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2 0 1 4
R$ 15,00


Indstria de alimentos
e bebidas movimenta
R$ 431,9 bilhes

Logstica reduz custo
e otimiza tempo
de entrega

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200 Capa Final .indd 1 14/05/2014 10:46:17

200 Indumak.indd 2 14/05/2014 16:58:24
informe publicitrio | indumak


Empresa desenvolve projetos sob medida otimizando
as linhas de produo de seus clientes

om 51 anos de histria e solidez no segmento, a Indumak atua
fortemente na fabricao de empacotadoras, enfardadeiras
e paletizadores automticos, desenvolvendo aos clientes
projetos completos, integrando a tecnologia em seus pro-
cessos produtivos com foco na satisfao de seus resultados.
Atuando fortemente no mercado nacional e exportando para os cinco
continentes, a Indumak instalou em 2013 toda sua tecnologia de alta
preciso nos Estados Unidos, com sua base administrativa em Charlotte,
na Carolina do Norte, e escritrio de vendas e suporte tcnico em todo
o territrio americano.
A Indumak se destaca no mercado pela alta performance de suas Gelson Renato Schmidt, diretor-
presidente da Indumak
empacotadoras e enfardadeiras verticais, buscando o aperfeioamento
da linha de produo dos clientes. Investindo em mquinas que sejam O mercado nacional de emba-
mais atrativas visualmente e com total segurana, a Indumak se destaca lagens flexveis tambm tem
com o novo design de seus equipamentos, com belo acabamento, alm recebido apoio de tendncias
de toda sua eficincia. do exterior. Tenho encontrado
Atendendo as necessidades do mercado atravs de projetos construdos nas gndolas dos supermer-
um a um para cada cliente, com a marca que j tradio, a Indumak cados produtos nobres, de alto
oferece ampla rede de assistncia tcnica, o que garante ao cliente um valor agregado, disponveis em
atendimento rpido para o bom andamento de sua produo. A empresa embalagens plsticas, que at
vem se fortalecendo nos mercados em que j atua com maestria, tanto ento eram comercializados em
nos segmentos de empacotamento (VFFS), quanto no enfardamento caixas de carto. Com a opo
vertical. Ao mesmo tempo, algumas oportunidades tm surgido para o de pacotes de seis soldas, que
fracionamento de produtos em pesos maiores. A ergonomia um dos mantm o pacote bem firme
requisitos que obrigam as empresas a readequar seus SKUs para apre- na prateleira, o produto se
sentaes at 25kg. Outro fator que tambm impulsiona as empresas apresenta com design moderno
a necessidade de automatizar suas linhas de produo, otimizando e atualizado, alinhamento pre-
os custos produtivos, tornando-se cada vez mais competitivos no ciso e em perfeito acabamento,
mercado. Aliado s estas oportunidades, a Indumak apresenta ao ressalta Schmidt.
mercado sua linhas de mquinas de peso grande, com duas verses: MK-25 Para estreitar relacionamento
e PG-25, sendo o modelo, dedicado a embalagens maiores (produtos com clientes, acompanhar as
mais leves) afirma o diretor-presidente, Gelson Renato Schmidt. tendncias do setor, alm da
oportunidade de realizar novos
Imagens meramente ilustrativas. O equipamento pode sofrer alteraes sem aviso prvio.

negcios, a Indumak marcar

Alguns componentes so opcionais. Consulte o vendedor no momento da compra.

presena em trs grandes feiras:

Fispal Tecnologia, Embala Nor-
deste e Pack Expo Internacional.
Estamos atentos aos movimen-
tos do mercado, acrescentando
sempre tecnologias que agregam
valor aos negcios dos clientes,
Foto: Divulgao

finaliza o diretor-presidente.

(47) 2106-0555 |

Editora B2B 3

200 Indumak.indd 3 14/05/2014 16:58:45

carta ao leitor


ara o ponto de encontro O Brasil tambm o principal mercado para produ-
da indstria de alimentos tos longa vida na Amrica do Sul e o segundo maior
e bebidas, a 30 edio no mundo, atrs apenas da China. Dados do The
da Fispal Tecnologia, Canadian Institute Business Information in a Global

que acontecer de 3 a Context atestam que, em 2013, foram comerciali-
6 de junho, no Pavilho zadas mais de 14 bilhes de unidades de embalagens
do Anhembi, em So longa vida no Brasil. Para a gerente de Marketing da
Paulo, reunindo mais
Sig Combibloc para Amrica do Sul, Luciana Galvo,
de duas mil marcas que apresentaro as tendncias
a expectativa que, em 2018, estes nmeros supe-
do mercado para cerca de 60 mil profissionais. Res-
rem 20 bilhes o que representa um crescimento
ponsvel por apresentar a evoluo tecnolgica em
de cerca de 7% ao ano em unidades.
embalagens, mquinas, equipamentos, processos
e logstica para atender a indstria de alimentos e Outro ponto que merece destaque nesta edio que
bebidas, que movimentou R$ 431,9 bilhes em 2012, a necessidade de reduzir custo e otimizar o tempo
segundo dados da Associao Brasileira da Indstria de entrega com maior disponibilidade de produtos
de Alimentos (ABIA), a feira representa segmentos far com que as empresas invistam cada vez mais no
que tm demonstrado crescimento forte, como vidro, sistema logstico. De acordo com o vice-presidente
com 9,31%, e metlicas, com 7,57%. de Comercializao e de Marketing da Associao
Para 2014, empresas de massas e biscoitos projetam Brasileira de Logstica (Abralog), Edson Carrilo Jr,
expanso no faturamento na faixa de 3 a 7%, em re- estas atividades tm influncia direta no resultado
lao ao ano passado, segundo a Associao Brasileira da empresa, pois compem uma parcela importante
das Indstrias de Massas Alimentcias e Po e Bolo das despesas (de 8 a 12% do faturamento), ainda
Industrializados (Abima). A Associao Brasileira do no que se refere ao nvel de servio ao cliente, como
Papelo Ondulado, ABPO, divulgou bons nmeros disponibilidade e prazo de entrega. Os custos ainda
para 2014. Fabricantes j mantinham, em 2013, so altos. Gastamos aproximadamente 11,5% do Pro-
perspectivas de aumento de 4% nos despachos de duto Interno Bruto (PIB) brasileiro com logstica, o
chapas, placas e acessrios, acima dos 2,5 a 3% esti- que retira competitividade das empresas brasileiras,
mados para o ano anterior. J o mercado de garrafas deveramos gastar algo como 8,5%, aponta.
de vidro, somente em 2013 j previa crescimento E para fechar os pontos altos desta edio, entre-
de 20%, segundo notcias do Instituto Brasileiro do vistamos Daniel di Santi Corra, Group Leader na
Vinho (Ibravin). Mondelez Brasil, que nos revelou a relao da empresa
O Estudo Brasil Pack Trends 2020, do Instituto de com o nosso assunto-chave: a embalagem.
Tecnologia de Alimentos (ITAL) revela que o Brasil
destaca-se na reciclagem de embalagens de alumnio,
Boa leitura!
com ndice acima de 97%, em comparao com Japo,
EUA, Europa e Argentina. Em relao reciclagem de
PET, fica abaixo somente do Japo. E na reciclagem
de papelo, o Brasil est acima de Europa e Argentina.

200_Carta ao Leitor.indd 4 14/05/2014 11:08:32

sumrio 200
A N O 1 6

Foto: Leandro Andrade


Daniel di Santi
Corra, Group
Leader na

Mondelez Brasil,
conta como entrou
no mercado de
Foto:Fispal Tecnologia

Daniel Corra, Group Leader na Mondelez Brasil, entrou no mercado de
embalagens por acaso e se apaixonou. Sua meta fazer a embalagem ser
percebida como valor na companhia.


Deciso do STF sobre ISS x ICMS ainda est longe do fim. Confira o artigo de
Rafael Gatto, da Abe, Guimares e Rocha Neto Advogados.


Fispal Tecnologia:
Indstria de alimentos e bebidas se reunir de 3 a 6 de junho, durante a Fispal
ponto de encontro
Tecnologia, em So Paulo. Mais de duas mil marcas apresentaro tendncias.
de mais de duas mil
marcas da indstria de
alimentos e bebidas 36 ESPECIAL MARKEM-IMAJE
Empresa instalou quatro novas codificadoras de transferncia trmica nas
instalaes industriais das Usinas Itamarati, em Nova Olmpia, Mato Grosso.

Operaes de envase asseguram durabilidade e qualidade dos produtos
embalados. Indstria fornecedora vem registrando evoluo tecnolgica.

Logstica essencial para a cadeia produtiva e usuria do setor de embalagem
entregar ao cliente o produto na hora certa e a um custo adequado
Operaes de envase
asseguram durabilidade
e qualidade dos produtos
embalados. Cartonadas
marcam presena

Foto: Tetra Pak




200_ndice de matrias.indd 5 14/05/2014 17:01:36




Fispal Food Service EDITORA CHEFE: Thais Martins
Feira Internacional de COLABORAO: Analice Bonatto e
24 a 27 de
junho Produtos e Servios Expo Center Norte SP Ceclia Borges
para Alimentao ASSESSORA TCNICA: Assunta Camilo (FuturePack)
Fora do Lar
REVISO: Nazar Baracho
3 Salo Internacional PROJETO GRFICO: Editora B2B
24 a 26 de de Alimentao para a Expo Center Norte SP
junho PRODUO: Luciano Tavares de Lima (gerente)
Amrica Latina
DESIGNER: Ana Claudia Martins
Feira Internacional CAPA: Ana Claudia Martins
24 a 27 de de Tecnologia para a FOTO DA CAPA: Tetra Pak
junho Expo Center Norte SP
Indstria de Sorveteria
16 a 22 de Expoprint Latin Transamrica
julho Expo Center SP Assunta Camilo Napolitano, diretora da FuturePack e do
Instituto de Embalagens Eduardo Tadashi Yugue, gerente
de embalagens da Nestl Brasil Geraldo Cardoso Guitti,
International diretor do Conselho Administrativo da Refrigerantes
Foodtec Brasil - Feira
5 a 7 de Expo Unimed Conveno Iorley Correia Lisboa, gerente P&D e Inovao
agosto Internacional de Curitiba PR
Fornecedores para a de Embalagens Marcas Exclusivas do Walmart Brasil Joo
Indstria de Alimentos Batista Ferreira, CEO da J2B Innovation to Business
Lincoln Seragini, presidente da Seragini Design e Luis
Fernando Madi, Diretor Geral do Instituto de Tecnologia

Argenpls 2014 Tel.: (11) 3500-1908
16 a 20 Exposicin Centro Costa Salguero,
junho Internacional
Buenos Aires, Rajah Chahine
de Plsticos
Tel.: (11) 3500-1909
Centro Banamex Executivos de Negcios So Paulo Interior
17 a 20 de Expo Pack Aqueropita Intermediaes de Negcios Ltda. Contato:
junho Cidade do Mxico,
Mxico 2014 Mxico Aparecida A. Stefani
Tel.: (16) 3413-2336 Cel.: (11) 9647-0044 Fax: (11) 3500-1935
2 a 4 de Propak West
setembro Africa 2014
Lagos Nigria Rio Grande do Sul
Interface Comunicao e Propaganda Ltda. Contato:
Vera Anjos
Av. Taquara, 193 Cj. 406 CEP 90460-210 Porto Alegre-RS
7 a 10 de Tokyo Pack 2014 Tokyo Big Sight Japo Tel./Fax: (51)3737.9200 (51)9969.0727
Rio de Janeiro
Art Comunicao S/C Ltda. Contato: Francisco Neves
21 a 23 de Propak Cape 2014 frica do Sul Rua Des. Joo Claudino Oliveira e Cruz, 50 cj. 607
CEP 22793-071 Rio de Janeiro-RJ
Tels.: (21) 2269-7760 (11) 9943-5530 Fax: (21) 3899-1274



15 de Noviembre 2547 C1261 AAO
Tel.: (54-11) 4943-8500 Fax y Mensajes: (54-11) 4943-8540

Jardim Progredior So Paulo-SP CEP 05615-190
TELEFONE (11) 3500-1900


ASSOCIAO BRASILEIRA DE AUTOMAO uma publicao mensal da Editora B2B.
A PACK dirigida aos profissionais que ocupam cargos tcnicos,
de direo, gerncia e superviso em empresas fornecedoras,
PARA SE CORRESPONDER COM A REDAO convertedoras e usurias de embalagens, bem como prestadores

Rua dos Trs Irmos, 771

de servios relacionados logstica, design e todos os processos
E-MAIL Jardim Progredior So Paulo-SP CEP 05615-190 relacionados a indstrias de embalagem.
TELEFONE 11 3500-1921 | FAX 11 3500-1935 AT








permitida a divulgao das informaes contidas na revista desde que citada a fonte.
PACK reserva-se o direito de publicar somente informaes que considerar relevantes
e do interesse dos leitores da revista.

200_Agenda_Cartas_Expediente.indd 6 14/05/2014 17:07:10

7_BAUKO.indd 7 14/05/2014 12:00:24
Foto: Leandro Andrade



8 EdiTorA B2B

200 Entrevista .indd 8 15/05/2014 02:35:00


om formao em engenharia mecnica, Daniel
di Santi Corra, Group Leader na Mondelz
Brasil, entrou na rea de embalagens por acaso.
Um amigo o convidou para trabalhar na Dixie
Toga e, a partir da, passou a se interessar pelo mercado.
Todo mundo dizia que quem entra nesse setor, se apaixona.
Comigo no foi diferente, afirma.
Corra teve algumas oportunidades interessantes dentro da
Dixie Toga, podendo acompanhar o surgimento de novas
tecnologias, que trouxeram para o executivo conhecimento
na parte de converso, estruturas, barreiras e funcionali-
dades das embalagens. Aps 10 anos de casa, passou a integrar
o time da Amcor Flexibles, trabalhando com embalagens fle-
xveis focadas na rea mdico-hospitalar (chamada de emba-
lagem para esterilizao); depois atuou na parte de usurio
final na Cadbury e, em seguida, aps fuso da empresa com a
Kraft, assumiu o cargo de Group Leader na Mondelz Brasil.
A meta , cada vez mais, fazer a embalagem ser percebida
como valor dentro dos negcios da companhia.

EdiTorA B2B 9

200 Entrevista .indd 9 15/05/2014 02:35:20


Foto: Leandro Andrade

produto, como a prpria empresa. A
proposta fazer com que a embala-
gem seja percebida pelo consumidor
e, ele mesmo, nos d as respostas.
Como o caso do Trident, sua emba-
lagem de fcil abertura e a prpria
embalagem pode ser refechada. Isso
um atributo valiosssimo, voc pode
at mudar o produto, mas nunca po-
der se esquecer disso. No adianta
ficar inventando o que j funciona,
simples e funcional. E este atributo
no veio por acaso, fruto de uma
srie de pesquisas. Hoje, a Mondelz
realiza muitas pesquisas para produ-
tos. No Brasil, temos poucas pesqui-
sas que abordem as embalagens. E
este um trabalho que estamos come-
ando a desenvolver, pois facilita
nossa vida, entregamos o que o con-
sumidor realmente quer, alm de ter
subsdios para tomar decises. um
desafio constante, porm prazeroso.
PA C K : C o n t e - n o s s o b r e
sua atuao na Mondelz,
por favor.
Corra: So sete anos de compa-
nhia e, hoje, tenho a funo de gestor.
Respondo pela categoria de balas e
gomas, j tendo atuado pela categoria
de bebidas em p e sobremesas. Te-
nho um time e nos reportamos para
Mrcia Gasparini, nossa gestora no
Brasil. A atuao muito focada no
desenvolvimento da embalagem em
si, sua eficincia, otimizao, alm
de ter uma relao muito forte com
marketing, fbrica e o departamento
de compras. A embalagem tem que
ser bacana, mas tambm tem que
atender aos requisitos das linhas.
PACK: Qual a preocupao da
empresa com a embalagem?
Revista PACK: Como o senhor enxerga a embalagem?
Corra: Inovao. A companhia
Daniel di Santi Corra: Sou at suspeito, pois sou apaixonado por embala- espera gerar faturamento adicional
gem. Minha meta fazer, cada vez mais, a embalagem ser percebida como valor em cima disso. Quando falamos em
dentro dos negcios da companhia, afinal parte importante para que o produto inovao em embalagem, normal-
mantenha suas caractersticas, alm de ser uma forma de comunicar, no s o mente falaremos em linhas novas:

10 Editora B2B

200 Entrevista .indd 10 15/05/2014 02:35:33

AT Editora Banas
Foto: Leandro Andrade
investimento, diversificao e o suporte dos prprios fornecedores
de matrias-primas, convertedores, pois no temos acesso a tudo. A
Mondelz, em termos de embalagem, est se estruturando ainda mais.
Temos um laboratrio bastante completo e estamos ampliando-o,
trazendo mais equipamentos e ferramentas para que possamos ser o
mais autnomo possvel no desenvolvimento. Por outro lado, existem
processos que ainda no temos domnio e precisamos do suporte da
cadeia para chegar ao resultado final.
PACK: Algum case inovador que se destaque?
Corra: O Sonho de Valsa um case bastante interessante. Temos
dados que o produto mantido crocante por mais tempo, considerado
mais higinico, sem perder a identidade que tinha no comeo. O twist
e a cor trouxeram uma inovao, mas no descaracterizou o produto,
o que muito importante.
J na linha de tabletes temos os sistemas de abre e fecha, tambm
percebidos pelo consumidor. O Halls XS vem em uma caixinha que
foi lanada h trs anos e ainda um produto de muito sucesso. No
Trident, temos o Global Connections, uma carteirinha em embalagem
carto que contm 7 ou 14 gomas e traz o apelo de sofisticao. Temos
vrias histrias interessantes.
PACK: A empresa destina uma verba especfica para o
desenvolvimento de suas embalagens?
Corra: O departamento de embalagem tem um oramento prprio.

200 Entrevista .indd 11 15/05/2014 02:35:45

Foto: Leandro Andrade

Dentro do departamento de pesquisa as tecnologias para que possamos PACK: Dentro da sua categoria,
e desenvolvimento de embalagem, proteger a companhia e, tambm, qual o carro-chefe?
temos um time global que pesquisa ter flexibilidade de compartilhar
embalagens, alm de contar com o Corra: O Trident. Na empresa
solues com as outras filiadas.
suporte dos times de categorias glo- como um todo chocolates tem o
Hoje, a tecnologia est muito dispo- maior volume.
bais de pesquisa. Cada categoria tem
nvel, a diferena talvez seja o acesso
o seu centro de tecnologia. Tambm PACK: Qual a percepo dos
que voc tenha a ela por questes de
contamos com recursos locais, como consumidores em relao aos
o CETEA (Centro de Tecnologia de investimento. O que tentamos fazer
seus produtos?
Embalagens), por exemplo. levantar as demandas dos produtos
que temos aqui para trabalhar local- Corra: A categoria de balas e gomas
PACK: Trazem experincia de mente com os recursos disponveis muito relacionada diverso e um
fora do Brasil para o grupo? e fazer uso dos times globais que pouco do que tentamos levar para a
Corra: Sim. A embalagem de table- temos. Eles sempre esto um passo embalagem. uma categoria onde
tes de chocolate um caso. Trouxe- nossa frente em termos de inovao. se v um dinamismo muito grande
mos uma tecnologia da Europa para preciso compartilhar essas deman- com mudanas em embalagens. A
c. O Trident Global Connections das e entender o que existe fora do linha Bubbaloo atende crianas; o
tambm foi uma ideia do time glo- Brasil que, eventualmente, possa ser Chiclets para uma faixa etria mais
bal. Temos uma preocupao muito aplicado para aquele tipo de produto intermediria, e a linha Trident e
grande em desenvolver e patentear que queremos. Halls para um pblico mais adulto.

12 Editora B2B

200 Entrevista .indd 12 16/05/2014 01:40:13

AT Editora Banas
Os produtos tm muito essa questo de questo do carinho e do cuidado com no formato correto para que no tenha
diverso, distrao e confiana. o posicionamento da fita, etiqueta e o desperdcio.
posicionamento do ovo.
PACK: H alguma poca do PACK: Para finalizar, conte-
ano especial para a empresa, PACK: E o que se destaca em nos sobre a estrutura da
algum lanamento? termos de sustentabilidade? Mondelz.
Corra: Estamos trazendo o Trident Corra: O Tang a marca que tem a Corra: A Mondelz uma empresa
de carteirinha com dois sabores no- bandeira de sustentabilidade aqui no global com fbricas em todos os con-
vos, em formato diferente. A Pscoa Brasil. A companhia tem dentro de tinentes. No Brasil a empresa tem um
um evento quase que um negcio suas metas um tpico especfico para foco grande no mercado de snacks,
parte para ns, tem toda uma estru- este assunto e o Tang quem puxa as chocolate, balas e gomas e no mercado
tura focada nesta data. O portflio atividades. Apesar de ser uma tema de suco em p, como o Tang, o Fresh.
do ano seguinte fechado bem antes, muito complexo, uma bandeira muito Temos atuao no Brasil inteiro. No
comeamos a produzir com muita importante para a companhia. Logo, caso de balas e gomas, temos fbrica
antecedncia, o volume de produo na medida do possvel, tentamos atuar em Bauru (SP); chocolates, bebidas em
um salto absurdo e conta com muita em todos os sentidos: consumindo me- p e Philadelphia, em Curitiba (PR) e a
contratao temporria. um pro- nos material de embalagem e dimensio- fbrica de Vitria de Santo Anto (PE)
cesso ainda muito manual, com uma nando a embalagem no tamanho ideal, que produz Chocolates e Biscoitos.

informe publicitrio | thalls

Thalls: tampas metlicas

agregam valor ao produto

e acordo com o diretor industrial da Thalls
Indstria Metalrgica Tampas de Alumnio,
Gilberto dos Santos Rodrigues, a tampa de
alumnio sempre teve como maior finalidade ser
um sistema de fechamento, vedao e proteo dos
produtos, mas, alm de vedar frascos, a tampa tambm
tem um importante papel na esttica do item final,
agregando valor e maior sofisticao aos produtos.
Presente no mercado h 10 anos, a Thalls tem como seu
principal alvo o segmento de cosmticos, tornando-se
especialista e apresentando tendncias. A empresa
emprega em seus trabalhos materiais nacionais e
importados de primeira qualidade no que se refere
aos mais variados tipos de tampas de alumnio, com
destaque para o sistema Pilfer Proof e os lacres com e
sem rosca. Para a diretora comercial, Maria Rosa Rossi,
as tampas de alumnio sero tendncias por serem
derivadas de um minrio de fonte esgotvel (bauxita).
Por ser um produto biodegradvel, o alumnio est
plenamente de acordo com as necessidades de
sustentabilidade que temos pela frente, aponta.
Entre as dificuldades apontadas pela empresa neste
setor, ressaltam-se os impostos altos, matria-prima
dolarizada e a falta de padronizao nos dimetros
dos frascos em geral.

THALLS | | (11) 2432-4567 | (11) 2433-3735

200 Entrevista .indd 13 15/05/2014 02:36:07



Kinder Ovo anuncia novidades para a

Pscoa 2014
Para a Pscoa de 2014,
Kinder Ovo reedita Kinder
Ovo Maxi, de 2013,
Msica na embalagem: Novos sabores de com opes para
Trident com videoclipe da banda Skank meninos e meninas.
As embalagens de Trident nas verses Hortel Intenso e As embalagens,
Melo-Limo sero palco da estreia da nova msica da nas cores azul e
banda mineira Skank. Em uma nova ao que evidencia rosa, identicam e
sua conexo com a msica, a marca lder em gomas de informam claramente
mascar no Brasil decidiu se aliar s ferramentas da internet a modicao
para trazer uma novidade para seus consumidores. do produto ao
consumidor. Para eles,
o leo estar presente
como o personagem nas
Foto: Divulgao

Foto: Divulgao

surpresas, que vo de pescarias, lana-discos e

carrinhos de corrida. Para as meninas, a gatinha
e a coelhinha com kit cartas, latinha criativa
sero as opes de brinquedos.

Onde achar?

[CONEXO WEB ] as mais lidas no


Embalagens de alumnio e sua reciclagem esto na pauta do
Em que rea da sua empresa atuam os Congresso e Seminrio da Expoalumnio
responsveis por embalagem? Congresso Internacional mostra as novas aplicaes do
alumnio para produo de embalagens alm de novas tcnicas
Compras (60%) para reaproveit-las.

Qualidade (30%)
Filial brasileira da Eurofeedback vai trazer novo equipamento
Embalagem (10%)
de descontaminao de alimentos
Desenvolvimento Os produtores de ma j utilizam mquina na Europa
de produto 0%
com sucesso.

Marketing 0%
Mecalor lana na Plastshow sua nova linha de
Termorreguladores 2014
Especialista em solues de engenharia trmica, Mecalor lana
com exclusividade a nova linha TMR 2014.

Interaja! Conra a enquete do ms e vote na Fispal Tecnologia chega 30 edio consolidando-se como
home do site! Onde achar?
principal feira para as indstrias de alimentos e bebidas
Feira representa segmentos que tm demonstrado crescimento
forte, como vidro, com 9,31% e metlicas, com 7,57%. Indstria
[DESTAQUES] de Alimentos e Bebidas movimentou R$ 431,9 bilhes em 2012.

Dvidas sobre o mercado?
Nossos consul- O NEWSLETTER QUINZENAL DA INDSTRIA Misturas prontas em embalagens asspticas garantem qualidade,
tores esclarecem convenincia e ecincia para o setor de food service
Toda quinzena, a newslet-
os mais diversos Em vrias partes do mundo, este setor tem experimentado um
ter entrega no seu e-mail as
temas do setor. crescimento dinmico nos ltimos anos.
notcias mais importantes
Envie sua per-

gunta e leia as respostas para da indstria de embalagens. Conra a lista das 10 notcias mais acessadas no site e as leia na ntegra!
nossos internautas no Blog da Cadastre-se no site! Fonte: Google Analytics * Perodo de 24/3/14 a 16/4/14
Pack. E-mail Acesse! Onde achar?


200_Pack_online.indd 14 14/05/2014 12:03:03

15_MEADWESTVACO.indd 15 14/05/2014 12:04:15
por dentro das leis


Natureza, ISS, ou do ICMS

Foto: Divulgao
no setor de embalagens, pos-
sui natureza cautelar, ou seja,
trata-se de uma deciso pro-
visria, proferida mediante
uma anlise preliminar dos
Ministros quanto matria.
Maior certeza jurdica dar-se-
somente quando da anlise da
Ao Direta de Inconstitucio-
nalidade pelos Ministros.
Portanto, a questo do ISS x
ICMS na operao das em-
balagens ainda deve ter alguns
desdobramentos. fato que o
deferimento da medida caute-
lar na ADIN 4389 conferiu um
importante direcionamento
para a questo. Entretanto, o
cenrio pode mudar assim que
o processo retornar pauta do
STF e, dada a mudana nor-
mal no quadro dos ministros
do STF, no de se surpreen-
der caso haja uma alterao
no entendimento proferido
naquela oportunidade e que
ainda se encontra vigente.

Assim, a definio, que hoje
onforme nos aproximamos do aniversrio de trs anos pela incidncia do ICMS, pode
da deciso proferida pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal na ser reformada de forma que
ADIN n 4389, que determinou a incidncia do Imposto volte a incidir o ISS sobre as
sobre Operaes relativas Circulao de Mercadorias e operaes de industrializao
sobre Prestaes de Servios de Transporte Interestadual e Inter- de embalagem e, como se ob-
municipal e de Comunicao, ICMS, na atividade industrializao serva, o contribuinte permane-
de embalagens, vale lembrar um importante aspecto processual: ce na pior situao possvel, a
essa deciso no definitiva e, pelo que nos parece, a questo da insegurana jurdica. Nesse
ainda est longe de ser resolvida. ponto, vale lembrar que a an-
Isso porque o posicionamento do STF em abril de 2011 sobre a lise dessa matria e de seu re-
polmica da incidncia do Imposto Sobre Servio de Qualquer flexo na carga tributria no

16 Editora B2B

200_Leis.indd 16 14/05/2014 12:05:36

Vaivm do
simples e direta, haja vista que muitas vezes necessrio um PRESIDNCIA DA ABRE
vai muito alm de comparar a planejamento de longo prazo,
alquota do ISS (2 a 5%), com que envolve, por exemplo, mu-
a alquota do ICMS (18%). dana de toda a sua estrutura

Foto: Divulgao
Se o cerne da questo fosse industrial para outro Estado,
simplesmente essa compara- o que exige, muitas vezes, um
o das alquotas dos impos- relevante investimento. Isso
tos, o ISS seria muito mais demanda, por razes bvias,
vantajoso. Ocorre que, para a em um ambiente legal est-
maior parte dos contribuintes, vel. Exatamente o que no
A Associao Brasileira de Embala-
o ICMS mostra-se mais ben- se verifica no caso do merca- gem anuncia sua nova diretoria. Gisela
fico por conta do seu regime do de embalagens tendo em Schulzinger a nova presidente da
no-cumulativo, pois so con- vista a delonga do STF para entidade, que tambm contar com
confirmar da medida cautelar um conselho renovado para o prximo
tribuintes do referido imposto binio 2014/16. Gisela reforar o
e podem descontar crditos deferida em 2011. papel do design como diferencial com-
relativos s etapas anteriores Dada a complexidade do siste- petitivo e parte fundamental da estrat-
da cadeia produtiva, o que re- ma tributrio atualmente em gia de negcios das empresas. Formada
sulta em uma carga tributria vigor no Brasil, as empresas pela ESPM e ps-graduada em Cincias
do Consumo Aplicadas pela mesma
menor do que a aplicao de so obrigadas a suportar cus- instituio, a executiva atua na rea de
18% sobre o faturamento de tos operacionais que refletem design h mais de 25 anos. Hoje scia
forma linear. direta ou indiretamente em da Pande, agncia especializada em de-
Naturalmente, no se pode sua atividade e rentabilidade, senvolvimento de projetos de Branding
pois, necessariamente, preci- e Design Estratgico e Inovao.
desconsiderar que a quantida-
de e a qualidade dos crditos sam investir em consultoria, FRANCISCO PIRES O NOVO
de ICMS so particulares treinamento e atualizao VICE-PRESIDENTE DA NOVELIS
de cada cadeia produtiva e constante das pessoas que
que consequentemente cada sero responsveis pela de-
empresa tem uma situao finio e implementao de
Foto: Divulgao

prpria de apurao do ICMS, suas estratgias econmicas

sendo que mudanas simples e tributrias.
em sua sistemtica a apurao Por isso, a segurana jurdica
pode resultar em grandes dife- to importante, e no somente
renas na carga tributria, at pelo risco de alterao direta
mesmo a diferena entre um da carga tributria, mas igual-
saldo credor ou saldo devedor mente pela necessidade de A Novelis nomeou Francisco Pires,
do ICMS. investimento e planejamento que desde 2012 atuava como diretor
de Supply Chain, como vice-presidente
E aqui est o problema. Para para a eficincia tributria das Comercial da Novelis Amrica do Sul.
que uma empresa possa me- empresas. E tudo isso contribui O executivo assume a vaga de Manfred
lhorar sua eficincia tributria para formao do custo Brasil. Stanek, que passou a ocupar o cargo de
vice-presidente global de Estratgia e
Chief Comercial Officer em Atlanta,
EUA, na sede da Companhia. Pires
passou pelas empresas Fibria e
*Rafael Augusto Oliva Gatto Votorantim Papel e Celulose e ser,
Advogado especialista em Direito Tributrio pela PUC/SP. Atua na rea consultiva agora, responsvel pela estratgia de
por meio da elaborao de pareceres e opinies legais para implementao de
procedimentos fiscais em planejamento tributrio. Analisa aspectos tributrios crescimento e expanso dos mercados
das auditorias legais e atua em contencioso tributrio com foco em processos de latas para bebidas e especialidades,
administrativos no escritrio Abe,Guimares e Rocha Neto Advogados. e pelo desenvolvimento de novas linhas
de produtos e canais de distribuio.


200_Leis.indd 17 14/05/2014 12:05:39

informe publicitrio | silgan


Pioneira da tecnologia Twist-Off, a empresa lana a tampa
deep twist-off, que, alm de realar o produto no PDV, oferece
ao consumidor uma suave abertura e resselagem do produto

esmo sob margens menores que as alcanadas em 2012, o
ano de 2013 teve um excelente desempenho no mercado Marcelo Ramos, gerente de
local, com um expressivo crescimento em comparao ao ano desenvolvimento e projetos da Silgan
anterior para a Silgan White Cap do Brasil Ltda. De acordo toro, que foi projetada especifi-
com o Gerente de Desenvolvimento e Projetos, Marcelo camente para processos de envase
Ramos, a empresa apresentou ao mercado novas aplicaes de suas e preservao de alimentos pelo
tampas, em especial no segmento de lcteos, como o iogurte sem lactose mtodo de Vapour-Vacuum,
da Danubio e o leite pasteurizado da Cooper para os quais foi aplicada a que propicia propriedades
tampa Twist-Off, bem como a ampliao da famlia de antepastos da La excelentes de barreira de oxignio
Pianezza, com a nova tampa deep twist-off, primeiro produto lanado aumentando consideravelmente
no Brasil com tampa de saia alta, que, alm de realar o produto no PDV, a validade dos alimentos embala-
oferece ao consumidor uma suave abertura e resselagem do produto. dos. No portfolio, vale mencionar
Para Ramos, este ano se mostra mais desafiador, pois a seca que atin- tambm uma tampa Premium
giu o Pas refletiu tambm nos negcios da empresa, como a queda da que consiste em um sistema de
safra de pepino estimada em 25%, diminuindo os volumes de envase do fechamento vacuum holding
pepino em conserva, importante produto no portfolio de vendas da (alta reteno de vcuo) que ofe-
Silgan. Em compensao tivemos um excelente desempenho no mercado rece propriedades excelentes para
de sucos prontos, com um expressivo aumento no consumo do suco de barreira de oxignio com validade
uva, que caiu no gosto do consumidor devido ao apelo saudvel do pro- de produto prolongada. uma
duto gerando um crescimento expressivo neste segmento. A preocupao tampa sem garras, aplicada ao
hoje se concentra nas exportaes. Temos negcios com a Argentina, bocal do vidro que submetida,
porm a poltica internacional adotada pelo pas vizinho no tem permi- por meio de dispositivos me-
tido que os clientes cumpram com seus compromissos internacionais, cnicos, aos efeitos da presso,
o que afeta as relaes comerciais e os embarques regulares, afirma. ou aperto, em conjunto com a
Pertencente a um grupo internacional chamado Silgan Holdings Inc., que toro, que consiste em um pro-
Fotos: Divulgao

existe desde 1987, agrupou vrios segmentos de embalagens alimentcias, duto diferenciado com construo
entre eles a White Cap que foi fundada em 1926. A Silgan White Cap altamente higinica e enorme
atua no Brasil desde 1996, quando iniciou suas operaes para o mercado resistncia a riscos de violabilidade.
alimentcio local e sul-americano. Atualmente, a nossa empresa possui Recentemente, o Grupo Silgan
um portfolio crescente tem realizado aquisies importan-
de produtos que atende tes que abriram novos horizontes
o mercado nacional e de negcios bem como fortalece-
de vrios outros pases ram os segmentos de mercado nos
da Amrica do Sul. As quais atua. Por meio de nossos
nossas tampas so apli- centros de pesquisa, localizados
cadas em variados tipos na Europa e nos Estados Unidos,
e tamanhos de potes podemos assessorar nossos clientes
de vidro para alimen- nas mais diversas necessidades
tos como conservas, relacionadas a novos produtos,
doces, bebidas e latic- adequaes em processos atuais,
nios, revela o gerente. e inovaes que tragam diferen-
A Silgan a empresa ciais e maior competitividade em
inventora da tampa Twist nosso mercado, finaliza Ramos.
Off, tambm conhecida Silgan White Cap do Brasil
como tampa de garras ou (11) 5585-0723 |

18 Editora B2B

200 Silgan.indd 18 14/05/2014 12:21:06

200 Silgan.indd 19 14/05/2014 12:21:11

sabores de todo o mundo

Fotos: Divulgao
O Grupo Bimbo lana uma edio limitada da linha Crocantssimo Sabores do Mundo: Itlia, Alemanha,
Argentina, Frana e Brasil, que chegam ao pas da Copa com o gostinho caracterstico de cada nao.
Crocantssimo Brasil explora o delicioso sabor de churrasco, paixo de todo brasileiro, combinado com um toque
de vinagrete. J a verso Argentina apresenta a tradicional parrilla. A Alemanha combina o sabor de salsicha com
molho de mostarda. Na Itlia, a combinao de tomate fresco, mussarela de bfala, azeite e manjerico. J a
Frana apresenta uma sofisticada edio de fondue de queijo.

arCor apimentou seus breakup bom bril JoGando um bolo

Em virtude da maior festa do futebol, a marca de
esponja de ao trocar seu nome. Bom de Bola
estampar as embalagens do produto que ter
as cores da bandeira brasileira. A criao foi da
Foto: Divulgao

agncia Open D!. A ao contar tambm com

a participao da embaixadora da marca, Ivete
Sangalo, que estar vestida de verde e amarelo nas
campanhas de merchandising da empresa.

A Arcor do Brasil lana o sabor Pimenta para sua

linha de biscoitos breakUP. As embalagens de 162
gramas, com seis unidades de 27 gramas cada,
trazem no verso uma seleo de receitas doces e
salgadas. A linha tambm est disponvel na verso
multipack. Bom apetite!
Foto: Divulgao

20 Editora B2B

Pack200_Atualidades.indd 20 14/05/2014 12:31:12

Gua s. pelleGrino em pet disneY inVade embalaGens neXCare
de 1 litro

Foto: Divulgao
Foto: Divulgao

A marca de cuidados pessoais da 3M conta

A gua mineral italiana da Nestl Waters agora com novos curativos decorados Disney: Nexcare
conta com a verso garrafa de PET de 1 litro. As Superflexveis Mickey Mouse & Amigos e os Prova
novas embalagens esto disponveis para compra dgua Princesas. Os curativos acompanham os
individual ou em packs com seis garrafas, que vm movimentos do corpo e possibilitam a proteo do
com alas para facilitar o transporte. A empresa j machucado sem comprometer a mobilidade da
possui o produto em embalagens de vidro em 250, criana, alm de ser prova dgua. As embala-
505 e 750 mililitros. gens vm com 15 unidades.

a embalaGem Que Canta

Fotos: Divulgao

Alm dos novos sabores de Trident, Hortel Intenso e Melo-Limo, os consumidores podero assistir, em primeira
mo (e ainda gravar suas verses personalizadas), o videoclipe do Skank nas novas embalagens do produto. O
projeto em parceria com o Twitter e foi desenvolvido para o lanamento da msica Ela me deixou, da banda
mineira. Nas embalagens haver hashtags e, ao twitt-las, o usurio receber um trecho do videoclipe, alm de
ser redirecionado ao hotsite para assistir ao filme completo.

Editora B2B 21

Pack200_Atualidades.indd 21 14/05/2014 12:31:30


Novos cortes da Adria Grano DOro Cartunista assina rtulo da

Absolut Vodka
Em edio limitada, a Absolut

Foto: Divulgao
Taste of Karnival chega ao Bra-
sil com sabor indito (maracuj
com flor de laranjeira), alm do

Foto: Divulgao
rtulo assinado pelo cartunista
brasileiro Rafael Gramp. Inspi-
rado nas transformaes que o
carnaval provoca nas pessoas,
o artista desenvolveu uma arte
exclusiva para ilustrar a garrafa.
Dentre os personagens exclu-
sivos e repletos de atitude e de
cores, esto um cachorro ves-
tido como um galo; um jovem
fantasiado com uma cabea
de idoso; um gigante de rosto
A marca de massas e biscoitos apresenta os novos azul que se diverte em abraar
cortes da linha Adria Grano DOro: Gnocchi, Penne os outros; uma bela rainha no
Birigate e Stortelli. Feitos com gro duro (trigo es- corpo de peixe e o Cavaleiro
pecial), conhecido como Triticum Durum, os lana- da Liberdade; um festeiro que
mentos fazem parte da linha premium da marca. A luta contra os tabus e precon-
Narita Design criou embalagens diferenciadas, cujo ceitos da sociedade com alegria
layout destaca os lanamentos nos pontos de venda. A e msica.
embalagem feita com filme de BOPP com PP e
apresenta sofisticao por meio de detalhes em
dourado nas letras.

Johnsons amplia sua linha de sabonetes

Fotos: Divulgao

Os sabonetes em barra Johnsons ganham novas fragrncias e embalagens. Disponveis nas verses: Pele Cheia
de Vida (Damasco e Caramelo), Reviva (Lrio Dgua e Eucalipto), Imagine (Rosas e Sndalo) e Desperte (Folhas
Verdes e Bergamota), a empresa tambm aproveita para mudar seu visual, destacando ainda mais a marca, o que
valoriza seus atributos no ponto de venda.

22 Editora B2B

Pack200_Atualidades.indd 22 14/05/2014 12:32:03

23_TETRA PAK.indd 23 19/05/2014 18:31:47

Foto: Divulgao


ncontramos na nossa ltima visita aos Estados Unidos
uma nova febre de amostras grtis: algumas enviadas por
correio e outras encartadas em revistas e nos pontos de vendas
para serem adquiridas por cupons ou como brindes no caso de
compras de um determinado produto. A empresa americana
Xela Pack trabalha com contract Packaging, ou seja, fornece o ser-
vio de embalar ou processar as embalagens, j que as pequenas
amostras exigem um equipamento de grande porte que
s se justifica para altas quantidades. O modelo de
negcio, aps tantos anos de mercado, inclui
at a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de
design e de produto que se ajuste ao tipo
de embalagem proposto.
A proposta de embalagem se apre-
senta como mais sustentvel que
outras em funo de usar como
base o papel, ou seja, fonte reno-
vvel de matria-prima principal
(em mdia, 75%), com estruturas
de papel/alumnio/poli ou papel/
poli oferecidas em tamanhos que
variam de 5 ml a 30 ml. O papel pode
ser 100% reciclado ps-consumo ou
virgem, desde que com certificao.
Utilizada para produtos lquidos e viscosos, bem
como comprimidos, ps e granulados, comum no
mercado de sade e beleza, cosmticos e de higiene pessoal, alm de itens para o lar, alimentares e outros,
como nutricionais e suplementos dietticos, bem como inmeros outros tipos.
O que mais agrada aos clientes a possibilidade de as amostras ficarem Embalagem menor e mais
em p e terem boa performance de gndola. Para os consumidores,
sustentvel, melhor. Mundo melhor
bem atraente o fato de serem de pega ergonmica, agradveis e fceis
de abrir pela aba destacvel. Antigamente, esse tipo de embalagem Assunta Napolitano Camilo: Diretora da
era mais utilizado em casos de amostras promocionais, porm agora FuturePack Consultoria de Embalagens e do
Instituto de Embalagens Ensino & Pesquisa.
bem comum encontr-la no mercado embalando produtos monodoses, Profissional de embalagens h mais de 30
como os nutracuticos com a aprovao da FDA. anos. Pesquisa feiras e Pontos de Vendas do
mundo todo desde 1986. Articulista, professora
Do ponto de vista de marketing, o processo de impresso permite e palestrante internacional de embalagens.
at sete cores, excelente visibilidade na gndola e forte apelo Coordenadora dos livros e cursos de embalagens
de sustentabilidade. O produto tem sido adotado por grandes em- do Instituto de Embalagens. Membro do
presas e redes, como o exemplo que comercializado pela CVS, Conselho Cientfico-Tecnolgico do ITEHPEC.
Vrios prmios nacionais e internacionais,
gigante drugstore americana que usa a embalagem da Xela Pack como incluindo o de profissional do ano pela
parte de aes de marketing para divulgao de novos produtos. Embanews em 2011.


