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'US007414816B2 2 United States Patent (io) Patent No: US 7,414,416 B2 Watkins, Jr. et al (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 19, 2008 (St) ELECTRICAL CONDITION MONITORING (52)_-US.CL 32493; 73866, 32871. METHOD FOR POLYMERS jase (58) Field of Casiction Search... 7265.9 866, (75) toventors: Kenneth S. Watklns J, Dahlonega, TAS. 6, 786, 802; 324/513-5486, 691 GA (US); Shelby J. Morris, Hampton, 324541, $55.71. VA.US): Daniel D, Masakowsk Sec aplication file for complete search history Worsester, MA (US); Ching Ping Wong. ae Duluth, G 8 Luo, Boise, eo Ref Cited IDWS) US. PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Amine: Polymer Aging Concepts Ie, aoonia A | ater, a Dahlonega, GA (US) 4.988875 A * V/1991 Ortiz ot ab 280/330 (*) Notice: Subject oany disclaimer the erm of his ««SV7282 A> S194 Krshuc pam Patent is extended or adjned under 35 SAHRAOS AT 71995 Songer SAT Ue eres aoe 6008817 A * 121999 Chamberlain etal. 43656 ee acne Gavrtsd A + "12000 Yorkie on 7A NSOX (22) PCT Fil: Mar 5, 2008 (Continved) (85) PCTNos — RETIUSosaRes FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS nea 3oI0us9 A B86 (@),(4) Date: May 9, 2005 (87) PCT Pub. No WO03/076983 (Continwed) Primary Examiner—ThenoasP Noland PCT Pub, Date: Sep. 18,2003 (8) dtorne, gen, oF Firm Keath S. Watkins 5) Prior Publication Data 6 ABSTRACT US 20050268734 AL__Dee. 8, 2008 An electrical condition monitoring method utilizes measure Related US. Application Data nent of elecrial resistivity of an age sensor mode of a on No, 60/362,157, ladon Mar. conductive matrix or composite disposed in polymeric No. 607362,157, filed on Mar. retusa as an electrical cable. The cnchctive matix (6) Provisional appli 6, 2002 ‘comprises a base polymer and conductive filler. The method 61) mmc Jnclides communicating the resistivity toa measuring instr GOIN 1700 (200601) ‘ment and correlating resistivity ofthe conductive matrix of GOIN 3344 (2006.01) resistivity of an accelerated- GOIN 74 (00601) ‘aged conductive composi GOIN2720——_200601) GOR 32 (2006.01), 45 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets US 7,414,416 B2 Page 2 US. PATENT DOCUMENTS, 2007016681 A1* 72007 Watkins ta 670,787 82% 42008 Kimura et 66802446 B2* 102008 Chaar eta GSIO7I8 B2* 11/2008 Walon ta 63194120 B2* 20080284232 AL 122005 Rice A609 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS WO WO 2006001681 A2* 8/2006 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 1 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 Percentage of Volume Elongation at break (%) Elongation at break versus aging time for sample with 25% carbon black 3 8 Aging time (day) FIG. 1A Volume Change versus Aging time Aging timo (day) ° 10 20 30 40 50 60 ee eee aee : oe ° a i . . US. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 2 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 Density of sample with 25% carbon black verus aging time at 125C Restivitivity versus aging time for sample with 25% carbon black loading(aging temperaure: 125C, measured one day after the sample was taken out) 100000000 1000000 10000 100 resistivity (ohm-cm) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Aging time (day) US. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 3 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 FIG. 2A U.S. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 4 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 7 US. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 5 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 US. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 6 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 Flés US. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 7 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 Fle 6 US. Patent Aug. 19, 2008 Sheet 8 of 8 US 7,414,416 B2 Flg.7 US 7,414,416 B2 1 ELECTRICAL CONDITION MONITORING METHOD FOR POLYMERS. ‘This application claims priority for U.S. Provisional Appli- ‘ation No, 60/362, 157 filed Ma. 6, 2002. This application resulted, in part, from research funded by the US. Department of Energy. Certain rights for any intl- Jectual property resulting from this application may apply to the Government ofthe United States. FIELD OF THE INVENTION “The present invention relates to methods and apparatos for determining deterioration and remaining lie of polymeric material utilizing measured electrical quantities, and, more Particularly, for determining mechanical properties and remaining life of a polymeric material by measurement of ‘lecrical resistivity ofa conductive composite of the poly BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘The polymeric materials use in wire and cable insulation ‘and jacketing (and other polymers) degrade with age, espe ‘ally in severe environmental conditions. The saleoperation ‘of existing and future plants such as nuclear power plants requires monitoring of the insulation materials in onder to ‘anticipate degradation before performance of the wire and cable is adversely affected, ‘Age related wire and cable failure is primarily a mechani- ‘cal