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Anatomy and Physiology of Human

Color Blindness



Complete report of Anatomy and Physiology of Human with title Kidney

Function Test observation created by:
name : Bertha Tandi
ID : 131 444 2010
class : ICP B of Biology
group : V (fifth)
Has been checked and consult for an assistant and coordinator assistant then
stated acceptable.

Makassar, Mei 24th 2017

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

A Citra Pratiwi, S.Pd, M.Ed Manggemba Dg. Paropo, S.Pd

The Lecturer of Lab

DR. Drs. A. Mushawwir Taiyeb, M.Kes.

ID: 1964 04 16 1988 03 1 002

A. Background
In the human body consists of several organ systems are extremely
important and complex. The organs in the body to form organ systems that
cooperate with each other to maintain balance. One of the organ systems that
maintain fluid levels in the human body that is the urinary system.The
urinary system comprises the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The
kidneys filter unwanted waste materials from the blood and regulate the
levels of water and chemicals in the body. Kidneys are the organs that have
extraordinary abilities, such as filter substances which have been unused
(wastes), which is the rest of the body's metabolism. Every day, the kidneys
will process the blood to be filtered. The kidneys play a key role in the
functioning of the body, not just filter the blood and cleanse the waste, but
also maintain a balance of electrolytes-levels of electrolytes in the body,
controlling blood pressure, and stimulates the production of red blood cells.
Urinalysis has become more sophisticated since those times, but the
urinalysis remains one of the first tests done for diagnosis of disease,
especially diseases that may remain essentially silent until they are
advanced. The urinalysis is a simple and noninvasive test that provides
valuable information.Urinalysis is often done as part of a general health
evaluation, but can also assist in the diagnosis or monitoring of a number of
disorders or conditions: Systemic or metabolic diseases that affect kidney
function (such as malaria andsarcoidosis), endocrine disorders (such as
diabetes mellitus), kidney or urinary tract disorders (such as
pyelonephritis,glomerulonephritis, and cystitis),pregnancy, and drug abuse.
Based on those information, we interested to conduct the experiment
about urinary with purpose to identify characteristic and component in
normal urine also identify disease kidney from urine observation. The
purpose on this observation to test of the kidney function by simple method.
B. Purpose
The purpose of this experiment to find out if probandus has a Kidney
Function Test.
C. Benefit
The benefit of this experiment to find out if probandus has a color blind
or not. In addition, students also gain knowledge of how the color blind test.

Urine is a sterile citation needed (in the absence of a disease condition), liquid
by-product of the body that is secreted by the kidneys through a process called
urination and excreted through the urethra. Cellular metabolism generates
numerous by-products, many rich in nitrogen, that require elimination from the
bloodstream. These by-products are eventually expelled from the body in a
process known as micturition, the primary method for excreting water-soluble
chemicals from the body. These chemicals can be detected and analyzed by
urinalysis. Amniotic fluid is closely related to urine, and can be analyzed by
amniocentesis (Anandita, 2012).
Kidneys are the organs of excretion is very important, which is composed of
three main parts: the capsule of the cortex, and medulla. Capsule is brownish
white outer portion that serves as a protective kidneys. The cortex is an area of the
presence of the glomerulus and Bowman's capsule that play a role in the screening
process. Medullla an areal presence contortus proximal tubule, loop of Henle, and
the distal convoluted tubule function in the process of reabsorption. The existence
of damage to the kidneys, can be determined by observing the urine produced by
humans every time (Taiyeb, 2014).
To eliminate soluble wastes, which are toxic, most animals have excretory
systems. In humans soluble wastes are excreted by way of the urinary system,
which consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. The kidneys
extract the soluble wastes from the bloodstream, as well as excess water, sugars,
and a variety of other compounds. Urine is produced by a process of filtration,
reabsorption, and tubular secretion In general, urine is yellow. Dilute urine is pale
yellow color (clear yellow), yellow viscous concentrated urine, and urine of new /
fresh yellow. Urine is silenced for a long time is yellow cloudy. Urine smell if left
for a long time the typical smell of ammonia. ph urine ranged from 4.8 to 7.5,
urine will become more acidic when consuming lots of protein, and urine will
become more alkaline if you eat lots of vegetables. Urine specific gravity 1.002 to
1.035 (John, 2006).
Although urine is taken randomly (random) or urine while good enough for
examination, but the first morning urine is the most good. Urine one night without
fluid intake reflects the period of time, so that the elements are formed having
concentration. Use a clean container to collect urine specimens. Avoid direct
sunlight when handling urine specimens. Do not use urine-containing antiseptics
(Campbell, 2003).
Urinalysis begins by observing the macroscopic appearance: color and
turbidity. Normal urine newly issued was clear to slightly hazy and yellow by the
pigment urokrom and urobilin. The intensity of color in accordance with the
concentration of urine, dilute urine is almost colorless, concentrated urine is dark
yellow or brown. Turbidity usually occurs because of crystallization or
precipitation of vein (in the urine acid) or phosphate (in alkaline urine). Turbidity
can also be caused by excessive cellular material or protein in the urine
(Winarto, 2011).
Urinalysis is a test performed on urine samples of patients for diagnosis of
urinary tract infections, kidney stones, screening and evaluation of various types
of kidney disease, monitor the development of diseases such as diabetes mellitus
and high blood pressure (hypertension), and screening for general health status.
Accurate urinalysis specimens is influenced by the quality. Secretion of the
vagina, perineum and urethra in women, and contaminants in the male urethra can
reduce the quality laboratory findings. Mucus, proteins, cells, epithelial, and
microorganisms into the system of urine from the urethra and surrounding tissues.
Therefore, patients need to be told to discard the first few milliliters of urine
before beginning to collect urine. Patients need to clean the genital area before
micturition. Women who are menstruating should include a clean tampon before
accommodate specimens. Catheterization is sometimes necessary to obtain
uncontaminated specimens (Wulangi, 1993).

