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Teachers Book

Si lTlO l4 Ha i e es

Barbara Stevat

Teachers Book
Jenny Quintana Simon Haines Barbara Stewart

ouivesstrv rezss
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Thr embers end publishers would lite to thank Petrina Cliff. Thorkild Gantner, vicky Mcwiiiim, cw caaaen, and the First
Certificate students of St files International, London Central.
The publisher is grateful to tlre University of Cambridge Local Examinations syndicate for permission to repmduce FCE
answer sheets.
Students Book Contents

Introduction 6

1 9

Compulsion 18

Talents 24

Appearances 32

Foreign parts 37

The mind 44

Free time 50

fv\edia 58

Around us 64

10 Innovation 70

l Communication 76


How to use the Student's MultiR0M 87

Part 2 MultipleExam
choicetechniques Part 3 Multiple match
l The cxrs Space travel +' Phrasal verbs with dring Part 4 Multiple
Y H FO U D HOUHS choice Mens and womens abilities

Part 2 Sentence completion Computer

Exam techniques games
Compulsion Part 23
4 Multiple matching v Moods and attitudes

Exam techniques Part 1 Multiple choice Part 4 True or

f'art 1 Multiple matching Will Smithfalse?
39 v 9hrasal verbs with breok Developing talent in children
7Conlusing verbs: ds(, grse, roise

Exam techniques Part 3 MUItipIe matchin9 Clothing and

Part 2 MuItiple choice fashion
Appearances 49 verbs with put
T' Phrasal v Confusing adverbs

Part 3 Gapped test Exam techniques Part 4 Mul tiple choice Part 3 Multiple
'I flew to Brazil by accident' matching
Foreign parts 61 verbs: travel
y Phrasal Going a oroad
v Pb rasal verbs with look

Exam techniques Part 2 Sentence compIe tion Factors inII

The mind 75 uencing success v Personal qualities
Part 1 Multiple matching
v Collocations: verbs and

Exam techniques Part 2 Sentence completion

Part 4 Multiple matching Part 1 Multiple choice Listening to music
with a difference
v Prefixes Part 3 Multiple matching How people use the

Exam techniques Part 3 Gapped text v So and


Part 2 Multiple choice VolcanoesPart 4 Multiole choice The effects of

Around us 11s building
I Word tourism

Part 1 Multiple matching Inventions: the

too ten? Part 2 Sentence completion Gadgets
10 Innovation 25 verbs with corry
v Phrasal

Part 3 Gapped text Part 1 MlJltiDle choice Telling lies

l Communication'I know
is7just how you feel v Collocations with s0y, speok, t0lf, and
hon fusing verbs: hope, wolf, expect, loo

Part4 Multiple matching Overcoming

Part 3 MultiDle matching Problems related to money
l Society crime
Y Crime vocabulary
The 1 Future continuous and Future perfect
future, Personality nouns and adject
Informal letter Part 2 Cloze Confusing verbs /oy//ie
Formal and informal Exam techniques Use of English Part 4 Error correction Formal and informal languag
language Meanings of get

Part 2 Article Habits, Repeated action, Used to Phrasal verbs Comparison

Creating interest Part 2 Cloze

Part 2 FiIin vocabulary

Letter of application Punctuation C0n, be 061c to, Other abil ity structures Noun suffixes
Pa rt 2 Cloze
Exam techniques Use of English Part S Word

Part 2verbs of obligation, dont need to l neednr love,

Modal Part 1 Multiole-choice cloze
Report dr o//oki/ed to / conI Parts of the body, Seeing ve
Impersonal language Part 4 Error correction

Part 2 Informal letter Past time, Par ticiple clauses Negative adjectives Confusing words,
Creating interest Part 3 Key word transformations Extreme adjectives
Exam techniques Use of English Part 2 Cloze

Part 2 Short story Collocation

Dramatic effect Gerunds and infinitives Part 4 Error Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze

Part 1 Formal better

Contrasting language Sports vocabulary
Passive verbs, Hove / Get something done Part 2 6loze Exam
techniques Use of English Part 1
Part 2 Multiple-choice cloze
Discursive comoosition v Phrasal verbs with come, Which word?
Connecting ideas Compound nouns
Part S Word formation
Reporting statements, Reporting questions, Time and other references
in reported speech, ReDorting functions
Part 1 Informal letter Part 3 Key word transformations
Asking for information
Dependent prepositions
Relative eta uses Part 2 Cloze
Part 2 Article Exam techniques Use of English Part 3 Key word
Beginnings and endings transformations

Wishes and regrets, /d rother and IU time Adjective suffixes Compound

Part 4 Error correction adjectives

Part 1 0, 1, 2, and 3, Mixed conditionals, Unless, Adjectives' positive or negat
Formal letter Focusing expressions As long as, Provided thot
Part 3 Key word transformations

Part 2 and possibility

Probability Part 1 Multiple-choice cloze
Report Articles
Complex sentences
Introduction ahead, which contains activit
introduce the topic of the re
students the opportunity to s
Target users and opinions. Sometimes stu
First Cerli)eate Mastetclass is an upper intermediate course aimed at studentsthe text quickly to check thei the
preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate in English examination. It can also be
examination task. This gi practice in
used by upper intermediate students following general English courses. The skimming a text comprehension or
material in the course is all at FCE level. scanning information.
Before students read the text
Student's Book comprehension, you may lik
dhe First Certificate Masterclass Students Book consists of twelve units, each understand key vocabulary Teachers
based on a different topic. Each unit consists of the following sections: Boot: includes lists words and their
Introduction, Reading, G ranamar and Practice, meanings. the course and in preparatio
we recommend that this is k
Vocabulary, Listening, Speaking, Writing and Deducing the meaning of un
Overview. The first seven units also contain Exam Techniques sections. their context is an important need to
While it is anticirated that the units will generally No guidelines are given on h
be used in consecutive order, this is not essential, should spend on each readin
as there is no fixed grammatical or lexical progression. It is important that thejudgement, allowing more ti the
sections within units are done in sequence, as grammar and course, when students w familiarise
themselves wide t
vocabulary are taken front rrevious texts or task type, and less time towar
recordings. the time available in the exa
In addition to introducing and practising the skills The Reading sections also co
which students will need to perform well in the vocabulary extension exercise
exam, the course functions as a general coursebook which introduces, studiesactivities
and (Over to You) relate
practises key aspects of grammar ancl vocabulary. text.

Grammar and practice

Introduction Each unit focuses on one ma
This is related to the Readin which
This section presents the overall theme of the unit by engaging students interest
in the new topics, activating general knowledge of them, introducing precedes it.
In order to exploit what stud
related vocabulary and providing opportunities for inductive approach to gramm
both general fluency practice and specific exam This means that the formal
practice for Pa]jer S Speaking. not presented in the first inst
the target language are given
Reading answer qtiestiOriS Or do a vari
All the reading passages are authentic texts, with wlaat they know or what they
only minimum modifications within the guidelines for the exam. They have been
selected from a It is recommended that stud
variety of sources magazines, journals, popular these questions and tasks ind
and serious newspapers and reflect a variety of before checking their answer
registers and styles, ranging from formal to informal and serious to humorous. in the Grammar re[erence at
However, if students are not
Each task type in FCE Paper I is practised three their knowledge of grammar,
times, including an Exam techniques section, where lead them through the quest
suggestions for approaching each task are made. answers from individuals and
and clarification where neces
Excert when it occurs in the Exam techniques The main purpose of the pra
section, each reading passage is preceded by Think
follow the grammar question

so you should correct students language wlaere necessary. Writing
Some practice exercises are open-ended requiring students to complete The Writing section follows a
sentences with their own ideas. These should also be regarded as accuracythroughout. First, analysis of a which
practice and be corrected in detail. focuses on the features Second, practice
of a particula for example: beginnings
Vocabulary connecting ideas, creating inte
It is vital for students to extend their vocabulary glm, write, which sets an exam
systematically, and for this reason vocabulary plays a prominent role in every guides students towards a succ the task.
unit. As well as regular contextualised vocabulary work in the Reading and Each Paper 2 Writing task typ once,
Listening sections, most units contain two vocabulary pages which focus on while the set book quest Writing C uide.
specific topics or lexical systems. Exam techniques related to Paper 3 Exam advice on writing is an
Use of English tasks may also include a vocabulary Writing section of each unit an
focus. Wherever possible, students are encouraged to iase vocabulary in Cuide at the back of the book.
controlled and free practice activities. Selected items of vocabulary are also
revised in Ovewiew sections.
Listening This section reviews the gram practised
in the unit. It also gi
practice in Paper 3 Use of Eng
Each task type in FCE Paper 4 is practised several times, including an Exam
techniques section, where suggestions for approaching each task are made.
Exam Techniques
As in the exam, the recordings are scripted or semi- scripted and there is a
This section gives advice in th and
variety of accents. Students are given practice in listening for gist, listening for
Donts for each of the task Reading,
main points, listening for detail or specific
information, and deducing weaning. Paper 3 Use of Engli Listening. This is
followed by practice. The Exam
Techniqu used in con junction with the
exam on pages 48 of the Stud
Listenings are preceded by pre-listening tasks in a be treated as training tasks rath
Lend in and followed by related vocabulary work and opportunities for important to encourage the
discussion. The audioscripts are reproduced in each unit of the Teachers Book.approaching different exam ta pressure of
exam conditions.
Each section begins with a Lead in, which introduces the topic and Other features
gives students the
Exam factfile
opportunity to share personal information and The Exam Fac(le provides de
opinions. This is followed by practice of a Part 2 task, or a Part 3 and Part 4
task from Paper S Speaking, together with Exam tips. All these activitiesabout the five papers of the ex listed
should be done in pairs or small groups and should be treated as opportunities with a note of the numb what students
for fluency and examination practice. It is recommended that any correctionhave to do and Page references for
should be done afler students have completed the task. appropriat pages in the book are given.
In Units I, 4, 6 and 7, students are able to listen to
Over to you
Over to you tasks are included
and analyse the performance of real FCE activities related to the Readin
candidates doing similar tasks. sections. Their purpose is to g
There are many further opportunities for practice opportunities to react personal
of Part 2 and Part 4 task types in Introductions and relating to texts and recordings
elsewhere throughout the book. regarded as fluency activities students to develop their gene
can generally be done in pairs or small groups or as whole class activities. There is a topic link with the in the
Encourage students to discuss topics in a lively interested way for two to threeStudents Book and pra vocabulary
minutes. from the tinits. In includes some
vocabulary ext there is a focus on
Writing guide phrasal ver
The Writing Cuide at the back of the book consists of exam advice related toThe eachWriting sections do not produce
of the task types in examtype answers, t relevant micro-
skills, such as
Paper 2 Writing. Each guide offers advice under sentences (Articles) Using cont
these headings: (Discursive Essays), etc. There is also a
How' should I approach the task:? which contains a sample exam task and MultiROM at Workbook which contains
connected questions. au
How should I structure a [ormal letter, article, etc.? the listening sections of the
which contains a model answer to the sample task can play the audio in a CD pl
with notes pointing out key features of the answer. computer. There is also a link
students to www oxfordenglish
What phrases can I use? which contains phrases and expressions relevant to they get access to two interact practice
each task type. tests. The tests offer practice, automatic
One section is devoted to the Set book question, whicla is not practised marking f and an online dictionary look
elsewhere. Four sample
exam tasks and two iaiodel answers are provided. further information please see
o or n sh e n on
Grammar reference Teachers Book or visit the we
The Cranamar reference at the back of the book is organised on a unit-by-unit
basis. It contains concise explanations and further examples of the grammar in materials
each unit. This section should be As a further resource, teacher materials
from the Internet at
regarded as a first point of reference for students to www.onp.con/elt/teacher/exa
check their answers to inductive questions and tasks or when working throughThese are:
practice exercises. It can also be tised for general revision purposes.

One activity per unit which

Teacher's Book in the vocabtilary, grammar o
which have been introduced.
The First CerLi(icate Masterclass Tescher's Book contains twelve units ofadditional extra activities whi areas of
notes to accompany the Students Book. There are procedural notes on howvocabulary
to covered i plirasal verbs,
approach the tasks, complete aiidioscripts for all recordings with answers prepositions, collocations.
highlighted, and further suggestions for Ogtionnf activities. Answer keys are
given, and, where there is no single answer for a task, possible answers have
been provided. A two-page test for each unit, grammar
At the back of the "Ieachers book there is and vocabulary tau
ordenn liishteestin
information about www.ooxfo .Co
OITt Progress tests
Three tests which review the
vocabulary of the units within
Workbook Resource Pack Use of English tasks. Test 1 covers
Units 58, and Test 3
The First Certificate Masterclass Workbook Resource Pack consists of a Workbook
of twelve six page units, each of which covers the following areas: Reading,
Listening, Grammar, Vocabulary, Use of English and Writing. For more information about please
refer to the Cambridg Certificate in
Eijgl ish handb downloaded from the

Introduction p9 Possible answer
In the text, Jolt u Moore th i cotild have
families which travel easier to tolerate.
J Possible answer
Photos 3 and S are similar because they show naeia and women together.
Multiple choice
However, in }alaoto 3 we see a man and woman fulfilling traditional roles the
man is die boss and the woman is the secretary. In photo 5, we see men and4 This exercise involves readi plenty of
women on time for it. Before
more equal terns. students understand the rub
choice questions. You may
2 Possible answer students understand the me
The photos show twat the roles of men and tensions (bad feelings betwe
women vary widely in todays society. Lach sex is more comfortable taking on(distant /isolated ), accompli colonisation
some of the roles traditionally associated with the other. (when a group new area), constraint
(become accustomed to), su
irionognmy (the practice of or husband over a period of
socially acceptable ideas),
Reading p10
Think ahead
Check students understand the meaning of these words: set sail (staii a journey),
crew (group of peo]ale who work on a ship, aeroplane, spaceship, etc.), atti[cia I
(non-natural), interste fler (amongst the stars).
Check students understand the meaning of the extract by asking these
questions: Who will be on boord the spoceshi p? (women only) Why wont men Over to you sections are inten in
be required? (because the women will be able to have children without them)speaking skills by allowing their
Want is AlQfin Centauri? (Its the star system that is closest to earth.) opinions about the topic unit. The
questions can be as class and used as
2 Possible answer the basis of stticlents could be asked to
dis pairs or small groups.
A single-sex crew might miss the company of the opposite sex and the
distractions they can bring. Possbleanswers
Suitable people: doctors, n teachers,
3 This exercise is intended to encourage students to get to know the text before the
builders, farmers,
main reading task. Do not allow them to spend too much time on it.
Personal qualities: determi of
adventure, sense of hum a team, etc.
iroup nouns Future continuous and fut
5 key 4 After students have complet encourage the
a class d staff rat to refer to reference on page 174.
b jury e audience Key
c team f crowd a Z b3
Exai=r 1es of other group nouns: family, group, orchestra, couple.
5 Possible answers
a This time next week Ill
Grammar and practiCR p12 b By this time next year Ill
The future c This time next year Ill b d In five years time
Ill lea
After students have coiiipleted the task, encourage them to refer to the
Grammar reference on page 174.

Key 6 Ask students to tead the text
a 4 e 6 gaps. Check they understan
b l f 3
questions: In whtell country spoken? (China) W/iy is it
to be the only womens lang
2 Encourage students to read through any text before beginning a task. In this y is iI becoming extinct?
case, ask them to read the text quickly, ignoring the gaps. Check they speak it are dying and nobo
understand by asking these questions: Where Key
I by 7 w
are Sue and her fiends stunning fo travel to? 2 is 8 ar
(Paris) Wfinf nre they going to do there? (go to a rock concert) 3 on 9 st
4 been 10 It
Key s to 11 do
6 far 12
I break tip
2 re leaving
3 re starting
4 re going to get up
S leaves Vocabular p14
6 II stop
7 re going to drive Lead in
8 will take Ask students to read and un statements before they disc
9 11 probably go
10 re going to catch are discussing the statement
1 1 11 send make sure the groups conta sex in order to increase the
1 2 Are you doing
2 Encourage students to justi
3 Possible answers
a example, ask Why do you th
Im going to ask them to tell the truth.
b lnzy? (because they dont d
I'iia afraid Im visiting relatives in the holidays.
c Ill put up the decorations and Ill select some
music, if you like. d Ill be twenty-one. 3 Key
e Ill probably be married. adventurous adventure competitive
I domorrow is going to be icy. competition confident confidence
cooperative cooperation emotional


Ex6 m techniques
generous generosity independent independence lazy
materialistic Listening Part 3
oPtirnistic optimism
possessive possession
Dos and Donts
self-centred self-centredness The exercise that follow's intro
sensitive sensitivity sincere sincerity sociable niultirle-matching exercise w exam. This section presents s
sociability stubborn stubbornness for dealing with it. Ask studen Donfs. Check they understan
questions: What should you d instructions and options caref
options aIe not weeded? (one)
Confusing verbs: loy/Iie
5 Key listen [of the (rst time you hea
bI c 2 understanding) What
After they leave done the matching exercise, note o[? (be( works ) Whut else
(make a first choice of answer listen or the
check students understand by asking the following questions:
second time you
(words associated with the opt
Is lay, meaning pin or place something in n cerfpiii position, regular or irregular?
then? (make a fina] choice of do i youre
(irregular) What is Ihe past [omi? (laid) thai is the past pariiciple? (laid) not sure about an something dont
is lie, menning be in n jet resting position, regular or irregular? (itiegti]a i ) What
leave any
is the pasI [omi? (iaj ) What is the past participle? (lain)
Is lie, meaning the opposile o[telling the Iruth, 1 Key
regular or irregular? (regular) Speaker 1
Speaker 2 D
6 Key Speaker 3 A
S}aeaker 4 F
Speaker 7
a lie d lay Audioscript
b laid e lied Idker
Spea say1 that men as each
c lying other at loving them. I gr

7 Encourage shidents to give detailed answers. around. At the ti

now I have my o
Possible answers mothers and 'ath
ways. As a dad
a I always lie on my side, because I find it the bond between ch
most comfortable. If I lie on my back, I snore. thats just as imp
b My friend had her hair clit and I thought it around, and from
looked terrible. She asked me if I liked it and I only a man can
said yes. I lied because I didn't want to hurt Speaker 2 If you're thinking
her feelings. care of children, mothers can be several families
main oreadwinne after the kids a But I'm sure th between a baby an emotional ti substitute for, a change because have children.
Mothers and fath always will be, b far too much w

look after a family on their own, so its important for the father to help out right fromboyfriend
the and girlfriend. probably
start. The key thing is to always put the interests of the children first. I know that I have a
business acqua
special relationship d The email contains info familiar
situations, and letter contains formal la
with them as a mum, but I can see that saltitations, and full form
my kids need their dad around too. The idea
contracted forms.
that men
Speaker 4 are worse at looking e The second text doesnt
ater children is rubbish. Dads can do the fixed formal languag
everything just as well as mums. Women are only
letters tend to use full
better at childcare because, at the moment, they
spend more time with kids than men do. It's like
my mum she doesnt understand how to use
Sinai I, but if she worked in an office like me a snack
she'd know exactly what to do - it's justb a attempted
question of familiarity. c therefore
rl sent
When I was a kid, my father made more effort to you a text message e to inform
spend you
5 time with us than most fathers would
have done. which wasn't what real menf were because
supposed to do. g returned home
Whenever he wasnt at work, he dedicated la I do apologise
all his time to me and my sisters. Other ,$ Key
than my mum, people didnt really 4 he email: was held up, di
recognise how special he was. My father wasn't like everyone else, so people just ignored him.
Nowadays, most men are involved with thCif kids like he was. The formal Ieher: was dela

5 Key
Phrasal verbs with doing a back down e
b split up, went on f c
c put up with g
2 Key d put me down h w
a Bringing up e brought out
b bring (her) round f brought back
c brought about g bring down Optional activity
d bring up 1 Write these letter-writing ph
ask students to identify whic
are informal:

Vocabulary p16 OOkf0rW3f

Formal and informal language

I Possible answers
a Emails are replacing letters because they are easy to write, almost free to send,
and because replies can be sent very quickly. Also, more and more people are
using computers.
b People write emails more quickly and they take less care to avoid mistakes.
People also approach emails more informally.

