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IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 5, No.

I , January 1990 391


Omer Bourgault Gaston Morin, Member, IEEE
Hvdro-Quebec, Montreal, Canada
Abstract - The paper presents an analysis of the harmonic This paper describes harmonic overvoltages observed
overvoltage recorded on the interconnection between following load-shedding on the interconnection in March 1988.
Hydro-Quebec and the New York Power Authority (NYPA) in When line 7040 tripped, it was carrying 240 MW from six units
the Chdteauguay area. The overvoltage was caused by at Beauharnois (Fig. 2) via line 1363 and three 1251765-kV
transformer saturation, following tripping of the 765-kV transformers (840 MVA ea.) towards the NYPA system. Con-
transmission line linking both systems. EMTP simulation verter 1 was blocked, while transformer T105 and the 120-kV
yielded good agreement with field measurements and was buses were energized, and converter 2 was isolated. The
valuable in re-evaluating operating practices at the power line carrier (PLC) filters connected to the 120-kV
Chateauguay station. buses are designed to attenuate high-frequency noise
generated by the converters. The overvoltages were
INTRODUCTION recorded at the 765-kV Chdteauguay bus by a continuous-
The Chateauguay-Beauharnois complex (Fig. 1) is monitoring system and by the potential transformers on
mainly operated to export energy from the Hydro-Quebec the 120-kV buses. The locations of the measuring equip-
power system to the United States. Energy from part of the ment are shown in Fig. 2.
radially operated Beauharnois generating station and if neces-
sary, from the main 735-kV system (via 1000-MW converters
at Chdteauguay) is carried by line 7040 as far as Massena
substation in New York State (NYPA).

L-1292 L-1363
PLC filter

PLC filter bus 120kV

(measure 1)
T i 05 uu uu UY Chateauguay
T14 T13 Til

P 765 kV. Line breaker

(measure 2)

Figure 2 -


equivalent source

System configuration before load shedding.

After the 765-kV line tripped, the Beauharnois generating
units remained connected to the 120-kV equipment at
Chdteauguay substation. This configuration presents a state
of parallel resonance at 350 Hz between the 120-kV bus PLC
filters and the degraded system. This led to generator over-
speed and overvoltages causing symmetrical saturation of the
125/765-kV transformers.
The voltage regulators, which are very slow, did not
manage to counter the overvoltages, with the result that in
saturating, the transformers acted as sources of harmonic cur-
89 SM 602-4 PWRD A p a p e r recommended and approved rents, building up harmonic voltages through the system im-
by t h e I E E E T r a n s m i s s i o n and D i s t r i b u t i o n Committee of pedance [i]. The generator overspeeding increased the
t h e I E E E Power E n g i n e e r i n g S o c i e t y f o r p r e s e n t a t i o n a t fundamental frequency of the voltage, so that the 5th-
t h e IEEE/PES 1989 S u m e r Meeting, Long Beach, C a l i f o r n i a , harmonic currents excited the system resonance, when
J u l y 9 - 1 4 , 1989. Manuscript s u b m i t t e d J a n u a r y 1 7 , 1989; system frequency reached 70 Hz (5 X 70 Hz = 350 Hz)
made a v a i l a b l e f o r p r i n t i n g A p r i l 2 1 , 1989. creating overvoltages of up to 1.8 p.u. at 120 kV.

0885-8977/90/0100-0397$01.00 S! 1989 IEEE


p.u. p.u.
2 1 I

0.0 0.5 1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5 s

0 0

-7- 1 I -2
0.4 s 0.7 s 0.12 s 0.42 s

0 0

- - - . - ' . ' . .................. . . . .
1 2
0.7 S 1.0 s 0.42 s 0.72 s

I -2
I .......................... .... ,, .. ,,
1.0 s 1.3 s 0.72 s 1.02s


1.02s 1.32s

1.32 s 1.62 s
2 ,

-2 I I

1.62s 1.92 S

Figure 3 - 120-kV voltage after line 7040 tripped.

