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Physics Light Intensity Lab Report Nkinde 11B


Thermal physics is the study of how heat and energy affect the states of
substances; from solids to liquids to gasses. Recently in physics we have been
studying heat and energy transfer, and radiation from light sources and how they
affect different materials. In this experiment I will test the way a light bulb affects a
light sensor in relation to distance.


To find out how distance affects the light intensity of a light source.


I think that the distance the light source is away from the light sensor will not affect
the light intensity greatly. Light travels in waves but in straight lines, therefore the
waves coming from the light source should hit the light sensor around the same
amount over small distances. It would take a very large distance, such as across the
science room (5 meters) to start to see significant results in the amount of light



The distance of the light bulb from the light source. I will measure this using a ruler
between the light source and the light sensor, moving it 10 cm each time I want to
take a reading. I will start at 100 centimeters and reduce the distance by to each
time until 0 cm


The amount of light detected at the light source. This is measured in lux and is fully
dependant on how far I move the light from the light source. I will detect this by
attaching a light sensor to a stand and connecting the sensor to a meter, which will
record the amount of lux at each distance I move the light source away from the
light sensor.


The type of light source. This will be a light bulb of 45 watts, plugged into a mains

The amount of light in the room. The curtains will be pulled shut and the lights will
be off, making sure of optimal lighting.


Light sensor, light bulb, stand, ruler, mains socket

Physics Light Intensity Lab Report Nkinde 11B


Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram below.

Turn on the light sensor and calibrate it so it will record the amount of lux every 5

Put the light bulb at the distance you are measuring and plug it into the mains

Let the light sensor get used to the light for 5 seconds, then start recording

Stop recording when you have 3 readings

Note down the 3 readings and reset the light sensor

Change the distance you are measuring and repeat from step 1


Distance/c Tests of Light Intensity / lux

m 1 2 3 Average
100 4.36 4.36 4.36 4.36
90 5.38 5.38 5.38 5.38
80 6.33 6.34 6.34 6.34
70 7.82 7.82 7.83 7.82
60 9.72 9.73 9.71 9.72
50 12.64 12.63 12.65 12.64
40 17.67 17.65 17.64 17.65
30 27.09 27.09 27.10 27.09
20 62.29 62.29 62.29 62.29
10 195.07 195.10 195.09 195.09
0 262.44 262.44 262.44 262.44


See appendix 1


The light intensity is greatly affected by the distance from the light sensor. This is
shown in the result table as the distance from the sensor gets closer to 0, the
amount of lux detected rises rapidly. This is shown in the graph as well, as the
graphs curve is exponential. The largest rise is when the amount of lux is detected
is between 50 and 0 centimeters from the sensor. The graph also shows that the
distance is inversely proportional to the amount of lux detected, meaning the more
distance, the less lux detected. My hypothesis was slightly incorrect, as I thought
Physics Light Intensity Lab Report Nkinde 11B

that it would take a much larger distance to see a change in results. I looked up a
website that showed a theory which explains the reason why the light intensity

This site basically outlines how light intensity will be less with distance increasing
because of the fast that the light has to spread over a larger area to give out
intensity. When I made my hypothesis I was thinking more along the lines of how far
the light would travel, and mush less how intense the light would be. One good
example of light intensity is the sun. From earth we can just look at it briefly for a
couple of seconds and just get the image burned in our retinas, however if we were
much closer to the sun, one look at it would probably blind you. This is because the
light is so intense at distances closer to the sun, it can completely overload your
eyes and cause blindness.


I think the experiment went pretty well. The method and process was straight
forward, I didn’t have any constantly changing things to take into account, and the
whole thing was under control the entire time. I think, however, the method could
have been better and the distances could be less of a jump than 10 centimeters
each time. I also think that the Light sensor was not set up to receive the most light,
as in the picture on the website the rod was placed point up so the light could shine
on it more and with my experiment the rod was pointing towards the light source.
The data logger also messed up halfway through the experiment, so we had to
recalibrate that and we lost quite some time fixing it. Overall though, the
experiment was pretty good and straightforward. What we could improve nest time
was having a stand for the light bulb, as we just laid It down on the table, and
making sure the light sensor was pointing the right way and the data logger was
working properly before starting the experiment. Another way that light intensity
could be tested would be to change the amount of paper between the light and the
light sensor, to see how much thickness would obstruct the light from coming
towards the light sensor.
Physics Light Intensity Lab Report Nkinde 11B

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