A. Time and Place

Day / date : Wednesday / May 16th 2017
Time : 13.30 until 15.00 WITA
Place : at Biology Laboratory FMIPA UNM west 3rd floor.
B. Tools and Materials
a. Tools
1. Measuring cup 5 mL and 50 ml
2. Pipette
3. Urinometer
4. Stir bar
5. Bucket
b. Materials
1. Mineral water
2. Tea
3. Isotonic water
4. Urine probandus
C. Work Procedure
1. Fasting
a. Probandus on duty began fasting at 16.00 on the day before the
b. Probandus get up at 4 am to empty the bladder and at 5 am, take a
sample of urine as I to VI sampling all with an interval of 1 hour
c. Provided tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
d. Added water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
e. Entered urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing them
easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as density mixture of urine
and water.
f. Performed step (c) to (e) in the urine sample II, until the urine sample
2. Drunk Isotonic water
a. Probandus on duty began fasting at 16.00 on the day before the
b. Probandus get up at 4 am to empty the bladder and at 5 am, take a
sample of urine as I afterwards probandus drunk isotonic water up to
1200 ml sampling to-VI with an interval of 1 hour
c. Provided tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
d. Added water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
e. Entered urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing them
easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as density mixture of urine
and water.
f. Performed step (c) to (e) in the urine sample II, until the urine sample
3. Drunk tea
a. Probandus on duty began fasting at 16.00 on the day before the
b. Probandus get up at 4 am to empty the bladder and at 5 am, take a
sample of urine as I afterwards probandus drunk tea as much as 1200
ml up sampling to-VI with an interval of 1 hour
c. Provided tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
d. Added water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
e. Entered urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing them
easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as density mixture of urine
and water.
f. Performed step (c) to (e) in the urine sample II, until the urine sample
4. Drunk Freshwater
a. Probandus on duty began fasting at 16.00 on the day before the
b. Probandus get up at 4 am to empty the bladder and at 5 am, take a
sample of urine as I afterwards probandus drunk tea as much as 1200
ml up sampling to-VI with an interval of 1 hour
c. Provided tools and materials, then pour the first urine sample in a
measuring cup. Measure as the volume of urine.
d. Added water until the volume reached 120 mL beakers. This is an
additional water as the volume of water.
e. Entered urinometer into a measuring cup stir bar while pressing them
easier to read. The scale on this urinometer as density mixture of urine
and water.
f. Performed step (c) to (e) in the urine sample II, until the urine sample
5. Control
Probandus donated urine to treatment as usual is still eating and
drinking but the urine collection together with the above activities.

A. Result
1. Fasting
Probandus Sampel Vc Sc ( Sa(Kg/m3) Va Vu
(mL) Kg/m3) (mL) (Vc-
Eva Erviana I 30 1,015 1 5 25
II 30 1,010 1 5 25

2. Drink isotonic water

Probandus Sampel Vc Sc ( Sa(Kg/m3) Va Vu
(mL) Kg/m3) (mL) (Vc-
Ayyub I 30 1,020 1 5 25
Zulfajrin II 30 1,020 1 5 25

3. Drink tea water

Probandus Sampel Vc Sc ( Sa(Kg/m3) Va Vu
(mL) Kg/m3) (mL) (Vc-
Dian I 30 1,012 1 5 25
Anggreani II 30 1,006 1 5 25
4. Drink water
Probandus Sampel Vc Sc ( Sa(Kg/m3) Va Vu
(mL) Kg/m3) (mL) (Vc-
IlhamNur I 30 1,025 1 5 25
II 30 1,020 1 5 25

5. Control
Probandus Sampel Vc Sc ( Sa(Kg/m3) Va Vu
(mL) Kg/m3) (mL) (Vc-
KhaerulMuttaqin I 30 1,010 1 5 25
II 30 1,006 1 5 25