200_vanguarda.indd 24 14/05/2014 12:37:15

25 MARKEN IMAJE.indd 25 14/05/2014 12:39:36
matria de capa | especial fispal tecnologia
Foto: Fispal Tecnologia

O ponto de encontro
da indstria de alimentos
e bebidas



de 3
4% 20%
a 7%


Empresas de massas e biscoitos CHAPAS, PLACAS Mercado de garrafas
Como a aposta so em produtos de E ACESSRIOS de vidro, segundo
maior valor agregado, a embalagem Fabricantes de papelo notcias do Instituto
passa a ser fator fundamental para ondulado. Segundo a Brasileiro do Vinho
chamar a ateno do consumidor. Associao Brasileira (Ibravin)
Segundo a Associao Brasileira das do Papelo Ondulado,
Indstrias de Massas Alimentcias e (ABPO)
Po e Bolo Industrializados (Abima)

26 Editora B2B

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 26 14/05/2014 19:47:53

Em sua 30 edio, a Fispal Tecnologia representa
segmentos que tm demonstrado crescimento forte,
como vidro (9,31%) e metlicas (7,57%). Indstria
de alimentos e bebidas movimentou, em 2012,
R$ 431,9 bilhes


o longo dos 30 anos da tradio da feira, a Fispal
tecnologia apresenta a evoluo tecnolgica em emba-
lagens, mquinas, equipamentos, processos e logstica
para atender a indstria de alimentos e bebidas, que
movimentou r$ 431,9 bilhes em 2012, segundo dados da asso-
ciao Brasileira da indstria de alimentos (aBia). Hoje, a feira
representa segmentos que tm demonstrado crescimento forte,
como vidro, com 9,31%, e metlicas, com 7,57%. Entre 3 e 6 de
junho, no Pavilho do anhembi, em So Paulo, mais de duas mil
marcas apresentaro as tendncias do mercado para cerca de
60 mil profissionais do setor.
Em 2014, empresas de massas e biscoitos projetam expanso no
faturamento na faixa de 3 a 7%, em relao ao ano passado, segundo
a associao Brasileira das indstrias de Massas alimentcias e Po
e Bolo industrializados (abima). Como a aposta so em produtos
de maior valor agregado, a embalagem passa a ser fator fundamental
para chamar a ateno do consumidor. a associao Brasileira do
Papelo ondulado, aBPo, divulgou bons nmeros para 2014. Fabri-
cantes de papelo ondulado j mantinham, em 2013, perspectivas
de aumento de 4% nos despachos de chapas, placas e acessrios,
acima dos 2,5 a 3% estimados para o ano anterior. J o mercado
de garrafas de vidro, somente em 2013 j previa crescimento de
20%, segundo notcias do instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (ibravin).

Editora B2B 27

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 27 14/05/2014 19:48:32

matria de capa | especial fispal tecnologia

Novidades em embalagens de PET, fica abaixo somente Investimento

refletem mercado crescente do Japo. E na reciclagem de
no Brasil, e surpreendem com Dois expositores da Fispal
papelo, o Brasil est acima de
inovao e sustentabilidade. O apostam na expanso de seu
Europa e Argentina.
potencial deste mercado pode parque fabril: a MMC e a Baum-
ser mensurado pelo aumento Os nmeros positivos so garten. Enquanto a MMC
da produo e do consumo, acompanhados por novas tec- Equipamentos expandiu para
alm de investimentos em nologias da indstria de em- conquistar setor de micro-
solues que ofeream segu- balagem nacional, que esti- cervejarias e aumentar leque
rana alimentar e menor im- mulam maneiras de consumir de servios, a Baumgarten
pacto ambiental. O Estudo mais sustentveis e prticas. conquista fbricas na Amrica
Brasil Pack Trends 2020, do Um dos exemplos o papel Latina. De acordo com Ronal-
Instituto de Tecnologia de para embalagem de bombons do Baumgarten Jr., presidente
Alimentos (ITAL) e Centro com 52% de fontes renovveis da companhia, a deciso de
de Tecnologia de Embalagem que reduz cerca de 60% as ampliar a presena no mercado
(CETEA), revelam que o setor emisses de gases de efeito internacional foi baseada em
de embalagens emprega mais estufa, comparada a outros estudo do mercado mundial
de 220 mil pessoas no Brasil, materiais plsticos. Outra novi- de rtulos e embalagens.
com a maior parcela ocupada dade que deve ocupar cada vez Observamos que a tendn-
nos segmentos de plstico, mais espao nas prateleiras de cia do mercado aponta para
papel e papelo. Outros mate- supermercados a tampa de o fornecedor global, visan-
riais tambm tm nmeros lde- alumnio para garrafas de vi- do atender as necessidades
res para o setor. O Brasil destaca- nho, que j 95% do mercado dos clientes multinacionais
-se na reciclagem de embalagens neozelands. O alumnio pre- que possuem negcios no
de alumnio, com ndice acima somente no Brasil. A Amrica
Foto: Divulgao

vine o bouchonn, processo de

de 97%, em comparao com perecimento da bebida causado Latina foi escolhida para a pri-
Japo, EUA, Europa e Argen- por um fungo que pode estar meira etapa de nossa expanso
tina. Em relao reciclagem abrigado nas rolhas de cortia. internacional, com os projetos

28 Editora B2B

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 28 14/05/2014 19:48:39

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 29 14/05/2014 19:48:44
matria de capa | especial fispal tecnologia

de Carvalho, diretor da em-

Foto: Divulgao
presa, o grupo tem hoje trs
ncleos na cidade do interior
paulista: MMC Tecnologia,
fabricante de equipamentos
de processo para a indstria
de alimentos e cosmticos;
MMC Comrcio de Impor-
tao e Exportao e a MMC
Services que presta manuten-
o preventiva, automao
industrial. A empresa deu um
passo adiante ao inaugurar
a MMC Tech, fabricante de
envasadoras, empacotadoras
e encaixotadoras cardboard
para microcervejarias, sediada
em Bento Gonalves (RS) e ao
inaugurar mais uma fbrica
em Araraquara.
Baumgarten Mxico e Baum- mexicana fornece para impor-
garten Argentina. As trs tantes marcas multinacionais As empresas do grupo se
plantas Baumgarten desti- e mexicanas da indstria de complementam e propor-
nam seus produtos principal- bens de consumo e sua proxi- cionam solues completas
mente para o mercado latino- midade com os Estados Uni- para nossos clientes. Podemos
-americano, mas o executivo dos oferece potencial para apresentar projetos desde a
explica que h destaque para aumentar ainda mais o inter- recepo de matria-prima
o perfil exportador da planta cmbio comercial. at o envase. J estamos em
argentina que j exporta para A MMC Equipamentos, sedia- sete pases e, como nossa
15 pases, inclusive fora da da em Araraquara (SP), tem fbrica nova em Araraquara,
Amrica Latina, como a frica colhido bons frutos da expan- aumentamos a capacidade em
do Sul, por exemplo, (rtulos so do parque industrial. De 100%. Na Fispal Tecnologia, a
para vinhos). J a empresa acordo com Wladimir Mendes empresa apresentar mquinas
termoformadoras, envasa-
Foto: Divulgao

doras assptica para bolsas,

esterilizadores UHT tubula-
res, esterilizadores UHT para
placas, virador de tambores,
extratoras de sucos ctricos,
tanques para microcervejarias
e envasadoraspara garrafas
Este um dos focos da Fispal
Tecnologia. Com criao do
Comit Gestor, da Anvisa, a
indstria farmacutica deve se
adequar nova tecnologia para
embalagens e rtulos. A ras-
treabilidade de medicamentos

30 Editora B2B

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 30 14/05/2014 19:49:03

matria de capa | especial fispal tecnologia

elevou o patamar da indstria mundial. A padronizao na identificao facilita o comrcio; o

farmacutica de maneira inde- cdigo de barras, por exemplo, o padro que identifica o produto
lvel no Brasil, a partir do Sis- comercial. Dessa maneira, o consumidor final se sente mais seguro
tema Nacional de Controle de em saber o que est consumindo. Por meio desse tipo de tecnolo-
Medicamentos, criado atravs gia, nas quais podem ser inseridas informaes variveis como lote,
de lei 11903 em 2009. O me- validade e nmero serial, possvel realizar recalls com mais faci-
canismo passou a vigorar em lidade. Falsificaes e o comrcio ilegal tambm so inibidos. As
fevereiro de 2014, com o Co- empresas saem ganhando na confiabilidade do produto e garantem
mit Gestor da Implantao do um tempo de resposta muito mais hbil em qualquer tipo de crise.
Sistema Nacional de Controle
de Medicamentos (SNCM),
da Anvisa. Por isso, tecnologias
de rastreamento devem ser um
dos principais assuntos em
pauta na feira.
Um dos expositores que apre-
sentaro equipamentos com
tecnologia de rastreabilidade
para rtulos e embalagens a
Sunnyvale. Segundo o gerente
comercial da diviso de Codi-
ficao Industrial da empresa,
Wagner Gennari, um dos
primeiros passos na hora de
aplicar o cdigo bidimensional
(tecnologia utilizada no rastre-
amento), por exemplo, fazer
anlise das superfcies onde
se aplicaro as codificaes.
Hoje esto disponveis trs
tecnologias que atendem a
praticamente todas as necessi-
dades da indstria farmacuti-
ca para fins de rastreabilidade:
termo ink jet, laser e termo-
transferncia. A Sunnyvale
representa com exclusividade
no Brasil a fabricante inglesa
Domino Printing, que tem
seus equipamentos instalados
em pases que j utilizam a
rastreabilidade e servem de
referncia, como Turquia,
Frana e Argentina.
Assessora de Soluo para
Negcios da GS1 Brasil - As-
sociao Brasileira de Auto-
mao, Patrcia Amaral explica
a importncia da tecnologia
para o mercado brasileiro e

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 31 14/05/2014 19:49:06

matria de capa | especial fispal tecnologia

Optima Balluff

OPTIMA DF - Dosadora gravimtrica Sensor de Viso QR Code - tecnologia em

representa o que h de mais avanado identificao e anlise de imagens em

Foto: Divulgao
em termos de tecnologia de pesagem, um nico produto, capaz de identificar
com altssimo grau de confiabilidade e cdigos Datamatrix, Barcodes e QRCode
preciso. adaptvel para produtos a nas peas, embalagens e etiquetas e,
granel em p ou granulados. tambm, realizar a leitura, o controle e
a avaliao dos cdigos, atendendo em
um nico produto as exigncias das
Normas ISO.


OPTIMA Moduline - Mquina de

envase e fechamento, soluo ideal

Foto: Divulgao
para estratgias flexveis de produto e
mercado. Sinnimo de flexibilidade nos
processos de envase e fechamento, po-
dendo trabalhar simultaneamente com
produtos lquidos e ps, alm de possi-
bilitar fcil aumento de produtividade.

Apresentar inovaes em condimentao, empacotamento e distribuio. O

destaque o novo sistema de condimentao tna intelli-flav OMS 5, que oferece
cobertura e aromatizao consistentes para condimentao mida e a seco, alm
de oferecer total controle de leo e aderncia com rpidas alteraes de aroma
para maximizar a produtividade.
A embaladora vertical (VFFS) de alta velocidade tna robag FX 3ci tem caracters-
ticas inovadoras, incluindo a nova balana multicabeote tna intelli-weigh 0314
OPTIMA PD - Mquina de sachs mega, o detetor de metais tna hyper-detect e o tna flo-thru former, a tna robag
para atender aos mercados alimentcio, FX 3ci proporciona aos fabricantes um desempenho at 30% maior.
qumico, cosmtico e farmacutico. O transportador horizontal tna roflo HM 3, atravs de um controle total de velo-
Aps a pr-formao da embalagem, cidade e direo, garante o mximo desempenho, o roflo HM 3 tna transporta
o envase realizado por meio de dosa- suavemente a mercadoria para minimizar perda e quebras de produtos.
dores especficos para produtos em
p, granulados ou lquidos, atendendo
a uma grande variedade de fluidez,
viscosidade e densidade.

Apresentar a termoformadora de bandejas para Iogurtes, Petit Suisse e Mini

Pores; Envasadora e seladora de copos para gua, sucos, manteiga, iogurtes
Fotos: Divulgao

etc.; Envasadora, seladora e tampadora de garrafas para iogurtes, sucos, gua etc.;
Envasadora e seladora de garrafas rotativa com produo de at 20 mil frascos/hora.

32 Editora B2B

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 32 14/05/2014 19:49:15

matria de capa | especial fispal tecnologia


Markem-Imaje Dois Irmos

A Codificadora jato de tinta trmica 1050 a Datadores Pneumticos de bancada
soluo para os fabricantes que procuram obter e cabea pneumtica e datador pneu-
cdigos de alta resoluo, melhorar a rastrea- mtico Gum: destinados marcao
de embalagens, como frascos, potes,

Foto: Divulgao
bilidade e imprimir cdigos promocionais em
elevadas velocidades de produo. Indicada para tampas, papel, papelo, metais, rtulos,
imprimir nmeros seriados em alta resoluo e polietileno e polipropileno.
complexos cdigos de barras Datamatrix (1D e
2D) nas linhas de produo rpidas de alimentos
e bebidas. Tambm se destaca por codificar Hot stamping de bancada eltrico
caixas de papelo em ambientes empoeirados, e eletropneumtico e datador de
midos ou corrosivos. potes: sistema digital para controle de
temperatura e velocidade de impresso
e contador de embalagens marcadas,
trabalha com fita de carbono descartvel
e dgitos aquecidos.

Codificador Rotativo Di: destinado

Empacotadoras verticais (VFFS) para
a fazer impresso em filmes de forma
embalagens termosselvel, com poste-
simples e bastante compacta podendo
rior incluso da enfardadeira vertical,
trabalhar com tipos de borracha ou cyrel,
buscando o aperfeioamento da linha
Foto: Divulgao

que proporciona melhor qualidade de

de produo dos clientes. A empresa
impresso com tinta especial e secagem
destaca o design de seus equipamentos,
alm de toda sua eficincia.

Fotos: Divulgao

O portfolio da marca ser incrementado com o lanamento da nova tecnologia Saniclip, desenvolvida para reduzir o tempo de
parada das indstrias e para aumentar a eficincia nos processos de transferncias de produtos delicados e com pequenas
reas de contato. A tecnologia baseada em um dispositivo criado para correias modulares, com objetivo de aumentar a
rapidez na abertura dos mdulos deste tipo e facilitar a manuteno da mesma.

Editora B2B 33

200_Materia de Capa I Fispal.indd 33 14/05/2014 19:49:32

informe publicitrio | adere



Foto: Divulgao
Com crescimento de mais de 30% nos ltimos dois anos,
empresa se destaca pelo seu portfolio exclusivo de fitas,
etiquetas e papis autoadesivos

Lus Gustavo Tomasi Dias, presidente

da Adere

Dupla face papel tissue para

emendas de alta velocidade e
processos com temperaturas
Adermax: dupla face de alta
performance que oferece segu-
Foto: Divulgao
rana mxima para fixao pesada
e permanente.
Fitas de polipropileno transpa-
rente, marrom e impressas Fr-
gil e Cadeado para maior segu-

xclusividade. Esta a palavra com que a Adere comercializa rana no fechamento das caixas,
seu portfolio variado e focado em fitas, etiquetas e papis pacotes e sacolas.
autoadesivos. Referncia global no desenvolvimento, fabricao O ano de 2013 foi excelente para a
e comercializao de tecnologias e solues que atendem diver- Adere, quando conquistou marcos
sos nichos de mercado, a empresa oferece garantia permanente em faturamento superiores a 15%
em todos os seus produtos. Ou seja, o cliente usa o quanto precisar e de crescimento versus mesmo
pode guardar o produto por tempo indeterminado, pois as propriedades perodo de 2012, com maior par-
das fitas se mantm, garante o presidente, Lus Gustavo Tomasi Dias. ticipao de mercado industrial e
De acordo com Dias, o mercado de embalagens vem apresentando grande construo civil. Reconhecimento
expanso dentro da Adere, destacando crescimento de mais de 30% nos em premiaes como o Top of
ltimos dois anos. Temos grande potencial e timas oportunidades a Mind e Melhor Produto do
serem exploradas. Possumos facilidade na customizao de produtos Ano da Revista Revenda; o Top
especiais e trabalhamos a cada ano com mais fora neste sentido. Com 10 da Revista Anamaco; Me-
um laboratrio equipado com mquina Piloto, conseguimos proporcionar lhor Produto do Ano da Artesp;
qualidade mxima e segurana em novos desenvolvimentos, afirma. prmio Qualidade Flexo da
ABFlexo - Associao Brasileira
Fundada em 1967, a Adere uma empresa de capital nacional fabricante
de flexografia e o Pack Destaque
de fitas adesivas. No mercado de embalagens, o portfolio atende diversas
de Preferncia da Revista Pack.
linhas de produo industrial. Entre as principais linhas esto:
Para o presidente da empresa, as
Aderflexo: dupla face de espuma para flexografia com excelente fixao expectativas continuam positivas
e retirada limpa, com timo reaproveitamento. Pode ser utilizada em para 2014, com estimado em 25!
mquinas flexogrficas de banda larga e estreita.
Fitas Kraft em papel crepe para fechamento e reforo de embalagens e em 0800.701.2903 | (19) 2104.0700
papel liso para fechamento de bobinas de papel e empacotamento pesado.

34 Editora B2B

200 Adere.indd 34 16/05/2014 02:04:06

200 Adere.indd 35 14/05/2014 12:44:08
especial |markem-imaje

Usinas Itamarati substitui

hot stamp por codificadoras
de transferncia trmica

36 Editora B2B

199_Especial.indd 36 14/05/2014 12:47:37

de capa
| markem-imaje
| codificao

Foto: Markem-Imaje
eliminou o retrabalho ocasio-
nado pela baixa qualidade de
impresso. Com as impresso-
ras Markem-Imaje obtivemos
um ganho altssimo na quali-
dade de impresso, com maior
nitidez dos dados codificados;
reduzimos o custo de manu-
teno, pois no mais preciso
fazer trocas constantes de
peas; reduzimos bruscamente
as paradas da linha, j que as
trocas de informaes do lote
e turno so realizadas automa-
ticamente, sem que o operador
tenha que esperar a mquina
esfriar, considera Ademir
Anacleto, tcnico de manu-
teno industrial da Itamarati.
As codificadoras 8018, projeta-
das para linhas em movimento
contnuo ou intermitente,
operam com a tecnologia de
transferncia trmica; propor-
cionam impresso permanente
(cdigos ntidos e limpos), de
alta qualidade e menor custo,
constituindo soluo simples
e eficiente para codificao
digital automtica. Altera as
informaes em tempo real,
controlando a produo; im-
prime data, hora, validade,
lote, logotipo, entre outras in-
formaes variveis; e elimina

Markem-Imaje instalou quatro novas codificadoras, desperdcio e cdigos incorre-
modelo 8018, de transferncia trmica, nas insta- tos, reduzindo erros humanos e
laes industriais das Usinas Itamarati, localizada aumentando a produtividade.
na cidade de Nova Olmpia, Mato Grosso, uma das Criada em 1980, as Usinas
maiores empresas do setor sucroenergtico brasileiro, produtora Itamarati realizaram a sua
de etanol, acar e energia eltrica. Com estas novas mqui- primeira safra em 1983 com
nas, o parque produtor das Usinas Itamarati conta agora com a produo de etanol e j em
24 codificadoras que imprimem nas embalagens de polietileno 1993 iniciaram a produo
transparente e branco de acar cristal e acar refinado, da de acar. A unidade de em-
marca Acar Itamarati, dados variveis do lote, data e hora pacotamento e armazena-
de empacotamento e de validade, com total nitidez e aderncia. mento de acar capaz de
As codificadoras 8018 substituram o sistema de hot stamp utiliza- embalar 40 t/h, expedir at
do pelas Usinas que gerava paradas da linha de produo, em um 2.000 t/dia e estocar aproxima-
demorado processo na mudana de informao do lote e turno e damente 112 mil toneladas.

Editora B2B 37

199_Especial.indd 37 14/05/2014 12:47:47

matria de capa | envase

Envase: garantia
de qualidade e
As operaes de envase na indstria de alimentos
e bebidas asseguram durabilidade e qualidade dos
produtos embalados. Nos ltimos tempos, a indstria
fornecedora de mquinas para este setor vem
registrando grande evoluo tecnolgica

Foto: Tetra Pak

38 Editora B2B

200_Materia de Capa II Envaseindd.indd 38 14/05/2014 21:49:30

matria de capa |envase




7% 14 bilhes de
ao ano unidades de
longa vida
no Brasil
em unidades

Dados do The Canadian Institute, Business Information in a Global

Context, atestam que, em 2013, foram comercializadas mais de
14 bilhes de unidades de embalagens longa vida no Brasil. A
expectativa que, em 2018, estes nmeros superem 20 bilhes o
que representa um crescimento de cerca de 7% ao ano em unidades.

Editora B2B 39

200_Materia de Capa II Envaseindd.indd 39 14/05/2014 21:50:14

matria de capa | envase

s embalagens esto to intrinsecamente ligadas s
atividades de consumo que, s vezes, nem se consegue
perceber sua funo inicial, bsica e fundamental:
proteger os alimentos. impensvel o mundo de hoje
com alimentos e bebidas sem embalagens. Dentro deste cenrio,
as cartonadas marcam sua presena, proporcionando maior
durabilidade dos produtos embalados. No Brasil, o mercado de
embalagens para alimentos e bebidas, embora tenha marcado
algumas redues nos dois ltimos anos, bastante relevante.
Luciana Galvo, gerente de Marketing da Sig Combibloc para
Amrica do Sul, afirma que o Brasil o principal mercado para
produtos longa vida na Amrica do Sul e o segundo maior no
mundo, atrs apenas da China. Ela cita dados do The Canadian
Institute Business Information in a Global Context, que ates-
tam que, em 2013, foram comercializadas mais de 14 bilhes
de unidades de embalagens longa vida no Brasil. Luciana acres-
centa: A expectativa que, em 2018, estes nmeros superem
20 bilhes o que representa um crescimento de cerca de 7%
ao ano em unidades.
Kim Robert Iegoroff, do departamento de Marketing da
Masipack, confirma a importncia do mercado alimentcio para
sua empresa que fabrica balanas, dosadores, enchedoras, encartu-
chadoras, encaixotadoras e enfardadoras. Est entre os principais
segmentos atendidos pela empresa no Brasil, Amrica Latina e
frica. Esta atuao proporciona toda a expertise necessria
para atender clientes cada vez mais exigentes em relao
tecnologia e produtividade.
O envase de alimentos e bebidas uma operao que tem
evoludo bastante e atualmente onde se pode observar todo
o avano da tecnologia da indstria de mquinas para emba-
lagens. Michael Siebmann, supervisor de Vendas Consumer
da Optima do Brasil, que produz com inovao mquinas de
Foto: Divulgao
Foto: Divulgao

Optima, Freistellung soluo de envase

40 Editora B2B

200_Materia de Capa II Envaseindd.indd 40 14/05/2014 21:50:26

200_Materia de Capa II Envaseindd.indd 41 14/05/2014 21:50:29
matria de capa | envase

necessrias para a realizao no refrigerao, informa

Foto: Divulgao
deste tipo de envase, aponta Eisler. Desta forma, a bebida
Siebmann. mantm suas propriedades
Eduardo Eisler, vice-presidente nutricionais, em segurana,
de Estratgia de Negcios durante seu prazo de validade
da Tetra Pak, esclarece que at que seja aberto. As tec-
o processo de fabricao dos nologias de processamento
produtos em embalagens trmico e envase assptico
cartonadas asspticas acon- esto h muito consolidadas
tece em um sistema com- e so utilizadas pelas inds-
pletamente fechado, onde trias de alimentos em todo
a embalagem recebe o pro- o mundo, que oferecem dia-
duto e hermeticamente riamente uma grande quan-
lacrada no interior de um tidade de produtos seguros
equipamento. Desta forma, aos consumidores.
no h nenhuma possibili- Inovao
dade do produto ter contato A Sig Combibloc, com mais
com o ambiente externo fa- de 35 anos de experincia
bril, garante. Os sistemas de e um conhecimento slido
processamento e envase assp- sobre o envase de alimentos
tico de bebidas da Tetra Pak longa vida em embalagens
foram desenvolvidos para cartonadas, assegura que a
garantir a esterilidade comer- primeira sopa com pedaos
Eduardo Eisler, vice-presidente de Estratgia
de Negcios da Tetra Pak cial do alimento. Isso signi- foi assepticamente envasada
fica que, aps o tratamento no formato combibloc em
envase e empacotamento, trmico e envase assptico,
explica que o processo de en- 1988, usando uma mquina
os produtos encontram-se da Sig, o que foi uma revolu-
vase para alimentos deter- livres de microorganismos
minado pelo tipo de produto o. Desde ento, uma enor-
patognicos ou deteriorantes, me variedade de produtos foi
e caractersticas como visco- capazes de se desenvolverem
sidade, fluidez, presena de lanada no mercado com esta
em condies normais de tecnologia exclusiva. A em-
pedaos, entre outros pontos
que iro determinar o sistema presa envasa hoje alimentos
Foto: Divulgao

de envase ideal. A Optima contendo pedaos com tama-

normalmente indica que nhos de at 25 milmetros,
sejam empregadas solues sendo que pedaos finos,
como bomba pisto, flux- longos e fibras podem ter
metro de massa (MDM) e at 40 milmetros de compri-
sistema magntico-indutivo mento. Luciana destaca que
(IDF). No caso de alimentos a flexibilidade das mquinas
com pedaos (molhos, iogur- da sua companhia possibili-
tes e geleias, por exemplo) ta aos clientes envasar uma
recomendamos a SF Vision variedade enorme de pro-
SHF, mquina modular com dutos: alimentos lquidos,
sistema de bomba pisto viscosos ou com pedaos.
hidrulico, extremamente No processo assptico da
resistente s altas presses Sig, a tecnologia Ultra High
Tetra Pak, embalagem internacional

42 Editora B2B

200_Materia de Capa II Envaseindd.indd 42 14/05/2014 21:50:40

informe publicitrio | multivac do brasil

a termoforma-
dora F 100, como
as mquinas de
500 e C 550 po-
dem ser finan-
Empresa j assume liderana no segmento de Termoformadoras ciadas., revela o
com crescimento expressivo de mais de 50% nos ltimos anos diretor.
a Multivac fa-

om uma histria de mais de 50 anos, filiais em 65 pases e uma brica mquinas
rede de distribuio que abrange mais de 170 pases, a Multivac para embalagens,
lder mundial no desenvolvimento de solues e na fabricao cada uma com
de mquinas para embalagens a vcuo e atmosfera modificada. uma caractersti- Michael teschner, diretor
geral da Multivac do Brasil
Este ano, a Multivac do Brasil completa cinco anos e j assume ca tcnica espe-
uma posio de liderana no segmento de termoformadoras no Brasil, com cfica. Entre as vantagens esto o

Fotos: Divulgao
crescimento expressivo de mais de 50% nos ltimos anos. Para manter a aumento significativo da vida til
liderana tecnolgica o Grupo Multivac investe cerca de 10% da receita (shelf-life) do produto na prate-
em pesquisa e desenvolvimento e leira; diminuio do desperdcio
mais 10% em renovao e expanso do de alimentos; aumento da lucra-
parque fabril, revela o diretor geral da tividade; diminuio de mo de
Multivac do Brasil, Michael teschner. obra; produtos mais atraentes para
Em 2013, a empresa iniciou a fabri- o pblico final; melhor apresen-
cao de termoformadoras no Brasil tao da marca no ponto de venda;
para atender a crescente demanda do mais segurana para o consumi-
mercado local, fortalecer a presena no dor; alm do ganho na cadeia,
mercado brasileiro e tambm permitir desde a produo at o emba-
que os clientes possam adquirir equi- lamento e distribuio devido a
pamentos financiados atravs da linha ganhos operacionais.
de crdito FiNaME do Banco Nacio- MultiVac
nal de desenvolvimento Econmico (19) 3795-0818 |
e Social, BNdES. atualmente tanto


200_Materia de Capa II Envaseindd.indd 43 14/05/2014 21:50:46

Foto: Divulgao matria de capa | envase

embalagem, ajustando-se o
nvel de viscosidade desejado.
Aps o envase, o topo da emba-
lagem selado por ultrassom
acima do nvel do produto,
ainda dentro da mquina.
Isso torna seguro e fcil de
envasar at mesmo produtos
com grandes quantidades de
pedaos, pois no h o risco
de ingredientes ficarem pre-
sos no ponto de selagem. Este
um fator muito positivo
para a segurana de produtos
asspticos, exalta a gerente
de marketing da Sig.
Vinicius Scavazini, um dos
executivos da Promquina,
fabricante de mquinas
enchedoras, tampadoras,
lavadores, alimentadores e
montadoras de embalagens,
elucida que o processo de
envase est basicamente
ligado ao nvel de produo.
Grandes produes exigem
Promquina ELMV-4, versatilidade equipamentos de alta pro-
de aplicaes
dutividade e desempenho
com alto nvel de automao
Temperature (UHT) esteri- dividido em duas partes, e baixssima interao hu-
liza os alimentos por meio processado e despejado sepa- mana no processo. J baixas
da exposio a temperaturas radamente. Luciana explica produes acontecem de
ultraelevadas por um curto que isso necessrio quando forma mista, em que o posi-
perodo de tempo. J resfria- o produto no viscoso o cionamento e alimentao do
dos, eles so envasados em suficiente para que os peda- frasco a ser envasado na linha
embalagens cartonadas, que os sejam conduzidos de ma- de produo acontecem ma-
tambm foram esterilizadas neira uniforme ao longo do nualmente; o envase reali-
com perxido em um pro- processo. E conta, ainda, que zado por um equipamento
cesso paralelo. As mquinas um produto tpico que exige o que em muitos casos tambm
de envase so equipadas envase em duas etapas a sopa acionado por um operador.
com dois sistemas de dosa- de baixa viscosidade e com
gem. Assim, os ingredientes grandes pedaos de legumes. Segurana
podem ser despejados em Na primeira etapa, os pedaos O setor de mquinas para a in-
uma nica etapa, que o de legumes so envasados dstria de embalagens tem lan-
processo padro, ou em duas juntamente com um lquido amentos com perspectivas de
etapas separadas. No envase condutor viscoso. Na segunda, atividade em grandes pero-
em duas etapas, o contedo adiciona-se gua ou caldo dos. Afinal, so mquinas

44 Editora B2B

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informe publicitrio | waig


Ltda nasceu em

1971, na cidade
de Limeira-SP,
diante da necessi-
dade que o setor
Lanamento da Seladora Rotativa de Ar Quente, modelo WS-AR, agrcola apresen-
ser o responsvel pelo incremento nas vendas da empresa tava por mqui-
nas para fechar

sacarias de caf,
resente no mercado nacional h mais de 43 anos, a Waig cebola, batata,
registrou em 2013 um aumento de 11% em seu faturamento e para laranja e gros
este ano a expectativa um crescimento de 20% no volume de em geral. Foi a Jos Antonio Basso, diretor
vendas. Nossa equipe de engenharia desenvolveu uma seladora primeira empresa da Waig
rotativa de ar quente, modelo WS-AR, um equipamento de alta nacional a lanar
tecnologia e eficincia para selagem de embalagens plsticas e laminadas, um modelo de mquina de costura

Foto: Divulgao
voltado para indstrias alimentcias, de rao animal, construo civil e porttil para fechar sacarias. Em
minerao. A tecnologia a mesma de empresas lderes na Europa e Estados meados dos anos 2000, surgiu uma
Unidos, porm com a vantagem que a fbrica fica a 150 km de So Paulo, o nova demanda por equipamentos
que facilita em ter uma equipe especializada para assistncia tcnica, alm para o fechamento de embalagens
de peas de reposio permanente, afirma o diretor Jos Antonio Basso. voltadas indstria alimentcia e
O principal diferencial da WS-AR em comparao com outros equipa- de rao animal. Diante dessa nova
mentos disponveis no mercado nacional que o processo de selagem realidade, a empresa desenvolveu a
feito por ar quente, o que elimina os custos do cliente com manuteno, primeira Soldadora Rotativa Con-
insumos utilizados nos equipamentos similares, como leo de mamona e tnua WAIG, modelo WS-786. O
fita de ao, e a embalagem fica 100% livre de resduos contaminantes. Outro modelo mais recente desenvol-
recente lanamento a Ensacadeira Digital, modelo WBDE, utilizada para vido foi a WAIG WS-AR, utili-
ensaque e pesagem de produtos sementes, gros e produtos granulados em zando o que h de mais moderno
geral. O modelo destina-se ao ensaque e pesagem de produtos de fcil em sistema de selagem para
fluxo, e vem nas opes de bica aberta ou valvulada e para pesagem de embalagens plsticas e laminadas.
500g a 10 kg ou de 10 kg a 60 kg. A grande vantagem o comando simpli- Waig
ficado de programao e controlador de produtividade, revela Basso. (19) 3446-6400 |

200_Materia de Capa II Envaseindd.indd 45 14/05/2014 21:50:54

matria de capa | envase

aspirado do recipiente central

Foto: Divulgao
em forma de funil disposto
no centro do carrossel com
dimetro de pisto definido
dentro de um cilindro de do-
sificao e, posteriormente,
descarregado no interior do
envase. Este procedimento
de enchimento preciso e al-
tamente resistente indicado
para produtos de viscosidade
elevada, produtos com pe-
daos slidos grandes ou
Krones, viscofill envase seguro
com altas concentraes
de partculas. Existem dis-
ponveis trs modelos da
de milhares de dlares, que viscosos. A mquina fun- enchedora Viscofill (V, S, H)
certamente tero sua vida ciona segundo o princpio para diferentes aplicaes.
til em muitos anos. Assim clssico da enchedora de No importa se a emba-
com a linha de equipa- pisto, com flexibilidade de lagem de vidro, lata ou
mentos Viscofill, da Krones, aplicaes. A dosificao plstico. Esta enchedora da
apresentada ao pblico brasi- funciona por meio de uma Krones processa uma grande
leiro em 2013. Seu grande carreira de pisto e com um quantidade de envases rgi-
diferencial a garantia de procedimento rotativo; o dos convencionais emprega-
envase seguro de alimentos contedo a ser envasado dos no setor de alimentos.

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matria de capa | envase

Desperdcio Eduardo Eisler, da Tetra Pak, transporte, estocagem, exposi-

segue o mesmo raciocnio o de embalagens longa vida
Esta uma questo que pre-
lembrando que a embalagem e outras informaes teis aos
ocupa todo mundo. Entre-
cartonada longa vida produzida colaboradores de lojas e super-
tanto, h um fator favorvel
por sua empresa composta mercados que manuseiam as
s embalagens: seu uso reduz
por seis camadas de diferentes embalagens, comunica. O
o desperdcio de alimentos de
materiais. O resultado uma programa foi criado depois
maneira geral. A Masipack,
embalagem de alta qualidade, de a Tetra Pak constatar que
por exemplo, investiu em
que tira proveito do melhor de o desperdcio ao longo da
tecnologias de verificao e
cada material que a compe, cadeia de distribuio resulta
controle que oferecem maior
impede a entrada de luz, ar, em prejuzos para a indstria e
produtividade, com o menor
gua e microorganismos. Ao impede o varejo de lucrar mais.
ndice de desperdcio de pro-
mesmo tempo, evita que o
dutos durante o processo de A mesma preocupao com
aroma dos alimentos saia e
embalagem. Kim Iegoroff, do desperdcios tem a Promquina.
inibe a oxidao, que tanto
departamento de Marketing Vinicius Scavazini confirma
prejudica a qualidade dos
da companhia, cita o novo que, em sua opinio, o des-
alimentos. O envase em am-
modelo da Focus, com esteiras perdcio afeta diretamente o
biente e embalagem asspticos
de alinhamento e acionadores lucro. Com qualquer produto
complementa o processo evi-
independentes, sensores de que- a ser envasado e, posterior-
tando a recontaminao do ali-
bra, sistema de descarte pneu- mente, tampado, nosso foco
mento e mantendo sua quali-
mtico, entre outros acessrios de inovao ou aprimora-
dade por mais tempo, sem a
que trazem maior segurana mento constante sempre em
necessidade de refrigerao.
ao operador. equipamentos de alto desem-
Essa tecnologia permite que
Luciana Galvo, da Sig, refora os alimentos mantenham o penho, independentemente
que reduzir perdas uma valor nutricional, minimizam do nvel de automao agre-
preocupao natural de sua os desperdcios e reduzem os gado. A companhia pensa na
empresa. Todos os nossos custos de distribuio. Alm melhor relao entre consumo,
sistemas prezam pela mxima disso, a empresa desenvol- produo e desperdcio no s
eficincia e altssima produ- veu o programa Desperdcio para os mercados de alimen-
tividade. E as embalagens Zero, implantado desde 2004 tos e bebidas, mas para todos
cartonadas asspticas so efi- para ensinar prticas sim- os segmentos, que aplicam
cientes para manter as proprie- ples e eficazes de paletizao, a tecnologia de envase.
dades naturais de alimentos e
bebidas inalteradas.

Krones do Brasil


Optima do Brasil

Foto: Divulgao

Sig Combibloc do Brasil
Equipamento Focus, esteiras de alinhamento
e acionadores independentes Tetra Pak

48 Editora B2B

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49_Roland.indd 49 14/05/2014 12:48:56
matria de capa | logstica

Na hora e com
o menor custo
50 Editora B2B

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matria de capa | logstica


necessidade de re-
duzir custo e oti-
mizar o tempo de
entrega com maior
disponibilidade de produtos
far com que as empresas
invistam cada vez mais no
sistema logstico. Esse cami-
nho considerado estratgi-
co para a indstria brasileira,
uma vez que so indispens-
veis novos padres de produ-
tividade e qualidade ao setor.
as atividades logsticas tm
influncia direta no resultado
da empresa, pois compem
uma parcela importante das
despesas (de 8 a 12% do
faturamento), ainda no que
se refere ao nvel de servio
ao cliente, como disponibi-
lidade e prazo de entrega,
explica o vice-presidente de
Comercializao e de Marke-
ting da associao Brasileira
de Logstica (abralog), Ed-
son Carrilo Jr.
Marcel Mazurkyewistz, di-
retor da Mazurky Embala-
Ambev, em parceria com a USP, cria sistema
que evita atropelamentos por empilhadeiras gens de Papelo ondulado,
em armazns tambm destaca a grande
importncia de uma boa
infraestrutura logstica para
o sucesso das organizaes.
Prazos e qualidade so exi-
gidos pelos clientes e a so-
brevivncia da organizao
Inuncia direta nos resultados de uma empresa,
depende da busca perma-
a logstica essencial para a cadeia produtiva e nente por melhorias. Para
usuria do setor de embalagem entregar ao cliente ele, o maior desafio do setor
o produto na hora certa e a um custo adequado equalizar a busca de melho-
ria de seus clientes, em que
tratam a reduo de estoque
com entregas fracionadas.

