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Applied Surface Science 190 (2002) 166170

The influence of graded interfaces in the electronic

spectrum of nanometer silicon dots
J.S. de Sousaa, E.W.S. Caetanoa, J.R. Goncalvesa, G.A. Fariasa,
V.N. Freirea, E.F. da Silva Jr.b,*
Departamento de Fsica, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Caixa Postal 6030, Campus do Pici, 60455-760 Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil
Departamento de Fsica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Cidade Universitaria, 50670-901 Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil


The effects imposed to the electron energy levels of Si/SiO2 quantum dots by the presence of smooth graded interfaces and
interfacial carriers trap is studied. For small diameter quantum dots, while the existence of graded interfaces strongly blue shifts
the carrier energy states (up to a few hundred meV), the effect of the interfacial carriers trap is to red shift the energies, but to a
lesser extend (under 50 meV). In addition, slight changes in the distance of the carriers trap in relation to the center of the dot
does not alter significantly the energy spectrum. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 73.20.Dx; 73.20.At; 68.65.g; 73.20.Fz

Keywords: Si/SiO2 quantum dot; Graded interfaces; Electronic spectrum

1. Introduction matter of fact, Takahashi et al. [8] reported the exis-

tence non-abrupt SiO2/Si(0 0 1) interfaces with thick-
The early proposal [1] and subsequent demonstra- ness of the order of 10 A and concluded that the
tions [26] of light emission from low-dimensional Si/ interfacial layer was composed by a non-stochiometric
SiO2 systems, together with a very recent quantitative oxide SiOx. More recently, Oh et al. [9] studied the
estimate of efficient light amplification in silicon chemical structure of SiO2/Si interfaces formed by
nanocrystals [7] is driving considerable efforts toward standard dry oxidation, and found experimental evi-
the understanding of the mechanisms involved. Quan- dence of transition layers containing suboxide states
tum confinement and interface states are the most (Si1, Si2, and Si3) gradedly distributed over three
important candidates to explain luminescence of interfacial layers. Accordingly, ab initio calculations
low-dimensional silicon-based systems, but the con- [10,11], the non-stoichiometric oxygen atoms may
troversy is still unsolved. In both cases, determination reduce the silicon bandgap may at the graded interface
of the role of a graded Si/SiO2 interface is of funda- region, giving rise to the existence of interfacial traps
mental importance since experimental data point to for carriers [12]. Sousa et al. [13,14] have demon-
the existence of graded interfaces 310 A wide. As a strated that interface effects are very strong in 2D
SiO2/Si/SiO2 quantum wells, and can shift the exciton
Corresponding author. Tel.: 55-81-3271-8450;
related luminescence by more than a hundred meV for
fax: 55-81-3271-0359. wells less than 50 A wide. Particular aspects of growth
E-mail address: (E.F. da Silva Jr.). processes (like dot inhomogeneity induced by ionic

0169-4332/02/$ see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 9 - 4 3 3 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 8 8 3 - 2
J.S. de Sousa et al. / Applied Surface Science 190 (2002) 166170 167

implantation, for example) and post-growth annealing The confined states within the QDs are obtained by
of samples (which generates thickening of the inter- solving the following 3D eigenvalue equation corre-
faces) suggest that the existence of graded interfaces sponding to the three twofold degenerate valley band
must also be considered for a better description of the structure (i x; y; z in the equations below):
electronic states in Si/SiO2 quantum dots.
In this work, we address the problem of how a graded h2 1
r rci r Vrci r Ei rci r; (1)
interface and interfacial carriers trap may change 2 Mi
the confinement properties of silicon quantum dots 1 2r  r0  D  a
Vr DEc 1  Erf
(QDs) embedded in silicon dioxide. We obtain graded 2 0:5a
interface related blue shifts on the carriers confine- e 2
ment energies higher than 200 meV for dots with a ; (2)
4perr  D0
diameter smaller than 50 A. The interfacial carriers trap
also modify considerably the electronic states of the Si/ where Mi is the electron effective mass tensor that
SiO2 QDs through a red shift. However, the interfacial takes into account the different contributions from the
trap related changes on the carriers energy levels anisotropy of the silicon band structure; V(r) the
depends on their spatial localization, and are much confinement potential, DEc the confinement barrier
smaller than the shifts related to graded interfaces. height (3.2 eV), and e the position-dependent permis-
sivity coefficient (11.90e0 and 3.90e0 in the Si and
SiO2 regions, respectively); D the dot diameter, a the
2. Modeling a graded Si/SiO2 dot interface width, r0 the center of the dot and D0 the
position of the interfacial carriers trap.
We suppose the existence of non-stochiometric The graded interface trapped (binding) carrier
SiOx layers composed of suboxide species in the energy is calculated from EB En;l  En0 ;l0 , where
interfacial regions of the Si/SiO2 dots, in such a En,l and En0 ;l0 are the eigenvalues of Eq. (1) with
way that the silicon molar fraction changes smoothly and without the interfacial trap contribution, respec-
throughout the interfaces. This assumption is based on tively [17]. Image charge corrections caused by dif-
a Monte Carlo simulation performed by da Silva and ferences between the dielectric constants of Si and
Stosic [15]. By disregarding high order contributions, SiO2, as well as strain induced effects are not con-
we consider the carriers confinement potential and sidered in our model. In the later case, the overall
effective mass linearly proportional to the silicon/ effect of the strain is to decrease the bottom of the
oxygen content, which varies following an error func- silicon conduction band by a hundred meV for a 1%
tion-like profile (Erf). strain, without changing the carriers effective mass
In the calculations, the effective mass approxima- [18]. Since the existence of graded interfaces reduce
tion (EMT) was taken into account. One of the main the level of the strain, the shift of the confined carriers
problems arises from the loss of the parabolicity for energy states will be of only few meV, much smaller
higher silicon conduction bands of energy. However, it than the graded interface related shifts. However,
only occurs for energy bands higher than 1 eV. For the despite our approximations it is still possible to qua-
very high excited states inside the dot, the EMT is no litatively capture the physical effects of the presence
longer valid, because the dependence of the effective of an interfacial carriers trap on the energy spectrum.
mass on the energy becomes very complicated. For- The three-dimensional eigenvalue equation was
tunately, in general only the lowest confined states and solved using finite difference methods.
the radiative interface states are involved in the light
absorption and emission from silicon nanostructures
[7,16]. We assume that the QDs are oriented along the 3. Graded interface and interfacial carriers
Si[0 0 1] direction, normal to the bottom of a super- trap effects
cell. The electrons occupy the sixfold degenerate X
valleys. Also, the possibility of inter-valley splitting We investigate the dependence on dot diameter of
and the individual electron spins are not considered. the five initial confined states for abrupt Si/SiO2 dots.
168 J.S. de Sousa et al. / Applied Surface Science 190 (2002) 166170

