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Expresiones con gerundios

Las expresiones que terminan en una preposicin generalmente son seguidas por
un gerundio - un verbo que termina en -ing. Aqu hay cuatro expresiones que son
seguidas por gerundios. Puedes utilizarlas para hablar del desarrollo profesional o

think about + gerundio

He pensado en desarrollarme
I've thought about doing some professional development.

interested in + gerundio
Jan tiene inters en
Jan's interested in coaching other employees. capacitar a otros

plan on + gerundio
l tiene planeado hacer
una maestra en
He plans on getting his MBA.
administracin de

look forward to + gerundio

Tengo ganas de tomar
I look forward to taking a night course.
un curso nocturno.

Reduccin de you, and y to

No todos los sonidos se pronuncian en el ingls hablado. A menudo se acortan las palabras menos importantes como
conjunciones y preposiciones. Es importante que reconozca estas palabras reducidas cuando las escuche.

Tres de las palabras reducidas ms comunes son you, and y to. Escuche las siguientes oraciones. Observe que se usa
para acortar las tres palabras.


Are you taking a night course?

Frank's gonna coach you.

I'm so busy with work and school.

And then I got my bachelor's.


Liz is planning to get a certificate online.

I'd like to do some professional development.

I didn't really have any goals.

Realmente no tena ninguna meta.

I began to think of goals.

Empec a pensar en metas.

Well, first I want to

Bueno, primero quiero.

My second goal is to

Mi segunda meta es.

And then, I'm interested in

Y luego, me interesa.

What are your goals?

Cules son tus metas?

My big objective right now is to

Mi principal objetivo en este momento es.

What are your plans for about the future?

What are you thinking about doing in the future?

My primary goal is to take some management courses.

I'm interested in going back to school.

I'm planning on getting a certificate online.

My primary goal is to get a promotion.

Mi principal objetivo es lograr un ascenso.
My primary goal is to get a promotion.
Mi principal objetivo es lograr un ascenso.
What are your plans?
Cules son tus planes?
I'm interested in taking some night courses.
Estoy interesado en tomar unos cursos nocturnos.
What are you thinking about doing?
Qu ests pensando hacer?
I'm planning on getting a certificate online.
Estoy planeando tomar cursos en lnea para obtener un certificado.
That sounds like a great plan.
Eso suena como un gran plan.

online study
estudio en lnea

live classes

clases en vivo





a short course

un curso breve

Sustantivos para cursos


Une las palabras con sus definiciones o dos palabras con significados similares.

o class taught in a real classroom
o live class

o suggestion
o recommendation

o class taught on the internet
o online class

o price
o cost

o choice of class place
o flexibility of location

o the general opinion about something
o reputation

The online class is too quiet. I like talking with other students in the live class.

2. Your school has a reputation for excellence. Everyone says the instructors are the best.
3. The three-month course is too much for my busy schedule . Is there a short course that takes less time?

4. You don't need to give me your address. I found your location on my mobile phone.

5. Is there any flexibility in the schedule? We're so busy on weekends.

Declaraciones con palabras interrogativas + be

Puedes incluir palabras interrogativas en las declaraciones. Observa la posicin de la palabra interrogativa what, y e
siguiente ejemplo.

Yo he estado pensando en cul es e

I've been thinking about what the best course for me is.

Busca las palabras interrogativas en estos ejemplos con know y wonder. Observa la estructura de las oraciones, y la

Bette knows who the instructor is. Bette sabe quin es el instructor.
I wonder what the schedule is. Me pregunto cul es el programa.
I don't know where the school is. No s dnde est la escuela.
I wondered how good the instructors were. Me preguntaba qu tan buenos eran

Declaraciones con palabras interrogativas

We know how long the course is
I wonder where the class is.
Roger knows who the instructors are.
I wonder what his recommendation is.
I don't know when the classes are.
Palabras de pregunta con -ever
Agregue -ever a las palabras de pregunta para hablar sobre posibilidades infinitas de tiempos, lugares o cosas.