2 Key
a The first text is an email. The second is a formal letter.
b Both are intended as apologies.
c In the email, the reader and the writer are


Meanings of get Listening 8
6 Key
get in arrive home got changed changed get you Lead in
contact you get it receive
4 Ask students to justify theit examples.
got to arrived at
Possible answer
a Traditionally men have
better at subjects like Sci Mathematics. Women h
EXam techniques p17 be better at Art and Desi Languages. These days, less
Use of English Part 4 common. Women academic results in all s school.

Dos and Don'ts

3he exercise that follows introduces the type of key b Traditionally, activities li
word transformation exercise which appears in the and Map-reading are ass
exam. This section presents some useful shategies whereas woman are asso
for dealing with it. Ask students to read the Dos rind after children and Cooki
Doiits. Check they understand by asking different academic subjects, these
students the following questions: Wlint should you these days.
do (inst [or each sentence? (read the first sentence
and the gapped sentence) What types o[changes do 2 I(I)
you need Io make? (you may need to make the a multitasking
sentence passive, change the form of words, or add b No, because people, esp
new words) Can you change the e)' word? (no) be expected to do more
How many w'ords do you have to write? (between time.
two and five).
1 Key Presenter In today's editio
I get used to focus on anothe
2 have just been informed differences betw
3 three years since I saw let our contribut
9 paid as much as men S have given up
6 reports of serious flooding Maggie Weston Hi, Sue, th
several decades challenged men' yet,
7 was advised to go
as we all kn stereotypes hav still
8 such an interesting book believe, for
better at finding and that women witn people, but difference betwe been discovered multitasking t different things apparently natu
women have, bu comprehend. Of actually a new have always ha
simply that, unt unaware of just multitasking the openly admit th this area, and a

able to multitask so efficiently. I recently overheard a 30 something year- old man at aMultiple
party choice
saying even boasting
3 Key
that his wife could prepare dinner, talk to a friend on the phone, help their two children
with their homework, and welcome him home from work all at the same time. The person
he was telling came up with a similar story: his wife 2 A

Over to you
If students are working in gro
could read a book, watch television, and there is a balance of flue sexes
hold a conversation at the same time order to increase discussion.
without a sign of panic. For their part, thei r opinions with reasons an
most women take this ability for necessap you can encourage writing
granted and can't understand why men find it so difficult. They believe its something
the following stateme asking students
they have had to learn in the
to discuss the
modern world society expects women to Women are good at looking a
do everything, so thats what they have that is their nahiral function.
to do. Some even see it as a curse rather Women are not iiecessari]y g
than a talent. A friend of mine said is siiaiply their traditional role
recently she thought that employers preferred to take on women beca use, unlike men,
they could be relied on to do three things at the same time. The Question that peoole are
now asking is this: is the ability to multitask a genetic difference between the sexes, or is it
something that women learn how to do
S@eakin@ p19
Lead in
from experienced According to 2 Make sure students underst
neuroscientists, tnere are observable genetic differences between mens and women'sout that it isnt necessary to can write
brains, but these do not exDlain womens suDeriority when it comes to multitasking. Inone
fact,or two-word write Femnfe NOT I'm
studies by [em
3 Possible answers
scientists Show that on average men How many brothers and sis
and women are equally good at doing Where do you live?
several tasks simultaneously. A possible What kind of music do you
explanation for the apparent difference is What do you do in your sp
that while men are capaole o multitasking at work, they prefer to focus on one thing at a time
in their home
Giving personal informati
environmer t. Women on the other hand 4 In Part 1 of the Speaking ex
are under more pressure at home to questions about their perso
multitask, partly because men don't, or questions appear in the aud
wont. So there we have it. What do you think? Ill end with a quote from another friend of
mine. I wonder if youll agree with her when she said, and I quote: Who else has the time Key
not to multitask exceot men? Thanks for listening, even Questions
if youve been cooking lunch, writing
To ics
FdI34il\ Do you have family?
another ch6 DtCr of your latest novel,
Can about them?
Do you live i
House and
and planning your next holiday at the a}aartnient? W
same time. you tell us so
area where yo
What do you
spare time? D hobbies? Wh you like to re musical instr
Interlocutor Yasko, what d
My names Petr!na Cliff and this is my col league Thorkild Gartner. He is just spare timed I like watchin
going to listen to us. So, you ared listening to m

Sun. My name Inter
is Sun.
locutor And do you
And? 'Yasko Yes, I like trav
I'm Yasko. Yasko.
Y6 SkO? What kind of
SunYes. Erm ... now I
when I was in
especially like
Thank you. First o all, wed like to IF) tCFIOCUIOT and thriller bo
kn 0w SOfneth n g about yOU, SO I in suspected boo
going to ask you some uestions about yourselves. Where art you from, Sunk Im from South
say, I like She
And you, Yasko? I'm from Japan. Sun
Interlocutor Interlocutor Do you play
Yasko, do you have a large or a small Yasko Yes, ... I like not good at
family? Interlocutor enjoy playing
Err ... small family.
'Vasco Interlocutor How did you
Can you tell me something about
Interlocutor them?' Dlaying the Di
Yes, I have two older brothers and I live with m father and mother. But two of my brothers Pardon?
have left er ... our home Yasko Interlocutor How did you
playing the
because they had got married before. Yes. When I w
asked me to
Do you live in a house or an dont like to p
apartment, Sun7 I With FIOCUIOf when I was
I live in my flat ... when I'm in Korea or London, which one7 riends said y have some like it.
In Korea.
In Korea then. I had own my flat in
6 Key
Korea then, and I used to stay there. Sun
Extract I: Yasko doesnt liv
Whats it like?
lntedocutor because they ha Extract 2:
0f course I like own my flat in ... which Sun lifes where
is located in Korea because the room is part of a nationa
like studio. Its large and oig and I had Extract 3: Sun enjoys thrill
big, king-sized bed ano then I used to live alone. But also, there is some kitchen and
Extract 4: Yasko became
shower room with everything, so I like it. Im still missing my room ... out . Here is my flat is
piano because h played well.
Extract 1
Can you telI us something about the Inter locutor Yasko, do you
area where you live? family?
I !4 IC FIOCU tO I Yasko Err... small fa
In England 7 In Korea.
Interlocutor Can you tell
Erm ... because I stayed in the near the Sun Yasko Yes, I have tw
college, because I have to go to early in Interlocutor with my fath my brothers
the college, but the pla ce is quite nice,
for example its like national ... nationa I because they
park. Cos it's nea r the mountains and
everything is good.

Extract 2
W rit i ! p20
Could you tell us something aoout th,
area where you lived
Sun Interlocutor Sun In Englands Informal letter or email
In Korea. 1 The exercise which follows
Erm . . because 1stayed in the near the transactional writing task fo
college, beta use 1 have to go to early ir 4el1 students that the task ca
the college, but the place is quite lefter or an entail, and that t nice, for
example it's like national ... or informal. Lach task can national park.
Cos it's near the following hiiictions: giving mountains and
everythin9 g0O d. iiafornaation, making compl
Extract 3 suggestions. Tell them they
I D tfWhat kinds of oooks do you like to they have read and understo
read? they are given before they b
Erm ... now I don't read any ooo k. 8ut
when I was in Korea I liked reading.
especially like erm ... the thriller H dhe entail must give inf
movie and thriller books and erm ... weather and accommod
suspected, suspected books a nd I like, include suggestions abou
how do you say, 1 like Sherlock Holmes, b The email should be inf
that kind o book that 1HIC. of yours.
Extract 4 Interlocutor
How did ypu become interested in 2 hey
playing the piano? The reply includes the rele
Pardon? the style is too foriaial in pl
How did you become interested in Home very polite phrases (I
playing the piano? question, As for).
Yes. When I was small child my mother 3 Key
asked me to have a lesson, so at first I dont like to play the piano. But ... well a IN F e F
.. when I was high-school student my friends said your play is very good so I have
some confidence, so I become to like it.
b F f I
c INF gI
7 Ask students to read the tip box. Check h I

a Short sentences Fanta
understanding by asking the following questions: c Conhactions Id orgof
What find o[answers should you give to questions during the speiliiig exam? (full
Tfierefl be
answers) What shouldnt you do? (answe r with a few words or single sentences)I Phrasal verbs We must
Whilst stiirlents are doing the task, monitor their g Words lefi out IIo9e y (missing I)
Simple words or slang
discussions and give feedback to the class about their rerformance at the end.
(Did they avoid
answering with just a few words? Did they give Thin k, pla n, w rite
5 After they have read the tas style, ask the following ques understanding: Who has se English-speaking friend, Jo
stunning to do? (spend a ye learn the language, and wo he/she need? (where to wor where to live).


Overview p22
1 Key
2 A
3 B


8 B

2 Key
a brought up b bfings back c bring roundd bring about e brought up

3 Key
a understand b make /btiy c buy
d took /caught; arrived e becoming

An extra activity to accompany this unit and a unit test can be downloaded from
the Internet at

Introduction 23
4 Key
a texting his friends at meal
3 If students find this difficult, make sure they recognise the central action ofbeach
a temporary addiction / a
rhoto. (Photo 1, using a games console; Photo 2, sending text Audioschpt
Presenter In this evenings
messages; Photo 3, smoking; Photo 4, eating junk starting off with a
food and using audio devices; Photo S, gambling; clearly got a good
Photo 6, shopping). worried. Well be
PossbTeanswer teenagers and dig
appears that this
a The unit title Compulsion refers to activities worries parents, b
that people cant stop doing. The pictures increasingly conce
show activities which people often get themselves. 0n Ou
addicted to. three distinguishe Matthews, a child Carter, a
secondar and Liz Polanski, of her own and is
2 Possible answers who helps studen Our first caller thi Benson. Hi
a Some people seem to become more easily addicted than others. This might be
due to personality traits, but social conditions may also be a factor. James Hi. Im fine.
b Peoples lives can be affected if addictions prevent them from getting on with
Presenter What's your oues
everyday activities. Addictions may affect peoples finances, cause illhealth,
or lead to the breakdown of relationships. Sentence completion 5 Key
c Education can play a big part in helping people avoid addiction. If education
a digital friends
fails, banning people from certain activities can stop people becoming
b two and five
c text messages d adult
e dad
f less time
Listening 24 Audioscript
Lead in Presenter Whats your quest
3 Key James I'd like to know w
parents behaviou weeks.
a teenagers and digital technology
Presenter Your parents?
b three distinguished experts: a child
psychologist, a headteacher, and a university
counsellor. James Thats right. They'
more obsessed a time I spend wit digital friends'.

Evan Hi James. Can you tell me who exactly these OK James. You p complain about towards you. Ha
friends are?
Just people I've met on the Internet.
AndEvanwhat contact do you have with them your life, I have t
understand and
in a day? parents and wha
Well, when I wake up in the morning, I through. They fe
always turn on my computer to see if to your digital fri
anyone's sent me any emails or put a comment on spend less time mobile and mak a
MySpace for me. Then I usually check my mobile to see ifcouple of hour preferably intera
anyone's left me a message. including your
How long does all that usually take?
James five minutes if I have to reply to
About Presenter Thanks, Evan. 0K
any messages or emails. If I dont, it only takes me about two minutes. rext Joanne?
Sure. 0K James,
Five minutes every morning doesnt sound
Joanne think you should
too bad to me. What about later in the addiction not
days w6y Deople beco
James addicts.
It depends if I'm at college or at home. If I Obviousl
dont have to go to college, I usually go on MSN for a couple of hours in the morning, and altogether the would be too gr you
maybe a couple more in the evening. do is try to
Joanne Hmm, four hours a day that does soundevery day, so tha
your life is back
rather a lot.
Get back to goin
I suppose so, but what Mum and Dad tenni5' with your
really object to me doing is texting my spend time hang
friends at mealtimes. They're always accusing me offriends! I'm sure way. You wont and
being rude and anti-social. you wont h
And what do you think?
I James
just think it's normal behaviour for back all the time
people of my age. Presenter 0K and lastly, Liz
Joanne How many texts do you send a days Right, James. If
James experience is an
I don't normally keep ount, but probably
about thirty or forty. your addiction is
Joanne OK and do you understand whytemporary
your one. I
parents are getting so annoyed 7 or two youll fin
digital life and
Not really. Its just a bit of un. I think about it, you'll s
adults tend to be too serious about life you had bef
things. I bet when they were young they virus. In other w
used to do things that annoyed their through a phase
parents. Presenter Thank you all ve
Can I ask you, James, do you have any other interests outside your digital world? I mean do James for your suopose we hav
you play any sports? question you as
Not now. I used to go swimming our experts have
regularly and play tennis with my dad. should improve overall.
But not a ny longer?
No, my dad's always too busy. I remember Thanks very muc
last summer every time I suggested a
game of tennis, he'd say he was too busy. 6 i(ey
Now it's the opposite problem it's me anti-social, impolite, rtide
that's too busy. assertive, determined, stub
OF James, I think we get an idea of what
Presenter depressed, fed tip, unhapp
your life is like. I'd like to invite eath of exhausted, overtired, sleep
our experts to comment on what they've
heard. Can 1start with you, wan?
Grammar and practice 25 c
10 Key
Habits I the
1 Key their2
a, b, c, d, f where3
Verb forms in the present simple and the verb or 4
tend to are used to indicate the present, plus use to 5
of frequency adverbs (nlwdys, sometimes, usually). fhHf 6
2 they with8
e, g but 9
Verbs forms would and used to and the past who10
simple are used to indicate the past, plus use of from
time references like Lust summer. on 17

3 Possible answers
never rarely hardly ever
occasionally frequently often Vocabulary 27
Lead in
Check students understand title: con[essions (something
After students have complete the task, encourage admit to doing), chocoholic (
obsessed with eating chocola
them to refer to the Crammar reference on page
175. 1 Key
4 Possible answers The writer feels a bit defe
a When people are [ed ug, they tend to be might laugh at him /her,
miserable, unsociable and unwilling to go out got the addiction under co
and also a bit smug that h any weight
and do things.
b When people are nervous or embarrassed, the even when he
y chocolate.
tend to blush and be unable to speak clearly.
Sometimes they become clumsy.
c When people are excited, they tend to talk and Phrasal verbs
laugh a lot. They tend to rush about and do a 3 3
lot of things. cut down reduced
get by survive light up shine
5 Key
turns off disgusts
The present continuous with alwa ys is used to refer to ve frequent actions,
putting on gaining give up stop
especially ones which be speaker finds annoying.
Used to
7 After shidents have completed the task, encourage them to refer to the ac 1,
4, 67
Grammar reference on page 175. b5

5 Key
a give (it) back d
a ] b I b giving up on e
c giving away
8 Key
a 11 never get used to d arent used to
b arent used to e in used to
c get used to
Exam techniquCS p28 Vocabulary /ao
Reading Part 3
Lead in
Dos and Don'ts Before stuclents read the artic
The exercise that follows introduces the type of understand die meaning of su
belief based on omens, good Check
multirle-matching exercise which appears in the
exam. This section }aresents some useful strategies students understand t
for dealing with it. Ask students to read the Dos and extract by asking these questio
superstitions does the narrator
Donfs. Check they understand by asking these questions: What should you do
wont walk under ladders, an
when you hrsl read
Ilie text? (find out what information youre looking umbrella inside the house.) W
for) What should you do the second time? (read for nnrrntors brother? (He touche
How does the narrator [eel ab
general understanding; make a note of any answers) Whsf shoulJ you looI: [or in
soperstitious? (Its understand
the questions?
(key words) What parts o[the text should you re- nahiral human characteristic.
rend? (only these relevant to the questions) What should you do i(you cant
bud the in(ormntion immedialel y! go on to the next question) What should Comparison
you do i(youre not sure most on answer? 3 Key
worse, thc least superstitio
(make a sensible guess)
most natural, more mystica
Before students begin the task, you may like to check that they understand the
4 After students have comple encourage
meaning of these words: passive smoking (breathing in other peoples smoke),
whee their to refer to reference on rage 176.
(having diffculty with
breathing), wasted (weak, not as strong as they used to be), lungs (part of bodyKey
required for breathing), resistance (ability to fight against something), gesticu late
a longer, longest; shorter, b larger,
(use your hands to give a
largest; later, late c flaher, flattest; thin
message), subjected (forced to put up with), sel[- d heavier, heaviest; funnie
conscious (embarrassed), introveried (sR j, wididrawn), hostile (unfriendly), quit important, most
e niote
(given up), lousy (terrible). independent, most inde f cleverer /
more clever, cl iaarr owed /more narrow,
I, 2 D /E 7 H ]4arrOw
8,9, 10 gA/F/H
better, best; worse, worst
h more easily, most easily; carefiill y
11,12 BAG
15,14 FVH
5 Key
6 l5 F A
very' different: far, a lot, m almost the same: a bit, a
OveF tO '/OU
If relevant to your class, pait smokers with non- smokers to increase the level of
discussion. 6 Key
F,iicoiirage students to give reasons for their opinions. a the unluckiest
b iiaore dangerous
c hoker
d the worst, more neatly e younger
/youngest, clev f the shortest, the most
Speaking 31 Writing 2
Lead in Article
In the first r rt of the Speaking exam, the students 1 Possible answers
are asked personal questions such as these about themselves, their families 1 arid
on the train /bus, in the relaxing, in
their interests. In this case, they can do twc activity in pairs.
doctors or
2 It may depend on whet in the subject,
Long turn whedier accessible, or how well on
the page.
This task represents Part 2 of the exam. Students can work in pairs. Before they
begin, ask them to 3 Informal the article is
read the information in the tip box at the bottom of people, it is about a ligh
the page. Check understanding by asking these questions: How many photos is the title Im Just crazy n expression.
euch student asked to toff ihout in the exdin? (two) What shauld you da when
youre totting about thetn? (su] what is similar and what is different) What2 Key
shouldnt you a by talking about it front
do? (describe each picture separately) c informal, personal, serio
Draw ahention to the kind of comparing and d paragraph 3
contrasting expressions they should be rising. Ask e a lot of extreme adjectiv
for more suggestions of suitable language: terrifying
this photo shown . . . 6ut his //o2o . . .
In both photos you edu see . . . Creating interest
these Qeoi0le look much . . . . than 3 Key
Whilst students are doing the task, monitor t]ieir It should attract your atten
discussions and give feedback to the class about It should make you want t
their performance. (Did they talk about both photos? Did they compare It should give you an idea about.
the two photos effectively? Did they use the language of comparison
effectively?) 4 Possible answers
The title No, Im not comp
3 Possible IHSWCf likely to make somebody
Photos 1 arid 2 show groups Of people at because it creates an elem
different tyJaes of gathering: one group are sports no idea what the article is
fans and the others are motorbike riders. \\file suggests that it is somethin
the activities are quite different, members of ldaay be curious to find ou
each group have a find of uniform that they use SPdiving [or beginners
to express their identity. Peop]e like these often bland, although it might
behave and dress the same way so that they can wants to learn about sky-d
feel part of the same group and easily identify So youd like to try s@divi
each other. fairly bland, although it is directed at due reader, wh
4 Possible answer
Photos 3 and 4 show people doing activities on A complete history o s@-d
their own. Photo 3 shows a young woman walking in a wilderness area, while
suggests something that is possibly dull.
photo 4 shows an older woman laainting a picture. Both are quiet activities, but
the first is more 5 Possible answers
energetic. People who like to concentrate on an Have you even wondered w
actix'ity without needing to cooperate with others rift out o(pn aeroplane? T
will prefer doing activities on their own.
immediately engages the dramatic question.

The other sentences in comparison are not so interesting.