a) Measured b) Simulations

ANALYSIS OF HARMONIC CONTENT window with a 2-cycle overlap. The amplitude of the funda-
OF 120-kV VOLTAGE mental frequency increases to 1.29 p.u. whereas the fre-
quency is raised to 72 Hz in 1.7 s by the generator overspeed.
Fig. 3a shows the 120-kV voltage (phase C,measured), The maximum amplitude of the 5th harmonic reaches 0.66
following the tripping of line 7040, with the overvoltage reach- p.u. and 0.13 p.u. for the 7th harmonic.
ing 1.8 p.u. after 1.5 s. Substantial 5th-harmonic distortion
can be seen on the 120-kV voltage. Further analysis also The 120-kV lines and the transformers remained con-
reveals the presence of a 7thth-harmoniccomponent of much nected radially to the Beauharnois generators. This COnfigU-
lower amplitude. The simulation (Fig. 3b) correlates wen with ration Presents a Parallel-reSOnanCe condition at 350 Hz
the field measurements. between the PLC-filters capacitance and the system induc-
tance as shown in Fig. 5. Quality factor used in that calcula-
Fig. 4 shows the variation in amplitude of these harmonics tion doesn't consider the effect of frequency dependence of
as a function of time; the analysis was made over a 4-cycle losses.
3 99

30 A fundamental is defined, when one zero crossing going positive

I p' occurs simultaneously with that of the fundamental. It should
be recalled that the Fourier series of a 2a periodic function is
expressed by the equation:

f(t) = + 2 (a, cosnot + basinnot)



f 1,2'f ( t ) sinnot d ( o t )
gy -_
b, =

0.0 At the start of the overspeed (5f < 350 Hz), the 5th-
0.0 200 400 600 harmonic currents passed through a system of inductive
equivalent impedance, building up 5th-harmonic voltages
leading by d 2 . It should be stressed that these currents are in
phase with the fundamental component of the magnetizing cur-
frequency rent, which itself lags the fundamental voltage by d 2 as
shown in Fig. 6. The vector diagram of 5th-harmonic voltages
and currents in this figure turns counter-clockwise five times
faster than the 60-Hz diagrams. The vectors are shown at the
point where the zero crossing (going positive) of the funda-
mental component of the magnetizing current is simultaneous
p.u. to that of its 5th-harmonic component. Assuming that the
transformer magnetizing current is defined as positive when it
enters at the "polarity mark", the 5th-harmonic current pro-
duces a voltage drop through the system impedance, which
is subtracted from the fundamental-frequency voltage. This
corresponds to superimposing a 5th-harmonic voltage lagging