You can study whenever you want. Puede estudiar siempre que lo desee.
I take my notebook wherever I go. Yo llevo mi cuaderno dondequiera que vaya.
I'm looking forward to whatever the instructor teaches. Tengo ganas de aprender lo que sea que el instructor vay
Whoever took this picture is really creative. Quien haya tomado esta fotografa es realmente creativo.
It's a flexible course. You can study however you want. Es un curso flexible. Puede estudiar de la manera que des

Preguntas con EVER

MALE: The location of the Wellington school isn't great. It's at 414 Brook Place.
FEMALE: That's pretty far. Well, the instructor could come to our office. He said that he can
teach wherever we choose.
MALE: OK. Now, does he ever teach on the weekends?
FEMALE: What ? Oh, no I don't think so. Not on weekends.
MALE: Too bad. This Wellington course is short, but hmm. Maybe we should try Bronson's online
course instead. It is longer and there's no instructor, but
FEMALE: Yeah, but then we can study at the office, at a cafe before work
MALE: Right. We can study whenever we want and wherever we want.
Discutir los pros y contras


Mira el video y estudia el idioma.
[JOAN] How much is it?
Tienes que ver la pelcula completa antes de poder ajustar la lnea del tiempo.
The advantages are obvious.

Las ventajas son obvias.

These classes have their disadvantages.

Estas clases tienen sus desventajas.

Another disadvantage is that

Otra desventaja es que.

One good thing is that

Una cosa buena es que.

And another advantage is that

Y otra ventaja es que.

Discutir los pros y contras


Selecciona las palabras correctas.

The obvious drawback good advantage is that the instructor will teach wherever we want.

The primary disadvantage bad benefit is cost $ 1,000 a month is way too much!

One good advantage benefit thing is that we know what their reputation is.
It's pretty far away. That's a bad drawback benefit .

A benefit disadvantage good is that the schedule is flexible.

A disadvantage drawback bad thing is that they don't have online classes.
nother benefit is that the schedule is flexible.
Otro beneficio es que el horario es flexible.
here's no live instructor. That's one bad thing.
No hay instructores en vivo. Esa es una cosa mala
he advantage is you can study wherever you want.
La ventaja es que puedes estudiar donde quiera que ests.
An obvious disadvantage is the cost.
Una desventaja obvia es el costo.
A good thing is we can start whenever we choose.
Una cosa buena es que podemos empezar cuando queramos
The drawback is we don't know their reputation.
El inconveniente es que no conocemos su reputacin.

It's Test Time

by Alicia Robins

It's August, and people are going back to college. They're also taking a
lot of English language tests.

"The trend in language education is to give students tests many times a year," said Trevor Burke, City College
president. "In the 1990s, we only gave tests once a year."

The tests help the college figure out which students need special language classes, he said.

"If the student passes the test, he can continue in his regular classes." But what happens if the student doesn't
pass? What if the student fails?

"If the student fails, there are special classes that can help," Burke said. "Or, sometimes, he can take the test

Vocabulario relativo a la educacin


Une las palabras con sus definiciones o dos palabras con significados similares.

o you have to answer questions
o test

o not fail
o pass

o solve
o figure out

o you can read real stories in it
o newspaper

o a change
o a trend

o go to college again
o go back to school

Trends show that students are taking more tests.

Las tendencias muestran que los estudiantes estn tomando ms exmenes.
The newspaper article is about language tests.
El artculo del peridico es sobre los exmenes de idiomas.
More and more people are going back to college.
Cada vez ms personas estn regresando a la universidad
If students don't pass the test, they fail the grade.
Si los estudiantes no pasan el examen, reprueban el ao.

Hablar de lo que es tpico


Hablar de lo que es tpico

Puede utilizar las siguientes expresiones para hablar de lo que es tpico. Si la expresin se refiere a un sustantivo, uti
preposicin for; si la expresin se refiere a un verbo, utilice to.

Es comn que las pers

It's common for older people to go back to school.
regresen a la escuela.
Es bastante normal em
It's pretty normal to start college at 18.
la universidad a los 18

Puede agregar nfasis a su enunciado mediante un doble negativo.

No es poco comn que

It's not uncommon for classes to start at 2 p.m.
empiecen a las 2 p.m.
No es inusual estudiar
It's not unusual to study all night before a test.
de un examen.
Adoptar una postura con respecto a alguna cuestin


Mira el video y estudia el idioma.
Tienes que ver la pelcula completa antes de poder ajustar la lnea del tiempo.