Thin k, plan, write

6 After students have read the task, ask their these questions to check daey
understand what they have to do. Where will Ihe Article be ublished? (in an
English-language niagaz ine) Who will reod it? (students of a similar age) What is the
title o[the article? (Ive always wanted to . . . ) What is Ihe subject? (an activity
youd like to try) how long should the article be? 120100 words)

8 Before students make their notes, encourage them to refer to the Writing guide on
page 166.

Overview p34
1 Key
7 after
8 with

4 does 10 to
5 Not I I when / if / whenever
6 because 12 later / after

] Key
a 2

3 Key
a determined d stubborn e rude
b sleepy f assertive
c fed tip

An extra activity to accompany this unit and a unit test can be downloaded from
the Internet at
lntroducton g35 Reading p36
1 Possible answers Gapped text
a Photo l: This person is a gymnast. To do this, you must have physical strength
3 You may like to check that the meaning
and a high of these words:
level of coordination. paid by an organisation to he
Photo 2: This person is fishing. Fishing requires a good knowledge ofeducation),
the acclaimed (prais
intensive (involving a lot of
environment. You also need to have a lot of time), on adrenaline /uitlie (
patience to do this well. to exciting activities), gritty ( they really are),
Photo 3: This person is a model. To do this, cemented (fi
you normally have to be tall, thin, good- (attractive, confident and ele
looting and confident, which are qualities
are born with. However, you also need to " As they do the task, encourag
learn how to walk on the catwalk. underline parts of the paragr
Photo 4: This person is a surgeon. To do this, decide on the correct answer
you need concenI:ra tion arid intelligence, but Qty
you also needs years of education and training
so that you can do your job competeridy and SB
with confidence. 3 A
Photo S: These people are actors. To do this
well, you require some natural talent, but it is possible to improve your skills at D is not needed.
school. Good looks and a clear voice can help Ph rasa I verbs with turn
in this job.
4 Key
In business, ambition can help you do weJL Business people often need to be
persuasive. To be successful, it helps to have some money in the first placeaso3 d2
that you can invest. b 7 e I
In the film and music industries, it is increasingly important to be good- c 5
looking. Getting started in these industries is difficult, but having good
connections can help.

Grammar and practice 7 Key38
b, c, f, h
Can, be able to 8 Ask students to read the text begin the task.
1 Key Check they
a Orlando Bloom is ufile to ride a horse meaning of these words and
bareback while shooting an arrow. (clever /ski11ed with your ha
b He couldn't swordfight before the filming of can write (do things too quic
The Lord o[the Rings. to learn the basics of someth
of time training).
2 Key Check students understand
a There is no infinitive form of cm. by asking: Does the writer co
b There is no past particirle form of can. nnturnlfy fnlented people ca
Consequently, there is no present perfect or /ugglers? (No. The writer th
past perfect form of cm. train themselves.) What qua
thinh nre essential? (patienc
3 Key determination to practise) H
a He can run 100 metres in just over twelve writer Ihinb it tab:es to becom
seconds. juggles? (not very long thr
b When I was younger, I could climb a followed by a further hour a
mountain without getting orit of breath. Key
c They had eaten such a big breakfast that they couldnt finish their lunch.
d He could probably touch his toes if he lost weight. I to learn how to
e Even if Id been stronger, I couldnt have lifted those heavy weights. 2 is able to throw /can thro
3 to be good at
4 Key 4 cant /wont be able to
S manage to catch

Could cannot be used to talk about as ability to

10 Check students understan
do something on a particular occasion. Could is
used to talk about more general abilities. these words and rhrases:
Encourage students to refer to the Crammar live permanently in anoth
bar hanging from two pie circus), handcuffs (metal
reference on page 178.
chain used for holding r
Other ability structures
together), strait /acket (a ja
5 Encourage students to refer to the Grammar which are tied to prevent
reference on page 178. becoming violent), suspen
something else), regurgita
Key food back up), dislocate (p
normal position in a joint
Its talking about a general ability in the past, not about a particular occasion.
burst apart).
6 Key
b didnt succeed in finding Key I when 7 co
c wasnt able to finish 2 as 8 ab
d succeeded in passing 3 on 9 is
e managed to break in 4 could /would 10 be
f was(nt) able to swim S of 11 di
g managed /has managed to get 6 over 12 m
la wasnt able to fall
i succeeded in opening
j Have (you) managed to lose
Vocabulary p40 Audioscript
Lead in Yes, he is one o
They make milli
1 Possible answers filins so hes ob
jumping from high buildings, taking part in car more to do wi
chases, riding motorbikes, parachuting from across than an
plays the part guy, and I sup
aeroplanes, fighting, jumping on and off horses
2 Key people, particu
men, for that
They least like to fall uncler a iaioving train. quite nice to lo
muscles whic
Film vocabulary course. But you
a brilliant actor
3 Possible answers it must be that
a actors /actresses, directors, producers, 2
scriptwriters, lighting engineers, costume I dont see wha
designers, casting directors, etc. just sa youre mean you are
b thriller, horror filiai, love story, war film,
laistorical clrania, documentary, etc. That
Manwon't mak
realIy have any
4 Key Well, dont you name, the
a subtitles f ending mai
b acting g Animated Steve Andrew? him with
c plot h cast this,
d soundtrack i script Woman Well, cant you Im tall
e special effects j stars and blo they were look
need loads of is it7

I wouldnt say was a lot

Exam techniques 41 bette for sure. That have
cut it by
Listening Part 1

Dos and Donts

The exercise that follows introduces the type of in this filin, the
multiple-choice exercise which aprears in the meet the girl
exam. This section presents some useful strategies mix up was w
with his fathe
for dealing with it. Ask students to read the Dos and Donts. Check they understand by pleasant way t
asking these 4
questions: What shauld you do (vsI? (tend and
listen to the first question and the options carefully) No,Man
I know you
What should you do the brst time you listen? (man back ... thats n
the olations you think are possible) What should want to know
another day
yoti do Ihe second time? (check your ideas and that, but surely
make your final choice) Want should you do or the and give me so
next questions? (follow the same procedure) What doesnt matter
is it important Io concentrate on? (the extract you actually. The se
are about to hear, not tlae last one) ront, are they
fine. Well, than
lKey pick them up
l C 5
2A 8 A I don't think m
halis a bad id it. I just think i

rather like Johns idea of dividing it up into four or five smaller cinemas and I think we
should seriously consider lowering the original ceiling. Wed save a lot on heating costs
VocabuMary 42
and it should improve
the sound quality as well. Obviously we'd Lead in
Background information
have to replace all the old seats too. The photos show (lefi) Spanis
6 Fernando Alonso and (right) Cianlrica
Man 0h, for goooness sake! I don't believe it! You
can't do anything right, can you? I distinctly said not
the back row. You know your mother cant see aNoun thing suffixes
unless shes Drastically sitting on top of the screen.
3 Possible answers
Well, youll just have to phone up the box-office and get
it sorted out, motor racing: aggressive,
determined, fit
won't you? Cos Im not. And I'm not football: accurate, aggressiv
paying for those seats either. determined, fit
Man chose
Who 1 Branson for the part anyway?
4 Key
ManIm2 afraid. The agency didn't have accuracy dete
anyone else even remotely suitable. I knew aggression fairn
he wonIdnt DC brilliant but I didnt think ambition fitne
hed be this bad I have to admit. arrogance hon
Man 1its too late to do anythi ng about it
Well, athleticism intel
now. Were already behind schedule. We'll bravery relia
just have to do without that scene. Let the scriptwriter know, will you? In case he needs to
make any changes. 5 Key
adult (notin) friend disa i *i
It was an all-girls' secondary school
Woman act (verb) occu
and it was very much geared towards preparing pupils for university. So when Mary said she(verb)
wanted to go to drama school to study acting instead of taking up her university place, the
headmistress wasnt at all pleased. We were all quite envious of her. It sounded much6 more
Possible answers
glamorous than anything we were going to do. And o course the headmistress was proved -hood: childhood, neighbo
wrong when Mary went on to be a huge success. -ship: leadership, members
-on instructor, director
-er: player, driver
-ment: ein rloyir ent, amus
Over to you -tion: invitation, introducti
-ence: reference, existence
Possible answer
Good actors may be born with certain qualities, but they can inilarove tlaeir7 skills
Participation d
at drama school. Part of their ability may be inherited since lots of famousa actors
and achesses have famous parents too. b Childhood e
c sponsorship I
Famous people, like actors, musicians, and politicians may follow their parents
and have more opportunities in that field. This can also be true of other
professions stich as doctors and lawyers.

Exam tech niq UCS

Use of English Part 3

Dos and Don'ts

The exercise that follows intr
word formation exercise whic
exam. This section presents
for dealing with it. Ask students to read the Dos rind Audioscript
Donls. Check they understand by asking these Presents r
This afternoon
questions: Wind should you do [irst? (read the text leading America
quickly and get an idea of the topic) Whnt should Ambrose Taylor,
you do the second time you Tead the text? (I Io ltte nex
decide what kind of word is missing) What should nave you join u
you do to the word in capitols? (change it into the Dr Tayor Im very Pleased
kind of word you need) Want to you do when you Presenter Now your book month.
have flnished changing the woYds? (teaG through the
text ) Want should you do i youre not sure ahonI an Dr Tayor I believe so, yes
answer( (make a 6uess) Presenter
And it has aro and
criticism United States.
1 Key
Thats very true
B Dr Taylor
2 Background information Presenter
Now, for the be
we should poin
The photo shows Maria Sharapova, one of the about what to
top tennis players in the world. be the next Tige
Key DrNo, it's more
I earnings 6 hardly Presenter
And by hyper-
2 successful 7 unable DrI mean
Taylor treating
3 income 8 famous were in a comp
4 sponsorship 9 failure activity to activ
S millionaires 10 psychological
future resume
impressive as
Now, it seems child is anythi and that paren the case

Over to you
that if

Possible answers your childs dev

Some people argue that women should receive the a good parent.
same prize money as male tennis players because to be seen as a
they work as hard and the tickets to games are the Dr Taylor That is true. An
same price. However, opponents argue that men play for longer (five sets) and at I agree happened is th believe that if
a higher level. they can some
child ren for suc
Listening p44 before the child
mothers are to
shouldn't eat,
Sentence completion born theyre to Mozart this co so they play it
from there.
2 Ask students to read the gapped sentences before they listen to the interview. Play the
recording and
students complete the gaps. play the recording a Presenter So are you sayi
second time if necessary. wrong?
Key DrIm saying that
to create a ver
I the United States a sort o' com
2 dangers
Now you are a written
3 (very) difficult / anything but easy
about Wou Id you sj
4 eat
5 the poorest families Most definitely
6 time and money DrEurope
Taylor too.

7 free time

And would you say that this afects all Dr Taylor And don't expect Tiger
sectiOFlS Of sOciet?y'? Woods eith reach that
DrI'd say it's pretty much the norm for all but the
Taylor level.
poorest families. No. Well thank y
But this is just keeping up with the Joneses, isnt programme toda
it? This is nothing new. interesting. Now
isnt new, no. What is new though is the fact that,
whereas before there were some parents whoConfusing
would verbs: rise, oris
push their children,
this wasnt the norm. Now it is the norm.
3 Key
Parenting has become a very competitive a problem arises
thing. Parents are sending their children to a situation arises
9ym classes or judo when they're tiv, raise someones hopes
French lessons when theyre si . It has raise money
become a crazy sort of competition. unemployment rises
I imagine that parents who do this think raise the alartm
that they're doing the right thing by the sun rises
giving their children the opportunity to
develop any talents they might have, 4 Before students do this exer
arent they? know the past and past rart
Dr Taylor Of course. They believe that if they dont push their children they are letting them verbs.
raise raised raised (tran
rise rose risen (in transit
Presents r So are you condemning this outright?
arise arose arisen (intra
Dr Taylor No, I am not conoemning it outright.
What I m saying is that there are dangers Key
in it. If a child is very good at something, a raising cI a
then of course a parent should support b arise e w
them and encourage them, but they need to be honest with themselves and ask themselves
c rose
whether the interest is really the child's and not their own. Also, a lot of problems can arise
where parents
invest an awful lot of their time and money in their children and their children cannot
live uo to their Speaking p45
Two-way task
expectations. It can be very destructive "' 2 This task represents Part 3
the relationship and for the childs self- esteem. Not every child is going to grow up to be the
that in this part students wi which there
next Tiger Woods or Venus
are a number
They should discuss these i
task. Before students begin information
So what is the answer?
in the tip box.
DrThe answer lies somewhere in tne middle.
Organise some structured activity for the Monitor students as they d
child, by all means if its something tfiat interrupting, and give feed
the child is genuinely interested in but end. (Did they listen to ea
dont *ill their day with structured they keep the conversation
activities. Give them soine tree time to *ill approlariate contributions?
for themselves. Children need to learn to job in terms of abilities an
manage their free time, other wise when Die they complete the tas
they get older and leave home they will two jobs they wotild find m
lack the most basic sel+-management skills. They
will simply not know what to do with their time.
Possible answers
That does seem like basic common sense, A reporter needs to be curi clearly
Presenter spoken.
A teacher needs to be intel approachable, as well as h exrlain difficult things.
A li[eguard needs to be brave and physically fit, I have been told that I am
as well as being able to swim well and give first I was responsible for . . .
aid. I look forward to hearing advise you
that I ant avail any time.
A nurse needs to be sympathetic, dedicated and capable of carrying out medical
4 Key
A frnvel agent neebs Io be courteous and persuasive, and have a good knowledge
of travel options. Dear Sir or Madam, studying English
A Dt needs to be charismatic and have a good knowledge of uptoPlate musicorganising activities. Last
and how to use the turntables. said []he would be ha again[].
Palermo, I am interested Your ]s
Discussion 5 Key
Part 4 of the Speaking paper asks a number of questions that are relatecl to the
topic of Part 3.
Students can continue to work in pairs for this task.
b last year, btit I had (buI
sentences and is norma comma when the seco subject)
Writing p46 c good. I can (These are must be
separated by a
Letter of application d an interview, I am avai come at the
start of a
1 When students have read the advert, check understanding by asking the following
a comma)
questions: What is the job or? (tour guides) What abilities do you need to have?
e Wednesday, when I att used before a
(speak English; be interested in
the history of your town; be good at organising; be nondefi
f my school, although (
reliable) Wind are Ihe lengths o[the contracts? dfthough, despite, and i
by a comma)
(one month, two months, three months) Do you
g twentytwoyearold (th
need experience /troining? (No, training is given.)
hyphens when it occur
Key h University, so this (clau
b Dear Sir /Madam, Yours faithfully are normally part of th i references?
c The style will be formal. (questions
d You should include details of knowledge of question mark)
local history, proof of organisational skills and j referee[]s (plural noun
reliability, also any qualifications, languages and relevant experience (althoughapostrophe
riot before the
a requirement).
Think, plan, write
2 Key
6 When students have read
b Yes, they have: she has studied English for five years; she is a reliable person; she
understanding by asking t thai is the
has been job [or? (to he
responsible for organising sports and games; other activities at Aiiierica
she is interested in the history of Palermo. children) How old must y
How long must you be ava
3 Key least nine weeks) When do
1 S) What nhifities do you enthusiastic and
I would like to apply for . . . as advertised in responsi
I leave just finished I am looking for
I would be available to w'ork for
With regard to your requirements, I believe I meet all of them.

0vervieW 48
1 Key
1 Nearly 6 passionate
2 successful 7 essential
3 composer 8 refusal
4 extraordinary 9 reinvented
S influerifial 10 resemblance

2 Key
a Could
b didnt manage
c succeeded
d havent managed
e Can
f couldn't /wererit able to
g could
h succeeded

3 Key
a out b back e into
c down P
g over

An extra activity to accompany this unit and a unit test can be downloaded from
the Internet at
IntrodUction 49 than the regulatio
something else to
It's a constant ba
2 When students have read the extract, ask them refused to pay mo
the following questions: Which two words or But Adriano's des
phrases mean tricled? (taken in, conned) What new Nikes, and th
to einmples o tricliery are given? (salespeople C50. He says he w
getting people to buy things; politicians getting they're more com
people to vote for them) makes, and appar better designed t the moment. The
school have all g
Listening p5o make fun of him
just so persistent.
Lead in Speaker 3 Ive always base
I Before students do the tasks, ask them to identify whats happenin
what the people in the photos are probably doing streets. Recently,
inspiration has who go down to with a ttnner
or what they are about to do. (Left to right: going to work, going to school in hours choosing
/college, playing sport, going out for a social occasion)
materials, colours
Multiple matching borrow their cre
something softer,
2 Before students do the task, ask them to look back thing that would
at the list of Dos and Donts on page I S for ways of posh dinner party
approaching a Part 3 Listening task. The thing is, my only a few lucky
Key Anyway, look, you
Speaker 1 D Speaker 4 A new collection. It
Speake Z F SpeaLe 5 B If I 'were prettier
Speaker 3 C a more successf
have to admit it,
Audioscript Catherine Zeta Jo
Spea her 1 It's not what youd call trendy, but at its A pretty girl o
least you don't have to worry about know what prejud
what to put on in the mornings. Some beautiful women!
of the rules are incredible, though. You just wouldnt believe them. Listen to thiswith
one:that kind of most of the tim I'm afraid
'Pupils must wear ties at all most
times' 0r this: Boys must not wear pretty messy. I d
baseball caps in class! There was a row sleeveless any mo
here recently when they sent my mate too fat for that n
home and told him to get his hair cut. And Spealer5 Basically, its a
I think the rule about not letting boys apart from the m
wear earrings is very unfair. Some of the glamour, the fam
girls wear skirts which are much shorter of all that, Im pa

clothes most womtn would kill for. From that point of view. its brilliant, but of course
there is a downside. In my
situation, if youve got a busy schedule, it Lead in
can be absolutely exhausting, especially
I'm not eating much because I have to " 1 Possible answer
lose a couple of kilos for the next job. And Shoes like these are often
whatever you do, you mustnt let the press
attention go to your head. I know that if I want to stay sane, I have to take a break from time
Multiple-choice cloze
to time. I need to get right
3 Before students begin the
away from the business, even if its just ask them to read the text qu
following questions: Whai inventor o Converse shoes?
for a day or two.
sport were these shoes used [ happened in the 1980s and
Over to you shoes became less popular)

Possible answers
People may change their hairstyle or use make-up. now? (Nike)
They may also change their facial expressions or
way of speaking. Key

Confusing adverbs 2 A
3 B 7 /\
4 C 8C
1 a free 4 a widely
b freely b wide
2 a hard S a near
b hardly b nearly Grammar and pra
3 a lately 6 a rough
b late b roughly Modal verbs of obligation
Optional activity 1 Key
a dont have to 1 Write pairs of definitions on the I
b must to identify the adverbs.
c must not d must 1 a in recent times
e dont need to /neednt f have to with
g mustnt
h need to

2 Key
a sentence h d
b sentences d and g e c sentences b and c

3 Key
a didnt have to; wont hav
b had to; will have to
c werent allowed to; won
d had to; will have to
e didnt need to; wont ne
f had to; will have to
g riot possible to change ( the future; there is no pa
h needed to; will need to
4 Key Exam techniques
I must /neecJ to 7 must
2 rieednt 8 should Reading Part 1
3 mustnt 9 must
4 need to 10 need to Dos and Don'tS
5 should 1 I need to /have to The exercise that follows int
6 should multiple-choice exercise wh
exam. This section presents for dealing
didnt need tol neednt hove with it. Ask stud Donts. Check they
6 Encourage students to refer to the Grammar underst
reference on page 179. questions: Which should you
the questions? (You should
Key first.) Do you need to read th
Both sentences talk about a lack of obligation, but in sentence b the speaker only question? (No. Just go answer is.)
realises there was a lack of obligation after the event. The speaker hurried in
sentence b. 1 Key
7 Key SD
a neednt wave driven 6 A
b didnt neeb to go
c didnt need to wash d neednt have taken e didnt need
to work f neednt have gone
Vocabulary p56
9 Encourage students to refer to the Crammar reference on page 179.
Parts of the body
1 Key
1 0 they a forehead h chest
l for 7 with b eye i knee
2 because /since 8 on c cheek ) stomac
3 or 9 it d jaw k shin
9 daere IO in e chin 1 toe
5 if/whether 11 other f neck in hand
6 what 12 all g palm n wrist

2 Key
a shoulder c palm
b toe d wrist

Seeing verbs
3 Key
a tools, staring d
b watching e
c Look f

Speaking s7 Audioscript
Yes. 0K. So irs
think it might
Lead in beside the rive
1 Background information kind of castle
scenery is ... m
I The Tricorn Cenhe is in Portsmouth, England. It was designed by Owen Luder one because city somewher
constructed by Taylor Woodrow in the early err front o thi
1960s. It was a shopping centre and car park and also had some apartmentsbeautiuI
built errm parents who li area is I think
within it. Originally the building received awards and was considered an scenery is bea
exciting example of
modern architecture. Public opinion soon the fresh air. B
turnecl against it however. If is now empty and waiting to be demolished. stress ... or pe
erm because I maybe this cen
2 The Trellick Tower in West London was designed by the Hungarian
architect Erno
Coldfinger. Work began on the building in 5 While students are doing t
1968 and was finishecl four years later. It iS 8 discussions arid give feedba
3I storey, 322 feet high block of fiats. In the performance. (Did they co
1980s it had a terrible reputation for crime photos effectively? Did the
and brought the whole idea of highrise living the instructions?)
into disrepute. The reputation of the tower has changed in recent years.
3 The Millennium Dome is in Creenwich,
London and was built to celebrate the millennium by housing a huge exhibition. VVritng
It p58
is the biggest dome in the world, being over 300 metres in diameter and over 50
metres high. It received a lot of criticism, mainly because of its high cost. It cost
over E7S0 million to
build. 1 Key
a The report will be read local council.
Long turn b The style should be qui c It is
essential to include
would ahract young peo
2 Key people can be made aw

b about a minute 2 Key

c First part: I'd like you to compare the a Yes, rerorts are often wr
photographs. b Yes, suggestions are give
Second part: Say how you think the c the headings (Introduct
appearance of a city can affect the people who Recommendations, Con
live there. d It is inappropriate to qu
commitment to actually
4 Key 'if it really wants to attra
a Yes. She describes one place as more beautiful and the peoples lives as more
stressful. She also gives details about the differences. 3 Key
b Yes, she did. a following ideas should local council
rock groups could be in it is not known to foreig accommodation could the town needs to be ad
b the towns image could
a The old-fashioned hotels should be replaced with youth hostels instead.
b Beher sports facilities should be provided or
[oreign visitors.
c Adverts could he gut in locnf pd9ers osing (or
host [amilies where [oreign students could stny. d More language schools could be
e An up-to-date website should be designed.