Fig. 1. The dependence on dot diameter of the five lowest electron confined states in Si/SiO2 dots for the abrupt interface case. The upper inset
depicts the five lowest electron confined states in graded Si/SiO2 dots with interface 10 A wide. The wave functions for the five lowest states
are shown in the lower inset, ordered from left to right.

The electronic states are highly sensible to dot dia- (position A), and the other located at the internal
meter, as show in Fig. 1. The third (dash-dotted line) layers of the non-abrupt interface (position B). The
and fourth (dash-dot-dotted line) excited states are effect of the interfacial carriers trap on the electron
degenerated, but due to the coarseness of the grid, it ground state energy in non-abrupt Si/SiO2 QDs with
appears as being nearly degenerated, as can also be a 10 A wide interface is depicted in Fig. 2. The solid
observed by looking at the tri-dimensional wave line indicates the case without interfacial carriers
functions in the bottom inset of Fig. 1. The depen- trap, while that of interfacial carriers trap located
dence of the confined electron energy on the dot at A and B are indicated by dashed and dotted
diameter when a 10 A wide graded interface is con- lines, respectively. The overall effect is to lower
sidered is depicted in the upper inset of Fig. 1. A the energy levels, which for the ground state means
remarkable blue shift related to the existence of the a red shift of the order of 55 and 27 meV for dot
non-abrupt interface is clear. For the 50 A diameter diameters of 50 and 100 A, respectively. These
dot, the ground state blue shift is of the order of values decreases when the interface is thinner. We
150 meV, while for a 100 A diameter dot diameter the observe that different positions of the interfacial
blue shift is reduced to about 15 meV. We also find carriers trap in the non-abrupt interface region does
that the graded interface does not change either the not alter the spectrum significantly, which is not the
shape or degeneracy of the wave functions since the case if the interfacial carriers trap is located deepest
symmetry is unchanged. in the dot. In the inset of Fig. 2, we note that the
In order to investigate the influence of the inter- binding energy of the interfacial carriers trap located
facial carriers trap on the energy spectrum, we con- at A and B changes approximately from 53 to
sider two different positions for the trap, one located 27 meV when the Si/SiO2 dot diameter varies from
at the external layers of the non-abrupt interface 50 to 100 A.
J.S. de Sousa et al. / Applied Surface Science 190 (2002) 166170 169

Fig. 2. The electron ground state energy dependence on dot diameter of Si/SiO2 dots with a graded interface 10 A wide, without interfacial
carriers trap (solid line), and with interfacial carriers trap in the positions A (dashed line) and B (dotted line). The inset shows the binding
energy (left scale) of the interfacial carriers trap at the positions A (dashed line) and B (dotted line), and the distance between the interfacial
carriers trap located at A (dashed line) and B (dotted line) regarding the center of the dot.

Although obtained for an interfacial carriers trap, confined electron energy levels, and the overall effect
our results strongly suggest that even if the existence of the interfacial carriers trap is to red shift them. We
of deep levels at the interfaces are the main contribu- conclude that accurate information concerning graded
tion to the luminescence characteristics of low-dimen- interfaces in Si/SiO2 QDs is of fundamental impor-
sional Si/SiO2 devices, interface effects must be tance in order to attain a better understanding of the
considered since they can change considerably their light emission properties of their samples, suggesting
binding energy. As a matter of fact, our results allow to strongly that characterization of QDs interfaces are
conclude that to provide an estimate better than a highly necessary. Finally, despite the assumptions
hundred meV of the luminescence peaks in these made here, we believe that the approach used can
systems, not only the deep levels at the interfaces be generalized to simulate more realistic structures.
must be characterized but also the width and profile of
the interfacial region.

4. Concluding remarks J.S. de Sousa acknowledges the support of a grad-

uate fellowship from the Brazilian Ministry of Educa-
In this work, we have investigated the role of graded tion at the Physics Department of the Universidade
interfaces and an interfacial carriers trap on the con- Federal do Ceara. GAF, VNF and EFS Jr. would like to
fined electron energy spectrum of Si/SiO2 QDs. The acknowledge the financial support received from the
calculations were performed within the effective Science Funding Agency of the Ceara (FUNCAP), the
mass approximation, and a finite difference method Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq), and
was used to solve the 3D eigenvalue equation. We the Ministry of Planning (FINEP) through CTPETRO
found that the graded interface strongly blue shifts the under contract No.
170 J.S. de Sousa et al. / Applied Surface Science 190 (2002) 166170

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