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Yellow Bicycle CATERING COMPANY George Sarvis of The Fish Market & Dodiyss Yellow Bicycle CATERING COMPANY George Surris of The Fish: Market & Dediyés ‘weDDINGs ‘CORPORATE EVENTS SHOWERS BIRTHDAYS RECEPTIONS REUNIONS HOUDAY PARTIES 195 Vulon Road Homewood, AL 35209 205.940.7234 205.324.1804 ‘Why mess with success? If1've been asked this question once, I've been ccked this a thowsand ins... for al thse yous at The Fsh Narkst, our catering busines has grown cf @ tremendous pac. Sil some people were Hinde by the The Fish Markt catering ad esumed that we ony serve fi ond selfish, Choge the name, chonge the impression... ond somehow, through a much longer story you can ask about when yu see me, I deed that Yellow Bicycle Ctrng Companys the nome for mel For hundreds of years, bicycles with boskets have been used fo transport fruits, ‘egetbls and ote ingdins rom fds nd makes to home fr preparation of the foily mal. In this case, we ring this concept o you ur customer. Be it @ Simple lnc for your ofc, «ladies geogether,o rational Hew England dom broke, lobster bi «bf ne, on got seated offi for your olay port, 4 coperct ever, bo/bat mitzvah, wedding celebration or aniversary pay... ‘every detail will be handled. Yellow Bicycle Catering Company tokes oll he strengths of The Fish Mork catering eration hat has been in busines for oer 15 yes and expands upon that sucess. (ur new menu bas cil of your favorit dbs from The Fish Market plas more afferings fram around the corer ond around the word. OF couse, no one does seafood ete than us. Our exfersive men indues dows cretion such as whole rose lamb rubbed wh garlic, extra virgin iv o,resh-happed hrs, « shri ond rs ston, onary of beutiful handled sus a southwestern bar with sautéed cipal simp, sopper vero cuz, ceihe and amb souk wth warm ia brendan tik sou, (ur commitment o quality has nol changed. We continue make eveything in haus, from sth, sing ony the freshest ingredients fom as dose to home as possible. | am extremely excited obout this step forward in our constant quest to offer our castomars even mare of what you hae comet expect rom us. (ur upraed win seein, offers bath domes nd imported wines trie pints tha fit evry budge. We continu oseck out th es wines opi with al of eur meu items As luays, we wl bring the party to you wherever you chose. Our tucks are equipped vith refrigeration heated storage and even o charcoal brat. Ths allows 1 fo tronsport yout fod safely ond o cook on-site fran event of ny sie. Our deluxe 30 possengervors wil ranspor your guess o ond fom your even or even become part ofthe event, offering food and beveroge service enroute! We ao have rival dining ino The Fish Market Restaurant on Southside fr ports of 15-300, ur catering manogers, che, servers, bartenders ond designers ae all ere to ensure that your experince wih us wl exceed your expen. Through eur business, Pika & Pre (anther sory cn explain vhan you see me) | excsvely impr beautifully cred oper coffin dishes rom Trky, hand-painted ceramics and hardmade gs bows od plats rom Greece. Combined wih aniques and tees from orund the worl this rene he perfect backdrop for our card ffir. | grew up hearing “kai orexi” And so | soy to you, “Welcome Bring your heathy opp” Gens Kees

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