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When and How to Enlarge the Small Aortic Root

Phan-Kiet Trana,b and Victor Tsanga

Successful enlargement of the small aortic root in children has remained a management
challenge, particularly in the neonates and small infants. Achieving this aim requires thorough
understanding of the anatomic features of the left ventricular outow tract, careful patient
selection, and skilful execution of complex surgery. This article reviews the anatomical
principles upon which the surgical techniques rely, the decision-making, the timing of surgery,
the surgical options, and the outcomes.
Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Ann 19:55-58 C 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights

Left ventricular outow tract (LVOT) obstruction in neo-
nates, infants, and small children is one of the remaining
challenges to which there is no good surgical solution.
Although the LVOT is a very short channel, the anatomy,
mechanical function, and performance of the aortic root are
highly complex with perfect integration. To restore the
functional integrity in the case of surgery on the hypoplastic
The morphology of the aortic root and complex
aortic annulus, often surrounded by diseased LVOT, robust
topography of adjacent structures including, the
pre-operative work-up would be required to select those sinotubular junction, the sinus of Valsalva, the
suitable for timely aortic root/LVOT interventions. It is well tricuspid and mitral valves, the coronary arteries
accepted that the use of valve (and annulus) conserving and the conduction system.
operations to allow the children to grow, instead of applying
the Ross / Konno operation in early infancy, can minimise Central Message
risk.13 However, the real question of when to enlarge a small Understanding the anatomy and physiology of
aortic root, which is how small is too small, must be the aortic root is the key to successful
addressed. Its untimely delay can risk the development of enlargement.
circulatory failure and excessive ventricular hypertrophy.
It comes as no surprise that neonates/small infants with
congenital aortic stenosis with a hypoplastic aortic root and/or related technical modications including the concomitant
multiple levels of LVOT obstruction can carry many pitfalls, resection of endocardial broelastosis, which can benet these
such as a borderline left ventricle, the presence of endocardial children with a reconstructed, wide-open, and competent
broelastosis, smallish mitral valve, arch hypoplasia, and LVOT without growth limitation. This at least provides a
pulmonary hypertension. These are real challenges. On the robust physiological platform to address other important
other hand, the current root enlargement technique of choice is haemodynamic lesions as part of a staged management of
the Ross-Konno procedure, apart from some institutionally complex LVOT syndrome.

Department of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Great Ormond Street Hospital for The Aortic Root is a Highly
Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
Pediatric Heart Centre, Skane University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Sophisticated Structure
Dr Phan-Kiet Tran was supported by the Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation. The two main functions of the aortic root are: 1) to act as an
Address correspondence to Victor T. Tsang, MS, MSc, FRCS, Professor of
Cardiac Surgery UCL, Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Great Ormond anchor for the synchronised movement of the inlet mitral valve
Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, Great Ormond Street, WC1N 3JH and outlet semilunar valve; and 2) to support the intricate
London, UK. E-mail: movements of the aortic valve cusps. The fact that our best PEDIATRIC CARDIAC SURGERY ANNUAL  2016 55

1092-9126/& 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
56 P.-K. Tran and V. Tsang

pulmonary vascular issues such as pulmonary hypertension

can be identied. The management of neonates/small infants
with a borderline left ventricle can be very challenging in the
assessment of its adequacy to support a systemic circulation.11

In our experience, the main limitation of MRI is its availability
of expert acquisition of data and its interpretation, and then
there is the need of sedation or general anaesthesia in young
patients for quality imaging. MRI can otherwise provide
valuable ow and volume data to provide additional informa-
tion on the size of the left ventricle and its hemodynamic
performance. These data are particularly important in cases of
borderline left ventricle and presence of intra and extra cardiac
shunts, where the assessment of left ventricular systolic and
importantly diastolic function is difcult. In the absence of a
Figure 1 Illustration of the complex anatomy of the aortic root. reliable non-invasive test, MRI combined with ultrasound may
(Reprinted with permission from Anderson RH. The surgical anatomy increase the sensitivity to the diagnosis of endocardial broe-
of the aortic root. Multimed Man Cardiothorac Surg 2007;2007 lastosis. MRI can also provide additional information on
(102).10) quality and size of the pulmonary valve.