Editora B2B 51

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matria de capa | logstica

Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) porque so insuficientes

Foto: Divulgao
brasileiro com logstica, o para recuperar o dficit de
que retira competitividade infraestrutura. Alm disso,
das empresas brasileiras, para ele, h um desalinha-
deveramos gastar algo como mento das obras em relao
8,5%, avalia Carillo. necessidade apontada no
Alm disso, pouca coisa mu- Plano Nacional de Logstica
dou na infraestrutura por (PNL) [que prev investi-
aqui nos ltimos anos, levan- mentos de R$ 132 bilhes
do-se em conta a percepo na concesso de trechos de
dos empresrios. Recente- rodovias e ferrovias e pro-
mente, o Banco Mundial jetos de melhoramento dos
(Bird) divulgou seu ranking modais, principalmente das
mundial de logstica. No re- rodovias eferrovias]. A inter-
latrio, publicado a cada dois modalidade, integrao entre
anos e que mede a percepo modos de transporte, uma
dos empresrios a respeito oportunidade para equilibrar
do setor, o Brasil caiu 20 o uso dos modos e retirar a
posies e passou a ocupar parcela de rodovirio (consi-
o 65 lugar, entre 160 pases, derado o mais poluente), da
tendo como principais itens matriz de transportes. Ainda
Edson Carrilo Jr., Vice-presidente de avaliados os procedimentos somos muito dependentes
Comercializao e de Marketing da
alfandegrios, qualidade da do modo rodovirio, mais
Associao Brasileira de Logstica (Abralog)
infraestrutura, rastreamento caro para longas distncias,
e prazos de entrega. Segun- comum para um pas com as
Esta viso atual impacta
do o estudo, o desempenho nossas dimenses, aponta o
diretamente em nossos cus-
ruim se deve a questes rela- vice-presidente da Abralog.
tos, nos motivando a criar
mtodos alternativos para cionadas s obras em pases Operar estoques
atender esta situao. Ainda em desenvolvimento. Se os Alm de rodovias em ms
sobre o mesmo desafio, nosso investimentos do governo, o condies e uma malha ferro-
segmento definido como de Programa de Acelerao do viria ainda pequena, a falta
cartonagem aplicado a um Crescimento (PAC), trans- de equipamentos para operar
universo amplo de clientes porte, por exemplo, contri- estoques tambm um dos
com aplicaes diversas e buram para a melhoria da problemas do setor logstico.
volumes menores de emba- infraestrutura logstica do A Toyota Empilhadeiras, pre-
lagens, afirma. Pas, o que ainda falta para sente no mercado brasileiro
O Brasil, assim como outros avanarmos? desde 2004, no ano passado
pases em desenvolvimento, Questionado sobre quais as iniciou a produo das em-
obteve conquistas no setor, principais carncias do setor pilhadeiras a combusto da
porm, ainda enfrenta de- logstico no Brasil, Carillo srie 8, na primeira fbrica
safios para, por exemplo, concorda que esses investi- da Toyota Empilhadeiras no
aumentar a competitividade. mentos contriburam para a Brasil, em Artur Nogueira (ci-
Segundo a Abralog, os custos melhoria da infraestrutura dade localizada a 151 km de
das operaes de logstica no logstica, entretanto, critica So Paulo). Com a produ-
Brasil so altos. Gastamos projetos e obras que esto o nacional, iniciamos uma
aproximadamente 11,5% do atrasados e os investimentos nova fase da Toyota no Brasil

52 Editora B2B

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informe publicitrio | strapet


ruto da fuso das empresas Gumex (produtora de fitas
adesivas e gomadas), Packtape (produtora de cintas
plsticas) e Lopatech (produtora de mquinas e ferra-
mentas de embalagem) e com a tecnologia e qualidade
Strapack, a Strapet Embalagens, companhia com Marcel Cunico, gerente de vendas e

Foto: Divulgao
100% de capital nacional, reuniu toda a expertise dos parceiros e investiu no Rafael Lopes, diretor da Strapet
ano passado no segmento de automao de linhas de embalagens, criando cintas Plsticas PP e PET e cola
um novo departamento de engenharia capaz de solucionar e otimizar a com maior poder de adeso nas fitas
paletizao, transporte interno e armazenamento do cliente. A proposta adesivas e gomadas e redues de
ser uma extenso do cliente que nos contrata com a finalidade de criar custo. Embora o mercado queira
solues para seus negcios. Em um mercado competitivo, o atendimento preos mais atraentes, a qualidade
primordial para que ele atinja suas expectativas, afirmam o diretor Rafael um fator decisivo na escolha. Por
Lopes e o gerente comercial, Marcel Cunico. isso, buscamos sempre fornecer
Localizada na cidade de Salto de Pirapora, em So Paulo, a Strapet tem um produto de alta qualidade nos
enfrentado desafios devido s importaes de materiais j acabados. Com quesitos durabilidade e resistncia
isso, a concorrncia tem sido desleal, pois algumas mercadorias chegam com preo competitivo. Estamos
com baixa qualidade e especificaes que fogem do padro das empresas desenvolvendo grandes clientes na
nacionais. Temos nos desdobrado para acompanhar os preos sem prejudicar rea de automao de embalagens,
a qualidade final do produto, revelam os executivos que afirmam que este focando otimizao e velocidade
ano ser de recuperao e reestruturao, visando o aperfeioamento dos nos processos de embalagens
colaboradores para ofertar um atendimento diferenciado. finais, finalizam Lopes e Cunico.
Como forma de crescimento, a empresa investiu em estudos com os seus Strapet
fornecedores para a melhoria na matria-prima, como aditivos para as (15) 3491-9009 |

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matria de capa | logstica

de acesso ao crdito com

Foto: Divulgao
juros baixos algo crescente
De acordo com o gerente-
-geral de Vendas, em abril, a
matriz da empresa no Japo,
Tquio, - a Toyota Industries
Corporation (TICO) -, apro-
vou o investimento de R$ 73
milhes para a segunda fase
do projeto de expanso da
fbrica de empilhadeiras da
Toyota no Brasil. O investi-
mento destinado ao aumen-
to da capacidade produtiva
da fbrica, desenvolvimento
Mquina da Toyota Empilhadeiras da cadeia de fornecimento do
produzida no Brasil segmento e incluso de no-
vos processos produtivos na
e agora oferecemos as condi- Roberto Ueda, afirmando que planta. O aumento dos inves-
es de pagamento via Fina- esta iniciativa est alinhada timentos no pas corresponde
me [linha do Banco Nacional com a estratgia da empresa ao compromisso da Toyota
de Desenvolvimento Eco- em oferecer equipamentos com o BNDES e o municpio
nmico e Social (BNDES) de alto padro de qualidade de Artur Nogueira em desen-
para aquisio de mquinas com as melhores opes de volver a indstria local e gerar
e equipamentos], conta pagamento. Sabemos que novas oportunidades de em-
o gerente-geral de Vendas, a necessidade dos clientes prego. Com esta expanso, a
companhia espera aumentar
a sua capacidade produtiva e,
Foto: Divulgao

da mesma forma, expandir o

Fbrica da Toyota Empilhadeiras
em Artur Nogueira seu quadro de colaboradores.
Ainda esto previstos in-
vestimentos adicionais para
o aumento do portfolio de
produo nacional.
Inovao em
Preocupada com a segurana
do trabalho em armazns in-
dustriais, a Ambev desenvol-
veu, em parceria com o Cen-
tro de Inovao em Sistemas
Foto: Divulgao

Logsticos (CISLog) da Esco-

la Politcnica da Universidade
de So Paulo (Poli-USP), um
sistema indito para evitar

54 Editora B2B

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matria de capa | logstica

empilhadeiras podem incor-

Foto: Roberto Konda

Foto: Divulgao
porar essa soluo produo
desses veculos.
Outros investimentos em
segurana logstica foram
realizados pela empresa que
possui operao grandiosa,
com mais de 1 milho de
pontos de venda em todo o
Brasil. Em 2013, investiu R$
9 milhes em novos sistemas,
ferramentas, padronizao
de procedimentos e treina-
mentos de segurana em
logstica. Com isso, segun-
do a empresa, de janeiro a
novembro do ano passado,
o nmero de acidentes com
afastamento do trabalho foi
Marcel Mazurkyewistz, diretor
45% menor que o registrado da Mazurky
no mesmo perodo de 2012.
Segundo Vinicius Barbosa,
vice-presidente de logstica
e suprimentos da Ambev, a Quando falamos
empresa possui uma equi- em logstica, temos
pe dedicada s questes de que satisfazer um
segurana na rea de logs-
tica, assim como nos outros universo diferente
setores da companhia. de stakeholders
O Safety RFID funciona por meio
de tecnologia de identificao A empresa destaca os diver-
por radiofrequncia sos treinamentos para que ROTEIRIZAO
toda a rede de fornecedores DINMICA
casos de atropelamento por
esteja alinhada aos seus pro-
empilhadeira dentro de seus Para atender as maiores ne-
armazns. O Safety RFID cedimentos internacionais cessidades dos clientes na
funciona por meio de tec- de segurana. Entre eles, a rea de logstica, a Mazurky
nologia de identificao por companhia desenvolveu um definiu reas de atuao co-
radiofrequncia e desabilita o kit didtico que traz orien- mercial, em conjunto com a
acelerador quando identifica taes sobre as atividades viabilidade logstica, aplica-
a aproximao de pedestres. crticas de logstica. Para do a uma roteirizao mais
De acordo com Joo Toque- ser ainda mais assertiva no eficiente e rpida. Quando
ti, gerente corporativo de combate aos acidentes, a falamos em logstica, temos
armazns da Ambev, esse Ambev mapeou os tipos de que satisfazer um universo
projeto to inovador que a ocorrncias mais frequentes diferente de stakeholders,
empresa decidiu patente-lo. e criou aes para evitar portanto aplicamos em nos-
Com isso, fabricantes de que aconteam. sa rea comercial noes


200_Materia de Capa III Logistica.indd 56 16/05/2014 01:46:29

matria de capa | logstica

Foto: Roberto Konda

As embalagens para o transporte influenciam na
estocagem e logstica das empresas

pertinentes a espao logstico, com aplicao

em metragem cbica, proporcionando em
muitos casos reduo de custos para os
Foto: Roberto Konda

clientes, explica Mazurkyewistz.

Segundo o diretor, um processo de
melhoria externa de grande relevncia,
pois indiretamente resulta em economia,

Sistema de recolher as aparas da Mazurky

200_Materia de Capa III Logistica.indd 57 14/05/2014 23:49:00

Na Limer-cart os motoristas so
matria de capa | logstica tecnicamente treinados

reduo de poluio e aumenta a demanda de prestao de

servio que a empresa se prope. Lembrando que o objetivo
da embalagem reduzir custo unitrio, preservar o produto na
armazenagem e transporte, facilitar o manuseio, a logstica e
a estocagem.
Recentemente, a empresa desenvolveu uma forma de recolher
as aparas na produo que beneficia tanto na parte que se
refere ao meio ambiente e sustentabilidade, quanto sade
do colaborador e s necessidades da logstica. O mecanismo
de forma segura, sem o contato do colaborador, faz com que
as aparas caiam em uma valeta, protegida por grades, e sejam
levadas, como uma esteira rolante, at uma mquina que as
suga e as transporta at uma rea externa onde caem direto na
prensa. O processo mais rpido porque no precisa parar a
produo para recolher o excesso de aparas, d mais segurana ao
colaborador que no precisa fazer o manuseio, nem fazer movi-
mentos que prejudiquem sua sade e, ainda, garante que 100%
do material de descarte ser prensado e enviado reciclagem.

Cuidado no
Para garantir a qualidade dos produtos
aos seus clientes, a grande experincia
da Limer-cart, que atua no segmento
de distribuio de filmes flexveis, a fez
desenvolver um controle que possui o
histrico dos filmes com mais sada.
Assim, o sistema armazena os dados do
cliente e a empresa mantm o estoque
prevendo as suas possveis demandas.
A deciso pela frota prpria, com nove
caminhes, alm de parceria com ou-
tras transportadoras para as reas mais
remotas do Norte e Nordeste, garante a
entrega com rapidez e segurana. Para
as regies mais distantes, entregamos a
carga na sede da transportadora em So
Paulo. De l vai para o Nordeste, por
exemplo. Para regies mais prximas,
como Paran, Minas Gerais ou Bahia,
conseguimos entregar com nossa frota
prpria, explica Elio Rebechi Jnior,
gerente de marketing e comrcio ex-
terior da Limer-cart, que tem mais
de 20 anos de atuao neste mercado.

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matria de capa | logstica

Foto: Divulgao





Toyota Empilhadeiras

A terceirizao das entregas j

foi uma tendncia, mas hoje muitas
empresas tm como objetivo a
aquisio de uma frota prpria
O gerente destaca a frota prpria como
um benefcio, pois mais uma garan-
tia de que o produto chegar de forma
adequada, j que os motoristas da
empresa conhecem suas especificida-
des. Segundo ele, a terceirizao das
entregas j foi uma tendncia, mas hoje
muitas empresas tm como objetivo a
aquisio de uma frota prpria. Pela
caracterstica do nosso negcio (a
distribuio) preciso ter uma frota
prpria, pois as entregas precisam ser
muito rpidas. A empresa faz o pedido
hoje e a quer para ontem. A impor-
tncia da frota prpria para o negcio
se deve tambm pela caracterstica
da carga. Os filmes flexveis so fr-
geis e demandam cuidados; e nossos
motoristas so tecnicamente treinados
para transport-los, garante Jnior.

200_Materia de Capa III Logistica.indd 59 14/05/2014 23:49:13


As blanquetas metalgrficas de
alta performance num mercado
cada vez mais exigente
Affonso Henriques Carvalhaes*

Cerviflan, CMP e Prada, importantes players nacionais em busquem utilizar insumos mais
embalagens metlicas, receberam recentemente workshops nobres que os favoream na relao
ministrados pela Phoenix Xtra Blankets, fbrica de blanquetas custo-benefcio, aumentando a
alem, em parceria com a fornecedora nacional, Dugraf. O ob- produtividade de suas impressoras,
jetivo estabelecer uma aproximao com clientes, repassando reduzindo as perdas e superando
contedo tcnico sobre seus produtos, dando destaque blanqueta Ruby, as expectativas dos clientes com a
utilizada hoje nas linhas UVs das maiores metalgrficas do mundo. qualidade da impresso nas emba-
Dentre os tpicos apresentados nos workshops, deu-se destaque para os lagens metlicas.
detalhes construtivos de uma blanqueta de alta performance, os cuida- Diante disso, as blanquetas assu-
dos na seleo correta dos insumos que as compe e no seu processo de mem cada vez mais um papel de
fabricao; a importncia da manuteno da presso entre os cilindros de destaque nas metalgrficas. Uma
maneira constante e padronizada; a correta utilizao de calos para maior blanqueta de qualidade garante
durabilidade das blanquetas e das impressoras offset; os cuidados que devem vantagens, como a manuteno
ser tomados com a compatibilidade qumica das blanquetas com solven- da estabilidade do impresso, com
tes, tintas e outros produtos no processo de impresso; boas prticas para reproduo fiel e estvel dos pon-
montagem das blanquetas nos cilindros e cuidados durante a impresso; o tos de retcula; alta durabilidade,
variado portfolio das blanquetas Phoenix e suas aplicaes; alm de cases pela resistncia qumica s tintas,
de sucesso que as utilizaram em seus impressos. aos solventes e demais qumicos;
A fbrica de blanquetas alem, Phoenix Xtra Blankets apresentou vrias reduo nas perdas, pelo excelente
opes que atendem ao mercado metalgrfico, destacando a Topaz Carat, quick release, que favorece a livre
destinada s impresses no processo convencional e hbrido; e a Ruby Ca- passagem das folhas metlicas entre
rat, destinada s impresses ultravioleta. A blanqueta Ruby utilizada nas as unidades durante a impresso.
metalgrficas brasileiras desde 2006, confirmando os mesmos resultados de O setor de suprimentos das me-
excelncia observados nas grandes metalgrficas da Europa, com recomen- talgrficas brasileiras tem, pro-
dao dos principais fabricantes mundiais de impressoras. gressivamente, determinado a
Affonso Henriques Carvalhaes, representante tcnico da Phoenix Xtra aquisio dos seus insumos, no
Blankets para o mercado metalgrfico no Brasil, afirma que necessrio somente pelo custo na aquisio,
instruir os clientes sobre o potencial mximo das blanquetas e como utiliz- mas por uma anlise mais ampla
-las corretamente. Desta forma, eles conseguiro perceber claramente as e tcnica, que avalia a qualidade
vantagens das blanquetas Phoenix na relao custo-benefcio. do impresso, o rendimento, a
durabilidade, estabilidade e como
Vale destacar que, nos ltimos anos, o mercado metalgrfico brasileiro tem
este insumo contribui para gerar
passado por mudanas em funo da migrao do processo de impresso
valor no processo de impresso.
com tintas convencionais, para o processo UV, alm da reduo do tama-
nho dos lotes impressos, da evoluo na pr-impresso, que possibilita a
*Affonso Henriques Carvalhaes representante
converso de cores especiais para composies em cromia, do aumento da tcnico da Phoenix Xtra Blankets para o mercado
exigncia qualitativa nos impressos, dentre outros fatores. metalgrfico brasileiro e atua como consultor em
metalgrafia. A Dugraf representante de insumos
O conjunto destes elementos tem feito com que as metalgrficas traba- e equipamentos para off-set plana, off-set seco,
lhem por um controle minucioso durante seus processos de impresso e letterpress e rotativas, h cerca de 20 anos.

60 Editora B2B

200_artigo.indd 60 14/05/2014 12:54:08

61_ARO.indd 61 14/05/2014 12:55:16
Grupo Dentis

Grupo Dentis prev arrecadar

Foto: Divulgao
60 mil toneladas de PET/ ano

TOMRA Sorting, empresa que oferece solues para dife-
rentes tipos de separao de materiais, realizou a reforma
tecnolgica da fbrica de reciclagem da PET Compaa para
su Reciclado, empresa do Grupo Dentis, situada em Chiva,
Valncia, com a instalao de nove unidades do novo TI-
TECH autosort 4, uma tecnologia de ponta de separao por sensores.
Desde setembro de 2013, a TOMRA ficou encarregada da nova insta-
lao, que auxiliar a empresa a arrecadar 60 mil toneladas anuais de
embalagens tipo PET. O resultado dos ltimos seis meses foi muito
bom, tanto do ponto de vista da quantidade conseguida como da
qualidade produzida. evidente que no se trata unicamente de um
tema de produo. Procuramos ser capazes de produzir em funo das
vendas que dependem, principalmente, do crescimento do mercado
interno espanhol e europeu, afirma Roberto Dentis, administrador
da Pet Compaa.
A empresa a primeira fbrica do Grupo Dentis com maquinrio da Roberto Dentis, Grupo Dentis
TOMRA Sorting. Acreditamos que foi a melhor escolha tecnolgica,
tanto pela sua grande experincia em fbricas de lavagem PET, como
A instalao foi concebida para
pela sua slida estrutura na Espanha. A possibilidade de podermos
uma capacidade de oito tonela-
verificar nas nossas instalaes o rendimento da mquina foi um fator
das/hora, com um tratamento
essencial para a tomada de deciso, afirma Dentis.
anterior e um posterior pr-
VALORIZAO DA MATRIA-PRIMA lavagem. A fbrica encontra-se
configurada em duas linhas em
Os produtos fabricados pela empresa so mltiplos e variados, uma paralelo para tratar quatro tone-
vez que as garrafas e embalagens de plstico no ps-consumo, a sua ladas/hora em cada linha. As nove
principal matria-prima, se revalorizam na sua totalidade. As emba- unidades possuem sensores NIR
lagens so separadas em duas famlias bem diferenciadas de acordo (infravermelhos prximos) e VIS
com a cor: Flake de PET cristal, incolor, que deriva das garrafas trans- (espectrometria visual) e detector
parentes e Flake de PET multicolor, que deriva das garrafas com cores. de metais ferrosos e no ferrosos.


200_Sustentabilidade.indd 62 16/05/2014 02:11:29

pack | sustentabilidade

Reciclagem de PVC rende R$ 146,8 milhes

indstria de reciclagem de PVC no Brasil faturou R$ 146,8
milhes. Pesquisa da Maxiquim e do Instituto do PVC
mostra que as 84 recicladoras do material no Pas faturaram
juntas R$ 146,8 milhes em 2012, o que representa um cres-
cimento de 6% em relao ao observado no ano anterior (R$
138 milhes). Os dados apontam que o aumento do faturamento das
recicladoras resultado da comercializao de produtos reciclados com
maior valor agregado. A pesquisa afirma tambm que essas empresas,
que somam uma capacidade instalada de 82 mil toneladas, empregaram
no perodo 1.485 pessoas, o que representa um crescimento mdio de
2% ao ano nos ltimos cinco anos.
O nvel operacional do setor foi de 63%, o que significa um maior
nvel de utilizao da capacidade instalada e maior rentabilidade nos

Fonte: MaxiQuim Assessoria de Mercado

negcios. Este ndice maior que

os observados em outros anos,
um recorde desde que o Instituto
do PVC comeou a monitorar a
indstria de reciclagem em 2005.
Os recicladores de PVC no Brasil
localizam-se, principalmente,
nos estados das regies Sudeste
e Sul, com destaque para So
Paulo. Por ser um dos principais
na indstria de transformao de
plstico no Brasil e com grande
poder de consumo da populao,
o Estado de So Paulo possui a
maior quantidade de resduos
ps-consumo disponveis para a
Fonte: MaxiQuim Assessoria de Mercado reciclagem.
A produo total de PVC reci-
clado no Brasil (considerando-se
resduos industriais e ps-consu-
mo) aumentou nos ltimos oito
anos. A variao, considerando
2012/2011, foi de 21%. Quando
se analisou apenas os resduos de
PVC ps-consumo, a pesquisa
mostrou que, em 2012, foram
recicladas 22.463 toneladas de
PVC, o que corresponde a um
ndice de reciclagem de 16,3%.
O ndice ficou acima da mdia
histrica que de 16% entre 2005
e 2012. A exceo foi em 2011,
um ano recorde em termos de
reciclagem do PVC.
Fonte: MaxiQuim Assessoria de Mercado
Editora B2B 63

200_Sustentabilidade.indd 63 14/05/2014 13:00:10

direto da gndola

Foto: Leandro Andrade

Direto da Cave! Assunta Napolitano Camilo*

O brasileiro est descobrindo o prazer de um bom vinho e,

mais do que nunca, preciso acompanhar essa tendncia.
O Direto da Gndola deste ms foi at uma cave verificar
como esto as embalagens dos bons vinhos...

m dos pases mais tradicionais no cultivo vinicultura , sem dvida,
o Chile. O pas hermano investe nas suas plantaes de uvas e em
tecnologia para ter um produto com qualidade reconhecida mundi-
almente. As embalagens devem sempre ser a alma, a identidade do
produto. Dessa forma, devem estar alinhadas ao conceito entregue.
Tambm precisam ser decisivas no momento da verdade, ou seja, quando o
consumidor escolhe literalmente pela compra para participar do momento
mgico do consumo, em especial da degustao de um vinho charmoso.
A Bodega y Viedos Korta Bucarey, do Vale de Curic, no Chile, apresenta seu
vinho Marques del Nevado de uma gran reserva de 2011, com a devida classe
que merece. A garrafa fosqueada para dar um toque de sofisticao no sentido
ttil e visual. O rtulo autoadesivo em papel verg com a ilustrao da Cordilheira
dos Andes ao fundo desenhado em tons de cinza que definem bem a origem
do vinhedo. O contrarrtulo acompanha a mesma linha de apresentao.
Cada detalhe da embalagem foi estudado, dando uma bela demonstrao de
que devemos e podemos usar todos os recursos e espaos disponveis na criao.
O destaque vai para a cpsula de alumnio que, normalmente, negligenciada
pelos designers.
Alm da marca da empresa estampada no topo da cpsula, houve o cuidado
de decor-la com filetes dourados numa sequncia nica. Cinco filetes juntos
na parte superior e trs separados na parte inferior conferem um ar de nobreza
e distino ao produto.
Os filetes so repetidos no rtulo emoldurando o quadro da ilustrao atravs
do processo de hot stamping, que contemplou tambm a marca do vinho no
canto direito inferior como uma chancela. A cor ouro aplicada discretamente
na marca entra como uma sombra no nome Marques del Nevado e em gran
reserva, em meio a muito charme e elegncia, levando-me a afirmar que no
se trata apenas de uma embalagem, e sim de uma obra de arte, como um bom
vinho merece.
Alis, como diz um grande amigo: A vida curta para beber vinho ruim.
Curta a vida e beba vinho bom!. Preferencialmente numa bela embalagem,
pois tudo comea com ela.

Embalagem melhor promove um mundo melhor e mais gostoso!

Se precisar de mais fotos, consulte-nos no
Foto: Divulgao

*Assunta Napolitano Camilo: Diretora da FuturePack Consultoria de Embalagens e do Instituto de Embalagens

Ensino & Pesquisa. Profissional de embalagens h mais de 30 anos. Pesquisa feiras e Pontos de Vendas do mundo
todo desde 1986. Articulista, professora e palestrante internacional de embalagens. Coordenadora dos livros e
cursos de embalagens do Instituto de Embalagens. Membro do Conselho Cientfico-Tecnolgico do ITEHPEC. Vrios
prmios nacionais e internacionais, incluindo o de profissional do ano.

64 Editora B2B

200_Artigo.indd 64 14/05/2014 13:18:40


Foto: Divulgao
DISTRIBUIO FSICA O livro mostra como fazer de
A obra mostra ao profissional de Logstica conceitos bsicos, sua embalagem uma poderosa
como tcnicas quantitativas elementares e princpios de anlise ferramenta de marketing. Escrito
empresarial. Para o autor, conceitos bsicos so quase 100% de por Fabio Mestriner, Design de Embalagem Curso
bom senso, associado a uma postura metdica e organizada. Avanado explica que a embalagem faz muito mais
De acordo com o livro, a Logstica um campo muito vasto, que que simplesmente proteger e facilitar o transporte de
incorpora de maneira integrada diversas reas tcnicas. um produto. O livro a segunda parte de um curso
Antonio Carlos Alvarenga engenheiro e ps-graduado em completo de design de embalagem, com um texto
Pesquisa Operacional pela Escola Politcnica da USP; atuou dinmico e interativo, que apresenta os avanos da
como profissional na rea de Logstica nas empresas Copersucar, rea em centenas de ilustraes coloridas.
Ita Planejamentos e Engenharia, TNT, Duratex, Alcan Alumnio Mestriner, professor da Escola Superior de Propaganda
do Brasil, entre outras. Antonio Galvo Novaes engenheiro e Marketing (ESPM), examina a fundo cada etapa
naval, formado pela Escola Politcnica da USP; e mestrado em da criao de uma embalagem - da concepo do
Transportes Martimos pelo Massachutsetts produto fabricao final, passando pela pesquisa
Foto: Divulgao

Institute of Technology. de materiais e pela exposio no ponto de venda e

LOGSTICA APLICADA apresenta inmeros casos de produtos vencedores.
ANTONIO GALVO NOVAES ISBN: 978-85-7605-023-0
ISBN: 978-85-212-0268-4 R$ 177
R$ 69

200_Pack Leitura.indd 65 14/05/2014 13:24:01

notas tcnicas

Mquina de moldagem
A Nissei ASB atua na fabricao e venda de mquinas de 1 e 1,5 estgio
de injeo, de pr-forma, de estiramento e sopro para embalagens em
PET e outras resinas, moldes especiais, cristalizadores de gargalo, equi-
pamento auxiliares e peas. O modelo ASB-12M, por exemplo, uma
mquina de um estgio, compacta e silenciosa. Funciona com consumo
mnimo de energia. Oferece ampla variedade de gargalos e cavidades.
ideal para pequenos volumes de produo de embalagens para colrios,
plulas, xaropes, mscaras, loes, cremes, pimenta, licores, bebidas
carbonatadas etc., assim como mamadeiras, flaconetes, garrafas,
potes com capacidade para conter at 2,5 litros e possuir gargalo de at
83 mm. Alm de PET, outras matrias-primas como PP, PC, PEN, OS, PES,
PPSU podem ser facilmente moldadas.

NISSEI ASB Sudamrica

Tels.: (11) 3641-5353 / 3641-3882
Foto: Divulgao

A Waig produz a ensacadeira digital WBE-D destinada ao ensaque e pesagem de produtos de
fcil fluxo em sacos valvulados ou de boca aberta. Permite programar para 500 g a 10 kg ou
10 kg a 60 kg. Podem ter aplicao para granulados, como sementes em geral (gros), rao
granulada at 10% de umidade, paletizados etc. Possui comando simplificado de programao
de peso e controlador de produtividade. Fabrica, tambm, ensacadeiras mecnicas, modelo
WBA, capaz de ensacar qualquer tipo de sacaria e o modelo WBV que tem a capacidade
de ensacar somente em sacos de vlvulas com 3ou em tamanho maior (sob encomenda)
para garantir mais produtividade em menor tempo. Esses modelos admitem operaes com
produtos granulados, como sementes em geral, paletizados, rao granulada etc.
Foto: Divulgao

WAIG Industrial Ltda.

Tel.: (19) 3446-6400 |

Envasadora linear
A envasadora QM150 volumtrica, linear e automtica para utilizao
de produtos cremosos, pastosos, pomadas e gis. construda, inteira-
mente, em ao inoxidvel AISI-304, com exceo das partes que entram
em contato com o produto a ser envasado, que utiliza ao inoxidvel
AISI-316. Possui sistema de parada automtica dos frascos com reco-
nhecimento de posicionamento no bico dosador, interface com controle
de velocidades de envase, controle de subida e descida dos bicos dosa-
dores e contador totalizador de produo. A capacidade de produo do
equipamento de 2000 a 4000 frascos/hora. acompanhado, tambm,
de acessrios, como, dosador eletrnico (servo controlado), cabine de
fechamento, mesas de alimentao e acmulo, rosqueadora eltrica
manual com balancim, kit para envase de bombonas de at 5 litros,
Foto: Divulgao

batocador tipo top Pressionador e bicos corta-gotas.

QUALITY MACHINES Indstria e Comrcio Mquinas Ltda.

Tel.: (19) 3249-0230 |

66 Editora B2B

200_Notas Tecnicas.indd 66 16/05/2014 10:32:34

notas tcnicas
Foto: Divulgao

A Salazar Sistemas de Codificao apresenta a linha de impressoras de alta
resoluo da Limitronic para codificao de caixas de papelo que opera com velocidade de
60 caixas/minuto. Conta com uma cabea de impresso de 70 e 35 mm de altura e 200 dpi
de resoluo, alm de impresso de dados variveis, cdigos de barra, logotipos, con-
tadores e vrios outros recursos para rastreabilidade e personalizao da embalagem.
O equipamento pode ser usado para impresso de dados variveis via PC ou sistemas
remotos, substituindo o uso de etiquetas. A Serie Limitag V5 L780 est disponvel em at
quatro cabeas totalmente independentes. Esse equipamento possibilita a marcao
em alta resoluo em qualquer tipo de material atravs de seu sistema de cura UV.

SALAZAR Sistemas de Codificao

Tel.: (11) 4976-2682 |

Impresso direta em objetos

A impressora jato de tinta piezoeltrico, modelo VersaUV LEF-12, da Roland, permite imprimir
diretamente em objetos com uma altura de at 100 mm, numa rea de impresso de 305 mm
de largura x 280 mm de comprimento. Adequada para personalizao de brindes, utiliza cores
densas em superfcies transparentes e metlicas. Imprime com resoluo de at 1440 DPI,
nas cores cmyk + branco + verniz e em mltiplas camadas. Oferece acabamento em verniz
fosco ou brilhante, sistema de impresso selado antidetritos e odor, tinta ECO-UV, processo
de cura UV (secagem instantnea), exclusivo INK Circulation para tinta branca, biblioteca com 72 tipos de texturas,
certificado Energy Star (baixo consumo de energia) etc. Utiliza lmpadas led de baixo calor e consumo, com durabili-

Foto: Divulgao
dade de cerca de 10000 horas. Acompanham softwares RIP Roland VersaWorks e OnSupport.

Tel.: (11) 3500-2646 |

200_Notas Tecnicas.indd 67 16/05/2014 17:44:15

notas tcnicas

Rotuladora para frascos

A rotuladora automtica, modelo RL 2000, fabricada em ao 1020, ade-
quada para aplicar rtulos em frascos cilndricos, cnicos e planos. A pin-
tura pode ser em epxi ou em ao inox. Possui esteira transportadora,
podendo realizar a aplicao de at dois rtulos autoadesivos. Atinge oito m/min
de velocidade mxima de sada do rtulo do cabeote, com uma preciso de
+/- 1 mm, sendo que, no quesito relativo produo, vai depender das dimenses
do produto e do rtulo. Possui contador digital de produo, datador hot stamping,
separador de frascos, acumulador de frascos no final da esteira e sensor para leitura
de rtulos transparentes. Atende s indstrias alimentcias em geral, farmacuti-
Foto: Divulgao

cas, qumicas, de conservas, de bebidas, de cosmticos, de higiene e limpeza etc.

MAQMUNDI Automao Indl. Ltda.

Tel.: (47) 3383-0284 |

Foto: Divulgao
Paletizadora robotizada
Desenvolvida pela Tecnotok, projetada para ocupar o menor espao
possvel, mas realizar a sequncia da linha de empacotamento e enfardamento
com agilidade e preciso a um custo de manuteno bastante baixo. Por ser
robotizada, pode operar, continuamente, sem perda de padronizao no processo
de paletizao. A opo PLT 30000 de garra simples pega fardos de at 30 kg por
vez, paletizando at 7,5 fardos/min ou, garra dupla que pega dois fardos de at
15 kg por vez, paletizando at 12 fardos/min. A opo PLT 60000 de garra simples
pega fardos de at 60 kg por vez, a 7,5 fardos/min ou, garra dupla que pega dois
fardos de at 30 kg, a 12 fardos/min.

TECNOTOK Indstria de Mquinas Ltda.

Tel.: (47) 3274-2700 |


Extruso / Metalizao / Laminao


Cobertura Fispal
Cobertura InterPack e MetPack




LIGUE: (11) 3500-1910

200_Notas Tecnicas.indd 68 16/05/2014 10:32:40


200_Notas Tecnicas.indd 69 16/05/2014 10:32:44

notas tcnicas

Foto: Divulgao
Sistema para micronizao
de plsticos
O modelo Polygrinder, tipo PKM, foi desenvolvido pela
Pallmann para fazer a micronizao, isto , para realizar
o processo de moagem ultrafina de plsticos, como
HDPE, LLDPE, PP, PVC, ABS, PA, PES etc. bastante uti-
lizado na indstria de rotomoldagem para a produo de
Masterbatch ou para reciclagem de granulado de rejei-
tos de tubos e perfis. O equipamento tem capacidade
para produzir um micronizado (tamanho da partcula)
de alta qualidade, com densidade elevada, estreita
distribuio granulomtrica e tempo ideal de fluidez.
A empresa fornece vrias opes, como os modelos
PKM 300, PKM 450, PKM 600 e PKM 800 que tm, res- Envasadora-embaladora
pectivamente, rotor de 300 mm, 450 mm, 600 mm O modelo KWS-180 uma mquina horizontal que
e 800 mm; motor de 37 kW, 55 kW, 90 kW e 132 kW; realiza o envase e embala o produto. um equipamento
capacidade de 150-200 kg/h, 250-350 kg/h, 450-650 kg/h automtico que produz embalagem para exposio
e 750-1200 kg/h e fator de aumento de 0,4, 0,6, 1,0 e 1,6. vertical (stand-up pouch) e utiliza, tambm, o sistema
de envasamento e embalagem do produto (flow-pack).
PALLMANN do Brasil Indstria e Comrcio Ltda. fabricada em ao inox 304 ou em ao carbono, pin-
Tel.: (11) 4075-3044 | tado com tinta epxi, de acordo com os procedimentos
das normas de qualidade. Pode embalar produtos em
conserva, em p etc., assim como granulados, lquidos,
pastosos etc. Produz de 35 a 50 unidades/min, realizando
at 500 cm3 de volume de envasamento, com emba-
lagens de 90 a 180 mm de largura e de 80 a 250 mm
de altura. A mquina mede 6000 mm x 2000 mm x
2500 mm (CxLxA). Opera em 220/380 V a 50/60 Hz, tendo
o consumo aproximado de 7,5 kVA.
Foto: Divulgao

KAWAMAC Indstria e Comrcio de Mquinas

Tel.: (11) 2446-0724 |

200_Notas Tecnicas.indd 70 16/05/2014 10:32:48

200_Notas Tecnicas.indd 71 16/05/2014 10:32:51
200_Notas Tecnicas.indd 72 16/05/2014 10:32:53

Leia a edio atual e

tambm as anteriores.
Todos os meses o mesmo contedo da
Revista Pack impressa est disponvel
na verso digital no site da Pack.

/packrevista MAIS INFORMAES: (11) 3500-1910 |

55 REVISTA DIGITAL.indd 73 14/05/2014 13:28:50

ndice de anunciantes

pgina empresa site pgina empresa site

2 Capa e 66.............. INTERTEC............................

65.............. AB 31.............. KRONES.............................................

3 Capa..... 25.............. MAKEM-IMAJE...................

15.............. MEADWESTVACO...............................
34 e 35 .... ADERE..................................................
43.............. MULTIVAC.............................................
61.............. ARO.......................................................
59.............. RICEFER..........................................
7................ BAUKO.............................................
55.............. RIGESA...............................................
67.............. BEMCO...........................................
49.............. ROLAND
47.............. CROMEX......................
11.............. SALAZAR.................
18 e 19..... SILGAN WHITE CAP..........
46.............. HAVER
53.............. STRAPET........................................
4 Capa .... 13.............. THALLS.............................................
69 e 74..... INSTITUTO DE EMBALAGENS......................................... 58.............. TRANSERG..................................
70.............. INTERNATIONAL FOODTEC BRASIL................................ 45..............

200_Indice de Anunciantes.indd 74 16/05/2014 17:45:37

AT Editora Banas
3CAPA ABRE.indd 75 14/05/2014 13:40:53
4CAPA IBEMA.indd 76 14/05/2014 13:40:39
PO Box PO Box
7816,Madison, 7816,Madison,
AccuWeb, Inc. WI 53707 WI 53707
10 Admiral 10 Admiral
Street, Street,
Admiral Providence, RI Providence, RI
Packaging, Inc. 02908 02908
95 Chestnut 95 Chestnut
Ridge Road Ridge Road
Montvale, NJ Montvale, NJ
AEP Industries 07645 07645
32 calle, 7-51, 32 calle, 7-51,
Z-11, Las Z-11, Las
AGENCIA Charcas, Charcas,
MALDONADO Guatemala. Guatemala.
Desvo Desvo
residencial residencial
Monte Mara, Monte Mara,
Villanueva, Villanueva,
Corts, Corts,
Honduras. Honduras.
Telfonos: (504) Telfonos: (504)
2670-2220/29. 2670-2220/29.
En S.P.S. 27 En S.P.S. 27
calle frente a calle frente a
gasolinera UNO gasolinera UNO
antes de la antes de la
Central de Central de
AGRINOVA Abastos Abastos
Entrada Entrada
principal de principal de
Comayagua, Comayagua,
1,300 metros al 1,300 metros al
sur, frente a sur, frente a
AGRITRADE DE Comayagua, Comayagua,
HONDURAS S.A. Comayagua. Comayagua.
Edificio Santa
Edificio Santa Brbara, No.
Brbara, No. 726,
726, Tegucigalpa,
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
5 Avenida, 5 Avenida,
entre 8 y 9 calle entre 8 y 9 calle
Suroeste, Barrio Suroeste, Barrio
Lempira, San Lempira, San
AGROPECUARIA Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
EL XITO Honduras. Honduras.
Final del Final del
Boulevard Boulevard
Morazn, atrs Morazn, atrs
de Plaza Tico, de Plaza Tico,
edificio color edificio color
negro. negro.
Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
ALFA Francisco Francisco
COMERCIAL Morazn. Morazn.
21 Calle 21 Calle
Poniente # 223, Poniente # 223,
entre 1 y 3 entre 1 y 3
ALGIERS Avenida Norte, Avenida Norte,
IMPRESIONES San Salvador, El San Salvador, El
S.A. DE C.V. Salvador. Salvador.
21 Calle 21 Calle
Poniente # 223, Poniente # 223,
entre 1 y 3 entre 1 y 3
ALGIERS Avenida Norte, Avenida Norte,
IMPRESORES San Salvador, El San Salvador, El
S.A. DE C.V. Salvador. Salvador.
1842 E. Waller 1842 E. Waller
Drive PO Box Drive PO Box
Alliance Barrier 922,Washington, 922,Washington,
Films IN 47501 IN 47501
Barrio Lempira, Barrio Lempira,
9 calle, entre 6 9 calle, entre 6
y 7 Avenidas y 7 Avenidas
S.O. Edificio S.O. Edificio
Almjar, San Almjar, San
ALMJAR Pedro Sula. Pedro Sula.
5 Avenida, 7 y 8 5 Avenida, 7 y 8
calle Suroeste, calle Suroeste,
San Pedro Sula, San Pedro Sula,
ALTAGRO Honduras. Honduras.

