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Invitation consists of :

1. Person who invited

2. Invitation program
3. Time (day, date, hour)
4. Place
5. Message with person who extending

Kinds of invitation expressions:

Inviting :
- Would you like to..?
- Would you like to come to.?
- Do you want to?
- We would like to invite you to..
- We would like you join us for.
- How about.?
- Do you mind to come to..?
- Please come to.
- Ill be happy if you come to
- Lets we go to
- Etc.
Accepting an invitation :
- Of course !
- Thank you, I will come.
- OK!
- Id love to.
- Id like to.
- That sounds great.
- It sounds a nice idea.
- That would be terrific !
- That would be amazing!
- That would be wonderful!
- Thanks for inviting me.
- Its very kind of you to invite me.
- Id be happy to..
- I like that.
- Id be delighted to..
- Surely.
- Thats nice.
- Etc.
Declining an invitation :
- No, thank you.
- Id love to, but.
- Im sorry. I cant.
- Id like to, but I have many thing to do right now.
- I dont think I can go. Sorry.
- I would love to, but..
- Its good, but.
- Sorry. Its good, but I cant.
- Etc.

There are 2 type of Invitation:

a. Formal invitation
Formal invitation is usually originate from university, companies, and a kind of it.
Normally formal invitation is written invitation.
Example of formal invitation :

Palangkaraya, 28th September 2012

To : Mr. Stewart
Jalan Hiu Putih No. 9
At Palangkaraya

Good morning, Mr. Stewart. We are from the jewelry company want to inform you that
we have make a meeting on :
Day/date : Monday, 5th October 2012
Time : at 8.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.
Place : at Aquarius Hotel Ballroom

Its a pleasure that you would like to come.

Jewelry Company

b. Informal invitation
Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation
can be written invitation and verbal invitation.
Example of informal invitation :

Hi, guys.
Id like to invite you to come to my halloween party on :
Saturday, 2nd November 2012
Tonight at 9 p.m.
At my home, jalan Badak No. 97
Dont be late guys ! trick or treat ! yeaahh .....
With love,

Invitation is used to invite someone or more to go to a place or to do something.

Invitation consists of :
spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere

Would you like to come

Would you like to join us
I would like to invite you
Request the present of

Invitee: Siapa yang diundang

2. Body of invitation: Isi undangan biasanya berupa hal hal berikut ini:

Occasion: Undangan ini dibuat untuk acara apa

Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal
Time: Waktu yang ditetapkan
Place: Tempat yang diharapkan kehadirannya para undangan

3. Inviter: Siapa yang mengundang

Home Percakapan Making, Accepting and Refusing Invitation

Making, Accepting and Refusing Invitation

Post On: 4 August 2012 | By: learningself
Making and responding any invitation, formal invitation or informal invitation can be illustrated
as follow using some keywords or useful expressions:

Making Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

I would like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my home.

I was wondering if youd like to come to dinner on Wednesday evening.
Would you like/care to have dinner with us on Saturday?
What/How about dinner tonight?
Lets go to our place for dinner.

Accepting Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

Thanks for your invitation. Id be delighted to.

Thank you. Id love to.
Yes, thanks. That would be great/wonderful.
Sounds great/like fun.
OK/All right.

Refusing Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

Im awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night.

Id really like to, but I have an appointment that day.
Thanks for asking, but Im afraid Im busy.
I cant. Ive got a lot of work to do.
Sorry. Im already tied up.

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

Thank you, but Ill have to check my calendar. Do you mind if I tell you on Monday?
Im not sure what my plans are. Could I get back to you tomorrow?
I might be busy. Ill let you know later.
Showing/Giving attention is expression of showing our attention to other people. We need to
pay attention to other people showing that we care about them. So that, we can get attention from
other people.