cardiac morphologists are still not in agreement on how to Computer Tomography

dene the existence of the aortic annulus suggests that this is a
Modern computed tomography (CT) examination is very fast
structure of exquisite design. The aortic annulus is best
and normally does not require any sedation or general
described as crown shaped, and it is to this shape and structure
anaesthesia. Its popularity is further enhanced with anatomical
that the aortic valve is attached and supported in the root.4,5
and 3D reconstruction in complex associated malformations,
For every heartbeat, studies applying cinematography and
including total anomalous venous return, interrupted aortic
contrast injections have visualized aortic root motion wherein
arch, and coarctation.
the root is displaced downward during systole and returns to
its previous position in diastole.6 Magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) studies have elegantly revealed an axial downward Cardiac Catheterization
motion and a clockwise twist during systole.79 It has been In the presence of MRI and CT, conventional catheterization is
suggested that this motion retracts the aortic root into the of limited value from a diagnostic point of view. However,
LVOT and presumably protects the root itself from unneces- many newborn and younger children will have undergone a
sary dilatation during systole. conventional catheterization in a prior attempt to dilate the
The challenge for the surgeon is to understand this exquisite critical aortic stenosis. This has become the main cause of aortic
morphology and function of the aortic root and then try to regurgitation.
surgically reproduce as many aspects of it as possible. In this
endeavour, the surgeon will also need to have a precise
understanding of the topography of adjacent structures,
including the sinotubular junction, the sinus of Valsalva, the
Decision-Making and Timing
tricuspid and mitral valves, the coronary arteries, and the In children with signicant aortic valve/annular hypoplasia, the
conduction system (Fig. 1).10 most important issue is to achieve effective delay of the
inevitable valve replacement without undue compromise of
the myocardial function. When the aortic root structures
Essential Pre-Operative Work-Up display small dimensions with Z-score o -2.5 to -3.0,12 a
root enlargement procedure would be considered. The
Echocardiography Z- score would only be a guide and its measurement and
The cardiac ultrasound examination is the fundament of all translation from real dimension can be skewed in very small
pre-operative work-ups. In this specic context, it can children. Obviously, the smaller the dimension the stronger is
determine the degree and impact of obstructions at multiple the indication for root enlargement procedure. However, a too
levels along the entire LVOT. The aortic valve morphology, small aortic root may, from a surgical technical point of view,
size, and function can be assessed. A cardiac ultrasound can be non-permissive of safe coronary transfer and therefore
also provide important assessments of the mitral valve size and outweigh the advantages of the pulmonary autograft implan-
function, left ventricular volume, and the possible presence of tation procedure. There may be some discrepancy between the
endocardial broelastosis. Associated malformations, includ- smallish aortic valve annulus and the larger pulmonary valve.
ing arch hypoplasia or interruption and coarctation, and The latter is usable as long as the valve function does not
When and How to Enlarge the Small Aortic Root 57