1919 S. 1919 S.
Amcor Flexibles Butterfield Road Butterfield Road
Mundelein, IL Mundelein, IL
60060 60060
3400 North 3400 North
American Inks Hutchinson Pine Hutchinson Pine
and Coatings Bluff, AR 71602 Bluff, AR 71602
15135 E. 15135 E.
American Monument Monument
Packaging Court,Scottsdal Court,Scottsdal
Corporation e, AZ 85262 e, AZ 85262
12025 Tricon 12025 Tricon
Road,Cincinnati, Road,Cincinnati,
Ampac OH 45246 OH 45246
660 White Plains 660 White Plains
Ampacet Road Tarrytown, Road Tarrytown,
Corporation NY 10591 NY 10591
9 Calle, 8 Z-1, 9 Calle, 8 Z-1,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
ARMER PLASTIC Guatemala. Guatemala.
Ashland 5200 Blazer 5200 Blazer
Performance Parkway,Dublin, Parkway,Dublin,
Materials OH 43017 OH 43017
Automated 10175 Philipp 10175 Philipp
Packaging Parkway,Streets Parkway,Streets
Systems boro, OH 44241 boro, OH 44241
Aypek Packaging
B. EQUIPOS EN Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
EL SALVADOR Honduras. Honduras.
Av. Las Rosas Av. Las Rosas
L. 123 Jardines L. 123 Jardines
B. ETIQUETAS de San Lucas de San Lucas
EN EL IV San Lucas IV San Lucas
830 Prosper 830 Prosper
Street,De Pere, Street,De Pere,
B&W MEGTEC WI 54115-5030 WI 54115-5030
4 Avenida 0-85, 4 Avenida 0-85,
Z-2, Mixco, Z-2, Mixco,
Ciudad Cotio Ciudad Cotio
BAGSA Guatemala, Guatemala,
REALPLASTIC Guatemala. Guatemala.
Bamberger 2 Jericho 2 Jericho
Polymers, Inc. Plaza,Suite Plaza,Suite
109,Jericho, NY 109,Jericho, NY
11753 11753
1711 N Delilah 1711 N Delilah
St, Corona, CA St, Corona, CA
Band-it Rubber 92879, United 92879, United
Company States States
11501 Steele 11501 Steele
Creek Road Creek Road
BASF Charlotte, NC Charlotte, NC
Corporation 28273 28273
PO Box PO Box
8208,Saddle 8208,Saddle
Beacon Brook, NJ Brook, NJ
Converters, Inc. 07663-8208 07663-8208
PO Box PO Box
5310,DePere, WI 5310,DePere, WI
Belmark, Inc. 54115 54115
744 N. Oaklawn 744 N. Oaklawn
Avenue Avenue
Bema, Elmhurst, IL Elmhurst, IL
Incorporated 60126 60126
PO Box 669,One PO Box 669,One
Neenah Center Neenah Center
4th 4th
Bemis Company, floor,Neenah, WI floor,Neenah, WI
Inc. 54957-0669 54957-0669
39W259 39W259
Johnsway Johnsway
Berry Plastics Lane,Campton Lane,Campton
Corporation Hills, IL 60175 Hills, IL 60175
PO Box PO Box
1357,945 South 1357,945 South
15th Street 15th Street
BJK Flexible Louisville, KY Louisville, KY
Packaging 40201 40201
146 Harrison 146 Harrison
Avenue, Avenue,
Bobst North Roseland, NJ Roseland, NJ
America Inc. 07068 07068
Ciudad de Ciudad de
Guatemala, Guatemala,
BOLIK Guatemala. Guatemala.
Borton & Sons,
11320 W. 11320 W.
Watertown Watertown
Plank Plank
Road,Wauwatos Road,Wauwatos
Bostik, Inc. a, WI 53226 a, WI 53226
4505 Old 4505 Old
Bryce Lamar,Memphis, Lamar,Memphis,
Corporation TN 38118 TN 38118
Bunzl Ag Group
15 Grumbacher 15 Grumbacher
C-P Flexible Road,York, PA Road,York, PA
Packaging 17406 17406
Calbee North
31 Calle 25-83, 31 Calle 25-83,
Zona 12, Ciudad Zona 12, Ciudad
CEGSA (CAJAS Y de Guatemala, de Guatemala,
EMPAQUES DE 01012, 01012,
GUATEMALA, Guatemala, Guatemala,
S.A.) Guatemala. Guatemala.
957 957
cei (Coating Broadway,Wrigh Broadway,Wrigh
Excellence tstown, WI tstown, WI
International) 54180 54180
222 W. Las 222 W. Las
Colinas Colinas
Boulevard Suite Boulevard Suite
900N,Irving, TX 900N,Irving, TX
Celanese 75039 75039
Boulevard del Boulevard del
Ejrcito Ejrcito
Nacional, Km 7 Nacional, Km 7
CELPAC S.A. DE Soyapango, Soyapango,
C.V. San Salvador, El San Salvador, El
Del Perimercado Del Perimercado
175 metros al 175 metros al
norte, mano norte, mano
izquierda, izquierda,
CELPLAST edificio blanco edificio blanco
(AGENCIAS con azul, con azul,
Rica. Rica.
67 Commander 67 Commander
Boulevard Unit Boulevard Unit
Celplast 4,Toronto, 4,Toronto,
Metallized Ontario M1S Ontario M1S
Products Limited 3M7 Canada 3M7 Canada
Diagonal 19, Diagonal 19,
Avenida Petapa, Avenida Petapa,
7635 Zona 21, 7635 Zona 21,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
CEMSA Guatemala. Guatemala.
31 Calle, 25-83, 31 Calle, 25-83,
CEMSA (CAJAS Y Zona 12, Ciudad Zona 12, Ciudad
EMPAQUES DE de Guatemala, de Guatemala,
GUATEMALA 01012, 01012,
S.A.) Guatemala. Guatemala.
1901 Winter 1901 Winter
Charter NEX Street,Superior, Street,Superior,
Films WI 54880 WI 54880
10001 Six Pine 10001 Six Pine
Chevron Phillips Drive,The Drive,The
Chemical Woodlands, TX Woodlands, TX
Company LP 77380 77380
1101 W. Second 1101 W. Second
Street Street
Oconomowoc, Oconomowoc,
CL&D Graphics WI 53066 WI 53066
1950 Pratt 1950 Pratt
Boulevard,Elk Boulevard,Elk
Clear Lam Grove Village, IL Grove Village, IL
Packaging, Inc. 60007 60007
401 16th 401 16th
Cloeren Street,Orange, Street,Orange,
Incorporated TX 77630 TX 77630
Calle 21 de Calle 21 de
agosto, frente a agosto, frente a
antena del antena del
Centro Radial. Centro Radial.
Siguatepeque, Siguatepeque,
Comayagua, Comayagua,
COAPIHL Honduras. Honduras.
86 Mantua 86 Mantua
Grove Road Grove Road
West Deptford, West Deptford,
Coim USA Inc. NJ 08066 NJ 08066
Edificio Cantero, Edificio Cantero,
el Centro de el Centro de
COLORPRINT Tegucigalpa. Tegucigalpa.
1 cuadra 1 cuadra
arriba de Shell arriba de Shell
COMERCIAL Ciudad Jardn Ciudad Jardn
PAOLA S.A. S-42, S-42,
6135 Park South 6135 Park South
Drive Suite Drive Suite
510,Charlotte, 510,Charlotte,
Comexi Group NC 28210 NC 28210
1111 Northpoint 1111 Northpoint
Boulevard, Boulevard,
Constantia Blythewood, SC Blythewood, SC
Flexibles LLC 29016 29016
Conwed Global
Netting Solutions
Barrio Medina, Barrio Medina,
13 calle, 8 13 calle, 8
avenida, avenida,
esquina opuesta esquina opuesta
al Asilo de al Asilo de
Ancianos. San Ancianos. San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
COPRODE Honduras. Honduras.
Plaza Ares, Plaza Ares,
salida a La salida a La
Lima, Primera Lima, Primera
Calle, oficina Calle, oficina
Colonia Aurora, Colonia Aurora,
7 calle, San 7 calle, San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
COSQUISA Honduras. Honduras.
PO Box PO Box
5687,Spartanbur 5687,Spartanbur
COVERIS g, SC 29304 g, SC 29304
22160 N. Pepper 22160 N. Pepper
Road Lake Road Lake
CTI Industries Barrington, IL Barrington, IL
Corporation 60010 60010
12 Avenida sur # 12 Avenida sur #
132, San 132, San
D. EQUIPOS EN Salvador, El Salvador, El
NICARAGUA Salvador. Salvador.
1 Extusion 1 Extusion
Davis-Standard, Drive,Pawcatuck Drive,Pawcatuck
LLC , CT 06379 , CT 06379
Decade Products
Avenida Los Avenida Los
Prceres, Prceres,
contiguo al contiguo al
Diario El Diario El
Heraldo; No. Heraldo; No.
DEL CAMPO 3301, 3301,
SOLUCIONES Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
AGRCOLAS Honduras. Honduras.
Calle Antigua a Calle Antigua a
Nejapa, Nejapa,
Polgono # 8, Polgono # 8,
Lote # 1, Apopa, Lote # 1, Apopa,
San Salvador, El San Salvador, El
DIASA Salvador. Salvador.
Anillo Perifrico, Anillo Perifrico,
4-15, Zona 2, 4-15, Zona 2,
Ciudad de Ciudad de
DIMASA Guatemala, Guatemala,
UNIVERSAL Guatemala. Guatemala.
Entre 6 y 8 Entre 6 y 8
Avenida, 11 Avenida, 11
Calle, edificio # Calle, edificio #
731, 731,
Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
DIMOGRAFIC Honduras. Honduras.
Urbanizacin Urbanizacin
Industrial La Industrial La
Laguna, Calle Laguna, Calle
Circunvalacin Circunvalacin
DIPSA No. 9-E, Antiguo No. 9-E, Antiguo
(CARVAJAL Cuscatln, El Cuscatln, El
EMPAQUE) Salvador. Salvador.
Display Pack
100 Frank E. 100 Frank E.
Simon Avenue Simon Avenue
Distinct Shepherdsville, Shepherdsville,
Packabilities, LLC KY 40165 KY 40165
Oficinas Oficinas
centrales y sala centrales y sala
de ventas, 1 de ventas, 1
Avenida, Calle Avenida, Calle
34-39, Zona 11, 34-39, Zona 11,
Colonia Toledo. Colonia Toledo.
Ciudad de Ciudad de
DISTRIBUIDORA Guatemala, Guatemala,
DEL CARIBE Guatemala. Guatemala.
8 avenida, 4 y 5 8 avenida, 4 y 5
calle, S.O. calle, S.O.
Barrio El Barrio El
Benque. Benque.
Apartado Postal Apartado Postal
397, San Pedro 397, San Pedro
DISTRIBUIDORA Sula, Corts, Sula, Corts,
MAYAB Honduras. Honduras.
Calle Sierra Calle Sierra
Madre No. 20, Madre No. 20,
Residencial Residencial
Montebello, San Montebello, San
DROGUERA Salvador, El Salvador, El
HERMEL Salvador. Salvador.
Chestnut Run Chestnut Run
Plaza,730,974 Plaza,730,974
Centre Road,PO Centre Road,PO
DuPont Company Box 2915 Box 2915
Dupont Teijin
Boulevard del Boulevard del
Norte contiguo a Norte contiguo a
Supermercado Supermercado
Colonial # 2, Ro Colonial # 2, Ro
Blanco, San Blanco, San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
DUWEST Honduras. Honduras.
Eagle Cold
1100 Kingsland 1100 Kingsland
Eagle Flexible Drive,Batavia, IL Drive,Batavia, IL
Packaging 60510 60510
1 Wilson Manor 1 Wilson Manor
ECKART America Court,Chesterfie Court,Chesterfie
Corporation ld, MO 63005 ld, MO 63005
Avenida Las Avenida Las
Amricas, 5-83, Amricas, 5-83,
Zona 14, Ciudad Zona 14, Ciudad
de Guatemala, de Guatemala,
ECOGREEN Guatemala. Guatemala.

Edanaro USA
(ENVASES 14 calle final, 14 calle final,
DESECHABLES interior El interior El
DE C.A.) Zapote, Zona 2. Zapote, Zona 2.
2277 Knoll 2277 Knoll
Drive,Ventura, Drive,Ventura,
Edwards Label CA 93003 CA 93003
EE Print Pack
6750 Dumbarton 6750 Dumbarton
Circle,Fremont, Circle,Fremont,
EFI CA 94555 CA 94555
7 Avenida 3-33, 7 Avenida 3-33,
Zona 9, Torre Zona 9, Torre
Empresarial 805, Empresarial 805,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
EL LABRADOR Guatemala. Guatemala.
33050 Western 33050 Western
Emerald Avenue Union Avenue Union
Packaging, Inc. City, CA 94587 City, CA 94587

Org USA Mexico
Barrio La Barrio La
Guardia, 1 y 2 Guardia, 1 y 2
avenida, 32 calle avenida, 32 calle
Suroeste, a la Suroeste, a la
par de par de
EMPAFLEX Europlast, San Europlast, San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
Corts, Corts,
Honduras. Honduras.
Colonia Santa Colonia Santa
Mara, 27 calle, Mara, 27 calle,
300 metros 300 metros
EMPAQUES Y despus de despus de
PRODUCTOS DE Shell Zorzales Shell Zorzales
PLSTICO (Uno). (Uno).
Boulevard Boulevard
Vijosa, Edificio Vijosa, Edificio
Salaverra Salaverra
Cceres, Cceres,
Bodegas 1, 2 y Bodegas 1, 2 y
EMPAQUES Y 3, Ciudad 3, Ciudad
PRODUCTOS DE Merliot, Antiguo Merliot, Antiguo
PLSTICO S.A. Cuscatln, El Cuscatln, El
DE C.V. Salvador. Salvador.
Edificio Edificio
Salaverra Salaverra
Cceres y Cceres y
Boulevard Boulevard
Vicosa, calle L-1 Vicosa, calle L-1
EMPAQUES Y bodegas 1 y 2, bodegas 1 y 2,
PRODUCTOS Ciudad Merliot, Ciudad Merliot,
PLSTICOS DE La Libertad, El La Libertad, El
EL SALVADOR Salvador. Salvador.

Gustech Mexico
42 Industrial 42 Industrial
Way, Way,
Energy Sciences, Wilmington, MA Wilmington, MA
Inc. 01887 01887
14 calle final, 14 calle final,
interior El interior El
ENVASES Zapote, Zona 2, Zapote, Zona 2,
DESECHABLES Ciudad de Ciudad de
CENTROAMERIC Guatemala, Guatemala,
ANOS. S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
27 calle S.E., 27 calle S.E.,
frente a frente a
Gasolinera Shell Gasolinera Shell
ENVASES Zorzales, Zorzales,
PLSTICOS Colonia Santa Colonia Santa
Mara. San Mara. San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
Honduras. Honduras.
299 Jefferson 299 Jefferson
Evonik Road,Parsippan Road,Parsippan
Corporation y, NJ 07054 y, NJ 07054
Km 18 Carretera Km 18 Carretera
Norte, Valle de Norte, Valle de
Amarateca, Amarateca,
Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
EXPLAHSA Honduras. Honduras.
13 Calle, 12-96 13 Calle, 12-96
Oficomercio, 2D Oficomercio, 2D
Guatemala, Guatemala,
EXTRUDOPLAST Guatemala. Guatemala.
22777 22777
Springwoods Springwoods
ExxonMobil Village Parkway Village Parkway
Chemical Spring, TX Spring, TX
Company 77389 77389
Colonia Colonia
Jacaranda, Jacaranda,
carretera a El carretera a El
Picacho, Casa Picacho, Casa
No. 2101, No. 2101,
FARO Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
COMERCIAL Honduras. Honduras.
De la De la
interseccin de interseccin de
Pista del Pista del
Mayoreo con Mayoreo con
camino a camino a
Sabana Grande, Sabana Grande,
2 Km al Este. 2 Km al Este.
Apartado Postal Apartado Postal
FERNNDEZ A-258, Managua, A-258, Managua,
SERA S.A. Nicaragua. Nicaragua.
200 Industrial 200 Industrial
Drive Bean Drive Bean
Station, TN Station, TN
FILMtech Inc. 37708 37708
1221 North 1221 North
Black Branch Black Branch
Road Road
Flex Films (USA) Elizabethtown, Elizabethtown,
Inc. KY 42701 KY 42701
7 calle poniente, 7 calle poniente,
87 y 89 Avenida 87 y 89 Avenida
Norte. Norte.
Residencial Residencial
Fountain Blue Fountain Blue
H1, Colonia H1, Colonia
Escaln, San Escaln, San
FLEXAPRINT DE Salvador, El Salvador, El
EL SALVADOR Salvador. Salvador.
Avenida Las Avenida Las
Rosas, L. 123 Rosas, L. 123
Jardines de Jardines de
San Lucas IV, San Lucas IV,
San Lucas Sac., San Lucas Sac.,
FLEXAPRINT S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
100 Armstrong 100 Armstrong
Road, Suite 103, Road, Suite 103,
Plymouth, MA Plymouth, MA
Flexo Concepts 02360 02360
275 A Mabini 275 A Mabini
Flexo Street Caloocan, Street Caloocan,
Manufacturing City 1400 City 1400
Corporation Philippines Philippines
14909 Beck 14909 Beck
Road, Plymouth, Road, Plymouth,
Flint Group MI 48170 MI 48170
Department of
Agriculture and
2-44 Cornelia 2-44 Cornelia
Street,Newark, Street,Newark,
Forem Packaging NJ 07105 NJ 07105
Carretera a Carretera a
FORMAS Occidente, Km Occidente, Km
TRMICAS 17 Naco 17 Naco
Corts, Corts,
Honduras. Honduras.
9 Peach Tree 9 Peach Tree
Formosa Plastics Hill Road Hill Road
Corporation, Livingston, NJ Livingston, NJ
U.S.A. 07039 07039
Fox Packaging,
699 N. 699 N.
Frankston Frankston
Highway Highway
Frankston Frankston, TX Frankston, TX
Packaging 75763 75763
Fujifilm North
America 1101 West 1101 West
Corporation, Cambridge Cambridge
Graphic Systems Drive Kansas Drive Kansas
Division City, KS 66103 City, KS 66103
Km 4 Boulevard Km 4 Boulevard
del Sur, San del Sur, San
FUNDIDORAS Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
DEL NORTE S.A. Honduras. Honduras.
285 Industrial 285 Industrial
Parkway South Parkway South
Aurora, Ontario Aurora, Ontario
Genpak LP L4G 3V8 Canada L4G 3V8 Canada
Corrugated ages/default.aspx
Giro Pack Inc.
W158 N9332 W158 N9332
Nor-X-Way Nor-X-Way
Avenue Avenue
Menomonee Menomonee
Glenroy, Inc. Falls, WI 53051 Falls, WI 53051
Blackburn Blackburn
Industrial Park Industrial Park
Gloucester 11 Dory Road, 11 Dory Road,
Engineering Co., Gloucester, MA Gloucester, MA
Inc. 01930 01930
121 Technology 121 Technology
Goss Drive,Durham, Drive,Durham,
International NH 03824 NH 03824
Green Ox Pallet
Boulevard Boulevard
Suyapa, Suyapa,
Contiguo a Contiguo a
Suzuki, 50 Suzuki, 50
metros al Este metros al Este
de Gasolinera de Gasolinera
Shell La Shell La
Hacienda, Hacienda,
Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
GRUPO VICAL Honduras. Honduras.
1200 Willow 1200 Willow
Lake Boulevard Lake Boulevard
St. Paul, MN St. Paul, MN
H.B. Fuller 55110 55110
Hampshire Paper
11625 Steele 11625 Steele
Creek Road PO Creek Road PO
Harper Box Box
Corporation of 38490,Charlotte, 38490,Charlotte,
America NC 28278 NC 28278
203 MacKenan 203 MacKenan
Henkel Court,Cary, NC Court,Cary, NC
Corporation 27511-6445 27511-6445
5555 Windward 5555 Windward
Parkway,Alphar Parkway,Alphar
Hewlett Packard etta, GA 30004 etta, GA 30004
N26W23322 Paul N26W23322 Paul
HFM Packaging, Road Pewaukee, Road Pewaukee,
Ltd. WI 53072 WI 53072
Highland Supply
Produce L.P.
Avenida New Avenida New
Orleans, 1 Orleans, 1
cuadra al sur del cuadra al sur del
HONDUPLAST Tcnico Alemn, Tcnico Alemn,
(PLSTICOS DE San Pedro Sula, San Pedro Sula,
HONDURAS) Corts. Corts.
Barrio La Barrio La
Guardia. Guardia.
Apartado Postal Apartado Postal
No.1105, San No.1105, San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
HONDUPRINT Honduras Honduras
Aldea Villa Vieja, Aldea Villa Vieja,
salida a Danl, salida a Danl,
Km 4, despus Km 4, despus
de la posta de la posta
policial, primer policial, primer
desvo a mano desvo a mano
HONDUTERRA izquierda. izquierda.
5 Michigan 5 Michigan
Hosokawa Alpine Drive,Natick, MA Drive,Natick, MA
American 01760 01760
230 Kendall 230 Kendall
Point Drive Point Drive
Oswego, IL Oswego, IL
HQC Inc. 60543 60543
International, LLC
Image Plastics &
5 Avenida, 11 5 Avenida, 11
Calle Suroeste, Calle Suroeste,
Barrio Lempira Barrio Lempira
frente al frente al
cementerio. San cementerio. San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
IMET Honduras. Honduras.
Colonia 21 de Colonia 21 de
Octubre, frente Octubre, frente
a las bodegas a las bodegas
Lzaro, cerca de Lzaro, cerca de
Canal 13, Canal 13,
Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
IMPORMA Honduras. Honduras.
Boulevard 21 Boulevard 21
octubre, octubre,
contiguo a los contiguo a los
puentes, puentes,
INDUSTRIAS Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
ELECTRIGAS Honduras. Honduras.
Barrio Barrio
Concepcin, 12 Concepcin, 12
Avenida Sur, Avenida Sur,
INDUSTRIAS No. 132, San No. 132, San
READI S.A. DE Salvador, El Salvador, El
C.V. Salvador. Salvador.
Infia SRL
Oficina Oficina
principal, 3 principal, 3
Avenida N.O. # Avenida N.O. #
65 entre 9 y 10 65 entre 9 y 10
calle. Bo. Las calle. Bo. Las
Acacias, San Acacias, San
INFRA DE Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
HONDURAS Honduras. Honduras.
Inline Plastics
Valle de Valle de
Amarateca, en el Amarateca, en el
desvo al desvo al
Hospital Santa Hospital Santa
INPLASA Rosita. Rosita.
Avenida Junior, Avenida Junior,
12 calle N.E. San 12 calle N.E. San
Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
INPONO Honduras. Honduras.
7 calle, arriba 7 calle, arriba
de la Agencia La de la Agencia La
Global, entre la Global, entre la
12 y 13 12 y 13
avenida, a mano avenida, a mano
derecha en un derecha en un
local que dice local que dice
SUREZ Sure Sure
101 ISO 101 ISO
ISO Poly Films, Parkway,Gray Parkway,Gray
Inc. Court, SC 29645 Court, SC 29645
PO Box No. PO Box No.
6574, AL 6574, AL
Khaimah, UAE Khaimah, UAE
JetRam Floral
Packaging Co.,
2999 W. Spencer 2999 W. Spencer
Street Suite Street Suite
JL Packaging 2010,Appleton, 2010,Appleton,
Corporation WI 54914 WI 54914
Jolo Flowers
175 SW 7th 175 SW 7th
Karlville Street Suite Street Suite
Development, 2103,Miami, FL 2103,Miami, FL
LLC 33130 33130
2555 Regent 2555 Regent
Boulevard,Dalla Boulevard,Dalla
KBA Flexotecnica s, TX 75261 s, TX 75261
Kronen Corp
2625 Bay Area 2625 Bay Area
Boulevard Suite Boulevard Suite
600,Houston, TX 600,Houston, TX
Kuraray 77058 77058
2050 Wardrobe 2050 Wardrobe
Label Technology Avenue,Merced, Avenue,Merced,
Inc. CA 95341 CA 95341
24 Avenida 24 Avenida
19-05, Zona 12, 19-05, Zona 12,
Calzada Calzada
LACOPLAST S.A. Atanasio Tzul. Atanasio Tzul.
Barrio Pueblo Barrio Pueblo
Nuevo, # 3344, Nuevo, # 3344,
frente a frente a
Hondupalma, Hondupalma,
LEOPLAST una calle antes una calle antes
(ANTES de la Colonia de la Colonia
DINAPLAST) Argentina, Argentina,
Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
Honduras. Honduras.
901 East Byrd 901 East Byrd
Street Suite Street Suite
Liqui-Box 1105, Richmond, 1105, Richmond,
Corporation VA 23219 VA 23219
Colonia El Colonia El
Prado, 3 Prado, 3
entrada. Planta: entrada. Planta:
delante de Caf delante de Caf
Maya, Maya,
Amarateca, Amarateca,
LOGSTICOS Francisco Francisco
HONDURAS Morazn. Morazn.
10 Caesar Place, 10 Caesar Place,
LPS Industries, Moonachie, NJ Moonachie, NJ
LLC 07074 07074
Lubrizol 9911 Brecksville 9911 Brecksville
Advanced Road,Brecksvill Road,Brecksvill
Materials e, Ohio 44141 e, Ohio 44141
LyondellBasell LyondellBasell
Tower 1221 Tower 1221
McKinney McKinney
Street,Suite Street,Suite
300,Houston, TX 300,Houston, TX
LyondellBasell 77010 77010
PO Box PO Box
27127,Greenville 27127,Greenville
M33 Integrated , SC 29616 , SC 29616
5210 Phillip Lee 5210 Phillip Lee
MacDermid Drive Atlanta, Drive Atlanta,
Printing Solutions GA 30336 GA 30336
Barrio Barrio
Guadalupe, Guadalupe,
Avenida Juan Avenida Juan
Manuel Glvez, Manuel Glvez,
Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
MAQUIMUNDO Honduras. Honduras.
Mariani Packing

18081 18081
Chesterfield Chesterfield
Mark Andy, Inc. Airport Road Airport Road
Chesterfield, MO Chesterfield, MO
63005 63005
Markenburg Eldan Park, Bo. Eldan Park, Bo.
International Patubig Marilao, Patubig Marilao,
Foods Bulacan 3019 Bulacan 3019
Corporation Philippines Philippines
Market Source
Carretera Carretera
Troncal del Troncal del
MATRICERIA Norte, Km 7 , Norte, Km 7 ,
INDUSTRIAL Ciudad Delgado, Ciudad Delgado,
ROXY S.A. DE San Salvador, El San Salvador, El
C.V. Salvador. Salvador.
235 S. LaSalle 235 S. LaSalle
Street Street
Max Katz Bag Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN
Company, Inc. 46201-4334 46201-4334
Carretera al Carretera al
Pacfico, Km Pacfico, Km
15.5, Villanueva, 15.5, Villanueva,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
MEGAPLAST S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
260 Industrial 260 Industrial
Menges Roller Drive,Wauconda Drive,Wauconda
Company, Inc. , IL 60084 , IL 60084
9 Mountain View 9 Mountain View
Drive Shelton, Drive Shelton,
Mica Corporation CT 06484 CT 06484
9080 Shell Road, 9080 Shell Road,
Cincinnati, OH Cincinnati, OH
Michelman 45236 45236
2001 Hood 2001 Hood
Mitsubishi Road,PO Box Road,PO Box
Polyester Film, 1400,Greer, SC 1400,Greer, SC
Inc. 29652 29652
14591 State 14591 State
Highway Highway
Mondi Jackson 177,Jackson, 177,Jackson,
LLC MO 63755 MO 63755
Monte Package
Multifilm 1040 N. McLean 1040 N. McLean
Packaging Boulevard Elgin, Boulevard Elgin,
Corporation IL 60123 IL 60123
NNZ Inc.
155 Ricefield 155 Ricefield
Nordmeccanica, Lane,Hauppaug Lane,Hauppaug
NA e, NY 11788 e, NY 11788
645 Hembree 645 Hembree
Parkway,Suite Parkway,Suite
Nordson D,Roswell, GA D,Roswell, GA
Corporation 30076 30076
1555 Coraopolis 1555 Coraopolis
Heights Road Heights Road
NOVA Chemicals, Moon Township, Moon Township,
Inc. PA 15108 PA 15108
40 Calle, 22-26 40 Calle, 22-26
Zona 12, Ciudad Zona 12, Ciudad
NOVAPLASTIC de Guatemala, de Guatemala,
S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
101 East 101 East
Carolina Avenue Carolina Avenue
Hartsville, SC Hartsville, SC
NOVOLEX 29550 29550
445 Sixth Street 445 Sixth Street
Oliver-Tolas NW, Grand NW, Grand
Healthcare Rapids, MI Rapids, MI
Packaging 49504 49504
Oneonta Starr
Ranch Growers
1188 South 1188 South
Houk Road Houk Road
Optimum Delaware, OH Delaware, OH
Plastics, Inc. 43015 43015
220 Polo Road, 220 Polo Road,
Winston-Salem, Winston-Salem,
Oracle Packaging NC 27105 NC 27105
1180 American 1180 American
Outlook Group Drive, Neenah, Drive, Neenah,
Corporation WI 54956 WI 54956
1403 Needham 1403 Needham
P&O Packaging, Drive,DALTON, Drive,DALTON,
LLC GA 30720 GA 30720
Pacific AgPak
Personified Inc.
Barrio San Barrio San
Jacinto, Jacinto,
Residencial Residencial
Amrica, calle Amrica, calle
Cristbal Coln Cristbal Coln
10, San 10, San
PACKPRINT S.A. Salvador, El Salvador, El
DE C.V. Salvador. Salvador.
2817 McCracken 2817 McCracken
Street, Street,
Muskegon, MI Muskegon, MI
Paramelt 49441 49441
En San Pedro En San Pedro
Sula, Corts: 24 Sula, Corts: 24
calle, 20 avenida calle, 20 avenida
S.E. Segundo S.E. Segundo
anillo anillo
Circunvalacin Circunvalacin
frente a ZIP San frente a ZIP San
Apartado 4457, Apartado 4457,
Lima, Lima 16 Lima, Lima 16
Plastic Packaging 750 S. 65th 750 S. 65th
Technologies, Street Kansas Street Kansas
LLC City, KS 66111 City, KS 66111
2887 Johnstown 2887 Johnstown
Road, Road,
Plastic Suppliers, Columbus, OH Columbus, OH
Inc. 43219 43219

Colonia 21 de Colonia 21 de
octubre, salida a octubre, salida a
PLSTICOS Valle de Valle de
CORPLASA ngeles, en las ngeles, en las
antiguas antiguas
oficinas de oficinas de
Valentino. Valentino.
1 cuadra al este 1 cuadra al este
de Foam de de Foam de
PLSTICOS Honduras, San Honduras, San
GAMOZ S.A. DE Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
C.V. Corts. Corts.
Rivera de Beln, Rivera de Beln,
Heredia, Heredia,
contiguo a las contiguo a las
PLSTICOS bodegas de la bodegas de la
MODERNOS Coca Cola. Coca Cola.
Carretera Norte, Carretera Norte,
Km 3, Km 3,
PLSTICOS Managua, Managua,
MODERNOS S.A. Nicaragua. Nicaragua.
Barrio Barrio
Guanacaste, Guanacaste,
Avenida Avenida
Gutenberg, No. Gutenberg, No.
1735, 1735,
PLSTICOS Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
TONY Honduras. Honduras.
200 metros al 200 metros al
sur del C.T.H.A. sur del C.T.H.A.
Barrio La Barrio La
Guardia. Guardia.
Apartado Postal Apartado Postal
PLSTICOS No. 1105, San No. 1105, San
VANGUARDIA S. Pedro Sula, Pedro Sula,
DE R.L. DE C.V. Honduras. Honduras.
3 calle, 0-81 3 calle, 0-81
Zona 1, Boca del Zona 1, Boca del
Norte, Villa Norte, Villa
Canales, Canales,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
Guatemala. Guatemala.
PLASTIMAX Skype: Skype:
Calle a Valle Calle a Valle
Nuevo No. 5, Nuevo No. 5,
POLIFLEX S.A. Colonia Santa Colonia Santa
DE C.V. Luca, Ilopango, Luca, Ilopango,
San Salvador, El San Salvador, El
Salvador. Salvador.
1 Calle, 2-68, 1 Calle, 2-68,
Zona 2, Colonia Zona 2, Colonia
San Jos, Villa San Jos, Villa
Nueva, Nueva,
POLMEROS Y Guatemala. Guatemala.
TECNOLOGA Cdigo Postal Cdigo Postal
S.A. 01064. 01064.
Kilmetro 12, Kilmetro 12,
Carretera a Villa Carretera a Villa
Canales, Boca Canales, Boca
del Monte, del Monte,
POLINDUSTRIAS Guatemala, Guatemala,
S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
2300 W. 2300 W.
Wetmore Road Wetmore Road
Tucson, Arizona Tucson, Arizona
Poly Print Inc. 85705-2051 85705-2051
Polymer Logistics
8333 Navarre 8333 Navarre
Road SE Road SE
Polymer Massillon, OH Massillon, OH
Packaging Inc. 44646 44646
3001 Mallard 3001 Mallard
Fox Drive NW Fox Drive NW
Polyplex USA, Decatur, AL Decatur, AL
LLC 35601 35601
500 Laser 500 Laser
Drive,Somerset, Drive,Somerset,
Preco, Inc. WI 54025 WI 54025
501 N. Central 501 N. Central
Prime Packaging, Avenue,Wood Avenue,Wood
LLC Dale, IL 60191 Dale, IL 60191
PO Box 723608, PO Box 723608,
Atlanta, GA Atlanta, GA
Printpack 31139 31139
13536 Dahlia 13536 Dahlia
Prolamina Court,Rosemou Court,Rosemou
Corporation nt, MN 55068 nt, MN 55068
Estatua Estatua
Monseor Monseor
Lezcano, 6 Lezcano, 6
cuadras al Este, cuadras al Este,
Barrio Barrio
Monseor Monseor
Lezcano, Lezcano,
Managua, Managua,
PROQUINFA S.A. Nicaragua. Nicaragua.
12260 W. 53rd 12260 W. 53rd
Street North Street North
Reifenhauser Inc. Maize, KS 67101 Maize, KS 67101
Plaza Los Plaza Los
Dolores, Dolores,
Avenida Mximo Avenida Mximo
Jerez, Casa No. Jerez, Casa No.
1310, Barrio Los 1310, Barrio Los
Dolores, Dolores,
REPRESENTACIO Tegucigalpa, Tegucigalpa,
NES ROJAS Honduras. Honduras.
270 Reasonover 270 Reasonover
RKW North Drive,Franklin, Drive,Franklin,
America Inc. KY 42134 KY 42134
10810 Mid 10810 Mid
America Avenue America Avenue
Lenexa, KS Lenexa, KS
Robbie flexibles 66219 66219
320 S. Stewart 320 S. Stewart
Rollprint Avenue Avenue
Packaging Addison, IL Addison, IL
Products, Inc. 60101-3310 60101-3310
10 Avenida, # 10 Avenida, #
31-39, Zona 5, 31-39, Zona 5,
Ciudad de Ciudad de
Guatemala, Guatemala,
01005, 01005,
ROTOPRIN S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
150 metros Sur, 150 metros Sur,
del costado del costado
suroeste del suroeste del
Estadio Lito Estadio Lito
Monge. Barrio Monge. Barrio
RYELSA San Jos, San Jos,
Curridabat, San Curridabat, San
Jos, Costa Jos, Costa
Rica. Rica.
Zona Industrial Zona Industrial
Plan de La Plan de La
SALVAPLASTIC Laguna, Bloque Laguna, Bloque
S.A. de C.V. E # 5, Antiguo E # 5, Antiguo
12120 12120
Wickchester Wickchester
Sasol North Lane,Houston, Lane,Houston,
America TX 77079 TX 77079
Avenida Avenida
Hincapi, 16-55, Hincapi, 16-55,
SEALED AIR Z-13, Z-13,
CENTRAL Guatemala, Guatemala,
AMERICA S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
Post Office Box Post Office Box
464, 100 Rogers 464, 100 Rogers
Bridge Road Bridge Road
Building A, Building A,
Sealed Air Duncan, SC Duncan, SC
Corporation 29334 29334
103 Industrial 103 Industrial
Sealstrip Drive,Gilbertsvill Drive,Gilbertsvill
Corporation e, PA 19525 e, PA 19525
Seng Seng
Plastic Co., Ltd.
SerPak Co Ltd
3535 SW 56th 3535 SW 56th
Street Des Street Des
Siegwerk USA Moines, IA Moines, IA
Co. 50321 50321
1140 W. 31st 1140 W. 31st
Street,Downers Street,Downers
Grove, Illinois Grove, Illinois
Silgan White Cap 60515 60515
Sixto Packaging
46 Calle, 21-71, 46 Calle, 21-71,
Zona 12, Zona 12,
SOLUCIONES Guatemala, Guatemala,
PLSTICAS Guatemala. Guatemala.
Km 17.5 Km 17.5
carretera a San carretera a San
Jos Pinula, Jos Pinula,
Empresarial San Empresarial San
SOLUCIONES Jos, Interior # Jos, Interior #
PLSTICAS DE 8, Guatemala, 8, Guatemala,
GUATEMALA 2212. 2212.
1 North Second 1 North Second
Street, Street,
Sonoco Flexible Hartsville, SC Hartsville, SC
Packaging 29550 29550
Packaging 2756 Alft 2756 Alft
Technologies, Lane,Elgin, IL Lane,Elgin, IL
Inc. 60124 60124
80 Moreau 80 Moreau
Street,Saint-Jea Street,Saint-Jea
n-sur-Richelieu, n-sur-Richelieu,
St. Johns Quebec J2W Quebec J2W
Packaging Ltd. 2M4 Canada 2M4 Canada
StePac, North
135 West Lake 135 West Lake
Street Street
Sun Chemical Northlake, IL Northlake, IL
Corporation 60164 60164
2 Commerce 2 Commerce
SunFlex Drive,Cranford, Drive,Cranford,
Packagers Inc. NJ 07016 NJ 07016
33, 33,
Madogongdan-r Madogongdan-r
o 6-gil, o 6-gil,
Sung An Mado-myeon,Hw Mado-myeon,Hw
Machinery aseong-si, aseong-si,
Company, Ltd. Kyungki-do Kyungki-do
(SAM) 445-861 Korea 445-861 Korea
Sunkist Growers
Online USA
100 B Royal 100 B Royal
TC Group Crescent Group Crescent
Transcontinental Vaughan, ON Vaughan, ON
Packaging L4H 1X9,Canada L4H 1X9,Canada
975 Lutter Drive 975 Lutter Drive
Crystal Lake, IL Crystal Lake, IL
Technipaq Inc. 60014 60014
Techno sachets Mexico
28 Calle A, 0-08, 28 Calle A, 0-08,
Zona 8, Zona 8,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
TECNIPLAST S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
40 Calle, 22-15, 40 Calle, 22-15,
Zona 12, Zona 12,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
TECNOPACK S.A. Guatemala. Guatemala.
Temkin Floral
International, Inc.
Carretera Carretera
Troncal del Troncal del
Norte y 25 Calle Norte y 25 Calle
Oriente # 4. P.O. Oriente # 4. P.O.
TEMSA (TCNICO BOX 1201, San BOX 1201, San
MERCANTIL S.A. Salvador, El Salvador, El
DE C.V.) Salvador. Salvador.
TENRIT Foodtec
Carretera Norte Carretera Norte
Km 5.5, 800 Km 5.5, 800
metros al Norte metros al Norte
del paso a del paso a
desnivel. Parque desnivel. Parque
Industrial Industrial
Portezuelo, Portezuelo,
Nave # 25 B. Nave # 25 B.
TERMO Managua, Managua,
ENCOGIBLE Nicaragua. Nicaragua.
Calle L-3, Calle L-3,
Polgono D, Lote Polgono D, Lote
1 y 2. Zona 1 y 2. Zona
Industrial, Industrial,
TERMO Ciudad Merliot, Ciudad Merliot,
ENCOGIBLES La Libertad, El La Libertad, El
S.A. DE C.V. Salvador. Salvador.
2754 West Park 2754 West Park
Drive Drive
Bloomfield, NY Bloomfield, NY
Terphane, Inc. 14469 14469
5825 Carnegie 5825 Carnegie
Boulevard,Charl Boulevard,Charl
tesa tape, inc. otte, NC 28209 otte, NC 28209
Textiles Agricolas
The Blanc
Signage &
Display Group
The Dow 2030 Dow 2030 Dow
Chemical Center,Midland, Center,Midland,
Company MI 48674 MI 48674
Toluca Foods,
9201 W. 9201 W.
Belmont Avenue Belmont Avenue
Transilwrap Franklin Park, IL Franklin Park, IL
Company Inc. 60131 60131
1100 Boulders 1100 Boulders
Tredegar Film Parkway,Richm Parkway,Richm
Products ond, VA 23225 ond, VA 23225
3161 S. Ridge 3161 S. Ridge
Tufco Road,Green Road,Green
Technologies Bay, WI 54304 Bay, WI 54304
360 S. 9th 360 S. 9th
Avenue,City of Avenue,City of
Industry, CA Industry, CA
Ultimate Flex 91746 91746
3400 Town Point 3400 Town Point
Drive Suite Drive Suite
UTECO North 160,Kennesaw, 160,Kennesaw,
America, Inc. GA 30144 GA 30144
Avenida Petapa, Avenida Petapa,
48-01, Z 12, 48-01, Z 12,
Guatemala, Guatemala,
VICAL Guatemala. Guatemala.
San Nicols, del San Nicols, del
Taller 3M, 500 Taller 3M, 500
metros Noreste, metros Noreste,
VICESA (GRUPO Cartago, Costa Cartago, Costa
VICAL) Rica. Rica.
Volm Companies,
201 Park 201 Park
Vonco Products, Avenue Lake Avenue Lake
LLC Villa, IL 60046 Villa, IL 60046
616 Hite 616 Hite
Road,Harwick, Road,Harwick,
Watson Standard PA 15049 PA 15049
2801 Post Oak 2801 Post Oak
Westlake Boulevard Boulevard
Chemical Houston, TX Houston, TX
Corporation 77056 77056
1886 Merritt 1886 Merritt
Wikoff Color Road,Fort Mill, Road,Fort Mill,
Corporation SC 29715 SC 29715
Windmoeller & 23 New England 23 New England
Hoelscher Way Lincoln, RI Way Lincoln, RI
Corporation 02865 02865
Yerecic Label
1821 Walden 1821 Walden
Office Office
Square,Suite Square,Suite
Zacros America, 400,Schaumbur 400,Schaumbur
Inc. g, IL 60173 g, IL 60173

Sustainable packaging Insights

Sustainable packaging is the development and use of packaging which results in improved
sustainability. This involves increased use of life cycle inventory (LCI) and life cycle assessment
(LCA) to help guide the use of packaging which reduces the environmental impact and
ecological footprint. It includes a look at the whole of the supply chain: from basic function, to
marketing, and then through to end of life (LCA) and rebirth.[4] Additionally, an eco-cost to value
ratio can be useful[5]

The goals are to improve the long term viability and quality of life for humans and the longevity
of natural ecosystems. Sustainable packaging must meet the functional and economic needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Sustainability is not necessarily an end state but is a continuing process of improvement.

Sustainable packaging is a relatively new addition to the environmental considerations for

packaging (see Packaging and labeling). It requires more analysis and documentation to look at
the package design, choice of materials, processing, and life-cycle. This is not just the vague
"green movement" that many businesses and companies have been trying to include over the
past years.

Companies implementing these eco-friendly actions are reducing their carbon footprint, using
more recycled materials and reusing more package components.[8] They often encourage
suppliers, contract packagers, and distributors to do likewise.
For example, researchers at the Agricultural Research Service are looking into using
dairy-based films as an alternative to petroleum-based packaging. [1] Instead of being made of
synthetic polymers, these dairy-based films would be composed of proteins such as casein and
whey, which are found in milk. The films would be biodegradable and offer better oxygen
barriers than synthetic, chemical-based films. More research must be done to improve the water
barrier quality of the dairy-based film, but advances in sustainable packaging are actively being

Environmental marketing claims on packages need to be made (and read) with caution.
Ambiguous greenwashing titles such as green packaging and environmentally friendly can be
confusing without specific definition. Some regulators, such as the US Federal Trade
Commission, are providing guidance to packagers.
Companies have long been reusing and recycling packaging when economically viable. Using
minimal packaging has also been a common goal to help reduce costs. Recent years have
accelerated these efforts based on social movements, consumer pressure, and regulation. All
phases of packaging, distribution, and logistics are included

Sustainable packaging is no longer focused on just recycling. Just as packaging is not the only
eco target, although it is still top of mind for many.

Right or wrong, packaging is frequently scrutinized and used as the measure of a company's
overall sustainability, even though it may contribute only a small percentage to the total eco
impact compared to other things, such as transportation, and water and energy use.

Vertical Packaging Machine for powders

Bag Form Fill Seal Packaging machine, Multi-lane stick pack machines for salt, sugar, spices
and the most common food powders

Steel body structure

Requires minimum maintenance
Easy to operate 24 hours per day non stop
Stainless steel in areas that are in contact with the product
American components and built in Mexico with American made parts
For Pmmi, New Media Group Is About More Than Publications

PMMI beefed up its digital offerings with the purchase of Summit Media Group last fall. Since then, the
groups have been busy integrating, and just last week announced the launch of PMMI Media Groupa
new media company that will offer members and the industry a suite of communication tools and
At a joint committee meeting last week, PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
Technologies, pulled back the veilon the newly branded PMMI Media Group (PMG), a
business-to-business media company with print and digital offerings that the association says will provide
new ways to distribute content and interactive communication tools to members and the industry.
The creation of PMG comes just three months after PMMIannounced it had purchased Summit Media
Group, a well-known publications and event producer in the packaging and industrial automation industry.
We looked at our digital footprint and what it would take to really develop a robust digital platform like
theirs, with content marketing, video, everything else, and it was a pretty daunting task, said PMMI
President and CEO Charles D. Yuska. It turned out, when we approached Summit Media Group about a
possible acquisition, it turned out to be the right time for them and the right time for us to get together.
The decision to bring the media outfit into the PMMI fold adds a number of industry-specific publications
to the mix, but, according to Yuska and PMG President Joe Angel, it was about far more than just a
couple of magazines.
When PMMI acquired us, they acquired all of our technology, Angel said. Our portfolio of exclusive
tools includes world-class events, business intelligence, education, and workforce development
resources, and will help companies in the processing and packaging supply chain discover best practices
and grow their business.
It also gave PMG access to a trove of industry data that will be used to advance the associations position
as a thought leader. And PMG will play a big role in continuing to engage members and customers
throughout the year, beyond the organizations popular tradeshows like PMMIs Pack Expo.
We havent even begun to scratch the surface in terms of what well be doing with content marketing
throughout the year, said Angel. Traditionally, PMMI tradeshow websites would peak about a month
before the show and right after the show, and then all of a sudden it would fall off. PMGs reach is
substantial globally, so well be using that digital platform year round to communicate with all of the
customers and prospects of the PMMI members, and the packaging community as a whole to keep those
conversations going.
For Yuska, the PMGs success hinges on PMMIs ability to simply stay out of the way.
[Summit was] a very successful business, which is why we bought them, he said. From that standpoint,
Ive been really trying to tell my leadership, Listen, were not going to go in there and tell them how to run
their business. Theyre good at what they do. We just want to make sure that they continue to be
successful while giving them the tools that they need to do their job.