Think, plan, write

5 Key
a the director of the language school
b It is essential to include suggestions to improve the general aprearance of the
7 Before students begin to write, encourage them to refer to the Writing guide on page

Overview Neo
Key word transformations
1 Key
1 gave him a job
2 was taken over by
3 is responsible for deciding
4 look like my
5 neednt have
6 brought in school uniforms
7 had his rlane landed than
8 are allowed to leave school

2 Key
a dont have to go b mustnt take
c neednt have hurried
d iriitnt
e didnt need to

3 Key
a puts me off b put on d put across e put off
c putting forward

An extra activity to accompany this unit, a i:nit test and Progress test 1 (Units 14) can
be downloaded from the Internet at

lntroducton p61 Key
1 F 3 A S
1 Possible answers
Extra sentence: E
a In photo I, we can see people in Asia dressed in fashions that originate in the
West. In photo 2, we can see people in the West using a form
Phrasal verbs: travel
of hansport most associated with Asia. While z[ Qty
the photos show different things, they both 3 e
show one culture adopting habits from d 6
another. Photos 3 and 4 show a similar process
in relation to food: Asian people eating Western fast food and Western
people eating
food from Japan.
Grammar and prac
Past time
Reading p62 1 Key
c pre
a past perfect b past simple
Think a head ct pas
2 Key
2 Check students understand the meaning of the text by asking these questions:
Why didnt the
a past perfect
writer travel to New Work at [irst? (She broke up with her boyfriend and didnt c pas
want to travel alone.) How did Ihe writer eel about travelling? (excited and present pefiect d pas
nervous) What made her leave her hotel room? (seeing the C hristnias tree being
3 Encourage students to refer t reference on
put op ) How does the writer plan to travel in [uture? (mostly alone)
page 180.
Gapped text Key
l a past simple
b past perfect
In sentence a, the play sta
3 You might like to check that students understand arrived. In sentence b, the
the meaning of these words and phrases: jolt (a they arrived at the theatre.
sudden stong feeling), sob (the act of crying with sudden, sharp breaths),2wobbl y
a present perfect simple
(not firm or b present perfect continu
confident), ushered (shown where to go), hoisted In sentence a, the presents
(pulled r into position using ropes), eased
u unspecified time in the pa
(moved in slowly and carefully), lurched (made a speaker has just returned
sudden, unsteady movement), c/tic (very and might even be carryin
fashionable and elegant), unhindered (w'ithout a person or thing making 3things
a past continuous b past simple
As the students do the task, encourage them to In sentence a, the speaker
underline the text that helps them decide on the crossing the road. In sent
correct answers.
had finished crossing the road before he /she saw Adam. b Opening his mouth to wanted, Michael
4 a past simple sudd man was.
b past continuous Not having seen his br
In sentence a, she finished filling it out. In emigrated to Canada o
sentence b, its not clear if she has finished Michael hadnt recogn
filling it out or not. d Having grown a beard,
5 a past simple quite different.
b present perfect e Being so pleased to see
In sentence a, he doesnt work for a travel Michael threw his arm
agency anymore. In sentence b, lie still works as a travel agent. hugged him tightly.

4 Ask students to read the text, ignoring the gaps. Check they understand by asking Key word transformatio
these questions: What news had the man /ust heard? (His wife was having a baby.)
Where did he live? (Newcasde) Where was the Irain he caught going to? 9 Ask students to read the r check they
understand w asking these questions:
W to Ihe word giveri7 (chang
(Edinburgh) Why was the man upset? (It didnt Whats the minimum num
stop at Newcasde.) How did he get ount Newcastle? (The driver slowed down use? (two) Whats the ma Mott can use?
and the ticket collector lowered him on to the platform.) What did the guard nt(we)
back o[the trnin do? (He pulled the man back on to the train because
has been unemploye when he had
he thought he was trying to catch it.) not seen Sandra since
Key leave until she had lo
1 had just had 7 had made is /has been ages sinc
2 was working 8 refused 6 feeling excited on arr
3 lived 9 held 7 surprisingly easy to
4 heard 10 dropped 8 couldnt wait to get
5 was sitting I I looked 9 took Ceorgina a long
6 was going 12 missed 10 from feeling tired

Participle clauses
5 Key Exam technique
a Walking up and down the streets in Soho b Having been repeatedly warned
Use of English Part 2
about the
ferocity of the customs staff
Dos and Don'ts
6 Key The exercise that follows
1 b 2 a open cloze which appears i
section presents some usefu
7 Encotirage the students to refer to the Grammar with it. Ask students to read
reference on page 181. Check they understand by
Wh y should you read the te
Key general idea of the topic) W
a When/As she was walking down the streets in help you decide what find o
Soho words on either side of the you do?
b Because/Since she had been repeatedly warned about the ferocity of the customs
(leave any spaces e

8 Key
a But, not recognising the man immediately, he said nothing.


Exam techniques
Listening Part 4

Dos and Donts

The exercise that follows intr which may appear in Part 1 o
Point out that the task involv or three possible answers. Ask
1 Key Dos and Donts.
l were 7 in
2 of 8 any Key
3 arouncJ /inside 9 although 3B
4 load 10 bring 2 A 4C
S it la11 I l what
6 to Audioscript
12 no /few
Interviewer This afternoon
Reginalo, who
serving as a dip
Vocabulary 67 British governm
countries has himself to full-t
Lead in book, which ha autobiographic strong stomoch

I When students have read the text make sure they understand the meaning ofJonn Reginald Well, food
Obviously, as a official dinners negotiate your
etiquette (an acceptable way of behaving).
of rules of etiq adhered to. As

impolite, disrespectful, inadvisable, uneducated, indecent, inconsiderate

countrys cultur
Negative adjectives is acceptable in
can be quite
3 Key the main thing
immature, dishonest, impossible, jj adequate, in the job is tha
ilogical, tavailable, Lrational have to be pre
1 1 3 p set in front of
enthusiasm too
sometimes nec
4 Key stomach, hence
Interviewer Can you give u
inappropriate disobedient
John Reginald One that sp
uncomfortable impatient Ive written abo
incorrect immoral at my first offic
inexpensive irresponsible my first post, in
unimportant unsuccessful main dish was
illegal unsuitable unfortunately a
was presented regarded over
Interviewer 0h, dear! Did y
e irresponsible f inexpensive
a unsuitable John Reginald I didn't rea
b disobedient
g unsuccessful
c impatient hadn't eaten it,
d illegal
la inap}aropriate my hosts. As
Interviewer Hmm, I dont t
with that even

had happened as a result. So was that the worst thing youve ever oeen served? And I had tho guide book o
John Reginalo It was pretty disgusting yes, and abroad etiou
among the worst certain Iy. But there have there's a def
been many others, I do assure you, that especially with
I've recently the origins a consumption
can go into that category. Bat I had dried bat once when I was in the Pacific Islands that
countries so Did you know
wasn't very nice either a bit dry! needed some gravy and a bit leathery! It wasnt so much
the taste, which was bad enough, but the fact that it was almost impossible to swallow. I
seemed to be chewing on it for hours.
But I think top of the list is probably snake blood, which was served to me at a meal in
Thailand. It can be served as a cocktail or just on its own. It might not have been so bad as a FQ p69
cocktail, mixed with something else to disguise the taste.
Interv!ewer What makes something reDulsive to eats
Lead in
John Reginald If I can see what it actually is, it's
worse. If I am ooviously eating a Dart of an animal which is recognisable as such then1that Key
a Itare
makes it harder to eat. I what is on your plate is an eyeball then you can't pretend that you is unacceptable not rice.
eating something

Confusing words
2 Key
dishes (plates is the crock
else. For some people smell is tne most 'n )
important factot but 1 don't have a very 9nifi (noir is tised to talk
good sense of smell, which has oeen are specifically used toget
something of a blessing, and yes, taste is shoe make a pair; coup/e
imoortant as well. I'm thinking of the raw something)
turtle eggs I ate in Nicaragua. They WCflB raises (rises means to get
fisny, in an extremely unpleasant WB . move something up)
Interviewer So what advice would you give to
someone in a situation where something 3 Key
is put in front of them that they dont want to eat? a recipe b fast
John Reginald I'd say: one, don't not eat it. You to be polite. It could be one of their
national dishes. Two, take it easy; eat too d tap, still e savoury f
ast and you might find that you get some more and, three, pretend you're eating cook
something you like. g menu, list
Interviewer The book is doing very well, I believe. I understand it's come in at numoer twenty on the
bestsellers list. You must oe very pleased.
Joh n Reginald Im absolutely delighted.
Interviewer I have to say that I found it very amusing. From the title I thought it was going to be
some sort of medical textbook, so I was pleasantly surprised. Is there another book in the
John Reginald Yes, but the next one will be totally
different. My editor wanted me to do a follow up to this one again based on my experiences
things that went wrong and almost led to diplomatic incidents.


Listening p70
Think ahead
J Possible answers
Other reasons for going to include: to experience ano suntan; to see the landscap teach a language or anothe
participate in a sporting ev nstructio

Multiple matching
2 Key
Speaker 1 Australia
Speaker 2 Spain
Speaker 3 USA
Speaker 4 Norway Speaker S France
Speaker 1 Ive been in Aust
Extreme adjectives and Ive really en
different. My sist
4 Key should consider not sure. Obviou able to see more
5 Encourage students to refer to the Crammar time I've seen h
reference on page l81. get to see her th
so expensive to
Key imagine what it
hilarious funny live here on a pe
boiling hot lovely city but I'
delicious tasty settle down here
ar away from
amazed impressed /surprised
filthy dirty Speaker
Why 2did I come my
parents are learn
huge big /large
terrified scared /afraid /friglatened Soanish. T
delighted happy /pleased was that I fanci
different. You k
freezing cold yoJve lived all y
exhausted tired gets a bit samey
spotless clean about Spain or t
furious angry working here as
three children to
6 Key So, even when I
a boiling
d angry, hilarious dont have mucH
b esmall
delighted speak muh Spa
c spodess
f delicious everyone I meet
English. What ca
I was 3a bit tired sleep on
the pla picked me up at
to the office. W to sort out the a taxi straight to olace. Im on the got a pretty goo

The White House is just a few olocks away, apDarently. And its got all the usual stuf: air
conditioning, satellite TV. You wouldn't believe the bed though, its absolutely huge.
Spea king 71
Id been to Norway on holiday on several
Two-way task
2 This task is another exam Speaking
exam. Check st
occasions but, ironically, I met Thomas task by asking the followin
when I was in the States, having an
operation. He was working as a nurse in the pictures show? (ways o
the same hospital. We kept in touch after I country) What should you
what you can learn from should you do
came home, and then I came over to Norway again the following summer. We got engaged
almost immediately and a{ter that? ( experiences you would m
had a church wedding a few months If you feel the students ne
one or two of the photos example
second anniversary this October. Ive never regretted coming here and I don't think we'd ever
ask: Whit does t (people sightseeing)
consider moving. The lifestyle is better its much less stressful. Maybe the people are a bit cold
Wha n country born this experi the
at first, but once you get to know them theyre really nice.
countrys history, cult
Before students begin, ask
I did it5at school but the teaching methods information in the tir box.
were so old-fashioned that I never got very by asking the following qu
far with it. I remember I had a oen-friend do together? (try to reach a
when I was sixteen and went over to should you do this? (each
France for a month and couldn't even ask different onions arid say w
the way. Yet I could read poetry in French. How ridiculous is that! So this time round
I decided the only way to really get to Monitor students as they feedback to
the class whe
grips with it was to go to the country (Did they talk about what
and spend a few months there. I didn't each experience? Did the
bother with classes because I didn't want properly? Did they make about why
any formal teaching. I just really wanted to they might ch
surround myself with French and immerse option? Did they come to
myself in it. And it worked. Im much more fluent now than I was.
Possible answers
As a volunteer on an nrch
could learn about the pe
Speaker 1 F 4
Spender country
A in the past and h country was shaped.
Speaker 2 Speaker
E 5 D
Speaker 3 C From doing voluntiry wo
The extra statement is B. about the problems that face while meeti ng lots o
personal level.
Phrasal verbs with look
By working us an nu paid,
4 Key about family life in anoth
a 7 d 6 f 2 having lots of opportuniti
b S e I language.
c 4
From terming a longuog about the culture and be as
well as discovering the
On a back packing holida
the geography of a countr
the natural environment.


Discussion 0vervieW p74
3 These discussion questions represent the type of questions that students are asked
to discuss in 1 Key
Part 4 of the Speaking exam. They relate to the I were 7 t
topic of Part 3.
2 where 8a
as 9
4 who /that 10
S the 11
Writing 72 6 with 12

Informal letter 2 Key

1 Key a
a The letter will be read by your penhierid. I hadnt rung 5
b The purpose is to describe a festival you know. c The tone should be friendly.' 8 6
3 rushed 7
2 Key 4 had left
a Yes. The letter describes a festival in Agnss home town. b
b Yes. Agris uses a familiar tone, contractions, and phrases such as Drop me a 1 have ever ridden
line. 2 sat
c Yes. Agns doesnt use formal phrases like Dear . . . and hours faithfully. 3 seemed

Creating interest I happened 4

2 was travelling S
3 Key 3 was driving 6
l d
2c 3 Key
a up e
4 Key
b over f
interest in the other person: b, d C Up g
making the leher more descriptive: a, c, e
d in, round h
An extra activity to accomra
5 Key test can be downloaded from
1 briskly
2 crowds of
3 cheering
4 scarlet and black
5 shiny
6 enormous

Think, plan, write

6 Encourage students to refer to the Writing guide on page 164.
a The letter should start with Hi or Hello and go on to ask how your friend is.
b Include information about where, when arid why the festival takes place.
Describe some features and tell your friend about parts you think they would
find interesting.

Introduction 7s Audioscript Woman The idea that wom
and that thinking i
1Key feeling, is an attitud
Items I and 2 test IQ. Items 3 and 4 test EQ_. now consider out o
psychologists argu intelligence is just determining a
pers give you some exa backs up this theor graduates
2 e
from Ha followed into midd
3 a represents the highest EQ
4 b represents the highest EQ

2 Possible answers
a Tests like these might be useful for employers highest intelligenc
trying to find the right staff. However, creative were not found to
and artistic abilities are riot tested. successful in ter or status - compar scored
lower. IQ it
b It has been shown that practising IQ tests can improve your score. Similarly for
EQ_ tests, it
can help to know what kind of answer is only about 204'o t
expected. determine life suc
other forces. So w Peter Salovey of Ya that emotional se
most important. H
Listening 76 experiment with a gave each of them they could eat it
they could resist
Think ahead
1 Encourage students to think of positive and experimenter cam
negative influences. For example, a caring upbringing may lead to confidence in
classroom, he wo sweeU. For what fifteen
later life. However, uninterested parents may cause low minutes, m
selfesteem and a tendency to fail. In their struggle to
their hands over th themselves, sang,
Sentence completion sleep. About a thi
2 Key unable to wait. Th
almost immediatel room. When the followed
a fouryearolds and insurance salesmen up as te had been aole to r adolescents, more
b It seemed to prove that EQ is as important as IQ when determining success. The
research showed that selfconhol as a young child led
to a higher IQR and greater social confidence reliant, dependable
in adolescents. The research also showed that had dramatically
naturally optimistic salesmen performed better However, those wh
at work and were less likely to leave their jobs. to resist temptatio more socially isola
experiment sugges control is an impo


Personal qualities
intellectual potential, quite aDart from IO itself. Another ability that can determine not just
academic but job success is optimism. In a study of insurance salesmen, psychologist Martin
Seligman showed the relation between optimism and high work performance. Selling insurance
4 Key
is a difficult joo, and three quarters of insurance salesmen leave in their first three years. Given the
high costs of recruiting and training, the confident confidence depenclable
dependabilit selfreliant selfreliance
indecisive indecision
emotional state of new employees has pessimistic pessimism /pe
become an economic issue for insurance
companies. Seligmans study ound that new 5 Key
salesmen who were natural optil iists S0ld a in4ecisive d
37a/o more in their first two years thai b co+fidence e
salesmen who were pessimists, and Were c sell-reliant
much less likely to leave in the first year.
Why was optimism so important in that
situation? Because people who are pessimists
exolain failures as due to some permanent characteristic in themselves or in others that they
cannot change. Optimists on the other hand exDlain failures as due to something temporary Grammar and pr
tnat can be changed. So they believe they can succeed next time round.
3 Remind students that they should read through the sentences before listening.
1 Encourage students to refe reference on
They should try to work out what kind of word is missing by looking at the words
before and after the gap. page 181.
a Thinking 1; feeling 2
b eating 3/2
c Selling I d training 4
Optional activit
2 Key
a Having d
b Remembering e
c Repeating /saying