For example:
Mia : You look fresher after coming back from holiday.
Jack : Do I? Well youre right about taking a holiday. Its exhilarating and relaxing.
Mia : so, what was the most unforgettable moment you had during the holiday?
Jack : When I did white water sport. It was frightening, but exciting as well.
Mia : Really? That sport really pumps our adrenalin.
Jack : Youre right.
In the dialog, the girl says. You look fresher after coming back from holiday. The
sentence is used to show the girls attention to the boy who look fresher. Meanwhile, her
sentence Really? That sport really pumps our adrenalin. Expresses her attention to the
boys story that he did white water sport.
Here are some expression to show our attention to other people.
Giving Attention Responding
What should I do to cheer you up? Well, you can tell me an amusing story.
I really care about you. Yes, you do. And Im very grateful for that.
Dont worry. Im with you. Thank you very much.
Whats wrong with you? Nothing. Im fine.
Hope you will be fine. Thank you.
Are you O.K/fine? Yes Im O.K/No, Im not feeling well.
Wow! Thats great. It is.
Nice hair style ! Thanks.
Do you?/Are you?/Did you? Yes, I do/I am/I did


Sympathy is a process a person feels attracted towards others,

so that they can feel what is experienced, done and suffered by
Sympathy is used to show our sympathy when our family, friends
and colleagues experience something bad or go through a terrible
situation. It is almost has the same purpose with expressing
But, expressing condolence is deepest than sympathy. For
example, when our friends father has passed away, we use the
condolence expression. With say Please accept my deepest
Here are some expressions to show our sympathy to other people:
Oh, I am sorry to hear
Thats too bad.
What a pity of you !
Be patient, it would be better soon.
I take my sympathy to you.
I sympathize with your condition.
I know how are your feeling.
You must be very upset.
Oh, poor Jane. What happened to her?
Please accept my condolence.

Expression of sympathy for something fun:

- I'm happy for you then.
- Great!
- Fantastic!
- How exciting!
Here are some responses to accept sympathy from other people :
o I hope so.
o Its very kind of you.
o Thats a pity, isnt it?
o Thanks for your sympathy.
o Thanks for your support.
o I would be OK, thank you very much for your support.
o Thank you for your concern.
o Thank you so much.
Question words Meaning Examples

who person Who's that? That's Nancy.

where place Where do you live? In Boston

why reason Why do you sleep early? Because I've got to get up early

when time When do you go to work? At 7:00

how manner How do you go? By car

what object, idea or action What do you do? I am an engineer

which choice Which one do you prefer? The red one.

whose possession Whose is this book? It's Alan's.

whom object of the verb Whom did you meet? I met the manager.

what kind description What kind of music do you like? I like quiet songs

what time time What time did you come home?

how many quantity (countable) How many students are there? There are twenty.

how much amount, price (uncountable) How much time have we got? Ten minutes

how long duration, length How long did you stay in that hotel? For two weeks.

how often frequency How often do you go to the gym? Twice a week.

how far distance How far is your school? It's one mile far.

how old age How old are you? I'm 16.

how come reason How come I didn't see you at the party?

Asking questions

1.If you ask about the subject of the sentence, simply add the question word at the beginning:
James writes good poems. Who writes good poems?

2.If you ask about the predicate of the sentence (the part of a sentence which contains the verb
and gives information about the subject), there are three options:

If there is a helping (auxiliary) verb that precedes the main verb ( for example: can, is, are, was,
were, will, would...), add the question word and invert the subject and the helping (auxiliary)
He can speak Chinese. What can he speak?
They are leaving tonight. When are they leaving?
If you ask about the predicate and there is no helping (auxiliary) verb and the verb is "to be",
simply add the question verb and invert the subject and the verb.
The play was interesting. How was the play?
If there is no helping (auxiliary) verb in the the predicate and the main verb is not "to be", add
the auxiliary "do" in the appropriate form.
They go to the movies every Saturday. Where do they go every Saturday?
He wakes up early. When does he wake up?
They sent a letter. What did they send?

noun exclamation \eks-kl-m-shn\

: a sharp or sudden cry : a word, phrase, or sound that expresses a strong emotion

The Interrogative Sentence

What Exactly Is It?
An interrogative sentence asks a question, and it always ends with a question mark (? <--- one
of these things).

Where are the brownies?

Did you buy eggs today?

Have you brushed your teeth yet?

The subject of questions can be a little tricky to find because it typically comes after the verb or
between parts of the verb phrase.
Finding the Subject of An Interrogative Sentence

The good news is that you can rewrite questions in order to make the subjects easy to find! Yay!

How are you going to do this? You will change the question into a statement, and then the
subject will be staring you in the face.

Question The subjects are underlined.

Is your house ready for visitors? Your house is ready for visitors.

Have you brushed your teeth today? You have brushed your teeth today.

Is this your jacket? This is your jacket.