B. Discussion
Based on the observations that have been done on the kidney function test,
the observation used 5 urine samples, of 5 probandus with different treatments.
The treatment of each fasting, drinking isotonic water, drinking tea, drinking
fresh water, and free control. Each probandus treated with isotonic water, tea
water and fresh water should be consumed each drink as much as 1200 mL.
1. Fasting
In observation of urine fasting person has urine specific gravity of 23.5
kg / m3. This is not consistent with the theory, according Winarto (2011),
people who are fasting has urine specific gravity 1.035 or equal to 1.00.
This happens because the person fasting urine lower weight or less of
normal urine specific gravity. A fasting person of course the lack of fluid so
that the urine is more concentrated and specific gravity was increased.
The observations that not consistent with this theory is caused by several
factors, among which I read urinometer less accurate, resulting in a urine
specific gravity with a big number.
2. Drink isotonic water
Probandus for further treatment isotonic drink water and also take
samples as in the treatment of fasting. Values Su Different prove that the
specific gravity of urine probandus not normal, which in theory is said that
the weight of the urine of people who drink isotonic fluids is 1.001. This
happens because of a kidney from probandus possible abnormalities. Or
maybe because there was an error reading urinometer.
3. Drink tea water
For the third treatment, probandus drink tea. Su constant value in this
probandus prove that the specific gravity of urine probandus normal.
However, the average urine specific gravity results obtained in probandus
tea drinking water is 41.83 kg / m3. This is not consistent with the theory,
the theory said that the weight of the urine of people who drink lots of water
tea is 1,001 (or less). If our bodies with excess water, the kidneys will
absorb water in the blood, urine specific gravity would decrease.
The observations that not consistent with this theory is caused by several
factors, among which I read urinometer less accurate, resulting in a urine
specific gravity with a big number.
4. Drink mineral water
The fourth observation is probandus drinking mineral water. Value Su
samples I to VI samples averaging 23 kg / m3. The observation is not
consistent with the theory, which in theory is said that the urine specific
gravity that many people drink mineral water is 1,001 (or less). If our
bodies with excess water, the kidneys will absorb water in the blood, urine
specific gravity would decrease. People who drink plenty of water, blood is
more dilute. Solute concentration is lower than the solvent (water).The
observations that not consistent with this theory is caused by several factors,
among which I read urinometer less accurate, resulting in a urine specific
gravity with a big number.
5. Control
Treatment of the latter is treated control, where probandus perform usual
activities, not fasting, and took samples as in the treatment of fasting. The
results of the observations, the average weight of the kind of person who did
not fast (control) is 26.83. This is not consistent with the theory, the theory
of specific gravity is said that people who do not fast is 1,001 (or less).
Probandus that fasting tends to have urine specific gravity greater than in
the control probandus, isotonic drink water and fresh water. This is caused
because the thick of urine due to dehydration. Bladder generally has a volume
of 760 cc. Someone bladder does not reach the 760 cc due to stress hold (the
body's ability to receive a stimulus tool).The urine is normally clear, slightly
yellow color caused by color urobilinogen. Urobilinogen comes from bilirubin. The
more sensitive the more urine brownish yellow color and the higher the density.
Normal urine specific gravity is 1.002 -1.035. Turbid urine usually indicate the
presence of salt crystals or mucus(Irianto, 2004).

A. Conclusion
Probandus that fasting tends to have urine specific gravity greater than in
the control probandus, isotonic drink water and fresh water. This is caused
because the thick of urine due to dehydration. The urine is normally clear,
slightly yellow color caused by color urobilinogen. Urobilinogen comes from
bilirubin. The more sensitive the more yellow-coklatlah urine color and the
higher the density. Normal urine specific gravity is 1.002 -1.035. Observations
obtained is not in accordance with the theory due urinometer incorrect
B. Suggestion
The suggestion for this unit is as good as possible if the picture in
guidebook clear and has color.

Anandita, Yuni. 2012. Urinary System. Accessed on

June10th 2016.

Campbell, Neil A; Jane B. Reece dan Lawrence G. Mitchell. 2003. BiologiJilid 3

edisikelima Jakarta: Erlangga

Irianto, Kus. 2004. Struktur dan Fungsi Tubuh Manusia untuk Paramedis. Jakarta:
Yrama Widya.

John, Freddy. 2011. Urine. http://system-of-human/. Accessed on June10th 2016.

Taiyeb, Mushawwir, Andi Asmawati, dan Irma Suryani Idris. 2016. Penuntun
Anatomi Fisiologi Manusia. Makassar: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM.

Winarto. 2011. Physiology of urinary system. Accessed on June10th

Wulangi, Kartolo. 1993. Prinsip-prinsip Fisiologi Hewan. Jakarta :Depdikbud

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