3 Key
a at remembering lat mem
b of memorising /of remei
c in improving d abotit having e for rewinding
a successful
b more important 4 Possible answers
c emotional self-control
d two sweets
e a lone third be mad about, adore, love,
I teenagers /adolescents be interested in, like.
g higher scores dislike, have an aversion to
h optimism bear, hate, detest, loathe.
i recruit and train j Pessimists
Gerunds and infinitives
6 Key a Yes, both questions are
a to catch
f tob play
Yes. The following que
b gtotomeet
lend And do you think it wo
How about . . .?
c changing d to be h driving
e losing
i to understand
Do you like . . . ?
j to buy
So which activities wil
7 Encourage students to refer to the Grammar reference on page 182. How about you? What do you think ab
They wake interjectio They ask and
Key answer
6 a 9b and disagree with poin
7 a 10 a Audioscript
8 b
OK the first
8 Key man who do
And do you
a to get/to buy/to bring b to announce an article?
c to open /opening Yes,JayI think practice err when
d chatting /speaking /fidgeting I ... w every the str
e agreeing
f eating Sometime ...
g leaving sweat you
So it is good
Key word transformations relieving you
Sophie I think I wou
9 Key (Yeah]. I nev
1 cant stand people interrupting about it and
2 arriving in time And you con
3 no good at remembering / riot (very) good at your energy
remembering blood ano (Y
4 have (ve) arranged to meet John think that w
5 couldnt afford to go doing sports
Err ... How
Mm. How a
Speaking p79 Sophie Jay Sophie Have ... Yes, Yes, why7
Because in
had a hard
Lead in
1 Possible answer take a warm
Stress can result in problems in relationships, poor health, an increase in the use (Yeah) You you like list (lest
of substances such as alcohol and tobacco, altered eating habits, a decrease in the Yeah yeah f listen to mu
quality of work, and psychological difficulties. music, very
because erm
Two-way task music or the
2 Ask students to read the tip. Check they understand by asking the following dreamed ab prefer listen stress.
question: How can you encourage your Qnrtner to speak? (by asking them a


Yes. Discussion
If I listen to music most of the time I'm painting
besides. Because I ... for me music is not something
4 Possible answers
... a main activity. I can just do it besides and I like
painting a lot because you concentrate on something
but (0h yes) your
a People may be more str because of job
thoughts can throw away and you can insecurit changing world.
b Companies could make
JayI really want to paint, I really want
Yeah. allowing longer holidays
to paint but I cant because I never tried welcoming environment
painting. How about going on holidays Yeah, It's employees
very to talk about It might be a
good but you need time. bad thing
Yes, you need time and you need the job which demands a st
money. responsibility, especially
dangerous equipment is
Yes. So which activities will we
choose for our articles
I want to choose the exercise, and err painting and
the listen to music. How about (Yeah) you?
Yeah, I think these are the very common ones.
Exam techniques
Sophie going on holiday we could erm replace for
Dainting. (Yes] Cos it's very well known and painting is Part 2
something ... not not many people do to
Dos and Don'ts
do paint but everyoodys going on The exercise that follows intr
holidays I think. (Yes, like) It would gapped text which appears in
attract more people to read the article. What do you think about that7 section presents some useful with it.
Ask students to read Check they
understand by a
What is missing join n gappe
Monitor students as they do the task and give feedback to the class at the end.sentences)
(Did What pans o[the decide on
they listen to cach other properly? How did they show this? Did one person the correct option? other language
dominate or did they have an equal discussion? Did they ask each other connections)
questions to keep the conversation going? Did they complete both questions?)When they have finished ch options,
Possible answers ask students to justif underlining
reference words connections.
Exercise might help people to relax by getting rid of surplus energy.
Coing on fiofidny might help people to relax by offering a change in environment
1 Key
and oprortunities to do different things in the fresh lF 5 E
air. 2 H 4D
Yoga is said to decrease tension and wake people more calm in their everyday lives.
Extra sentence: A
Having n bath might help relax muscles and provide warmth and a pleasant smell.
It can also leave you feeling fresher.
Printing and other creative hobbies demand concentration which takes your mind
off work and other sources of stress.
Vocabulary p82
listening to music, especially calm music, can take you away from the unpleasant
noises and stresses of the world around you.
4 Key
a soundly b face

5 Key
a close d heavy
b serious e serious
c hard
6 key Writing 84
argue passionately drink heavily listen attentivel /
sleep soundly think hard
Short story
work hard
3 Key
7 Key

4 Key
A politely E
B noticeably F
D Furiously

Dramatic effect
5 Possible answers
Paragraph I: I shouted an shoulders casually
find . . . / wa Paragraph 2: . . . briskly w walked briskly across the straightening
my tie Paragraph 3: looked
Paragraph 4: Reluctantly
/Opening the envelope

6 Key
a He dashed across the b She whisrered the ans
c The traffic crawled thr
Multiple-choice cloze
d He crept upstairs.
8 Ask students to find words in the text that have these meanings: repairs e She yelled, Look out!
(mnintendnce), increase (fiuild ug), to a degree, partly (to some e:ment), fall asleep
f They strolled through
(drop oJ, move about quickly (twitch), ideas that havent been proved (theories).
Think, plan, write
Check students understand the text by asking the 8 Encourage students to ref
following questions: Wants the nveroge number on rage 172.
o[ hours we sleep during our li[etime? (twenty
years) How does sleep help our bodies to heal? (during sleep all energy is
channelled for one purpose healing) What I:eeps us awake? (caffeine) What
causes us to sleep?(alcohol and some me)iciies) What do scientists use Io
monitat what is happening when we sleep? (elechodes) At rvtnf point do we nomiall
y dream? (after ninety minutes of sleep) Whnf is REM? (Rapid Eye Movement)
B S D9
2 D C 6 10
C 7 11
4D A 8 12


Overview 86
1 Key
1 actually knowledge
7 sensible
2 telepathic
3 correctly inconsistent
9 extraordinary
4 hardly
3 limited
10 scientific

a to post e using
b clearing f to get
c dealing, to work g meeting
d to say h moving

3 Key
a soundly e heavy
b strong, strong f canoe up with
c severe g shong
d make

An extra activity to accompany this unit and a unit test can be downloaded from
the Internet at www.oup.cont/elt/teacher/exams
Introduction Prefixes 4 key
a This discussion is based on the students own answers. Encourage theco-habiIing means living
students to make comparisons between themselves and the people shown together
the pictures 15. b prebooked means the res
ari earlier time; pre mean
c detozi)ing means gehing toxins, revitalising means
Reading 88 and energetic; de means means doing again

2 Ask students to find words in the text that mean:

say definitely ( guarantee), bring up (resr), 5 Key
changed from something else (converted), a 4
consider why something happens (nnolyse), hard b6
work (an expression) (elbow grease), logical way of
6 Key
thinking (common sense), a sport involving running across country with a map
(orienteering), calming (soothing). a postgraduate b ex-
president c antifreeze
d undergroiind e midnight
Multiple matching f semi-detached
3 Key

2 B
3,4 A, D
Grammar and pra
6, 7 B, F
8, 9, 10 E, F, G Passive verbs
1 Key
a Weekends are filled (pass
14 D passive) with the fun of t
1S A are satisfied (passive Pre
with delicious homecoo b Residential weekends are
Present simple passive)
c You will be instructed (pa passive) on how to produ
d Learn (active Present wheel, which you acn (a simple) take away at the
e All the activities an e Present simple passive) o Present simple passive) o

2 Key store. A luxury suite has b
The passive is formed with fic in the arm priate the tenth floor. In additio
tense (present, past, etc.) and the past participle given L1,000 'pocket mon
of the main verb. spent as you like.

3 key Hovel get something don

a We fil1 the weekends with the fun of the farm, and we satisfv your appetites8with
delicious home-cooke4 local food.
a The person whose birt photos.
b We hold residential weekends throughout the
b Ari unspecified person
took photos.
We will instruct you on how to produce local cheese.
c The person whose birt somebody to
You will be taught how to build a wheel,
which can be taken away at the end. take phot
e You can either pre-book any of the activities Of
9 Key
choose them on the day. In sentence a, the tooth w
persons agreement, but i stealing of
The focus of the sentence changes depending
the car was so of their control.
on whether it is active or passive, for example in sentence I the focus in the passive
is on the
actions, whereas in the active the focus is on Encourage students to ref
the people who perform the actions. reference on page 184.

4 Key IO Key
a Lhe experts b I got/had my hair cut i
b the unpaid volunteers different style.
c Weve had our apartme
5 Encourage students to refer to the Grammar reference on page 183. d Im going to have my week.
e Im having my jacket
Key f The council has had th
a the owners of the harm b the owners of the farm c the
inshuctor 11 Possible answers
d the participants e die participants a You can hav'e /get your
out, or filled.
b People go to the hairdr
We are not told who performs the action for one hair cut, permed, wash
of the following reasons: it is not known, its c People take their cars t
obvious, its not necessary to know, or the person them repaired or servic
has already been mentioned. d You could have /get yo
some plastic surgery do
6 Key
1 is guaranteed 6 is included Cloze
2 is located 7 is sewed
13 Key
3 are furnished 8 be booked
4 are equipped 9 will be made 1 not 7
S are reserved 2 than 8
3 soon 9
7 Key 4 if 10
5 Make II
You have won an allexpenses paid weekend for two in London. 6 over /around 12
You will be met at Heathrow airport by one of our chauffeurs and driven into
central London. You will be put up in a fivestar hotel close to Harrods, the
worlds most famous department
4 Possible answers
Vocabulary p92
on a ritcla football
Lead in on a course golf
on a court tennis, baske
1 Key volleyball
a Finalist let down by unreliable serve (tennis) on a circuit cycling, mo
b Slam-dunk wins game (basketball) on a (race) track horse- in a pool
c Three holes to win "flue US Open (golf) swimming, cli in a gym weight-
d Fans riot after heavyweight knocked out in first round (boxing) lifting in a ring boxing, wrestl in a
e Keeper gets red card three minutes after kick- off (football) rink iceskating
f Cold for British sprinter (athletics)
g Vital seconds lost in handlebar mix-up (cycling) 5 Key
h Disaster afier pit stop for wheel change (motor-racing) l a

Cet students to say which words in the headlines helped them to make their
a serve
b slam-dunk
c holes /The US Open
d heavyweight /knocked out /first round
e keeper /red card /kickoff
I Cold /sprinter
g handlebar
h pit stop /wheel change

Sports vocabulary
2 key
Someone who plays tennis is a tennis player. Someone who plays football is a
footballer. Someone who plays golf is a golfer.
Someone who goes motorracing is a racing
Someone who goes cycling is a cyclist. Someone who boxes is a boxer. Exam techniqUR
Someone who does athletics is an athlete.
Listening Part 2

Dos and Don'ts

The exercise that follows
Someone who plays basketball is a basketball completion task that appear
player. Explain that students will b
whole sentences. Ask stude Donts. Check they
3 Possible answers underst following questions: Wind lead the
football: football, football boots, net golf: golf clubs, golf balls, tee sentences? (decide information youll be listen
motorracing: racing car, crash helmet cycling: bike, helmet maximum number o[words
boxing: gloves, shorts
athletics: starting blocks, starting pistol basketball: basketball, basketball


Interviewer 0K, I realise tha
boring, but sure you could, like newspaper or passengers?
Students work in No - reading a
beyou can switch suppose its a ki
much effort. I concentrate on have to think
Key to keep me sane
I crossword puzzle Have you alway
2 craze Charlie
No, not at all. I'v
3 Maths interested in pu Sudoku came o see the point of I knew
4 train started
S effort
6 addicted
7 (really) difficult newspapers and
Internet you j from it. I assum do it because it for as
8 communicating
long as I my friends, wh obsessed with
9 her boy(riencl
10 competitions
Interviewer Hi Charlie. In case theres anyone it. And that wa
listening who doesnt know what Sudoku was addicted t
is, can you just to explain it very simply, And is it someth
CharlieIts a bit like a crossword puzzle but witn
Sure. Charlie Yes, o course. simplest
numbers not words. You have to fill the numbers one puzzle minutes or mor
to nine in a square grid. Each vertical and horizontal really difficult
line has to include the numbers one to nine once minutes.
each. To make it easier, some of the
numbers are filled in for you and you IE tCfV1CWC I But doesn't it w
have to work out what the rest are. anti-social hobb
up in your own Cynics might s
0K, enough, enough. Im already
conused. What I rea fly want to ask you is anti-social peo
this. What on earth do you see in never had to b
SudoLu* I mean, I know its a craze There
Charlieis a dange
thats been sweeping the country - probably the world in the last two or three years,
doesnt have to My boyfriend sometimes.
but all you have to do is fill in squares with numbers. And when youve finished, you do
another one. You mean you at the same tim
What makes it so enjoyabIe*
Charliefor a start I should tell you that you Charlie Yes, we have do
don't have to be good at Maths to enjoy little competiti of us can finis
Sudoku I was always useless at Maths
when I was at school. As far as why I weve done it w
enjoy it goes, thats a difficult question. You may understand it better if I tell you when and people as well. Sudoku
where I usually do it. The thing is on my way to and from work I spend party! Sounds terrible.
Interviewer Ive really enjoy
quite a lot of my time on trains - and discovering som
to me thats dead time - the perfect Sudoku. Im afra
time for Sudoku. The time just flies by. me to try it, but
why some peop Thanks.
Speaking p94
a cooking outside b taking a bath
c a quiet campsite full of
Lead in
1 Possible answer
Essential items could include a tent, a sleeping Thorkild that do you en
bag, a torch, a camping stove, cutlery, and a ground mat.
Megumi Camping? Erm I outside.
Two-way task If you go campi
2 Ask the following questions: How many paris does Thorkild in one olace or
Ihe task have? (to ) What are they? (talk about Fabienne I prefer move +r
how useful each item is; agree on which two things to take) How cm youThorkild Fabienne Thorkild
encourage your partner to speak? (by asking questions) How can you show you are To discover the
listening? (by agreeing and When you go most from
disagreeing appropriately; making interjections) Megumi Err ... Maybe ta
While students are doing the task, monitor their discussions and give feedback to really like it. Why?
the class about Thorkild
their performance. (Did they complete both Because it ... Ta
parts of the task effectively? Did they listen to re faxing. Yeah s
each other? Did they both speak?) camping its on think I
Possible a nswers need it. What is your id
A radio might be useful for keeping in touch with what is happening in the
Thorkild My perfect idea quiet
news and for playing music, provided that the reception was Fabienne and whe
good. smiling and no
A Site would be useful if there were children in sometime I thin
your party and also as a form of relaxation, but wait for the sho
they almost rig
using it would depend on the weather. dont like really
A comgufer could be useful if you need to
complete seme work or if you want to use entail. ThorLild What is the mo
However, you would need to be able to recharge in your country
the battery easily and it might be heavy to Megu mi goin9 to
transport. and err ... or go
A [ootball would be useful for keeping fit and popular in Japa
avoiding boredom. It does not require another Thorkild Which areas of
energy source. makers and tou
A coJeemeter would be useful for fresh coffee, Fabienne ] think this is th
the famous Alp of people are g is ... is really
provided that you had a camping stove on which to heat it.
A chess set would be useful for keeping your fa
landscape is be
mind active. It does not require another energy source and is easy to transport.
Thorkild Thank you. Tha
A flood would help avoid boredom. It is easy " 4 Possible answer
carry and does not require an energy source.
Meguini uses Mnybe a lot
probably because she lack
Discusson speculating about a subje
3 Remind students that Part 4 of the Speaking exam phrases like Perhaps o Po
involves discussing questions related to the theme she could use modal verb
tp j might in her sentences.


5 Ask students to read the tip box. Check they have understood by asking How can Ustening g97
you improve your
answers? ( give reasons and explanations for your La d in
opinions) 1 Possible answers
While students are doing the task, monitor their discussions and give feedback to
a Other kinds of music mi hop, folk, dance,
the class about their performance. (Did they express their pop, ea
b Situations might includ
opinions clearly? Did they give good reasons for gym, in shops, while tra
their opinions? Did they listen to each others c People might listen to m
ideas appropriately?)
dancing, or because the

Multiple choice
Exam techniques p95 2 Remind students to read an
questions before they listen
Use ofEnglsh Part 1
Dos and DontS lC A
The exercise that follows introduces the type of multiple-choice cloze task2 C 4 B
which appears in the Listening exam. Ask students to read the Dos and Audioscript
Donts. Check they understand by asking the
following question: Whnt cm hefQ you decide on the Definitely
Man jazz -
traditional or know what it is Its not just
correct choice? (be words on either side of the srace) the in the clubs and concerts. I quite well:
blues, soul,
Ask students to read the text and to decide on the meaning of the title Recharge
your batteries (take a rest so that you can continue working well).
Key But I have to say
It all sounds the sure sign
I D 9 A3B that I'
10 B 2
3 B 7A IIA
4 D 8D Woman
It was amazing.
right at the fron expensive seats. almost impossib
soon as they c
Vocabulary playing, everyo
just about hear
Phrasal verbs with come from time to tim
completely inau
1 Key mouths oDening
a came along e came forward seemed to come
b came apart c come across d caine roundI has come iip g cone round 3
li comes up with WOIT)6 N
It's everywhere on the
train on A girl came an
Which word? trying to read hear was
3 Key this
- sort of disco
couldn't concen
a possibility f stop k peak who listens wh
b method g fewer
0K, because he But in public pla nuisance a bl pollution if you
l height
c choice h ini nor na surplus
d pause i less n excess
e rest j top o spare
4 o them come t
got an email here from Mrs Johnson. full of pain, bot
She'd like to have Love Hurts played for Theyve had the
and a locker. W body and their
her son Michael. Mum sends you her love, Michael, wherever you are. Shes asked me to tell you
that she loves you very much and says please, please, Dlease contact her oefore your birthday
she doesnt want to lose touch with you. Just a phone call would do. You dont have to tell her
you are if you dont want to. So, for Michael Writing p98
Johnson, here's love Hurts from your Mum.
Formal letter
J Key
Mana CD player fitted in the boot a
I had a The main purpose is to
few months ago. It takes six CDs at a time. So you get your favourite CDs, put it on explanation or a full re membership
random, and off you go. The good thing b The letter should inclu
about random is you don't know which CD examples of how the le
or which track youre going to hear next. disappointed the memb
You get to listen to different kinds of c The style should be for
music without having to stop or take your hands off the wheel. Ano you can have the
volume turned up as high as you
2 Key
like. Its brilliant on long journeys. All of the information has
6 style is too informal, speci
Woman It's very strange, you just have topretty
hear impressive, didnt ha
a certain sound or catch a whiff of a particular smell and everything comes floodingThe style is also very aggr final
back. I mean, I can remember exactly where I was when I heard Madonnas first hit. Itparagraph.
a winter evening. I was in my mothers kitchen and making myself a cheese sandwich. I only
3 Possible answer
Dear Sir,
I am writing to complain which I
visited yesterday.
have to hear that first guitar chord and two weeks ago after seeing
I'm back in my mums kitchen. Another example is the smell of sun tan lotion. It always takes
was very impressive.
me straight back to a holiday
in Spain when I was our years old. First, I went for a workou that two of
your machine
thought a member of staf
but it tooL me ten minute
something I've always oeen terrifieo of, Despite being [riendl y, 6e
but it was aDsol utely killing mc. In the end it got so bad, I just had to have it seen to. Actually, it
only needed filling, which wasnt as bad as having to have it taken
about the machines. Next, I went
swimming. wns riot heated, even tho
out. Anyway i was sitting there in the evening.
chair, feeling very nervous, waiting for Final]y, I went to the caf
the dril 1, when this wonderful Indian However, when 1 got ther
music sta ated playing. It was incredible although it was only 10.4
my anxiety completely disappeared and 1 I am very disappointed. I
fP$HXD by whO$ dOd). explanation or I will canc
request u refund.
We now use music to help them Yours uitfiJlfy
recover - especially if theyre here for a long stay. Experimenting with different kinds of music,
we've found that certain sounds have the power to change moods and emotional states or the
better. Many