I'm totally against that.

Estoy totalmente en contra de eso.

I'm all for gap years.

Estoy totalmente a favor de los aos sabticos.

I'm in favor of them, too.

Yo tambin estoy a favor de ellos.

Agrupe las expresiones de acuerdo a si describen algo tpico o atpico.

Arrastra los grupos de palabras a la posicin correcta.

It's normal.
It's not uncommon.
It's not unusual.
It's not surprising.
It's the usual story.
It's uncommon.
It's unusual.
It's surprising.
It's not normal.

t's the usual story - work all day, study all night.
Es la historia de siempre: trabajar todo el da y estudiar toda la noche.
t's not unusual for wealthy children to go to college.
No es inusual que los nios adinerados vayan a la universidad.
It's common to go back to school when you're older.
Es comn regresar a la escuela cuando uno es mayor
It's not uncommon for classes to start at 9 a.m.
No es poco comn que las clases empiecen a las 9 a.m.
It's not surprising that college costs are rising.
No es sorprendente que los costos de la universidad estn aumentando.
It's pretty normal to study all night before a test.
Es bastante normal estudiar toda la noche antes de un examen.
Agrupe las expresiones en funcin a si expresan acuerdo o desacuerdo con algo.

Arrastra los grupos de palabras a la posicin correcta.

A favor
I support it.
I'm all for it.
I'm in favor of it.
En contra
I think that it's wrong.
I disagree with it.
I'm against it.

Adoptar una postura con respecto a alguna cuestin


Relaciona las dos mitades de las oraciones.

o I disagree
o with weekly tests.

o I'm all for teachers who
o give feedback.

o I'm in favor
o of public education.

o I'm against
o testing.

o I think that
o it's wrong to test kids.

Educacin en los Estados Unidos


Aparee la idea con el mejor ejemplo o razn.

Arrastra los grupos de palabras a la posicin correcta.

o I totally support e-books.
o You can read them on a tablet.

o Paper books are hard to carry.
o They're too heavy.

o It's common to use technology.
o Students get degrees online.

o I'm against the cost of books.
o It's not unusual to pay $100.

Educacin en los Estados Unidos

Mueve el texto a los espacios correctos.

I'm in favor of technology in education and, in fact, it's quite common for US colleges to use

technology. For example , it's not unusual for students to get degrees online. I'm not surprised ,

because you can study whenever and wherever you want. Another trend is that students are buying

electronic books, or e-books. I totally support the use of e-books and e-newspapers. You can read

them on a mobile device paper books are too heavy to carry! Also, I think it's wrong that paper books

cost more than e-books. It's not unusual to pay $100 for a paper book. I'm all for technology in

education. I just wish that technology could help me pass Monday's test in math class!

Eventos significativos

Mira el video y estudia el idioma.

Tienes que ver la pelcula completa antes de poder ajustar la lnea del tiempo.


getting married



salir en citas

asked him to marry her

le pidi que se casara con ella







going to have a baby

va a tener un beb

Palabras relativas a eventos significativos

Puede utilizar diferentes formas de palabras para hablar sobre eventos significativos.


She is going
Ella se va a casar con Paul.
to marry Paul.
She is getting
Ella se casar con Paul.
married to Paul.
He is dating Carol
now. He dates a lot l est saliendo con Carol ahora. l sale con muchas chicas.
of girls.
My sister got
pregnant six months
Mi hermana se embaraz seis meses despus de casarse.
after she got
Mis padres se divorciaron el ao pasado. Ellos se divorciaron por problemas de dinero.
My brother is married. Mi hermano est casado
My sister is pregnant. Mi hermana est embara
My parents are divorced. Mis padres estn divorci
Jenny broke up with me. I'm single again. Jenny rompi conmigo. O

parents divorced last Sustantivos
year. They got Marriage isn't always easy. El matrimonio no siempr
divorced because of How was your date with Carol? Cmo estuvo tu cita co
money problems. Dating makes me nervous. Salir en citas me pone ne
A normal pregnancy is about nine months long. Un embarazo normal dur
Divorce can be difficult for the kids. El divorcio puede ser dif
Eventos significativos

They got marriage married marry last year.