Verified US suppliers on the web:

Agents of Contract Packaging Services Techno sachets North America

Distribuitors of Packaging Machinery Edanaro Americas

Online store for Packaging supplies Super Industrial Online Americas
Manufacturers of Vertical form fill
systems Gustech Mexico

PMMI Announces Purchase of Summit Media Group, Inc.

PMMI Annual Meeting; Rosemont, Illinois; Sept. 16, 2014 - PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies, owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, has entered
into an agreement to purchase Summit Media Group, Inc., publisher of Packaging World, Automation
World, Healthcare Packaging and Contract Packaging. The sale is expected to conclude in late October,
according to PMMI Chairman Bill Crist, CEO, Kliklok-Woodman, who delivered the announcement at
PMMI's Annual Meeting today.

"Summit is a well-known, highly-respected publisher, with print publications and a significant digital
presence that truly complements PMMI's strategic plan. They bring to the table a fully developed platform,
an established audience and a high level of brand recognition - all within a proven business model," Crist

"PMMI's strategic vision is to create opportunities where businesses and people along the packaging and
processing supply chain can convene to network, problem solve and do business," Crist adds. "The
robust platform Summit brings to the table will enhance our ability to do that."

"I think it's more than fair to say, PMMI's greatest competitive advantage lies in the strength of our trade
shows, programs and services," says PMMI President & CEO Charles D. Yuska, noting that the
multi-media platform will strengthen PMMI's position. "This platform will help connect our PACK EXPO
exhibitors with the trade show attendees year-round and will support the expanding group of expositions."

Summit President and CEO Joe Angel shares his enthusiasm. "The synergy between our two
organizations is one that will enable us both to move to the next level in terms of what we can offer our
subscribers, customers, PMMI members and the packaging and processing community as a whole. We're
very excited to become part of PMMI, with whom we've had a strong relationship for so many years, and
look forward to the new opportunities this strategic acquisition will make possible."

Under the agreement, the Summit Media Group staff will join the PMMI staff, with Summit offices
remaining in the Chicago area.

About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
over 650 packaging and processing supply chain companies that provide a full range of packaging and
processing machinery, materials, components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers
together through programs and events such as the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows,,
PMT Magazine, PACK EXPO Show Daily, networking events and educational programs.
PMMI organizes the PACK EXPO trade shows: PACK EXPO International, Pharma EXPO, co-located
with PACK EXPO International and presented jointly with the International Society for Pharmaceutical
Engineering (ISPE); PACK EXPO Las Vegas, PACK EXPO East, EXPO PACK Mxico and EXPO PACK
Guadalajara, connecting participants in the packaging and processing supply chain with their customers
around the world. Coming Up: PACK EXPO International 2014, Nov. 2-5 (McCormick Place, Chicago);
Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2014; PACK EXPO East, debuting Feb. 16-18,
2015 (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2015, March 10-12,
2015 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico); EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 16-19 (Mexico City, Mexico).

Learn more about PMMI and the PACK EXPO trade shows at and

About Summit Media Group, Inc.

Summit Media Group, Inc., produces leading publications, events and online media for professionals in
packaging and industrial automation. Magazines include Packaging World, Automation World, Packaging
World's PACK EXPO Showcase, Healthcare Packaging and Contract Packaging. In addition, Summit
publishes over a dozen e-books for specialized markets, webinars and other digital resources, The
Automation Conference and Web

PMMI Buys Summit Media

Publisher-association relationships arent foreign to the B2B world, but they rarely go this far.
PMMI, a trade group for packaging and processing technologies, has agreed to purchase
Summit Media Group, a publisher with five titles in the same space.
Terms werent disclosed, though the deal is expected to close next month. Summit staff and
leadership will become employees of the association, with operations remaining headquartered
in Chicago.
The deal immediately gives PMMI, producer of five trade shows, an established year-round,
multi-platform connection to its audiencesomething the company had been exploring on its
own for the last 18 months, says Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO of PMMI.
A robust publishing and multimedia presence will be the foundation of our efforts to build a
year-round audience for our tradeshows and other products, he says. Building a platform
would take several years and a significant financial investment with no guarantee of success.
On the other hand, purchasing an existing, successful entity would mean much greater speed to
market and a faster return on our financial investment.
While integration on the marketing front is a central part of the deal, show sales will continue on
separately from media sales for now, Yuska says, though cross-platform buys will be available.
The merger makes PMMIs own magazine, PMT, redundant however. Itll be absorbed into
Summits title, Packaging World.


Build it or buy it? Thats the question PMMI, the Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies,
faced when it decided to expand its digital presence. The answer hinged on the groups ability to find a
complementary partner.

There was no doubt that PMMI, the Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, would
expand its digital offerings for membersthat was determined during a strategic planning session last
spring. How it would implement the digital strategy was a different question.
As we considered how to build a digital platform, it became clear there were two paths to choose from:
build it or buy it, PMMI President and CEO Charles D. Yuska said in an email exchange with
Associations Now. Building a platform would be a significant undertaking, requiring considerable staff
time and financial resources. On the other hand, purchasing a proven platform gives us significantly
greater speed to market and a faster potential return on our financial investment.
While exploring its options, PMMI identified Summit Media Group, a well-known publications and events
producer in the packaging and industrial automation industry, as a model of what it hoped to accomplish.
It rose to the top as an example of a successful digital enterprise, Yuska said. Our executive committee
realized our two organizations strongly complement each other, and Summits partners agreed.
At its annual meeting earlier this month, PMMI announced it had entered into an agreement to purchase
Summit Media Group, Inc. The sale, expected to close in late October, will bring Summits staff into the
fold, along with its many publications. PMMIs editorial staffwhich produces PMT magazinewill be
integrated into Summits titles, according to Yuska.
Summit is a well-known, highly respected publisher, with print publications and a significant digital
presence that truly complements PMMIs strategic plan, PMMI Chairman Bill Crist said in a statement.
[Our] vision is to create opportunities where businesses and people along the packaging and processing
supply chain can convene to network, problem-solve, and do business. The robust platform Summit
brings to the table will enhance our ability to do that.
The goals for the new platform are threefold: increase attendance at PMMI tradeshows, increase and
diversify revenue, and enhance the organizations status as an authority and thought leader in the
Our focus is always on finding solutions that will support all of our key audiences, Yuska said. We didnt
go into the process thinking about acquiring a publishing house. We went in thinking about supporting our
strategic plan, our members, their customers, and our industry. We had to ask ourselves: Who are we
serving, what do they need, and how can PMMI best serve them?

PMMI anuncia la compra de Summit Media Group. Inc, la casa

editorial de Packaging World

PMMI, la Asociacin para Tecnologas de Empaque y Procesamiento, duea y productora del portafolio
de ferias Pack Expo, ha hecho un acuerdo para comprar a Summit Media Group, Inc., la casa editorial de
la publicacin Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging y Contract Packaging. Se
espera que esta compra concluya a finales de este mes de octubre, de acuerdo con el director de PMMI
Bill Crist, CEO de Kliklok-Woodman, quien anunci la noticia en la reunin anual de PMMI, el pasado 16
de septiembre.
Summit es una firma editorial muy reconocida, altamente respetada, duea de publicaciones impresas y
una significativa presencia digital que verdaderamente complementa el plan estratgico de PMMI. Esto
trae a la mesa toda una plataforma ya desarrollada, y una audiencia desarrollada con un muy alto nivel
de reconocimiento de marca todo ello dentro de un modelo de negocio probado, afirma Crist.
La visin estratgica est en crear oportunidades donde los negocios y las personas que pertenecen a
toda la cadena de suministro de empaque y procesamiento puedan coincidir para desarrollar redes,
resolver problemas y hacer negocios, agrega Crist. Esta plataforma robusta que Summit trae a la mesa,
estimular nuestra habilidad para lograr justamente esto.
Creo es justo decir que, la mayor ventaja competitiva de PMMI descansa en la fortaleza de sus ferias,
programas y servicios, afirma el Presidente de PMMI y CEO Charles D. Yuska, quien anota que la
plataforma multi-media fortalecer la posicin de PMMI. Esta plataforma les ayudar a los expositores
de Pack Expoa conectarse ms con los asistentes a las ferias durante todo el ao, y apoyar el creciente
nmero de exposiciones, agrega Yuska.
El Presidente y CEO de Summit, Joe Angel, comparte este entusiasmo. La sinergia entre las dos
organizaciones contribuir a movernos al siguiente nivel en trminos de lo que queremos ofrecerles a
nuestros clientes, suscriptores, y miembros de PMMI y la comunidad de empaque y procesamiento como
un todo. Pero con lo que ms felices nos sentimos es con formar parte de PMMI, asociacin con la que
hemos tenido una muy fuerte relacin durante muchos aos, y estaremos atentos a las nuevas
oportunidades que esta adquisicin estratgica nos dar.
Bajo este acuerdo, el equipo de Summit Media Group se unir al equipo de PMMI, y las oficinas de
Summit permanecern en el rea de Chicago.
PMMI, laAsociacin para Tecnologas de Empaque y Procesamiento, es un grupo comercial que
representa a ms de 650 compaas que pertenecen a la cadena de suministro de empaque y
procesamiento, y que provee una amplia gama de maquinaria de empaque y procesamiento, materiales,
componentes, y envases. PMMI activamente fomenta la unin entre compradores y vendedores
mediante programas y eventos como los del portafolio de Pack Expo, as como, PMT
Magazine, el Show Daily de Pack Expo, eventos de relacionamiento y programas educativos.
PMMI organiza las ferias de Pack Expo: Pack Expo International; Pharma Expo, realizada junto con Pack
Expo International y presentada en conjunto con la Sociedad para Ingeniera Farmacutica (ISPE); Pack
Expo Las Vegas; Pack Expo East; Expo Pack Mxico y Expo Pack Guadalajara, conectando
participantes en toda la cadena de empaque y procesamiento con los clientes de todo el mundo.
Muy pronto vendrn: Pack Expo International 2014, del 2 al 5 de noviembre en el McCormick Place, en
Chicago; Pharma Expo, desarrollada en el marco de Pack Expo International 2014; Pack Expo East, que
debutar del 16 al 18 de febrero en el Pennsylvania Convention Center, en Filadelfia; Expo Pack
Guadalajara 2015, que se llevar a cabo del 10 al 12 de marzo del 2015 en Guadalajara, Jalisco,
Mxico; Expo Pack Mxico 2015, del 16 al 19 en Ciudad de Mxico, en Mxico.
Summit Media Group, Inc., produce publicaciones lderes, eventos y medios en lnea para profesionales
del empaque y de la automatizacin industrial. Las revistas incluyen a Packaging World, Automation
World, Packaging World's Pack Expo Showcase, Healthcare Packaging y Contract Packaging.
Adicionalmente, Summit publica ms de una docena de libros electrnicos para mercados
especializados, webinars y otros recursos digitales, realiza The Automation Conference y el centro de
recursos Web:

Packaging World to present packaging buying cycle research

Summit Media Groups VP Digital & Custom Media Dave Newcorn will present on the topic of the
packaging buying cycle at The Packaging Conference 2014, February 3-5 in Orlando, FL.

The preponderance of product information now available online has transformed how todays B2B
companies make purchase decisions. Sales representatives are often contacted long after their
customers have fully researched their products, services and competition. AtThe Packaging Conference,
February 3-5 in Orlando, Summit Media Groups VP Digital & Custom Media, Dave Newcorn, will look at
how the Internet-enabled buyer has changed the traditional buying cycle for packaging equipment,
containers, materials and services.
In his presentation Mastering the Packaging Buying Cycle for Fun and Profit, Newcorn will present
proprietary research from Packaging World. Study results will shed light on both packager and supplier
behavior, and offer insights on how buyers and sellers can position themselves to best leverage the new
Packaging World is the exclusive media partner for this years event. The Packaging Conference will be
held at Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, FL. More information on the conference is available at

Packages that need a makeover

Some packages have been annoying for so long that it seems as if manufacturers are teasing us all. Why,
in 2013, must consumers open a box of farina pretty much as they have for decades, by pushing in a
cutout on the side of the box? How many times have you opened a bag of chips only to have it split and
spill the contents?
Patrick Reynolds, editor of the trade publication Packaging World, blames economics. These are mostly
low-margin, commodity products that yield small profits, he says. There isnt a lot of motivation for
companies to rip out equipment in their plants thats bought and paid for and invest in new machinery, no
matter how horrible the packaging. Frito-Lay, for instance, abandoned an experiment to outfit snack bags
with a resealable zippered closure because of cost, says Joe Angel, publisher of Packaging World, and
besides, they want people to eat all the chips all at once.
Weve rounded up some familiar culprits and contacted companies to find out why they couldnt do better.

Kettle chip bag

The issue. You need a strong but delicate touch to pull the bag open without causing it to split apart and
spill chips.
The companys response. Its always great to hear from a fan. We want you to know that we are always
looking to improve based on feedback from our consumers. Then the company offered us coupons.

Comet Cleanser
The issue. The cardboard container and metal top deteriorate in moisture, and powder kicks up through
holes in the nonclosable lid when you set it down.
The companys response. The limitations of the container are by design, to make it recyclable.

Cream of Wheat
The issue. The paperboard box has a spout you create by poking a finger through a precut template.
When you pour, cereal tends to get stuck inside the box, and you cant reseal the carton.
The companys response. We are sure your suggestion for a metal pour spout for the Cream of Wheat
cereals would be a great success. In fact, many of our consumers have requested this. Unfortunately we
currently do not have the machinery to apply this type of packaging.

Gold Medal Flour

The issue. The flour is tightly packed into a delicate paper sack thats tricky to handle without tearing or
making a mess.
The companys response. Its very classic and the way its always been, a customer-service rep said.
And flour is an openly traded commodity. We dont make much money on it.

Summit Media Group Names New CEO

Summit Media Group has named Joseph Angel its president and CEO. He takes over for co-founder
Lloyd Ferguson who will remain as a consultant after heading the company for 20 years.
Angel (pictured) has been with the b-to-b publisher, events producer and custom media provider since its
opening in 1993, and continues as publisher of Packaging World and Contract Packaging. Packaging
World is the largest of the companys five publications with a monthly circulation of more than 65,000 and
about 74,000 monthly unique website visits, per BPA.
"Were going to keep on the course were on," Angel says. "We will continue to adapt and continue to
invest in our digital media properties, as well as sustain our print, but we dont see any big changes."
Angel cites the companys recent Playbook projects as an element of the business that hed like to
continue to develop moving forward.
The initiative, started two years ago, serves exclusive how-to content on a specific project or topic to
readers. Readers must fill out an in-depth questionnaire about their own project needs-things like goals,
budgets and timelines-to get access to the content. That detailed breakdown of each consumers needs
gets forwarded to sponsors of the Playbook.
"Its been an incredible product for us," he says. "The sponsors get these intelligence reports that show
them someone is actively pursuing a project."
Aside from focusing on Playbook production, Angel says the company would like to increase its emphasis
on video, rolling out series across each of its five brands.

Healthcare Packaging Selected as Media Partner to Promote PACK

EXPO Internationals Pharmaceutical Pavilion
Summit Media Groups Healthcare Packaging magazine has been selected as a leading media partner to
grow attendance at PACK EXPO Internationals Pharmaceutical Pavilion. PACK EXPO is North Americas
largest packaging trade event, taking place this fall at Chicagos McCormick Place.
Reston, VA.; June 4, 2012 PMMI, owner and producer of the PACK EXPO family of trade shows, has
long recognized the need for targeted exhibit areas at their annual PACK EXPO shows, to serve
attendees specific interests in a variety of markets. These sections include the Processing Zone, The
Confectionary Pavilion, and the Brand Zone, among others.
Summit Media Group, publisher of Healthcare Packaging, is pleased to announce that PMMI has
selectedHealthcare Packaging to promote attendance to the Pharmaceutical Pavilion at PACK EXPO
International 2012 in Chicago, October 28-31.
The promotional campaign, which runs from April until October 31, 2012, features magazine print ads and
advertorials, website display ads, and a custom newsletter, "Rx Update, Innovations at PACK EXPO for
Pharmaceutical, Medical Device and Biologics Packaging." The newsletter will feature videos of exhibits
shot in the Pharmaceutical Pavilion last year at PACK EXPO Las Vegas. These booth videos
communicate to prospective attendees the show's wide ranging solution offerings such as OEE,
validation, cold chain, anti-counterfeiting and serialization, and will be sent to Summit Media Group's Life
Sciences database, as well as other key pharmaceutical and medical device databases.
Publisher Jim Chrzan is excited at the opportunity to partner with the largest packaging show in the U.S.
"The Pharma Pavilion encourages global participation," says Chrzan. "And our message stresses that
while attendees come for Pharma Pavilion, they will be able to find many other key suppliers throughout
the show floor."
About Summit Media Group, Inc.
Chicago-based Summit Media Group, Inc. ( is integrated media
publisher offering business information for professionals in packaging and manufacturing automation.
Print magazines include flagship monthly Packaging World, Automation World, Packaging Worlds PACK
EXPO Showcase, Healthcare Packaging, and Contract Packaging. In addition to publishing a variety of
newsletters, Summit also produces webinars and conferences and owns Web resource
About PMMI
PMMI is a trade association of about 600 member companies that manufacture packaging, processing
and related converting machinery in the United States or Canada; machinery components and packaging
containers and materials. PMMI's vision is to be the leading global resource for the packaging and
processing supply chain, and its mission is to improve and promote members' abilities to meet the needs
of their customers.
PMMI organizes the PACK EXPO trade shows: PACK EXPO International, PACK EXPO Las Vegas and
EXPO PACK Mxico, connecting participants in the packaging and processing supply chain with their
customers around the world. Coming Up: EXPO PACK Mxico, June 2629 in Mexico City, Mexico;
PACK EXPO International at McCormick Place in Chicago, Oct. 2831, 2012.
Learn more about PMMI and the PACK EXPO trade shows at and

Summit Media Sees Bright Future in Lead-Gen Tech, Custom Content

Summit Media Groups trajectory in b2b media since launching its flagship title Packaging World in 1993
is not uncommon at first glanceit went from print to print/Web/event hybrid. Look a little deeper, though,
and you see a company that has been remarkably nimble at growing its business in a challenging
economy. When print advertising got shaken by the double-whammy of the Web explosion and worldwide
recession, Summit Media invested in lead-generation technology and in expanding its
user base, and these gambles are paying off.

The company is now being asked by other publishers to license its lead-gen technology, and, its main site serving the packaging industry, now has more than 100,000 registered
users, according to Joe Angel, vice president/publisher of Summit Media Group Inc.

Angel started Summit Media with partner Lloyd Ferguson in 1993, and the 1990s were good years for the
monthly Packaging World, as they were for many b2b publications. In 2003 Summit Media
launchedAutomation World, also a monthly, which covers plant operation and related IT software and
processes. The growth continued with the launch of Healthcare Packaging, a bimonthly serving the
pharma and medical device packaging industry, and Contract Packaging, which is published three times a
year and is the official publication of the Contract Packaging Association. Summit also publishes the
PACK EXPO Showcase issue for the annual PACK EXPO show, sponsored by the Packaging Machinery
Manufacturers Institute.

The companys newest brands are Shelf Impact, a custom e-newsletter that covers brand strategies and
packaging design, and Greener Package, an online-only play that serves as a knowledge exchange for
companies investing in sustainable packaging. On the events side, Summit held its Sustainable
Packaging Symposium in Chicago on March 16-18, and coming up in April is its Packaging Automation
Forum, with the Healthcare Packaging Conference and Workshop following in May.

Just this month, Summit Media announced the formation of a custom media division, which is being
headed by longtime Summit executive Dave Newcorn, who is serving as the units VP of digital and
custom media.

In the following Q&A, Jo Angel shares with minonline some of Summit Medias monetization strategies
and details about the companys homegrown lead-gen techology.

minonline: Lets start with your newest brand, Greener Package. Whats the business model?

Joe Angel: The revenue model for the Greener Package Web site comes from three sources: lead-gen
programs, display advertising and a unique supplier membership program. We offer different levels of
membership sponsorships. So a company can come in, take a top-level sponsorship, which is around
15,000, or they can come in and be a lower-level sponsor. We have an email newsletter component with
that as well that we sell sponsorships for. All companies that want to invest in sponsoring on Greener
Package must be accepted by a third-party review for sustainable claims. The GP database is the official
entry point for Walmarts packaging scorecard, a deal announced late in 2009.

minonline: Youre using a similar model for Summit Medias other sites?

Angel: Yes. For, for Automationworld.comfor all of our Web productswe sell
sponsorships, and that is tied in to some of our lead-generation products. We also have pure
branding-only opportunities, but provide metrics via Google.

minonline: Who was the driving force behind Summit Medias lead-gen technology?
Angel: Dave Newcorn. One of his attributes is that he was Packaging Worlds editor, so he knows the
business very well. We actually hired him in 1995 as an editor, but he just loves online stuff, and we made
him our VP of e-media and gave him his own department, including hiring an in-house Web developer,
Tom Wolf, who is a genius. Dave and Tom have been very innovative, and weve organically developed
our own technology for most of our Web products. We have this one-click technology, which we apply to
all of our Web lead-generation products. The technology we use offers full contact reportingpermission
basedand gives an advertiser complete information with name, company, address, email, phone, and
tells you what specific call-to-action item they clicked on and even what time.

minonline: What makes it one click technology?

Angel: We invested a lot of money in our circulation, and what weve done is marry the technology from
the Web with our database on the back end. So when John Smith or Jane Smith from Procter & Gamble
comes in and views a video, if theyre not registered, theyve got to register. And then every subsequent
time they visit our site they dont have to register, because we already have their information. So if they
click on a white paper today and two hours later they go to a video, they wont have to register again, yet
the advertiser will get full contact information. So its a very user-friendly experience, and we clearly put a
disclaimer there that by clicking on this video, youve agreed to release your information to an advertiser.

minonline: And if you choose not to agree to release your information?

Angel: Then you put yourself in a bucket of people whose information we dont release. Its been working
real well. We have 109,000 registered users of our Web products, and weve generated over 600,000
leads for our customers in the last three years. We have about an 80% renewal rate on our Web
products, so weve really grown that portion of our business. We're very proud of this, and it motivates us
to continue innovating. It's the reality of the Web.

minonline: That represents what percentage of Summit Medias revenue?

Angel: We anticipate that the Web will be about 25-30% of our overall revenue in 2011. And a lot of thats
going to come from the custom division that weve launched.

minonline: And where does print fit in?

Angel: Id be lying if I said the decline in print advertising hasnt taken its toll, but 2009 aside, last year we
grew pretty significantly in printwe grew about 20%. We put together an "SMG Network" integrated
package for our customers that incorporates print and any type of online product, and what it has done is
encourage print spending. It calculates a monthly payment, so we dont nickel and dime them with 10
different invoices.

minonline: Where do you see the largest potential for revenue growth looking ahead at the rest of 2011
and into 2012?

Angel: Were going to have a real opportunity with custom content and marketing services. Were going to
be developing custom e-newsletters, e-show dailies, micrositesand I see a really big upswing in our
revenue this year from that. And we'll continue investing in eventsI'm convinced nothing will replace
face-to-face interaction, no matter what technology brings.

PACK EXPO Welcomes the Center for Trends & Technology Back to Las
PACK EXPO Welcomes the Center for Trends & Technology Back to Las Vegas
Popular show floor feature, sponsored by Rockwell Automation and its PartnerNetwork Program,
focuses on improving production through innovation
Reston, Va.; May 1, 2015 PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Las Vegas Convention
Center; Sept. 2830) welcome back the Center for Trends and Technologies: Improving Production
Through Innovation (CTT) (Booth C-4829), sponsored by Rockwell Automation and its PartnerNetwork
Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO of PACK EXPO owner and producer PMMI, The Association for
Trends and Technologies, notes CTT will be more relevant than ever at this years show, which includes
the Las Vegas debut of Pharma EXPO, produced in partnership by PMMI and the International Society for
Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE).
The number one reason processing and packaging professionals attend PACK EXPO and Pharma
EXPO is to see the latest innovations. CTT focuses on the most relevant, cutting-edge trends and
technologies, to bring the greatest possible value to our attendees. This is an area in which Rockwell
Automation and its partners are clear leaders, Yuska says.
Rockwell Automation Program Manager Cheryl Lange says CTTs displays and educational sessions will
focus on technologies to enhance productivity, sustainability and agility. Topics for 2015 include the
connected enterprise working environment, network connectivity, security, remote access, safety,
serialization and line integration.
PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO 2015 are on track to continue a strong growth pattern for the
industry-leading PACK EXPO trade shows, an expansion that increases the relevance of CTT, Lange
PACK EXPO shows are evolving and growing in parallel with the industry, and as they do, CTTs role at
the show becomes more critical. The technologies and trends Rockwell Automation and its
PartnerNetwork Program showcase at CTT present major implications for production lines and more
efficient operations across all vertical markets, Lange says.
Our shows keep growing, and in 2015, were on track to break the records in place for attendance,
exhibitors and exhibit space. This PACK EXPO event will deliver a wealth of opportunity because of its
size, quality of exhibitors, and features such as CTT. PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015
will be a cant-miss event, Yuska adds.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 will feature over 800,000 net square feet of exhibit
space filled with 30,000 registered attendees and technologies in action from over 2,000 exhibitors. More
information, including housing and registration ($30, increasing to $100 after Sept. 14), is online at
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.

Personal Care Packaging Market Headed for Growth and Global

Follow PMMI on Twitter: @PMMIorg
Personal Care Packaging Market Headed for Growth and Global Expansion
PMMIs latest study explores personal care packaging trends; PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma
EXPO 2015 deliver solutions.
Reston, Va.; May 6, 2015 A new market assessment report from PMMI, The Association for Packaging
and Processing Technologies, the owner and producer of PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO
2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center), predicts 5.5 percent annual growth for the global
personal care packaging market through 2019. Personal Care Market Assessment also examines global
trends, drivers and opportunities from the choice of materials to operations.
Growth in formats and materials
Bottles account for 30 percent of the market and are expected to grow an additional 28 percent through
2019, making them the most commonly used container format in this market. Cartons are catching up,
however, showing the greatest growth from 20102014 from 9 to 19 percent of the market. As for
materials, plastic is the most popular for personal care packaging, accounting for 61 percent of materials
used. PMMIs study projects plastic will remain dominant, growing 12 percent by 2019.

Brand owners are seeking out ways to reduce waste by using less packaging overall as consumers
demand for convenience has led to a surge in smaller, more portable packages. Well-developed markets,
including North America and Europe, are expected to see slower growth rates in cosmetics than
developing markets such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America. Additional factors driving the personal care
market include an expanding focus on sustainability, evolving consumer demands, innovations in
machinery and materials, flexible equipment and globalization.
See the Change for Yourself
The shifts in consumer audiences and their demands make the need for flexibility even more important to
personal care product packaging. To keep up with audience shifts, trends, technologies and industry
challenges, personal care industry professionals can turn to Pharma EXPO, produced in cooperation by
PMMI and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). Co-located with PACK EXPO
Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center; September 28-30), Pharma EXPOs Las Vegas debut
will present the event's 30,000 attendees with a variety of equipment and material solutions from 2,000
exhibitors across more than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space. This industry-leading event
provides access to the latest processing and packaging technologies, opportunity for cross-pollinating
ideas across industries, networking with peers and suppliers and insights from a diverse range of
educational programming.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas will showcase ideas and technologies for handling these and other
developments, with The Brand Zone spotlighting containers and materials innovations. To register for
PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO, ($30, increasing to $100 after Sept.
14). A companion infographic and executive summary are available online at no charge, and the complete
report is available for download (free to PMMI members; $3,500 for non-members).
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.

Sunny Delight Beverages Co. and Agro Tech Foods Ltd.

OpX Leadership Network Presents Inaugural Award in Sustainability to Leading CPGs
Reston, Va.; May 7, 2015 Sunny Delight Beverages Co. and Agro Tech Foods, Ltd. (affiliated with
ConAgra Foods) received first place honors in the inaugural Sustainability Excellence in Manufacturing
Awards, presented by PMMI, the Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies and its OpX
Leadership Network (formerly the Alliance for Innovation and Operational Excellence).
The peer-reviewed awards recognize facilities for projects or programs that improve sustainability efforts
in food, beverage or consumer product manufacturing operations, focusing on pollution prevention,
compliance assurance and environmental protection.
Sunny Delight Beverages Co. (South Brunswick, New Jersey) received first-place honors in the
Sustainability Excellence in Manufacturing Awards Projects category, with the Musco Family Olive Co.
(Tracy, California) and Keystone Foods (Camilla, Georgia) taking second and third place, respectively.
The Guragon, India, facility of Agro Tech Foods Ltd. received first place in the Programs category, while
the Snyders Lance, Inc. facility in Charlotte, North Carolina, took second in that category.
The awards presentation took place on April 15, during Food Engineerings Food Automation &
Manufacturing Conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida.
We were thrilled with the amount of companies that participated in the inaugural awards program, and
we were highly impressed with each facilitys dedication to innovation, quality and environmental
sustainability, says Bill Gill, assistant vice president, Environmental Affairs, Smithfield Foods, who led the
program for the OpX Leadership Network.
We are excited that the Sustainability Excellence in Manufacturing Awards program has resonated
globally, and look forward to seeing further improvements to sustainability in food, beverage and
consumer products operations next year, he adds.
OpX Leadership Network is the new name of the former Alliance for Innovation and Operational
Excellence (AIOE), founded by PMMI in 2011 to help CPGs and original equipment manufacturers solve
common operational challenges, make smarter decisions and achieve operational excellence.
First and foremost, the Sustainability Excellence in Manufacturing Awards are a means to recognize
CPGs for creativity and innovation. We hold these companies and their work up as examples of best
practices. Hopefully, theyll inspire other manufacturers pursuits of sustainable manufacturing goals,
says Steve Schlegel, co-managing director, OpX Leadership Network.
About PMMI
OpX Leadership Network (formerly the Alliance for Innovation and Operational Excellence), is a dynamic
community of manufacturing, engineering and operations professionals dedicated to operational
excellence. Through open dialogue between CPG manufacturers and OEMs, OpX Leadership Network
provides an exceptional forum where the best minds come together to identify and solve common
operational challenges, and apply best practices and innovative solutions to the real-world context of
manufacturing. Learn more at
OpX Leadership Network is convened by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
Technologies, a trade association representing more than 700 companies that provide a full range of
processing and packaging machinery, materials, components and containers. PMMI actively brings
buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and
world-class events, connecting participants in the processing and packaging supply chain with their
customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows and owns the
PMMI Media Group. Learn more at and

Food Safety Summit Resource Center Returns to PACK EXPO Las Vegas

Reston, Va.; May 11, 2015 The Food Safety Summit Resource Center (Booth S-7632),
organized and brought to you by the Food Safety Summit, will return to PACK EXPO Las Vegas
and Pharma EXPO (Sept. 2830, 2015; Las Vegas Convention Center), according to show
owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, and
the Food Safety Summit.
The Food Safety Summit Resource Center, a regular PACK EXPO feature since 2010, brings
together experts in food production and food safety for a series of educational opportunities.
Subject matter experts will provide information focused on best practices and recent advances
on the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) as well
as important topics including HACCP, food fraud, federal and state regulations, environmental
monitoring, allergens and compliance issues.
Since FSMA was announced in 2011, manufacturers have, out of necessity, been
hyper-focused on food safety issues, says Charles D. Yuska, president & CEO, PMMI. The
Food Safety Summit Resource Center gives PACK EXPO attendees a chance to get the
specific information they need to stay abreast of this important issue.
FSMA rules, which are still in the process of being finalized, attack food safety concerns
proactively, taking a stance that favors prevention over recovery.
Food safety violations and product recalls will cost your company money and devalue your
brand. Thats unacceptable at best. The Food Safety Summit Resource Center is a place where
PACK EXPO attendees address their specific questions with leading experts so they can
return to the office better educated and ready to put plans into motion to avoid violations and
recalls, says Scott Wolters, event director, Food Safety Summit.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 welcomes the co-located Pharma EXPO (produced in
cooperation with the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering) for the first time.
More than 30,000 attendees and 2,000 exhibitors will be on hand for the show and its more than
800,000 net square feet of exhibit space. Registration is $30, but increases to $100 after Sept.
14. Learn more about the shows in general, and the Food Safety Summit Resource Center in
particular, at
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association
representing more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging
machinery, materials, components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers
together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class
events, connecting participants in the processing and packaging supply chain with their
customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows that
include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK EXPO Las Vegas
2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO International
2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO
International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention
Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity
throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World,
Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven
leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate
leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the
industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual education
and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About the Food Safety Summit
The Food Safety Summit is a solution based expo and conference designed to meet the
educational and information needs of the entire food industry including processors, distributors,
growers, retailers, foodservice operators, regulators and academia. The 2016 Food Safety
Summit will be held May 10 through May 12, 2016, at the Donald E Stephens Convention
Center in Rosemont, IL. For more information visit or call

Pro Mach Sponsors EXPO PACK Mxico Anniversary Reception

Reston, Va.; May 13, 2015 Pro Mach, Inc., has committed to be the Title Sponsor of the 30th
anniversary reception at EXPO PACK Mxico (June 1619; Centro Banamex, Mexico City), according to
show owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies. The
celebration takes place Wednesday, June 17, 810 p.m. in Salon Valparaiso 1 at Centro Banamex.
EXPO PACK Mxico is a leader in the Latin American marketplace and a critical component of our
marketing plan. Were proud to be a part of the anniversary celebration, says John Eklund, vice
president, Marketing, Pro Mach.
PMMI projects EXPO PACK Mxico 2015 will open with more than 1,000 exhibiting companies occupying
18,700 net square meters (201,000 square feet) of exhibit space significantly larger than its 1985
debut, which featured 20 exhibitors in 1,000 net square meters (10,760 square feet). Over its 30 years,
the volume of visitors with purchasing authority has nearly doubled, too, from 37 percent to 67 percent.
When we exhibit at EXPO PACK Mexico, we meet buyers who are specifically looking for solutions we
offer. Its an excellent use of our time and resources, Eklund adds, noting that the company has more
than doubled its presence at the show over the years, from six divisions/108 net square meters to 11
divisions/297 net square meters.
Visitors come to trade shows to see innovative technology and top suppliers, and exhibitors like Pro
Mach are key to this shows growth in size and importance, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI.
Were extremely pleased Pro Mach has taken a leadership role in the show and at our milestone
PMMI expects more than 26,000 visitors, 1,000 exhibiting companies and 18,700 net square meters of
exhibit space at EXPO PACK Mxico 2015. For more information and to register, visit
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Pro Mach
Pro Mach is a leading provider of integrated packaging and processing products and solutions for food,
beverage, consumer goods, pharmaceutical, and other diverse companies. Through multiple brands, Pro
Mach provides product packaging and processing equipment, PMMI certified trainers, installation, parts,
and service in Bottling & Capping, Primary Packaging, Flexible Packaging, Material Handling,
Identification & Tracking, and End of Line Packaging. Pro Mach has a diverse customer base, from
Fortune 500 companies to smaller, privately-held businesses worldwide, which depend on reliable,
flexible, technologically advanced equipment and integrated solutions. Pro Mach is headquartered near
Cincinnati, Ohio, with manufacturing facilities and offices throughout the United States, Canada, and
Europe. For more information about Pro Mach, please visit

OpX Leadership Network Releases Guide to Increased Productivity

Through Workforce Engagement

Reston, Va.; May 15, 2015 The OpX Leadership Networks Workforce Engagement Solutions Group
released its first resource, Workforce Engagement, last week at IndustryWeek Best Plants Conference &
Expo in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Workforce Engagement is a critical issue in American businesses, said Tom Egan, PMMI vice president
of Industry Services. Gallup estimates that the U.S. economy lost between $450 and $550 billion in
productivity in 2013 due to disengaged workers. This document serves as a practical guide to avoiding
that loss from people who are part of solving this problem at their own companies.
Group Chair Greg Flickinger, Ph.D., vice president of Manufacturing and Corporate Engineering,
Snyders-Lance, presented this resource, produced by manufacturing industry thought leaders. The paper
provides an employable strategy for increasing engagement throughout the chain of command, ensuring
staff is invested in a companys success and reaching common goals. This resource guides readers
through a process of empowering a companys workforce to make and own decisions to create an active
team that can take actions that lead to positive results.
"The engagement framework provides a roadmap of universal principles that enable and nurture a culture
of ownership, Flickinger says. Understanding the many contributing factors will help leadership make
improvements in their culture to unlock discretionary effort and commensurate performance. It took over
two years to codify the key elements used by successful leaders to authentically and consistently make
the organizational magic happen."
OpX Leadership Network is the new name of the former Alliance for Innovation and Operational
Excellence (AIOE), founded by PMMI in 2011 to help CPGs and original equipment manufacturers solve
common operational challenges, make smarter decisions and achieve operational excellence.
Available for download now at, the report guides readers through the
concepts of empowerment, enablement and connection to create an engaged workforce.
About OpX Leadership Network
OpX Leadership Network (formerly the Alliance for Innovation and Operational Excellence), is a dynamic
community of manufacturing, engineering and operations professionals dedicated to operational
excellence. Through open dialogue between CPG manufacturers and OEMs, OpX Leadership Network
provides an exceptional forum where the best minds come together to identify and solve common
operational challenges, and apply best practices and innovative solutions to the real-world context of
manufacturing. Learn more at
OpX Leadership Network is convened by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
Technologies, a trade association representing more than 700 companies that provide a full range of
processing and packaging machinery, materials, components and containers. PMMI actively brings
buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and
world-class events, connecting participants in the processing and packaging supply chain with their
customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows and owns the
PMMI Media Group. Learn more at and and

Complexity of E-Commerce Supply Chain Raises the Stakes for


Complexity of E-Commerce Supply Chain Raises the Stakes for Manufacturers

PMMI study examines packaging challenges prompted by growing U.S. e-commerce market; PACK
EXPO presents solutions
Reston, Va.; May 26, 2015 With 131,447 U.S. businesses selling their products online, revenues near
$298 billion and an annual growth rate close to 6 percent, the e-commerce supply chains growing volume
is complemented by increased complexity, according to the E-Commerce Market Assessment published
this year by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, the owner and producer
of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows. With jumps in volume and complexity, however, come
challenges manufacturers must address. PMMI also produced an infographic highlighting the studys key
findings, now available at
Keep the Product Safe
Replacing a destroyed item can cost up to 17 times as much as shipping, and overcoming negative online
reviews stemming from such an incident can take months. Each step in the delivery chain only increases
the risk of damage to packages and that makes engineering essential. Ultimately, manufacturers must
ensure packaging remains undamaged throughout the delivery process, regardless of the shipping
scenario. Another, related challenge is eased with the effective use of warehouse management systems,
which help make rightsizing feasible.
Constant Communications Count
Strong communication with third-party retailers is another critical factor for manufacturers overcoming the
complications of the e-commerce supply chain. Frequent communication can bridge disconnects that lead
to consumer dissatisfaction. For example, when brand owners plan significant changes to primary
packaging, they should work with their third-party retailers to take current inventory and marketing into
account so the consumer experience is in sync with the marketing.
Secondary Packaging is Prime Marketing Space
Product marketing on packages presents another challenge: Distinct differences of opinion. Marketers
want packaging to reflect their brand and even advertise products; operations and engineering question
the value of branded packaging post-purchase; and logistics professionals face looming concerns of theft.
These disagreements can present significant hurdles, but compromises can be found through tactics such
as discreet branding and product advertisements on secondary packaging.
Professionals across a wide variety of vertical market segments can find the latest information and
technologies to tackle the challenges associated with the growth of e-commerce at PACK EXPO Las
Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center; September 2830, 2015). The shows
first co-location in Las Vegas will draw 30,000 attendees to see 2,000 exhibitors showcase a variety of
equipment and material solutions across more than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space. This
record-breaking event will offer attendees opportunities to see the latest packaging and processing
technologies, cross-pollinate ideas and innovation across industries, network with peers and suppliers,
and gain insights from a diverse range of educational programming.
To register for PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO, visit Registration is $30
through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. PMMIs full E-Commerce Market Assessment is available
at ($500 for non-members).
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.

Pro Mach Commits as Title Sponsor for PACK gives BACK

Reston, Va.; May 27, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, owner
and producer of PACK EXPO, is pleased to announce Pro Mach, Inc., as a Title Sponsor of PACK gives
BACK. The event, featuring the legendary rock and roll band Chicago, is Monday, Sept. 28 during
PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center, Las

PACK gives BACK is an annual fundraising event with portions of the ticket sale proceeds going to a
charitable cause. This year, PMMI will be donating the funds raised to the Fisher House Foundation, an
organization that provides comfort to the families of wounded military and veterans during their stays in
medical facilities. Pro Mach is excited to support the Fisher House as they provide an invaluable
resource for our injured military veterans and their families that have given so much of themselves for us.
says John Eklund, vice president, Marketing, Pro Mach. The Fisher House Foundation has more than 45
facilities both in the U.S. and Europe serving more than 25,000 military families in 2014 alone. With the
support of Pro Mach, PACK EXPO has an opportunity to bring the industry together to support our
veterans, says PMMI President & CEO Charles D. Yuska. This is a way for us to show our appreciation
for all theyve sacrificed for us. PACK gives BACK begins on Monday, Sept. 28 at 4 p.m., in the North
Building of the Las Vegas Convention Center, with a reception that includes beer, wine and light hors
doeuvres. Chicago will take the stage at 5 p.m. Tickets are $100 each, and only available to PACK EXPO
Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 registrants. Tickets are on sale at
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Pro Mach
Pro Mach is a leading provider of integrated packaging and processing products and solutions for food,
beverage, consumer goods, pharmaceutical, and other diverse companies. Through multiple brands, Pro
Mach provides product packaging and processing equipment, PMMI certified trainers, installation, parts,
and service in Bottling & Capping, Primary Packaging, Flexible Packaging, Material Handling,
Identification & Tracking, and End of Line Packaging. Pro Mach has a diverse customer base, from
Fortune 500 companies to smaller, privately-held businesses worldwide, which depend on reliable,
flexible, technologically advanced equipment and integrated solutions. Pro Mach is headquartered near
Cincinnati, Ohio, with manufacturing facilities and offices throughout the United States, Canada, and
Europe. For more information about Pro Mach, please

Andrew Dougherty Promoted to Vice President

Reston, Va.; May 28, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is
pleased to announce the promotion of Andrew Dougherty to vice president of Member Services.
Dougherty, who joined the staff in 2012, spearheads member engagement and recruitment efforts.

Andrew plays an important role in not only building awareness among member companies about our
offerings, but also in showing them how these programs can benefit their business, says Charles D.
Yuska, president and CEO of PMMI.

PMMI provides great value to its more than 700 members, and according to Dougherty, the face-to-face
opportunities may be the most beneficial.