mechanism. A te insulation ages, it becomes embritled ‘and eventually fails mechanically by cracking and exposing bare conductors. The industry has spent considerable time and effort to develop condition monitoring methods which ‘monitor installed wire and cable and ensure that the materials Ihave not degraded excessively. These methods are also used 1 predict safe operating lifetime of wire and cable insulation materials for anticipated environmental conditions. Pres- ‘ently, cable condition monitoring (CCM) methods are catego Firal ws mechsnical methods, chemical methods and eleti- cal methods. Elongatio-at-break (EAB) has traditionally boen one of ‘the most common tnd well-documented CCM methods, This, mechanical method measures the elongation ofa sample of insolation material just prior to break and is normally ‘expressed asa rato ofthe break length divided by the original length ofthe sample. Since elongation measured i the testis analogous to elongation occurring when bending wire and ‘cable, the results can be easily cordate to actual wire and ‘able insulation condition. Arhenius methods described by ‘others are aormally wed to predict material lifetime at target, ‘ambien! temperature from acceleration aged data. ‘A serious disadvantage ofthe EAB method is tha area. tively ange sample portion is required to perform the tes. ‘This makes the test essentially destructive since the cable is ‘rendered inoperative when the sample is removed. Even if ‘able is sacrificed in order to run a test, some portions ofthe ‘cable may be difficult or nearly impossible to access for ‘ample removal, 8 would be the case ifthe area of interest ‘within a cable bundle, wire tay, or intemal toa penetration. ‘The equipment newded for measurement is relatively expen sive and requires specialized skills. Tndenter modulis tet isa relatively new mechanical test that utilizes @ machine to press a small anvil at constant velocity against the outer surface of the cable or insulated ‘conductor while measuring the force exerted on the anvil. The indenter modulus is defined asthe slope ofthe force-position 4“ 2 uve. A major advantage ofthe indenter modus tests that theteativelis mon-dstrctve However, the testis Timed ‘se on conductor insulation sinee access oa sufiint length of individual conductors i often restricted. Also, the test fot practical on cable withincabl bundles oriays,orinother confined spaces Oxidation Iniveton Time (OTT is chemical conton monitoring method that uilizes small (8-10 mg) samples removed from able insulation materials. The methodutizes 4 dilfereatial scanning calorimeter (DSC) to provide an ind Cation of the rapid oxidation ofthe sample when anti-oxi dns, normally preset in the insulation materia, are txhavsted. Short induction times indicate exatation ofthe ati-oxidant ad anticipate api degradation ofthe materia Sanple collection gure acess othe cable which mits testable portions of the cable Messtrement requires expen sive laboratory equipment and specialized taining Electrical condition monitoring methods inchide insu tion resistance, high potential es, an-la ts, and io Jigod gas medium et Thess ests are essentially "g0-00-20" tess not predict the remaining lifeo the sample) since no ‘welhestablished methods reliably predict insolation lifetime based on the results. Several ofthese tests require high ele tcl potentials o he connected to cables, requiring removal ‘of corncted equipment an loads in ond foe the test 10 Be performed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ‘Therefore an object ofthe resent inventions to prove condition monitoring msthod for polymers which proves the ability to measure an electrical property of a conductive cenmposhtof he polymer ins aon-fesructve rane. “Ater objec ofthe invention is to provide a conton roaring method which allows corelation ofan else propery of a conductive composite ofthe polymer witha Imechaical proper "Atoer abet ofthe invention is to provide a coiton socioriag etied which lows croatia of on eect propery of a conductive composite of the polymer wih Fenians lit of he pole Sill nae’ objet of the vention i to provide a condi- tin monitoring mod which ublizes contocive poser {racer to monitor te aging conditions in any environment The methodology ofthe proposed condtlon monitoring method utlizes th lectical easy of a conductive come poste Rrned fom w cant polyrcrmtral es ighly Fensitve measurement of a mechanical property (volume Strinkage). Volume shrinkage intra, willbe orate sa tmechaneal indicator of ison mitral aging. The ‘method eliminate disadvantages of urentmethods nd po ‘es condition monitoring meta which niprves sty tt pooes contiion mentocag cos “the incorperation of inert conducive panicles into the priya to ea» condone couyoete peories ental Sign advantages for condition mentoring: (1) Asal change in volume ofthe conductive compite ‘eli a lange change in electri resist. A few percent change in vous faction ofthe inultcn Inner provides poten ofS orders of magnitude Sore change inthe esis othe composite. TH ihmensreet serait vies nonpoint

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