Contrasting language Overview
4 Key
Paragraph 2: but, despite Paragraph 3: even though Paragraph
4: However, although 1 unless I am doing
2 will be given instructio
5 Key 3 are having our car servi
4 all over the
However 5 not worth worrying abo
6 were out of order
6 Key 7 took five minutes to
a Although /Even though b However 8 came across
c even though
d but 2 Key
e even though /aIthough f Despite a exwife d
b post-dated e
7 Possible answers c semicircle f
a Even though I take regular exercise, I mm still
ovenveight. An extra activity to accorripa
b I enjoy watching sport on TV, but I don't lix:e test can be downloaded from
filing exercise.
c Despite the fact that she couldnt drive, Sue
bought a car with her irst salary.
d Ive never been to Australia. However, I'd love

e Although I learnt to swim when I was quite young, I gel scared when I go in the

Think, plan, write

8 After students have read the task, ask the following questions: Want type o[elass have
you enrolled on? (swimming) What are you unhappy about? (be class began ten
minutes late on two occasions; the instructors should be experienced but they were
unable to answer some questions; the life-saving option that was offered wasnt
available last week; there were not supposed to be others in the pool but there were
children there last week)

10 Before they begin to write, encourage students to refer to the Writing guide on page
Introduction 1o Listening 02
1 Possible answer Lead i n
Picliire I: TV news is one of the most popular 1 Possible answers
and effective ways of communicating You can exchange ideas wit
information, although 24hour news channels
interests in a cent room. You can
are very repetitive.
download program MPJ files.
Picture 2: newspapers are a popular way of You can rlay online games.
communicating information, but they are often
politically biased. Also, the Internet is taking You can use a search engine
over. interest you, or you can suJ
Picture 3: despite more modern technology, radio is still a popular following the links.
communication medium, especially digital radio or radio broadcasts on the
Internet. Multiple matching
Picture 4: mobile phones are popular
2 Make sure students read an
options before they listen to
communication devices for personal messages,
but they increasingly offer access to the Internet }(ey
and M. Speaker I B
Picture $: computers offer access to all kinds of Speaker 2 E Sp
media email, Internet, radio, TV, etc. Wifi Speaker 3 A
connections and Internet telephone services Extra letter: C
make computers one of the most effective forms
of communication. Audioscript
2 Background information Speaker1
My friends all sai
use, but it took m
Malcolm X was a prominent black nationalist of the Internet. I
leader in the USA. He was assassinated in 1965. use it the q icier
Jello Biafra is a ptink musician and political very environmen
activist from San Francisco. it mainly for up
reference, so inst
WH Auden was a prominent Anglo-American car and driving d
poet. He died in 1973. try my favourite 99 /o of cases I fi less time than it
what Im looking stopoed getting
Chat rooms Im believe how easy how I keep in to and family. At th regular chats wit in Thailand. It's a phone and so mu

a few chats with people I dont know, but Grammar and pra
havent made any new friends though. I think its a bit scary the ioea that you
can get to know someone in a chat room. Reporting statements
You dont really know anything about
people I mean, everything they tell you lKey
could easily be lies. a It is really easy to use.
1 use it for various things you know, tfie
%DUgker3 b Weve never even heard
obvious ones getting information, news, C Ill go and visit her next
shopping. But the best thing so far is d Were losing sales becau
tracking down people l was at school arent buying as many C
with. There are quite a few sites now,
where you can get in touch with people. 2 key
It's amazing: I've already found three a The tense is generally m
people who were in the same tlass as me at primary school. Ive even met one of them
who still lives quite near here.
And I'm in email contact with someone I b The reporting verb is in Consequently,
the other
was at university with. She lives in the changed. This implies th
States now. I said Id go and visit her next year if I could. It's fantastic! in the present.
Music, defi nitely. It has to be in uslc. that's 3 "
about all 1 use it for really, apart from a He said (that) hed stopp
occasionally c0echl rig the sports results. newspaper.
It's fantastic if you're into modern mUsic b She said (that) she was
of any kind. I go on some of the mUSlC with her older brother w
sites and download all kinds of MP3 lifes. c She said (that) she had
Some of its a bit weird. If you've got who still lived quite near
your own CD burner you can make top quality CDs for next to nothing. The music
Encourage students to refe reference on
industrys trying to crack down on the illegal copying. They say theyre losing sales because
page 184.
people like me aren't buying as many CDs. I reckon they're fighting a losing battle. The thing
is, apart from
Reporting questions
4 Key
being free, its amazingly quick. The word order changes so
I have to admit I fell in love with the comes before the verb just
Internet the first time I used it. Id heard sentence (Have you got bec
tnis incredible CD on the radio and I had When did the y order becom
to have it. Most of the music shops in town said theyd never even heard of the band. ordered).
I It is often necessa to the third
phoned a specialist shoD in London and asked if they had it in stock, but they said it was
person form (b
available as an import. Thats when I trieo the Internet. I looked up the name of the band
and found a list of their recordings. I put the CD I wanted into
5 my basket, typed in my Key
We use i(in reported close replaced by

6 Key
address and credit card number, and thrCt a The girl asked him if/wh
days later it arrived by post. Magic! email.
b Val asked Rob if/whethe
c Nick asked we how long in jazz.
d Rachel asked Sharon wh
friends she load contacte e Julie asked Tim if/wheth contact people he was at
Encourage students to refe
reference on page 185.
Time references Encourage students to
reference on page 186.
7 Key
Sentence b can only be used if it is the same clay Key] 2
as Lhe original statement was made. a Im leaving tomorrow
b Leave me alone!
8 Encourage students to refer to the Crar mar reference on page l8 S.
c Why clid you do it?
Key d Could you leave you e Don't try and get
last week the week before f You shouted try and fo
next month the following month /t1ie next month g Why dont we talk it h Lets leave.
/Yoii coul
next week the following week / the next week three days ago three days before
/tIiree days leave?
earlier Key word transformation
today that day
1 3 Key
tomorrow the next day /the following day yesterday the day before /the
previous day I warned us l4Ot to swi
2 advised Pete against to buy
3 told Claire to take
Other references
9 Key 4 asked John if/whethe
The determiner this changes to the. S offered to pick Tracy
T]ae place reference here changes to Ihere. 6 said he woulcl see

10 Key
a Marsha asked Mr Hunt if the work had to be
finished that day. Sjea iicq os
b Mr Cilbert asked if/whether there had been
any phone calls for him the day before. Long turn
c The police officer informed Ian that the car
3 students to read the ta
had been stolen two weeks before. following questions to che
d Dorothy said (that) she had wriken to her the that does Student A have
week before and load phoned that morning. e Matthew said that he had
the first two adverts) Whi do user that?
arranged to meet
(say which
them after lunch the next day.
more attention) How long
(or? (about one minute) W
Reporting functions when Student A has Jnisfi opinion
11 Key about adverts on
I In sentence a, after fold Bob there is a complete clause She woe leaving the next Ask students to read the t it
day, which is a reported statement. In sentence b, aher told Bob there is an imgortont to listen to w saying? (You
infinitive struchire to leave her alone, which is a reported command. will have to comments about the san
2 In sentence c, after asked Bob there is a complete clause why he had done it, Monitor students as they feedback to
which is a reported question. In sentence b, after dsed Bob thete is an infinitive
the class. (Di both parts of the task?
structure to leave his keys, which is a reported request. Di properly? Did Student B clearly?)
5 The infinitive is used.
4 "Ehe gerund (g) or a complete clause (h) can be used after suggest.

Possible answer Vocabulary p106
Both advertisements I and 2 show ways of
getting peoples attention through advertising. Com pou nd nouns
However, the advertisement using the steaming coffee is much more unusual1 Key
than the decorated
taxi. Advertising on taxis is a familiar sight, two or more nouns: bookca
which may not get peoples attention very easily. time, mtisic shop
Consequently, the more tintisual type of verb + preposition: breakdo
advertisement is much more likely to attract attention. preposition + verb: inptit

two or more notins: news e

4 Re}aeat the procedure you followed for task 3. community service, particip
verb + preposition: break-in
Possible answers
Advertisements 3 and 4 both involve technology 3 "
to get their message across. One is a TV ad, computer prograiaiiner
whereas the other is an Internet popup. The TV news reacler
ad is more likely to reach a lot of people, but, of shop assistant
the other hand, the unusual pop-up may target television reporter
customers more effectively. The main purpose of iniversity Lecturer
advertising like this is to give information about
4 the products and influence consumers to identify Key
a brand. clisk drive keyboard sear web
mouse maat
0Ver to you
5 Key
Possible answers
Advertisement I is appealing to people who see a make-up d by
this in the street. It uses a tactic based on surprising people. It is likely to b outbreak e
appeal to people who appreciate its creativity. c take off
Advertisement 2 is like a moving sign. It puts the O tion a I activity
idea of the product into peoples minds. It is intended to reach anybody in a Give students the for lowi
city environment. identify the compoui
Advertisement 3 is a TV ad, and it is appealing t h4 D
to anyone who enjoys watch ing moving rather than static images.
Advertisement 4, the Internet pop-tip, seems aimed at people who are ciarious.
Since some people may close it immediately, it needs to grab
reoples attention so that they activate the pop-
ur video.

6 Key keypad mailbox

ringtone screensaver text message
WO g fOITId tloFl Writing p110
7 Before they do the task, ask students to read the text and predict the kind of word
diey need te form to fil1 each of the gaps. (I noun, 2 plural notin, 3 adverb,Discursive
4 essay
adjective, 5 adjective, 6 rlural
noun, 7 plural noun, 8 adverb, 9 adjective, 1 Key
10 adjective) a A discursive essay shou introduction
and finish
Key b by giving both sides of
c A formal and imperson
6 meetings
I retirement aldiotigh the conclusio
7 elections
2 rioters personal view.
0 properly
3 Certainly
9 dangerous
4 pleasant 2
l0 predictable
S personal a Paragraph I: introducti
Paragraph 2: the opinio
Reading unclerstood by the writ
Paragraph 3: the opinio
2 Before they read, check students understand the understood by the writ
meaning of the following phrases: distYdctions Paragraph 4: the writer
(something that takes your attention away front what youre doing), strollingconclusion
(walking in a slow relaxed way), dangling (hanging or swinging b The second paragraph relationship
between a
freely), shitchat (conversation about things that changes the more famo
are not important). third paragrarh describ
newspapers give for pri
about a famous person
lG 4 A 6D c The writers opinions a
2C 5B r agraph.
d Yes. The argument is
Extra sentence: F anal is structured appro

Optional activity
So and such
To help students
3 Key
Bodi are used for emphasis but so is used before an adjective or adverb and such is
used before a noun (or a noun with an adjective before it).

4 Key
such: a lot of people, hot weadaer, little insects, tall trees
so: few cars, little time, many people, much

5 Key
a so c so e Such
b such d so

Connecting ideas Overview 12
3 Key
1 although /whereas
2 On the one hand 1 competition 6 cri
3 however 2 fully 7 reg
4 In fact 3 convenience 8 vis
5 On the other hand 4 addition S attractive 9 ea
6 On balance 10
7 although 2 Key
4 Key
Jayne said she was going on Ben asked
a as well as (that), what is more, furthermore, apart from that, besides (this)(leer) if she was special.
b nevertheless, on the contrary, by contrast Jayne replied that she was,
c in conclusion, in short, on the whole, to that she would be staying in
conclude, to summarise, to stint up then going on to Sydney.
Ben asked (her) who she wa
5 Key Jayne replied that she was g friencls from work.
they the newspapers
these di ferent points o[view the views of newspapers and famous people3 Key
they the famous people a Ive alwa)s wanted to go t
r the famous peo}ile
b Would you like to come
they the newspapers c I certainly would.
this the writers opinion that stars deserve *O '* d Ill see if there are any pl
privacy e Im not sure if I can affor
8 Possible answers In favour of a ban f Ill lend you the money.
Its morally wrong to advertise something that can damage your health.4 Key S SO
Advertising often makes dangerous products seem glamorous to young people. b so
People are not always fully informeal abotit the bad effects of smoking/drinking.

An extra activity to accompany

Against a ban and Progress "lest 2 (Units 58)
from the Internet at www.oiip.c
A ban would be against freedom of slaeecla/ideas.
People should be allowcrl to make up their own
Enough warnings are already given on cigarette
Encourage students to refer to the Writing guide
on page 167.
lntroducton p113 monitoring (observing, chec
evafunding (understanding,
(clouds, columns), loss o[cre
1 Possible answers something is no longer belie
a Extreme heat can make it difficult for people to work or sleep. It can create(surrounding
an area).
increased dan6er of skin problems and some infectious diseases.
Ash students to work out the question (D).
Then ask why incorrect. (A Wealthy wome
Extreme cold can cause hypothermia. we are told they died. Nobod
Travelling can be hazardous. Some mach ines two towns Herculaneu m an
cannot work at low temperatures.
mentioned. C 16,000 people
2 Possible answers definitely not a few.) When
a Flooding would probably affect more people completed the remaining qu
justify their answers in the sa
because more people have their homes near
rivers than in or near forests. Key
b Forest fires can be avoided by increasing restrictions on what people can do in
I D 4A
dry areas, such as lighting camp fires but sometimes the fires can be started2 C 5C
by lightning, which is unavoidable. People can avoid the problems by building
hones well away from woodland.
Flooding can be avoided by controlling water flow in rivers and by carefully
planning building and its effects on the environment.
Over to you
Possible answers
People often choose to live because the
agricultural lan It would be difficult to
because people might panic
Reading 114 network could get congeste
accomodation would be req
Think ahead solution would be to practis of emergency
1 Key
a 3 b3 Word-building
4 Key
Multiple choice
compete competition erupt
3 You may like to check students understand the following words in the text: eruption evacuate evacuation
molten (burning), earths core (central part of the earth), growth (increase), fascinate fascination populate
potential (whats possible), imprecise (inexact), evscusting (leaving a place population
to migrate migration
escape danger), Record zones (dangerous places), They are all formed with th

5 Key 6 Encourage students to refer
act active reference on page 157.
danger dangerous destroy destruction science
Jhe sentences with whom the sentences with who. Yo
system systematic immediately after a preposi
volcano volcanic

6 Key 7 Key
a scientific b dangerous c migration d a who /that
e fascination f
b which /that
systematic r r
o ulation g active
la competition
d , which
e which /that
f where
g , whose latest film was s
h whose
Grammar and practiC8 p116 i that/which /
j , when
Relative clauses
1 Key
a which, which /that 8 Check students understand
b who /that following questions: What Americans ori ginall y hunf? first
while settlers suwive? (
2 Key
The speaker has more than one sister in rgative effects did the crop-
sentence a. In sentence a, the information in the on the land? (II e bug up t
relative clause is essential. which meant the soil wasn
The speaker was only one sister in sentence b. UI blew away during droughts) sentence b, the information in the
relative clause decide Io go? (Califor riia) I
is not essential. help the (nrmers who had
money) What was the mone
3 Key land back to grassland)
a defining Remind students to use th of the gaps to
b icon-defining . . . , who study volcanic help them d words are missing.
c non-defining . . ., which is the hot molten rock emihed from a volcano when Key
erupts, 1 where 7 their
d nondefining . . ., which can be carried on 2 on S of
the wind for thousands of kilometres. 3 was 9 Finally /
e defining 4 other 10 who
f defining 5 no 11 spite
6 which 12 so
4 Encourage students to refer to the Cramnaar reference on page 186.
Ask students to read the te have the
Key following meanin (roamed), allowed
In sentences a and e, which can be replaced with somethi (sustained), environment,
thot. (ecology), long periods of rain
(droughts ) , kept in on people moving
5 Key from one
a where b , when c(migrants),
why payment as a fo
changed back again (conve
The relative }aronoun can be left out of sentence c.
Vocabulary p118 Key word transfo
9 Key
3 Ask students how the weather is changing according to I[ie arlicle (temperatures
a a ban on cars
are rising).
b makes a contribution to
Key c do not (don't) syiiipatlii d to make an
The article says that greenhouse gas emissions investment
and tropical deforestation are to blame for e be incapable of changin
climate changes. f restil t in a saving of
g have a negative effect o
h is anger at
Dependent pre 0Sitions
4 Key
consequences or responsible or leads to
Speaking pJ20
5 Key
Lead in
agreement on on
effect 1 Possible answers
anger at for
respect SRidents might refer to th
ban on driving
tax on can or using other
cure for to
threat which burn fuels, throwin
damage to detergents, burning things
a cure for b threat to for d tax on or himes, overfishing.
c respect
Other ideas include: usin for products or containers
6 Key cutting down trees, tising
a to, to b of, to c of, to, for rivers
d for and seas, building r
countryside, nuclear r we
7 Key geneticallymollified food
appeal to insist on
believe in invest in Two-way task
complain about sympathise with what is happeni write a list of key
3 Establish
contribute to result in vocabula example: exhaust fumes, noise
depend on pollution; energy; h
8 Key
smoke; harmful gases; fish
a 3 on b 5 to c I in d 2 about e 4help
withstudents in t]ie speak After
students have read t
following questions to che they have to do: Whot sho (irst? (how each of the act affects the environment) second?
(agree on two acti easy to stop doing)
While students are doing discussions and give feedb their perforrriance at die complete both parts of th they listen
to each other amounts of time?)