The intelligence sharing and networking that take place at PMMI meetings are powerful. Time and time
again members tell me that PMMI gives them privileged access to people, places and information they
cant get anywhere else, Dougherty says.
In fact, by engaging in the association and attending meetings, PMMI helps our members gain a
competitive advantage, he adds.
One such vital networking event is the upcoming PMMI Annual Meeting, Nov. 911, in St. Petersburg,
Florida, where members learn new business solutions and discuss relevant topics with like-minded
professionals, in addition to touring the Polypack Inc. plant in nearby Pinellas Park.
To learn more about the ways PMMI membership benefits individual companies and the processing and
packaging industry, visit

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About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.

PMMI Welcomes Industry Veteran Glen Long as Senior VP
Reston, Va.; June 4, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, owner
and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, is pleased to welcome Glen Long to its team
as senior vice president, effective June 22.

Central to PMMIs strategic plan to strengthen its leadership within the processing and packaging industry
is an increased emphasis on the customers of PMMI member companies. Long will focus on driving
alignment between PMMI members and the industrys end-user community.
Long brings 30 years of experience to this role having worked in a variety of capacities in the machinery
industry. He served as PMMI Chairman in 2004, is a past-Chair of PMMIs Education Committee and
currently serves on PMMIs Board of Directors.
PMMI undertook a revisit of its strategic plan in the past year to lay the groundwork for the organizations
strategic growth. Glen knows our industry and our members inside and out, says Chuck Yuska, president
and CEO, PMMI. He brings an invaluable perspective that will help us accomplish our goals as an
I have been involved with PMMI for many years, and am very excited to be joining the organization,
says Long. The culmination of all my experience in the processing and packaging industry prepares me
well for this new role. I look forward to helping PMMI grow.
Long will be based in PMMIs Reston, Virginia, headquarters.

About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.

Center for Trends & Technology at PACK EXPO Las Vegas Focuses
on Improving Productivity, Efficiency, Agility

Reston, Va.; June 11, 2015 The Center for Trends and Technology (CTT): Improving Production
Through Innovation at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas
Convention Center), includes five members of sponsor Rockwell Automations PartnerNetwork
Program, according to show owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing

CTT (Booth #C4829) is a PACK EXPO-exclusive educational feature that uses a series of displays and
seminars to address critical issues around productivity, sustainability, agility and other key components of
manufacturing success. Rockwell Automation PartnerNetwork participants including Cisco Systems,
Grantek Systems Integration, Interstates Controls, Microsoft and Stone Technologies will bring their
expertise to this years edition of CTT.

The speed at which automation technologies change makes staying abreast of developments in
hardware, software and industry drivers absolutely critical. It is challenging, however, says Cheryl Lange,
Commercial Program Manager, Rockwell Automation. Our goal for CTT is for every attendee who visits
to leave with a new understanding of whats available and how their choices affect their operations.
CTT is about ideas, innovation and insight, adds PMMI President & CEO Charles D. Yuska. It focuses
on the latest advances to improve production, the forces driving change and what it all means to
manufacturers. This is critical knowledge for anyone hoping to improve productivity and efficiency.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas, and the co-located Pharma EXPO, which PMMI co-produces with the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), will host more than 2,000 exhibitors and
30,000 attendees in 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space. Registration and show details are online at
Packexpolasvegas.comand Registration increases from $30 to $100 on Sept. 14.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Rockwell Automation
Rockwell Automation Inc. (NYSE: ROK), the worlds largest company dedicated to industrial automation
and information, makes its customers more productive and the world more sustainable. Headquartered in
Milwaukee, Wis., Rockwell Automation employs about 22,500 people serving customers in more than 80

Amazing Packaging Race Returns to Las Vegas with ASCO Numatics

Back in the Sponsors Seat

Amazing Packaging Race Returns to Las Vegas with ASCO Numatics Back in the Sponsors Seat
Reston, Va.; June 12, 2015 ASCO Numatics (Booth #C-2051B) will sponsor the Amazing Packaging
Race at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015, reports PMMI, The Association for Packaging
and Processing Technologies, the owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows.
PMMI produces Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas, in partnership with the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE).
Were grateful to ASCO Numatics for the important role it plays in supporting packaging education, and
for its consistent sponsorship of the Amazing Packaging Race, says Maria Ferrante, vice president,
education and workforce development, PMMI.
The race will take place on Sept. 30, the last day of PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (
Las Vegas Convention Center; Sept. 2830), Racers will wind their way through the exhibit halls,
completing tasks for points at participating booths, and concluding at 1:00 p.m. at the ASCO Numatics
booth. 2015 is the fifth consecutive year ASCO Numatics has sponsored the race.
ASCO Numatics is proud to sponsor the Amazing Packaging Race again, as it allows us to give our
up-and-coming workforce a comprehensive view of how exciting and dynamic a career in packaging can
be, says Robert W. Kemple, Jr., executive vice president, sales and marketing Americas, ASCO
Ferrante views the race as a fun way to teach students some of the less tangible aspects of a career in
processing and packaging.
ASCOs enthusiasm motivates packaging students to engage in this field, and that benefits the industry
as a whole. Thats one important lesson. Whats just as critical to their ultimate success is how quickly
theyre forced to work together, she says, noting that PMMI intentionally assigns students from a mix of
schools to each team.
The race becomes a series of teachable moments, she adds. Teamwork, hands-on packaging skills
and networking these are decisive factors in how the students will perform in their careers.
Following a short break for judges to tabulate the results, ASCO Numatics will announce the winning
team, and present its members with a prize such as the newest tablet computer.
The company will also present its Industrial Automation Engineering Scholarships to two U.S. engineering
students pursuing careers in disciplines related to industrial automation. In addition to presenting the
winning students with $5,000 awards, ASCO Numatics will make a grant of $1,000 to the engineering
departments of the colleges in which the winners are enrolled.
Be Part of the Action
Participating exhibitors can register online through the Promote My Booth exhibitor link at Participation requires a $500 donation to the PMMI Foundation, which supports
education and workforce development efforts in processing and packaging.
Student participation is free. To register to race, contact Dawn Smith, education program coordinator, or 571.612.3200.
For more information about the 2015 Amazing Packaging Race, contact Maria Ferrante, vice president,
education and workforce development: or 571.612.3200.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About ASCO Numatics
ASCO Numatics, an Emerson company, offers comprehensive fluid automation solutions, including fluid
control and fluid power products, for a wide range of industry-focused applications. The ASCO Numatics
product line in North America consists of more than 50,000 valves, an extensive selection of air
preparation equipment and a full line of actuation products. ASCO products include solenoid pilot valves,
angle body piston valves, linear indicators, redundant control systems and pressure sensors. The
Numatics line covers valve manifolds, cylinders, grippers, filters, regulators and lubricators. For more
information about ASCO Numatics products, visit

ISBT Endorses Networking Hub for Beverage Industry for Fourth

Consecutive Year

Reston, Va.; June 15, 2015 The International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) once again
puts its stamp of approval on The Beverage Cooler Lounge (Booth S-7429) at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas; Sept. 2830), according to show owner PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies.

Located on the show floor, The Beverage Cooler Lounge is where beverage industry professionals can
network and gain access to solutions from ISBT subject matter experts.

This is the fourth time weve provided resources at The Beverage Cooler Lounge, says Larry Hobbs,
executive director of ISBT. We know the value it provides our members and other beverage industry
professionals. Having a dedicated space on the show floor where they can network and learn the latest
trends in the marketplace allows them to make the most of their PACK EXPO experience.

Were very pleased ISBT is hosting The Beverage Cooler Lounge again. One of PMMIs missions is to
convene the industry, and The Beverage Cooler Lounge at PACK EXPO Las Vegas allows us to do that
for beverage industry professionals. The lounge provides them a hub to not only network, but to speak
with experts face-to-face to devise solutions for any problems they may have, says Charles D. Yuska,
president & CEO, PMMI.

PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 packaging and processing
professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.

Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include EXPO PACK Mxico 2015, June 1619 (Mexico City, Mexico); PACK
EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nev.); PACK EXPO
International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK
EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East 2017 (Feb. 27March 1, Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara. PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B
media company that produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together
solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class
media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and
its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About ISBT
The International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) is the premier technical society for the
beverage industry, with more than 800 members worldwide. As the only international society dedicated
solely to the scientific and technical aspects of soft drinks and beverages, ISBT provides a unique,
non-competitive forum for networking with other experts in the field at a technical level.

EXPO PACK to Alternate Locations Annually

Reston, Va.; June 16, 2015 The 30th Anniversary edition of EXPO PACK Mxico opened with the
announcement that show producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies,
will alternate its two Mexican shows every other year starting in 2017. EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, (Mexico
City, Centro Banamex) will take place May 1720, 2016, while EXPO PACK Guadalajara (Expo
Guadalajara) moves to June 1315, 2017.
"2015 proved EXPO PACK Guadalajara has grown beyond a regional event," says Gerardo Barajas,
director of EXPO PACK. Due to the continuing growth in the packaging and machinery markets in
Western Mexico, it was time to bring the same types of resources offered in Mexico City to Guadalajara.
Long recognized as one of the leading agro-industrial areas in Mexico, additional industrial growth in the
State of Jalisco positions it as the nations second largest manufacturing center. Currently, the regions
diverse offerings make it the number one producer of electronics, telecommunications, confections,
Agave/tequila, leather, jewelry, milk poultry, pork and eggs.
Jalisco is the heart of West Central Mexico, a region that accounts for 20 percent of Mexicos GDP and
includes the states of Aguascalientes, Colima, Guanajuato, Michoacn, Nayarit, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa
and Zacatecas. EXPO PACK Guadalajara will draw attendees from throughout the region looking for the
latest technology to meet their growing demands.
"With so much industry in the region, companies are looking for solutions providers to keep them
competitive in the marketplace," says Barajas. "EXPO PACK Guadalajara plans to bring it to them."
The 2015 success of EXPO PACK Guadalajara proved to PMMI that the market was large enough to
serve more than a regional show. In 2017, its objective will be to more than double the size and scope of
EXPO PACK Guadalajara to over 7,500 sq. meters and 12,000 visitors, with the goal to grow in size and
scope comparable to the Mexico City event.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, 2016 (Mexico City, Centro Banamex); PACK EXPO East, Feb. 1315, 2017 (Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that
produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands -
Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging +
Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital
products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

Contract Packaging Sourcing Center Spotlights Options for

Packaging Operations
Reston, Va.; June 17, 2015 The Contract Packaging Association (CPA) will host the Contract
Packaging Sourcing Center at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las
Vegas Convention Center), reports show owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies. The Contract Packaging Sourcing Center (Booth #C-1257) will be part of the
Partner Pavilion in PACK EXPOs Central Hall and will showcase the core competencies of 16 contract
PMMI President & CEO Charles D. Yuska describes the display, exclusive to the PACK EXPO portfolio of
trade shows, as a connection point.
The Contract Packaging Sourcing Center is one example of how PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO
connect brands with top-tier solutions providers for their manufacturing operations, Yuska says. Its a
clear starting point for attendees investigating contract packaging as an option, whether they are
launching a new product, planning a seasonal packaging campaign or looking for new efficiencies.
Representatives at the Contract Packaging Sourcing Center will offer insight on how to find and utilize a
contract packager, says John Mazelin, executive director, CPA.
CPA members know that at PACK EXPO, they will connect with brands hungry to innovate and
technology providers who can help them bring their contract packaging business to the next level. Thats
why we launched the Contract Packaging Sourcing Center last year and why were bringing it back for
PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015, Mazelin says.
CPA will provide additional guidance in its Innovation Stage session (Tuesday, Sept. 29; 3:003:30 p.m.).
In What You Dont Know Can HELP You The Benefits of Contract Packaging, a CPA representative
will explain the variety of capabilities contract packagers and contract manufacturers can bring to a
partnership with a brand owner. The Innovation Stage is located in the Central Hall, adjacent to the
Association Pavilion.
CPA is one of more than 2,000 exhibitors that will make PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO
2015 the largest and most comprehensive event of its kind in North America this year. Spanning over
800,000 net square feet of exhibit space and anticipated to draw 30,000 attendees, the show will serve
attendees from more than 40 vertical markets. To learn more and register, visit
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, 2016 (Mexico City, Centro Banamex); PACK EXPO East, Feb. 1315, 2017 (Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that
produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands -
Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging +
Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital
products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About CPA
Founded in 1991 by the pioneers of contract packaging, the Contract Packaging Association is rooted in
relationships, knowledge and education. Today, the CPA is the hub of the contract packaging industry,
serving packaging professionals, including its diverse membership, with invaluable resources, networking
opportunities, continued growth and industry presence.

Pharma EXPO Takes Las Vegas

Reston, Va.; June 18, 2015 The latest manufacturing advances for the pharmaceutical,
biopharmaceutical, nutraceutical and medical device industries arrive in Las Vegas this fall at Pharma
EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas (Sept. 2830, 2015; Las Vegas Convention Center).
Pharma EXPO is produced in partnership by PACK EXPO owner and organizer PMMI, The Association
for Packaging and Processing Technologies, and the International Society for Pharmaceutical
Engineering (ISPE). Together, the two shows will provide access to 2,000 processing and packaging
solutions providers and 30,000 attendees.
Co-locating these two shows offers a powerful opportunity to share ideas across industries, says
Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO of PMMI, owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade
shows. Were delivering the best of both worlds to attendees who need solutions now and in the future.
Pharma EXPO itself will feature more than 160 solutions providers addressing the entire pharmaceutical
supply chain. The full exhibitor list is on, where visitors can search for technologies that
meet their needs.
On site, attendees can expect to see many innovations, such as the XR75 Transdermal Patch Inspection
technology by Anritsu (Booth #N-524). This new X-Ray technology is used to inspect patches and is
specifically designed for low-density, thin products with full inspection of both product and seal area.
Anritsus HD imaging enables excellent contamination detection, virtual weighing and counting detection.
Another new solution slated for display at Pharma EXPO is the Lite-F, an automated filling machine from
Groninger USA (Booth #N-711). The Lite-F, part of the Groninger Lite Series, features a two-headed
filling unit that can fill up to 2,700 units per hour with a filling range of up to 500 ml. Changeover is quick
and easy with this technology, which also features a 12-inch multilingual touchscreen HMI and a sturdy
In addition to the variety of new technologies that will be on display, Pharma EXPO will provide
educational opportunities to help industry professionals stay ahead of game-changing market trends and
regulations. The Innovation Stage at Pharma EXPO (Booth #N-559) will offer free half-hour educational
sessions from industry experts, highlighting new technologies and ideas for pharmaceutical and medical
device manufacturing.
The show will also feature ISPEs world-class conference program, with tracks concentrating on
manufacturing operations (Monday, Sept. 28), compliance trends (Tuesday, Sept. 29) and pharmaceutical
packaging (Wednesday, Sept. 30). Schedules for the Pharma EXPO Conference Program and the
Innovation Stages at Pharma EXPO and PACK EXPO can be found online at Session
tickets are available individually and in one- and three-day packages. Purchase tickets before Sept. 14 to
save 30-35 percent.
To learn more and to register for Pharma EXPO, visit Registration for is $30 until
Sept. 14, when it increases to $100.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, 2016 (Mexico City, Centro Banamex); PACK EXPO East, Feb. 1315, 2017 (Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that
produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands -
Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging +
Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital
products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About ISPE
ISPE, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, is the worlds largest not-for-profit
association serving its Members through leading scientific, technical and regulatory advancement
throughout the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle. The 20,000 Members of ISPE are building solutions in the
development and manufacture of safe and effective pharmaceutical and biologic medicines and medical
delivery devices in more than 90 countries around the world. Founded in 1980, ISPE has its worldwide
headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA and offices in Brussels, Belgium, Singapore and Shanghai, China.
Visit for more information.
PMMI Announces Release of Two Mechatronics Study Guides

Reston, Va.; June 18, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies,
announces the release of two new study guides to accompany PMMIs Mechatronics Certificate tests -
Industrial Electricity 1 and Mechanical Components 1. PMMIs Mechatronics Certificate tests help
manufacturers to assess the capabilities of current employees and identify levels of competency for new
PMMI Mechatronics Certificates are recognized by the U.S. Department of Labor and The National
Association of Manufacturers Skills Certification System. This series of exams is related to the four
general technology areas of mechatronics as practiced in industrial maintenance, including electrical,
mechanical, instrumentation and controls and computer science.
"The new study guides are comprehensive resources designed to help individuals prepare for the
mechatronics certificate tests," says Maria Ferrante, vice president, Education & Workforce Development,
PMMI. "They were produced in an effort to give certificate candidates a thorough understanding of what
skills they are expected to have mastered in order to earn the credential."
"Employers are fast recognizing the value of PMMIs Mechatronics Certificates as achievement levels of
employee qualifications," says Frank Claude, Principal Instructor Robotics & Manufacturing, Dunwoody
College of Technology. "Test applicants need to study and prepare for each test. Each tests specific
competencies identify the prerequisite knowledge and skills."
Claude adds that PMMIs new study guides include sample test questions to more thoroughly prepare test
participants for successful completion of the test.
The study guides for Industrial Electricity 1 and Mechanical Components 1 are now available here and
cost $25 per guide.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, 2016 (Mexico City, Centro Banamex); PACK EXPO East, Feb. 1315, 2017 (Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that
produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands -
Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging +
Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital
products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
B&CMA Back Hosting Lounge at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015

Reston, Va.; June 18, 2015 For the second straight year, the Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers
Association (B&CMA) will host the BakingSnack Break Lounge at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma
EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center), according to show owner PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies.
The Baking-Snack Break Lounge provides B&CMA subject matter experts in the central meeting place
and networking hub for the baking and snack industry.
PACK EXPO is a vital part of our outreach to bakers and suppliers, says David Van Laar, president,
B&CMA. We not only provided a place for bakers to network, rest and regroup, we also assisted many
bakers find solutions to specific issues. PACK EXPO is a vital part of our outreach to bakers and
The baking and snack food industry is a major demographic at PACK EXPO Las Vegas with more than
14 percent of attendees identifying themselves as baking and snack manufacturers the largest single
attendee group at the show.
B&CMA is a leader in the baking and snack food industry and we are pleased to have them host the
Baking Snack-Break Lounge, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI. PACK EXPO Las Vegas is
an industry-convening event where associations, in this case B&CMA, are able to provide a venue for
their members to collectively experience the breadth and depth of supplier offerings.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 packaging and processing
professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, 2016 (Mexico City, Centro Banamex); PACK EXPO East, Feb. 1315, 2017 (Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that
produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands -
Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging +
Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital
products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About The Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers Association
The Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers Association (B&CMA) is a 112 year old international trade
organization representing the entire spectrum of companies in the manufacturing of cookies and crackers
and the suppliers to the industry. Our mission is to bring unparalleled education, training and networking
opportunities to members of the B&CMA.
The B&CMA is the largest consortium of industry professionals in the world. Baker member
representation includes brand, private label and contract manufacturers. Supplier representation is
diverse including equipment, ingredients, packaging and services. The extensive network of industry
professionals makes B&CMA the definitive source of information and contacts for the cookie and cracker
industry and the training choice for professional development

EXPO PACK Mxico Sets New Bar

Reston, Va.; June 24, 2015 The 30th Anniversary edition of EXPO PACK Mxico closed June 19 as
the largest and most international edition in its history, according to show owner & producer PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies.
Over 25,000 visitors attended the third consecutive sold-out show at Centro Banamex, Mexico City,
visiting more than 1,000 exhibitor companies occupying more than 19,000 net square meters (~204,500
square feet) of exhibit space. Over the shows four days, buyers in food and beverage, pharmaceutical,
personal care, chemical, electronics, textiles, and automotive sectors, among others, discovered solutions
to their processing and packaging challenges.

EXPO PACK Mxicos success speaks to the benefits attendees from Mexican and Latin American
companies find when they attend, says Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO, PMMI. It offers an
opportunity to update and improve their production processes and to ensure the positioning of their
products worldwide.

Mexican and Latin American attendees, including buying groups from Guatemala, Costa Rica and
Colombia, took advantage of the diversity of the global pavilions. The PMMI pavilion alone covered over
2,130 net square meters (~22,900 square feet) and included 86 member companies from the U.S.,
Canada and Mexico. Additional international pavilions housed representatives from Argentina, Brazil,
Colombia, China, Spain, France, Guatemala, India and Italy. EXPO PACK Mxico 2015 also saw the
Mexico City debut of the Innovation Stage. Now a staple of the PACK EXPO family of shows, the
educational offerings found at the Innovation Stage received the same standing room only attendance as
its offerings at EXPO PACK Guadalajara, PACK EXPO International, Pharma EXPO and PACK EXPO
Las Vegas.
PMMI used the EXPO PACK Mxico stage to announce that beginning in 2017, EXPO PACK
Guadalajara and EXPO PACK Mxico will alternate years. The next edition of EXPO PACK Mxico
(Mexico City, Centro Banamex) takes place May 17-20, 2016, while EXPO PACK Guadalajara (Expo
Guadalajara) runs June 13-15, 2017.
We are confident that this strategy will maximize EXPO PACKs impact in Mexicos two main markets,
says Yuska. The growth of EXPO PACK Guadalajara proved it could handle the same size and
resources as EXPO PACK Mxico.
As the center of Mexicos Packaging Week, additional events included the National Congress of the
Mexican Packaging Association (AMEE); the Envase Estelar Awards and Sustainable Company Awards
and the AMEE conference program.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; PACK EXPO East, Feb. 1315,
2017 (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, June 1720, 2016
(Mexico City, Centro Banamex); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that
produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands -
Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging +
Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital
products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

The Dow Chemical Company Returns as Showcase of Packaging

Innovations Sponsor
Reston, Va.; June 30, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies,
owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, announces that The Dow Chemical
Company will, once again, sponsor The Showcase of Packaging Innovations when it returns to PACK
EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas).
The Dow Chemical Company is a longtime sponsor of The Showcase of Packaging Innovations, which
highlights award-winning packaging from around the world, displaying prize-winning entries from
international packaging competitions.
Dows continued commitment to The Showcase of Packaging Innovations is a true reflection of our
dedication to new ideas and new ways of thinking about packaging, said Greg Jozwiak, North America
Commercial Vice President for Packaging and Specialty Plastics with The Dow Chemical Company. We
have sponsored the feature since its introduction in 2003, and the showcase has always been one of the
highlights of the show. We look forward to seeing the latest packaging innovations on display in Las
Packaging is a vital part of a brands image and identity, and theres perhaps no part of the PACK EXPO
show floor that better highlights that relationship than The Showcase of Packaging Innovations, said
Charles D. Yuska, president & CEO, PMMI. We are excited to see Dows return as a sponsor, reinforcing
the companys commitment to inspirational package designs.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 processing and packaging
professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, 2016 (Mexico City, Centro Banamex); PACK EXPO East, Feb. 1315, 2017 (Pennsylvania
Convention Center, Philadelphia); EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara,
Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that
produces information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media brands -
Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging +
Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital
products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver informed, actionable business
intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The Automation Conference, an annual
education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Dow
Dow (NYSE: DOW) combines the power of science and technology to passionately innovate what is
essential to human progress. The Company is driving innovations that extract value from the intersection
of chemical, physical and biological sciences to help address many of the world's most challenging
problems such as the need for clean water, clean energy generation and conservation, and increasing
agricultural productivity. Dow's integrated, market-driven, industry-leading portfolio of specialty chemical,
advanced materials, agrosciences and plastics businesses delivers a broad range of technology-based
products and solutions to customers in approximately 180 countries and in high-growth sectors such as
packaging, electronics, water, coatings and agriculture. In 2014, Dow had annual sales of more than $58
billion and employed approximately 53,000 people worldwide. The Company's more than 6,000 product
families are manufactured at 201 sites in 35 countries across the globe.

PMMI Releases Innovation Stage Schedules for PACK EXPO Las
Vegas 2015 and Pharma EXPO

More than 40 free, educational sessions address flexible packaging, OEE and workforce engagement and
many more critical topics in processing and packaging
Reston, Va.; Aug 3, 2015 PACK EXPO owner and organizer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies, has released the preliminary schedule for Innovation Stage at PACK EXPO
Las Vegas and the co-located Pharma EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center). More
than 40 sessions will give visitors a glimpse of cutting edge technology presented by industry leaders.
The education sessions on the show floor at PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO provide free,
convenient access to insights into processing and packaging trends as well as challenges in food safety
regulatory compliance, workforce development and measuring line efficiency.
One of the greatest benefits offered by our on-floor educational programming is the opportunity for a
cross pollination of ideas, says Maria Ferrante, vice president, Education & Workforce Development,
PMMI. This enables attendees to tap the potential of practices and applications proven in one industry
but unexplored in their own.
The presentations are a valuable opportunity to understand cutting-edge technologies, with subject matter
experts, including industry consultants, exhibitors and association partners, describing specific
applications and benefits. Subjects range from explorations of the latest innovations and regulations in
flexible packaging to ways to engage the workforce. Other topics include:
Impact of serialization on the pharmaceutical industry
Advanced simulation software for packaging lines
Anti-counterfeiting technologies for packaging
Transforming automated packaging with reusability
Roadmap for creating a highly engaged workforce
The latest snacking trends and their impact on packaging
The next evolution of metal detection
The OpX Leadership Network will also be among presenters, discussing the latest in one voice solutions
for workforce engagement, total cost of ownership and factory acceptance testing. OpX Leadership
Network is a dynamic community of manufacturing, engineering and operations professionals dedicated
to operational excellence.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO is where the industry will go this fall to find winning solutions
from top-tier suppliers, Ferrante says. The value of the Innovation Stage presentations is that they
provide context attendees need to put those solutions into action at their plants.
The 30-minute long presentations will run hourly between 10:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. on Sept. 28 and Sept. 29;
sessions end at noon on Sept. 30. There will be three adjacent locations of the Innovation Stage on the
PACK EXPO Las Vegas show floor, in Booths C-1041, C-1045 and C-1049, and a fourth stage in Booth
N-559 on the Pharma EXPO show floor.
The preliminary schedule of Innovation Stage presentations is available at
This year marks Pharma EXPOs first year in Las Vegas. PMMI owns and produces Pharma EXPO in
partnership with the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). PACK EXPO Las
Vegas and Pharma EXPO will bring together more than 2,000 exhibitors showcasing their processing and
packaging innovations to 30,000 attendees in over 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space. Prospective
attendees are encouraged to register early by Registration is $30 through
Sept. 14, 2015, and includes admission to both PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO. After
September 14, registration increases to $100. In addition to the Pharma EXPO Innovation Stage,
attendees can register for Pharma EXPO Conference sessions, curated by ISPE. Separate fees apply,
ranging from $90 per session to $350 for access to all 15 sessions until September 14th. Following this
date, fees will increase. Visit to find a registration option that works for you.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands - Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

Pharma EXPOs Conference Addresses Efficiency and Workforce

Development in Day-Long Manufacturing Operations Track
Sessions explore empowering employees, single-use systems, OEMS and CMOs, and microbial
Reston, Va.; Aug 4, 2015 The Manufacturing Operations track of the Pharma EXPO Conference
Program will address efficiency, supplier partnerships, workforce development and more during this falls
Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention
Center). The series of seminars will make up the first day of the world-class conference produced by the
International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). ISPE co-owns Pharma EXPO with PMMI,
The Association of Packaging and Processing Technologies, and curates the conference program.
Successful manufacturing operations depend on the best technologies, processes and skilled workers,
said Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO of PMMI, which owns and produces the PACK EXPO portfolio
of trade shows. The track ISPE has come up with for Monday will provide knowledge attendees need to
move closer to that goal. Were very pleased ISPE is organizing the conference.
As part of the Manufacturing Operations track, five sessions will detail technologies and practices to
overcome challenges affecting professionals across the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, biotech and
medical device industries.
Given the importance of workforce development across the manufacturing sector, a wide range of
attendees will benefit from the spotlight session, Manufacturing Excellence: Empower Employees to
Unleash Their Potential in High Performance Work Teams, led by Steve Speer, director, Operations,
ProPharma Group.
The challenge of maximizing efficiency is another notable theme. The first session, Single Use Systems:
Explore the Manufacturing Impact from Supplier Qualification to Optimizing Operations, led by Jeff
Odum, director of operations, IPS-Integrated Project Services, Inc., will address concerns in implementing
new single-use system platforms into existing platforms based on traditional, stainless steel technologies.
Making the right asset investment decisions or selecting the best possible contract manufacturer is
also an important factor contributing to a manufacturers overall efficiency. In ISO 55000 and OEMs Who
Integrate Reliability & Automation in their Designs, Mari Getsug, senior consultant, Maintenance &
Reliability Services, CAI-Commissioning Agents, Inc., explores the role original equipment manufacturers
(OEMs) play in helping manufacturers achieve reliable, successful equipment design in the age of the
new ISO 55000 Asset Management standards. ISO 55000 focuses on lifecycle cost and risk-based
Additionally, Kevin Debbs, process specialist, and Christa Myers, associate/lead process engineer, CRB,
will guide attendees in a risk assessment exercise to evaluate contract manufacturing organizations for a
project in Outsourcing Dilemma: Find the Right CMO to Minimize the Risk and Maximize the Quality of
Your Brand.
In a presentation that marries matters of efficiency and product safety, Elizabeth Rivera, technical
services manager, STERIS Corp, will outline a holistic approach to remediate microbial contamination in
process equipment in: Microbial Contamination: An Audit Approach to Address Contamination in Process
The Pharma EXPO Conference Program kicks off with the Manufacturing Operations track on Sept. 28
with sessions from 9:00 a.m.2:50 p.m. in Room N-253. Register for Pharma EXPO and view the full
Pharma EXPO Conference Program schedule and pricing at Pharma EXPO, which is
making its Las Vegas debut, will provide a wide range of solutions to address the entire pharmaceutical
lifecycle. Combined, Pharma EXPO and PACK EXPO Las Vegas will feature processing and packaging
innovation over 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space from more than 2,000 exhibitors to attract 30,000
Registration for PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands - Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About ISPE
ISPE, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, is the worlds largest not-for-profit
association serving its Members through leading scientific, technical and regulatory advancement
throughout the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle. The 20,000 Members of ISPE are building solutions in the
development and manufacture of safe and effective pharmaceutical and biologic medicines and medical
delivery devices in more than 90 countries around the world. Founded in 1980, ISPE has its worldwide
headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA and offices in Brussels, Belgium, Singapore and Shanghai, China.
Visit for more information.

PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO Partners Illustrate Shows

Reston, Va.; Aug. 6, 2015 The Partner Program returns to PACK EXPO Las Vegas and the co-located
Pharma EXPO in 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas), boasting partnerships
with 50 organizations supporting the processing, packaging and pharmaceutical supply chains, according
to PACK EXPO owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies.
The PACK EXPO trade shows are about bringing the entire processing and packaging supply chain
together to tap into and spur innovation, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI. With 30,000
attendees expected at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO, Partners will enjoy the opportunity to
network with processing, packaging and pharmaceutical professionals and other like-minded
At present, 38 organizations will partner with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015, and 12 organizations have
joined the Pharma EXPO Partner and Media Partner Programs. In addition, PMMI Media Group
publications such as Packaging World and Healthcare Packaging are covering the combined event
preview, on-site and post-show reporting.
Mark Dingley, chairman of the Australian Packaging and Processing Machinery Association (APPMA)
(Booth C-1343), says exhibiting at PACK EXPO raises the global profile of his association and member
This is the third consecutive year that the APPMA has been an exhibitor at PACK EXPO due to the
continued high levels of interest in the Australian market attained each year from attending the event,
says Dingley. Our member companies represent a very large range of leading international brands in the
processing and packaging machinery and allied components industries, and we welcome companies who
are looking for agency or distribution opportunities in Australia to come and visit us in the Partner
The list of organizations partnering with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 and Pharma EXPO as of Aug. 4
PACK EXPO Partners
ABIEF - Brazilian Flexible Packaging Association
Adhesive and Sealant Council (ASC)
AIMCAL Association of International Metallizers, Coaters and Laminators
AMEE (The Mexican Packaging Association)
Australian Packaging and Processing Machinery Association (APPMA)
Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturer's Association (BCMA)
CANAINCA (The Mexican Chamber of Processed Food)
CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)
Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (Future of Pneumatics booth)
China Food & Packaging Machinery Industry Association
Fundacion ExportAR
Contract Packaging Association (CPA)
Flexographic Technical Association (FTA)
Foil & Specialty Effects Association (FSEA)
In-Mold Decorating Association (IMDA)
Independent Bakers Association (IBA)
INP (Brazilian Plastic Institute)
Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP)
Instituto Argentino del Envase (IAE)
International Molded Fiber Association (IMFA)
International Safe Transit Association (ISTA)
International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT)
ITE Packaging Events
Midwest Food Processors Association (MWFPA)
National Confectioners Association (NCA)
National Fluid Power Association (Future of Pneumatics booth)
Northeast Dairy Foods Association, Inc.
OMAC The Organization for Machine Automation and Control
OPC Foundation
PAC, Packaging Consortium
Snack Food Association (SFA)
SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association
U.S. Poultry & Egg Association
UCIMA (Italian Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association)
World Packaging Organisation
Pharma EXPO Partners
Healthcare Compliance Packaging Council (HCPC)
Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP)
Philadelphia Drug Exchange (PDE)
PIP - Process Industry Practices
Pharma EXPO Media Partners
Advantage Business Media - Pharmaceutical Processing
Life Science Connect
Pharmaceutical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Pharmaceutical Technology
The HCPC is delighted to partner with PMMI and Pharma EXPO on behalf of our many pharmaceutical
packaging industry members, says Vicki Welch, communications director, HCPC. We are pleased to
support PMMIs efforts to bring pharmaceutical supply chain innovators together, while continuing to
promote our organizations mission of improving patient adherence through packaging via our numerous
Pharma EXPO exhibiting members who share our support of PMMI and recognize its critical role in
showcasing new packaging technology.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 packaging and processing
professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015;EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About ISPE
ISPE, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, is the worlds largest not-for-profit
association serving its Members through leading scientific, technical and regulatory advancement
throughout the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle. The 20,000 Members of ISPE are building solutions in the
development and manufacture of safe and effective pharmaceutical and biologic medicines and medical
delivery devices in more than 90 countries around the world. Founded in 1980, ISPE has its worldwide
headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA and offices in Brussels, Belgium, Singapore and Shanghai, China.
Visit for more information.

Richard C. Ryan Scholarship Awarded to Michigan State Student

Reston, Va.; Aug. 10, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, and
Dorner Manufacturing are proud to announce Michigan State University's Alexandra Slagle as the
recipient of the 2015 Richard C. Ryan Scholarship.
Every year there are more and more applicants for scholarships in the packaging industry, said Maria
Ferrante, vice president of Education & Workforce Development, PMMI. This year was no exception, and
Alexandra certainly raised the bar for future applicants.
Alexandras application focused on a scope of learning that extended beyond her packaging major
coursework to encompass engineering and physics, and emphasized the critical role packaging can play
in battling hunger in developing countries.
This was a difficult decision because of the quality of all of our applicants, but were pleased to have
selected Alexandra Slagle as the recipient of the Richard C. Ryan Scholarship for 2015, said Jim
Barwick, director of Human Resources, Dorner Mfg. Corp. She has a clear understanding of the field,
has a plan, shows passion and we were particularly impressed by her international perspective.
The $2,000 Richard C. Ryan Packaging Education Scholarship was established in memory of Richard C.
Ryan, former president and CEO of Dorner Manufacturing Corporation, a PMMI member company. It is
one of several scholarships administered by the PMMI Foundation, which provides more than $100,000
annually in scholarships to students and has provided more than $1.5 million in support since 1998.
For more information on the PMMI Scholarship program, contact Dawn Smith, education program
coordinator, or 571.612.3204.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns the PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands - Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM- are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

Pharma EXPO Addresses Regulatory Trends

Reston, Va.; Aug. 11, 2015 In just over two years, pharmaceutical manufacturers must meet the Nov.
27, 2017, deadline of the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), which requires unique product
identifiers on certain prescription drug packages. This measure is part of 2013s Title II of the Drug Quality
and Security Act (DQSA), a 10-year rollout of steps to prevent the counterfeiting of drugs distributed in the
United States. To help pharmaceutical manufacturers comply with this and other regulations, Pharma
EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center) will provide access to advanced solutions for
the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle and a wide range of educational opportunities.
Co-produced by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), and co-located with PMMIs PACK EXPO
Las Vegas, Pharma EXPO will provide a forum where manufacturers in the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical,
biopharmaceutical and medical device sectors can learn about the latest regulations, offering clarification
as well as actionable insights and sophisticated technologies. Projections indicate the combined event will
attract 30,000 attendees to see solutions presented by 2,000 suppliers.
The Drug Supply Chain Security Act, along with other pharmaceutical regulations worldwide, places an
increased emphasis on serialization and the interoperability of systems along the supply chain and in the
pharmaceutical production process, says Tom Egan, vice president, Industry Services, PMMI. It is
important for affected pharmaceutical manufacturers to ensure they are equipped to meet these new
requirements and protect their supply chains and patients against counterfeiters.
To help attendees keep up with the new provisions and address the challenges they bring forth, Pharma
EXPO will provide excellent educational opportunities, including free 30-minute presentations at the
Innovation Stage (Booth N-559). These sessions, conveniently located on the show floor, will present the
latest information on breakthrough technologies and techniques for the pharmaceutical industry.
In addition, the Pharma EXPO conference program, organized by ISPE, will run daily during the show,
and the designated track for Tuesday, Sept. 29, is Compliance Trends. Tuesdays presentations will delve
into serialization, track-and-trace, risk management, cleaning validation and incident investigation. The
world-class sessions include Serialization and Track & Trace: From Theory to Practical Application
Success Including Global Trends, led by Marcelo De Oliveira of NORDIKA. This presentation will
address the urgent need to develop strategies and implement actions to cover new and future
requirements, comply with laws and receive benefits from regulations.
To register for Pharma EXPO, visit Registration is $30 through Sept. 14. Starting
Sept. 15, registration increases to $100. Separate fees apply to the Pharma EXPO conference program.
Discounted conference costs through Sept. 14 are $90 for a single session, $145 for a single-day pass
and $350 for a full-conference pass. After Sept. 14, the rates increase to $140 for a single session, $220
for a single-day pass and $500 for a full-conference pass.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015;EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
About ISPE
ISPE, the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, is the worlds largest not-for-profit
association serving its Members through leading scientific, technical and regulatory advancement
throughout the entire pharmaceutical lifecycle. The 20,000 Members of ISPE are building solutions in the
development and manufacture of safe and effective pharmaceutical and biologic medicines and medical
delivery devices in more than 90 countries around the world. Founded in 1980, ISPE has its worldwide
headquarters in Tampa, Florida, USA and offices in Brussels, Belgium, Singapore and Shanghai, China.
Visit for more information.

ISBT Offers Education Sessions at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015

Reston, Va.; Aug. 12, 2015 The International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) is hosting
education sessions for the beverage industry at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention
Center, Las Vegas; Sept. 2830), according to show owner PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies.
The education sessions will be held on Monday, Sept. 28 and Tuesday, Sept. 29, in The Beverage Cooler
Lounge (Booth S-7429), where ISBT members and attendees have the opportunity to learn the latest
advancements in the beverage industry.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas is where the industry comes together to share knowledge and find solutions to
the challenges in our businesses and ISBT is supporting the purpose of PACK EXPO and why beverage
industry professionals attend the show each year, says Charles D. Yuska, president & CEO, PMMI.
Were excited to host education sessions in The Beverage Cooler Lounge. Not only does the lounge
provide a place for the beverage industry to convene for networking and relationship building, but the
education sessions provide additional value to our members PACK EXPO Las Vegas experience, says
Larry Hobbs, executive director of ISBT.
Education session topics include:
What Are the Packaging Challenges Ron Puvak, director global marketing and
and Trends We Face in Todays new business development, Plastic
10:00 a.m. Dynamically Changing Markets? Technologies, Inc.

FSMA and Food Defense: How Will Brian Stegmann, senior engineer & food
11:00 a.m. You Be Affected? safety manager, Ingredion Incorporated

Cloeann Durham, senior director of quality,

1:00 p.m. Beverage Quality Fundamentals Coca-Cola Bottling C. Consolidated

New Biopolymers: Synchronizing

Properties with Business Scott Steele, president, Plastic Technologies,
2:00 p.m. Opportunities Inc.