We were dating dated date for six months before we decided to get serious.

My parents are divorce divorced divorces . My mom lives in Florida; my dad, in Texas.

No, I haven't got a wife, or a girlfriend. I'm singled singling single .

Whenever my son and daughter-in-law have problems, I always tell them marry married marriage

Will you marry married marriage me?

We got divorce divorced divorcing two years ago, and I still miss him.

Pronombres indefinidos

Utilice pronombres indefinidos para referirse a personas, cosas y lugares no especficos. Generalmente, los pronomb
con some- se usan en enunciados positivos y los pronombres indefinidos con any- se usan en preguntas y enunciado


Somebody sent her a love letter. / Someone sent her a love letter.

Please don't tell anybody my secret. / Please don't tell anyone my secret.

Nobody believes her story. / No one believes her story.

Everybody knows they're dating. / Everyone knows they're dating.

Nota lingstica: Cuando se usan como parte de un pronombre indefinido, los sufijos -one y -body significan exactam

ronombres indefinidos
Utilice pronombres indefinidos para referirse a personas, cosas y lugares no especficos. Generalmente, los pronomb
con some- se usan en enunciados positivos y los pronombres indefinidos con any- se usan en preguntas y enunciado


Somebody sent her a love letter. / Someone sent her a love letter.

Please don't tell anybody my secret. / Please don't tell anyone my secret.

Nobody believes her story. / No one believes her story.

Everybody knows they're dating. / Everyone knows they're dating.

Nota lingstica: Cuando se usan como parte de un pronombre indefinido, los sufijos -one y -body significan exactam


Necesito un lugar tranquilo para trabajar. E

I need somewhere quiet to work. It's a little noisy in here.
Is there anywhere we haven't looked? Hay algn lugar dnde no hayamos busca
Yo estaba en un trabajo aburrido y mi vida
I was in a boring job, and my life was going nowhere.
ninguna parte.
He travels all the time. He's been everywhere. l viaja todo el tiempo. Ha estado por todas

Nota lingstica: Puede utilizar -place en vez de -where sin que cambie el significado.

Let's go someplace quiet. Vamos a algn lugar tranquilo.


I need to tell you something. Can you keep a secret? Necesito decirte algo. Puedes guardar un secr
Don't ask me. I don't know anything about it. No me preguntes. No s nada acerca de eso.
We only went on one date. We had nothing to talk about. Solo salimos una vez. No tenamos nada de qu
Penny and I talked last night. She told me everything. Penny y yo hablamos anoche. Ella me cont tod

Preguntas con some

Si usted espera o desea alentar una respuesta positiva, puede usar some- en una pregunta en vez de any-. Observe la ligera
en el significado de las siguientes preguntas.

Are you dating anyone? (El orador no sabe.)

Are you dating someone? (El orador sospecha que la persona est saliendo con alguien.)
Going anywhere nice on vacation? (El orador no sabe.)
Going somewhere nice on vacation? (El orador espera que la persona vaya a algn lugar agradable.)

I don't know anyone anything anywhere about it.

Nobody Nowhere Nothing listens to what you say.

Is there somewhere someone something you want to tell me?

Does anywhere anybody anything know where he is?

We need someplace something someone quiet to talk.

There is nobody nowhere nothing you can say to me.

Did you do anything nice this weekend?

I feel terrible because nobody believes me.

Please don't tell anyone . It's a secret.

We need to find somewhere quiet to relax. Wait a minute.

I have something to tell you. I have nowhere to go. Can I stay with you

Dar y recibir noticias inesperadas


Mueve el texto a los espacios correctos.

JESSICA: Hey, Chris.

CHRIS: Hey, Jessica. Listen - can you keep a secret ?

JESSICA: Yes, I can.

CHRIS: Are you sure ?

JESSICA: Yes, yes. Don't worry .

CHRIS: OK. You won't believe this but ... I heard that Sarah's going to divorce Paul and marry his

brother Rick.

JESSICA: I can't believe that! Is it true?

CHRIS: I swear it's true. Sarah told her sister, and her sister told me.

JESSICA: OK, now I'm really shocked .

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