1 -
7th harmonic
fundamental-frequency voltage by T.
Approximately 1.5 s later, the 5th-harmonic component of
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 s the magnetizing current reaches 350 Hz (5 f = 350 Hz = fo), by
which time it has built up an in-phase 5th-harmonic voltage in
Figure 4 - Analysis of the harmonic content of the system, whose equivalent impedance is resistive. This
the 120-kV Voltage. corresponds to superimposing a 5th-harmonic voltage lagging
ZSYSlEM phase d e g . the fundamental-frequency voltage by a/2.
100 0
1 Ok Finally, when the 5th harmonic of the fundamental fre-
I k 50 0
quency of the degraded system exceeds resonance
(5 f > 350 Hz), the 5th-harmonic current injected into a ca-
100 0 0 pacitive equivalent impedance system, builds up 5th-har-
monic voltages lagging by n/2. This corresponds to
-50 0 superimposing a 5th-harmonic voltage in phase with the
fundamental-frequency voltage.
-I00 0
20 200 2K
From the 120-kV voltage (phase C) signal in Fig. 3, the
overvoltages are observed to be much higher before reso-
nance and to diminish very rapidly afterwards (that is, when
Figure 5 - Impedance of the degraded system the 5th-harmonic voltage is added in phase with the funda-
following tripping of line 7040. mental). This is explained by the increase in the amplitude of
the fundamental component of the 120-kV voltage, for exam-
A theoretical analysis of harmonic currents generated by a ple, from 1.2 p.u. to 1.29 P.u., while the frequency rises from
transformer under symmetrical saturation is presented in the 61 Hz to 70 Hz. The transformer flux linkage, which is the
appendix. The simplified magnetization characteristic of a integral of the applied voltage, consequently decreases from
single-phase system transformer is represented by two 1.18 p.u. to 1.10 P.U. In this way, as the frequency in-
slopes in a flux-current diagram, when losses are not creases, transformer over-excitation decreases, gradually
considered: a quasi-infinite slope under unsaturated condi- reaching an unsaturated state (below the saturation knee).
tions, the other representing the impedance OLSof the satu- This strongly reduces the magnetizing current and its 5th-
rated transformer for excitation beyond its saturation knee harmonic component.
(see Fig. A-1 in the appendix). For a sinusoidal overvoltage
applied to the transformer, its current has the same shape as It should be emphasized that the mathematical develop-
the thyristor-controlled-reactor (TCR) branch current in a ment of the magnetizing current of a transformer in a state of
static compensator. Fourier analysis of such currents reveals sinusoidal over-excitation (appendix) is based on a two-slope
that it consists exclusively of odd harmonics, whose amplitude representation, although total accuracy cannot be achieved
varies with the amplitude of over-excitation. In addition, the for over-excitation values slightly above the saturation knee.
phase of these odd harmonics in relation to the fundamental
component of the magnetization current is either 0"or 180, Measurements taken on large system transformers [2]
, also depending on the amplitude of over-excitation. This show that the knee is generally located around 1.1 p.u. and
stems from the fact that the coefficients an as well as the even that the slope goes gradually from a very high value without
coefficients bn in the general Fourier series expression of the saturation to the saturation slope (Ls), reflecting a more
magnetizing current, are zero. A harmonic in phase with its rounded knee than the characteristic shown in Fig. A-1.
120-kV lines (1292, 1363), three 125i765-kV transformers
(840 MVA ea.) and two PLC circuits at Chdteauguay substa-
p.u. tion, a 765-kV line (7040) and a 60-Hz equivalent system at
Massena substation. The simulations were carried out on the
Electro Magnetic Transient Program (EMTP) [3]. Models are
0 shown schematically in Fig. 7.

The Beauharnois generating units were represented using
a complete model of synchronous machines using Park's
equations, disregarding saturation. In addition, it has been
shown that voltage regulator (IEEE type 1 [4]) of these ma-
chines are very slow. The voltage is regulated as follows:
0 when the error is less than 5% the regulator is switched to
transfer function 1/(1 + 20 s); when more than 5%, the regula-
tor is switched to a faster function, namelv 1//1 + 1 SI. This
excitation system was simulated using Tfansi'ent Analysis of
Control Systems (TACS) functions [3].
The NYPA system was represented using a 60-Hz
Thevenin equivalent with a short-circuit level of 5000 MVA at
Massena 765-kV substation, which resulted in a contribution
of about 3000 MVA at Chdteauguay substation (120-kV side).

The total contribution of the capacitive effect of lines 1292

and 1363 is approximately 0.26 J.LF. Theoretically, the line
(5f > f 'resonance) parameters vary as a function of frequency. As far as the
positive sequence resistance R and inductance L are con-
cerned, these parameters may be assumed to be constant, at
Figure 6 - 5th-harmonic phase shift vs least up to 1 kHz. On the other hand, zero sequence R and L
system resonance.

are highly dependent on frequency [5 but this dependence
was not represented and the short (11 m) 120-kV lines were
simulated using a single IT section.
Line 7040 (90 km) is represented simply using a IT model
The simulated system (Fig. 2) basically comprises hy- since only the steady state preceding the switching operation
draulic generating units at Beauharnois (6 X 48 MVA), two need be thoroughly simulated.

13,2 kV 120 kV 120 kV
1-600 MVA
I 0,0049n I I f1

__ .. 610 .kV

f0,. uf IO,, uf

7 T
(1) 6 generating units represented by an equivalent machine
(2) non-linear resistance representing losses as a function
of frequency
(3) peak phase to ground voltage

Figure 7 - Beauharnois - NYPA simulated system.