The Global Food Safety Initiative: Cloeann Durham, senior director of quality,
3:00 p.m. How Will GFSI Affect You? Coca-Cola Bottling C. Consolidated
The session schedule will be the same for both days with each presenter speaking for 30-40 minutes
concluding with a Q&A portion.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 processing and packaging
professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies. Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it
increases to $100.
Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO at
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

Center for Trends and Technology Keeps PACK EXPO Attendees

Ahead of the Automation Curve
Reston, Va.; Aug. 14, 2015 Compliance, serialization and line optimization are a few of the session
topics complementing a robust display of innovations at The Center for Trends & Technology (CTT)
(Booth C4829) at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center),
according to show owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
Technologies, and CTT sponsor Rockwell Automation and its Partner Network.
CTT is about the cutting-edge technologies that can lead you to new levels on your production lines,
says Cheryl Lange, commercial program manager, Rockwell Automation. With the seminars, were giving
you a taste of what that means in practical terms.
The eight presentations are repeated daily:
Achieve Operational Excellence by Combining Safety & Operational Projects
Drug Supply Chain Security Act Compliance Serialization ePedigree & Potential Benefits to
Ensuring Machinery Safety, Compliance & Productivity
Improving Operational Productivity with a Modern Approach to Distributed Control
IoT and Plant Floor Virtualization Emerging Technologies Accelerating Lean Manufacturing
Line Optimization Leveraging Data at all Levels of Your Organization for Continuous
Remote Asset Management in the Cloud
Securing The Connected Enterprise
In addition to the educational sessions, CTT uses kiosks and an interactive display to present ways
automation technologies help companies achieve their operational objectives.
Attendees at CTT will be able to connect with subject matter experts and gain a real understanding of
what automation technologies can do for their businesses, Lange adds.
Cisco Systems, Grantek Systems Integration, Interstates Controls, Microsoft and Stone Technologies are
Rockwell Automations partners in the PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 edition of CTT.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas combines top-tier exhibitors and high-quality educational opportunities, so
attendees can see new technology and equipment in action and learn more about it from industry
thought-leaders, Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO, PMMI, says. CTTs seminars and displays
exemplify that philosophy. A stop at CTT will help attendees better understand whats here today as well
as whats on the horizon.
Other educational features at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 include the Innovation
Stages (Booths C-1041, C-1045, C1049 and N-559), the Food Safety Summit Resource Center (Booth
S-7632), organized and brought to you by the Food Safety Summit and co-sponsored by GE, and the
Reusable Learning Center (Booth S-6657, in the Reusable Packaging Pavilion, sponsored by the
Reusable Packaging Association). In addition, industry leaders will present market-specific educational
sessions in these industry meeting places: The Beverage Cooler Lounge (Booth S-7429), hosted by the
International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT); The Baking & Snack Break Lounge (Booth
S-7427), hosted by the Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers' Association (B&CMA); and The Candy Bar
Lounge (Booth S-6550), hosted by the National Confectioners Association (NCA).
PACK EXPO Las Vegas, with the co-located Pharma EXPO, produced in partnership by PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering, will present more than 2,000 exhibitors in over
800,000 net square feet of exhibit space, and the shows will welcome a crowd of 30,000 visitors.
To register for PACK EXPO Las Vegas, visit Registration is $30 per person
through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Rockwell Automation
Rockwell Automation Inc. (NYSE: ROK), the worlds largest company dedicated to industrial automation
and information, makes its customers more productive and the world more sustainable. Headquartered in
Milwaukee, Wis., Rockwell Automation employs about 22,500 people serving customers in more than 80

Lenze to Sponsor Exhibitor, Member Lounges at PACK EXPO Las

Vegas & Pharma EXPO 2015

Reston, Va.; Aug. 17, 2015 Lenze Americas will sponsor the PMMI member and exhibitor lounges
atPACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas) and the
co-located Pharma EXPO show, according to show owner and producer PMMI, The Association for
Packaging and Processing Technologies.
The PMMI member and exhibitor lounges at PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO are essential show
features, allowing the personnel staffing booths to take a break from the busy show floor, said Charles D.
Yuska, president & CEO, PMMI.
In addition to making use of lounges to eat or rest, members will also be able to bring customers to
designated meeting rooms within lounges.
Weve sponsored these lounges for years because we know how important it is for exhibitors to get away
from the show floor from time to time, said Susan Duval, marketing manager, Lenze Americas. Whether
its to take a break or conduct important business, this is a critical resource and were happy to sponsor
Member Lounges, (rooms N-101 and S-221 will be open 8 a.m. 4 p.m. daily during show days).
Exhibitor Lounges (rooms N-114 and S-111 will be open 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. September 26, 27, October 1,
2 and during show days from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Complimentary coffee service will be available until 11
a.m. in both the member and exhibitor lounges.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 and the co-located Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), have over 800,000 net square feet of
combined exhibit space. They are expected to attract 30,000 processing and packaging professionals and
more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Lenze
Lenze is a global manufacturer of electrical and mechanical drives, motion control and automation
technology. As a global specialist in Motion Centric Automation, we offer our customers products, drive
solutions, complete automation systems, engineering services and tools from a single source. We are a
leading provider of automation solutions to the packaging industry, and our other focus industries include
automotive, material handling and logistics, robotics, and commercial pumps/fans. With a global network
of engineers, sales representatives, and manufacturing facilities, Lenze is well-positioned to meet the
motion control needs of customers worldwide. Lenze, the American subsidiary of Lenze SE of Germany,
is headquartered in Uxbridge, Massachusetts, with an assembly and logistics center in Glendale Heights,
Illinois. Corporate global headquarters are in Hamelin, Germany.

Visit for more information.

DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers Champions PACK gives

BACK as Title Sponsor

Reston, Va.; Aug. 17, 2015 For the second consecutive year, DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers
(P&IP) will proudly serve as a title sponsor for PACK gives BACK, coming to PACK EXPO Las Vegas
and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center) Sept. 28, reports show owner and
producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies.
The annual fundraiser will feature recording artists Chicago, and a portion of ticket proceeds will support
Fisher House Foundation and Nevadas first Fisher House comfort home, which the Nevada Military
Support Alliance is building in North Las Vegas.
DuPont P&IP is extremely proud to once again support PACK gives BACK. In addition to the opportunity
and forum for packaging leaders to network, attendees can show their support of our nations veterans for
their unwavering commitment and dedication to this country, says DeMond Chapman, North America
Packaging Business Manager, P&IP. We look forward to supporting veterans and their families through
this event. We are indebted to the men and women who protect and defend our nation and the families
who support them.
Fisher House Foundation operates a network of 65 comfort homes around the world lodging,
provided free-of-charge, to families of service members and veterans in treatment at nearby military and
VA hospital facilities. Construction on the Nevada Fisher House, located on the grounds of the Veterans
Administrations (VA) Southern Nevada Healthcare System campus, began in March.
In 2014 alone, Fisher House Foundation programs served more than 25,000 military families, saving them
over $47 million in expenses for lodging, food and transportation. In addition to the comfort homes, Fisher
House Foundation operates the Hero Miles program, which uses donated frequent flyer miles to bring
families to the bedsides of injured service members; Hotels for Heroes, which helps pay for their hotel
stays; and offers a grant program and scholarship funds.
PACK gives BACK has become a signature PACK EXPO experience, says Charles D. Yuska, president
and CEO, PMMI. Its where the people of the processing and packaging supply chain come together for
a good cause. This year, we will help active and retired service members undergoing treatment in the Las
Vegas metropolitan area. The city of Las Vegas has been a true partner in our success here over the past
20 years, so its a special honor to contribute to the areas first Fisher House.
Now in its 48th year, Chicago is the first American rock band to chart Top 40 albums in six decades,
producing hit after hit like Saturday in the Park, Baby What a Big Surprise, Does Anybody Really
Know What Time It Is? and 18 other Top 10 singles. The bands debut album, Chicago Transit
Authority, is in the GRAMMY Hall of Fame, and Billboard magazine lists Chicago at 13 on its list of Top
100 Artists of All Time, the highest charting American band.
Networking and entertaining customers are important parts of any trade show event, but what sets PACK
gives BACK apart is that its a chance to make a difference in the world, Yuska says. The success weve
had with it over the last few years is a testament to the spirit and generosity of the PACK EXPO
Tickets for PACK gives BACK are only available to registered PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma
EXPO 2015 attendees and exhibitors, and can be purchased through the registration portal at Cost is $100 per person ($90 per person for groups of 10 or more). Doors open
at 4 p.m. for networking and light hors doeuvres, beer, wine and soft drinks, and Chicago takes the stage
at 5 p.m.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 will welcome a crowd of 30,000 processing and
packaging professionals in September. With over 2,000 exhibitors in more than 800,000 net square feet
of exhibit space, attendees and exhibiting companies will represent more than 40 vertical markets.
Learn more about the shows and register for PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO the largest
and most comprehensive events for the processing and packaging supply chain online at and Admission to both shows is $30 through Sept. 14, when it
jumps to $100.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015;EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

About DuPont
DuPont Packaging & Industrial Polymers manufactures an extensive mix of adhesive, peelable lidding
and sealant resins and provides a globally networked development team to work with customers on
packaging programs that help protect the product, the environment, improve shelf appeal, convenience
and reduce cost in the food, cosmetics, medical products and other consumer goods and industrial
packaging industries.
DuPont (NYSE: DD) has been bringing world-class science and engineering to the global marketplace in
the form of innovative products, materials, and services since 1802. The company believes that by
collaborating with customers, governments, NGOs, and thought leaders we can help find solutions to
such global challenges as providing enough healthy food for people everywhere, decreasing dependence
on fossil fuels, and protecting life and the environment. For additional information about DuPont and its
commitment to inclusive innovation, please visit

B&CMA President Presents Education Sessions at PACK EXPO Las

Reston, Va.; Aug. 17, 2015 The Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers' Association (B&CMA) president is
presenting education sessions at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Las
Vegas; Sept. 2830), according to show owner PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
David Van Laar, B&CMAs president, is scheduled to present two sessions on the Innovation Stage
located on the PACK EXPO show floor (Booths C-1041, C-1045 and C-1049), on Monday, Sept. 28 and
Tuesday, Sept. 29. The sessions are 30-minutes long, and allow attendees the opportunity to speak with
presenters following the presentations.
Presenting education sessions is an additional opportunity for B&CMA to impact our members and
customers who come to the show to learn and discover solutions, says David Van Laar, president,
These education sessions allow a range of industry experts, including association partners to contribute
to the exchange of ideas that occurs at the show, says Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO, PMMI.
Thats a core value that PACK EXPO brings to both exhibitors and attendees.
B&CMA education sessions:
Monday, Sept. 28, 33:30 p.m. (Booth C-1041)
Basic Production Metrics
Dave Van Laar, President, The Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers' Association
You don't need to be a Six Sigma Black Belt to benefit from an understanding of lean manufacturing
principals. This presentation will cover basic calculations related to production metrics.
Tuesday, Sept. 29, Noon12:30 p.m. (Booth C-1041)
Basic Project Economic Justification
Dave Van Laar, President, The Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers' Association
Purchasing and upgrading new equipment can be a big investment. Dave Van Laar will present a guide to
utilizing facts and presenting true savings to convince management that the investment is justified.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 processing and packaging
professional and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies. Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it
increases to $100.
The full Innovation Stage schedule is available and you can register for PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About The Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers Association
The Biscuit and Cracker Manufacturers Association (B&CMA) is a 112 year old international trade
organization representing the entire spectrum of companies in the manufacturing of cookies and crackers
and the suppliers to the industry. Our mission is to bring unparalleled education, training and networking
opportunities to members of the B&CMA.
The B&CMA is the largest consortium of industry professionals in the world. Baker member
representation includes brand, private label and contract manufacturers. Supplier representation is
diverse including equipment, ingredients, packaging and services. The extensive network of industry
professionals makes B&CMA the definitive source of information and contacts for the cookie and cracker
industry and the training choice for professional development.
NCA Hosts Reception at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
Reston, Va.; Aug. 18, 2015 The National Confectioners Association (NCA) is hosting a
reception at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas; Sept.
2830), according to show owner PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
Manufacturers of candy, chocolate and gum are invited to the event on Tuesday, Sept. 29 from
3:30 to 5 p.m., in The Candy Bar Lounge (S-7900).
The Candy Bar Lounge provides an industry-specific venue on the show floor where EOMs and
CPGs can convene to network and discover solutions to any challenges they face in their
businesses, says Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO, PMMI.
NCAs annual reception provides an additional opportunity for industry professionals to make
new connections, discuss innovations and reconnect with the industrys leading influencers.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI
and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over
800,000 net square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000
packaging and processing professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI
and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over
800,000 net square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000
processing and packaging professional and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and
Pharma EXPO at
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association
representing more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging
machinery, materials, components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers
together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class
events, connecting participants in the processing and packaging supply chain with their
customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows that
include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center); Pharma
EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May 1720,
(Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69
(McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International
2016; PACK EXPO East 2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco,
Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that produces
information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media
brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic
marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver
informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces
The Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in
Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About the National Confectioners Association (NCA)
The National Confectioners Association is the trade organization representing the $35 billion
U.S. confections industry. With members in more than 40 states employing approximately
70,000 workers in more than 1,000 facilities across the U.S., NCA exists to advance, protect
and promote the confectionery industry. NCA and its members value the fun and enjoyment of
chocolate, candy, gum and mints, serving as a transparent and trustworthy source while
building and promoting a responsible industry. As the leading trade association for the industry,
NCA is proud of the role it plays in the publics understanding and appreciation of candys
unique role in a happy, balanced lifestyle.

Flagship PACK EXPO Show Among Fastest-Growing US Trade Shows

Reston, Va.; Aug. 20, 2015 PACK EXPO International, owned and produced by PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, has received Trade Show Executives (TSE)
coveted Fastest 50 Grand Award in the Fastest Growing Biennial Show [Sheer Numbers] category.
The 2014 edition of PACK EXPO International, which included Pharma EXPO, increased in size by
75,338 net square feet, 387 exhibitors and 6,363 attendees.
PMMIs PACK EXPO International ran way ahead of the pack in 2014, growing an impressive five times
faster than the average trade show, says Darlene Gudea, president of Trade Show Executive Media
TSE also ranked PACK EXPO International as 37th Fastest-Growing Show of 2014 in the Number of
Exhibiting Companies category, and honored the show with its Gold 100 Award for its status as one of
the largest trade shows of 2014 in net square feet of exhibit space.
The growth of PACK EXPO has been notable throughout its 59-year history. Since PMMI introduced
PACK EXPO in 1956, it has evolved from a single show with 136 exhibitors, 5,000 attendees and 43,116
net square feet of exhibit space into a portfolio with more than seven shows in the United States and
Mexico. The first of the trade shows, now known as PACK EXPO International, takes place biennially at
Chicagos McCormick Place, and hosted 48,400 attendees and 2,352 exhibitors in more than 1.2 million
net square feet of exhibit space in 2014.
PMMI has long been considered a maverick in the trade show industry, with bold ideas ranging from its
in-house service contractor to its unique exhibitor package plans. PMMIs strong management team, led
by [President & CEO] Chuck Yuska, keeps PACK EXPO International thriving with its focus on creating
great value for exhibitors and developing programs that make it a must-attend event, Gudea says.
PMMIs next event, PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015, takes place Sept. 2830 at the Las Vegas Convention
Center, and includes the co-located Pharma EXPO. The combined event will welcome more than 2,000
exhibitors and 30,000 attendees in over 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space.
To learn more about PACK EXPO Las Vegas, visit Registration is $30 per
person through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100, and includes admission to all exhibits.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

Pharmaceutical Industry Takes Center Stage in PACK Solutions

Reston, Va.; Aug. 24, 2015 The PACK Solutions Challenge will return to PACK EXPO Las Vegas
(Sept. 28-30; Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas) and the co-located Pharma EXPO with a focus
on issues facing the pharmaceutical industry, according to PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies, and owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows.
Every year the PACK Solutions Challenge tasks students from PMMI Partner Schools around the country
with finding solutions to real world packaging problems, says Maria Ferrante, vice president of Education
& Workforce Development, PMMI. With Pharma EXPO making its Las Vegas debut, its appropriate that
this years challenge should focus on the pharmaceutical industry.
The annual PACK Solutions Challenge, sponsored this year by B&R Industrial Automation, pits teams of
packaging college students against each other in a competition to develop the best solution for a
particular packaging need.
In the competitions 2015 edition, students will be tasked with developing a packaging solution for fictional
company Innovative Pharmaceuticals Inc. and its new fast-dissolving OTC product. Packaging mentors
from manufacturers exhibiting at the show will guide students in their efforts, and theyll use as one of their primary research tools. On site, they will visit booths and conduct
interviews to complete the project.
Students will present their proposals to a panel of end user judges on Tuesday, Sept. 29, with winners
announced that afternoon at B&R Industrial Automations Booth (S-5956). Attendees can submit their
votes for the Peoples Choice Award after picking up their Education Passport and judging the poster
presentations of student solutions in the Education & Workforce Development Pavilion on Monday, Sept.
28. All attendees who turn in their completed Passport will be entered to win a PS4 game system.
The PMMI Foundation will provide scholarships to the winning teams. First place team members will
share $4,000; second place, $2,000; third place, $1,000.
The PACK Solutions Challenge gives the industrys next generation of leaders real experience
developing solutions that meet a customers specific needs, says Marc Ostertag, president, B&R
Industrial Automation. B&R is excited to be part of this event.
Schools participating in the 2015 PACK Solutions Challenge as of August 7, 2015 include California
Polytechnic State University, Michigan State University, Purdue University Calumet, Rochester Institute of
Technology, Rutgers University and Virginia Tech.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 processing and packaging
professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and

RLT & Associates Sponsors Coffee Service at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
Reston, Va.; Aug. 26, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, and
owner and producer of the PACK EXPO trade shows, is pleased to announce that RLT & Associates
(Booth S-6656) will return as sponsor, and this year represents the sole sponsor, of the morning coffee
service for exhibitors and attendees at PACK EXPO Las Vegas (Sept. 28-30; Las Vegas Convention
Center, Las Vegas).
This is a big show and theres a lot of ground to cover, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI.
The morning coffee service will definitely help people get off to a great start as they explore the show
The coffee service will be available every day of the show in the South and Central Hall Lobbies while
supplies last, starting at 8:30 a.m.
We are excited to be a part of PACK EXPO once again and appreciate the opportunity to help each
conference attendee start their day with a hot cup of coffee, says Rob Taylor, founder and CEO of RLT &
Associates, a packaging, material handling, and storage/warehousing company located in Shelby
Township, Michigan. This service is a token of our appreciation for our peers and customers who we look
forward to seeing in Las Vegas in September, says Taylor, whose global company is known
industry-wide as a facilitator of change.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over 800,000 net
square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000 processing and packaging
professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and Pharma
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About RLT & Associates
Founded in 2000, RLT & Associates differentiates as a one-stop solution provider and facilitator of
change providing multiple solutions for packaging, material handling, and storage/warehousing solutions.
Visit RLT & Associates at and contact RLT & Associates at 844 RLT RACK
(758.7225) and at

Smart Manufacturing is the Core of the Center for Trends and

Coming to PACK EXPO Las Vegas this month, the Center for Trends and Technology explores smart
manufacturing & other critical topics with displays of leading automation systems and expert advice
Reston, Va.; Sept. 3, 2015 In Europe, they call it Internet 4.0. In the United States, the buzzword is
Internet of Things. Whatever you call it, smart manufacturing is the future of industry, and it will be in the
spotlight at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention
Center). PACK EXPO Las Vegas is owned and organized by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies.
Smart manufacturing and its implications for todays production environment will be the focal point of The
Center for Trends and Technology (Booth C-4829), sponsored by Rockwell Automation and its
PartnerNetwork program. The booth, exclusive to PACK EXPO, uses educational sessions,
ask-the-expert kiosks and informational displays to present technologies for serialization, machinery
safety, mobility, cloud computing, networking security, line integration and line optimization.
CTT is a one-stop-shop for understanding issues surrounding smart manufacturing, says Rockwell
Automation Commercial Program Manager Cheryl Lange. We want attendees to leave our exhibit with
the understanding and insights they need to consider how theyll implement the Internet of Things in their
Attendees can also request a tour of OEM booths where they can see the CTT technologies in action.
Lange adds, By presenting CTT at PACK EXPO, we can connect end users and OEMs from around the
world and across a wide range of industries and applications. The cross-pollination effect that generates
is invaluable to everyone involved.
Pharma EXPO, which is co-located with PACK EXPO, produced in partnership by PMMI and the
International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering. To learn more about CTT and PACK EXPO Las
Vegas 2015, Show registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association representing
more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging machinery, materials,
components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class events, connecting participants in the processing
and packaging supply chain with their customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO
portfolio of trade shows that include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention
Center); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May
1720, (Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69 (McCormick
Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International 2016; PACK EXPO East
2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara
2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a
market-leading B2B media company that produces information for processing and packaging
professionals, bringing together solution providers and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout
the supply chain. Its world class media brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare
Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this
diverse and dynamic marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to
deliver informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces The
Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Rockwell Automation
Rockwell Automation Inc. (NYSE: ROK), the worlds largest company dedicated to industrial automation
and information, makes its customers more productive and the world more sustainable. Headquartered in
Milwaukee, Wis., Rockwell Automation employs about 22,500 people serving customers in more than 80

Tetra Pak Supports PACK EXPO at Beverage Cooler Lounge,

Innovation Stage

Reston, Va.; Sept. 11, 2015 Tetra Pak Inc. will sponsor the Beverage Cooler Lounge (Booth
S-7429) atPACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas; Sept.
28-30), announces PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, owner
and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows.
The Beverage Cooler Lounge, hosted by The International Society of Beverage Technologists
(ISBT), provides a destination on the show floor where beverage industry professionals can
network and meet with industry experts courtesy of ISBT.
Bringing industries together is one of the great advantages to having a big show like PACK
EXPO, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president of PMMI. We are glad to have Tetra Pak on
board as the sponsor for The Beverage Cooler Lounge, a great networking and knowledge hub
on the show floor.
In addition to participating in the Beverage Cooler Lounge, Tetra Pak will also share insight at
the show, through an Innovation Stage session, Shelf-Ready Solutions: Approaching Customer
Challenges through Collaborative Innovation (Sept. 29, 2-2:30 p.m.; Booth C-1041).
PACK EXPO trade shows are a great opportunity to interact with professionals from across the
industry, says Carla Fantoni, vice president of communication, Tetra Pak Inc. We are excited
to be a part of this important resource for attendees interested in packaging and processing
innovation, and were looking forward to speaking about making better use of available tools to
ensure an effective collaboration at the Innovation Stage.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 is co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, a joint venture from PMMI
and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). The two shows have over
800,000 net square feet of combined exhibit space and are expected to attract 30,000
processing and packaging professionals and more than 2,000 exhibiting companies.
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and
Pharma EXPO at
Registration is $30 through Sept. 14, when it increases to $100. Register for PACK EXPO and
Pharma EXPO at
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies is a trade association
representing more than 700 companies that provide a full range of processing and packaging
machinery, materials, components and containers. PMMI actively brings buyers and sellers
together through initiatives such as, educational programs and world-class
events, connecting participants in the processing and packaging supply chain with their
customers around the world. PMMI produces the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows that
include PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Sept. 2830, Las Vegas Convention Center); Pharma
EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015; EXPO PACK Mxico 2016, May 1720,
(Mexico City, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe); PACK EXPO International 2016, Nov. 69
(McCormick Place, Chicago, Ill.); Pharma EXPO, co-located with PACK EXPO International
2016; PACK EXPO East 2017, Feb. 27March 1, (Pennsylvania Convention Center,
Philadelphia) and EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2017, June 1315, 2017 (Guadalajara, Jalisco,
Mexico). PMMI owns PMMI Media Group, a market-leading B2B media company that produces
information for processing and packaging professionals, bringing together solution providers
and end-users and facilitating connectivity throughout the supply chain. Its world class media
brands Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and
Packaging + Processing OEM are proven leaders in covering this diverse and dynamic
marketplace, and its digital products incorporate leading edge media technologies to deliver
informed, actionable business intelligence to the industry. PMMI Media Group also produces
The Automation Conference, an annual education and networking forum, taking place in
Chicago each spring.
Learn more at and and
About Tetra Pak
Tetra Pak is the world's leading food processing and packaging solutions company. Working
closely with our customers and suppliers, we provide safe, innovative and environmentally
sound products that each day meet the needs of hundreds of millions of people in more than
170 countries around the world. With more than 23,000 employees based in over 85 countries,
we believe in responsible industry leadership and a sustainable approach to business. Our
motto, PROTECTS WHATS GOOD, reflects our vision to make food safe and available,
everywhere. More information about Tetra Pak is available at

International Powerhouses Announce Launch of ProFood Tech

PMMI, Koelnmesse and IDFA Join Forces to Offer a New North American Food and Beverage
Processing Event at Chicagos McCormick Place in Spring 2017
Reston, Va.; Sept. 14, 2015 Three trade show leaders joined forces today to announce the launch of
ProFood Tech, a new event that will focus on processing technologies serving the food and beverage
industry. ProFood Tech will make its debut April 46, 2017, at McCormick Place, in Chicago, Ill.
The event is powered by three of the worlds trade show leaders PMMI, The Association for Packaging
and Processing Technologies; Koelnmesse and the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA). PMMI
is the owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows and represents North American
manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and packaging. Koelnmesse
organizes world leading trade shows for food and beverage, such as Anuga and Anuga Food Tec in
Cologne, Germany. IDFA is North Americas largest dairy association, representing more than 85 percent
of all North American manufacturing of dairy products.
In assessing the current trade show landscape, we saw there was a need for a dedicated event that
brings buyers together with leading world-wide manufacturers in the food and beverage industry, says
Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO, PMMI. ProFood Tech provides a venue to share the latest
innovations and crossover technologies from multiple vertical markets within the food and beverage
industry and will be that one-stop-shop featuring exhibits from both large companies that serve several
customer segments and smaller niche companies with focus on more specific needs.
Exponential changes in technology are making it hard for food and beverage companies to keep up.
ProFood Tech will provide a wide perspective on the food and beverage processing industry as a whole
and feature cutting edge solutions to the challenges the industry is facing every day on the plant floor.
More than a trade show, ProFood Tech provides both large and small suppliers the opportunity to build
their businesses by breaking into new food and beverage markets, cementing their status as industry
leaders and reaching a large group of customers at one event.
In a close dialogue with leading technology suppliers from around the globe, we aim to create a market
platform in the United States that is tailored to the requirements of domestic and foreign exhibitors and
visitors, explains Gerald Bse, president and CEO of Koelnmesse. Over a period of decades,
Koelnmesse has established an excellent reputation world-wide as a trade show organizer, especially in
the field of food products and food technology. Examples include the leading international trade fair
Anuga, the worlds biggest and most important trade show for the food industry, as well as related
spin-offs around the world.
ProFood Tech, Bse adds, marks a further logical step in Koelnmesses strategy aimed at offering
expert support to our customers in various target markets in our role as a global service provider.
With an expansive show floor and enhanced educational programming led by IDFA, ProFood Tech will
attract high-level buyers from every food and beverage sector.
The opportunities for new ideas and break-through solutions are amazing when executives from related
businesses come together to discuss, review and experience the innovations, products and services
available today, says Connie Tipton, president and CEO of IDFA. IDFA is proud to partner with these
trade show leaders and to continue our tradition of bringing industry suppliers, processors and
manufacturers together so they can find profitable business solutions, discover new technologies and see
the innovations that are abundant in our industry.
Industry leaders, including Delkor Systems, Inc., and Tetra Pak, are excited about the opportunities that
ProFood Tech will offer.
As a longtime member of both IDFA and PMMI, Delkor is very pleased to see the attention and focus that
ProFood Tech will bring to the North American food and beverage industry, says Dale Andersen,
president and CEO of Delkor Systems, Inc. Koelnmesses outstanding reputation as a trade show
organizer only strengthens this collaboration.
As a world leader in processing and packaging technologies, Tetra Pak is excited about the potential
ProFood Tech holds, says Carla Fantoni, vice president of communications for Tetra Pak U.S. and
Canada. The joint efforts of PACK EXPO, Anuga and IDFA clearly demonstrate a commitment from
these three leading organizations to establish a trusted brand serving all food and beverage categories.
We think this consolidated approach will help suppliers and customers alike make the most of the show.
ProFood Tech is a totally unique endeavor with the collaboration of three of the worlds leading industry
organizations, all with ownership of this initiative. The new show will combine the unrivaled experience
and recognition of PACK EXPO, Anuga and IDFA to create an event that will be unprecedented in its
ability to address all of the issues facing food and beverage processing operations in the North American
marketplace like sustainability, improved operations and food safety.
For more information about ProFood Tech, visit or contact
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members' growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year.
About Koelnmesse
Koelnmesse is the number 1 trade-fair location for numerous industries. Visitors and exhibitors from all
over the world come to Cologne in order to present the latest trends at the world's fifth largest exhibition
centre and do business worldwide. Every year, Koelnmesse organises and conducts more than 80 trade
fairs, exhibitions, guest events, and special events in Cologne and in the world's most important markets.
Koelnmesse not only brings the world to Cologne, it also organizes international trade fair events outside
the Cologne exhibition centre. It draws on Koelnmesse's sector expertise to enter new markets within its
fields of expertise in addition to the Cologne-based leading fairs, bringing events to selected target
Koelnmesse is the leading trade fair organiser in the food industry and related sectors. Trade fairs such
as the Anuga, the International Sweets & Biscuits Fair (ISM) and Anuga FoodTec are established world
leaders and create a basis for sustainable and stable international business.
The events regularly organised by Koelnmesse take place at different intervals and attract around 49,000
exhibiting companies from 117 countries, as well as 2.7 million visitors from 211 countries.
About IDFA
The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA), Washington, D.C., represents the nation's dairy
manufacturing and marketing industries and their suppliers, with a membership of 550 companies within a
$125-billion a year industry. IDFA is composed of three constituent organizations: the Milk Industry
Foundation (MIF), the National Cheese Institute (NCI) and the International Ice Cream Association (IICA).
IDFA's nearly 200 dairy processing members run nearly 600 plant operations, and range from large
multi-national organizations to single-plant companies. Together they represent more than 85 percent of
the milk, cultured products, cheese, ice cream and frozen desserts produced and marketed in the United
The Cross Pollination of Ideas Becomes Reality at Pharma EXPO 2015
Co-located with PACK EXPO Las Vegas, the years most comprehensive processing and packaging
event, and addressing trends and spotlights solutions across industries
Reston, Va.; Sept. 16, 2015 From small batches to regulatory compliance to sustainability,
pharmaceutical manufacturers have plenty to consider. Pharma EXPO 2015 (Las Vegas Convention
Center, Sept. 28-30), co-owned by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies
and the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), will present solutions for these and
other challenges throughout the pharmaceutical lifecycle.
The show and its co-located partner, PMMIs PACK EXPO Las Vegas, will host 30,000 attendees and
over 2,000 exhibitors in more than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space.
Pharma EXPOs co-location alongside the largest processing and packaging show of the year delivers
unmatched access to suppliers and solutions with crossover technologies from industries such as food,
beverage and personal care, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI.
Start at the Beginning
Pharma EXPO which occupies the North Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center will bring
everything from its successful inaugural debut in Chicago to Las Vegas, and the partnership between
ISPE and PMMI means excellence will be at the forefront.
Attendees can start at Pharma EXPO Live (Booth N-405), where videos, live interviews, live-demo alerts,
social media and more will keep you on top of everything thats happening at the show, including the
Innovation Stage (Booth N-559) and the Pharma EXPO Conference Program, organized by ISPE.
On Tuesday, Sept. 29, Pharma EXPO Live will host a reception for attendees from 3:305 p.m.
Cross the Line
Attendees should make time to explore PACK EXPO, too, and take advantage of the way ideas from one
industry can apply to another.
The Center for Trends and Technology (CTT) (Booth C-4829) investigates smart manufacturing and its
role in processing and packaging. With displays and seminars, sponsor Rockwell Automation and its
PartnerNetwork program present a glimpse of the future of industry. Seminars will cover topics such as
compliance, serialization and line optimization. Cisco Systems, Grantek Systems Integration, Interstates
Controls, Microsoft and Stone Technologies are Rockwell Automations partners in the PACK EXPO Las
Vegas 2015 edition of CTT.
Food safety is another crossover area. Pharmaceutical professionals and food manufacturers have a lot
to learn from each other, and at the Food Safety Summit Resource Center (Booth S-7632) common
issues such as sanitary equipment design will be topics of conversation. Organized and brought to PACK
EXPO Las Vegas by the Food Safety Summit and co-sponsor GE, the Food Safety Summit Resource
Center will be a central location where subject matter experts will present educational seminars and be
available for one-on-one consultations.
Down in the Lower South Hall, the Brand Zone is your path to market, with materials and containers that
shape winning brands. Its a central point for attendees looking to improve shelf appeal and explore
packaging challenges. Within The Brand Zone, the Showcase of Packaging Innovations, sponsored by
The Dow Chemical Company, will display award-winning packages from competitions around the world.
Feed the Mind with Educational Opportunities
In addition to the Pharma EXPO Conference, The Pharma EXPO and PACK EXPO Innovation Stages
(Booths N-559, C-1041, C-1045, C-1049) showcase more than 40 free educational sessions, including
Serialization Impacts in the Pharmaceutical Industry Presented by Benoit Maheux-L, Optel Vision
(Monday, Sept. 28, 1111:30 a.m.; Pharma EXPO Innovation Stage, Booth N-559)
Innovative Oxygen Absorption Packaging Solutions Presented by Atsushi Inoue, Mitsubishi Gas
Chemical Company (Monday, Sept. 28, 11:30 p.m.; Pharma EXPO Innovation Stage, Booth
Total Cost of Ownership: One Voice Guidelines for CPGs and OEMs Presented by Madinah
Allen, Snyders-Lance, Inc.; and Mark Ruberg, Pro Mach (Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1010:30 a.m.;
PACK EXPO Innovation Stage, Booth C-1041)
Creating Tomorrows Packaging Today: Technology and Collaboration-Based Approaches to
Optimize Pharmaceutical Package Design Presented by Daniel Stagnaro, Klckner Pentaplast
(Monday, Sept. 28, 22:30 p.m.; Pharma EXPO Innovation Stage, Booth N-559)
Entertaining Success at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO are all about learning, doing business better and connecting with your
industry Pittas says. For connections and networking, youve got to go to PACK gives BACK. It will be a
great time for a great cause.
PACK gives BACK is an annual fundraiser and signature PACK EXPO event, and will feature a
performance from legendary rock band Chicago. PMMI will donate ticket sale proceeds to the Fisher
House Foundation, an organization that provides comfort to the families of wounded military and veterans
during their stays in medical facilities, and the Nevada Military Service Alliance, which is building the
states first Fisher House in North Las Vegas.
With more than 40 vertical markets represented, PACK EXPO Las Vegas is the most comprehensive
event of its kind this year. The industry comes here for solutions to their operational challenges, and
because theres so much breadth to the show, they have the benefit of coming to truly innovative
solutions inspired by other industries, says Pittas.
To learn more and register for Pharma EXPO, produced in partnership by PMMI and the Institute for
Pharmaceutical Engineering, and the co-located PACK EXPO Las Vegas visit
Tickets for PACK gives BACK ($100/person or $90 for groups of 10 or more) can be purchased during the
registration process. PACK gives BACK is only open to registered attendees and exhibitors of PACK
EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and
Opportunities Flow for Beverage Professionals at PACK EXPO Las

Reston, Va.; Sept. 16, 2015 According to the Beverage Industry Report (Sept. 2014) from PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, beverage companies want innovations that will
lead to more energy-efficient equipment; more flexible, forgiving and faster equipment; new packaging
materials; and much faster speed to market with packaging designs.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Sept. 28-30), owned and produced by
PMMI, will open up a wealth of opportunities for beverage brand owners to meet these needs. The show,
the largest and most comprehensive of its kind this year, will host 30,000 attendees and over 2,000
exhibitors in more than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space.
In addition to focusing on consumer trends, beverage professionals need to be up to speed on the Food
Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). PACK EXPO Las Vegas will provide access to suppliers and education
that will make compliance easier, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI.
Start at the Beginning
Beverage manufacturers can start their trip around the show floor in areas like the Processing Zone
(Upper South Hall), a hub for processing equipment suppliers, where they can also visit the Food Safety
Summit Resource Center (Booth S-7632). Organized and brought to PACK EXPO Las Vegas by the Food
Safety Summit and co-sponsor GE, the Food Safety Summit Resource Center will be a central location
for FSMA experts who will present educational seminars and be available for one-on-one consultations
about the latest in food safety and FSMA compliance.
The Beverage Cooler Lounge (Booth S-7429), hosted by the International Society of Beverage
Technologists (ISBT), is a key on-floor destination for strengthening connections. This central meeting
point will provide opportunities to network with experts and peers addressing similar trends and
This is the fourth time weve provided resources at The Beverage Cooler Lounge, says Larry Hobbs,
ISBT executive director. We know the value it provides our members and other beverage industry
professionals. Having a dedicated space on the show floor where they can network and learn the latest
trends in the marketplace allows them to make the most of their PACK EXPO experience.
ISBT will host a reception for beverage professionals at the Beverage Cooler Lounge on Tuesday, Sept.
29, from 3:305 p.m.
The Brand Zone (Lower South Hall), which features materials and containers that shape winning brands,
is a central point for attendees looking to improve product freshness or shelf appeal. Within The Brand
Zone, the Showcase of Packaging Innovations, sponsored by The Dow Chemical Company, will display
award-winning packages from competitions around the world.
Drink in the Knowledge
There are plenty of opportunities to learn, too. ISBT will present a series of five educational sessions at
The Beverage Cooler Lounge:
What are the Packaging Challenges and Trends We Face in Todays Dynamically Changing
Markets?Presented by Ron Puvak, director, Global Marketing and New Business Development,
Plastic Technologies, Inc. (Monday, Sept. 28, and Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1010:30 a.m.)
FSMA and Food Defense: How will You be Affected? Presented by Brian Stegman, senior
engineer & food safety manager, Ingredion Incorporated (Monday, Sept. 28, and Tuesday, Sept.
29, 1111:30 a.m.)
Beverage Quality Fundamentals Presented by Cloeann Durham, senior director of quality,
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (Monday, Sept. 28, and Tuesday, Sept. 29, 11:30 p.m.)
New Biopolymers: Synchronizing Properties with Business Opportunities Presented by Scott
Steele, president, Plastic Technologies, Inc. (Monday, Sept. 28, and Tuesday, Sept. 29, 22:30
The Global Food Safety Initiative: How Will GFSI Affect You? Presented by Cloeann Durham,
senior director of quality, Coca-Cola Bottling Co. (Monday, Sept. 28, and Tuesday, Sept. 29,
33:30 p.m.)
The Center for Trends and Technology (Booth C-4829), organized by Rockwell Automation and its
PartnerNetwork, covers the newest in automation technology with displays and educational sessions,
and the Innovation Stage (Booths C-1041, C-1045, C-1049) will showcase more than 40 educational
Entertaining Success at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
PACK EXPO is all about learning, doing business better and connecting with your industry, Pittas says.
For connections and networking, youve got to go to PACK gives BACK. It will be a great time for a great
PACK gives BACK is an annual fundraiser and signature PACK EXPO event, and will feature a
performance from legendary rock band Chicago. PMMI will donate ticket sale proceeds to the Fisher
House Foundation, an organization that provides comfort to the families of wounded military and veterans
during their stays in medical facilities, and the Nevada Military Service Alliance, which is building the
states first Fisher House in North Las Vegas.
With more than 40 vertical markets represented, PACK EXPO Las Vegas is the most comprehensive
event of its kind this year. The industry comes here for solutions to their operational challenges, and
because theres so much breadth to the show, they have the benefit of coming to truly innovative
solutions inspired by other industries, says Pittas.
To learn more and register for PACK EXPO Las Vegas and its co-located partner show Pharma EXPO,
produced in partnership by PMMI and the Institute for Pharmaceutical Engineering, visit Tickets for PACK gives BACK ($100/person or $90 for groups of 10 or more) can
be purchased during the registration process. PACK gives BACK is only open to registered attendees and
exhibitors of PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more, and
From Consumer Demands to Packaging, PACK EXPO Las Vegas
Delivers Solutions
The years most comprehensive processing and packaging event addresses trends and spotlights
solutions for meat and food producers
Reston, Va.; Sept. 16, 2015 Keeping up with the latest consumer trends, staying on top of safety and
freshness concerns and moving your product from concept to plant to market these are just a few of
the challenges protein and food processors face every day. Theyre also a few of the challenges that can
be met at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Sept. 28-30). Owned and
produced by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, PACK EXPO is the
largest and most comprehensive event of its kind this year, and will host 30,000 attendees and over 2,000
exhibitors in more than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space.
In addition to focusing on consumer trends, protein and food processing professionals need to be up to
speed on the latest food safety rules, whether they fall under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
or rules from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). PACK EXPO will provide access to suppliers and
education that will make compliance easier, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI.
Start at the Beginning
Meat producers can start the trip around the show floor in areas like the Processing Zone (Upper South
Hall) a hub for processing equipment and front-of-line solutions that address safety and quality at the
efficiency and productivity levels you need. Youll find:
State-of-the-art equipment and automation technologies for increased versatility and productivity
Machinery specialized for hygienic processing
Technologies that ensure chain of custody and safety
Advances to increase speed and accuracy and provide modularity
Materials and containers that preserve freshness, reduce waste and enhance your brand
While youre in The Processing Zone, stop by the Food Safety Summit Resource Center (Booth S-7632),
where youll learn about the latest on food safety issues. Organized and brought to PACK EXPO Las
Vegas by the Food Safety Summit and co-sponsor GE, the Food Safety Summit Resource Center will be
a central location where food safety experts will present educational seminars and be available for
informal consultations.
Sometimes, its best to contract out your packaging needs. To learn more about contract packaging and
how it can improve your operations, visit the Contract Packaging Sourcing Center (Booth C-1257), hosted
by the Contract Packaging Association, where youll meet experts who can address your packaging
needs, show you packaging samples and provide information on leading contract packagers.
The Brand Zone (Lower South Hall), which features materials and containers that shape winning brands,
is a central point for attendees looking to improve product freshness or shelf appeal. Within The Brand
Zone, the Showcase of Packaging Innovations, sponsored by The Dow Chemical Company, will display
award-winning packages from competitions around the world.
Feed the Mind with Educational Opportunities
There are plenty of opportunities to learn, too. The Center for Trends and Technology (Booth C-4829),
organized by Rockwell Automation and its PartnerNetwork, covers the newest in automation technology
and smart manufacturing with displays and educational sessions. The PACK EXPO Innovation Stages
(Booths C-1041, C-1045, C-1049) will showcase more than 40 educational sessions, and the Food Safety
Summit Resource Center will also present seminars for protein producers:
Advantages of Using Robotics and Advanced Sensing Technologies to Automatically Detect
Leakers and How They Can Improve Line Performance Presented by Craig Souser, JLS
Automation (Monday, Sept. 28, 33:30 p.m.; Booth C-1049)
Basic Production Metrics Presented by Ted Andrew, Roka Bioscience (Tuesday, Sept. 29,
10:1510:45 a.m.; Food Safety Summit Resource Center, Booth S-7632)
Meat & Poultry Disinfection Using Ozone Presented by Gholamreza Zahedi, Ozone Solutions
(Tuesday, Sept. 29, 11:30 p.m.; Booth C-1045)
Entertaining Success at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
PACK EXPO is all about learning, doing business better and connecting with your industry, Pittas says.
For connections and networking, youve got to go to PACK gives BACK. It will be a great time for a great
PACK gives BACK is an annual fundraiser and signature PACK EXPO event, and will feature a
performance from legendary rock band Chicago. PMMI will donate ticket sale proceeds to the Fisher
House Foundation, an organization that provides comfort to the families of wounded military and veterans
during their stays in medical facilities, and the Nevada Military Service Alliance, which is building the
states first Fisher House in North Las Vegas.
With more than 40 vertical markets represented, PACK EXPO Las Vegas is the most comprehensive
event of its kind this year. The industry comes here for solutions to their operational challenges, and
because theres so much breadth to the show, they have the benefit of coming to truly innovative
solutions inspired by other industries, says Pittas.
To learn more and register for PACK EXPO Las Vegas and its co-located partner show Pharma EXPO,
produced in partnership by PMMI and the Institute for Pharmaceutical Engineering, visit Tickets for PACK gives BACK ($100/person or $90 for groups of 10 or more) can
be purchased during the registration process. PACK gives BACK is only open to registered attendees and
exhibitors of PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more, and