Possible answers Multiple choice
Using motor vehicles produces chemicals which make the streets unhealthy, arid
3 Audioscript
contributes to Presenter Welcome to our
global warming through the production of programme In th
greenhouse gases. over the next few
Throwing away unnecessary litter, such as excess packaging, can make the streets
looking at climat particular what
dirty and fills up
rubbish dumps with material which is not to reverse the cu
biodegradable. now have heard
Air travel caiises noise pollution for those who footprint' By car
measure o the
live near airports and also produces large activities have on
amounts of greenhouse gases. terms of the am they produce. Th
Using household appliances such as washing
mashines uses up electricity which may be out how big one'
generated by burning fossil fuels. Also, some footprint is Dro
detergents are damaging to the environment. access. You can
the following
Burning household and garden waste can much your annu
generate bad swells and contributes to the how, how often
greenhouse effect. - and a calculat
you. That gives footprint. Your
Buying and eating certain species of fish can leave a damaging effect on the
environment. In particular, some species of fish, footprint is deter
habits. Basically produced locally footprint will be
like cod, are now heavily overfished and populations may not recover..
produce which h shipped in from
world. There are
4 Students can no this task in pairs. Monitor their reducing the siz
discussions and give feedback to the class about footprint: we c
their }aerforniance. (Did they give good reasons travel by bus or
for their opinions? Did they encourage each other car, and use the
to speak?) of taking dome local fruit or veg you live in the U
EuroDean countr South Africa or

Listening p121
should try to buy closer to home a
Think a head been made in Ch
Another thing w
2 Possible answers carbon footprint.
Air travel releases carbon dioxide into the planting trees as
atmosphere which can contribute to global dioxide and prod
warming. The situation could be improved by reducing the am
technical adjustments to aeroplanes or aeroplane C0y in the atmos
fuels. Otherwise, people could take fewer flights. This could be encouraged by programme we effect of air trav Suzanne
taxing air travel
more heavily.
director from Ed
been addressing
Suzanne Hendry Thank yo
because I realise to be green re gas-guzzling 4x insulating my ho by a couple of
I had been sayin
must do something about global warming limit the numb
rather than we or I' and I suddenly can take a yea
realised that I can't expect things to not sure how
change if I'm not prepared to change I think it woul
myself. How would I be able to look my And then of co
own five-year-old daughter in the eye in offsetting wher
twenty years time and say I could have the other sioe
done something out I chose not to? with that is tha
Presenter What convinced you to take thattheres
step? a fire yo
end of the day,
Suzanne Hendry The arguments against flying are
obvious. Do you kno'w that one return flight London-Florida produces the equivalent carbon
dioxide to a year's motoring 7 A return flight to Australia
4 Make sure students read t listen to the
equals the emissions of three average recording for
cars for a year? And if you Iy from I
London to Edinourgh for the weekend you B
produce eight times the carbon dioxio e 5B
you would use if you took the train? Also because the pollution is released at altitude its effect
on c\\mate change is
more than double that on the qround. Writing p122
Presenter Nigel Hammond 7 You're in the travel
industry. What's the present situation 7 I nforma I ema iI
Nigel Hammond There has been a huge riseCheck
in the students have unde
number o' oeople lying. Do you know that in 1970 British airports were used by 32 million
following questions abotif
people; in 2004 the figure was holida y? (Nepal) Horn lon
twenty-one days) What fi
216 million and in 2030, according to (developing projects to he
government forecasts, the figure will be
around 500 million ! The cheap lights area) Where can you sta y?
offered by budget airlines have meant that Wlint can you do at the en
more and more people think nothing of popping over to the continent for the trekking) What extra costs
weekend. Long -haul destinations are drink on days of
becoming increasingly poDular too, even Key
though ticket prices havent seen the same a Dear /Hi, Yours /Love reouctions. But the biggest rise has been b
The entail should] be in short-haul flights both domestic and $ ]p
to places like Spain, France, and Italy.
Suzanne Hendry I think the problem is that alth0ugh Asking for inform ation
most people know that flying contributes
hugely to global warming they are not 2 Key
really prepared to do anything about it. How long do you want to
So they'll feel a bit bad while they're What other projects do th
sitting on the plane flying to wherever it is they're going but the moment they get toCantheiryou choose which How basic are
destination it'll be long forgotten. It certainly wont stop them planning their next weekend
the faciliti 1s there a toilet?
trip on their return. How much will the food
Presenter I think thats very true. So what solutions
are there?' Are there any? 3 Possible answers
Could you tell me how l
Nigel Hammond Canonyou find out what ot
There are a variety of solutions
Do you know if we can
offer. One is to put up the tax on aviation fuel. This has been tried already and didnt work and
Im not really sure that an dot
Could you fiiad out how
increase in tax is the best idea anyway. A Do you know if there is a
lot o Deople are against it because they say its a tax on the poor. Another is to Could you find out how
68 UNIT 9 AROUND US costs?
4 Possible answers Overview p124
1 You didnt say when you wanted to go.
2 How long do you want to go for? 1
3 How much does it cost?
4 Can you find out what other pro jects they offer 1 , which is situated near
S Could you also find otit how basic the 2 , who believed it to be
3 which /that
facilities are? 4 , which happened when
5 Possible answers S , when
a Where exacdy is Kankali village? 6 who
7 whose
Do you know where exactly Kankali village is? b How far is it from the airport?
Could you find out how far it is from the
1 is not safe to swim
c Are there holidays like this all year round? 2 search for clues was don
Could you tell me if there are holidays like this all year round? 3 despite being ninety
d What sort of clothes should I bring? 9 his fascination with S great deal of
Could you find out what sort of clothes I should bring?
3 Key
e How long can you stay in Nepal at the end of the holiday? a in c to
Id like to know how long you can stay in Nepal at the end of the holiday. b at d of, of
An extra activity to accompan
Think, plan, write test can be downloaded from
6 After students have read the task and the
information, check they have understood by asking the following questions:
Who have you received on email {rom? (your friend, Sam) Who are you going to
write to? (Maria) Who is Maria? (Somebody you have both met) What do you
cunt to know about( (a holiday in Nepal) Which village did Maria go to?
(Kankali) What in(ormdtion does Sam 'nnt to know? (the age of volunteers;
whether you need to be a good walker) What in ormntion do you want to know?
(food; clothes; whether ifs worth going)

7 Encourage students to refer to the Writing guide on page 164.

lntrodUcton p125 Readin p126
Lead in
1 Possible answers
2 Key
1 A CD, which was originally intended for recording music or computer data, is
being used as a drinks coaster. A 4 B 3 C 2 D 1
2 Cola cans, which were originally used as containers for soft drinks, have been
used as material to make toy cars. Multiple matching
3 A rubber tyre, which was originally intended
for car wheels, is being used as a swing for 2 D 9
children. 10, 11
4 Emp9 containers, which were probably used 4, 5 B, D 12
for cooling oil, are being used as watering 6 A 13, l4
cans. 7 C
5 A coat hanger, which was originally used to hang up clothes, is being used as a
car aerial.
6 Two empty tins, which were originally used as containers for food, are being
used as a toy telerhone. Grammar and pra
3 Possible answers Wishes and regrets
I A barrel could be rised as a container For food ' K
waste for reycling as compost, or could be a past situation
used as a bin for other substances. b present or future situation
2 A paper clip cotild be used as a bookmark, or c present or future situation
as a way of keeping money together. A wish about a present or fu expressed with
3 a past tense. situation is expressed with a
An old tin could be used to store coins or jewellery or as a container to keep
matches dry on a camping trip.
4 A blanket could be used for sitting on in the 2 kC
garden or in the part, or it could be used as a Would or wouldnt are used
wall hanging. It could be used as a canopy or complain about a present sit
a sunshade if it were hung over branches or
secured by sticks. 3 Key
5 A brick could be used as a doorstop, a bookend or as an aslihay. Sentence b with inority expr regret.
6 An empty drinks bottle could be cut into
different shapes and be turned into a funnel or 4 Possible a nswers
a plant pot. It cotild be used by yoting children Some suggestions are given
to create models and for collecting and foot of this page.
measuring rainwater for geography projects.

5 Key Gutenberg in the fifteentla worked by hand. Before it
1 could afford to go
2 wish you would clean books were written by hand
3 he had remembered toCameras
send were invented in portable Kodak cameras w
4 had gone to bed earlier Before cameras were inven r ainting and sculpture.
S she was /were as tall as 6 only I had not told
The telephone was introdu
Id rother and Its time ... Alexander Graham Bell. B people used the telegram t
6 Key
a When the speaker expresses their own The first light bulb was ma
preference, they use the infinitive without to Thomas Edison. Before it
immediately after the expression Id rather. used candles and ftiel lamp
b When the speaker expresses a preference The modern motor vehicle
about somebody or something else, they use a pronoun, name or thing afterBenzthe in 1893. Before this, forms of land
expression Id rnfher and the past form of the verb. transportatio horse, or by train.

7 Key Twoway task

Sentence a is more urgent. 2 After students have read the
a past tense following questions: What d
b infinitive (talk together about each of
E ncoiirage shidents to refer to the Crammar shown in the photos) What
reference on page 188. that? (deciRe together on tw
which you would include i historical breakthroughs)
8 Key While students are doing t
a to go e took
bf do, did
met discussions and give feedba
c g tidied
got/had their performance. (Did th tasks effectively? Did they
d told, know
each others comments and
Cloze Possible answers
Printing has aMeeted the w easier
9 Ask students to read through the text before they begin the task. Ask the following
question: In distribution of and a
whit way was the invention o[Post-it notes on in the form of books, maga
accident? (The person who invented the weak glue that is used on Post-its was Photogrngfiy has allowed be recorded.
originally trying to invent a very strong glue.) It has also inf entertainment in the
Telecommunication has inf
communicate with friends
allowing technology such a I until 5 had 9 to
2 across 6 what / one 10 they
As well as lighting our hom enabled us to use labours washing machines and mic
? all 7 could 11 without
4 of 8 but Breakthroughs
12 one in frnvel ha smaller place. The motor c
Speaking p130 have enabled people to tra further, both
for work and
Lead in
1 Background information
The first printing machine using moveable type was invented by a Cerman man
called Johannes
Vocabulary 131 Listening p132
Think ahead
Lead in
1 Key
1 Key I This is an automatic dr
Products and inventions are named after the inventor, after a description of you to stir a drink by r
what they do, by your diuinb instead of
combining sounds or words, or by using initials This is a mini par r-shr
or acronyms. confidential documents
This is a voice-activated
Adjective Suffixes operating other electric
3 Key This is a waterproof rad
in a shower.
Desert ptive is related to describe. (suffix: -ive) Mechnnicof is related to This is a fly trap which in your home.
mechanic. (suffix: -if) CnreJl is related to care. (suffix: -JI) Disastrous is6 This is an artificial cat breathe like a real
related to disaster. (soix: -ous)
S peedy is related to speed. (suffix: -y)
Reliable is related to rely. (suffix: able) 2 Possible answer
4 Key People sometimes buy gad
a sticky interested in technology o
inventions. Often gadgets unusual in some way.
b useful, useless
c economic
d advisable Sentence completion
e fashionable, stretchy 3 Key
f favourable
He mentions the voice-ac the breathing cat and the
g creative, original
h protective, scientific, dangerous Audioscript

5 Key
a agricultural, industrial Interviewer
Good afternoo
b political c offensive d homeless pleased, very Paul
e comfortable Turner, and author of
need them?
Optional activity \/\Which is in all Pleased
to be
Match the words to Interviewer Paul, an I star
suffixes to make a a gap between
attitude towar
Paul Yes, definitely
towards gadge generation thi whos
in his 8 understood w much. Its
just comprehensio
Is it because p grown up with
I think that's o the main one,
people of our completely dif from
people o the younger

father lived through the war, when times A lot of technolo
were hard, and he actually physically of keeping up w
cringes every time he sees me spend don't have some
money. What I see as a necessity, he sees do, you feel you
as a luxury something that is not an why a lot o oeo
essential at all. Interviewer Paul Do you have a
Intervie wer Paul So how much of a gadget freak are you? Usually my favo
Well, my wife recently counted the number purchase. This o
of remote controls we had in the house and it amazing. Let me You put
came to the grand total of thirty-eight. This one it on yo when there are
I use a lot. It's voice-activateo. You speak into it some bait inside you ouy
like so and hCg Dfesto the TV or whatever it wai past it's attracte
switches on or off.
But isnt that the same as an ordinary plant snaps shut
remote? but \ts fun, don
Well, yes ... but that's not real Iy the Doint.
4 After students have read thro
So what does your wife think about all this7 sentences, ask them to think
She hates gadgets. She thinks Im word might be missing. (a ad jective, d
plural notin, e
obsessed. Ano \ am. I don't mind adjective, g ad jective, h adje
admitting it. We're always rowing about it. But I cant help it. I love them. In my
view, anything that makes life easier or a fascinated f m
more fun is certainly worth having.
b money g n
Do you use all the gadgets that you buy? c essential h b
I have to admit that I dont, not all of d remote controls i ot
them. Some are so high-tech that you e obsessed j fli
cant work out how to use them. If I cant ollow
the instructions often theyre not clear then
I have been known to give up on them, yes.
What on earths that? It looks like an old
fUf C0at!
Vocabulary 133
Ah, this one. It's just a bit of fun. Look you Lead in
stroke it like this and it breathes and sort of purrs.
1 Key
But a real cat does that.
screen anl teenager Japan and
Ah, yes but with this cat theres no expense,
no mess. And no scratches on the furniture. animation Frankenstein and food
Paul iPod and broadcast adult and
(laughs] Do you think gadgets are more of a
male things
Mm Im not sure about that. I know a lot of
women who are just as gadget-mad as I am.Compound
But adjectives 3 Key
then again, I know some a long-lasting
women who buy a lot of gadgets but never buse bigeyed, roman-faced
c wotld-famous
them. My sister is a bit like that. \/\then she
gets a new gadget shes
like a Lid with a new toy. She uses it for a 4 Possible answers
few weeks and then gets bored, so it fat-free milk, vogh urt, oth
enos up in a drawer somewhere. massproduced cars, toys home-made
Interviewer I know a 'ew people like that. Finally, I have to biscu king-sized bed
ask this. Does anybody really need all these
Cold-bloodCd reptiles, pe hard-wearing
shoes, othe that last a long time
Paul Interviewer Well to be honest, no.
So why do we ouy them?
5 Key
a fastflowing b sugar-free d grey-haired Positive clever entertaining exciting
c fast-growing e good-looking first rate

6 Key
a dark-skinned d big-headed funny hilarious
b long-legged e thick-skinned original spectacular
c brown-eyed f kindhearted stunning

Negative ariiateurish
Writing 134 disappointing dull
Review over-complicated over-long
1 Key predictable tedious
King Kong (1933, Merian C Cooper and Ernest B Schoedsack) was a landmarkunconvincing wooden
horror/action film. It used animation to create many of the scenes involving
dinosaurs and the giant gorilla Kong. 5 Key
The Word o[the Kings trilogy (20012003, Peter Jackson), based on the famous a predictable
b stunning spectacular
trilogy of books by Tolkien,was innovative in its use of special effects to create
fantasy creatures and their interaction with human actors. Much of the animation
Shred 2 (2004, Andrew Adamson, Kelly Asbury,
and Conrad Vernon) tells the story of the ogre c amateurish / unconvinc
Shrek and this wife Fiona. It is innovative in its complete use of computerd entertaining
animation to tell the story. e overcomplicated
Other innovations include the early use of sound, early animation, arid the use
6 Possible answers
of digital movie cameras.
Plays Musicals C
2 Possible answer act act
You should include a brief synopsis of the contents of the story, without giving cast cast
away the end, and say whether you would or would not recommend it. costumes choreography
Iiglating costumes
3 Possible answers plot lighting
scene scene
b The review is written in an informal, chatty style.
scenery scenery
c Possible three stars.

Evaluative adjectives
4 Possible answers
Adjectives in the review
fake first rate TV Books
overcomplicated cast design
stunning commentary plot
plot series
special effects
Think, plan, write
7 Encourage students to refer to the Writing Guide on page 168.

Overview p136
1 Key
1 controversial 6 latest
2 contribution 7 criticisms
3 choice 8 traditional
4 Exhibition 9 photographer
S winner IO argument

2 Key
a hadnt lost
b wouldnt interrupt
c could go
d had met
e didnt have, load
f had applied
g left

i didnt bring
j told

3 Key
a carries me back
b carried on
c carry them through d carried away
e carry otit

An extra activity to accompany this unit and a unit test can be downloaded from the
Internet at www.oup.coin/elt/teacher/exams
Reading 38 4 Key
a If the situation arises (a happen) the speaker in more sure of
the desire the speaker in the seco
Lead in
1 Possible answers
enjoynjeiit b If the situation arises (a
25 disgtlst
sadness likely to happen) the sp
3 anger 6 sentence
fear is more sttre o
abroad fhan the speake sentence.
Gapped text Encourage students to ref reference on
page 189.
3 Before students read the text, you may want to check that diey understand these
words: unique (original, the only one), classi(red (categorised), derive (come from),
5 Make sure students use th
conceived (first thought of), Type 0 conditional senten
contempt (dislike). IQ + present simple or imp
Encourage students to justify their answers by finding reference words in the
text. Possible answers
Key b If I have good news to
telephone all my {riends
1 B c If someone has upset m
2 G 7D something nice like a ne
F d ID I need a friends advi
Extra sentence: C trust most.
e If I want to apologise fo I sometimes buy n bunc

Grammar and practice J40 Possible answers

a If you watch too much
Conditionals 0, 1 and 2 may. (Type 0)
b If you dont go to bed
1 Key tired Io sLud y. (W e I )
Type 0: present sirriple, present simple c Ill do the washing up i
Type 1: present simp]e, ml + infinitive Type 2: past simple, would + (Type 1 )
infinitive d If you lend me your ca
late you out [or a meal
2 Key e If you dont work harde
a Type 2 b type fi exams.
c Type 1 (Age I )
I Id spend more time at
3 Key flatmates. (Type 2)
a future possibility
b imaginary / impossible

Conditional 3 L/n/ess, os long os, provide
7 Key 13 Key
If you had given (past perfect) me your number, a Unless you work harder,
I would have sent (would + has /have * past exams.
participle) you a message. b Youll pass your driving
r ctise enough.
8 Key c You can borrow my car your own petrol.
d You cant telerhone me
This type of conditional sentence is used to imagine different possible results
for a situation in the past which cannot be changed. important news.
Encourage shidents to refe reference on
Key word transformations page 190.
9 Key 1 4 Key
b Ill never speak to you ag
I had known it was you back what you just said.
2 if I had known c Ill lend you the money
3 because she dirt not have you guy me hock next we
4 have been late if
5 if I had not forgotten
6 we would have come
Piste n i n g 42
10 Encourage students to refer to the Grammar
reference on page 189.
Multiple choice
Possible answer
3 Make
If I had been Jill Frame, I wouldnt have crossed the motorway. ]f I had been her,stire students read th and options
I would have waved to passing motorists until one of them phoned the police. they Iist
Mixed conditionals
11 Key
The holiday has already happened in sentence a.
They havent gone on holiday yet in sentence b. flOTdfl I was at my boy
weeks ago, and
1 2 Possible answers like to stay for I
a If I hadnt learnt to read, I wouldnt be aI expected home
university. lie Id actually
b If Id won the lottery at the weekend, I'd be in oJt all day ano
the Caribbean now! before the even
If Id saved all my money for the last year, Id at his house bef
be able to bu y a new car. terrible. But you
If I hadnt had a good education, Id he situations Jke t
earning less inone y today. 2
e If Icl been born into a rich family, I wouldnt So why do you
hive to work. don't trust peoD
f If my mother hadnt met any father, I couldnt Man I think there are
be heTe. were famous fo
Encourage students to refer to the Craininar aren't web Whe
reference on page 190. vote for us, we
make everythin like This time n more money in sometimes it's things happen

accuse us of telling lies. The second reason is to do with the party system we all have to
say we agree with our party leader, whether we rea IIy do or not. Didnt you thin someone oferi motorway
3 servi
Im not really keen on lying, but I was in Not really. It lo
thing. And any
town the other day and I bumped into one for ages mine
of my neighbours. She said she'd heard sirce I dropped
that my sister and her husband had split Woman So when did yo
up, and she wanteo to know if it was true. tricked?
I kept a straight face and said Id no idea. Man As soon as I to
It was a lie, of course - I mean I'd known knew it was a
about it for ages, but I wasnt going to it said Made in
give our amily secrets away to someone I
hardly knew. The trouble is, shed have 8
wanted to know all the details, and Woman My sister was o
everyone would have known by the weekend. was expecting
the end of Aug
open her letters
I have to admit, Ii*e would have been duII the results as s
if I hadn't told the occasional lie. Not onIy been away
better came I
wicked ones just little lies that dont
it open withou it. She'd 'ailed.
hurt anyone. I remember once at a party, I got stuck with this really boring boy. All he could talk
couldnt tell he and I said the if Id
aoout was football. After about twenty minutes, I was really fed up, so I told him my cousin
told her ruined her hol
played for England his eyes nearly popped out of his head. He
wanted to know my cousin's name, and
coulo I introduce him. When I said it was TOI lOC6t IOFIS with soy, sp
David Beecham, I thought he was going to faint with
4 Key
excitement. Its not true I just wanted to see his
face. a speak b telld say
5 c speak e told
f tell
0n Man
the way back, I was really tired. I should have
stopDed or a quick nap, but I
didn t. I keDt going cos it was late and I Confusing verbs: hope, w
wanted to get home. It was easy driving look forword to
there was hardly any traffic on the road.
But unfortunately, I nodded off for a second, went off the road and scraped the car 5 Key
against a tree. There wasnt much damage to the rar and I was fine
ater that. As soon as I got home, I told 6 Key
my dad that Id hit a tree, but what I didnt say was
a waiting for b expecting
that Id nodded off.
c looking forward to gett
d hope you like
Woman e ex{aecting
The other day, the phone rang, and my brother
asked me to answer it. He thought it was probably his forward to
f looking
riend Baroara and he didnt want to speak to her. He
asked me to say he wasnt in. Actually, it wasnt
Barbara it was another friend of his: Annie.
Anyway, I just said he was out.
Later, when I told him who it was, he was absolutely
furious. His exact words were: If Id known it was
Annie, I'd have spoken to her' Thats one of the
problems about lying for someone else, isnt it?