Transformers for their part, have a magnetizing branch represented by a

Transformer modeling constitutes a major aspect of this hysteresis curve [2] : the core losses are proportional to the
type of study. Since the transformer is a source of harmonics, included area in the hysteresis and rise with the fundamental
its magnetizing characteristic must be represented accu- frequency and its harmonics. Copper losses are represented
rately. The most important transformers are the 125/765-kV at 60 Hz.
units at Chiteauguay totaling 2520 MVA. Since the hysteresis
of one of these units had already been measured [2], it served Research reveals that modeling losses vs frequency on
as a model for this bank of transformers. the different types of equipment involved except for lines, is
not treated fully in the literature. However representation of
For the Beauharnois transformers, typical values were the losses is so significant in simulating this system, in view of
used, namely a saturation knee of 1.15 p.u. and a saturation the harmonics present, that a single 60-Hz representation
slope of 30%. Regarding the transformer of converter 1, the produces solution in which the overvoltages are very high
manufacturer evaluates the saturation knee between 1.3 and (> 3 P.u.) which interrupts the simulation. It was therefore
1.4 P.u., making its effect negligible in the context of this decided to add a shunt resistor connected to the generator
study. terminals, decreasing as a function of time and corresponding
to a system-quality factor around 6 at 350 Hz. This is an
attempt to represent the increase in losses with the rise in
fundamental frequency and the presence of harmonics.
ReDresentation of losses vs freauencv
The main difficulty in simulating resonant systems is that VALIDATION OF THE RESULTS
of properly representing losses; these determine the
impedance and overvoltages amplitudes at resonance. Ac- A 240-MW load shedding following the tripping of line
cording to Hydro-Quebec data, the Beauharnois generators, 7040 produces a 60-HZ overvoltage followed by accelera-
have losses amounting to 3.7% of the full load at 60 Hz. these tion of the generators. The overvoltage excites the trans-
comprise: formers connected to the bus whose magnetizing current im-
mediately increases (Fig. 3 and 9) and the odd harmonics
develop 5th-harmonic voltages in the system. The trans-
ventilation and friction former over-excitation decreases with the rise in frequency to
no-load core losses the point of dropping below the saturation knee. The
nominal-load losses magnetizing current then drops significantly simultaneously
causing the harmonic overvoltages in the system to
exciter losses disappear.
rotor losses
stator losses (0.4%) The envelope of the magnetizing-current curve in Fig. 9
increases as the transformer excitation decreases owing to
It should be noted that for load shedding involving an in- the fact that the harmonic distortions of the voltage applied to
crease in fundamental frequency (through an acceleration of the transformers also distorts their flux linkage(QJVdt) and
the rotor), an increase in generator losses in general can be affect their magnetizing current via their saturation slope. The
expected. Stator losses, represented by the armature resis- phase of the magnetizing-current harmonic distortions thus
tance (Ra) of the machine, total 0.4%. A shunt resistance of shifts 180" just like the 5th harmonic of the voltage (Fig. 6) as
18.3 i2 connected to the generator terminals represents the the fundamental system frequency increases to scan the reso-
remaining losses (3.3%). nance. The system goes from an inductive (5f < fo) to a
capacitive (5f > fo) equivalent impedance.
Measurements of the operational impedance [6, 71 of a
generator at Beauharnois showed that the generator may be The generator terminal voltage, rectified and filtered,
represented by a complex vector, whose real part increases varying with 0, 1 or 2 PLC filters and rapid voltage regulator is
with frequency. This reflects a quality factor decreasing with shown with system frequency, in Fig. 10.
frequency. The curve in Fig. 8 suggests that the quality factor
decreases rapidly at frequencies close to 60 Hz, reaching a
minimum around 250 Hz.
l6 1 00
14 -
pK 12-
0 10-
ca 0-
z 4-

' 2
0 400 500
0 100 200 300
00 623 046 069 092 115 138 161 184 207 230

Figure 8 - Quality factor of a Beauharnois

generating unit as a function of frequency. Figure 9 - Simulation results.
The 60-HZ core losses of power transformers, were repre- a) Chdteauguay 120-kV phase C voltage
sented by a resistance parallel to the magnetizing branch in b) Beauharnois phase C stator current
the case of Beauharnois and the transformer of converter 1 at c) 125/765-kV transformer magnetizing
Chdteauguay. The Chdteauguay 1251765-kV transformers, current phase C