Confectionery Manufacturers Find a Sweet Spot at PACK EXPO Las

Reston, Va.; Sept. 16, 2015 According to research from PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies, consumer wellness concerns, food safety and other health and safety
concerns, are among the biggest drivers steering the confectionery industry today (Confectionery Trends
Market Assessment, Sept. 2013).
Confectioners can find a variety of approaches to address these market forces at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Sept. 28-30), owned and produced by PMMI. The show, the largest
and most comprehensive of its kind this year, will host 30,000 attendees and over 2,000 exhibitors in
more than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space.
In addition to focusing on consumer trends, confectionery professionals need to be up to speed on the
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which has changed the way you have to approach food safety
during the manufacturing process. PACK EXPO will provide access to suppliers and education that will
make compliance easier, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI.
Start at the Beginning
Confectionery manufacturers can start their trip around the show floor in the Confectionery Pavilion
(Upper South Hall), sponsored by the National Confectioners Association (NCA), and then continue over
to The Processing Zone. The two pavilions are hubs for the equipment that will help them meet their
goals, but confectioners will find even more solutions throughout the exposition halls.
For the latest on food safety issues and Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance, visit the
Food Safety Summit Resource Center (Booth S-7632), also in the Upper South Hall. Organized and
brought to PACK EXPO Las Vegas by the Food Safety Summit and co-sponsor GE, the Food Safety
Summit Resource Center will be a central location for FSMA experts who will present educational
seminars and be available for one-on-one consultations.
The Candy Bar Lounge (Booth S-7900), hosted by the National Confectioners Association (NCA), will be
a networking destination for confectionery professionals where NCA industry experts will be available for
one-on-one conversations.
This lounge is a dedicated area where we can come together to learn the latest innovations and solutions
to challenges in the confectionery industry, says NCA member John Holland, managing partner, Sollich
North America, LLC. There is so much value in having this opportunity to talk with those experiencing the
same issues as I and sharing insights to overcome those challenges.
The Candy Bar Lounge (Booth S-7900) will host a reception on Tuesday, Sept. 29, from 3:30 p.m. to 5
p.m. The event offers confectionery industry attendees networking time with subject matter experts and
their professional peers beyond regular show floor hours.
In the Lower South Hall, The Brand Zone features materials and containers that shape winning brands
and is a central point for attendees looking to improve product freshness or shelf appeal. Within The
Brand Zone, the Showcase of Packaging Innovations, sponsored by The Dow Chemical Company, will
display award-winning packages from competitions around the world.
Feed the Mind with Educational Opportunities
There are plenty of opportunities to learn, too. The Center for Trends and Technology (Booth C-4829),
organized by Rockwell Automation and its PartnerNetwork, covers the newest in automation technology
with displays and educational sessions. The PACK EXPO Innovation Stages (Booths C-1041, C-1045,
C-1049) and the Food Safety Summit Resource Center will present even more educational sessions,
including these:
The Latest Snacking Trends and Their Impact on Packaging Presented by Aaron Wallander,
Bemis North America (Monday, Sept. 28; 22:30; Booth C-1049)
Total Cost of Ownership: One Voice Guidelines for CPGs and OEMs Presented by Madinah
Allen, Snyders-Lance, Inc., and Mark Ruberg, Pro Mach (Tuesday, Sept. 29; 1010:30 a.m.;
Booth C-1041)
Advanced Hygienic Design for Food Processing Equipment Presented by Bill Sutton, Kollmorgen
(Tuesday, Sept. 29; 1:151:45 p.m.; Food Safety Summit Resource Center, Booth S-7632)
Entertaining Success at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
PACK EXPO is all about learning, doing business better and connecting with your industry, Pittas says.
For connections and networking, youve got to go to PACK gives BACK. It will be a great time for a
great cause.
PACK gives BACK is an annual fundraiser and signature PACK EXPO event, and will feature a
performance from legendary rock band Chicago. PMMI will donate ticket sale proceeds to the Fisher
House Foundation, an organization that provides comfort to the families of wounded military and veterans
during their stays in medical facilities, and the Nevada Military Service Alliance, which is building the
states first Fisher House in North Las Vegas.
With more than 40 vertical markets represented, PACK EXPO Las Vegas is the most comprehensive
event of its kind this year. The industry comes here for solutions to their operational challenges, and
because theres so much breadth to the show, they have the benefit of coming to truly innovative
solutions inspired by other industries, says Pittas.
To learn more and register for PACK EXPO Las Vegas and its co-located partner show Pharma EXPO,
produced in partnership by PMMI and the Institute for Pharmaceutical Engineering, visit Tickets for PACK gives BACK ($100/person or $90 for groups of 10 or more) can
be purchased during the registration process. PACK gives BACK is only open to registered attendees and
exhibitors of PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

Bakers Find New Ways to Respond To Operational Demands &

Consumer Trends at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
Reston, Va.; Sept. 16, 2015 Research published by Mintel this summer described snacking as a
round-the-clock habit for Americans. While at least 94 percent snack at least once a day (up from 64
percent in 2014), Millennials are apparently the grazing generation, reporting at least four snacks a day.
Theyre craving convenience, according to Mintel, in the form of single-serve and reclosable packages.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 (Las Vegas Convention Center, Sept. 28-30), owned and produced by
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, will open up a wealth of
opportunities for baking-snack brand owners to tackle trends with tools such as automation to improve
productivity, flexibility and efficiency, labeling systems that enhance flexibility and sustainability, and
containers and materials to preserve freshness, reduce waste and enhance branding.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas will host 30,000 attendees and over 2,000 exhibitors in more than 800,000 net
square feet of exhibit space.
In addition to focusing on consumer trends, baking-snack professionals need to be up to speed on the
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which has changed the way you have to approach food safety
during the manufacturing process. PACK EXPO will provide access to suppliers and education that will
make compliance easier, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI.
Start at the Beginning
Bakingsnack manufacturers can start their trip around the show floor in areas like the Processing Zone
(Upper South Hall), a hub for processing equipment suppliers, where they can also visit the Food Safety
Summit Resource Center (Booth S-7632) for the latest on food safety issues and FSMA compliance.
Organized and brought to PACK EXPO Las Vegas by the Food Safety Summit and co-sponsor GE, the
Food Safety Summit Resource Center will be a central location for FSMA experts who will present
educational seminars and be available for one-on-one consultations.
The Baking & Snack Break Lounge (Booth S-7427), hosted by the Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers
Association (B&CMA) is a key on-floor destination for strengthening connections. The beauty of this
central meeting point is that bakers and snack manufacturers can network with experts and peers
addressing similar trends and challenges and find answers, notes Dave Van Laar, president, B&CMA.
PACK EXPO is a vital part of our outreach to bakers and suppliers, says Van Laar. We not only provide
a place for bakers to network, rest and regroup, well also assist many of them in finding solutions to
specific issues.
B&CMA will host a reception for bakers and snack manufacturers at The Baking & Snack Break Lounge
on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 3:305 p.m.
The Brand Zone (Lower South Hall), which features materials and containers that shape winning brands,
is a central point for attendees looking to improve product freshness or shelf appeal. Within The Brand
Zone, the Showcase of Packaging Innovations, sponsored by The Dow Chemical Company, will display
award-winning packages from competitions around the world.
Feed the Mind with Educational Opportunities
There are plenty of opportunities to learn, too. The Center for Trends and Technology (Booth C-4829),
organized by Rockwell Automation and its PartnerNetwork, covers the newest in automation technology
with displays and educational sessions. The PACK EXPO Innovation Stages (Booths C-1041, C-1045,
C-1049) will showcase more than 40 educational sessions, including these:
The Latest Snacking Trends and their Impact on Packaging Presented by Aaron Wallander,
Bemis North America (Monday, Sept. 28; 22:30 p.m.; Booth C-1049)
Basic Production Metrics Presented by Dave Van Laar, president, B&CMA (Monday, Sept. 28,
33:30 p.m.; Booth C-1041)
Basic Project Economic Justification Presented by Dave Van Laar, president, B&CMA (Tuesday,
Sept. 29, Noon12:30 p.m.; Booth C-1041)
Entertaining Success at PACK EXPO Las Vegas
PACK EXPO is all about learning, doing business better and connecting with your industry, Pittas says.
For connections and networking, youve got to go to PACK gives BACK. It will be a great time for a great
PACK gives BACK is an annual fundraiser and signature PACK EXPO event, and will feature a
performance from legendary rock band Chicago. PMMI will donate ticket sale proceeds to the Fisher
House Foundation, an organization that provides comfort to the families of wounded military and veterans
during their stays in medical facilities, and the Nevada Military Service Alliance, which is building the
states first Fisher House in North Las Vegas.
With more than 40 vertical markets represented, PACK EXPO Las Vegas is the most comprehensive
event of its kind this year. The industry comes here for solutions to their operational challenges, and
because theres so much breadth to the show, they have the benefit of coming to truly innovative
solutions inspired by other industries, says Pittas.
To learn more and register for PACK EXPO Las Vegas and its co-located partner show Pharma EXPO,
produced in partnership by PMMI and the Institute for Pharmaceutical Engineering, visit Tickets for PACK gives BACK ($100/person or $90 for groups of 10 or more) can
be purchased during the registration process. PACK gives BACK is only open to registered attendees and
exhibitors of PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

PMMI Foundation Golf Tournament Set to Raise Over $40,000 for


Reston, Va.; Sept. 17, 2015 The 2015 PMMI Foundation Golf Tournament (Sept. 27; Bali Hai Golf
Club, Las Vegas), held in conjunction with PACK EXPO Las Vegas (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention
Center), has already raised more than $40,000, according to PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies. The PMMI Foundation supports processing and packaging education with
programs including scholarships, support for student travel to PACK EXPO, and student contests such as
The Amazing Packaging Race and the PACK Solutions Challenge.
Through the PMMI Foundation, PMMI supports the processing and packaging industrys developing
workforce as well as the current labor pool by encouraging ongoing educational efforts," says Maria
Ferrante, vice president, Education & Workforce Development, PMMI. Were very grateful for the
generosity of our sponsors and golfers in helping us advance these important initiatives.
The PMMI Foundation Golf Tournament has been held the day prior to the opening of PACK EXPO Las
Vegas since 1995, and once again, the tournament is a sell out, with all player slots filled and nearly 30
ABI Marketing Public Relations
Alliant Insurance Services
Anritsu Industrial Solutions USA
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Boca Bearing
Cablevey Conveyors
Canadian Packaging Magazine
Choose Chicago
Enfield Technologies
Expovision, the Service Leader in Convention Housing
Fixation Marketing
Henkel Corporation
Lenze Americas
Marchesini Group USA
Massman Automation Designs LLC
Mitsubishi Electric
Morrison Container Handling Solutions
Omran Automation & Safety
Packaging World
PMMI Media Group
POBCO Plastics
Pro Mach
Septimatech Group Inc.
SMC Corporation of America
The Expo Group
Each year, the PMMI Foundation distributes nearly $100,000 that funds initiatives to encourage students
in their pursuit of careers in packaging and tuition reimbursement for PMMI member company employees
continuing education.
To learn more and register for PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015, visit Registration is $100 per person.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

PACK EXPO Las Vegas Brings the World of Automation Together with
the Center for Trends and Technology
Reston, Va.; Sept. 18, 2015 The drivers and technologies shaping todays automated machinery are
on display throughout PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015, owned and produced by PMMI, The Association for
Packaging and Processing Technologies. And they are in the spotlight at The Center for Trends and
Technology: Improving Production Through Innovation (CTT) (Booth C-4829), sponsored by Rockwell
Automation and its PartnerNetwork Program.
CTT will feature contributions from five Rockwell Automation PartnerNetwork members: Cisco Systems,
Grantek Systems Integration, Interstates Controls, Microsoft and Stone Technologies. Theyll
demonstrate and discuss the connected enterprise working environment, network connectivity, security,
remote access, safety, serialization and line integration.
According to Mike Wagner, global OEM business lead, Companies adopting a smart manufacturing
approach are converging their information technology (IT) and operations technology (OT) systems into a
single unified network architecture known as The Connected Enterprise for greater connectivity and
information sharing. But The Connected Enterprise is only as powerful as the technology on which it is
built. As a result, companies need OEM partners capable of delivering smart machines that accelerate
demand-driven manufacturing within The Connected Enterprise. To this end, CTT will present a rotation
of eight sessions each day of the show:
Achieve Operational Excellence by Combining Safety & Operational Projects (Monday, Sept. 28,
1010:45 a.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 29, 10:4511:30 a.m.; Wednesday, Sept. 30, 11:30 a.m.12:15
Drug Supply Chain Security Act Compliance - Serialization ePedigree & Potential Benefits to
Manufacturers (Monday, Sept. 28, 10:4511:30 a.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 29, 11:30 a.m.12:15 p.m.;
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 12:451:30 p.m.)
Ensuring Machinery Safety, Compliance & Productivity (Monday, Sept. 28, 9:1510 a.m.;
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1010:45 a.m.; Wednesday, Sept. 30, 10:4511:30 a.m.
Improving Operational Productivity with a Modern Approach to Distributed Control (Monday, Sept.
28, 12:451:30 p.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 29, 1:302:15 p.m.; Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2:153 p.m.)
IoT and Plant Floor Virtualization Emerging Technologies Accelerating Lean Manufacturing
(Monday, Sept. 28, 1:302:15 p.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2:153:00 p.m.; Wednesday, Sept. 30,
33:45 p.m.)
Line Optimization - Leveraging Data at all Levels of Your Organization for Continuous
Improvement(Monday, Sept. 28, 2:153:00 p.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 29, 33:45 p.m., Wednesday,
Sept. 30, 9:1510 a.m.)
Remote Asset Management in the Cloud (Monday, Sept. 28, 11:30 a.m.12:15 p.m.; Tuesday,
Sept. 29, 12:451:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1:302:15 p.m.)
Securing the Connected Enterprise (Monday, Sept. 28, 33:45 p.m.; Tuesday, Sept. 29, 9:1510
a.m.; Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1010:45 a.m.)
PACK EXPO Las Vegas and its co-located partner, Pharma EXPO, open at the Las Vegas Convention
Center Monday, Sept. 28. Show hours are from 9 a.m.4 p.m. The event covers more than 800,000 net
square feet of exhibit space, features over 2,000 exhibitors and will host 30,000 attendees. To learn more
and to register, visit
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

With 40+ Sessions in Place, PMMI Releases Final Innovation Stage

Schedule for PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015
Reston, Va.; Sept. 21, 2015 The Innovation Stage at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015
(Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention Center) will bring together the latest technology and industry leaders
in an extensive selection of free educational programming. The full session schedule is now available at
packexpolasvegas.comand and is accessible through the PACK EXPO Las
Vegas/Pharma EXPO mobile app.
Spotlighting innovations in child-resistant packaging, vision guidance, contaminant detection and belt
tracking software as well as the latest consumer trends in snacking, the Innovation Stages offer an
unmatched range of insights on the trends and solutions that are transforming the world of processing
and packaging.
The PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO Innovation Stages provide attendees access to an unparalleled
range of cutting-edge processing and packaging technologies and techniques, says Maria Ferrante, vice
president, Education & Workforce Development, PMMI.
Sessions include:
The Next Evolution of Metal Detection
The Reguatory and Risk Landscape for Flexible Food Packaging
Child-Resistant Packaging A Flexible Option
Innovation for Easy Packaging Machine Automation
Advantages of Using Robotics and Advanced Sensing Technologies to Automatically Detect
Factory Acceptance Tests: One Voice Guidelines for CPGs and OEMs
The Innovation Stages are located on the PACK EXPO Las Vegas show floor in adjacent Booths C-1041,
C-1045 and C-1049, and on the Pharma EXPO show floor in Booth N-559. Sessions are 30 minutes long,
and start at the top of the hour. Check the schedule for details.
2015 marks Pharma EXPOs first year in Las Vegas. PMMI owns and produces Pharma EXPO in
partnership with the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE). Combined, PACK
EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO will bring together more than 2,000 exhibitors showcasing their
processing and packaging innovations to 30,000 attendees in over 800,000 net square feet of exhibit
space. Learn more and register at Registration for the show is $100 and includes
admission to all exhibits and the Innovation Stage.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more, and

Support and Commitments Continue to Grow for ProFood Tech

More than 35 industry leaders including Tetra Pak, GEA Group, Delkor, Sanimatic and Serac have
committed to exhibit at ProFood Tech since its launch less than two weeks ago, reports PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies. ProFood Tech is a collaboration of three trade
show powerhouses: PMMI, producer of PACK EXPO; Koelnmesse, known for Anuga; and the
International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA).
Market research revealed a food and beverage industry desire for a comprehensive processing event
showcasing crossover technologies from multiple vertical markets much like Anuga FoodTec, but in
North America. ProFood Tech, projecting 150,000 net square feet of exhibit space and more than 400
exhibiting companies, is built to deliver that experience. The show debuts April 46, 2017, at McCormick
Place, Chicago, and will continue biennially, in odd numbered years.
Were off to a great start, says PMMI Senior Vice President Jim Pittas. Exhibiting companies have
made it clear they want an event like ProFood Tech, and that theyre excited by the possibilities the
partnership of PMMI, Koelnmesse and IDFA offers.
PMMI brings to the table its expertise as North Americas leading association for processing and
packaging, while Koelnmesse provides the proven strength of Anuga, the worlds largest food and
beverage show. IDFA, which represents 85 percent of U.S. dairy manufacturing, will bring its experience
with the International Dairy Show, which it will redevelop as a Dairy Pavilion at ProFood Tech. The trio
makes ProFood Tech the best place to share food and beverage processing solutions.
As a world leader in processing and packaging technologies, Tetra Pak is excited about the potential
ProFood Tech holds, says Carla Fantoni, vice president of communications for Tetra Pak U.S. and
Canada. The joint efforts of PACK EXPO, Anuga and IDFA clearly demonstrate a commitment from
these three leading organizations to establish a trusted brand serving all food and beverage categories.
We think this consolidated approach will help suppliers and customers alike make the most of the show.
Act now to secure a priority position for space selection. On site at PACK EXPO Las Vegas, you can
submit your application at PMMIs Future Trade Shows area located within the PMMI booth in the Central
Lobby and as a stand-alone booth in the Upper South Lobby (Sept. 2830; Las Vegas Convention
Center), or visit to view floor plans, rules and regulations, and submit an application.
Application deadline November 3, 2015. Booth selection will begin mid-November.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, PMMIMediaGroup.comand

U.S. Packaging Machinery Market Grows 4.2 Percent in 2014

PACK EXPO Las Vegas, Sept. 28, 2015 The U.S. packaging machinery market grew 4.2 percent from
2013 to 2014, coming in at $9.41 billion, according to the 2015 PMMI State of the Industry U.S.
Packaging Machinery Report. The report also notes a 4.4 percent increase in domestic shipments, growth
of 1.6 percent in exports and growth of 3.6 percent in imports. The order backlog as of Dec. 31, 2014
decreased by 6.4 percent.
2014 2013 Change

U.S. Packaging Machinery Production Domestic $7,489 $7,127 4.4%


U.S. Packaging Machinery Production Total $8,183 $7,855 4.2%

The U.S. Packaging Machinery Market* $9,410 $9,027 4.2%

Exports* $694 $683 1.6%

Imports** $1,922 $1,854 3.6%

Order Backlog as of December 31* $2,284 $2,441 -6.4%

* 2013 data as shown in the 2014 PMMI State of the Industry Study.
** Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Packaging Machinery (HS 8422.20 8422.40)

PMMI, The Association for Processing and Packaging Technologies, produces the State of the Industry
Study based on U.S. Census Bureau reports and shipments data provided by association members who
manufacture packaging machinery. The report, which analyzes 27 packaging machinery categories,
describes trends and the outlook for packaging machinery shipments through 2019.
The largest industry sector for packaging machinery is food, but its not the fastest growing, the study
reports. That honor goes to the pharmaceuticals sector, which is forecast to grow at a compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) of 2.7 percent to 2019. Behind pharmaceuticals, the forecast for the beverage market
is a 2 percent CAGR.
This years report also addresses the impacts of outside factors, from legislation to retailers to population
growth, on the packaging machinery market, says Jorge Izquierdo, vice president, market development,
PMMI. For example, it points to The Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA), which created a national
regulation for pharmaceutical serialization and track and trace, as the source of the growth were seeing
in packaging machinery for the pharmaceutical sector.
Within the United States, the value of shipments of packaging machinery grew from $7.1 billion to $7.5
billion from 2013 to 2014. Growth is expected to continue at a 1.6 percent CAGR, reaching $8.1 billion by
PMMI, which owns and produces the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, released the results of the
study this morning in a media briefing at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015. With over
2,000 exhibitors in more than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space, the co-located shows are
welcoming 30,000 attendees to the Las Vegas Convention Center this week. To learn more, download
the Executive Summary of this report at An infographic is available as well.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and
PMMI Report Shows Three Common Threads in Global Packaging

PACK EXPO Las Vegas, Sept. 28, 2015 Consumer trends are impacting packaging markets around
the world, according to "Global Packaging Trends," a new report from PMMI, The Association for
Packaging and Processing Technologies.
The report shows three influencers making a mark in every region: growing awareness of health and
wellness, recycling and environmental issues, and increasing disposable income and purchasing power.
"These trends are affecting packaging because they're driving consumers' purchasing choices," says
Jorge Izquierdo, vice president, Market Development, PMMI. "Recyclability and reusability of packaging
are dominant trends and we're predicting that will continue to be seen as PET and glass bottle usage
Packaging markets in the Middle East and Africa are anticipating 5.3 percent CAGR growth in volume, but
forecasts for Western Europe and North America land at the other end of the spectrum, with 0.4 percent
and 0.5 percent, respectively.
The expansion in the Middle East and Africa is the result of increasing exposure to modern lifestyles, and
is manifesting in growth opportunities available for packaging of carbonates, biscuits, and yogurt and sour
milk products. In Asia Pacific, forecast for 4.3 percent CAGR increases in volume, the increasing demand
for PET bottles, particularly in the bottled water category, supports health and wellness concerns.
North America, on the other hand, is a mature market, but consumers are developing growing interest in
several categories. These include healthy categories such as bottled water, and areas of innovation, such
as confectionery.
Globally, the report notes flexible plastic remains the dominant pack type, accounting for 29 percent of the
market, while PET bottles (12 percent of the market) will be among the fastest growing, with 4.7 percent
CAGR. Bottled water is expected to add 135 billion units through 2019, accounting for 54 percent of the
absolute volume growth in PET bottle use. While beverage packaging drives growth in PET and glass,
categories such as confectionery and biscuits prop up flexible packaging use.
PMMI, owner and producer of the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, released the results of the study
this morning at PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015. With over 2,000 exhibitors in more
than 800,000 net square feet of exhibit space, the co-located shows are welcoming 30,000 attendees to
the Las Vegas Convention Center this week. To learn more, download the Executive Summary of this
report at An infographic is available as well.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

PMMI Report Finds Flexible Packaging Market Nearing Maturity

September 28, 2015
Editorial Contact
Kate Achelpohl
PMMI Director, Member Communications

PMMI Report Finds Flexible Packaging Market Nearing Maturity

One-third of end users expect to increase their use of flexible packaging over the next five years
PACK EXPO Las Vegas, Sept. 28, 2015 A new report from PMMI, The Association for Packaging and
Processing Technologies, finds that the flexible packaging industry projected to reach $32.7 billion in
2015 is approaching maturity and can expect to see healthy growth and stability.
The 2015 Flexible Packaging Market Assessment Report draws on in-depth interviews with end users,
materials suppliers and other industry experts who weighed in on the future of flexible packaging.
Over two-thirds (68 percent) of end user companies interviewed expect to purchase new equipment,
modify existing equipment or buy used equipment to accommodate flexible packaging.
Thirty-three percent of end users expect to increase their use of flexible packaging (vs. rigid materials)
over the next five years; however, 61 percent expect the ratio of flexible to rigid packaging to remain the
same during that time frame. In this category, 40 percent of the companies use flexible packaging for
upwards of 90 percent of their products.
Food products use the most flexible packaging, leading all vertical industries with 57 percent usage of
flexible packaging compared to rigid, followed by the pharmaceutical industry at 31 percent. The
beverage industry uses 25 percent flexible packaging, while 2 percent of household products are currently
in flexible packaging.
The promise of cost reductions and greater strides in sustainability remain significant incentives for
consumer goods manufacturers to choose flexible packaging. Downgauging to thinner, lighter packaging
reduces the amount of source materials, and flexible packaging's high product-to-package ratio and light
weight offer allow more units to fit into a shipment and require fewer shipments for the same amount of
product. This reduces shipping costs as well as greenhouse gas emissions.
An infographic illustrating key findings is now available on Stop by the PMMI
booth in the Central Lobby for a copy of the executive summary or visit for the full Flexible
Packaging Market Assessment Report ($500 for non-members).
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

CalPoly Wins Annual PACK Solutions Challenge

PACK EXPO Las Vegas, Oct.1, 2015 Students from CalPoly took first place in the annual PACK
Solutions Challenge competition, sponsored by B&R Industrial Automation and presented by the PMMI
Foundation. Teammates Nick Abbatelli, Rebecca Kisch, Jeff Norton and Patrick Salibi, will share the
prize, a $4,000 scholarship.
The PACK Solutions Challenge is a contest in which students attending PACK EXPO work to address
real world packaging problems. For this years edition, students were tasked with developing a packaging
solution for fictional company Innovative Pharmaceuticals Inc. and its new fast-dissolving OTC product.
Students presented their proposals to a panel of end user judges (Frank Bieganousky, Montesino
Associates LLC; Tom Pack, Johnson & Johnson; Travis Powell, Schrieber Foods Inc.; and James
Powers, Teva Pharmaceuticals) on Tuesday, Sept. 29. Marc Ostertag, president of sponsor B&R
Industrial Automation, announced the winners that afternoon at the B&R Booth (S-5956).
In addition to the first place prize awarded to CalPoly, the team from Michigan State, which placed
second, received a $2,000 scholarship. Students on the third-place Rutgers University team took home a
$1,000 scholarship.
The other participating schools were Purdue University Calumet, Rochester Institute of Technology,
University of Florida, Virginia Tech and Wisconsin Indianhead Technical Institute.
"I would like to thank the schools that have participated in this year's contest. No matter what the final
judgment, you have all won...It was quite a challenge for the judges to rank you! In fact, judging took most
of the day," says Ostertag.
Visit to learn more about PACK EXPO Las Vegas, Pharma EXPO, and the 2015
PACK Solutions Challenge.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

Michigan State, CalPoly, Virginia Tech Students Win Amazing

Reston, Va; Oct. 2, 2015 Jill Bickley (Michigan State), Paige Topole (CalPoly) and Kristine Roupas
(Virginia Tech) made up the winning team in this years Amazing Packaging Race. The contest,
sponsored by ASCO Numatics (Booth C-2051) and organized by show owner and producer PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, sent packaging students throughout the PACK
EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015 show floors to complete challenges at exhibitor booths.
"The Amazing Packaging Race gives packaging students hands-on experience and introduces them to
industry leaders," says Maria Ferrante, vice president of Education & Workforce Development, PMMI. "It's
a fun competition that's also a great learning experience."
Students traversed PACK EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO to the largest edition of the show to
date and undertook challenges at 25 booths. Participating exhibitors included: 3M; APPMA
Australian Packaging & Processing Machinery Assn.; Arrowhead Systems, Inc.; Barry-Wehmiller
Companies, Inc. Bosch Packaging Technology, Inc.; Cozzoli Machine Company; Dorner Mfg. Corp.;
Emulate3D Ltd.; Filamatic; Garvey Corporation; Intelligrated; JLS Automation; Label Technology Inc.;
Langguth America; MASSMAN Automation Designs, LLC; Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.; Morrison
Container Handling Solutions; Murrelektronik Inc.; Packsize International, Inc.; Plexpack; Rittal
Corporation; Shurtape Technologies LLC; Starview Packaging Machinery; Universal Robots USA, Inc;
"This event wouldn't have been such a hit without the efforts and support of the packaging exhibitors on
the show floor," Ferrante added. "The challenges they constructed really engaged the students and are at
the heart of what makes this a successful event each year."
Participating students came from programs at the following PMMI partner schools: CalPoly, Michigan
State, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, San Jose State, University of Florida,
Virginia Tech, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more, and

20th Anniversary Edition of PACK EXPO Las Vegas is a

Reston, Va.; Oct. 2, 2015 The 20th anniversary of PACK EXPO Las Vegas was more than a
milestone. It was a record-breaker.
Show owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, reports
preliminary data for PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015 and the co-located Pharma EXPO (Las Vegas
Convention Center, Sept. 2830)shows a 4 percent increase in attendance over the record PACK EXPO
Las Vegas set in 2013. This weeks event, which welcomed nearly 29,000 attendees, included the Las
Vegas debut of Pharma EXPO, a joint venture between PMMI and the International Society for
Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE).
Registrants came to see 2,006 exhibiting companies in 844,510 net square feet of exhibit space, both
records for PACK EXPO Las Vegas, and experienced a processing and packaging event like no other.
With more than 40 vertical markets represented, PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO advance innovations
and the cross pollination of ideas.
Technologies and applications often apply across a range of industries, and the sheer scale of our show
fosters manufacturers ability to make the connections that lead to true innovation. That phenomenon
really sets the PACK EXPO shows apart, says Jim Pittas, senior vice president, PMMI. The power of
PACK EXPO brands continues to show consistent growth and provide solid returns for the attendees and
exhibitors who support the show.
PACK EXPO Las Vegas/Pharma EXPO 2015* 2015* 2013 Growth

Visitor Attendance* 28,699 27,570** 4%

Exhibitor Personnel* 16,611 15,128 10%

Total Attendance* 45,310 42,698 6%

International Attendance 5,232 4,721 11%

Number of Exhibiting Companies* 2,006 1,788** 12%

Net Square Footage 844,510 722,437** 17%

*Preliminary, raw data; subject to confirmation
**Previous record
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more, and

PACK gives BACK Raises $50,000 for Fisher House

Reston, Va.; Oct. 14, 2015 - The third annual PACK gives BACK event, held in conjunction with PACK
EXPO Las Vegas and Pharma EXPO 2015, raised $50,000 for military non-profit Fisher House
Foundation, whose program provides free temporary lodging for families of patients receiving care at
major military and VA medical centers. The money will help build comfort homes that allow families of
military members and veterans to remain close to their loved ones during a medical crisis.
"PACK gives BACK isn't just a fun networking event, it's a chance to acknowledge and support a great
cause," said Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO, PMMI. "Fisher House Foundation does really
important work supporting our veterans and their families, and we're proud to be associated with such a
wonderful organization."
The Sept. 28 event, open only to PACK EXPO and Pharma EXPO exhibitors and attendees, featured
Chicago, the first American rock band to chart Top 40 albums in six decades, and raised money through
ticket sales and donations, both on site and online.
"We are so appreciative of the funds raised by the PACK gives BACK event," said David Coker, president
of Fisher House Foundation. "The funds and awareness raised will go a long way in helping us reach the
next Fisher House community."
Donations to Fisher House Foundation can be made at or at
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members' growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

Golfers Score $40K for Education

Reston, Va.; Oct. 16, 2015 The PMMI Foundation Golf Tournament (Sept. 27; Bali Hai Golf Club, Las
Vegas) raised $40,000 in support of education, reports Maria Ferrante, vice president, education and
workforce development, PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies.
Were very grateful to the sponsors and golfers for their support of industry education, says Ferrante.
With their help, were building tomorrows processing and packaging industry workforce as we strengthen
Twenty-eight industry-leading companies sponsored the tournament:
ABI Marketing Public Relations
Alliant Insurance Services
Anritsu Industrial Solutions USA
Beckhoff Automation LLC
Boca Bearing
Cablevey Conveyors
Canadian Packaging Magazine
Choose Chicago
Enfield Technologies
Expovision, the Service Leader in Convention Housing
Fixation Marketing
Henkel Corporation
Lenze Americas
Marchesini Group USA
Massman Automation Designs LLC
Mitsubishi Electric
Morrison Container Handling Solutions
Omron Automation & Safety
Packaging World
PMMI Media Group
POBCO Plastics
Pro Mach
Septimatech Group Inc.
SMC Corporation of America
The Expo Group
The PMMI Foundation distributes nearly $100,000 annually, funding initiatives that encourage students to
pursue careers in processing and packaging. The funds also support tuition reimbursement for PMMI
member company employees continuing education.
Workforce development is a core value for PMMI, Ferrante says. A strong, growing and well-educated
workforce is key to continued excellence for all of our members, especially in todays rapidly-changing
technological environment.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and

ISBT Supports PACK EXPO Success

Reston, Va.; Nov. 3, 2015 Beverage professionals had a wealth of resources at PACK EXPO Las
Vegas 2015, thanks to help from the International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT), says show
owner and producer PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Professionals. ISBT hosted
the Beverage Cooler Lounge, a show-floor networking center for the beverage industry.

This years PACK EXPO trade show was another record-breaking effort, and ISBTs contributions were
critical, says Charles D. Yuska, president & CEO, PMMI. Their participation in the show helped us make
sure this critical industry sector was well-served.

Seminars at the Beverage Cooler Lounge, hosted by ISBT, covered beverage packaging challenges, the
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), quality control, packaging materials and the Global Food Safety
Initiative (GFSI).

PACK EXPO is where our members go to connect with suppliers all along the processing and packaging
supply chain, says Larry Hobbs, ISBT executive director. By hosting the Beverage Cooler Lounge, we
provided them and their peers with a dedicated networking area where they could learn about the latest
trends in the marketplace, seek out industry experts and get answers that allowed them to make the most
of their PACK EXPO experience.

PACK EXPO Las Vegas, co-located with Pharma EXPO 2015, broke show records for visitor attendance
(28,699), number of exhibiting companies (2,006) and exhibit space (844,510).

About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain
throughout the year. Learn more at, and
About ISBT
The International Society of Beverage Technologists (ISBT) is the premier technical society for the
beverage industry, with more than 800 members worldwide. As the only international society dedicated
solely to the scientific and technical aspects of soft drinks and beverages, ISBT provides a unique,
non-competitive forum for networking with other experts in the field at a technical level.

PMMI Presents New Officers, Board of Directors

St. Petersburg, Fla.; Nov. 10, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
Technologies, elected four members to the Board of Directors and announced its 2016 Executive
Committee at the opening session of its Nov. 9, 2015 annual meeting.
Paul Irvine, CEO of Plexpack Corp., will serve as chairman; Mark Anderson, president and CEO Pro
Mach, Inc., will be the vice chairman and Bill Crist, CEO, Kliklok-Woodman will become Immediate Past
Joining the Board will be Ed Howe, president, Enfield Technologies; David Navin, president, Spee-Dee
Packaging Machinery, Inc.; Pat Vincent, president and COO of Arrowhead Systems, Inc.; and Nancy
Wilson, CEO, Morrison Container Handling Solutions. Their three-year terms will run from Jan. 1, 2016
through Dec. 31, 2019.
Our latest additions to PMMIs Board of Directors met strict criteria to govern, as they will lead our
initiatives to connect the global makers of goods with their processing and packaging suppliers, says
PMMI Immediate Past Chairman Rick Fox, Jr., who chairs the Nominating Committee.
PMMIs 2016 Executive Committee and Board of Directors:
Chairman: Paul Irvine, CEO, Plexpack Corp.
Vice Chairman: Mark Anderson, president and CEO, Pro Mach, Inc.
Immediate Past Chairman: Bill Crist, CEO, Kliklok-Woodman
Rick Allegretti, president and CEO, Dale Andersen, president/CEO,
ARPAC LLC Delkor Systems, Inc.

Emmanuel Cerf, vice president of Sales, Wayne Goldberg, president,

Polypack, Inc. Econocorp, Inc.

Ed Howe, president, Matt Lerner, vice president,

Enfield Technologies Automated Packaging Systems, Inc.

David Navin, president, Martin Prakken, CEO,

Spee-Dee Packaging Machinery, Inc. BluePrint Automation

Ole Rygh, president and CEO, Gary Saunders, president/CEO,

Ryson International Inc. Magnum Systems Inc.

Alan Shuhaibar, president, Gary Tantimonico, vice president,

BellatRx Inc. PDC International Corporation

Jonathon Titterton, director of Sales and Pat Vincent, president and COO,
Marketing, Arrowhead Systems, Inc.
Bosch Packaging Technology, Inc.

Mike Wagner, business manager, Nancy Wilson, CEO,

Rockwell Automation Morrison Container Handling

About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members' growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more at, and
Learn more at and and

PMMI Adds 26 Member Companies

St. Petersburg, Fla.; Nov. 10, 2015 PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing
Technologies, welcomes 26 companies to its ranks, bringing its total membership to 734. The PMMI
Board of Directors approved the new members Nov. 9, and announced it Nov. 10, at the 2015 PMMI
Annual Meeting.
PMMI Chairman Bill Crist, CEO, Kliklok-Woodman, who emphasized member engagement as a major
theme in his Chairmans Report, encouraged the new members, as well as current members, to take
advantage of PMMIs many products and services.
The more you take advantage of PMMIs three pillars the PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, PMMI
Media Group and PMMI Business Drivers, the more your network, knowledge base and resources will
grow, he says.
Companies interested in PMMI membership should contact Heather Harvey, membership manager,
PMMI, for further information: 571.612.3200 or
General Members:
AROL North America (Suwanee, Georgia) manufactures mechanical cap elevators and waterfall cap
Coperion K-Tron (Sewell, New Jersey) manufactures process automation equipment, systems and
solutions for bulk material handling.
CSS International Corporation (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) manufactures timing screws and side-grip
Image Fillers, Inc. (Coatesville, Pennsylvania) manufactures auger fillers, screw conveyors, unscrambling
and accumulating tables.
Lyco Manufacturing, Inc. (Columbus, Wisconsin) manufactures food processing machinery for the
prepared meals, vegetable and protein industries.
Machine Builders & Design, Inc. (Shelby, North Carolina) manufactures sandwich cookie assembly
machines and cookie/cracker tray loading systems.
MOCON, Inc. (Minneapolis, Minnesota) manufactures off- and on-line package integrity testing
equipment, barrier testing and MAP equipment.
Murzan, Inc. (Norcross, Georgia) manufactures pumps, fillers, unloaders and poultry equipment.
NERAK Systems (Fishkill, New York) manufactures vertical conveying equipment for powder and bulk
materials, unit loads or packaged items.
Pattyn North America, Inc. (Hartland, Wisconsin) manufactures filling machines, conveyor systems and
custom equipment.
Sonics & Materials, Inc. (Newtown, Connecticut)manufactures ultrasonic welding equipment for package
assembly and closing and food slicing.
Xerox Corporation (Webster, New York) manufactures packaging related converting equipment (printing
labels and paperboard).
Materials Members:
Amcor Rigid Plastics (Ann Arbor, Michigan) manufactures PET closures.
Coim USA, Inc. (Hinsdale, Illinois) manufactures polyurethane adhesives for use in flexible packaging
DSM (Birmingham, Michigan) manufactures specialty and barrier films.
DuPont Packaging (Wilmington, Delaware) manufactures sealants and lidding resins.
JBF RAK LLC (Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates) manufactures packaging films.
Nypro, Inc. (Clinton, Massachusetts) manufactures injection molded packaging and in-mold labeling
UPM Raflatac (Mills River, North Carolina) manufactures paper and film materials for labels.
Supplier Members:
FIPA Inc. (Cary, North Carolina) manufactures end-of-arm tooling.
Forbo Siegling, LLC (Huntersville, North Carolina) manufactures belting components.
Neugart USA Corp (Bethel Park, Pennsylvania) manufactures gearheads for automation, motion-control
and robotic applications.
Oriental Motor USA Corporation (Torrance, California) manufactures motors.
POBCO, Inc. (Worcester, Massachusetts) manufactures conveyor components.
ProAdjust (Brewerton, New York) manufactures electronic components for auto-size change.
TGW International (Wilder, Kentucky) manufactures knives and blades.
About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members' growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year. Learn more, and
Learn more at and and

Enlaces de Inters:
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Informacin de precios de Maquinas Envasadoras de Botanas
Lista de Equipos y Maquinas Envasadoras para condimentos
Lista de precios de Equipos y Maquinaria de Envasado
Listado de Proveedores de Maquinaria para Envasar salsas y aderezos
Opciones de Equipos y Maquinaria de Envasado de acuerdo a la pelcula de Empaque
Opciones para Envasado automtico basado en las necesidades del comprador
Precio de Envasadoras con Sistemas de Llenado configurable
Precios de Equipos, Envasadoras y soluciones para empacar productos individuales
Precios y Sugerencias para seleccionar el tipo de sobre de la Envasadora
Proveedores de Accesorios y Equipos auxiliares para Mquinas Envasadoras
Noticias para profesionales de la Industria Alimentaria

Fast Changing Consumer Preferences Create Opportunities for

Growth and Innovation
on, Va.; Nov. 24, 2015 The impact of changing and diversifying consumer demands were key
takeaways from the 2015 State of the Industry: U.S. Packaging Machinery Report, shared by PMMI, The
Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, at PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2015. The study
highlighted these shifts toward on-the-go and clean-label products while, more than ever, brand owners
must also tackle the challenges associated with a growing variety of consumer preferences. As these
companies plan ahead for a successful 2016, PMMI provides an unbroken connection among the
processing and packaging communities.

Continuous collaboration between consumer goods manufacturers (CPGs) and technology suppliers is
necessary to speed the implementation of new processing and packaging solutions. The State of the
Industry Report noted that Improved information on nutrition and growing consumer health
consciousness, coupled with increased travel and busy lifestyles, have driven demand for different
products. This has led to the growth of indulgent yet healthy foods, convenience foods, different portion
sizes (e.g. single-serve packaging), different packaging designs and completely new foods. Consumers
demands are pressing the industry for innovative processing and packaging technologies, and they need
them now.

Speed matters, says Charles D. Yuska, president and CEO, PMMI. As the pressure mounts for CPGs
to adapt their operations, immediate access to solutions providers is critical to their success. Thats why it
is our number one priority to connect the makers of goods around the world with the suppliers they rely

Evolving consumer demands require faster upgrades in innovation and technology on an industry-wide
level. PMMIs extensive offerings to address these needs fall into three categories: The PACK EXPO
Portfolio of Trade Shows, PMMI Media Group and PMMI Business Drivers, which encompass PMMIs
collection of market research reports, training opportunities and educational and networking programs.
These three pillars bring the continuously changing processing and packaging industries together to
address the most recent challenges.

We started this year on the heels of launching PMMI Media Group and continued to see significant
growth with the first edition of PACK EXPO East, the announcement of ProFood Tech and the debut of
Pharma EXPO in Las Vegas, says Yuska. We continue to create and nurture spaces in which end users
and suppliers can connect, work together in solving tough challenges and keep manufacturing moving

Visit to learn more about the resources and opportunities available through PMMI in the
associations latest video.

About PMMI
PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies, represents the voice of more than
700 North American manufacturers of equipment, components and materials for processing and
packaging. We work to advance a variety of industries by connecting consumer goods companies with
manufacturing solutions through the world class PACK EXPO portfolio of trade shows, leading trade
media and a wide range of resources to empower our members. The PACK EXPO trade shows unite the
world of processing and packaging to advance the industries they serve: PACK EXPO International,
Guadalajara and ProFood Tech, launching in April 2017. PMMI Media Group connects manufacturers to
the latest solutions, trends and innovations in processing and packaging year-round through brands
including Packaging World, Automation World, Healthcare Packaging, Contract Packaging and Packaging
+ Processing OEM. PMMI Business Drivers assist members in pursuing operational excellence through
workforce development initiatives, deliver actionable business intelligence on economic, market and
industry trends to support members growth strategies, and actively connect the supply chain throughout
the year.

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