Speaking p44 Key
Describing someone as bein
Long turn compliment as it suggests th
very healthy.
2 Alder students have read through the task, check they understand what they have
to do by asking the following questions: Student A: Want do you have Io do irst? Positive or negatiVe7
(compare and contrast photos l arib 7 )Whoi do you have to do user that? (sa j in
2 Key
which situation I tljink the most effective learning is taking place) What does
ef(ectiye learning mean exoctl y? (a situation in which students are learninga cheap d fake
what they are supposed to be learning) Student B: What should you be doing b ruthless e gossiping
while Student A is talking? (listening carefully) What will you do when Student c fatA f hysterical
has {inis fled speaking? (say which of the two classrooms in the photos Id prefer to
learn in) 3 Key
Monitor students as they do the task and give feedback to the class. (Did a reserved e cu
Student A coiaiplete both parts of the task? Did Student B listen well? Did b selfconfident f ou
Student B give good reasons for their opinion?) c easygoing g sh
d serious li in
Possible answer
Both photos I and 2 show classroom situations. In photo 1, the classroom is less Optional activi ty
formal: the students are sat around a table in a small group. In photo 2, the Give students the follo' Eng scho
classroom is more formal, with all of the students facing in the same direction. to rewrite it in a less compliment
The teacher is more controlling. More learning may be taking place in photo I
where the students are more actively involved.

3 After students have read the task, check their understanding by asking similar
questions to the ones you asked in task 2.
Possible answers understand this
Both photos 3 and 4 show students studying individually. In photo 3, the to him.
student is at a desk, possibly revising or doing homework. In photo 4, the student
is having one-toone tuition with a teacher. The situation in photo 4 looks
more enjoyable since the student gets more responses to his or her ideas and is
less likely to get bored.

Vocabulary p145
Lead in Over to you
The sayi rig sticks and stones but words
Check students understand the meaning of compliment (praise, an admiring
can never hurt me although there is
danger how verbal abuse should be
ignore harm you.

Writing p146
Formal letter
After students have read the they
understand by asking t
q\1estio\as: OV
(Saturday June jpth) Wh ere

(Heuthrnw) Huw wi/2 you gel from the air(iort? Think, plan, write
(being met by an Engl isla friend) What find o( 5 After students have read th
accommodation do you ount? (with ari English information, ask the follow
family, but not with another student) Whnf fries have you enrolleJ on? (an
uTe you interested in? (London, Caiaibridge) Do language course) Why? to
you drive any other questions? (When do you leave to pay the fees?)
important exam) In genera want to
i:now? (about try
Key needs; what I hope to gain)
a The main purpose is to answer the questions grnmmnr? (confident) Wfid
asked by the language school. (terrible) Which o[the skill
b It is necessary to include your arrival Plate, that practice in? (speaking) Wa grofifeuis?
you dont neecl to be pickecl up at the airport, (speak too slowl
the type of accommodation required and a strong accent) W/iy do yo
which trips you are interested in going on. exnm3 (because Im going How do you
c The style should be formal. prefer to won?
Why? (for the sreaking pra
2 Possible answer
Dear Ms Simpson, 6 Encourage students to refe
on page 162.
Tinny you for yotir letter which arrived this morning. Im looking orivnrd to
coming to your
To answer your question abou I my arrival, I will be getting to Heathrow airport
the day before the course, which is July 1. However, a friend is PVC FVlC W p148
meeting me, so I will not need a taxi. Thank you 1 I(C)
or being to fhougfi f. 1 than 5 the
Secondly, as regards accommodation, I WOUld 2 Not 6 whether prefer to stay
alone with a family. Please do not 5 make 7 to
think that I am antisocial, but I really want to 4 ago 8 at
practise my English conversation.
Regarding the hips. I would like to go to London 2 hey
and Stratford, but not Brighton, as I studied a I take e I
there last year. b wed go f
I liove one question which is, when should I pay h,a ent g
the course fees? Can I r ay in July, or would you d t, btp$ la I
re[er me to job nnw?
I rim looking ovord to meeting you elf. Yours sincerel y, 3 Key
a say e
Maria b speak ( ]
c speaking g
Focusing expressions d tells
3 Key
To answer yotir question about my arrival Secondly, as regards
accommodation An extra activity to accoiripa
test can be downloadecl from
4 Possible answers
As far as try arrival is concerned, As regards my arrival, . . .
As for accommodation, . .
Moving on to your next question about accommodation,
Regarding trips, . . With regard to trips,

IntrodUction 49
Multiple matching
3 You may like to check that
1 Possible answer the meaning of the5e words:
person, not subject to adult (somebody
I This photo shows a young person involved in graffiti. It illushates low-level crime
who influences
wla icli can
be quite common and which is often others usually young peop
transition (change), stable ( juvenile
associated with young people.
detention centre (ki people), short {use
2 This photo shows the use of credit cards to pay for products. Credit cards can lead
(short te very easily), sssnulting (atta
people into more and more debt, which can have negative
effects on their lives. (young people who get irr tr
3 This picture shows a young mother with a Ask students to underline th
child. People having children very yoting can which gives the reason for B
mean that they do not develop a career. Also answer for the example (ma
the children may not get good care from education). Encourage stud
they continue through the t their answers.
parents who have little experience.
4 This photo shows a young man looking at vacancies in a job centre, which Keyis
where 9,10
people go to look for work. This rlaoto 2,3 C/D
illustrates a negative aspect of society:
unemployment. 4 B 12, 1
5,6 A/C
78 D/E 17

Reading 1s0 Crime vocabulary

4 Key
Think ahead
a vandalism d
2 Key b drink-driving e
A a robbery, drink driving, burglary b having a gun pointed at his head c mugger f b
c actor
B a vandalism
b his probation officer c US senaioi
C a assault
b teachers and counsellors
c criminal defence lawyer
D a attempted murder
b being arrested for attemrted murder
c lawyer
E a assaulting a teacher
b being sent to an alternative school rather than jail
c Olympic long jumper
5 Point out the difference between steal and Job: Key 6
you steal things, btit you rob a person or a place. a in his own home
Key b on Friday evening
c He was shot once in th
a has been robbed; was stolen b being stolen d money
c ve been robbed e three
d stealing e stole 7 Key
f were stolen
Simon Prince Relationship to Miller Marital
Possible motive Bad habits

Grammar and practice Margaret McKenzie Relationship to Miller

Marital status

Probability and possibility Possible motive

1 Key
a might b can't Bad habits
c must
Timothy Carlyle Relationship to Miller
2 Key Marital status
a must b cant c might

3 Key
c future d present
a past Possible motive Bad habits
b present
And ioscri pt Officer Inspector
4 Encourage students to refer to the Crammar reference on page 190.
Hows the Mil te
Well, Maam ...
Key interviewing ou
a have + past participle Thats Simon Pr
b be -ing and Timothy Ca
c infinitive without to entry to the ho
d infinitive without /o doors, so we co
and the victim other.
Other structures with similar meanings: must: probably, bound to Tell me about didnt he?'
cant: probably not
night: maybe, perhaps, possibly Inspector Thats right and
the shot. He's known him for
5 Key
a must /might, cant have been /might notOfficer
have thats his finan
been Inspector
He was a inanc
b cant have said ago. He lost his very
c cant have heard wrong for debts.
d must be, could /niight be So, we have a do we
e cant have left Officer
know ab
f must have got Hes got a few
g might have been wearing Inspector
drinker. He has
h must have lefi
i cant have forgotten, must have happened, wife divorced h
could /might have broken down state unshave
j must have taken clothes.
Officer... one un Margaret

82 UNIT 1 2 S0CIErY
IHS C1Of She's the housekeeper. Sne worked for Miller for
9 Audioscript
about three years. I got the impression she
Officer Congratulations,
didn't like him much. I dont think her wages made an arrest.
were very high and she's got three children.
Thats right.
Inspector 0ficer Inspector
0ffiC8f Perhaps you cou 0f
In prison for burglary hes a master at blowing
Inspector up safes, apparently. course. We m
the crime scene.
Interesting ... Millers safe was blown,
on the cofee ta
bottle of whisky.
victim must have
Inspector Officer Thats right.
And that the mu That's right. This
OK. Anything else? Does she have any bad
habits? Drinking? Drugs7 pointed to either
None that we know about. Well, she both drink. There
smokes cigarettes, but thats about all. in the ashtray. W
Officer belonging to Mill
He was Millers best friend. Theyd known
Inspector assume he was a
each other for years. Hes got a reasonable job in a smoker amongst We also
bank, but I don't think he earns a lot, so perhaps found a chairs again poi
money could have been a motive Also the Hoover it was
plugged i must have been
Officer o the murder been out
Maybe. away.
I qSCCt0f
Mar ied or single? Then of course
Single and very presentable looking always explosives were
Inspector very smart, shirt and tie, hat and briefcase. . and McKenzie using
Seeing anyone? explosives.
Not that hed admit to, although I get the feeling So you arrested Yes, we
that he was lying when I asked nim that question. did. But The whisky glass
Inspector Officer Inspector Officer
Interesting ... Why would he lie about that7 Wnat and the hat. T
about bad habits? Insoector
the table.
He drinks a bit, I think. Nothing serious. Simon Princes?

Possible answers inspector
No ... I decided it
Somebody must have been drinking whisky because there are two glasses on the was too smart.
table and an open bottle. Officer Inspector Timothy Carlyles
4iae murderer must have been a smoker because there is an unfinished cigarette Thats right. He together
in the ashtray. ... for t
The murderer must have known where the safe
was because the picture has been removed.
The murderer might have been a man because Listening p154
there is a mans hat leh on the table, or the
murderer could have been a woman because " Lead in
womans scarf has been lefi on the armchair.
2 Possible answer
People are encouraged thr want more and more items houses, clothes and expens often give credit too easily. catise
people to get into de crimes. Worry about mone which can lead to problem
Multiple matching Money
Speaker 4 was alwa
John he had a g shortly after we had
3 Make sure students read the options before they listen to the recording. a job and w ends meet. Then give up
work to
Speaker I C 4
Speaker D still couldnt Ind there was anoth
Speaker 2 F 5
Speaker B couldnt afford t
Speaker 3 A
Extra letter: E kids or go out or
we started argui things
Audioscript just got was nothing th
For some people its a harmless enough activity.
Spealer1 got divorced la hadn't
They can have the odd bet, buy the occasional had mon be together.
lottery ticket and it doesn't do them any harm. If you owe mon
But or me it was much more than that. It was like an
Soeaker 5
obsession; it ended up control ling me on earth you are
rather than the other way round. 0f you cant afford
course, you always think you're going or Christmas yo
to win; you never think you're going to Even when you'v
lose. Fortunately, I was one of the lucky think you need
ones; I got help and my family were very in the rat race, e
supportive. And I dont h6V0 a Droblem and if you don'
with it any more ... I dont tnink it's you can find yo
considered a orob!em by society in the attack when yo
same way that alcoholism is, for example, just like I did. N
out I think it should be. It can oe just as serious a problem as being an alcoholic. more important
Money, whether
Some2peoole say that drugs are largely to just causes probl
blame and that if they legalised hard drugs it would make a huge difference to the figures, but
not everyone who breaks the law is a drug addict. That wasn't what drove me to it. It was
simply a case of
getting more money. AlI thC actiVitieS IvC Lead in
been involved in are basically ways of
making a living. 0K, they're easy ways of making a living, and I suppose most people1 Possible answers
a Thean
would say that they were illegal, but unless I get caught, I've got no intention of doing speaker considers t is wearing
ordinary job. something something ridiculous to
b The speaker thinks the
There's just not enough money in it. needs to be admonished
Speaker 3 When I was at university, I took out a loan to help me pay my way and by the behaviour or laziness. c The
speaker thinks the
time I graduated I owed C4,000. To be feels shes better than ot
honest, I wasnt really bothered at first as I d "the speaker is directing
expected to get a good joo straight away and be able to pay it back quite quickly. However, I
somebody who is behav
stilI havent got a proDer job and now I owe 3,000 on my credit cards on top of the bank loan,
and Ive got way.
e The speaker thinks die wearing clothes
that are
absolutely no idea what Im going to do. ' 2 Possible answers
think most people my age owe money,
thougn maybe not as much as me. Its 1 Many people distrust ho
partly my fault, but I think credit card making the assumption
companies and banks are resDonsible as addicts or violent in som
well. Its just too easy to get credit 2 Although many people
nowadays. and would like to be ric
disliked by some people

84 UNIT 12 S0ClEw
The photo shows a positive image of a Grammar and pra
disabled person taking rart in sport. Although there is more accertance of
disabled reople in todays society, diey are not always treated
equally. They soirietimes have difficulties with access in publ ic places.
Lead in
This photo shows an elderly rerson taking part 1 Possible answers
a If you acid the first two fi
naultirly by the second t
in a race. Some people consider that elderly it won t change a thin
people have nothing lefi to conbibute to society. They are ofien given poorolder.
pensions and bad housing and are heated in a pahonising way by the1media You know youre getting gives you a cafe . .
and younger people. . and candles.
2 The secret of staying you
makeup . . . just make up
Long turn The cards show that people
3 Make sure each sRident understands what they about getting older and tha
have to do. While students are doing the task, teased about their appearan
monitor their discussions and give feedback to the class about their performance.
(Did they compare and conhast the photos effectively? Did they speak for a Articles
minute when doing so? Did they give reasons for their opinions? Did they listen to
each other?)
2 Key
1 a 7 a
Possible answers 2 8 an
Photo 1 shows someone who is homeless, possibly asking for money from people 3 9
walking by but being ignored. Photo 2 shows someone who is obviously rich 4from the 10 The
her clothes and the way she looks, with someone paying her lots of attention.S the I l the
tieing rich doesnt necessarily make you happy, but if may solve a lot of problems.
6 12 a
Nevertheless, many people believe they could be happy if they were rich. Encourage students to refer t
Photos 3 and 4 both show people taking part in sporting events. The
reference on p191.
competitions are different, however. The person in Photo 3 is much younger,
but is handicapped this person is taking part in a wheelchair race. The
person in Photo 4 is quite old but seems to be healthy. I admire both people
but possibly the wheelchair athlete more because they have overcome a
greater rliysical difficulty.
Vocabulary p157
Multiple-choice cloze
3 Key
a every two years
b 220 million
c comedians and ordinary

4 Key
2 C 6C
3 A 7 A
4 C 8A
When students leave comp
they understand the meani uQ (started), gef something to people, explain somethi people together), dll walks of
people), take over (take (usually shocking and havi people), donations (money
Writing is8 h As well as offering a priz
a local restaurant also g hospital.
Lead in
i Although the school rais
1 Possible answers enough to buy the equi j The head
teacher thank who had helped to mak
Ways of raising money: due lottery; sponsored events; holding an international
concert; collecting money; asking for donations; holding ftes or fairs; charity shops;
fundraising events on TV. Think, plan, write
a The lottery is likely to raise the most money 6 Check students have under
on a regular basis, although a concert or an evening of fundraising by asking the following questi
celebrities on TV worried nfiout? (yoting peo
would raise the most in one go. trouble because they are bo
b Collecting money in the street would probably be the easiest to organise.glm to do about iI? give o cheap or free
activities in t
want you to do? (make sugg
Report activities are available)
2 Key
9 Encourage students to refe on page 169.
a formal
b suggestions on how to raise money to buy the
new equipment c yes
Ove rv 1 eW 1 60
3 When students have read the report, ask them to
make comments about its organisation and style.
(It is headed at the beginning: To /From /Subject. lKey
The main body is divided into two paragraphs. 1 was arrested for vandalis
Each paragraph has an underlined heading fundraising activities and2 he owed his success to
recommendation.) 3 to let his mother hit
Key 4 was interested in helpin
S must leave heard
a two organise a sponsored race, charge an entrance fee for the next end-of-year
6 might not have wanted
concert 7 that the elderly keep /fo
8 was such a successful co
4 key
Since all the proceeds would go to the hospital 1 2 they
am certain our parents would be happy to a 1 The
contribute. 2
5 Possible answers 4 t
a You could collect money in the town centre I a
on a Saturday, which is the busiest time. 6 A/The 6 t
b We collected a lot of money so that the 7 the 7T
hospital was able to buy the equipment it needed. 8 a 8 t
c They were able to buy a kidney dialysis 9 the
machine in addition to some toys. 10 the
d Despite the weather being very bad, Pe '
An extra activity to accompa
still collected a lot of money. and Progress Test 3 (Units 9
e As the concert was a huge success, were going downloaded front the Interne
to organise another one next year.
f Children donated both toys they dont play with any more and books they
any more.
g Not only was the sponsored ride very enjoyable, but it also raised a lot of

86 UNIT 1 2 S00IET
What is oxfordenglishtesting.comb Writing and Speaking pap
Its a website that gives students of English access to The website cannot automatically m
interactive practice tests. questions and Speaking papers onli
Its where students who have bought OUP Workbook exclude these papers. The result the
Resource Packs can access online practice tests included in totals for each of the parts and a pe
the Pack, and buy more if they wish. indication as to whether the score is
The website will become a gateway for all sorts of English tests not. Obviously this is a practice test result is only
available to both students and institutions.
an indication of what
a real exam.
You can register on and try a free sample test to see how it works. A
demo is also available from your local OUP office.

What is on the Students Workbook MultiR0M?

The MultiR0M has two parts.
Sludents can listen to the audio material that accompanies the Workbook by playing the
MultiR0M in an audio CD player, or in a media player on their computer.
Students can also access one or two practice tests online with the MultiR0M.

More about the tests

The online practice tests reflect what happens in the real exam, in the same way as
printed practice tests from Oxford University Press. They include every paper and question
a student will find in the real exam. There are sump/e answers too Writing
With the exception of the Speaking Test, students do not print students an idea of what is expected
the tests in order to do them. They take them online and students to enter a score for essay
most questions are marked automatically online. In addition, their essay, or email it to you so that
there are help features that students can use. These include then enter their marks into the Resu
dictionary look-up, exam tips, the ability to mark and change Their final score will then be adjuste
individual answers, and get feedback on answers. See test features on the page opposite
for more details.
Students have arcess to each test for three months before they Students get sample Speaking paper
must submit it for final marking. They can choose to do parts of help them practise offline. The Spe
the test, or the whole test at any time during that period. Students from the My tests page. If you want
can monitor their progress via the Test Overview which records Speaking Test with students and the
into the ResulD page on the websit
questions not attempted, attempted but not marked, questions that cannot be marked online,
and right and wrong answers. Students can also print the Test Overview and ResulD page.then be adjusted to take the marks
Tests for purchase by teach
From September 2008, teachers and able to buy and administer practice The tests will be different to those Workbook Resource Packs or
purcha Teachers will be able to set the tests and will be able to record students a placement test that can be used t of English.
For more information go www.oup.
There is also a list of Frequently Ask website. Go to www.oxfordenglishte to register and then go to the Supp
What are the features of the test?

Dictionary look-up Students can look up the meaning of any word in the practi
click it and a definition will pop up. They will need to have

Change your answer or try again Students can then go back and have another go as many ti
Understanding why they answered a question incorrectly he clearly about a similar question next time.

Mark individual answers, a part, a paper or the whole testHowever murh students have done of the practice test, the well they're

Sample answers for essay questions in the Writing paper

Students can see somp/e onsx/ers after theyve written their written by real
students, and will give them a good idea of
they write will not be marked automatically. If you would li
esay, tell them and they can either print it off to give to yo When youve marked it, they ran enter the mark on their R maner if they do
not enter a mark for the essay. The final take that into account.

Remember this is a practice test not the real exam. Student

paper and part and as a percentage. This will only be an
their score is equivalent to a pass or not.

8uy more practice tests To get even more practice, students can buy more lests on



Cleiir pi ocedu i al notcs a nd ideas for optional activitics

e /2 tailed key with suggested answer's for speaki rig tasks

Eo\vnlondble un it tests, taiogress tests ariel ext i a Jctiv i i ies for each

Infortaxation for teachers about the Students MtiltiROM and

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