I Addition of transformers connected to the 120-kV bus at
I Chbteauguay has the effect of rounding the saturation knee,
and reducing the total saturation impedance, so that the over-
1.3 ,----(a)
- 2-
PLC I all flux linkage has to drop to a lower value for the same mag-
netizing current value. This explains the slightly higher dura-
3 tion of the over-excitation (200 ms) .when the number of
transformers rises from two to four (Fig. 11 and 12).

...,N. l ( d ) 2 PLC with last regulation I
(e) frequency

1 .o
0.0 0.5 1.o 1.5 2.0 2.5

Figure 10 - Effect of the number.of PLC filters in service

and speed of regulation on Beauharnois
generators terminal voltage (rectified and
4 I
EXTRAPOLATION 0.0 0.23 0.46 0.69 0.92 1.15 1.38 1.61 1.84 2.07 2.30
One PLC filter in service
Figure 11 - Effect of number of Chgteauguay 1251765-kV
With one PLC filter in service, a 42% reduction in the transformers on overvoltages. Simulation re-
capacitance C shifts the resonance to about 450 Hz, which sults phase C.
means that the fundamental should reach 90 Hz (5 X 90 Hz = (a) 2 transformers (b) 3 transformers
450 Hz) to scan this resonance with the 5th harmonic. This (c) 4 transformers
allows the voltage regulator to react and reduce the trans-
former over-excitation. The combined effect of transformers
magnetizing currents of 5th and 7th harmonic (at a lower am-
plitude) acting out of phase each other, for over-excitation 0.0
less than 1.25 p.u. (Fig.A-2) result in an overall reduction in
120-kV overvoltages.
9 0.0
No PLC in service U

Disconnection of both PLC filters leaves a very low ca-

pacitance of about 0.4 pF, producing a first pole at about
830 Hz. For all practical purposes, overvoltages are devel-
oped at fundamental frequency (Fig. 10).
Note that the voltage increase at the machine terminals is
similar to the case of a constant voltage behind X"d because
the voltage regulator is so slow. Consequently the fundamen- I 1
tal voltage increase when line 7040 trips, is function of initial- 00 023 046 069 092 115 138 161 184 2 0 7 230
loading conditions and proportional to the capacitance con- TIME (SECONDS)
nected on 120-kV buses (Fig. 10).
Figure 12 - Effect of number of Chbteauguay 125/765-kV
Effect of a fast voltaae reaulator on harmonic overvoltages transformers on total magnetizing current.
To verify the effect of the voltage regulator response time Simulation results phase C.
on overvoltages, its time constant was reduced from 1.0 to (a) 2 transformers (b) 3 transformers
0.05 s, to investigate cases where the system voltage is more (c) 4 transformers
than 105% of the reference voltage, but without altering the
gain in any way. The 5th-harmonic overvoltages are still pre- CONCLUSIONS
sent, albeit limited by the drop in fundamental voltage (Fig. This study made it possible to determine the cause and
lo), reducing transformer over-excitation and, at the same type of overvoltage recorded following the tripping of the
time, the generation of 5th-harmonic currents. The voltages Hydro-Quebec-NYPA interconnection at Chbteauguay. It
reached are less than 1.3 P.U. and fall below 1.2 p.u. on 120- shows that symmetrical over-excitation of the transformers
kV buses approximately 700 ms after line 7040 trips. generated odd harmonics, of which the fifth excited the de-
graded system at resonance frequency while generator over-
Effect of the number of 125/765-kV speed scanned that frequency (5 X 70 Hz). This produced an
Transformers at Chbteauauay amplification of 5th-harmonic voltages, giving rise to over-
The duration of 5th-harmonic overvoltages after line 7040 voltages of 1.8 p.u. at 120 kV.
trips is related to the duration of transformer over-excitation. The Beauharnois voltage regulation systems were shown
Transformers absorb reactive power in proportion to the fun- to be slow; faster regulators would have controlled over-
damental component of their magnetizing current. This voltages to lower amplitudes and shorter durations. It was
slightly lowers the fundamental-frequency overvoltage as the also shown that keeping unnecessary equipment in service
transformers increase in number. However, their rise in (PLC filters and power transformers) increases the risk of
number increases the 5th-harmonic current and voltage overvoltages in unexpected situations.
components, with the result that the overvoltage amplitude
(Fig. 11) increases from 1.5 to 1.75 p.u. with two, three or four The problems encountered in simulating the overvoltage
840-MVA transformers at Chbteauguay. phenomenon brought out the need to conduct further research