display more than mild regurgitation in the presence of How to Complete the Ross-Konno
elevated pulmonary arterial pressure.
Current literature provides conicting data on the timing of The Konno operation (aortoventriculoplasty) was developed in
surgery. The controversy lies in the risk of neo-aortic root/ the late 1970s to treat tunnel type of subaortic stenosis and
autograft dilatation over time. Some data suggest that early hypoplasia of the aortic valve annulus.2 The position of the
pulmonary autograft implantation into the systemic circulation right coronary artery is accurately noted, and a longitudinal
is associated with reduced dilatation over time. This is aortotomy incision is made down to the aortic annulus well to
speculated to be an effect of increased ability of the less the left of the right coronary artery. A transverse incision is
differentiated pulmonary valve and root to adapt and become made in the outow tract of the right ventricle, proximal to the
more aortic in nature.13 Other studies would point to an pulmonary annulus. An incision is made between the right
indolent constant dilatation of the neo-aortic root regardless of ventricle and the aorta, opening the interventricular septum.
age at implantation.1416 These ndings at least suggest that the This opening is extended far enough below the tunnel stenosis
length of time of pulmonary autograft exposure to high if present. The incision stays above the medial papillary muscle
systemic pressure is an important risk factor. Therefore, of the tricuspid valve to avoid the conduction system.
Ross-Konno should be, within reason, deferred for as long as The aortic valve is completely removed and a valve sizer is
possible. Of note, various wrapping techniques to prevent then laid in the area of the divided annulus to estimate the
dilatation would be counterproductive in growing children. amount of prosthetic patch required to enlarge the aortic
In reality, the decision on timing may not be that difcult, orice and to accommodate a predetermined valve size. An
because the patients most often belong to two separate entities. oblong-shaped bovine pericardial or Gore-Tex patch is
We have on one hand the neonates and infants who will need trimmed and sutured to the ventricular septum by running
subacute root enlargements because of imminent circulatory suture reinforced by horizontal mattress sutures on the right
failure because of critical aortic stenosis and complex LVOT ventricular side of the septum. The suturing of the patch is
obstruction, and on the other hand an elective operation for interrupted just beyond the aortic annulus, and the appropri-
toddlers and children with slow disease progression in terms of ately sized aortic valve prosthesis is then sutured in place in the
limited physical performance and left ventricular hypertrophy. standard manner, with simple interrupted sutures or mattress
In this latter group of patients, with a lower risk of planned sutures through the aortic annulus and the newly created
surgery, the timing may be determined by the second principle valve ring.
defer to limit the time of exposure of pulmonary autograft to There are a number of institutionally related technical
high systemic pressure and reduce risk of excessive autograft variations of the procedure. The main differences reside in
dilatation with time. the choice of material to enlarge the interventricular septum
and the suturing technique.
The options for the patch include:

Surgical Options 1. Gore-tex

Hypoplasia of the aortic valve annulus, diffuse obstructive of 2. Bovine pericardium
the LVOT, and the lack of growth after prosthetic valve 3. Extended harvest of the muscular RVOT together with
insertion have led to the design of a number of procedures the pulmonary autograft.
aiming to enlarge the aortic root.17 The goals of any procedure
that aims to restore adequate function of a pathologically small Implantation of the pulmonary autograft can be accom-
aortic root must include the relief of outow obstruction and plished by either interrupted (our preference) or a running
the restoration of valvar function. The latter requirement sets suture. At our institution, the suturing of the pulmonary
the limit of what can be done because there are no good aortic autograft onto the newly enlarged aortic annulus including the
valve substitutes with a reasonable functional life span for small septal patch is preferentially done with interrupted sutures into
children. In the aortic position, bio-prosthesis and aortic the subannular position.17 The coronaries must be reim-
homograft have proven to be short-lived. Mechanical valves planted precisely and care should be taken to avoid injury to
do not come in sizes smaller than 15 mm and they require the conduction system.
To date, the best option available for the growing infant and
child is the living pulmonary autograft combined with root
enlargement if required (Ross-Konno). The operation offers the Results
possibility of at least a medium life-time durability of the
autograft and is particularly useful in patients with a small Ross-Konno Procedure
aortic root or multilevel LVOT obstruction.18,19 A recent report from the Italian Ross Registry of data between
For older children and adolescents where larger aortic valve 1990 and 2012 consisted of 305 children from 11 centres with
prosthesis are within feasible range, root enlargement techni- mid-term mean follow-up of 8.7 years; 73 of these had
ques such as Nicks, Nunez or Manougian may be used.20 Most undergone the Ross-Konno procedure. Early mortality was
congenital heart surgeons are well acquainted with the 27.6% for infants versus 0.2% for older children; the reason
technical aspects of these procedures.17 was largely because of the very high requirement of Ross-
58 P.-K. Tran and V. Tsang

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