cineva privete n natura realizrii nsi, cnd realitatea se
trezete la ea nsi, cnd realizm c suntem unul i acelai spirit,
care manifest totul n oricine in insasi natura acestei realizari este
libertatea total pentru toi.
i este o oarecare neinfricare n legtur cu asta.
Oamenii uneori vin la mine, spunnd: Adya, exist nc un spaiu
interior, deseori un fel de spaiu interior al primei copilrii unde
apare frica de a fi ceea ce tiu c este adevrat.
i bineneles c le spun: trebuie s te uii la asta, s vezi ce credine
s-au format, s vezi cum tu, tu nsui, i-ai format unele structuri de
credin bazate pe ce s-a ntmplat. i apoi, vei vedea c toate aceste
structuri nu sunt adevrate, dar mai nti trebuie s le vezi aa cum
Dar, de asemenea, trebuie s vezi c tu i cu mine, nu avem nicio
posibilitate de a ti sau prevedea cum ne va primi lumea. O parte din
a fi trezit este s fii dispus s fii crucificat.
Ce vreau s spun este c, dac ne imaginm c a fi trezit este pentru
ca ntreaga lume s fie de acord cu noi, suntem de fapt ntr-o mare
iluzie. Isus a aflat asta. O fiin complet trezit, aa cum se spune n
cretinism, Fiul lui Dumnezeu i ce s-a ntmplat cu Fiul lui
Dumnezeu? A fost crucificat, pironit pe o cruce.
i n interiorul contiinei umane, exist un fel de adnc sens al unui
tabu, ca i cum nu ar fi ok s realizezi adevrul de a fi i dac
realizezi asta, nu este chiar ok s fii asta.
Nu iei s predici despre asta, nu este necesar Nu vreau s sugerez
asta. Nu sa o nfunzi n gtul cuiva. Doar a fi ceea ce percepi.
Exist un tabu incontient, n totalitatea coniinei umane, care spune
asta nu e ok, o s fii crucificat pentru asta, o s fii omort pentru
asta. i bineneles, n decursul istoriei omenirii, oamenii au fost
omori pentru asta, oamenii au fost crucificai pentru asta.
Avem o lung istorie in care am alungat, sau am ucis fiinele cu
adevrat iluminate, n multe societi.
Pentru ca adevrata iluminare nu se conformeaz strii de vis.
De fapt, deseori, aceast stare de vis se simte ofensata i ameninat
de adevrata iluminare. Pentru c o fiinta cu adevrat iluminat nu
poate fi controlat. Nici macar ameninarea morii nu poate controla o
fiin iluminat. Ameninarea morii nu l-a putut controla pe Isus.
El urma sa-si traiasca viata asa cum era ea destinata lui sa o traiasca.
Indiferent c asta nsemna via sau moarte pentru el.
i astfel, ca fiin uman, nu putem avea aceste idei copilreti c
iluminarea nseamn toat lumea m iubete!. Poate toat lumea te
va iubi. Dar, cel mai probabil, unii te vor iubi i alii nu. Dar cnd ai
druit ntregii lumi libertatea sa, de a plcea sau a nu plcea, atunci
ai parcurs o mare parte din drumul spre a-ti gasi propria libertate
Aceste [libertati] sunt de nedespartit una de cealalt.

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