Strange But True

Sometimes questions sound funny when we turn them into statements.

This is particularly true for questions that start with who, what, where, when, why and how.

Sometimes the words who or what are the subjects.

Check it out.

Question The subjects are underlined.

Where is your house? Your house is where.

When did you brush your teeth? You did brush your teeth when.

How do I zip your jacket? I do zip your jacket how.

Who is cooking the brownies? Who is cooking the brownies.

What was your name? What was your name.

Diagramming Questions

Sentence diagrams are a way for us to SHOW how the words in sentences are related.

We show these relationships without using any punctuation. Because of this, you will not see the
question mark in a diagram of a question!

All sentences must contain a subject and a verb.

Check out the diagrams below. On the left, you'll see a basic diagram of a subject and a verb.

On the right, you'll see a sentence diagram for the question below.

Have you been cooking?

If you'd like to learn more about the grammar of questions, check out that link!

Check out more information about sentence diagramming. It's fun!

An interrogative sentence is one which asks a question.

A question mark [ ? ] is used to close such a sentence.

There are two types of interrogative sentences.

In one kind, the question is asked by varying the subject and predicate of a declarative sentence-either in tone of
voice alone or in word-order.
Such a question usually will be answered by yes or no.

Copy all examples - -


Will you bring your book? (Answer: Yes or No)

Did she pass the test? (Answer: Yes or No)

In the other kind of interrogative sentence, the question is asked bv using an interrogative
This type of question cannot be answered bv Yes or no.


Who broke the glass?

Where did they go?



Variation in Tone of Voice Alone

A sentence may have the same word-order that a similar declarative sentence would have and yet
ask a question by means of the tone of voice used in speaking it.

This "questioning tone of voice" in writing would be indicated by the question mark [ ? ] at the end.

Compare the following interrogative sentences with the declarative sentences given as examples above:

He is singing? The car hit the pole? She is a typist?

Variation in Word-Order

Most interrogative sentences which do not contain interrogative words ask questions by means of a shift in word-

The variation in word-order can best be understood by changing declarative sentences to interrogative sentences and
observing the shifting which must take place to accomplish the change.

The exact nature of such shifting depends upon the verb in the declarative sentence.
If the verb is a verb phrase, the sentence is changed to a question by shifting the auxiliary verb to the beginning of
the sentence.

Copy all examples - -

Examples: He was studying . Was he studying?

She has refused the offer. Has she refused the offer?
He had been sick. Had he been sick?

If the verb is a single word, it usually is first expanded to a verb phrase containing a form of the verb to do as the
auxiliary, and the auxiliary verb is then shifted as noted above.

Examples: His sister teaches (= does teach). Does his sister teach?

The team lost (= did lose) the game. Did the team lose the game?

He became (= did become) a farmer.

Did he become a farmer?

The verb to be is an exception to this last rule.

Examples: He is a chef. Is he a chef?

She was unhappy.

Was she unhappy?

Note that these forms of the verb to be cannot be expanded to verb phrases without extreme
Only the first auxiliary is moved to the beginning of the sentence if the phrase contains two or
more auxiliaries.
Example: They will be working. Will they be working?
Exclamation Mark
Called "exclamation point" in American English

An exclamation mark usually shows strong feeling, such as surprise, anger or joy. Using an
exclamation mark when writing is rather like shouting or raising your voice when speaking.
Exclamation marks are most commonly used in writing quoted speech. You should avoid using
exclamation marks in formal writing, unless absolutely necessary.

1. Use an exclamation mark to indicate strong feelings or a raised voice in speech:

She shouted at him, "Go away! I hate you!"

He exclaimed: "What a fantastic house you have!"
"Good heavens!" he said, "Is that true?"
"Shut up!"

2. Many interjections need an exclamation mark:

"Hi! What's new?"

"Oh! When are you going?"
"Ouch! That hurt."

3. A non-question sentence beginning with "what" or "how" is often an exclamation and requires
an exclamation mark:

What idiots we are! (We are such idiots.)

How pretty she looked in that dress! (She looked very pretty in that dress.)

4. In very informal writing (personal letter or email), people sometimes use two or more
exclamation marks together:

I met John yesterday. He is so handsome!!!

Remember, don't be late!!
I'll never understand this language!!!!

Remember, try to avoid exclamation marks in formal writing such as an essay or business letter.

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