on representing losses as a function of the frequency for the When the overvoltage applied to the transformer is balanced
different types of power system equipment. (positive sequence only) and the transformer saturation is
symmetrical, this is only a special case of asymmetrical satu-
ration for which Q~ = o or s = o
APPENDIX The symmetrical saturation current under overvoltage condi-
The magnetizing current of a single-phase (lossless) tions will therefore be written:
transformer under sinusoidal-overvoltage conditions is similar
to the TCR branch current of a static compensator. If the
transformer has the simplified magnetic characteristic shown
in Fig. A-1, it is possible to develop the mathematical expres-
sion for its inrush current when it is energized, as well as for its i
magnetizing current under over-excitation conditions. - = sin ut + 1 R +a 5 ot 5 2R - a (A.7)
Is vs


10 Jr-a and will have the following theoretical form:

Of i
Jr 2R
-i = > i n 1 I
a R-a R+a 221-a

Fourier analysis of this current is expressed by the equation:

= + 2
(ancosnot + b,sinnot
Figure A-1 - Simplified magnetization characteristic of a
lossless transformer.
a, = -
1,2 i ( t ) cos not dot

If the voltage applied to the transformer is = v COSot at

time t o for which = e , the transformer flux linkage is
given by the integral of the applied voltage, namely:
b, = f jOzr
i ( t ) sin not dot

v .
Q = - sin of + +o (A.1)
The transient flux Q,, is equal to the remanent flux #r plus
the initial flux condition,namely: - ( v/o ) sine Considering that sin a = -
-+ VS = v sin a , the function
f(t) may also be written:
Qo = - y0 sine W.2)
i v
Assuming that the voltage source is not disturbed by the trans-
former saturation current, the inrush current will be expressed
- = - (sin
Is vs
ot - sin a
vs ( sin ot +
by: 1 sin a
= o elsewhere
If the current is normalized in relation to the saturation voltage
vs and saturation impedance o ~ s , the inrush current will be
written: Calculation of the coefficient a ,
Since there is no DC component, a0 = o and the coefficient al
is given by the equation:


= 1 sin of +
S - 1 for a 5 of 5 R -a (A.6)

-i = o
(sin ut +

sin Ax
sin a ) cos ot d ( o t ) (A.lO)

S ~ ~ A X C O S Adx
X = - (A.ll)

therefore: aI = o

Calculation of coefficients a n

The coefficients U. are given by the equation:

an = 'I"
x o
j ( t ) cosnot d(ot)


+ I, 2n-a
(sin ot + sin a ) cos not d ( o t )
1 (A.12)
The Fourier series for the function ills described in equation
A.9, therefore equals:
knowing that: sinpx cos qx dx = -cos@
-q)x - cos@ + q ) x
2@+q) (A.13) i 1 V
- n Vs
[ n - 2 a - sin2al s h o t (A.22)
therefore: an = 0

Calculation of the coeff icient b,

The coefficient bl is given by the equation: The crest amplitude of each harmonic therefore depends on
the severity of the sinusoidal over-excitation of the transformer
bl = f ( t ) s h o t d(ot) V / V S . To clearly illustrate these results, Fig. A-2 shows the
no amplitude of each normalized harmonic in relation to the satu-
hence: ration current, as a function of the crest voltage applied in
over-excitation conditions.
bl = +$[[-'
(sinot - sina) sin or d ( o t ) Il/lS, Idls

+ (shot +sina)s h o t d(ot) (A.14)

knowing that:

I sinzadx = 52 - e 4a
* (A. 15)

0.41 /

The calculation of coefficients b rl -0.2

The coefficients bn are given by the equation:
v -
-1 -
b(3, = - 1
n vs ( 3 )
+ * I I
bn = ; f(t) sinnot d(ot) 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

hence: 1(2n+1)/1s
bn = $
: [[-a (sinwt sin not - sina sin not) d ( o t )
+ I, ZX-lI
sin ot sin not +sin a sin not) d(ot)
1 (A.17)
knowing that: sinpxsinqxdx = sin@ - q ) x
I -
sin@ + q ) x
1 V
bn =--
n vs
[+ sin(1-n)(n-a) -sin(l+n)(n-a) , 2sinacosn(n-a)
(1 - n ) (1 + n ) n
-0.04 -
b(zn+i) = - - -
x Vs (2n+1)
sin( 1 - n ) a
(1 - n )
+--sin( 1 + n ) a
(1 + n )
2 sina cos na
n 1 (A.19)


bn is equal to zero for all even values of n , so that the sine

and cosine terms cancel each other out. Only the odd terms Figure A-2 - Amplitude of each normalized harmonic in
of bn (namely bzn+i) are different from zero; replacing n with relation to the saturation current, as a func-
tion of the crest voltage applied in over-
2n + 1 in the equation , the coefficients b(zn+i) will be: excitation conditions

The authors wish to thank Claude Loyer, Robert Parent and
Michel Guilbault of Hydro-Quebec for their respective contri-
butions in taking system measurements and in processing the
data. The invaluable assistance provided by Georges Omer Bouraault was born in Quebec
Desrochers and Serge Lefebvre of IREQ in the harmonic area, Canada in 1948. He received a
analysis and support for the EMTP software, respectively, B.Sc.A degree in Electrical engineering
was also greatly appreciated. Technical comments from Jean from Lava1 University of Quebec in
Belanger of IREQ during preparation of this paper have been 1972.
very helpful. A final word of thanks goes to Sylvie Humbert of
Hydro-Quebec for editing help. He is with Hydro-Quebec since 1972,
working in Power System Testing and
Technical Expertise department. His
main fields of activities have been
REFERENCES power system transients and accep-
G. Sybille, M.M. Gavrilovic, J. Bblanger, V.Q. Do, tance tests on SVC and HVDC.
Transformer saturation effects on EHV system over-
voltages, IEEE PAS-104, no. 3, March 1986. He is author of publications related to transients on 735-kV
reactor switching, transformer saturation impedance measure-
0. Bourgault, M. Tessier ment, on-line transfer function measurement of power system
Mesure des parametres magnetiques du transfor- equipment with correlation techniques, instability of SVC and
HVDC controls in presence of harmonics and finally dynamic
mateur #14 du poste Chbteauguay, Hydro-Quebec stability margin measurement for SVC and HVDC control opti-
report no. 88019, 1988. mization.
Electro-Magnetic Transient Program, rule book, EPRl
version 1.0, April 1986.
Gaston Morin (M85) was born in
Computer representationof excitation systems, IEEE Quebec area, Canada, in 1954. He re-
Committee report PAS, June 1968. ceived the B.Sc.A. degree in Electrical
engineering from University of
Sherbrooke, and the M.Sc.A. degree
EMTP theory book, Bonneville Power Administration, from Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal in
Portland, August 1986. 1978 and 1983 respectively.
G. CrBteau, 0. Bourgault He is with Hydro-Quebec since 1978
Identification of generator parameters by P.R.B.S. working in Power System Operation de-
signal injection through a static compensator, CEA partment.
presentation March 1986, Hydro-Quebec report no.
His main interests concern harmonics, DC Systems and power
G. CrBteau system transients. He is author of publications related to har-
Mesure de /impedance opbrationnelle dun alter- monic overvoltages during power system restoration. He is
currently member of the IEEE Power System Restoration Task
nateur de la centrale LG-2, Hydro-Quebec report no. Force and IEEE working group 15.05.02, Dynamic Per-
8571, 1985. formance and Modeling of DC systems.

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