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It could be nasty / ugly , But the scientists willy can create food to global population of a cell. May
be in the future the food will be limited. So it is a good option for the future if it will be true.


The Chinese and Indian food has been of trend, so the some specialists say that some people of
the middle class have emerged in Africa and perhaps expand their culture, in fact they will be
become it in a popular food in many years, specially the beans because it has a lot of proteins.

It isnt rare / strange because a big percent of the global population have eaten insects but if you
hear that it could be the food to every day, it is much rare still, and it will be disgusting. However
we know that the insects are rich in vitamins and proteins and low fat.


The traditional bread has produced whit refined flour for millenniums, when the flour is refined it
lost its proteins. The black bread is a new trend that is consumed by a few peoples in many
countries in special the Europeans and it could be it will be consumed for more people. The Black
Bread contained a lot fibre, nuts, so in a near future we are going eat it. The black bread will be
the bread of the future.

The encapsulate fruit will give certainty of contained all vitamins of a fruit in a small object.
Probably, at first it will be expensive but then it could be popular product and the technology will
give a so real flavour.


It is a fish is going to cultivate in some tropic countries like Chine, Vietnam. This fish is very
delicious and will be consumed in case of the extinction of the other fishes.

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